Running is the cure for exhaustion.

Mornings are usually my most favorite time of day but today I woke up completely exhausted.  I was frustrated with myself because um hello…what do I do all day now that school is out for the summer…oh yeah, nothing.  I guess growing a human makes me tired every now and then.  I was so tempted to sit on the couch but remembered that if I didn’t work out I would feel that way all day but if I did, I would feel infinitely better and more energized.

I told myself just to run for 30 minutes and boom, 30 minutes came and I felt great and decided to run for the entire episode of The Bachelorette aka 9 miles.


Afterwards I remembered that I haven’t foam rolled in 6 months (give or take a few months).  I think I correlate using the foam roller with being injured or using it after a HARD workout (which I haven’t done in a long long time) and so I have neglected it.  Boy did I feel the results of neglecting that sucker today, especially on my quads.

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PS I just like to point out my soul mate behind me.  Billy makes fun of me because I carry it into every room with me even if I know I am only going to be in there for 5 minutes.  I also put it on a chair right next to my side of the bed and sleep with it 12 inches from my face.

Lunch was the same thing that I had for dinner the other night, a sourdough panini with bbq chicken and mozzarella cheese.  I also had grapes and a salad with cottage cheese and Italian dressing.

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Have you ever wondered what teachers do all summer long? I have the answer for you:

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I got to get together with some of the teacher bf’s for pool time and chips eating, it was a good time.

On the way home from the pool I lost all control over my mind and body and was forced to drive to McDonalds to get a lemonade. My baby’s veins are going to be filled with lemonade by the time she is born, this has by far been my biggest pregnancy craving.  I have at least one a day.

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Bachelorette watchers:  Who do you think is going to win in the end?

Do you usually feel energized in the morning?  How long does it take you to really wake up and start feeling human?

If you run on the treadmill do you put it on an incline?

-Yep, usually 1.0.

Do you hang out with your co-workers outside of work?

Are you a lemonade or juice drinker?

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Chris! Yes, I don’t wake up until halfway through my run though. No I don’t! And yes I do. I don’t really drink either – sweet tea is a yes though.


I wish we could watch the Bachelorette together and analyze every second of the show. Running really is the best way to wake up!


I think I already know who wins- my friend found out from reality steve i think? Anyways I won’t ruin the surprise ahaha. My fave guy so far is Sean though- he’s just sooo cute!

I usually feel energized when I wake up- and if I don’t a workout definitely helps!

I LOVE lemonade- especially pink! Thanks- now I’m craving some haha. And I think I’m going to have to copy your panini.


NOOOO…how dare your friend tell you who wins. Okay, now you are making me crave PINK lemonade. Let me know what you think of the panini.


Reality Steve hasn’t even said who he thinks wins because he isn’t sure!


I so miss teaching! I love chick fil a lemonade it’s so good!


I am pretty sure, actually I KNOW, I could live off of chick fil a lemonade.


You are probably the cutest pregnant chick ever! I love your positive energy so much!! I’m glad to see that you are still running. That’s amazing that you cranked out 9 miles.


Thanks so much Dolly, you made my day!


Right now it’s a tie between Arie and Jef-with-one-F, but after next week she might think less of Arie, who knows? Sean is my personal favorite but I think if he doesn’t win he’ll be the next Bachelor for sure.

Mornings are the bane of my existence, if I could sleep in every day and stay up late every night I totally would!


I agree with you about Arie! Don’t you wish that we could all watch this together and eat ice cream? What time do you usually have to get up?


Haha I think a girls night needs to happen to watch the finale. I get up every morning at 7 for school but if I had it my way I’d party all night and sleep all day! Haha


I wake up earlier and more quickly on weekends, without an alarm clock, than I do on weekdays (no surprise, eh?) It drives my husband nuts that I can barely drag myself out of bed at 7:45 AM on weekdays, but bound out of bed on weekends at 6:00 AM.

I rarely run on the treadmill (I always prefer to run outdoors). But since I live in flat-as-a-pancake Chicaog, I’ve told myself that whenever I am on the treadmill now I will take advantage of its power and do hill workouts!

I don’t hang out with my coworkers outside of work… but my husband and I work at the same firm and that is how we met each other! =D

Juice drinker all the way, baby!!! I drink orange juice like water!!!


Ha…I bet it is just because you are so excited that it is the weekend and you are excited to start having fun. Technically you hang out with your coworker all of the time.


I ALWAYS wake up early on the weekends and want to jump out of bed and get going! Then during the week I am so tired and always have to hit snooze! Janae, I think you are right, the weekend is my time so I am more willing to get up!


I am a total morning person and feel the best in the mornings – most days. Usually it takes me about 15-20 mins to feel awake.
Yup, usually 1.0 unless I am doing hills. And I am totally jealous of your sweet treadmill set-up!
A few of them, I am the youngest by 14 years though so we don’t have too much in common.
I am obsessed with water, lemon juice and Stevia aka mock lemonade. Drink it every day!


Morning people unite:) I am totally going to try your mock lemonade, that sounds amazing! WOW, you are a lot younger than your co-workers!


I’ve been a morning person now for 2.5 years…aka, having our first kid :) (7am human alarm each day :) I wasn’t so much before him, but now it’s just real life and I actually really like it in the summer months when it’s light.
If there’s been one constant craving I’ve had in the last 34 weeks of this pregnancy, it’s been LEMONADE, just like you! I need it! Ha! So good.


BAHAHA Love the human alarm:) Oh Liz, we need to go for lemonade together. I seriously can’t get over how good it tastes right now.


Tough call on who she will choose, not sure yet. Has it ever happened where they don’t choose anyone? That would be interesting.

Growing human is hard work, you are supposed to be tired all the time.

My only co-worker is my daughter so ya, we hang out outside of the office all the time ; )


That is awesome that you are so close with your co-worker:) Good to know that it really is hard work and should be making me tired. I wish we could watch The Bachelorette together! I swear there was a year that they didn’t choose anyone.


Yep, typically anywhere from a 1 incline to a 2 on a good day…ahh pooltime on a weekday looks lovely! So jealous.

Definitely am a morning person…at night my body just shuts down for business.


2…you go girl!!! I hear you about your body shutting down at night…mine does the same thing. Hope you are having an amazing day Chels!


OK, as I was reading this I was thinking in the back of my mind that I was going to get a lemonade at the grocery store on my way home (4.5 months pregnant). Then I saw your pic of the McD lemonade and realized I’d be driving 2 miles out of my way to get the $1 large lemonade, thanks to you! When I was about how far along you are with #1, I drove up to northern california with my parents to visit my grandma. I demanded multiple McD stops just for their lemonade, and I’d get the largest size possible!


AHHHHHH Robin, I am so sorry that I made you drive out of your way to get one but I bet you thanked me the second you drank it:) I am glad I am not alone in the McD lemonade addiction.


Arie, Sean or Jef … but my money is on Sean. :)


I have been thinking Sean recently too!


My mouth is currently watering thinking about McDonald’s lemonade. On road trips I like to have bathroom stops and McDonald’s to get the lemonade and three chocolate chip cookies. Can’t beat that for $2!


I think you need to hit up McDonalds right this second.


I always wonder what my pregnancy cravings will be–I thought about that during my long run last weekend!


HAHA I love the things we think about on long runs. The cravings hit hard and nothing will stop me from getting whatever I feel like at that moment:)


I’m a total morning person. As soon as my alarm goes off I’m up and ready to go.

I’m a crystal light addict. The pink lemonade is the best!


Me, too!
I have a lot of fresh mint in my garden; I usually make a pitcher of the pink stuff and throw in a few mint sprigs. If I’m feeling especially awesome, I throw in some gin, too. ;)


i’m thinking it’ll be arie. i’m rooting for sean though. emily just seems really drawn to arie… but we’ll see!!
it’s been perfect hanging-out-by-the-pool weather lately! good for you! :)


I used to hang out with my coworkers all the time. Now my only real coworker is Bungee and she lives here, so yes.

I’m horrible at working out in the morning. I hate it so much. Too bad now that it’s hotter than blue blazes, I kind of have to if I want to run outside instead of in the basement.


Yes! I love Bachlorette talk!! Ok so here’s my take. Sean obviously is a sweetheart. Jef is cute, but I just don’t see them together. He seems to young and “punkish” for her. But I’d like him for me :-) Arie….oh Arie. He just….creeps me out for some reason!! He’s so touchy! And I feel like they haven’t even really talked much, just made out. I like Chris ok, but I don’t see him winning either. I think it will come down to Arie and Sean. P.S. I want lemonade. I think McDonalds is going to make a killing today thanks to this post!


Arie has been creeping me out lately too!!! I agree about Arie and Sean in the end. YOU NEED TO GET SOME LEMONADE ASAP!


I think right now, Emily has the closest connection with Arie. He seems like the most predictable winner. I like Jef and Sean, personally!

I don’t usually run with an incline for the entire time–my shins start to hurt. I will switch the incline every half mile to mile, depending on the day and distance.

I’m a fan of quality lemonade–usually homemade. The “fake” stuff makes my throat burn and can leave a weird after taste. :-/


You make me so excited for my future :). I start my first teaching job in august!! Ahh cant wait to have summers off. And
Dont you love this season of the bachelorette. So juicy!


AHHH CONGRATS KATH!! What grade will you be teaching? I am so excited for you!


I hope to be half as amazing as you are when I’m pregnant some day, seriously you are a rockstar! And of course you are exhausted, not only are you growing a tiny human inside but you are also the favorite aunt, and being that awesome is exhausting for sure :) I adore strawberry or raspberry lemonade, with fruit ice cubes it is over the top delish.


Lilly….you are beyond sweet, thank you so much. How about we go get raspberry lemonade WITH fruit ice cubes…that is making me drool!


Ohh I don’t wake up until lunch time! I want to be one of those people who gets 5 miles in before work every day (aka HRG haha :-D) but even when I set my alarm I wake up like a zombie and want to light it on fire/ throw it out the window until I go back to sleep.

Ummm I have YOU to thank for my current lemonade obsession :-P I read your blog every morning and there’s usually a picture or mention of lemonade, then I think about it all day until I go buy some :)


I am such a morning person! I usually conk out by 2pm though, but I’m crazy enthusiastic at 5am! And I don’t set my treadmill at an incline, but I know I should…


Here’s what’s going to happen… Ari is going to win, Sean is going to be 2nd, Sean is going to be the next bachelor, I’m going to marry Sean. Yup that about sums it up.


Alicia…I was thinking the exact same thing so you better invite me to your and Sean’s wedding:)


I want sean to win, but I’m not positive it will be him.

I don’t know what I am. I like to exercise first thing, so I usually wake up at 5:30. However, I’m not fully awake until a mile into my run or workout. Lets talk about the time I got onto my favorite treadmill at the gym (yes I have a fave-it’s right under the fan) & I didn’t notice someone left it RUNNING! needless to say I face planted it & flew off the end. Lol. Seriously. It was a sight to see I’m sure & I had some wicked burns to prove it. Also, who leaves a treadmill.running?!

I run on 1.0-2.0

No juice or lemonade .. unless it is from chick fil a ….cause that stuff is in its own category!


I’m not watching the Bachelorette this season. She’s nice and all, but I find her and this entire season to be boring.

I like to run in the mornings to wake up!

My co-workers are my only friends here and we hang out outside of work. I only knew one person when I moved here two years ago. I would be pretty lonely without them!

Are you a lemonade or juice drinker? Neither really.


It usually takes a good 30 minutes before I feel awake enough to do any work. When I’m on the treadmill, I also leave it at 1.0 (unless I’ve been on there forever and my legs can use a break/change up, I put it up a little or down to zero).


I love your “teachers in the summer” picture. This is my last summer as a teacher (sort of), so I’m trying to soak it in!

My treadmill automatically sets it at 1.5 and won’t go any lower. Sometimes I get mad about this, but usually I like it. It makes it feel weird to run at a zero incline!


I love how real and honest you are in your posts!! You’ve helped me realize that not every workout/run goes as planned. Thanks :)


Love limonade especially in the summer after a walk or run! I just started a new job, so I’m still trying to get to know everybody… I WANT to hang out after work but feel like a kid that wants to fit in! Just needs more time! I run at 1.0 incline!… When I HAVE to run on the treadmill.


I had a Chick-fil-a lemonade today!


I am more of a morning person than a night person. I would happily go to bed at 9 every night. 7am would be the perfect wake up time but I am up to run at 5am most days. For the most part it takes me about 2 minutes to feel awake.


Can I just say that you are really awesome for running 9miles at 30 weeks?!!! Wow! Love your blog and Sean for the win!


I wish i was a teach just so i could hang with you all summer. Running through the bachlorette gives me energy too, haha, not really. Maybe Master chef though!


I LOVE SEAN!!!!! MCD’S lemonade is the best :)


This has nothing to do with your post but I thought of you as I was reading this since you’re in your last trimester. It’s a list of must-do’s in the last weeks of pregnancy (a lot of things you wouldn’t think of especially it being your first)


LAURA!! Thank you so so much for the link….time to start doing them! You are the best.


I am such a morning person…full of energy in the morning and crash at about 1. Works out great for running…not so great when I have to work.


Arie for the win!


My husband watches the bachelorette with me! lol We think Sean or Jeff will win lol
who do you think will win?


I literally pick the winner each bachelor. I knew that Ashley would end up with JP, and I knew that Ben would end up with Courtney. And now I know that Emily will end up with Arie 100% ! You can just tell they are already in love with each other.


Total morning person! I actually get up earlier then my husband and two year old on purpose so I can cherish the quiet with my coffee and a book. Then I’m out the door running by 8:30am :)

I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t hang with other co workers!!

And I love lemonade! If u ever visit las Vegas ceasars palace makes the BEST frozen lemonade! I think they make a strawberry lemonade too…I would get one everyday when I stayed there :)


I TOTALLY lived in those condos when we were in college! The hot tub is to the left and the club house to the south. Our condo was just to the right – 3rd floor!!! I spent many a summer day by that pool. I can’t believe you ran 9 miles pregnant. Wowzer!!!


I’m one of those chipper morning people! However, sometimes in the school year when I have to get up before 5 a.m., I will pad down the hallway with my eyes closed for a few extra seconds of darkness lol. Daniel laughs at me.

I have a few work friends that I hang out with outside of school, but I haven’t seen them yet this summer – I need to fix that!

I make my own fruit and vegetable juice, and I drink one or two glasses every day.


I don’t do lemonade but I’ll go to McDonald’s for a $1 Diet DP. As a connoisseur of fountain beverages, your plastic cup makes me cringe. I’ll only get a fountain beverage if it comes in a styrofoam cup. Plastic cups sweat all over the place. Not that I feel strongly about it or anything…
I am incorporating inclines into my treadmill runs.


Love that panini combo- and I have some mozzarella to use up so now I have a worthy recipe :)!


You’ve got a cool treadmill set-up going on there. Yes, 1.0 incline as well. :) And… I spy a Rock ‘n’ Roll race series water bottle. I have the same one. Dang, I forgot I need to catch up on the Bachelorette. Thanks for the reminder.


I usually run on a 1.0 incline on the treadmill, in some ways it feels a little easier than running on the flat (?)
I don’t get to hang out with many of my workmates outside of the office – but I have a yoga date in a couple of weeks, and one of my co-workers owns a sailing business and she’s promised to take me out one day soon :)


I wanted Arie – but now it looks like its gonna turn weird. I also like Jef – love a quirky guy.

& no – no incline on the treadmill – I hate a treadmill enough – I dont need to make the loathing even worse.


I am so torn between Jef and Sean, but I think she will end up choosing Sean. Especially after the whole “the relationship with Ary (or whatever his name is) and a producer comes out”


you are such an inspiration to me by working out so consistently. i totally know what you mean about actually feeling more energized on days when i work out, even if it’s just for a short time. have a great day!


I got home from work yesterday and couldnt decide between running/laziness. Laziness won at first once i hit the couch, but then i read this post and it got my butt out the door for a great run! thanks for motivating me :)


i always always feel tired and feel like I would rather go back bed… but everyday I just say ” you will not regret and really like it once you start”.
so i get up and feel a billion times better :)

I know exactly how you feel


I think you have answered this question before, but what kind of treadmill do you use?


Hey cat! I use the Nordic Track C 900 and absolutely love it!


I don’t think Emily is going to end up with any of them! I wanted to say Ari but after watching the previews for next week about Ari dating a producer on the show, I think he is gone!

I do not hang out with my co workers outside of work because they are all men ages 40 and up and I am a 27 year old female. Not much in common there :)


I need to listen to you about the “feeling better after working out” thing. I know this is true, but this morning when the alarm went off and my body was saying “MORE SLEEP” I should thought smarter and gotten up and gone to the gym anyway. I’m dragging right now and I know I wouldn’t be if I had gotten in a good workout. BOO! :)


I avoid the treadmill like the plague so no incline for me!

But i do wake up feeling pretty good – and by 10 min later feel totally awake and ready to go! my co-workers and i do hang out outside of work on occassion, esp in the summer!


Nice job!!

The lunch looks similar to mine except I’m turkey on sourdough with red grapes :o)

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