An Opposite Run

Going for a run outside definitely won when I was trying to decide whether or not to run on my treadmill.  Hopefully Tready (her name) knows that I love her and that I am not getting rid of her but that I have to pack her up to take her with me to California.  PS did I tell you the only space for the treadmill in our future apartment is where the kitchen table is supposed to go.  Priorities people.  Thank goodness Billy understands and is supportive of my running needs.  


I decided to run outside because 1. Gotta soak up the mountains as much as possible.  2.  It was cloudy and way cooler outside than it was in our house.  Today was definitely an opposite run though.  Usually the first few miles are tough for me but today the first 4 miles felt awesome and the 4 miles back were HARD CITY!  Mentally I was gone, I had to stop at random bathrooms TWICE and I just wanted a lemonade and my couch.  I made sure to procrastinate finishing my run in one of the bathrooms by taking a picture of my sweet headband.  I am addicted to headbands when I am running lately because I don’t like a single hair touching my face.  

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The good thing about having an awful last four miles is that I know for a fact that after a lame sauce run there is always a great run in the near future that makes you love running more than anything. I am predicting an amazing run tomorrow.    

For lunch I had leftover chicken fajitas from dinner last night and my latest food staple, cantaloupe.  

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For an afternoon snack I had one of the best things in the world, the end of the bag of our Frosted Mini Wheats.  The end of the bag is the best because of all of the crumbs and extra sugar hanging out at the end.  If you would like to donate the last bowl of your cereal boxes/bags to me I will give you my address.  

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Did you hear about THIS GUY?  

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 Mark Covert has ran 16,075 CONSECUTIVE DAYS!!! He is now 61 years old and he has ran for the last 44 years EVERY DAY!  He is still running 35-45 miles a week and still looks forward to his runs every single day!

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Is the first 1/2 of your run or the second 1/2 of your run usually easier?

-The last 1/2 is always easier for me except for today!

Do you like cantaloupe?  I have heard from a lot of people lately (okay, 3) that DON’T like it?!?!?

Are you a head band wearer?

Do you know what your longest running streak has been?

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That’s a lot of running!! I’m pretty sure that the whole run is hard for me…but I still get out there and do it!

I like cantaloupe, but I like honeydew melon better.

I wear bic bands sometimes.

Your baby bump is so cute!!


I can’t even imagine eating the same breakfast for more than 16,000 days let alone run every day for 16,000 days. Amazing !!


do sexy sweatbands count as headbands? if so, count me in!


Jenae, you are impressive for still doing 8 while you are 8 months pregnant! Sheesh!

The last half is always easier for me. Unless its a SUPER long like marathony training run and I have a mile or two left and my legs want to stop like they have a mind of their own…

I ALWAYS wear headbands and feel ugly when I don’t. I know its silly and I don’t ever wear a lick of makeup when I run but I feel pretty and clean with a headband, and my fiance likes them for some reason?!

I don’t like cantaloupe :( I’m sorry. I am pretty picky/weird about lots of things.

I think my longest streak was about a year. Now, I take a day or 2 even (shriek) off, I’m only doing a half in the next few months and my joints seem to like the break so it works for me. What about you? What was your longest streak?


And I should clarify a day or two a week off. Not a year. Though sometimes I really feel like that would be more ideal. I need to run you know?!


I LOVE the end of the bag of Frosted Mini Wheats TOO! In fact, sometimes I sprinkle some of that goodness on the biscuits before the bag is over. My favorite is Blueberry Muffin Frosted Mini Wheats. I probably should admit I am kind of obsessed. Currently, I have been eating them for breakfast and for a snack later in the day. YUM! :)


I decided to start commenting more and lurking less since you were so awesome in helping me with my treadmill question :)

I LOVE shredded wheat. Ever since I was a kid I would pour the bowl, let it sit for at least 5min (longest 5min wait ever) then chop it all up so that its like a thick soup. That’s the only way I eat it. Same with graham crackers.. :)

You are so impressive with your running. I dont have an easy and hard 1/2, its all hard at this point. I think once I get past 2mi I will enjoy it more. I’ve always heard the first couple miles is the worst!

I love cantelope, in fact, I have some in my freezer right now :)


Ok that man is awesome. Makes me feel like a bum for putting off my run this morning…might need to change that now! And omg I hattte the end of the cereal bag! If I still lived in the states I’d be shipping those your way stat ;)


The 2nd half of my runs are always easier. The first 2-3 miles, no matter how long the total run, are always the most difficult.

I always wear a headband when I work out. I have a bunch of Bic and Sweaty bands. Love them, especially the sparkly ones!

Cantelope is one of the only fruit I don’t like, I don’t know what it is about it, but I just can’t stand it.


Hmmm. Generally the last 1/2 is pretty hard for me, though it might be because I was feeling good the 1st 1/2 and burned myself out :) I got to work on that.

I love headbands or bandanas :) especially when I paint. Keeps hair out of my face and paint out of my hair (mostly).

I like cantaloupe. I can’t stand honeydew. Blech.


O I have to suck it up the first two or three miles, and then I am great. If I can get through those miles without being a baby and walking, it’s gonna be a great run!

I can wear headbands ever…they give me a headache.

And omg when did you get preggo? You tu my seems to have gotten bigger over night!


That is probably the cleanest public restroom I have ever seen. With your (now) frequent stops, do you know which places are cleanest in Provo? lol.

I only like canteloupe with cottage cheese. Ross eats it with honey drizzled on top. Basically, he likes to add sugar to everything. Speaking of, eating the last bowl of cereal from the bag before Ross gets to it would be like taking candy from you. For reals. I think I threw away a bag because it was ‘gone’ (I don’t eat the bottom, I hate crumbs in my milk) and I learned my lesson well. I am also not allowed to give the precious last bowl to the kids. I think he has perma dibs on every last bowl from here to eternity.

The last half is always better. I have been doing my long runs with my neighbor (holy so much better than running alone!) and she is stronger at the first and I usually pick up my pace as I go. So we are good for each other. I always make my last mile my fastest. What’s things thing about a cool down mile? Yah. Oops.


Usually the first mile is the toughest for me, but after that it’s all great!

NICE work on the great 4 miles at first–and cute headband :)


OK, this is going to be a strange comment…but is that bathroom along the trail where you run?? It seems ridiculously nice!


Hahah yes! It is at Magelybys! Usually I go to the gas station but I couldn’t wait ha!


Im still in awe that you are running that distance at basically 9 months pregnant – your belly is so stinkin cute!
The first half is always harder for me, unless you are talking about my 18 miles this weekend, in which case the last 3 were miserable. Probably because as usual, I go out sprinting:)
I like cantoulope, don’t understand people who don’t like it.
And my head is too little, or weird shaped to wear thick headbands like that, but I loves skinnier ones.


I sweat an enormous amount so I love love love headbands. They’re like a dam to block all the sweat rivers from getting in my eyes. :)


Always the 2nd half because I generally want to be inside with food, HA! But most of my runs are always good, even if my pace slows a bit.


I often dislike the first two to three miles of a run, except on longer runs – it must be partially mental.
It is impossible for me to work out without a headband on. Hairs touching my face annoys me, especially if I am indoors by a fan and they blow on my face every ten seconds.
Way to keep running! You and your baby girl look awesome :)


The first half of my run always sucks! The first 2-3 miles I’m always like “Why do I do this again??” and then after I’m always like “BECAUSE I LOVE IT!” and I gain super powers and start smiling like a goofball (;

I love cantaloupe!!!

I have an addiction to sparkly Bic Bands.. I need rehab.. I should start my own Sparkly Bic Bands anonymous rehab.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a running streak. I always do so much better with rest days. I never want to over do it or injure myself so I always take 2-3 rest days per week.


OMGosshhh! Your belly is looking super duper adorable.

I think the 2nd half used to be my favorite but now my runs are so short they suck the whole way through. I know it gets better so I am staying with it.

I love cantaloupe but my bestie hates it so when we go out to eat she gets fruit salad and I get it all :)

I would love to wear headbands but I have very fine and thinning hair so I have nothing to keep it in place :( I haven’t tried a thick one like you are wearing. Where do you get your headbands from?


Cantaloupe is gross…there is I said it! Sorry :(


The only melon I like is watermelon. Cantaloupe makes my mouth feel all weird, almost like an allergic reaction or something. It makes my husband sad because I don’t buy it :)


The second half is always the easiest part of my run. I’m warmed up and usually get my stride set and feel like I could keep going. What is this crazy talk about not liking cantalope?! I’ve never heard of such nonsense. ;) I want to be a headband wearer so badly, in fact I have several, trying to be one. But my head is shaped just right and regardless of whether they have grippy’s or not, they will slide off my head. I honestly don’t know my longest running streak… now I kind of want to do a competition with myself!


Off-topic question, Janae… I know you love the Brooks Green Silence shoe and I just score a pair on clearance for super cheap (very exciting!). Just curious if you changed out the insole in them for your own? I’ve always worn a high-arch insole, just curious if you chose to keep the existing one or use your own!

And I love cantaloupe, but I might not be the best person to ask, since I am the least picky eater on earth! :) I can’t believe there are people out there who don’t like fruits or veggies!


Hey Christen!! Thanks so much for your comment and I hope you get some delicious cantaloupe asap! I am stoked you got the Green Silence and also a great deal. I kept the insole but I have never worn an insole. I would switch it out if your used to the high-arch insole! Let me know what you think of them!




I’m thinking that it is time for me to invest in a headband! The hair is getting too long and is flying all over the place. My longest run streak is probably 7 days. If I’m lucky, 8. Days offs are just to precious to me. The second half of my runs are usually the best, unless I’m doing a speed workout and then I struggle to make it back home!


The last half.
If the first mile feels amazing I know I will have an opposite run just like the one you described.
Cantalope fan for sure. For a summer dessert when we were kids, my mom cut us a slice and balanced a scoop of vanilla ice cream on there.


I am strange and my hard parts depend on the length of my run. For short runs, the end is harder. For long runs, the beginning is hard. I guess if I do the math, I struggle around miles 2-4 no matter the length of a run.

I LOVE cantaloupe. I pretty much avoid buying it because I eat way too much of it.

I wish I could find a good wide headband that doesn’t slip off…


-The 2nd half of my runs are ALWAYS better–I actually don’t think I’ve ever had an opposite run!
-I maybe have a 2-day run streak haha I don’t like to run on consecutive days and purposefully “schedule” them for every other or 3 times a week


I don’t know what it is, but I absoultly hate cantelope.


I did read that article…he’s amazing! I don’t know what my streak is. Probably not more than a couple weeks. I really believe in a rest day a week. Usually the last 1/2 of my runs are better. Glad you were able to soak up the mountains! :)


The last half is always easier. Except for maybe the last half mile … that part is psychologically always more difficult!! ;)


Lately, the second half of my runs have been worse, but it’s because I pick up the dog to run with me for the last half and she can be insanely slow, so it drives me crazy. Still, she loves it, so I’ll keep taking her.

That is hilarious about the new apartment and the treadmill. I can’t wait to see pictures.


That’s an incredible streak! Usually the front half of my runs are better than the back half….apparently I need to work on the endurance and mental game!


Omg the end of the cereal bag is the BEST! And I agree, the second half of a run is always better – I’m all warmed up! Who doesn’t like cantaloupe? Crazy.


I love wearing headbands when I run. Otherwise, my hair goes everywhere. My headbands aren’t nearly as cute as yours! I Gotta get me some stylish ones!


Mine are from Bondi Band and they work great to keep all of your hair far from your face!!!

Hope you are having an amazing day Linnea!


Ok, first of all, you are adorable. I hope and pray when I am 9 months pregnant I am all belly and running my butt off. You’re my hero.

I wore a headband when I ran my first half marathon. I wore it the whole time and when I took it off, it was DRENCHED with sweat.. haha. Gross.


I’m a new reader and I must give you props for being able to run so much while pregnant. I am 31 weeks and have been having lots of problems with my legs being tight and sore while I run so I haven’t been doing as much as I’d like. However, I did manage to finish the Mud Hero run last week and am registered for the Spartan Race on the 18th so I’m doing better than most!


Hey Becky!!! Congrats on the being 31 weeks and finishing the mud hero! That is beyond amazing!!!!!!


the last of a box of cereal is my absolute favorite! frosted mini wheats are very yummy, especially the strawberry flavored kind!


Damn, that man is amazing! Usually the first part of my run is the hardest, then I am all pumped and loving the second half. I hated cantaloupe the first 21 years of my life and at age 21 I discovered I love it! I like putting a lil salt and paprika on it.


Hey lady! Just wanted to tell you, I got a box of space bags at Costco today for $25 and THEY ROCK for packing clothes and blankets and pillows and stuff like that! May help save some space in your pod/car especially for clothes!


Ahhhhh megan thank you so so much! You are the absolute best!!!


That running streak is unbelievable!! I’m not sure what my longest streak is, probably close to a month or so. Normally I take at least one day a week off to make sure no injuries come my way!


oh that’s the coolest accomplishment! what a cute old guy too. Um, and your belly? adorable!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t like cantaloupe! Isn’t that funny? I don’t really like melon in general, except watermelon.


The last part of my run is usually hardest, but today my short 3 miler felt hard the entire time. I hope you theory is right so my run tomorrow will be amazing! :)

LOVE cantaloupe! Had some for a snack this afternoon.

I have short hair so I don’t wear headbands. I also don’t have a run streak. At my age (47) I need my rest days. :)


The second half of my run is always easier!! The first 2 miles are usually the worst!


I used to only wear baseball caps when I run, but now I wear my new lulu headband. I finally splurged to purchase it and love it!


I hate the bottom of the cereal box! The last bowl is the worst so u can gladly take all of mine haha.
I find I need the first couple kms to settle into a good pace so I’d say the first few are harder than the last.

And I love cantaloupe! Not a honeydew fan though.


I really am expecting the end of your cereal box cereal:)


I can’t eat cantaloupe or honeydew because they give me an awful stomachache, I have no idea why. My toddler daughter loves both though so she eats mine if it comes in fruit salad.


Cantaloupe is delicious! I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t like it too, but I LOVE IT. Oh and I love headbands when working out. :)


Where do you find the super-wide headbands?? My hair fell out after my son’s birth (yes, it happens!) and I now have these silly short flyaway hairs that always drive me crazy while I run!

Cantaloupe and cottage cheese is one of my favorite breakfasts EVER. But, here in Bermuda, the cantaloupes run about $6 each, so it’s a rare treat. Honeydew melons are $8/ea, so that’s a one-a-month kind of thing.


HEY YOU!!! The head band I am wearing is a bondi band!

I need to try the cc and cantaloupe combo, that sounds INCREDIBLE!!


I love your headband! But I hate cantaloupe. Blech. I can’t even stand the smell of it. :)


Yikes, in reading an old NYTimes arlcite I stumbled across this morning, it was going on about food safety, almost all of which involved non-vegan items. If omnis folow their directions, they’d be scrubbing down their kitchen counters, tools, and hands with “hot, soapy water” multiple times every food preparation, keeping things fastidiously separate all from the time they first touch them at the grocery store until they’re cooked, etc. Talk about more work :-) Of cours, it also made me wonder how the human race had survives this long, since obviously hardly anyone does this.


cantelopue=DELICIOUS!!!! (I’m eating it as I type, which would explain the sticky keys :) )

Also, I HAVE to have a headband on when I run always, or else my hair is flying everywhere!


You are still amazing me running that much with that cute belly!! The second half is always easier to me. It usually takes me 2.5 to warm up, then it gets easier!!


One thing…you’re baby bump is adorable. I love it! :)


That guy is awesome. I ran an 8-month+ streak this past year. I gave up because I missed a day in the aiport or I’d probably still be going. :) But it’s for the best. Lol. I still really run most days anyways with no pressure not to miss. Haha.


WOW do u have any idea what how far he ran on average?? U neeeeed to try frozen cantaloupe in a smoothie- u won’t be sorry :)!


I really love that you named you treadmill Tready haha, you are too cute.
That is so incredible that man has had such a long running streak! Wow, I can’t believe he hasn’t taken a sick day or anything. He’s stronger than me I’m pretty darn sure.


Loveeee Cantaloupe. I’m actually eating a Cantaloupe PB Vanilla Protein Smoothie. It’s absolutely amazing, and I’ll most likely whine like a little girl when I have to take the last bite!! :( Love that picture of you with the headband. Can’t believe how adorablee your still looking being so far along. If we could all look like that when were pregnant, life would be marvelous!


I wore a headband for my run last night and it was sweat city! I didn’t think it could hold that much sweat!

Some runs vary for me with first or second half feeling easier – last night was totally second half feeling better which I totally love!!


I like cantaloupe but absolutely love watermelon! I could eat it everyday! I wish I knew how to pick out a good cantaloupe though, I never seem to pick one that is ripe enough so I never buy them.

The beginning of me runs are usually harder. I really don’t get into a “groove” until 2-3 miles. But I like it this way because I usally feel great in the end and finish stronger or add to my runs. :)

I recently start braiding my hair across the front when I go for a run. I think it looks cute, holds my bangs and fly aways back and I don’t have to worry about my headbands sliding off. But I have a couple those “sweaty bands” or somthing like that and they work pretty well.

By the way your baby bump is so cute! Looks like your running with a basketball under your shirt! ;)


Running is def. hard for me to do period, but I’d say first mile and any mile after 4-5 miles are hard! I am a sometimes headband wearer. My longest running streak is 5 or 6 days max because I make sure to take a rest day or two from running each week, but I do something active on rest days because i just feel blah otherwise!

I like cantaloup, hate honeydew and love watermelon.

Are you excited for the Women’s Gymnastics! I am super excited, I have it DVR’d just in case I fall asleep during it haha


Wow that’s a lot of running!!

Your headband looks cute on you!


Your priorities are certainly in check! I’m so glad Tready trumps a table! I heart cantaloupe esp this time of year!!!

Yes, on headbands–I hate flyaways sticking to my schweaty forehead!!


I ran everyday for the entire month of June in 2011. It was so fun!! I may do this again. Maybe August.

I am currently hooked on under armour skinny headbands. Love’em!


My 67 year old father ran every day for 1,001 days and I thought that was impressive!!! He hadn’t run for yearsss and then completed that recently. I am proud regardless, but 16,000 is crazy!!


That man is amazing! I did the Runner’s World Summer Running Streak, plus a few days, for a total of 47 or 48 consecutive days. It was definitely a record for me!

The first half of my run is always the easiest. I need to work out more efficient breathing so I”m not a giant huffle puff at the end of every run!

I am a crazy sweat-beast, and I always have to wear a headband. I alternate between the skinny elastic ones, which hold my flyaways out of my face the best, and a Bondi Band, which is great for keeping sweat out of my eyes.

I am not a fan of cantaloupe. Blech. And I’m definitely not a fan of honeydew melon. Double blech!

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