Another reason I am addicted to running

Billy was finally able to come to my doctor’s appointment with me yesterday. It is the absolute best when he doesn’t have class and can come because then I have someone to talk to for 8 hours about how awesome it is to hear the heart beat and how great it is that the head is down right where she is supposed to be.


If you are thinking, “Man, Janae you are looking tired” you are right. Some weeks I sleep like a champ and some week I find myself with my crate of grapes and iPad in front of the swamp cooler from the hours of 2-5 am every night.

I don’t know if it is the fact that the due date is getting closer and closer or once again my hormones are taking a turn for crazy town but I am feeling ridiculously overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done in the next few weeks.

Billy helped by suggesting we start getting stuff done. Why are boys so good at solving problems? Don’t they just want to sit there and listen to us vent for hours about what is bothering us?

We spent a few hours cleaning/organizing and packing and I felt a million times better after. Almost as good as a run would have made me feel;) Honestly, I think that is another reason I am sort of addicted to running. For some reason it really helps me to put everything in perspective, be a whole lot less dramatic and realize that everything is going to work out.

While packing I found a piggy bank and broke it open because I am way too impatient to find out that we struck gold. $1.21.

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Even better I found ‘A Cinderella Story.’ One of my all-time favorite movies. One of my old roommates and I used to watch this every night as we were falling asleep. Chad Michael Murray.

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2 other things that helped the overwhelming feelingsā€¦ White Collar and a new to me treat (STARBURST BABIES) Carrie sent when I told her I was pregnant. How I have gone so long without these in my life is a mystery.

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In other completely random news but I can’t get it out of my head so why not put it into your head too:

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I need to make this Toasted Marshmallow shake that I found in the Food Network Magazine.


What is the most creative shake flavor you have had? What is your favorite shake flavor?

Have you been tired this week or do you feel well rested?

What is your go-to movie? Is there a movie that you have watched over and over again?

-Cinderella Story, The Notebook and A Walk to Rememberā€¦.I have seen each of those movies 20,000 times.

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LOVE Cinderella Story…I could watch hat endlessly along with Mean Girls, Stepmom, Home Alone & You’ve Got Mail. I am addicted to running because it gives me a kind of energy that no amounts of caffeine/sleep can ever provide…I feel more tired on the days I don’t run as crazy as that sounds!


Hey Lady!
My favorite milkshake ever is….my papa’s vanilla shakes he made for me as a kid. Girl! I have been over the top exhausted trying to balance full-time school and full-time money-making. I run so I don’t go crazy on you people. My go to movie is ‘Hocus Pocus’ it makes me feel like warm sugar cookies inside. BTW I have the same penny bank. See ya!!


A Walk to Remember for sure!! Also, When Harry Met Sally, Notebook, and Now and Then


ps you look beautiful!


-Ever since the movie came out I’ve always loved The Notebook, and yes, I could watch that movie on repeat and never ever get sick of it!
-I just registered for my second half marathon and now have motivation to run more (and consistently) again. Sometimes just knowing there’s a race to run (even though it’s not until October) makes such a difference up in my head.
-You told me to let you know about my job search (you probably forgot you asked, and that’s okay, because I’m happy to share : ) — I just got hired as the 4- and 5-year-old lead preschool teacher for my local church’s school!! I’m so so excited about it!! :)


I’m in a fight with running right now…or maybe a fight with my body. My runs of late have been pretty terrible.

I’m tired too, but I can’t blame it on pregnancy! :)


Oh my gosh, I loved A Cinderella Story! I am ashamed to admit that I’m a huge Hilary Duff fan (I’ve even seen her in concert). My other go-to movies are: Say Anything, Bend it Like Beckham, and Under the Tuscan Sun. And I have a one year old little girl and a husband that’s been deployed for a few months now. I can’t remember the last time I felt well rested :) I’m addicted to running right now because I set a mileage goal for myself this year and I’m determined to meet it! I have a little pace bunny that tells me where I should be, so it’s a race to stay ahead of it.


I lOVE the way running makes me feel…..but an injury is horrible…makes one appreciate being healthy and injury free. I have had a bursa flair up in my hip for over a month now…just started running ez this week doing a run/walk thing after taking about a month of running off.

Crazy how much I missed it. ;-)


I think you are probably have waves of overwhelming-ness until the move. Be kind to yourself if you find yourself screaming into a pillow, using 4 letter words, or eating 3 donuts in record time.


You look amazing! And you have A LOT going on so it’s no wodner you are feeling overwhelmed…I am glad Billy was able to help you calm down a bit and just think: everything will get done. I’m addicted to running because I feel so much better about everything afterward…especially if it was a particularly great run. Last night I tossed and turn so I got a double shot of espresso this morning, lol. Favorite movie list is long but I’ll give 3: A League of Their Own, My Cousin Vinny, and Hocus Pocus, lol. I hope you havea great day and so happy that your MD appointment went well…that’s got to be so exciting! :)


Oh man, that milkshake sounds amazing! I can NOT read FN Mag when I’m hungry, it’s dangerous. :)


My go -to movies are Everafter and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I drive my husband nuts with how often I can watch those two and never get bored. (and how I quote them on a daily basis…)

Glad Billy made it to your appointment! It’s nice to have someone to talk to while you are waiting for the doctor too. At least for me because our doctor always took years to even call us back!


OMG! Please tell me this is a picture from 15 weeks. You cannot be 34 weeks along in this picture. You look fantastic!!!!!!



I am loving my running right now because I am allowing myself a few recovery weeks from the July 4th marathon I did, so each run is slow and easy and FUN. I have to start NYC training soon, but for now I’m enjoying this peaceful running without stressing about having to hit certain paces or mileage. Love it!


Totally feeling tired for a week or so now. I need to start taking my multi-vitamins again (I’ve been slacking) and going to bed at consistent times. Hopefully it will help!


I don’t really like milkshakes, but I wish I did. Just like I don’t like ice cream. It’s weird and I try to pretend to like it but after a few bites I just throw it away.

I am feeling exhausted right now! I was in Vegas for a week for work and now I am trying to adjust to East Coast time again which is the worst. I was up at midnight wide-awake and then wore up at 4am and couldn’t fall back asleep. Now I have to try and get through a full day of work. Boo. I am waiting for pregnancy-insomnia to hit; I’ve been lucky so far.

I used to watch Dirty Dancing, A Few Good Men, and Anne of Green Gables again and again when I was in high school. Loved those movies, and still do! Now I don’t really watch movies very much, so it’s hard to tell what I’d put on if given the opportunity.

Not addicted to running unfortunately – baby in belly so no to running.


I don’t think I have just one go-to movie, but one of my all time favs is definitely ‘Miracle’…the movie about the 1980 olympic ice hockey team? It’s soooo inspiring and every athlete MUST watch it. Also, some of the hockey players look pretty nice ;)


Oh The Notebook! I could watch it a million times too! I love shakes that have cookies and cookie dough in them, but then that creates the problem of the cookie getting stuck in the straw – such a dillema!


Janae! You look amazing- not tired! I have been exhausted all week. Hoping to get some rest this weekend.

I used to watch a Walk to Remember once a week but haven’t seen it in forever. That might need to change :)


Banana milkshakes hands down are my favorite, after that plain old vanilla.
I have not felt the best but I have not been tired, a win lose situation there!
Cinderella Story for me too, or Cady Shack and High School Musical! haha
I am addicted to running because it helps me relieve stress!


Banana milkshakes!!!

I am more addicted to running since I can’t right now. Since we both can’t sleep we should be watching a Cinderella Story at those respective times.


My boyfriend has been craving milkshakes. I told him this weekend was it! That looks like a GREAT idea.

I personally think any teen movie during that time period I could watch over and over. Save the last dance, She’s all that, Cinderella Story, a Walk to Remember, Bring it on, etc. Such a good time to be a teen. :-)

I am addicted to working out for that same reason. It is my stress relief.


My favorite milkshake flavor is strawberry! And when I feel overwhelmed I like making a To Do List and checking things off as I go (I always add some super easy things to mark off and make myself feel better, like run, shower or eat breakfast! Haha)


My favorite milkshake flavor is definitely strawberry. I could totally go for one from Steak and Shake right now, so good. :)

My go-to movie is Dirty Dancing. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it about 50,000 times but I still love it and will never tire of it.


I love the shamrock shakes from mcdonalds!!! so good, i’m always anxious for that time of year to roll around so i have a weekly excuse to drink a milkshake :)

ugh ive been tired this week, not sure why…but its def felt more difficult to roll out of bed at 5 am to run…I never do regret it afterwards though!

Im in marathon training so i suppose i’m required to be addicted to running right? in all seriousness it always helps me feel better and clear my head, which is good bc im too much of a drama queen otherwise ;)

I could watch dirty dancing 100 million times and never get tired of it…im obsessed with my 80s movies!


When I lived in my apartment I always fell asleep to “The Holiday”. It made it less scary for me since I lived alone haha but I also love that movie! I watch it at least once a month, even if it is a Christmas movie. :)


I love packing/cleaning and finding things I forgot about! And I LOVE running for the same reason – it always helps me stop freaking out about the little things that are not worth stressing about :-)


i’ve been super tired this week too. not because i’m pregnant, but because work has just been CRAZY this week and i haven’t gotten home until super late. i’m so excited for saturday to sit and do nothing. :) guys are pretty great at solving problems… i agree. they always have the best ideas. hang in there! i know there’s lots of changes in the near future, but like my husband always says, just think of it as a fun adventure! for me, it makes things a little less overwhelming when i think of it that way.


My favorite shake flavor is the banana cream pie from chik-fil-a. It is AMAZING! My go to movie is mean girls. Always funny, always quotable. period.


You may FEEL tired, but you look AMAZING! Seriously.

I have felt way tired this week. SO much so that I have only woken up to go to the gym before the kids wake up 1x this week. Oops. It has made for some HOT runs on my treadmill, that is for sure.

I love running because it feels so great to push myself. To make goals and then accomplish them is the best. It gives me some great enoprphins and it helps to remind me that even though I sometimes don’t like my body, it can do amazing things and THAT is more important than the # on the scale and what not.

My favorite movie I could watch over and over is Mean Girls. It has been a while though…perhaps we should reaquaint each other.

My ‘go to’ shake (meaning, it is safe) is grasshopper. But funny you should mention shakes. We are going to Bear Lake this weekend. Gotta get a shake and I have been trying to think of what kind I will get (I realize I am crazy for thinking about this so far in advance. It i how I roll). Ross always gets some super crazy/sugary concoction. I think last time he got vanilla, marshmallow, oreo, caramel.


I’ve been made fun of so much for loving every single chick flick like Cinderella Story (cue 13 Going on 30 and 27 Dresses). Haters gonna hate :) Also, starburst babies? I didn’t think it could get better than just plain starbursts. Definitely going to track some down!


My go to movie is When Harry Met Sally. It’s my absolute favorite … and it was made before I was born!

But boy oh boy, do I love Chad Michael Murray.


My go to movies are Pretty Woman, Runnaway Bride, Elf (can watch this ANY time of year), and 10 Thing I Hate About You! Love me some good chick flicks!

Am I tired this week? Um yes. My little precious angel doesn’t like to sleep at night. Trying to be SO patient and just roll with it but it is HARD!!


When I lived in DC, there was a place called Good Stuff Eatery that had the BEST toasted marshmallow shake EVER!! It’s the absolute number one thing I miss about that city!!


i was just going to post about this milkshake and wanted to read the comments to see if anyone else had ever had it. i live in dc now and seriously – this milkshake is worth the trip across the country janae. if i could ship you one i would kelli, because i’m not kidding – this shake might be the reason i decide not to move :)


Kelli and Molly!!! All of this talk about your amazing milkshakes in DC is making me drool. Can we all meet up next week and get some…totally worth the plane ticket right. I NEED the best toasted marshmallow shake in my life ASAP!


yes you do! fly into reagan and i’ll even pick you up :) seriously though, at some point this summer i’ll make the toasted marshmallow one from the magazine and i’ll let you know how they compare. you know, since you’re trying to save money for the big move and all, maybe a flight to dc for a milkshake is excessive ;)


What is the most creative shake flavor you have had? What is your favorite shake flavor?
-most creative is really not that creative, its peach but my favorite are banana milkshakes

Have you been tired this week or do you feel well rested?
-I am feeling pretty well rested this week, but def taking a rest day today. Been pushing it really hard this week with the workouts :)

Tell me a reason about why you are addicted to running lately!
-I feel so much stronger afterwards and love starting the day knowing I broke a sweat already before the sun came up!

What is your go-to movie? Is there a movie that you have watched over and over again?
– My sister and I used to watch the Parent Trap and Passport to Paris allllll the time


Cleaning and throwing things out make me feel so much better. I’m addicted to running because of the way it makes me feel and because it is my alone time. My favorite shake is strawberry. The Food Network Magazine is one of my favorites.


OMG!!! You’re about to have a baby and you look so AMAZING!!! My favorite has to be a banana milkshake!! So freaking good!!! Running helps me to clear my head, get rid of any anger/upsets I may have, and it just flat out makes me feel good when I’m done :D. My go-to movie is twilight haha yes I’m a twi-hard…..I’ve had tickects for the last one since last year… COME CHECK ME OUT HERE!! :)


A Cinderella story came out when I was looking for my Junior Prom dress so mine looks very similar to hers. Love that movie!

When I saw White Collar on Hulu plus yesterday I immediately thought of you! So good and I love the relationships in that show!

You are beautiful and going to be a great Momma :)


You have a lot going on in your world right now, so of course you are up worrying! I do the same thing when my life gets a little crazy, mostly its during the school year when I get stressed about work stuff.

Boys can be so rational sometimes, dont you hate that!! ;) Glad you got some things checked off your list, hopefully you can sleep a little better tonight or take a nap today!


I love gummy snacks too, but… those babies are creepy!! haha.

Those milkshake recipes, however- sound delicious!


Do you know there are like 2 other Cinderella Story sequels? None compare to the original so you dont have to bother but I found it interesting one day when I found them on TV.
Anyway, I have to agree with you about running, which I think is why I miss it so much (one more reason to add to the list of why weight restoration is a must!!) Walking is fine but there is nothing like working up a good sweat and clearing your mind through interval workouts or a few fast miles.
I hope you are feeling better and your top in the doctor picture is too cute!!!


Janae – Glad everything went well at your appointment!

Oh man, I always have the hardest time picking a shake flavor. I always want them to just throw all the ingredients in mine !! I usually go with a reese pieces.

Lately I have been more addicted to running than usual! I’m a counseling intern, so I pack my running clothes and running shoes and go for a run between the clients I see. It helps me de-stress and purge all the hard things I hear all day. It’s like my own personal prozac.

I TOTALLY agree how running can put things in perspective. A task that seems impossible pre-run seems manageable and doable after. Isn’t that amazing? How does that happen?

Go to Movie: Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. Ha ha.

Tell me a reason about why you are addicted to running lately!

What is your go-to movie? Is there a movie that you have watched over and over again?


My husband is oddly obsessed with that movie, because it’s SO bad. He quotes the whole “waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought” scene all the time (he’s a total film buff so it’s hilarious… to me, haha). Have you seen the sequel? Pretty horrible too.


There’s a place here in Atlanta that has some really cool shakes. I had one that was a Nutella milkshake with graham crackers and toasted marshmallows on top. Another person I was with had the Captain Crunch milkshake, and another person had the Krispy Kreme donut milkshake! An entire Krispy Kreme glazed donut goes into every shake! So good!


where does that baby even fit in your tiny body! I looked like I had a giant watermelon strapped to my stomach when I was preggo, I am so jealous!

Since I have a 2 year old son, I can’t even remember any other movies other than Cars and How to Train Your Dragon. There are other movies out there? Hmmm…


I can sympathize with you feeling tired this week! I went to girls camp last week. It was 104 with a heat index making it feel like 115! It was exhausting – maybe I’m too old to go to camp :) The no sleep before the baby comes is just preparation for the next year! You’re doing great!


I think the most creative milkshake I have had was not creative at all really. It’s a blackberry milkshake from Burgerville. They are made from fresh blackberries and oh so delicious! I’m sorry you haven’t been getting much sleep! I would struggle if I didn’t get a solid nights sleep. Even when I do I still have weeks that I feel like I’m dragging. I love How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, 13 Going On 30, The Notebook, the list could go on with the romcoms. I’ve seen them all more times than I could count.


I llloovveee A Cinderella Story. That is totally my favorite CMM role, besides his stint on Gilmore Girls!


where were Starburst babies when I was pregnant? I lived off of sour patch kids!


Janae, you never told us “Another Reason You’re Addicted to Running” like your post says. Now I’m dying to know! :)


I run for exactly the same reason! Nothing seems as bad after a run and is always a good idea when you are trying to work thru something. I have been having some long runs lately to try to work thru a potential job location switch. . . I don’t have it figured out quite yet, but getting there!


Running totally makes me less dramatic too! Glad you got some of the packing/organizing done!

My fav smoothie flavors are pina colada and chocolate peanut butter…. mmmm… think I’ll go make one now!


As a child I absolutely adored shakes. The best, and call me boring, is vanilla. Now, they just aren’t my favorite, but I have fallen in love with a Strawberry smoothie at a local ice cream/yogurt shop.

I’ve actually been a bit tired and a lil sluggish on my morning runs this week. But I always feel better after….

My go to movie is 10 things I hate about you or Betwitched with Nicole Kidman.

Also, where on earth did you get those starburst things. They look amazing!

Happy almost Friday!


I actually really like that movie too! SUCH a great story line in my opinion. ;) P.S. I got the slurps at 7/11 yesterday. WOOT!

You’re right–running and actually DOING the things we complain about helps put everything in perspective. I need to do that about my closet…..


50 First Dates! I have watched that movie a good 1000 times or more


Right now I’m a little obsessed with Horrible Bosses and Warrior. I watch HB whenever I need a good laugh and Warrior whenever I need to emotionally purge– my DVD copies are starting to wear out!

In my city there’s an alcoholic milkshake trend, so I’m sampling some of those every so often (it’s for the greater good). I had one that was a vanilla caramel Bourbon blend- yum!


Janae that is the nesting instinct kicking in. You want everything tidy, organized and ready. It is your hormones taking over, nothing you can do about it. Good job Billy for helping out! I found writing stuff down on a list helped keep all the scattered thoughts in my head organized.


You look absolutely beautiful Janae! I cannot believe your due date is getting so close I am getting so incredibly excited for you. You are going to be the best Mom ever and holy hot genes this baby is going to have. :)

I totally need to subscribe to the food network mag because clearly I am completely missing out.


ok, those starburst babies are just a liiiiiitle creepy. just sayin.

you have such a sweet sister in law, taking you to your fave sandwich spot AND fro yo?! you lucky girl!

my go-to movie, always and forever, is clueless. and the princess bride. i could (and have) watch(ed) these two movies over and over and over again and NEVER get sick of them!! plus, i can practically recite them by heart. yeah, it’s kind of annoying watching them with me, i’m sure, as i’m always talking over the actors! ha!


My go to movie is Love and Basketball or Anchorman! Could watch the over and over again!!


I used to not be a big fan of milkshakes until my mom was in the hospital and there happened to be an Ice Cream truck right outside! I made my boyfriend go with me and I got a peanut butter banana milkshake and it might have been the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my LIFE! Soooooooo good!


soo happy to hear that everything is A-OK with your baby girl! it’s great that Billy was able to go also! getting clooose!!! :) :)

most creative shake I’ve had was a date shake. loved it!! feeling good this week. normal fatigue w/marathon training but, other that that pretty good! Notebook, Kicking & Screaming (Will Ferrel) & Pretty Woman are movies that I’ve watched a few times. OH & Jerry McGuire is another good one!! luv ya & have a fabulous day sweetie!! xo


In that picture i thought you looked so happy and cute! not tired at all!! you look great, girl!!


I have had a s’mores shake from Five Napkin Burger in NYC. The BEST shake ever. Hands down. I must try this recipe from the Food Network to see how it measures up!

I have been exhausted this week. Between having a friend in town, and having tennis class every night, I am one tired girl. I’m running the Lavendar Days 5K down in Mona on Saturday morning so no sleeping in. Cannot wait to run and take a great post-run nap!

There was summer when me and my roommates watched She’s the Man every single day when we came home from work. We could all recite the whole thing. Kind of ridiculous but so fun!


You look glowing in the picture above! Adorable!! I’m happy everything is going well with the baby! You are going to make a great mama. Is it lame to say I prefer the actual Disney cartoon version of Cinderella. Such a classic, I love all those Disney movies, because clearly I am a child in a 22 year old body.


I want that s’mores one! It looks delicious.

I used to work at a place called Friendly’s and all I did was make all the ice cream things. So I have gotten very creative with milkshakes, especially when pregnant women would come in with the craziest flavor requests ;) They wanted things like pistachio, chocolate malt milkshake with gummy bears and blueberries mixed in.


This week has felt so long and I’ve definitely been tossing and turning at night. I blame it on the fact that we were on vacation last week, and being back at work is exhausting.

Strangely, my go-to movie is “Remember The Titans”. I absolutely hate football, but for some reason I love this movie! I also really like “The Proposal”.


I love “A Cinderella Story” too! Lately, my go to movies have been “Mean Girls”, “Sweet Home Alabama”, “The Notebook” or “Crazy Stupid Love”. I’m sitting here at work with a headache and debating whether or not to run. I know I’ll feel better when I’m out there. I just need to take the step to put on the shoes. Running totally clears my head and I’m sure I have the headache because my mind has been racing all week.


When I couldn’t sleep towards the end of my pregnancies, I convinced myself that it was because it was my bodies way of preparing me forthe sleepless nights. It partially worked:)


That shake sounds really good. I’ve never seen starburst gummi babies, that’s kind of a weird candy… How does one get on that marketing team that says “hey you know what would really be a good candy? A bunch of fruit flavored babies!”


You look fantastic! I hope everything goes well for you guys!

QUESTION: and a random one indeed- what lip gloss/balm do you where? I love the colour.


HEY BECKY!! You are so sweet. I use Victoria Secret Shineberry and I am obsessed! GET SOME ASAP!


I have no idea how many times I’ve seen the Sound of Music. I love it so much!!!

And yes, hearing the heartbeat never lost its magic when I was pregnant!


My shake is the Banana Chocolate Chip shake at Carl’s Jr. The Peach shake at Chick-fil-A is also really good!

Exhausted this week. But it will pass. Sooner or later my body will need to sleep.

My girls watch a Cinderella Story over and over. It’s cute. We also really like Enchanted.


I love a walk to remembrer


Ha ha! I used to watch Serendipity every night as I was going to bed.. to the point that my puppy knew it was bedtime when he heard the theme music ;-p


Princess Diaries! My roommate and I would also turn on any of the Harry Potter movies when we needed a good distraction (or background study noise). We love ‘Arry!


Movie??? Definitely Steel Magnolias and now The Help.

Two new memorable movie lines (other than Rhett’s “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”………….From Steel Magnolias – “nothing like a good piece of aXX” (he was given the behind sectin of the Armadillo groom’s cake by his neighbor Wheezer who he fought with all the time) and from The Help – “You is smart, you is kind you is important!!”.

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