Utah Valley 1/2 Marathon Recap

I woke up at 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning because of my crazy insomnia and decided that I really wanted to run the 1/2 marathon instead of the 10k.  I brought my phone just in case anything hurt so that I could just call my mom to come pick me up if I needed.  I fell back asleep at 3 and the alarm went of 45 minutes later and I told Billy I was coming with him…he probably knew I was going to all along since I am technically crazy and can’t turn down 13.1 beautiful miles.

I had a cinnamon sugar bagel and ate it as we drove the mile to the buses.  It was already 60 degrees and so we didn’t bring any throw away clothes and stood in line for about 15 minutes for the busses.

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They treated everyone like VIP for this race, we got the nice busses…not the normal school busses I am used to.

Before I forget….I wore my new Maternity Belt for the first time and I am pretty sure it saved my life.  I had way fewer cramps and it really helped my back.  Best 18 bucks I have ever spent (besides that one time I spent $18 on candy).  You can buy it HERE.  This would be our early beautiful early morning/still waking up face:

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We got to the start and waited in line for porta potties for a a few minutes (they were the nicest porta potties I have ever used, you know you pay attention to stuff like that too) and hung out for a little while.  The race started right on time and the first few miles felt really good.

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Going into this race I promised myself to not even remotely push it.  I just wanted to enjoy running, keep my little girl safe and stare at the beautiful views.

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I highly recommend this race, it really doesn’t get any more beautiful.

My favorite waterfall:

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This is where my heart hurts.  At mile 7 I was in my own little world, loving the race and I saw Billy.  At first I thought that he had finished and came back to run with me but then I realized that wasn’t possible and my heart sunk.

I saw him and started crying, stupid hormones, because I knew something was wrong.  I stopped and walked/talked with him a little while and we decided to call my mom to pick him up due to his IT band pain.  He really doesn’t want to risk it even though he could have finished because it isn’t worth it to get really hurt.  He has plenty more races coming up where he can show off his speed after he gets that stupid band feeling better.

I never got hot throughout the race because there was a strong headwind that cooled me off but I thought it was really cool that they had these water sprayers along the way.

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I finished in 2:05 at 29 weeks pregnant, I feel pretty awesome about that.  So far I have ran 5 1/2 marathons while pregnant.

First place man for the marathon:  2:28 ish? (The results aren’t up yet) The guy in second place was a few feet behind him, it was intense.

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First place woman!  2:5?  She is 36 years old, isn’t that awesome.

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Seriously, we need to have a blogger/reader/runner reunion (can I call it a reunion even if we haven’t met before?) and run this race next June together.  I am pretty sure it is my absolute favorite.

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What was the hottest race that you have ever ran?  How hot did it get?  How did you stay sane and not get heat stroke?

Do you run races with your phone?

Have you ever cried during a race?

What is your Sunday breakfast?

-I am counting down the minutes until I eat 5 cups of oatmeal with 1 cup of brown sugar swirled into it.

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Way to go on finishing the race, and that too at an amazing pace!! You wrote that 1st place man finished in 2:28…I’m guessing that was a typo and he finished in 1:28? I’m in awe!!


Oh oops! He finished the full marathon in that time:)


So excited that you did the half, and blown away by how much you’ve run during your pregnancy! I hope to be able to do this one day too! Can I just say that my heart broke when I read that you started crying about Billy’s DNF. Girl, you can’t do that to be this early in the morning :P I’m glad he didn’t push it, and hope it gets to feeling better for him! We have the Firecracker 5k every July 4. It doesn’t start until 8am or a little after, and it’s always mid 80’s by then, with a higher heat index. It’s tough, but there’s excitement and lots of kids handing out popsicles on the course! My Sunday breakfast was Fiber One Caramel Delight and skim milk. It tastes a lot like cinnamon toast crunch, and drinking the cinnamony milk at the end is the BEST part!


So sorry billy had a rough race:( but really smart of him to call it quits. And you ROCK for running still and running so much this far into your pregnancy. The hottest marathon I did was in Nashville, it was hot, but the humidity killed me. I was puking for the last 10 miles, nothing would stay down. And I totally lost it, cried like a baby at mile 15 when i saw my family in my April marathon when I knew I wasnt going to come close to my goal – couldn’t pull it together, but ran to the finish. I had pretty bad IT band pain in that race and shin splints, but I’m so familiar with it, I know when I am able to run through it and tough it out without major consequence.


Hottest race? The Edinburgh marathon a fortnight ago. It was 82 degrees! I had a tough time keeping cool and just ended up running slower, and drinking as much as I possibly could. I’m sure those temperatures are nothing compared to the ones you (and those poor Boston runners) have to put up with.

It might sound odd, but congrats to Billy anyway for a smart race. I hope his IT band stops playing up! Obviously congrats to you as well :)

I cried during a fell half marathon at Hadrian’s Wall once, but only because I’d passed the 13.1 point and I was completely lost, on the top of a fell, with no course markers and no other runners. Oh, and it was pouring with rain…that race was no fun. I’m just glad another runner caught up with me and calmed me down enough for me to get back on course and finish.

Sunday breakfast = huge stack of protein pancakes with peanut flour sauce. Although it’s lunchtime in the UK now!



Good for you!! I hope Billy’s feeling better soon!


I knew you would run the half! You should be really proud of yourself for being able to run so well this far along.

The hottest race was back in high school cross country.. It was somewhere in the 90’s and super humid.

My pre workout breakfast today was a pretzel bagel w/ cream cheese :)


You have no idea how incredibly motivating it is to see you, pregnant, tackling half marathons like it is no one’s business.


You are so amazing and inspiring!

I know exactly how you feel about seeing Billy- when my husband ran his first marathon, I could see the pain in his face when he crossed the finish line and I almost lost it. But Billy did the right thing- this race is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. What is important is his overall health and that he can keep running!


Nice run! I’m glad Billy listened to his body, too, and saved the speediness for another day. That half looks gorgeous (I miss mountains so much!) and will add it to my ‘must do’ list when we move back in a year or two. My next half is Grandma’s next Saturday….I’m so freaking excited!!!


Janae you absolutely rock!!!!

Sorry to hear about Billy’s IT band–but he was so smart to stop (how did he get so wise?! he must have learned from your injuries;-) ) Those water sprinkler things look so awesome, I have never seen those before–smart, especially for a hot race.

I have run 2 in the heat (this is MN, so its not like TX)–I think it was 75 and humid at the start and about 82 when we finished. I hate hot weather running and almost quit every mile. I tried staying cool by pouring water down the back of my head–but I missed and ended up getting my butt instead and had to run the last 3 miles with diaper butt:-( Needless to say I am getting smart and not running that HM this year.


Utah Valley Marathon really is the most gorgeous course! My husband and I really enjoyed the race and both got our PRs…. thank you so much for the recommendation! It was also so nice to meet you and Billy!

Congrats on running and finishing the half…. tell Billy he is smart and that its better to be able to run more in the future than risk injury. Those engineer people are so smart about practical things :)

We stayed in Park City last night and hit up Main Street, such a sweet town. Can’t wait to come back here in the winter to ski!


Beyond impressed at PRs on this course! I had a big time PW!!


That truly is so great you’re running half marathons while pregnant, and running them the smart way. I hope I’m like that when I have a babe!


I can’t believe you ran this 29 weeks pregnant. How did you do it? I think I need to get out running more…because I’m scared to do a 1/2 while pregnant!!!


Wow the view is beautiful! That looks like one I’d love to race, I’ll start saving my pennies for next year.


The half I ran in Nashville at the end of April was super hot. I don’t know what the actual temperature was, but it felt like I was running on the sun.

(I’m not overly dramatic at all. ;) )


Way to go Janae!! SO inspiring that you’re running (smartly) through the pregnancy, I think that’s awesome and it must be so good for the baby. She will be born loving running and the endorphins already! ;)

Thought I’m sure Billy is disappointed (DNF’s are never fun), but what he did was smart. No point pushing it if you know something is wrong. It’s SO hard to know when to pull the plug and to actually do it, especially when you know you could suck it up and finish. Too many people do it and end up really injured – he did the right thing. I hope he is feeling better soon!


Janae you are pregnant and STILL faster than me…you go girl!!! ;)


IT band is the worst! I struggled with it for a over a year and it completely stopped me from running. Finally I met the right doc to take it away. I would HIGHLY recommend finding someone that practices ART, active release therapy. It is honestly the most effective treatment ever. I think it is usually chiropractors who perform the treatment. If you want more info on it let me know!

Hottest race? Tianjin Marathon 2 weeks ago in Tianjin China. It was the first year for it and it started at 8:30 when we were already sweating just standing around. My husband and I were so dizzy and sick during it, I actually had my first DNF at mile 23 because I was so overheated and sick! My husband finished MUCH slower than anticipated. When we checked the weather following the race, it had reached 95 degrees with 30% humidity!!!! Miserable!

I can’t wait to try out the maternity belt when I am preggo!! Way to go on half number 5 !


I haven’t run a hot race yet, but I have run really cold ones (IMO)
I run with my phone just in case, yesterday I even called my hubby during a quick walk break to tell him what time I’d get to where he was supposed to be waiting to see me.

I almost cried yesterday during the marathon when I was listening to, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” because I am pathetic even though I’m not pregnant.

I am having oatmeal too. mmmmmm


Was the oatmeal delish?
A runner reunion……………..YES!
29 weeks, 5 halfs while preg., you are such an inspiration to me.


Wow seriously you are such an inspiration, I still can’t believe you ran a half 29 weeks pregnant. You go girl! That baby is going to come out ready to start running!


I wish I ran with my phone so I could take pictures! I hate the arm bands though and I’m too lazy to carry it in my hands. My sunday breakfast was overnight oats + apple cider donuts!


good for Billy for listening to his body! and I’m so inspired by you – 5 half marathons during your pregnancy is incredible! glad you’re playing it safe and not pushing it. smart mama-to-be! xoxo


You are such a inspiration continuing to run during your pregnancy! Great job on the half.


Awesome job, Janae. You’re such an inspiration!

I think that’s great that Billy didn’t run through the pain to risk injuring himself even worse. He’ll kill it at the next one!

My goal in life is to run a half marathon just to get a medal. I kind of think I’d do almost anything just for a medal…


I cried at least 3 different times during my last marathon. Congrats on the half… you are amazing!


you amaze me woman! way to go! and i’m so sorry about billy… that has to be so frustrating, but props to him for making the best decision for his body. that’s important and quite admirable. the race was up provo canyon, right? i absolutely love that waterfall too! just beautiful!


My crying race and hottest race were the same. I wanted to get my time under two hours, but it was just too hot. When the 9:10 pace group passed me, I knew I was sunk and started crying. Boo to that.

My breakfast was an egg white breakfast pizza. Soooo good!


Aw tell Billy I am so so sorry about his race. DNF’ing (especially when you’re trying to PR) sucks so much. But he made the RIGHT decision and I know he will PR in the future. Awesome awesome job to you for running so much during pregnancy! You ROCK!

I once ran a half marathon in the desert. It was 80* at the start at 9am. I had planned on running 1:40 and came in at 2 hours…totally with heat stroke. I had stopped sweating and was staggering through the last 3mi It was a two-loop course with only one aid station! I really should have stopped after one loop, but I was too stubborn to DNF. Thank goodness DH has medical training and got me home in one piece! Not my best race but a good learning experience!

Also, I totally cried after my second marathon. Like the ugly kind of gasping/sobbing crying because everything hurt so much! Then I sat down and SWORE I would never do another one. Which is a lie because I ran a third less than a year later – where I PR’d by 26min AND didn’t cry ;)


Janae, Way to ROCK that half almost 7 months along!!!!!! You are my running SUPERwoman :D
I’m sorry about what happened with Billy, but he’s SO smart for stopping with the pain. I know he will just come back stronger & ready to PR his next race!


Last September we ran one in Banff, AB when it could be snowing but it was about 80 degrees out! I was fine (I like running in heat) but many people were not AND they did not have 2 water stations set-up…
No phone and I have been close to crying for sure but have not cried yet.
Just had a pre-gym banana, then making coconut waffles after for brunch.


You are so inspiring and yes, I have cried in a race. I just did my first marathon and I Think I cried three times ha ha.


The hottest I ran was my recent Edinburgh half fiasco. It wasn’t that hot compared to, say, Utah! But its heat my body is not remotely used to!

I don’t run with a phone no :) I think it’ll get all sweaty!

I cried in the first half i did cause I did it for cancer research and I cried in memory of my grandfather and gran that died of the disease and also my other grandpa who died not long after my gran (her husband). Then I told myself sobbing wasn’t good for my breathing!!!


Awesome job, you are a rockstar!!!! Hugs to Billy!


Congrats on your race!! And Billy was smart to stop – he will be back hitting PR’s in no time!
My hottest race was the Country Music Marathon this April – it was probably close to 90 – and it took me over 6 hours – so I was in the sun until like 1:30! I think the heat really got to me & I over did it on gaterade. The second half I felt so unbelievably sick and ended up getting sick 4 times :-(
And I always run with my iPhone – I use it as my iPod, and I carry it in a sock so it doesn’t get all sweaty. Sometimes people tell me they like my case, and I always say I have another one exactly like it at home ;).


So far I’ve been lucky and never had a really hot race, but I’m nervous about the Chicago Marathon!!! I would MUCH rather it be freezing cold than too hot! And that’s so cool that you’re little baby girl has already run so many half marathons! haha, she’s going to come out a runner!


Sorry about Billy, but I’m sure he made the right choice. You are justing killing these races, good for you! Hottest race about 75 and humid, 2011 Boston Run to Remember. Hated it. I do not like the heat in life never mine running.
Breakfast Trader Joes French Toast yum!


Seriously Janae?! You ran so good! And you’re PREGNANT! I would have congratulated you in person if I had known you ran at Yogurtland! Way to go!!! Sorry about Billy, but he’s really smart for doing that.

I’m trying to fins running group or something so I don’t have to train alone either in the morning or at night in SLC. But I may just have to overcome that fear. :/ But I think running groups would be so much fun! All the camaraderie! Maybe you can post about how you got Billy hooked on running so I could make my hubby my running buddy? =D


You are pretty awesome Janae and sorry to Billy for the IT band pain. Mine isn’t happy with me right now so I get it.

Hottest race? Steamboat Marathon last weekend. It was 86* at 8000+ ft with the weather channel reporting it felt like 95*. It was horrible. It took me 5.5 hours. 377+ runners registered. 276 finished.


I saw your husband doing warm-up runs at the start! So sad I didn’t spot you! But glad he listened to his body! I ran with my sister….this was her first 1/2 marathon ever! Next year I’m doing the full marathon and breaking my only marathon PR! ;o) It’s such a beautiful run and I can’t wait!! Enjoy the Sabath Day, you two…..and you deserve a long nap!! :O)


Congrats on your race! Better than my PR & you are 29 weeks pregnant! You are awesome : )

The hottest race I’ve ever run was in San Diego. It was probably 80 degrees but by the ocean so there was a breeze. Luckily it was only a 5k so I only had to endure it for a short time.

I never run a race with my phone bc I never wanna carry it! It makes for finding people at the finish line & taking pictures difficult though!


Janae, I’m so proud of the fitness level you’re maintaining while preggers! Again, I’m sorry that Billy couldn’t finish the race due to his IT band. He’s smart for pulling at when he did & you’re right there are plenty of more race where he strut his stuff!! sending him “well wishes & a speedy recover!” He has that speed thing down. So…no problemo right?!! :)

there are a few races where I do run w/my phone. I kept my phone with me during SD R&R because I didn’t know what to expect at the end. I’m glad I did because I don’t think I would’ve found Rocky if I didn’t. I’m used to holding my phone when I run because I always have it w/me during training runs. I never leave home w/o it! :)

I cried during 3 races. My first (LAM), my marathon 5 mos. post-partum (I had some pain & had a really hard time finishing) & my most recent race (when I knew I was finally going to PR!!)!

Maui Marathon was my hottest race. MAN…was it HOT towards the end!! It makes running a whole lot harder!

luv ya sweetie & congrats to another 13.1!!! amazing! :) xo


OH & I’m pretty sure that I want to run UV marathon next year!! It’s going to be between OJAI & UV. Is UV the one race that you look forward to every year? Which marathon in Utah do you think is numero uno?! :)


you are such a sweet wife – i know some if it was hormones, but I bet if you weren’t pregnant you would still feel for your husband.
You rocked that 1/2 marathon!! congrats :)


I cried at the end of both 1/2 marathons and my marathon! I’m not a quick runner like you and it is mentally hard for me so I always feel so relieved and proud of myself!


That race looks absolutely gorgeous! I wish it wasn’t so far from Missouri!
My heart goes out to Billy – he is so smart for stopping before it turned into a more serious injury!


It’s so crazy that you’re running faster carrying a bowling ball in your gut than I ever will on my fastest nonpregnant day!

I hope Billy gets that pesky band under control quick. I had a lot of trouble out of mine during marathon training a couple of years ago. And, yes, it even caused me to cry during that marathon!

The hottest race I’ve ever run was a half last March. It got crazy hot that weekend all of a sudden, so NO ONE was acclimated yet. It was a brutal race. Lots of runners down. It was well into the 80s when we finished. That doesn’t sound so bad until you remember that this was MARCH, so we were still used to running in winter temps! I know I sure would have appreciated one of those water spray stations that day!


I cry every single marathon. Yep. It’s just emotional cathartic sweat.


Pancakes for breakfast!!! I almost cried during my first marathon… But held it together so I could finish strong :)


Your photos always want to make me visit Utah!
Too bad about Billy’s IT band pain, but hopefully playing it smart will mean he’s back to racing in no time.
Congrats on another killer race while pregnant!


Great job on doing the 1/2 marathon! That is awesome that you’ve run quite a few of them since getting pregnant, you rock! I’m so sorry about Billy’s pain during the race, at least he was smart enough to not run through the pain and risk further injury


Congrats that is awesome! I’m super jealous of your race. I miss Provo canyon :( Dr. Bates (the female winner) is so awesome. It was her birthday too! She was my professor at BYU and I love saying that she is my friend haha you should seriously go and chat with her sometime before you leave!


Congrats on the race!! It looks beautiful and I love the medal. Sorry to hear about Billy, I just went through IT Band issues and its so frustrating. :( The Stick is AMAZING. I haven’t cried in a race, but when I saw my family after Houston I burst into tears because I had been in so much pain throughout the entire thing hahah. :)


I’ll run it with you!! :)


I SAW YOUR MOM PICK UP BILLY! it was like a celebrity sitting! I was tempted to yell his name, but what was I going to say? ” I really like your wife’s blog. ” nice work on your finish. It was my first time running the UVH and I really liked it.


I don’t ever run with my phone… probably not the best idea since I run in the woods a lot. 20 miler yesterday! First 20 miles ever for me! I’m SO STOKED I had to share it on the interwebs!

Congrats on your finish with your baby, that’s SO AWESOME! My friend is preggers and it running a lot just like you! You are inspring… though I’m not pregnant…

I have cried during a 100 mile adventure race when I got stung by like a bazillion bees while bushwacking–crazy, I KNOW. It sucked. Many four letter words came out of my mouth along with tears and muckus, and it was just a mess.

Sunday Breakie? Same as every day cuz I have NO FOOD in my house–coffee, carrots and PB (Don’t judge, it’s amazing.)


i do run races with my phone, part because i use it for music, and part b/c if anything happens like an emergency.


Um, I NEED to go to Utah and run that race. Such gorgeous scenery!
You are my hero. I hope to be a runner/avid gym goer when I’m pregnant :)


Billy is a winner because he tried! Those stupid IT bands!


You are my running mama idol! Your little girl had already ran so many miles, she for sure is going to be a little running maniac when she gets older! My heart breaks for Billy, but it’s one race and there will be plenty of other times for him to get out there and crush it. Prayers for a speedy recovery for him!

Almost every race I’ve ran so far this year has been hot, like 85+ degrees and humidity. But the worst race I ever ran in the heat was the Chicago marathon of 2007, yikes that was a scorcher! They actually ran out of fluids at the aid stations and cancelled the race about 2 hours after the gun. I only made it to mile 9 before pulling out when I had already felt like I had lost all my energy stores. But what can you do really? Can’t control the weather!


Wow great job Janae! I’m so sorry to hear about Billy, but he made the right choice and not running in pain. You are such an inspiration, I hope that when I am pregnant one day I will be able to continue running like you!


My Sunday breakfast was AWESOME since it was mostly leftovers – there’s a recipe I’m posting this week on my blog – but it’s basically some kielbasa, potatoes, carrots, and broccoli all steamed and then you just scoop it out into a bowl getting some of each layer – well that was last night’s dinner, and then Sunday breakfast (and every breakfast the day after this meal) I throw some of it into a frying pan and get it hot and then throw some scrambled eggs on top and cook til the eggs are well done and it’s all super yummy and hot :) Sometimes I’ll even load up a tortilla with some of it.
I almost cried during my half marathon at 24 weeks pregnant after my husband released my four older kids (ages 9 down to 4) to run towards me on the final km. Then they turned around a ran a bit with me but couldn’t keep up. It was so sweet :) (It’s the cover picture on my blog, and the kids and I unintentionally matched as well!) I have cried twice while running pregnant, though (must be the hormones)- once when “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson was playing and I was in the middle of six miles and had unexpectedly gotten rained on. It was a happy, overwhelmingly awesome feeling cry, though, and not a sad cry. Also was moved to tears recently (oh and another time about 6 weeks ago) by “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns. Usually the tears accompany a good fast pace when I don’t feel pregnant, but instead feel light and free, and the endorphins must just be flooding my system :)


what a gorgeous setting to run!! congratulations!! that’s awesome! and in that altitude — you should get 2 medals!!! thanks for sharing!


You should totally put a medal hanger up in the babies room and hang all the medals you ran while pregnant on it!


GREAT job!! Your running through pregnancy is amazing.


okay, you are super speedy! I ran slower(ish) with my sister in-law(who was struggling the last 5 mi) who I trained with and we finished in 2:06…and you’re pregnant! also,that means we were literally running with each other and didn’t even know it! haha K for reals, we need to meet up before you leave for Cali. Oh, and I signed up for another half in September=)


I loved reading about your personal experience on this half marathon. Soooo sad for Billy but he seemed alright with his decision and that’s what’s most important. It was so fun to visit and hang out at yogurtland. You and Billy are the sweetest, most genuine people ever. I loved watching the interaction between you two and there is such a sweetness between you both. You are a sweet little lady and really care about people. It shows in the way you interact with everyone around you and I so admire that. Thank you so much again for the fun meet up with a delightful crowd of people. The yogurt wasn’t too bad either:)


Nice looking medal and nice course.


love the pics you got on your phone! great job running the half janae, and thank you for all your great advice to me! I wish I saw you there, I was like an hour behind you speed woman! and at 29 weeks pregnant, thats a pretty AMAZING time! im so sorry about billy : (
ps-can I pretty please come to the runners {have never met} reunion next year? that sounds like so much fun!! this race was such a BLAST i loveeed running it, so pretty!!


You are such an inspiration…congrats on another race! I wept like a baby at the finish line of my first triathlon.


So sorry for Billy!!! We’ve all been there and know how much it stinks :( YOU are amazing. I know it’s a slow half for you but that’s faster than I’ve ever run a half not pregnant so you are incredible and such an inspiration!!!


Ah I didn’t realize you were running the half as well! That’s awesome Janae! You’re such an inspiration for when I’m pregnant in like, 10 years :). Billy is very smart for stopping, it takes a lot of courage (and intelligence) to drop out of a race for the benefit of your body.

I would definitely run this race sometime! Or a Cali race, that would be a lovely reunion/runcation!


Congrats on your great race! I feel bad for Billy, though. I hope he feels better soon.

Hottest race was the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon (the half for me). They shut it down after 2-1/2 hours. It was in the mid-70s at the 7:00 start, and I the upper 80s with high humidity when they stopped it. I finished before they stopped it so I have an official time, but about half of the 1/2 marathoners and all but TEN of the fulls have official times. Yesterday’s Bellin 10k was even a bit hotter than that, but since it was “only” a 10k, it went on as planned. It was yellow-flagged just to make sure people took care of themselves. I felt OK during CGBM (not great, but OK), but more uncomfortable yesterday at Bellin.


What a gorgeous view! I can see why that was tough to pass up!
I did get teary eyed during the St Jude half marathon when my patients were cheering me on. It was an incredible feeling!


Oh wow, when I saw your tweet yesterday, I hadn’t realized that you were doing the half as well….sorry I only wished good luck to your hubby!

SO proud of you for doing 5 1/2 marathons while preggers, you are a rockstar!!


I have “almost” cried before every single race I have done.


Great, great running out there! I am jealous of that scenery.

I’ve cried after races (usually in a good way because they are kind of spiritual experiences), but not during (yet). My hottest race was Nashville Marathon. It got to 85, and I hated it. I was a real grump about it!:)


Congrats! That looks beautiful!
My hottest race was my first marathon the DC rock n roll this march! It felt like 90 and the humidity was carazy! I cried when my mom and I split at mile 12… And then when i saw my bestieat mile 15! I was bummed I couldn’t finish at my goal time!


YOU= AMAZING!! 5 1/2 marathons!! YOU GO!!
IT Band issues= the WORST! – Andrew hasn’t been able to run for months because of his IT band…and for someone who’s life revolved around running for 5 years… it’s no fun! :( Good luck Billy!


I almost cried during my marathon when I saw my friends at the 26 mile mark.

You did amazing for being pregnant. Think of all of the people that cried at the race because you beat them :).


That is an amazing finish for you, congrats!!


Good job! That is so awesome! I think you have convinced me to buy a belly band. $18 is so worth it if I can still run for the next 10 or so weeks.


Sorry to hear that Billy had to drop out. He was definitely in shape to run a big PR… smart move, though, to drop rather than risk spending the rest of the year on the sidelines. There’s always more races… especially half-marathons in Utah, there are a thousand of them! Although UV is tough to beat – its a fantastic race.

I’m really impressed by the 2:05 at 29 weeks! Wow! You might have run 2:04 if Billy didn’t make you cry! :-)


So sorry to hear about Billy-but really really really smart of him not to further injure himself.

5 1/2 marathons safely while pregnant! Baby girl is already a runner!


This was my 4th year running this race. Love it! Each year I get slower and slower but hey I still enjoy doing it.


Wow great race! That’s a pretty good time too. Glad the belly band was doing it’s magic.


Hey, you used to write excellent, but the last few posts have been kinda boring¡K I miss your tremendous writings. Past few posts are just a little bit out of track! come on!

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