I lost my shirt

This morning I woke up bright and early (9 a.m.) to hit up the gym.  I started off with some time with my good old friend the elliptical and stair climber and then tried out a new pump class. I usually love every pump class I go to but todays wasn’t my favorite because 84% of it was core work which is not really easy to do at this point:)  Oh well, I will just have to make up for it by going to my favorite pump teacher tomorrow.

I also had to go to the mall today for four very important things:

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I only had one tube left at home and I started getting anxious thinking about running out of my precious lip gloss so I had to go restock the supply.  While I was at the mall Gap drew me in to their maternity section to try on clothes.  I was wearing two shirts in and left only wearing one shirt.

I don’t know where my brain went but this is going to be awkward when I go back to the mall and try to explain to them that I left my shirt in the changing room and need it back.

I demolished the last Einsteins bagel (don’t worry, I am making Billy go on a walk with me in a few minutes to go buy more) for lunch and stuffed turkey, eggs and a laughing cow cheese wedge in there.

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I am still hungry though and will be digging through the cabinets in approximately 18 seconds.

But first…..

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I found these at my parent’s house when I was searching high and low for candy.  This is the only candy they have in their entire home.   My mom must have lost all of her taste buds, I feel sorry for her that she thinks they are delicious.  She is missing out on a whole world of candy…everything from sour gummy worms to carmellos.

Man vs. Food on the other hand has the best taste buds ever.  This show is one of my favorites (well, anything on the travel channel or food network are my favorite shows).    For this challenge he had to eat 4 lbs of BLUEBERRY PANCAKES in 90 minutes.  He had to stop at 3 lbs which is still quite impressive:)  I now know what I will have for my snack….PANCAKES!



Do you like black licorice?  What candy do people eat that you wonder why in the world they would ever think that it is good?

-Black Licorice and Circus Peanuts

Do you ever watch Man vs. Food?  Do you have a favorite episode?  Have you ever eaten at a restaurant that he has before?

If you had to participate in a Man vs. Food type challenge…what food would you choose to eat large quantities of?

-Waffles, a burger or an ice cream sundae.

Last thing that you went to the mall for? Anyone else have a slight obsession with Victoria Secrets lip gloss?

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Yep. Dead on. Circus Peanuts and Black licorice. Yick. Bleah.

I can seriously eat a LOT of cake.

Running clothes. Our sporting goods store is in the mall.


Also…I had to read it twice, that you left your shirt. Please tell me you really did and you really are going back for it. Because I want to hear how that goes. I would so do that.


Yep, I really left it. I will let you know all about the awkwardness:)


Tess, I challenge you in a cake eating contest:) Glad you have good taste buds and know that both black licorice and circus peanuts are disgusting ha. Have an amazing day!


Seeing that lip gloss makes me need to go buy some! I have an obsession with any kind of lip gloss. Love it!

I don’t like black licorice or circus peanuts but I also don’t understand the whole peeps thing around holidays, they creep me out.

Never watched man vs. food, but if I were to participate in a challenge, I think pancakes would be pretty good! Or lots of yummy candy!

The last thing I went to the mall for was a bathing suit, and it was a successful trip :)


Black licorice is gross. I have never understood why people choose to eat it!

LOVE Man vs Food! I get sick watching him eat as much food as he does – especially the spicy challenges! LOL.

I would choose pancakes or ice cream. I’ve heard dairy is tough on the stomach so as much as I would want to do ice cream, I would skip it!

PS. SO jealous that you slept in til 9. My little man was up at 430 this morning. He is up before the birds most mornings and today was no exception (despite running around and dancing at my sister’s wedding for 4 straight hours yesterday afternoon). Thankfully he took a 3+ hr nap this morning! YES!


So I also have a lip gloss/chapstick obsession! Do you think those are true to their color (or is it just a tint of color)? I want to try them but I prefer less color more gloss :)


Hey! They definitely aren’t as dark when you put then on but they also have tons of lighter colors too!


Ugh! I totally agree that black licorice as well as black jellybeans are disgusting and not worthy of being called candy!!!

I’ve never watched that show but I think if I were in a challenge I would have to eat pizza! Yum!

The last thing I went to the mall for??? I don’t even know! It’s been so long since I’ve been to the mall lol! Maybe I need to take a trip because that lip gloss looks awesome!!!

Oh…PLEASE go back and get your shirt! ;-)


I love black liquorice, especially the panda brand. I never used to like it, but maybe it’s because I’m an old lady now (26).
My husband and I ate at Katz Deli last summer in NYC because he went there. It was so delicious, best pickles I have ever had!


Black licorice—–YUCCCKKKK!!!

And go get your shirt, they will love that story :) (I worked at the Gap, so it’s nice to have fun moments once in awhile. Haha)


Black licorice and Circus Peanuts need to be shot into outer space. They should have never made it onto shelves haha :) I think I could large amounts of ice cream and waffles too. I want to hear how it goes if you do try to go get your shirt back. :)


My mom LOVES Circus Peanuts. It freaks me out. She probably buys them because she knows no one else will eat them (I have a habit of raiding the cupboards every time we go visit).

I’m not really a fan of Man vs. Food. My husband loves it and it just grosses me out. Same thing with Epic Mealtime. Ew.


No! Black licorice is horrible!! Not candy at all.

I don’t watch Man vs. Food very often. It makes my arteries clog just watching him eat.

I hardly ever go to our mall here. Maybe a couple times a year. It’s tiny and lame. If I do go, it’s because my daughters have money to burn and I’ve finally caved to their begging.

I have several Victoria Secrets lip gloss, but not obsessed. My favorite at the moment is lip gloss from gloMinerals!


Ummm I was AT the mall today. Boo that I didn’t see you. Though seeing me 3 times in 1 week would have REALLY done you in ;)

I went to H&M with some friends a few months ago and after we went out to dinner. It was AT dinner that my friend looked down and realized she was wearing the tank top she had tried on earlier that day under her sweater. She never paid for it. lol. She had accidently stolen it. Oh man. We were all laughing so hard. Even better was her having to go back to give it back. She said this hasn’t been the first time either. I love my ditzy friends :)

I like black licorice ice cream, but not black licorice. Is that weird?? Speaking of ice cream, that would be the man vs food challenge I would dominate it. Sometimes I think I must be competing with myself with the amounts I eat.


I’m with you on black licorice… SO GROSS!

I love Man vs. Food. I would participate in a froyo eating challenge. I can demolish that stuff. It’s not too sweet so I never get that nauseous feeling (which is the only reason I stop eating treats :)


I’m not a fan of black licorice. I think I like circus peanuts. It’s been a long time since I had them. I cannot stand candy corn. I don’t understand why people like them.

I don’t like Man vs Food, it kind of grosses me out. I could probably eat a lot of ice cream though.

I don’t remember the last time I went to the mall.


It breaks my heart but I think what I have to say may put a wedge between us. I love black licorice. I especially love the kind in the picture. BUT – I have never had a circus peanut in my life and never will.


Oh man! I love man vs food!!! You know he’s a runner??? I would eat tons of pancakes! Or fries…


I can’t wait to hear how that conversation goes when you go back to get your shirt…. please do share


I completely agree with you on the black licorice and circus peanuts. I absolutely LOVE jelly beans and candy corn:-)

I have been to a restaurant on Man Vs. Food. I went to the one in Vegas called Hash Hash and Go Go. I couldn’t get anything he had ordered. It looked like a TON of food. The people that I were with did though. Pretty impressive.


I am a crazy black licorice lover! haha. Candy corn and taffy I do not like.
I have not seen Man vs Food yet, but watch a lot of Eat Street and Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives! Love the food trucks :)
Pancakes and peanut butter.
I went for new work pants and left with shirts… oops!


Have you ever heard of horehound candy? My grandma used to have when I was little, and though as an adult I don’t remember what it tasted like, I know as a kid I thought it tasted terrible! Didn’t even have the faintest taste of candy. LOL


Even the name of that candy sounds awful hahaha!


I’m the same way about lip gloss! I always have at least 2 tubes with me at all times and if I somehow forget (really never happens) I have to stop at a gas station immediately to buy some. I swear as soon as I realize I’m without it my lips instantaneously feel chapped.

Black licorice is truly the worst candy! And I love Man vs. Food! I love the San Antonio episode because 1. that’s where I currently live and 2. he goes to a restaurant with a 5lb cinnamon roll!


How sad for your mom to have such terrible taste in candy….

I was on the Memphis episode of Man vs. Food!!! I ate some fried chicken at Gus’. I had on a red and white shirt and my hair was in pigtails!!!


Oh my goodness that is the coolest thing ever! I am going to have to watch that one again to see you!


I wrote a blog about it once with the video clip! Here’s the link:


I love Man Vs. Food but couldn’t watch it during my first tri for obvious reasons. Nausea!

Before the show ever filmed there, I ate at the Broken Yolk in San Diego with two friends, one of whom is 6’4 and +250lbs. He completed the challenge of finishing a dozen egg omelette covered in chili and cheese, 1 pound of potatoes, and whatever else was in there in under an hour. I, unfortunately, had to drive him up to LA later that day and it was an unpleasant experience for us all, especially since it was pouring rain and we couldn’t roll the windows down.


Black licorice is so gross I don’t think it should even be considered candy! If I was on man vs food I would go for large amounts of ice cream!


Black licorice?! Yuck. I don’t think that is candy at all! But circus peanuts, oh I love them!! I don’t know why, but they are just so so good!! Although one time I got sick from eating too many. :/
Good luck with getting your shirt back!! :)
I seriously can eat a TON of pancakes. Although I don’t know about 4lbs. ;)


Your mom and I would be best buddies (and I would somehow get her to give me all of her black licorice)! I love them!


Ugh agreed – black licorice flavoured ANYTHING is gross. I never understood why anyone ate black jelly beans or licorice.

Man vs. food is awesome! I’ve never eaten anywhere he’s gone on the show (haha I don’t think he eats at Atlantic Canadian restaurants :-P) but I was in a candy eating contest at my office! about 8 lbs of candy each.. it sounds awesome, but it was actually pretty gross! I ate 3 lbs of gummy worms and I can’t even think about them now, ughhh! I had a headache after for days!


You must try real Australian soft black licorice from Darrell Lea, totally different taste to the hard stuff! It’s quite yummy :) I dont really eat much candy, more of a chocolate girl! But I do love jersey caramels – not sure if you have them in America?
If I had to do man vs food it would probably be gelato, best thing ever invented!
Hope your having a good break :)


I LOVE black licorice!!

Be careful when you go back to the store, they might think you stole a shirt! Pregnancy brain is dangerous!


You must try real Australian soft black licorice from Darrell Lea, totally different taste to the hard stuff! It’s quite yummy :) I dont really eat much candy, more of a chocolate girl! But I do love jersey caramels – not sure if you have them in America?
If I had to do man vs food it would probably be gelato, best thing ever invented!
Hope your having a good break :)


Black licorice is horrible! The red Aussie style licorice rocks my face off!

I avoid the mall at all costs. I can’t believe I actually liked going there. Blech!


I’m loving the bagel sandwiches too, but your bagels look way better than my plain old one from the grocery store.

I hate black licorice…

I hope you get your shirt back…sounds like something I would do even if I weren’t pregnant :/


I have eaten at a restaurant that he’s eaten at! In Columbus, he ate at this place that has GIANT cream puffs. Brandon and I went last summer and split a cream puff. I instantly regretted sharing with him, though!


ewww black licorice is disgusting. I don’t get it. I do love Twizzlers though. Cherry, of course.


Black licorice, black jelly beans, black olives—ugh, they all need to just disappear forever! We must have the same candy tastebuds because gummy things (especially sour gummy worms) and carmellos are from heaven above! One time I told my husband that I wanted to enter a corn dog eating contest one day so I could eat all the corn dogs I wanted. And he said, “You don’t have to enter a contest to do that you know.” haha I could also win eating strawberries or reese cups!


wasn’t obsessed until now, thinking I need to go to VS for lip gloss.

I’ve never understood Good and Plenty, which sort of goes with the black licorice thing.

I could win a” anything bread origin contest”……..bread, bagel, muffin, cereal.


One of my favorite Man V. Food is the one where he tries to eat the Balls of Fire from Salvador Molly’s in Portland, Jess and I use to frequent that place when I was in college and it was in walking distance, yummy food! I would do any challenge that involved ice cream and I would own it!


Now I want blueberry pancakes, too!

Black licorice is yuck. My boyfriend’s mom loves it, and his dad loves these little maple candies that are also disgusting. I need to introduce them to snickers.


aww hahaha so funny about your shirt in the GAP changing room! I’m right there with you on the man vs. food I love that show but am never home when it’s on!


HATE black licorice. Dean loves it. I really don’t get it.

I’m really good at eating a lot of chips. I just don’t get full from them so I’m pretty sure I would nail it if they had a chip-eating challenge!

Last thing I went to the mall for…Lululemon gear. Whoops!


Agreed! Black licorice is nasty.

I love lip gloss. I can never run out either. Gotta keep extras!

I love Man v. Food, too. I think I could eat a lot of raw oysters or pizza.


Don’t take this the wrong way, and I only know you from reading your blog twice a day everyday, however, I would vote for you to be the next Women vs. Sweets, it would be like a sequel to Man vs. Food. Think, you could travel the U.S. tasting the best of the best fro-yos, cakes, candies, and cookies. You would just rock at this because your blog is so entertaining/happy, plus you know your candy and fro-yo better than I do which is tough to bet!!!


I take that as the best compliment ever! Thank you! I will start calling different networks to get this show going!


LOL I’ve left a shirt in Express before! Luckily I remembered as I left the store, so I ran back in and all was dandy …but woo that could have been bad.


We love Man vs Food and watch it all the time. We are making a list of places we want to travel to, just so we can eat at some of these restaurants. Nothing wrong with planning a vacation around meals, right? I love Victoria Secrets Lip Gloss…it’s all I use.


I absolutely hate black licorice too. I sometimes wish I liked it because it’s probably the only candy that is somewhat good for you…but it tastes like nastiness haha. I’m with you on the gummy worms and anything sour. I’m one sour child!!!

Tell your mom to get her act together…sheesh!


You could torture me with black licorice. Have you tried fennel before? Nobody warned me it tastes like black licorice! Terrible. And Yes!! Circus peanuts! Nasty. I don’t understand people eating sherbet, either. Bleh.


Oh my gosh… (Squeeeel!!!)…we are kindred spirits.
That Victoria’s Secret lip gloss is the best lip gloss on earth. I always have it with me..and it’s tasty!
Also, I LOVE Man v. Food!! When Adam was making new episodes I NEVER missed it. Now I have to survive on reruns. Did you see the one where he drank so many milkshakes that he threw up? Classic.


Okay, you are hilarious with the squeeel. I totally pictured you doing that.


I’ve been to Duff’s in Buffalo, NY that was feature on Man v. Food when I was visiting Niagra Falls! I usually am not a fan off Buffalo Wings at ALL by they were sooo good! There’s also a grocery store in Buffalo that I know you would love! It’s called Wegman’s. You have to go Google it and if you happen to do a race in the Northeast US, you’ll definitely want to stop at Wegman’s! It’s as if you’re in a movie set it’s so beautiful! There’s a cafe, a pizza place, a sushi bar, and more INSIDE the store! It’s Costco on steroids!


Black licorice is GROSS and so are malted milk balls. I absolutely hate them. My brother and I used to be seriously addicted to Man vs. Food and would watch it for hours but I haven’t seen it in a while! I’ve never eaten at one of the places but I have eaten at one of the diners on Diners, Drive- Ins and Dives! I think if I were on man vs. food I would pick sweet potato fries or pizza from Italy.


But did you open up the licorice bag? maybe she uses the bag as a decoy and hides the good stuff inside :) I cannot wait to hear how you get your shirt back, too funny! Every time I have some good vanilla bean ice cream I always think I could totally do a man vs. food challenge at the time, but I would probably end up with a stomach ache. Doritos would be a good one too, man those babies are addicting!


Hahahah you are brilliant! She probably was hiding Swedish fish in there…sneaky mom!


I’m weird but I LOVE black licorice!! Anise smells and tastes so delicious to me…i love pizzelles that are anise flavored…amazing!! more for me :)


I think we need to have a talk. I consider you a close friend in the candy addiction business, so I’m having kind of a hard time with the fact that you don’t like that licorice. I’ll let it slide just this one time.


Omg, can we be best friends?! I’ve definitely left an article of my own clothing in a dressing room before, but I was too embarrassed to go back and get it.

I hate licorice. Carmellos, Resees, and Sour Patch Kids are my favorite candies. I love the food network and travel channel. Man vs. Food and Diners Drive-ins and Dives are my favorite shows.

I would totally do the blueberry pancake challenge! Two of my favorite foods!


My obsession is jus plain ole Chapstick! Black licorice? DISGUSTING. Makes me so mad when I accidentally am tricked by a “chocolate” looking JellyBelly. That’s an awful trick. Last trip to the mall I bought an ice cream maker!! I mean, it’s summertime and we had money on gift cards still from wedding gifts. Score!


I love black licorice! But did you know you can’t eat in when you’re pregnant? I was so sad when my midwife told me, but I’m glad she did!


I’m with you on the black licorice, blah and gross! I could totally do an ice cream, cheesecake, or delicious salad challenge (everything that tastes good in a salad). Women are never on television doing food challenges…clearly someone has to start.


I love Victoria Secrets lipgloss because it’s long lasting and conditions my lips so that they don’t dry out.
My mom loooooves black licorice…blah….she also likes these lil pink candies that taste like pepto dismal…double blah
I’ve never watched man vs food. I think I would if I were in a food challenge I would love to devour Doritos (Taco flavor), macaroni and cheese or rice and gravy.


I’m probably in the minority, but I love black licorice! I do agree, though, that circus peanuts are gross.

I’ve probably seen every episdoe of MVF on TV, and just discovered that it’s on Netflix. I may have to talk my husband in to having our own MVF challenge while we watch endless episodes! If I had to do a food challenge, I would want it to be sushi or pizza!

The last time I went to the mall, my husband and I were on the lookout for things for his upcoming triathlon. I think a “me” trip is in order soon!


Ugh black licorice is a crime to the candy world! I can’t think of any other candy I don’t like right now but i’m sure there’s something….
I have never watched man vs. food but now I’m thinking I should! If I was participating in a challenge I think I would want to eat donuts…yeah they are just so good and I feel like they are fluffy and you could smash them together and eat lots! ha!
The last time I went to the mall I was shopping for a graduation dress and that was pretty disastrous because I can never make up my mind. I’m pretty sure I bought and returned 3 different dresses before I finally found the right one!


I LOVE VS lipgloss, that stuff is worth every penny for how good it makes my mouth look and feel while still tasting okay too. My all time favorite one is a pretty brown color and tastes like chocolate, double win!

Also I have to say that as a fairly new reader I am loving your blog :D I totally feel like I’m sitting across from you having a conversation when I read your stuff, it’s great and completely hilarious!


Black licorice is disgusting. When I was little, I played a joke on my dad and picked out all the black jelly beans from a huge bag. I told him that I had saved all the grape jelly beans for him and he took a huge handful and ate them. Not very nice, but it was hilarious!


Licorice is awful- why would they even make the stuff!! I could definitely take that guy down if fro yo was the name of the game…homeboy better watch his back ;)


Ick. Hateee black licorice! But I love licorice in tea for some reason, its odd. VS lip gloss if one of my favourites! I hate when its windy out and your hair gets stuck in it though.


Black licorice is probably the worst candy. Yuck. My mom also likes it! luckily, I didn’t inherit those taste buds.

I’m obsessed with my Sephora lipstick that has a little bit of gloss.


you are soo funny, I’m so glad I’m checkin out your blog… please let’s hang out… i’m a hop skip and jump away!


ewww black licorice. I don’t watch man vs food, I’m more of an Anthony Bourdain kinda person. I haven’t been to a real mall in ages, the malls in Germany are a joke.


Black Licorice is gross, but my husband loves it. I cannot even be near him when he eats it. He has to allow a three hour window plus 2x teeth brushing if he wants to kiss me and/or enter my personal space. I really have issues with the smell and the taste. A very poor excuse for candy indeed.

I can put away large quantities of popcorn and ice cream.


Black licorice is truly from the devil – it just tastes like a punishment for swearing in front of your mother.

I cannot watch Man vs Food because I always get “hungry” and eat too much.


I love M v. F! And, I have actually been to a couple of the restaurants he has (before he went therefor challenges though).

I could definitely do the sushi challenge he did, and if there was a pickle challenge- I would be all over that one.


Ickkkkk, I can’t even think of licorice, it is SO gross to me haha!


I looove licorice! But not those that you have in the States, they´re awful, sorry! We scandinavians know how to make it taste really good, so soft and sweet. One of my favorite chocolate is one that has little balls of licorice in it – i bet that sounds awful to you right now but I’m sure you’d like it. Maybe i have to send it to you after you’ve had your baby to prove to you that it CAN taste really good :)


HEY NINA!!! Okay, I really might have to try out this delicious chocolate with licorice in it. SOUNDS GREAT!!! You Scandinavians definitely know how to make good candy. Hope you are having an amazing day!


Gah, yuck, licorice… Strangely I am allergic to the black variety :-X

I used to watch Man vs. Food on a daily basis and dare I say sometimes I think I could do better than him?! Now that I say that, I feel the need to try haha! If I could choose the type of challenge I would choose ice cream but would be worried about a major brain freeze [eeek] or pancakes sound pretty good!


I LOVE black licorice, send that bag my way!!

However, I am 100% with you on circus peanuts. The only person I even knew who ate them was my ex-boyfriend’s mom. I have no idea how those things stay in business, she can’t be eating that many, lol!

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