Shorts or no shorts?

You will never know if I was actually wearing shorts or not to the gym today because my belly is covering my legs completely…  muahahahah.  I decided to run at the gym today because Billy was still asleep when I left.  I didn’t want to steal the fan that we sleep with 12 inches from our faces that I also use when I run on the treadmill at home because I didn’t want him to experience heat stroke.

I forgot to put on my belly bra until I was standing on the treadmill and I am sure the people on the ellipticals behind me were really confused as to what in the world I was strapping around myself.  Little do they know it was the best $18 I have ever spent in my life.


People watching at the gym is one of my all-time favorite things to do and so the time on the treadmill went by incredibly fast.  It was also crazy busy at the gym and it took me a while to realize why…

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Today is Utah’s Pioneer Day (to celebrate when the Pioneers first came and settled in Salt Lake City) and a lot of people have work off because of it.  Last year we made candy wagons with my in-laws to celebrate even though we were in California.  I can’t wait to celebrate every holiday under the sun with my little girl by making something that represents the holiday out of candy.

There are positives and negatives with this whole ‘my stomach feels like the size of a golf ball and if I eat too much I am in pain for hours’ thing.

+ I actually have leftovers from Cafe Rio to enjoy.

– Billy doesn’t even know who I am anymore.  What happened to his wife that could out eat him any day?

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Cantaloupe courtesy of a trade I did with my mom.  My mom and gma both have magical skills when it comes to picking out the perfect cantaloupe.   I love that I don’t even have to write on my favorite foods ‘do not eat’ anymore, Billy just knows the rules but that first year of marriage was tough;)

A little while later I got to hang out with one of my really good friends that is moving to TEXAS this weekend.  This growing up business and moving on in life is really starting to bother me.

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Have you ever seen cuter boots? I am officially obsessed.  Today I went for an ice cream cone because they don’t do the weight on those so if you have good packing skills like I do then you can fit a whole lot of goodness in there.  At least my stomach can still hold a lot of ice cream.  PS if you are keeping track of my challenge we are on day 16, above ice cream bought with a gift card.

On a random note, I saw people out rollerblading today and it made me want to go get some ASAP!  I love rollerblading, my sis and I use to do it for our workouts a long time ago and it was the best.

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Do you own rollerblades?  Have you ever been rollerblading?

Utah readers:  Are you doing anything special for the 24th?

Indoor or outdoor run today?

Where is your favorite place to people watch (that sounds like a creepy question)?

-The gym and amusement parks when you are standing in line.

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I love rollerblades! One of my friends and I once dressed up in 80s garb and went rollerblading down town. Pretty sure we made everyone’s day that were so lucky to see us! It was such a blast!


Well, since I’m an East Coaster, I love to people watch on the Boardwalk at the Jersey shore. Awesome!

No run today, it’s a SDO :)

Your ice cream cone looks fabulous! So Jealous!!


hehe people watching is how I make it through workouts at the gym. The machines I like, for some reason, pandora doesn’t work in that area and I never download music…so I just watch people. If that doesn’t make me sound like the biggest creeper ever-I don’t know what does.


Whoa, that’s awesome that they don’t weigh the cones! I need to try that the next time I’m at a froyo shop.

I’m a huge fan of rollerblading but haven’t been for over a year since mine are broken and I haven’t had time to get them fixed!

Favorite place to people-watch is definitely at the State Fair or Mall of America.


I used to be OBSESSED with rollerblading as a kid. I used to set up obstacle courses in the driveway with soda cans and skate around/jump over stuff. I thought wearing wrist guards made me really bad ass (although I really hated knee and elbow pads. Weird)
You are one lucky lady to have so many gift cards to be able to go 16 days with out spending money. I need to figure out how to obtain more food gift cards in my life…


Did an outdoor run this morning! Only 2 miles, but better than nothing! =)

My favorite place to people watch is Starbucks. Although that’s not necessarily good, cause I go to Starbucks to get work done. And end up just watching people the entire time. Fail.


I was just thinking about how much I miss rollerskating yesterday. I saw a few people doing it along the beach and I miss it! But I don’t own skates anymore.
I love people watching when I travel. It’s interesting to see how people interact in other places.


Last time I went rollerblading, I was 12 years old, ging down hill at our ranch and tripped over a stupid eucalyptus nut. I ended up crashing and burning pretty bad that I was covered in aloe vera leaves and bandages for almost a week. Haven’t put on blades since.

People watching at the gym or beach is fun.

I hope to get an easy 2 miler in tonight once it cools down.


Airports are classic for people watching.

Outdoor run. Went to the track, because it is like it’s own little running club over there……there are definite regulars, and I’m not going to lie I am becoming a Tuesday regular.


I would never roller blade….I’ve done it once or twice and am just too uncoordinated, I know I would break something if I did it again. However I did see a guy ‘walking’ two BIG dogs down a steep hill when I was on my hill training run last week and he was incredible!! The dogs were cutting in front of him and he was switching hands and leads and going so fast!! I was in awe.

I live near San Francisco…and any time I go into the city, the people watching is amazing!! Golden Gate Park is the best.


I love to people watch in Central Park! So many people – its pretty amazing!!


I love rollerblading! When I was injured I would Rollerblade with my running partner while she ran :)


Did a fantastic outdoor, mostly trail run this morning… best way to start the day!

Never have rollerbladed… rollerskated once in Golden Gate Park in SF though and that was fun! Great for people watching too :)


the mall is such a good place to people watch! i cant imagine rollerblading. i think i would fall and hurt myself.


I love rollerblading.. it really burns your biscuits :) That ice cream cone looks fricken epic and those boots are to die for! :)


I saw that it was pioneer day today in Utah & of course immediately thought of you :) We have a calendar at work that points out daily holidays, that’s how I knew!
I just bought one of those belly bras last night, idea from Y-O-U :) I know you said you loved it, and I’m getting kind of to the point that I may need it.
I’m obsessed with your purple running shoes!
I’m texting you tomorrow- I have to ask you something!! :)



haha my older sister (11moths older) and I, always use to roller blade around the neighborhood. We got the rollerblades in our Easter baskets one year and never looked back!!


Indoor run for me this morning!
New York subway is the best people watching!!!! Oh malls of course :)
I’m pretty bad at rollerblading…. Like probably will hurt myself bad! Haha



haha, creepy question, but also one of my favourite activities. people watching at disneyland is pretty much my FAVE. also, the airport. it’s fun making up scenarios about where people are going/ coming back from. :)

i used to play “disney on ice” with my childhood bff in her driveway on our rollerblades. it was THE BEST.


I did a 6-mile run on the treadmill at the gym this morning because it was pouring out (that was a good thing though-we need the rain!)…I always get distracted people-watching when I’m at baseball games! We pay money to see the pro team play and I constantly have to remind myself to stop watching the people in the rows in front of me and watch the professional athletes : )


Anndddd what flavor ice cream was that???? I see gummy bears and worms but are there marshmallows and is it cotton candy flavored????

Outside run today. I have been sick for 2 days–hence me stalking your blog and replying to your emails so quick lol

I haven’t roller bladed in a while but now that you brought it up I am totally going to look in to it!! Thanks for the fabulous idea!!

As far as people watching, I like doing it anywhere, especially at movie theaters, amusement parks, and in the mall.


People watching is so much fun. My hubby and I were at Cedar Point {an amusement park in Ohio} over the weekend, and it was FABULOUS people watching. It was also very interesting in Europe {Paris especially} when I was there on vacation last month.


I love people watching at the airport! So many people from different walks of life! And rollerblades are bomb! I want to get a pair too!


Rollerblading is totally coming back! I’ve seen so many people on them lately. So funny how things come back around.

I love people watching anywhere around NYC, honestly just on my way to work I see some weird things haha. So much fun!


I’ve been seeing a lot of people rollerblading on my usual running path lately. Is it making a come back? I was always kind of hazardous on anything with wheels but I used to always want rollerblades over rollerskates when we went to the Roller Rink. Today’s run will be outside for sure! It’s beautiful out! My favorite place to people watch is Pioneer Square in downtown Portland or the airport.


I have never tried rollerblading. But I see a couple people around rolling around town occasionally, usually with poles.

Airports are my favorite place to people watch!


I did an indoor run today too. With new shoes…felt like I was running on a cloud!! I love people watching too. I want an ice cream cone now especially since I think my packing skills are pretty spectacular as well. I think I’m a bottomless pit from my run today – baby or no baby kicking away up in hurr!!!


I totally own rollerblades! I love them. those candy wagons are pretty much the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I ran outside this morning – 1st speed workout in ages – it felt good to switch things up. :)


Amusement parks are the best! Airports and malls are great too.


Outdoor running today and I saw a snake! Scary.


My husband and I were just talking about rollerblading because we randomly saw someone doing that and it totally took us down memory lane when we used to rollerblade back in college, lol. I think ours are now in some storage bin. We used to have rollerskating parties in elementary/middle school that were fun, haha. I ran indoors today…it was too hot for my liking outside today. Ice cream sounds good! Have a great night! :)


I used to roller blade all the time when I was younger! I wasn’t too good but I enjoyed it! People do it all the time in the summer here in Chicago and I really want to get some!


My favorite places to people watch are at the library because believe it or not, people are totally oddballs when they can’t make a lot of noise! I also love people watching at Cedar Point since I pretty much live right next to it. I literally saw someone dressed like Barbie last time I was there.


Your candy wagons are adorable! Those would be so great to make with any kids learning about the pioneer era. Also, you’re 100% right, those baby boots are adorable. I ran inside today because I had some Yasso 800s planned and I like to do them on the treadmill because it’s easy to set the pace I need and go.


I used to love rollerblading. I actually used to roller blade in my parents basement (all tile) in the winter when I was a kid haha I would go super fast and fall a lot since it was tile and kinda slick.

Love people watching at the mall and sometimes retaurants. So fun!

Those are the cutest little boots I have seen. You must post a picture of your little girl in them when the day comes! :)


Rollerblading totally takes me back. I love your Wagon! I work with kids and am always making graham cracker firetrucks, happy apples and crazy stuff like that, love it! Today was a treadmill day for me!


I use to, but sadly I don’t anymore (outgrew them :( )

Inside run since I ran earlier than the park bathrooms open ;)

Love people watching outside my job, so many interesting people, they do and especially when around their friends, act kind pf crazy. Very enjoyable for me :)

Come check out my blog :)


I can’t remember if I enjoy rollerblading or not – it has been so long. I could really go for a waffle cone after seeing your picture. I love people watching at the DMV and airport. Hilare.


My son has roller skating parties for school and I love rollerskating! He usually pretends like he doesn’t now me. Maybe I should upgrade to rollerblades…I’m sure those are much cooler!


i can’t believe i just found your blog the other week and it is already becoming a favorite of mine ;) you are so cute. i can’t wait to meet lil baby too lol


I totally agree! I wish I had known about this blog all along!! :)


THANK YOU Jaclyn and Stephanie… you just made my day!


Thanks for writing such a wonderful blog! It brightens my day when I read it :)


Thanks so much Di! You just brightened MY DAY!


Outdoor run… thought I was going to get drenched! The rain finally came in full force today.

Rollerblades… hadn’t thought of that recently. It’s a little hilly here and I’m afraid I might bite it!

I like to people-watch when I am at Cedar Point (Sandusky, OH… best amusement park ever!).


Inside run/jog on the treadmill. I live in TEXAS, it’s too hot to be outside after work!

My favorite place to people watch is at the airport! The last time I traveled I had my iPad with me and read, surfed the web for a while but then I spent most of my time people watching!:)


LOVE rollerblading!! They save my life when the dogs have more energy than I do after the gym!!

Those a probably some of the cutest boots I have ever seen in my life.


Um, I got super excited because my pump teacher was wearing your purple shoes. I’m sure she thought I was a weirdo for asking her 20 questions about them.
Congrats to your friemd moving to Texas. Once she gets over the heat I am sure she will love it.
I made the mistake of running outside today. I’ll repent of that mistake and apologize to the treadmill tomorrow.


I want those boots, even though I know no children. They are super duper adorable!
And those little candy wagons are just awesome.
I used to rollerblade all the time, until I slipped on lemonade and broke my arm…true story. Quite embarrassing.


I used to be so good at rollerblading although they need to be dusted off badly now…it’s been forever!! Rollerskating, however, was a joke in comparison!


Ummm. did your friend make those booties????? If not where did she get them! What a cute friend you have!


The gym and Disneyland, hands down!


People watching in Europe last week was pretty darn fun. There are so many tourists everywhere … you never know what you might see!


Rollerblading is the best! I have a pair and my friend and I used to go everyday in the summer when we were home from college. I miss those days.

Those boots are so freaking cute!


This growing up business bothers me too.. Rollerblading would be so fun at start up again! I remember rollerblading when I was 6 with bright pink knee pads.


I’ve been carrying around roller blades in my car trunk all summer with the hopes of finally using them after a decade of negligence…but no luck :( I MUST get some rollerblading in before summer ends!

Those boots are adorable :)


Good idea with the cone! I can’t even imagine how much stuff you managed to stuff in there haha.


I was just wondering where you bought your belly bra?
need one:)

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