Running without a goal.

The best alarm clock award goes to:  Little girl in my stomach.  At 6:40 this morning she started going crazy and doing flips and ninja kicks and so there was no way I was going to be able to sleep.   It is a good thing because otherwise I would have slept until 11 and instead I went on a run nice and early.

I set out not knowing how far I wanted to go but wanted to just go for as long as I felt good.  I only have one more day to run here in ‘easy to breathe/perfect temperature/gorgeous scenery, California’ and decided to take advantage of it and ran 10.3 miles.

I got back, put on my pj’s (don’t worry, I took a 2 minute shower first) and made a big bowl of oatmeal (2 packets of oatmeal, banana, raisins and an apple) to eat next to Billy on the couch.  He is actually drinking my oatmeal covering milk but I didn’t get mad at him because he agreed to be in a self-portrait with me.  Don’t ask what would have happened if he had said no to the picture.

Photo on 7 5 12 at 9 36 AM

A few hours later it was time for our nature walk.

Photo 1

Don’t tell Curly because she might get really jealous but we found another adorable 3 year old to hang out with while we are here.

Photo 2

I bet you could have guessed what I packed for lunch.

Photo 3

And animal crackers for some extra protein.

Photo 4

Billy and I did some yoga while we were out because I am pretty sure that is a requirement to take a yoga picture when you are in nature.

Photo 5

Photo copy

I am officially exhausted (Billy’s goal is to get all of my energy out so I take a nap, just like parents do for their little kids) and will be falling asleep in seconds.


Do you usually go out for your run knowing exactly how far you want to run or do you ever just go and figure out the distance you want to go after you’ve already been running for a while?

Oatmeal fans:  What is your absolute favorite oatmeal topping?

Do you have a real alarm clock or do you use your phone?

Where do you usually eat breakfast?

-I used to always eat at my desk but now I always eat on the couch.

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I put almond butter and walnuts on my oatmeal! :) mmmm


I usually go out with a set goal in mind, sometimes I go farther and sometimes I cut it down. I need to have a number in my mind though to actually get up and go :)

And I will NEVER use my phone for an alarm ever again. Three days in a row it somehow reset the volume on my phone and I woke up at 7am running around to get ready to leave my 7:30. The third day I went on my lunch to buy an old fashioned alarm clock and haven’t had problems since.


Right now, my cats (3) wake me up at 7 (if it’s not a work day). Ugg! Too early. Did you guys find a place to live here?


I use my phone…it’s my alarm clock and pretty much my lifeline.

As for the oats – strawberries and blueberries! And honey :)

I like to plan my runs for the most part and since I’m in marathon training mode I like to adhere to a schedule but sometimes there is nothing like an unplanned ZEN run!


I like planning my run, it gives me a goal to work toward. Although I do appreciate going on a spontaneous run, and listening to my body for when to stop. My all-time favorite oatmeal topping–craisins!!


My cat woke me up too, and then my little boy did. But I snuggled down with them both and we slept till 7am so I didn’t get to run this morning. I HAVE to run this evening!! And I always like to know how far I’m running and ‘how’ I’m running. At least whilst I’m training for something. I am in awe of you doing 10 miles as pregnant as you are!!

I love oatmeal (or porridge) and I like it with sunflower seeds, raisins, cinnamon and maple syrup. Even as I write this, it sounds like too much.


I usually pre-plan my route so know my distance as well.
My favorite oatmeal topping has to be peanut butter.
I have a travel one I have used for about 12 years, I shocked it still works. It probably cost me $10.
In my office at home so that I can read blogs while eating!


I eat at the only table in my apartment! Lol it’s either that or my bed… Studio life.


I am so impressed with your mileage! I’m not pregnant and still can’t keep up with you!

I normally head out with a distance goal but there are days when it is extended or shortened. Breakfast is normally at the couch – with a computer on my lap getting caught up on blogs or the news.


Janae, you are so inspiring!!! I love that the “little girl in your stomach” woke you up. ;) too cute!

that nature walk looks so fun! I wanna go!!

I loooove me some oatmeal. i like it with craisins, a little milk, and brown sugar. is that a strange combo? hmm…


I love fresh sliced nectarine with a dash of nutmeg on my oatmeal, yum!
I have to have a goal for running otherwise I’ll get into my second mile and think “that was a good effort” a goal keeps me going longer and farther


When I was training I would have set runs, but lately I’ll head out telling myself I’ll go until I feel it’s time to turn around and head home!

My favorite oatmeal topping is brown sugar and bananas :)

I own an alarm clock, but do not use it…I use my phone instead.

It depends on how much I time have before work…usually I have two scrambled eggs and piece of toast. If I’m running behind I grab a Greek yogurt and some sort of berry to put on top to eat at work!


I usually have a goal in mind when I head out for my runs. Very rarely do I set out and run without one. My fave oatmeal topping is definitely fresh peaches! I have a real alarm clock. I need to able to blindly hit at the snooze button and feel it instead of the touch screen on my phone. I always eat my breakfast sitting on the floor in front of my full length mirror while I’m putting my makeup on . I like to think it’s multi-tasking at it’s best. :)


Nuts and berries in my oatmeal, please! And I almost always eat breakfast in my room because I am normally getting ready for work or school.

Enjoy your last day!


I can’t wait for the big kicks! Right now I just have the little ones here & there..and it’s the BEST feeling in the world!
AWESOME run!! :D You are amazing, seriously!!!!
1. Oatmeal topping: brown sugar. Yum!
2. I use my phone.
3. I eat my desk almost always


I’m too type-A not to have a set distance to run prior to going. Ha!

I used to use my alarm clock to wake up, but I think I’m going to switch to my phone because it is much more gentle.

I love how you and Billy are doing yoga outside. . .my husband and I will occasionally do the same thing.


I used to go out with a certain distance in mind, but since having a baby a few months ago, i am still getting back in the running mode and just go out for however long feels good. It has actually been really amazing and makes me love running so much more now that I am not focusing on numbers!


Looks SO pretty where you are, how awesome. And yes, its totally a requirement to take a yoga photo in nature haha. I always do it!

So nice to run without a distance and just listening to your body and what it needs. I have to do that some day soon!


I use my alarm on the phone, its just habit now.

I always know how long I’ll run, I’ve never just gone out and ran without knowing a set distance.


I usually have a goal when I set out to run. I work better that way. My favorite oatmeal topping are strawberries, blueberries, cinnamon, honey and a tablespoon of peanut butter all in one bowl of oatmeal. I tend to eat at the kitchen table, after the kids eat because we really need a new table and only have four chairs for our family of five.


I usually run for 30 mins on the treadmill. My fav oatmeal topping is brown sugar and apples. I usually eat my breakfast while driving to work. Since I’m on vacation I have breakfast in bed or on the couch in front of the TV.


Seriously how in the world do you have so much energy??? I’m only 14 weeks pregnant and I’m lucky to get in 4 miles max a few times a week! Maybe this trimester will bring more energy and I’ll kick it up to 5 :)


Oh girl!!! That first trimester was awful for me too and I was so exhausted! Don’t give up, I promise it gets so much better!


Ps congrats! I am stoked for you!


Thanks!! Yeah I’m hoping the 2nd trimester energy burst I hear about kicks in soon :) Reading about your runs is definitely motivating!


I use my phone for an alarm clock! Always have, always will (well, I think).

My favorite oatmeal combo would be slicing up a banana into old-fashioned oats with milk and chia seeds. Microwaving the whole thing so the banana gets all mashed into it (makes the bowl bigger along with the chias!). Then top it with walnuts and raisins (and more banana slices if you so choose). YUM!


You are so inspiring, I love that you’ve continued to run this far into your pregnancy! I really really hope I can do that when I’m prego! I like my oatmeal with dried cranberries, chocolate chips, and walnuts. Omg. It’s sooooo good. I’ve used my phone as an alarm ever since the dorms in college :)


Chocolate chippers on my oatmeal. Yum!

PS – Janae LOVE your blogs!


THANK YOU CATHY…you made my day! Okay, what are chocolate chippers, I have never heard of them before.


I use my phone as an alarm right now. But I would like to buy an alarm clock as a back up, becuase I’m always paranoid that one alarm clock won’t work properly! ;)

I am so impressed that you’re still running 10 miles, girl! You’re a rock star!


I know that park! I’ve taken kids there on field trips. Fun place.


How is Billy wearing flip flops on a nature hike??
Your little girl is probably going to be as energetic as you with all that kicking =)


That is a great question and I asked him the same question a million times ha! I sure hoping she has a ton of energy:)


I have to have to have to have a plan before heading out for a run. I map out my run otherwise I get too lazy and stop after 3 blocks.

I love oatmeal. My favorite toppings are brown sugar and raisins. I have to be careful or I’ll put a TON of brown sugar on there. I try and keep a measuring spoon in the brown sugar to keep me in check. Yummm


I prefer running w/out a goal, but that usually doesn’t happen b/c I’m always under time restraints (aerobic classes or clients). Egg whites and pb are my staple oatmeal toppings!!! Daily!!! I prefer to eat my oatmeal in my keeping room while reading blogs. :). It’s my “me time” and usually doesn’t happen until 1pm. Boo!! Enjoy Cali!


Sounds like a great day! Lately I have just been setting out to run what I feel like since I am not following a training schedule for a race or anything. Sometimes it’s nice not to worry about pace or distance and just run :)


You are truly an inspiration–way to go with your running!

I usually try to have a goal in mind. Due to the extreme heat I’ve cut my runs short over the last week, but I’m hoping to pick it up again next week.

I’m terrible and don’t eat breakfast very often (eek!). When I do, I usually eat on the couch in front of the TV and computer. If I happen to eat oatmeal, I usually top it with brown sugar, cinnamon, and a little honey.


oatmeal toppings – a great topic! i love everything, but lately esp honey and cinnamon OR coconut butter (chocolate or plain,both awesome!!). yummy!!!!


Wow! You are so dedicated! I asked last week, but you didn’t respond. How do you plan on dealing with having to take a break from exercise once you have the baby? I love to workout, but the 2 1/2 weeks I took post baby was mentally challenging. Just curious how you will deal since you are a crazy runner.


HEY!! Sorry I missed your last comment, I have been bad at keeping up with things while we have been in California. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. I think it will be tough but at the same time I think I will be so sleep-deprived, wanting to recover and wanting to be with my little girl that the time off will be much needed! I think I will just have to keep reminding myself that running will always be there for me when I am able to run again and until then to take care of my body and do what is best for my baby and myself:) Hope this helps!


I would go out with a minimum goal in mind but if I was feeling great and in the zone, I’d do whatever my body felt good doing.

I LOVE oatmeal. 90% of mornings I have it. I drown it in cinnamon and add some fruit to it (chopped apple, blueberries, pureed pumpkin) along with a TBSP of nut butter (My current obsession is sunflower seed butter…hmmm) and about a 1/2 a cup of milk.

Always use my iPhone for the alarm and I am a small meal eater….so I have oatmeal at 4:30 at home (usually in the dark with coffee tryng to wake up…..weird lol) and greek yogurt and fruit at my desk at work at 8:30 (along with my starbucks grande black drip, also drowned in cinnamon).


I used to only do the uncalculated run………and then I met your blog and it all changed. :) Every once and a while I still take a “however long you feel like it” run.
I have trouble sitting down for breakfast. I kind of snack my way through and around the refrigerator/pantry/kitchen counter for like 20 minutes each morning. i am trying to decide if this is a bad habit…….or to just go with it???

Oatmeal favorite topping: brown sugar and a little milk.


I do the same “putzin around the kitchen” thing for breakfast :)


Unless I’m trying really hard to make a new pr, I just run until I can’t!
I love having my oatmeal with almond milk, agave syrup, and stevia (because I’m sure you wanted a super long explanation of that :)
I love your nature yoga, and for an alarm clock I use my watch, so when it starts screaming at me it’s a little harder to chuck it across the room…..


I have an alarm clock that I used to use back in high school and the first half of college but now it’s all about my iPhone. I guess the actual alarm clock is just there for obligatory decoration?


I always have a planned distance. My type A kicking in.

After 5-babies I can’t say that I know what it’s like to have the baby up in my ribs. I carried so low that baby didn’t have to drop- not sure how it stayed in there! :) There was always so much pressure down there that when it was time to push I didn’t even know, because it felt the same as the whole last month. Crazy. In fact that last few months I could expect the “Whoa…. You carry LOW! How is that baby staying in there?” comment many times a day :). And then they would say “You must be having a boy”, when I actually had 1 boy, 4 girls :).


I like smiley faces.


Peanut butter in oatmeal is like the best thing in the world…not kidding!!! And bananas!!! I seriously could eat that everyday for the rest of my life and be the happiest person ever!!! :)


The length of my runs is usually predetermined, especially when I am in marathon training but when I am not I just head out a see how it goes.

My favorite oatmeal topping is probably a little peanut or other nut butter. Most of the time, however, I eat it plain- which is so boring.

I have a real alarm but it is well over 10 years old and is on the fritz; sometimes I will set it and it just doesn’t go off.

I start work at 7am so breakfast is always eaten at my desk while sorting through emails.


that is a brilliant morning run! I use my phone-which I don’t really like actually-I should get an alarm clock


I love blueberries and brown sugar on my oats! I eat all over the place!
My 1 yr old IS my alarm clock, usually about 4 or 5 am!


2 10-milers in less than a week – you CRUSHED your July goal :)! I always use my phone as an alarm…in fact do people even buy alarm clocks any more??


Janae, chocolate chippers is my fancy way of saying chocolate chips!


Hahahaha! Animal crackers for extra protein. <3

My favorite oatmeal topping is probably peanut butter… or maple almond butter… or chocolate pb2…

I have a real alarm clock, which sits behind my iphone, which I use as my alarm clock. I guess I could unplug the alarm clock and save 4 cents a year on the electricity. But it helps my laziness so I don’t have to touch the iphone to see what time it is. ;-)

I always eat breakfast at my desk. It’s not so great, but a good breakfast usually makes the morning nicer at work. My FAVORITE place to eat breakfast is on the weekends, when I drive it over to my parents’ house and eat in the shade with my dad next to the pool.


I use my phone as an alarm clock, now that I think about it I haven’t owned an actual clock since I lived with my parents! Oh, high school. When I was pregnant neither of the times did either girl ever wake me up with kicking but I hear that is a common thing. They keep me up plenty now though to make up for this :)


I have been going out without a watch lately. But I usually have a mileage goal in mind.
An alarm clock. But it hasn’t been working this week.
No oatmeal unless it is a cookie.
On the couch.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love having peanut butter on my oatmeal. We used to eat on the couch, with the tv on before kids, but now we sit down at the table for all our meals and have the music on instead. Have a wonderful weekend and safe trip back, Janae!


Ok can I just say how impressed I am that you are doing a tree pose while preggo?!??! Sometimes I can’t balance myself long enough to do that and that’s without another person in my belly ;o)


Haha, I always take yoga pose pictures when out in nature too :)


I think your officially the cutest/most active pregnant person i have ever seen.

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