Kangaroo Zoo, Gnocchi and Pizza

I took 12 pictures while they were lined up and this is the best one I got.  3 out of 5 them looking at the camera, what an accomplishment.

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Yesterday afternoon while Billy was taking a test I went with my family to Kangaroo Zoo.  It is a huge building with a million blow up toys, slides and games.  Kangaroo Zoo was actually one of the first dates I went on with Billy 5+ years ago.  I knew he was the one when I beat him in the obstacle course, I couldn’t marry someone that was better than me on an obstacle course.

It was kind of an emotional outing for me because my mom wouldn’t let me go down the slides and play in the jump areas because I am ‘pregnant.’  Just imagine having to stand on the side lines while your favorite kiddos were enjoying things like this:

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I promise she did not break her arm on the huge slide even though in the picture it looks twisted the wrong way.

I worked up quite the appetite just in time to meet up with our cutest friends that I met through spin class 6 years ago.  They have the hook-ups at Pizzeria 712 and invited us to reap the benefits of this deliciousness.  Thank you SO much you guys!  You can see the chef in the mirror ha.

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They are hard core worker outers (just go with my made up words).  He teaches 6+ spin classes a week plus runs and she is competing in  half-ironman this August.  We talked about working out just a little bit.

They did the ordering which is my favorite because I HATE making decisions and they chose the best things in the world.  Pita with hummus, the best corn on the cob I have ever eaten, gnocchi and braised short-rib.  I ate 98% of the gnocchi, one of my all time favorite foods.

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The beautiful pizza.  I am officially hooked.

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Panna Cotta and something else that I can’t remember the name of.  When I come back to Utah to visit in the future I will make sure to always go get the dessert on the right.  Perfection.

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Wednesday is a run day for me, hope you are getting your sweat on too!


Anyone reading that is a spin teacher or other type of aerobics instructor?  How long have you been teaching?

What is your favorite appetizer?

Have you made friends through the gym?

Tell me about one of your first dates with your significant other!

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That’s awesome you made friends with them at the gym! There are a few people at mine who I have general chit chat with but no one I’d meet up with outside the gym…that’s probably because most of them are a lot older than me! I am working out in the evening today (normally a morning exerciser) so who knows what the crowd at this hour is like!


Janae, how do you motivate yourself to work out when you aren’t quite in the mood or low energy? Any suggestions for someone who NEVER seems to be in the mood?


I know you are undergoing so many life changes right now. Know that I’ve been thinking of you in a nin creepy way! :)
I have been teaching 8ish aerobic classes a day this summer. Love!!! I just got done with 3.. Ahhhh 5 to go. 80% of my friends are gym instructors and members.
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but my husband and I met on a blind date!!


I have met a couple of friends at the gym! One girl and I meet every week to run together. But sadly, when I start back to work in a couple of weeks, we won’t be able to meet at our normal time. Major bummer! She motivates me to keep moving, even when I’m tired and ready to stop!


Your yesterday looked fun! A playhouse, wonderful looking food, and in-depth conversations with friends about working out? Perfection!


I don’t teach any now but eventually I would like to teach spin class. My good friend taught it back where I used to live in NY and I quickly became obsessed. I tried out a few classes at my new gym in NJ and I didn’t like it all…so I’ve neglected the spin bike majorly and when I do go on it, I just do my own thing. I’ll run again after work tonight. I miss running in the mornings though. My favorite appetizer is either Vegetable Pakora when we go out for Indian or Chips and Salsa when we go out for Mexican…but I always love me some good bread too, lol. Have a great run and that food looks delicious…glad you were able to meet up with them before you moved. :)


I just got my group fitness instructor certificate in March! I’m not teaching yet, but my gym is being rebuilt to double its size and they’re hiring new instructors next year when it opens.

Your nieces and nephews are so cute! We have a play place like that near us called Monkey Joe’s. My kids love it.


When I was pregnant with Bre (now 7 months), we took our 5 year old to Hershey park and to Disney… SUCKED being the one holding everything as they got on all of the fun rides! My son rode his first upside down roller coaster and I couldnt see it!


I had gnocchi the other day, and I love it too. For a while, I was making it at home. Labour-intensive, but my hubby and I were like a well-oiled machine. He would roll out the dough and cut it up and then I would make the little indents with the fork!! I love good gnocchi!!

Tonight is a run NIGHT for me. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get too hot throughout the day and make the evening hot because I did a treadmill run yesterday and would really just love the actually wind in my face this time around! Happy running to youuuuuuuu!!


I met my husband when I was 12 years old at Junior Golf so when i decided I wanted to date him at 19 (he is 5 years older so a 12 and 17 year old is no bueno!) I asked him if he wanted to meet up and play 9 holes with me and another one of our mutual friends. The mutual friend never showed so it was just the two of us. Of course we were starving after our 2 hours around the course so we went and grabbed dinner afterwards, then watched a movie, and then spent pretty much the rest of our summer together and the rest is history. Now he is stuck with me forever haha.
That pizza looks amazing! usually I am a pizza snob because i had the best pizza ever in italy and the US just cant compare but that looks pretty darn close. fresh mozz and some basil. simple, but you really cant go wrong :-)


On Mike and my first date, we went out for drinks. When we went to my apartment to hang out afterwards, I fell asleep on the couch. I’m a real party.

I wish I’d made friends at the gym. Instead, I just forced all of my friends to join the gym with me.


One of Chris and my first dates we played 9 holes of par 3 golf. The last hole had a back-up of like 3 groups and I said “should we just get out of here?” (I had less patience back then) and he thought I was suggesting it cause I wanted to go make-out. sheesh, boys!

Just got done with my 4 miles of right turns route.


I am a running coach, does that count? It’s my favourite thing ever to do!!

For our first date, Ryan and I went to a hockey game :) I’m pretty obsessed with our local Q league team, plus they have the BEST hot chocolate in the world at the games, so it was kind of a perfect first date!


I love calamari. Usually my husband is nice enough and lets me order it too :)
On on our first dates was to a movie with a group of friends, we saw Blue Crush!


Looks like a delicious Italian restaurant! :)


I have been asked to be a spin teacher – but I travel a lot for work so I don’t think it would work out.

I had a root canal yesterday and have to be on a liquid diet for a few days – I don’t know if I can read your blog at this time with all of the delicious food on it lol


I love love love the artichoke dip appetizer at Roosters (in Layton and Ogden) it is amazing! I also like to think of myself as a French fry aficionado so I try those wherever I can.
My second date with my husband we went to a rennisance fair, Chinese food, and to see the newest Star Trek. It was like a nerd’s dream and oddly enough, neither of us are really into that kind of thing.


Calamari is my absolute favorite appetizer! Whenever I see it on the menu I always have to order it.

For our first date, my boyfriend and I got dinner at a Mexican restaurant and then went to a comedy club. I had never been to a comedy club so it was definitely a good fir st date. :)


Wednesdays are running and swimming for me!
My son loves Kangaroo Zoo! We have one in Ogden as well. Everytime we drive by and he sees the paw prints on the building he starts yelling “there it is! there it is” until everyone in the car has acknowledged that “yes, that is the kangaroo zoo and no we aren’t going there right at the moment” lol


Chicken lettuce wraps is my favorite appetizer. Yum.

My husband stood me up on our first date. He’s lucky I said yes to another date, which was dinner. And now we’re about to celebrate our eleventh anniversary.


that gnocchi made me drool just a little bit…i cant even remember the last time i’ve had some :(

favorite appetizer…wings!! although i eat them as a meal usually…haha calamari is a second favorite.

lets see…i was actually the one who asked Kevin out on our first date…we went to a nice brewery/restaurant in the downtown area that I’d never been to before..and *I* picked up the tab since I was the one who asked him out..it made me feel pretty kickbutt ;) I mustve been pretty charming considering he asked to be in a relationship later on that night, muahaha.


-that whole meal looks amazing, especially the dessert
-I ran a couple miles at the gym this morning and am already craving another run…two runs in one day is okay right??


How dare those kids have fun without you?! It’s padded it’s safe right ;) My favorite app is for SURE hummus and veggies. Or chips and salsas/guacamole. I’ve never met a chip I didn’t like! I can’t do pitas because of the gluten in them though :( Dessert and pizza are my two favorite things. I will share this avocado pudding made soon it’s AMAZING as is chia pudding if you want a less sugary dessert.

Most of my friends are running/gym friends. I spend my life nasty sweaty!


Looks like you had such a fun day! I’m especially jealous of your delicious meal! I’m an appetizer freak, and most days would probably choose a meal of a bunch of different apps just so I can try everything!


One of my favorite first dates was when my husband surprised me and took me hiking in Yosemtie for the day. A year later we married in Tahoe then drove to Yosemite and hiked Half Dome on our honeymoon.


That is so cool! Our first trip together alone was to Big Sur and we were going to do Yosemite on the way home but ran out of time. I hope to get there soon!


Workout friends are the best, but hanging out with workout friends and having pizza (especially pizza that looks that good?) is so much better!
My first date with my husband was pretty basic, a nice dinner, but the best part was he took me out for ice cream after at this cute little mom and pop ice cream stand. I think he won me over right then and there!


Favorite apps? I like so many! In fact, I went out for Girls Night Out Saturday and we just ordered apps to share for our dinner. Black bean quesadilla, onion rings, hummus and sweet potato fries!

I haven’t made friends through the gym but I always run into someone I know there. It’s a small town.


I haven’t really made friends at the gym. I did run 3 miles there today though.

The Kidless Kronicles


Oh my gosh! That food looks insanely delicious!!! YUMMMMM!


Holy mother of yumminess that looks delicious! Oh and a majority of the friends I’ve met are either from running or the gym. haha


Zach and I worked at Abercrombie & Fitch together, and our first date was to Starbucks after work. He bought my drink after I pulled out my wallet and gave me the strangest look like, “What are you doing? We’re on a date, remember? I’m paying.” Ha! We, ok mostly I talked for 3 hours! I was so nervous and he just kept smiling. To this day he talks about how beautiful my smile was when I laughed and how happy he was to see me express and open up about my life. I’m so happy he is my husband.


My first date with my fiance.. well I wouldn’t count our first meeting as a date.. we were set up by a friend.. wh brought us both to the same bar..

But the next weekend, we went out to dinner at a cute italian place – and then saw a STUPID movie. It was awful. I don’t even remember what it was…but it was terrible.


That Kangaroo place sounds like a blast! I love stuff like that! I’ve been begging Andy to take me to the Trampoline land here in MN…it’s an indoor playground consisting of a ton of trampoline floors that are all connects–you can hop from one to the other!

Favorite appetizer = chips and salsa!

One of our first dates was to Panera….I was so nervous and was trying so hard to eat my salad “politely”….haha


I teach zumba, hip hop, abs, and shred. I have met several people through my workout classes!!!

One of my favorite apps is bruschetta. I also love crabcakes. Any sort of bread with dipping sauces is always a winner with me too.

Our first date didn’t really start as a date we were just going as friends, but it ended up as a date when Daniel reached over during the movie and held my hand. :)


I teach Jazzercise! I’ve been doing it for about 4 years now :)


Hey Janae! I’m a spinning instructor at the same gym where I work as a personal trainer and a massage therapist! I’ve been teaching spin for maybe 5 years now, and I got started when one day in class, the instructor didn’t show-up and I randomnly filled-in; the rest is history!
I would guess that 95% of my friends are people I have met at the gym. I work at a YWCA and everyone is very friendly.
I ran 6 painful miles this morning. I think I was almost to the point of heat exhaustion! Come on cooler weather!


YAY for instructors!! LOVE it. I’ve been teaching since 09 and I LOVE it. As you know ;)

I bet she’ll be doing the same half IM as me too. FUN!! Maybe I can go with her to this place afterwards?!HAHA.

Fav appetizer-sweet potato fries.


I have been a body pump instructor for 1 year now, I love it, I cannot wait to teach when I go back home.
Can’t believe they have a place called kangaroo zoo.. is there kangaroos there? Everyone in America since being here has asked me about kangaroos hahha.
I love mexican, so nachos for apitizer for me… we call them entrees in australia!!
I’m in hollywood today, hope you are enjoying your holidays!


I love spinach and artichoke dip! And I have no significant other… still waiting for that last first date!


I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I love your posts about all things food and running–two of my loves in life. I was looking for a new race to run this fall, and my friend suggested this to me. I thought you would appreciate running for chocolate! :) http://www.hotchocolate15k.com/ What is better than that?! :D


On my first date with Adam, we went to dinner at Cafe Adobe (texmex) and then went to a private concert put on by Gavin Degraw. Only 100 people had tickets for it and it was so much fun. On the way into the concert, it started to pour, like I’ve never seen it before. So by the time we got inside, we both were drenched from head to toe. My cute outfit I planned out and the styled hair were soaked. I went in the bathroom, dried off best I could and enjoyed the rest of th evening in wet clothes and with wet hair. We had a blast!


I just had lunch with my instructors and gym friends today! On my drive home, I was thinking how sad it is going to be when I have to leave this place. My hubby is in the military, so the day is coming, unfortunately. There is something so unique, and different about the friends you meet at the gym. All other cares go out the door, and it is just people getting together to workout. Love your blog! Thanks!


Favorite appetizer – I don’t know, anything that is fun and easy to share usually goes over well with me.

I met my fiance at his birthday party, I was his friend’s date :)

And I’ve made friends through run clubs, if that counts? Usually at the gym I zone out and don’t chat too many people up!


i love that kangaroo zoo was your first date! (side note: i really want to go to kangaroo zoo.)

annnd that pizza looks AMAZING.

our first date was at a sandwich shop. i knew right then and there. we shared a love for sandwiches haha


What is your favorite appetizer?

Anything with cheese, but I am especially fond of simple chips and salsa too!!

Have you made friends through the gym?

Kind of, I’m a physical therapist so all of my work friends I made in our gym, but one of them and I grew closer when we started going to Pump together!

Tell me about one of your first dates with your significant other!

Our first official date was at a place called Blanc Burgers which is now closed! Sad face! We had the “date night special” which included an appetizer to share, a burger each, one side of fries and a bottle of wine. It was awesome and cheap!!


OMG gnocchi. I have this friend whose grandma makes homemade gnocchi (she is 1st generation italian) and apparently it’s pretty bomb. So I think I’m going to have to keep this friend around no matter what just in case I ever get the chance to have some of that gnocchi!!!

I don’t have a BF now but one of my best dates with my ex was when we hiked in Shenandoah national park and packed a picnic lunch and on the way home saw a momma black bear and cub crossing the street!


That meal looks delicious!! Gnocchi, corn, pizza, yummmm!


That sounds like such a fun day with delicious eats!! My mom has been a spin instructor for about 20 years now, since it first came out and that is where I get my love for spinning! The kangaroo zoo sounds like the perfect first date in my opinion!:)


I want all of that food RIGHT now!!

I am in training to be a Gold’s Gym instructor. Just finished Body Pump, and attending the RPM (spinning) training tomorrow! Woo hoo!

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