Running/food questions and finally a run!!!

Instead of using Krispy Kremes to fix my sadness if my run had gone bad this morning, I had Krispy Kremes to CELEBRATE!!!

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I ran 4 miles this morning and it felt heavenly! My ankle area was a little sore but there was no pain and a few hours later it still feels completely normal.  The real test comes the next morning….I swear that is when injuries show their ugly faces.  Still not sure if I will run the 1/2 on Saturday and I probably won’t decide until Friday night at 11 but either way I emotionally/physically/mentally/spiritually NEEDED a few miles of happiness.

I watched the first part of Biggest Loser but had to go to work with just 10 minutes left of the episode.  42 minutes until I am home on my couch watching who won!!!

The other day at the gym as I was doing my side raises with 5 lb weights and feeling like my shoulders were about to fall off I noticed these babies:

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Do people actually use those? What do they do with them….each one of those is like lifting my grandma while she is wearing 10 lb. ankle weights on each leg.

You thought I was kidding about the Krispy Kremes.  I wasn’t.   To share with Billy or to not share with Billy, that is the question.

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I love getting my daily email from Runners World each morning.  I look forward to it sitting in my mailbox and can’t wait to check out the latest article.  I especially love it when the article has to do with running AND food.  Today’s article was Food for Thought: Answers to your most pressing pre-mid, and post run nutrition questions. I wanted to include a few of them just in case you don’t check RW obsessively like I do.

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This makes me happy because I REALLY love Wendy’s chili and that is what I usually order when I go there (either that or their Chicken Apple Pecan Salad).

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I really think I might try fueling with honey because I can’t stand gels.  Or maybe I will try candy dipped into honey instead:

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Last but not least, the diet soda argument:

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If you do ever get fast food, what is your go to ‘healthyish’ choice?

For or against diet soda…what are your thoughts?

What are your Thursday night plans?

What dumbbells do you usually use? 5, 8, 10,12, 15, MORE?

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It’s pretty impressive that you can go a couple of days and not hear about who won the biggest loser. Enjoy!!
Good job on the 4 mile run.


I KNOW….I guess Billy is my only friend and he hasn’t seen it either so I have no one to tell me ha:) Hope you have an amazing day Susette!


I am a diet soda addict, and it is killing me. And yes, I am also a dumbbell.


HAHAHAH Diet coke or something else?


Diet Cherry Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper during the day, and then a caffeine free diet variety at night, depending on dinner. I find that a Diet A&W root beer, for example, goes best with fish.


I like that chicken pecan salad from Wendy’s, too!
I use 8 lb dumbbells.
Congrats on your run. Hope the ankle is all better :)


Thanks Renee and seriously that salad is incredible. I think we both deserve to go get one!


I’m glad to hear your ankle is feeling better!
I BKs veggie burger as a healthier option.
I drink diet soda, but I try to limit my intake. Mostly b/c it feels wasteful to spend money on something with no nutritional value. It is tasty though!
I use light dumb bells for arms, but try to go heavier on legs. I like doing lunges with 30#. i bet those 115# have never left the rack:)


Thanks Ida! I have wanted to try Burger Kings veggie burger and now I will because you said it was good:) I agree with you about the $….it makes me sad to think about how much money I wasted on Diet Coke back in college. 30# and lunges…you are awesome!


Those running questions are kind of hilarious… candy corn and coffee? I mean I can’t complain because candy corn is crack in my book but definitely not before a race. I made the mistake of eating black jelly beans before a run, not a great after taste let me say.


1. Why would you ever even eat a black jelly bean? Do you really like them?
2. Candy corn IS crack to me too (actually I have never tried crack so I am just guessing).


1. LOVE BLACK JELLY beans, I am naturally about 70 at heart, spice gum drops anyone?
2. Glad you can relate!


So glad you were able to run today! I use 5, 8 & 10 pound dumbells.
Tonight i’m going to bike on my trainer and get all our gear together so we can go camping right after work tomorrow. I can’t wait!!!


Thanks Abby!!! Camping this weekend…I am jealous. You are going to have a blast. Enjoy quality time with your bike trainer tonight!


Holy cow 115s!!! Wow…there are some 95s at my gym that I have seen one VERY large man using once and he didn’t look too happy about it.

So I will be driving through Utah this summer and wanted to know…to eat at Cafe Rio or not? I’ve never been but I know it is one of your faves. Would love your opinion on what to order/if we should go at all.


UMMMMMMM what part of Utah? Can I come to Cafe Rio with you? YES YES YES YES YES you have to go to cafe rio, it is my favorite place ever. I get the sweet pork salad and it is heaven on earth. Billy loves the sweet pork burrito too!


UHHH YES!!! Please, I think you would get a long with Brad (the b/f) famously. He’s a candy fiend. We will be driving through Salt Lake next Friday. You might have to take the day off ;-)


oh I am so addicted to diet pepsi – I work nights so I like to think I’m entitled but it hurts me to think of the money I spend… and I always use cash because the hubs doesn’t know that I drink it so I always have to wait until I’m at work… I like to think that what he doesn’t know won’t kill him =)

So glad your ankle is feeling better!!! Being injured is never fun! And I love grilled chicken sandwiches from whataburger (they’re in the south) – well pretty much everything is good there but if I’m going for a healthier option…


I think the money is what really got me to quit but I have never worked nights so I have NO IDEA how incredibly hard that would be. Thanks for your sweet words and I need to try whataburger, sounds delicious!


I am so fundamentally opposed to diet soda. I believe in consuming a diet that is as natural and free from chemicals, preservatives, or artificial additives as possible – and diet soda, in my mind, is pretty much the polar opposite of that description. Not to mention that I don’t like carbonated beverages because they make me feel gassy and burpy!

I usually used the 10-, 12-, or 15-lb weights in the gym, depending on what type of weight-lifting I’m doing. Back when I was in college and was trying to attract the attention of some guy, I would use heavier weights and then just do fewer reps. Or, on a weight machine I would increase the weight as soon as I was finished, and leave it so that the next person would think that I used that weight. ;)


HA I don’t miss that burpy feeling at all! Yeah, there are just a few chemicals etc in diet drinks;) I LOVE how you would use heavier weights to impress that guy…hilarious!


I will drink a diet soda once in a blue moon, but I don’t think anything that artificial should be consumed every day. But then again, I eat plenty of other things that some people might say the same thing about … so who knows! ;)

P.S. You haven’t convinced me to try tapioca pudding yet. ;) What does it taste like??


Ha do it do it do it. I think it is just the texture that turns people away, the flavor is kind of vanillaish but at the same time doesn’t really taste like anything:)


I ran the Nashville 1/2 on Saturday, and there was a man on the sidelines around mile 6 handing out Krisy Kreme doughnuts!!! I couldn’t help but think What Would Janae Do! Unfortuntely, my stomach was already giving me issues, and I had to pass. Sorry to let you down!

Glad your run went well this morning!


That man at mile 6 must be a saint….I need a race with someone like that. BOO to your stomach and I will forgive you ha. Have an amazing day!


So jealous of your Krispy Kreme! We don’t have that in Houston, so you know that was my first stop when I went to Austin last weekend. ANd it was during the fresh time! Score!

I rarely eat fast food. I guess my go to would be the Wendy’s baked potato.

No diet soda for me. I don’t really drink soda either…but if I do, I don’t want diet.

Thursday nights: Gym, Vampire Diaries, I’ll hopefully bake some cookies, and sleep!

5-15…depends on what upperbody part i’m working. But I usually just attend BodyPump anyway.


Glad to hear about your ankle!

Every once in a while I crave soda and I have to admit, I’d prefer to drink diet soda! Way less sugar! But I never noticed it making me crave sweet more. But then I always crave sweets so I guess there is no difference. ;)

Tonight I am grabbing groceries then hopefully a quick run (in the rain!) then sitting on my couch .


I like Subway because its fast food but it does the healthy ones. My favourite is ham and turkey on wholewheat with loads of greens and peppers and either i ask for a TEENY dash of low mayo or nada.

I try not to drink fizzy anymore at all but diet drinks also make me suspicious because it scares me to think of all the chemicals that are in them instead!

Im in my office trying to get essays done :(

I use 4kg dumbells which is 8.8lbs according to la internets :)


I used to be a diet coke fiend! But since I’ve had to lay off the caffiene giving that up was nothing compared to giving up coffee. It still makes me sad!

Um, I actually have a set of 2 lb weights I use for my upper body. I use heavier weights sometimes, depending on if I’m doing a whole workout video or whatever. Let’s just say I’m working on gaining some strength.


I don’t like soda because it makes me burp, so diet soda is not a craving for me. Tonight (and almost every other night) is baseball for us. I use 5, 8, 10 pound dumbells depending on the exercise. I don’t know how people use those huge ones. I guess I have wimpy little arms:) Have fun watching BL!


Against diet soda, but I will drink regular soda in moderation of course! :)


Are those dumbells in lbs or kgs? *shivers*

I almost don’t eat fast food at all except over in NZ we have a burger chain call Burger Fuel and they have superfantastic fries which I allow myself to once in a while.

The heaviest dumbells I use are 11 kgs.


You know my diet soda obsession. I love you my diet mountain dew!

Thursday night plans. Grilling out!


the only fast food i will eat is panera or subway.. cant stomach anything from the other places!

Ah yes, addicted to diet soda for many years now… i limit it to once a day but usually only a few times a week. but i use a lot of splenda in coffee every day!

i use 5 lb dumbbells for anything using my triceps cause they are weak! but 8 lbs for other moves… a serious improvement since last summer i could barely lift 5 lbs!!

thursday night plans are hopefully a little run & jillian michaels.. then an 11 PM bus ride 3 hours upstate to see my family for the weekend :-)


The only FF I really eat is Subway.

I use either 10, 15, or 20lb weights depending on the exercise. It’s so funny because I think the same thing when I see those massive dumbells!

If you’re thinking about fueling w honey, I suggest Honey Stinger gels. The first ingredient is honey, they aren’t as thick as GU, they taste great, and they work great! I highly recommend them. I also recommend the waffles too. Try one. So. Good.


I am not a fan of fast food in general, occasionally I will get a vegetarian sushi roll but not that often. I used to be a diet coke addict until a few years ago when I gave it up for lent. I realised I didn’t need it, and now it is a treat item. I just use the 5lb dumbbells. I can’t imagine someone using those 105/115 lbs ones; that is more than I even weigh. Congrats on your run!!


The only fast food we eat is In n’s Out but it’s not exactly healthy. I drink a diet soda or 2 a week but my real love is sparkling water. I mostly use 8 pounders but thinling about moving to 10’s. And tonight’s plans are working out with my group of moms and homemade flat breads.


When that Runners World article came out, several people who know me asked if I was the one writing in about candy corn and coffee! Seriously – that’s what I eat for my long runs.

I haven’t had fast food in years, other than an occasional soft serve ice cream cone. :-/

I use 5, 8, 10, 15 and once in a while 25 lb dumbbells. 10 is pretty normal for most days.


I’m trying to kick the diet coke thing :). Chick-fil-a diet lemonade – awesome!!!! Also, I thought my daughter would be a Krispie Kreme doughnut, I mean after all we lived in Atlanta when I was pregnant with her. I ate so many! Happily, she was a beautiful baby girl instead of a hot KK doughnut!


In college I would only drink diet cherry-vanilla Dr. Pepper. However, now I lay off the sodas completely. But I have two exceptions. The first is a (regular, not diet) large Chik-fil-a lemonade. Since I hit 8 weeks preg, I crave them. I may or may not have a gallon in the fridge. The second is when I am in Texas visiting my in-laws, I’ll drink a Dr. Pepper because the original manufacturing plant is like 30 minles from their house and a Dublin Dr. Pepper is pretty close to heaven!


I can’t imagine going to McDonald’s and ordering a single patty. Can you even do that? Or would you order a full burger and throw everything out? I’m trying to picture it…

I’m also trying to picture you lifting your grandma wearing ankle weights. I like the visual hahaha :) enjoy your night!


yayyy for your run!!! i hope that it will continue to feel good and not give you problems! :)
as for fast food, i don’t eat it much, but if i do, i choose subway. thie other stuff my tummy doesn’t like much.
i used to be a diet coke junky, and now i rarely ever drink it and my body feels so much better. if i AM craving a soda, i choose diet because it doesn’t have all the extra sugar and calories. however, diet isn’t much better with all the chemical-y artificial sweeteners.


Congrats on your run! Hope the ankle feels good in the morning. I majorly dislike diet soda. Regular is great though. Love the sugar and carbonation combined. I try not to drink it too often. One or two week. The only fast food I really like is hard shelled tacos from Taco Bell or Taco Time and onion rings from anywhere. I love lifting heavy weights. Makes me feel tough even though I’m not. For arms I lift 10 – 15 pounders. It depends on the exercise.


Yah for donuts as a celebration!! I’m happy for you:)

And yes, I use those dumbbells….hehe. I kid, I kid.

As for diet soda, I don’t believe crap like that should ever be consumed on a regular basis. Yes maybe once in awhile (i.e. 1 x every few months), but regularly, no way. I don’t care if there isn’t real science yet to back it up, I’ve worked with one too many overweight ladies who drink diet coke on a regular basis, and won’t give it up…..


I like salads. McDonald’s southwest salad (along with Chick fil a’s) are some of my fave. I also like Wendy’s pecan one too. Why do they have to cost so much though? Lame sauce.

I use mostly 8lbs or 10lbs. I only go heavier when I do dead lifts.

I hope you are enjoying the Biggest Loser right now. You will have to tell me your thoughts.

I am so excited that your run went so well! I hope that your ankle stays pain free too!

My plans for the night are the same every Thursday. Watching the Thursday night line up on NBC after the kids go to bed. We LOVE all the shows on tonight!! We are so fun, it is pretty ridiculous.

P.S. I think we need to plan our next get together. I may be going through withdrawals ;)


My plans tonight are study. And procrastinate. With a little studying. Exam at 8:30am tomorrow! And I think the heaviest dumbell I’ve used is like 20 or 25… and that was for an 8 rep set kind of deal… I’m a fan of 10. It’s a great number. or 15 if I want to get INSANE. haha


Ummmm I use three pound weights. I suppose I am a wuss!


MMMMM I want warm KK now!!

I am against diet soda because it gives me migraines. Which is in part good – bc I go straight for some good ol H2O!


Funny you should mention those 115 lb weights. I always wondered who really used those to then my bf ( a personal trainer) texted me today and said he just did tricep dips with a 110 lb weight between his ankles. I guess that answers our question :) hah


Thursday nights are our designated, not-to-be-messed-with, set-in-some date nights. We do an exciting dinner (tonight: caprese salad and baguette with tomato and cheese on top), talk about the week, and sometimes cap it all off with a movie. Date night perfection (for us, anyway)! T-minus one hour and counting!


Good for you and your 4 miles!
I have an inner struggle love/hate with Diet Coke. I know it’s horrible for you (even though it has no calories) but I can’t stop. It’s better than smoking? or is it??? I sure hope so!! Uggg….
I use my 3 and 10 lb. wts. for at home sessions. No gym membership here.
And, we just got back from swim lessons for the littles at the local high school. Fun stuff!


pshhhh don’t share with Billy!! he needs to EARN his krispy kremes hahaha. So glad your ankle felt okay!! Have you ever thought about using Kinesio Tape (KT Tape) on it? what it does is supports the surrounding muscles and increases blood flow to the area – my guess is you’ll be able to run with less pain and whatever’s going on will heal faster :) I’m using it on my knees right now and the difference in pain I felt was HUGGGEE! As huge as those 115 pound weights (pretty sure those are in case Arnold Schwarzennegger shows up at your gym lol) anyway just a thought :)


Hooray for a good run this morning! I hope the ankle feels 100% tomorrow.

I used to drink a ton of diet soda and cut it out for Lent. I don’t like to use artificial sweetners, but now I might have 1-2/week. However, I did find when I cut out carbonated beverages (water or pop) I lose about 5lbs–this is back in the day when I did weigh myself.

I am just fine using 5lb dumbells;-) My husband uses those monster ones–we have a 95 lb one at home and I can’t even push it.


I have spent too much time looking at facebook today. I attempted to like sentences in your post at least twice. Once about a pain free run and then about the awesome apple salad from wendys– yum!
I have never been a soda fan. My husband could drink a 2 littler bottle in a day if we had it.
Thursday night plans- bath night for the baby, (I might shower too), and then GREYS!
Have a great night!!!
PS- you already have to share the donuts with the baby, do you really want to share any more?


I heard a speaker at a health expo say that if you cut out diet coke you could add like three years onto your life… I’m looking at living to 86 vs 89? I’ll take my chances..bring on the diet coke ;)


That is very interesting concept to use honey instead of gels.I love all natural things. I’m going to look into that when I start running more than 10K haha.


Oh my gosh those weights are huge!! haha
I use 5 and 10 pound weights. I need to do more weight lifting!
Tonight I went out for Mexican with some friends from college! It was really fun!
I’m VERY happy tomorrow is Friday, though! Weekend!!! yessss!!!


I haven’t had fast food in FOREVER but as a kid I was seriously addicted to BK’s chicken fries. Those things were amazing. I really don’t drink- love sparkling water though and the occasional diet coke/fresca

I use 5, 7.5 and 10 lb weights- 5 for most exercises though!

Currently eating raspberry thumbprint cookies and watching greys anatomy. Perfect Thursday!


I’m usually against soda, but I’ve started getting a coke zero at work. We have an old school pop machine that has them for 60 cents. I am addicted. And it is just so fun to have one around 2 pm when I start REALLY needing caffeine.


I’ve had Wendy’s salad and chili before, but really fast food grosses me out! I can’t stand it! If I’m stuck without food and MUST buy something I try to go to a grocery store and get French bread, apples, and string cheese.


Fav healthyish fast food choice? Taco Bell – Meatless Burrito Supreme

Thursday plans? Watching Netflix movies tonight

Diet soda? I drink it occasionally. I prefer lemonade or fruit juices.


Good job on the run.
Not much on the fast food. But I am FOR diet soda.
We watched a movie.
I used anywhere from 8’s-12’s.

The Kidless Kronicles


I actually really like McDonald’s grilled chicken sandwich. Oh and the potato at Wendy’s :-)


you are way too cute!!!


I saw someone using TWO 105 lbs dumbbells to do dumbbell chest presses tonight at the gym!!! I am a recovering diet soda addict, ha ha. I think that Diet Coke has some secret ingredient that makes it so addicting. I occasionally treat myself when places have those fancy pants soda machines (Freestyle Coke Machine) where my drink of choice is usually Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper or Raspberry Coke Zero. Go here if you’ve never seen them:


My Thursday night plans were sushi with my parents since my dad was in town, then writing my blog post while watching Impractical Jokers with Daniel.

I usually will use 12’s or 15’s, but sometime’s I’ll grab the 8’s for a specific exercise. I have some 20’s that I use as well.


I do not make good choices when it comes to fast food. I’m a animal style fries kind of girl.
I am a Diet DP addict. It’s embarassing since I know how bad it is for me but it is my liquid crack.
I do a lot of reps when I lift weights so I stick to the smaller ones. I use anywhere from 5s to 12s depending on the exercise. I’d rather use hand weights than a bar any day.


Great suggestion with the honey! Thank you!


I’ve seen guys using those weights before (my hubby is really into weight lifting and one of our friends is a powerlifter).

I use 10s for shoulder raises, 15s/20s for biceps, 20s/25s for shoulder presses, 25s/30s for chest press, 30s-45s for DB rows, and 50s-70s for squats (goblet and plie). So yeah… anywhere from 10s to 70s depending on what I’m working, LOL


Hi Janae,
Congrats for that 4 mile run with a pain-free ankle!
Regarding diet soda: I don’t know whether it’s good for the waist line or not, but it sure makes some damage to the food budget. If you drink 2-3 cans per day, it really adds up by the end of the month. On the other hand, water is tasteless, and fruit juices are calorific. I drink 1-2 coffees per day and 2-3 cups of herbal tea. No milk added, but… sweetener. Should I worry about cyclamate and saccharin?
On a side note: it is always a joy to read in your blog all about your super training and your sugar love affair. Keep it up!


I’ve started using a barbell instead of dumbbells for the time being! I have 10 and 15 lb dumbbells and for my barbell i have two 10’s and two 5’s. i usually use the 10’s depending on the move, so 20 lb there. I love my new barbell :)


I tried that apple pecan chicken salad at Wendy’s yesterday for the first time! It was glorious. It was like dessert and salad all mixed together. Yum.


“each one of those is like lifting my grandma while she is wearing 10 lb. ankle weights on each leg” I’m dying over here!!

Yesterday, my friend came over for dinner and brought me cadbury mini eggs. I hid them in the coffee maker so Mike would never find them. All mine!


yayyyy for running!!! i hope hope hope you can run the race! im working packet pickup today so maybe i will see you there!?! miss you! you are gorgeous!!! i just read your latest baby post and seriously…you are adorable!


We get fast food far too often (about once a week) and my only healthy-ish option is to get a kids meal. Not really healthy, but portion control.

I stay away from diet soda—I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners. And I don’t drink regular soda hardly at all.

Maybe I should use some dumbbells….


I am completely against Diet ANYTHING. All of those artificial sweeteners are just chemicals that can do bad things to the body. Yuck!


Love my Coke Zero with vanilla. Try to limit to one a day, but ehh it ends up being at least two.

I use 5 or 8s depending on what moves Im doing. I have a Jackie Warner pyramid workout DVD that sometimes I can do 8s, but sometimes I have to stop and switch to 5s. depends on the day


Chipotle is as fast-food as we go… and I consider it healthy because it has rice, beans, lettuce and dairy (cheese and sour cream)! Plus good fat = guacamole. It’s my pre-marathon dinner. :)


I’ll have a diet soda once in a while. Normally Diet Dr. Pepper cherry or Fresca. The only time I’ve had regular soda in the last 5 years was after a 50k this spring.


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