Running Streaks and a breakfast comeback.

Going back to my normal breakfast is going to be really difficult today, I guess I will just have to whip out the waffle iron for dinner. The hotel we stayed at knew how to do breakfast the right way.

I had oatmeal for the first time in months along with my waffle and it was pretty good especially because I ‘accidentally’ dumped in too much brown sugar.

After breakfast we had to say our goodbyes to our hotel room, the complimentary orange juice machine and the bed that was made (we don’t do that at home) and we went to the airport.

$10 for two ice cream cones, sure why not? Looks like the rest of the month will be spent eating at my parent’s house. I am sure they will be so excited about that. It is always fun to spend your monthly food budget in 2.5 days.

It may look as though I am trying to do a cheers with our cones but I am actually trying to steal some of the ice cream off of the top if his cone without him noticing.

We spent our plane rides preparing to have kids by brushing up on our video game skills so that our future kids will never be able to beat us.

We got home at eight, put on pjs and delayed being productive for just a few more hours. My last workout was on Friday and every ounce of my body is craving a good sweat. Me + treadmill + the bachelor = what I will be doing this morning at 6!

Did you see this?

16000 days in a row of running! That is more days than I have been alive! Mark, you must be a really happy person after that many days of having a runner’s high.

What is your longest running streak?

Are you an oatmeal lover? How many times a week do you eat oatmeal?

-Personally I love yogurt or cottage cheese too much to ever say goodbye to them but I might add in oatmeal to the rotation once a week (or month).

Do you make your bed everyday?

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We ALWAYS make our bed. I cannot feel normal for the day if all beds in the house are not made. My Mr. is a neat freak and that is the only habit of his that has rubbed off on me…otherwise I’m a complete slob.

I have no idea what my longest running streak is. I would guess 30 days or so. I need sanity saving lazy days.


30 days Kris…that is AWESOME!


I think my longest streak is like 6 days! ha!
I like oatmeal, but not as much as I used to. It use to be my pre-race meal, but I think I’ve overdone that one and those days are over.
I do not make my bed everyday, or the kids beds. I should probably start doing that. Or start making them do it;-)
Have a great day back at work!!


I think 6 days is my longest too! So what is your pre-race meal now?


I think my longest running streak is 4 or 5 days;-) I fear injury!

I eat oatmeal 14x’s/week–breakfast and bedtime snack every day. Nope I don’t make my bed–the husband gets upset if I do, her prefers getting into a messy bed.

Have an awesome run this morning!


I fear injury too…I wonder how in the world Mark hasn’t gotten injured (at least enough to keep him from running) for so long! 14 times a week…that is awesome. PS I love your little picture when you comment:)


Yay for the bachelorette starting!!! I’m actually really crazy about making the bed… It has to be made when I get in it… I can’t sleep if I climb into an unmade bed. I do realize this is crazy!


Did you watch the Bachelorette? I can’t wait for this season. Teach me how to be crazy about making the bed:)


LOVE LOVE LOVE oatmeal w/ blueberries.. I eat it 5x a week.. at least.. it turns all purple.. it’s so warm and gooey..

You don’t make your bed?!?!?! That is cra cra.. the whole room can be trashed, but make your bed and ta daaaa.. it looks sooo much prettier.. =)


YUM, that sounds really good…I LOVE blueberries. You are right that it looks so much better when the bed is made, I really need to start forcing myself to do it:) Have an amazing day!


I WANT to like oatmeal, but don’t. I do like cream of wheat though.
Yes, I make my bed everyday. To try and keep the cathair down since I am allergic.

The Kidless Kronicles


I haven’t had cream of wheat for years…time to go buy some. Have a great day Nicole!


I make my bed approximately once a month…maybe even less than that. It just seems so silly since when I get home from class I head to my bed to do my homework (desks are overrated) and then I go to sleep a few hours after that!


HAHAH I LOVED YOUR COMMENT…I do the same thing. The bed=desk!


Oh gees! That guy is a machine!
My longest streak is like 5 days or something!
Making my bed…nope. Not every day. Once a week when I change the sheets. Sunday night, it’s all crisp and then crumpled the rest of the days!


i do make my bed every day! and eat oatmeal maybe almost every day. though i have been hitting up the cottage cheese pretty hard lately. i wish my parents would cook for me!!


I believe my longest running streak would have to be 8 days, so Mark better watch out =)


You will totally break his record….can I have your autograph:)


we never make our bed:/ I’m a neat freak everywhere else, but for some reason making the bed just dosen’t get on my radar.
I hope my kids never beat me at Angry Birds, I’ve spent a lot of time getting 3 stars! :)


Thats a lot of running! I’m not sure what my running streak is – probably only a few days.
I love cold oatmeal – I eat it a couple times a week.
I never make the bed. Ever. Once I made the bed, and my hubby remade it! Can you believe that?! I guess I didn’t make it right. From that day, I never made the bed again. lol!


I think my longest running streak is 2 weeks, my body works better when it has some rest. I get injured easily!

I don’t normally make my bed everyday, only sometimes when I’m not in a rush and I feel like being really neat. Thats a rare thing though haha


Enjoy your run this morning!
I have to make our bed every single morning. When I swim in the am and leave before the hubby is up, I used to make the bed when I got home. Now he makes it knowing how much it bugs me!


My longest running streak is probably 4 days, back before I realized running back to back days caused me to get injured more quickly. Now I never run more than 2 days in a row! Hoping during marathon training I can build up a better base to run more days in a row!


Oatmeal every DAY!! i might be addicted. In the summer i like cooler breakfasts like yogurt and fruit though :) hope you had a great run today!!!


I have probably a 12 day running streak! That guy must be hardcore :) I used to eat oatmeal (the steel cut oats) every day, but my new craving is toast with peanut butter on it. It’s all warm and gooey and amazing. I love having my bed made, but hardly ever do it.


Wow that is one LONG running streak…and I think I’m some hero when I do 7 days straight ha! Those ice cream cones look delicious- I’m not surprised you paid 5 bucks a piece! As for oatmeal, it has to find its way into my day at least once…favorite combo is with plain yogurt, cinnamon, chia seeds, and Vanilla Sunwarrior protein power–> heavenly!


I am so inconsistent, a streak?! No way…LOL!

I am not a huge fan of oatmeal but I do love Cream of Wheat, especially when there are lumps! LOL, love the lumps :)


My longest run streak was like 80 days, I think. In the winter, when my mileage isn’t as high, I tend to go without rest days just for fun.

I make the bed everyday. Then again, I’m also a little obsessive compulsive about clean.


80 days…woman, that is AWESOME!! Seriously teach me your ways. Please come clean my house and I will feed you all the waffles that you want.


WOW!! My longest streak is 2 days because I am in love with other types of cardio. I make my bed every morning because I am convinced I sleep better when I get into it made.


That is nuts. I feel you on spending food budgets, as a college student, I seemed to spend 90% the first half of the month then the last 10% the second half. UGH.


Ugh, we dropped $49 on our hotel breakfast in Miami. Over our food budget in one meal!


HAHAHA that makes me feel a little better now:) Hotel bfasts are SO SO GOOD, it is impossible to pass them up!


I am not sure of my longest streak but it cannot be more than 5-6 days! haha
Love oatmeal! Hot oats in the winter or on a rainy day and cold or overnight oats for the summer. I eat it 1-2 times a week.
Our house rule is the last one out of bed makes it, which 99% of the time is my husband. hehe


geez! my longest running streak was probably about 21 days, and I ended up getting hurt! But that’s because I was pushing myself too hard w/ no rest. I love oatmeal in the winter, but now that it’s getting hotter outside I like cereal for breakfast. We never make our bed… oops.

I’m so pumped for the bachelorette!! I haven’t watched it yet either, will be watching it this evening!!


I NEVER make my bed. My dog is always laying in it, so I’ll blame her for it.

I LOVELOVELOVE oatmeal and eat it at least 4 times a week in various forms – baked, cooked stovetop (although this is rare), but mostly in the form of overnight oats.


Yes, I do make my bed everyday! :) I was spoiled for 2 days straight because Ryan made the bed for me. I guess it was fun for only 2 days! :)

I love oatmeal but, I enjoy it more during the fall/winter season. I guess I’m weird like that. I enjoy fruit/smoothies for bkfst during spring/summer. Warm foods during fall/winter. Hot chocolate doesn’t tast the same during the summer. It’s funny because the only thing I enjoy all year is ice-cream!!!

You & Billy are going to be such wonderful parents!! What a lucky lil’ girl!! What about…- “Billly Jay-Dash Jacobs!!” lol!! luv ya sweetie!! xo :)


Ryan made your bed…what a sweetheart! I LOVE THE NAME you came up with…let me talk to Billy and see if he loves it too:) I CAN’T WAIT for fruit smoothies! I am just like you and ice-cream tastes amazing any day of the year. LOVE YOU PAM!


I LOVE oatmeal. I have eaten it and egg whites EVERYDAY for b’fast for over a decade. I am not kidding. Several days a week I eat it for lunch or dinner…or both as well.
My running streak isn’t very long, but my daily workout streak is….15 months !!


I used to add egg whites in mine too….good reminder, I will have to try your everyday bfast again! DAILY WORKOUTS FOR 15 MONTHS…WOW COLLEEN!


I think my longest running streak is 4 days haha.

I do love oatmeal but not as much during the summer. I used to eat it every morning so I think I overdid it. I love eggs, cereal and cinnabuns far more! ;)


Hotel breakfasts are the best!!!

I eat a lot of oatmeal, but I mix it up – hot oats one day, cold overnight oats the next, blended into a smoothie another time. Probably eat it 3-4 times a week.

No running streak here, I run a few miles each week and do other stuff everyday too. It keeps it fresh!


I used to put it in my smoothies too….I forgot about that!


WOWzas what a running streak! i think my longest one was like, 6 days maybe. I’m way too injury prone to push my luck :)

i do love oatmeal, but its more of a winter breakfast to me. I cant bring myself to eat a hot breakfast when its hot outside. I’ve yet to try overnight oats, maybe i could get into them. greek yogurt with granola is my summer breakfast of choice!

ummm we make our bed maybe once a week. MAYBE.


No to the daily bed making. Weekly, or more like monthly, is how we roll at our house. :)

I love oatmeal, especially during the winter. However, I do like to make overnight oats during the summer (especially if I have a hard workout first thing in the morning and need something filling immediately after) or have a cookie dough cereal bowl.


Wow! That’s amazing. Such a cool story.

I used to make the bed, when I bought a fancy new bedspread. It looked so nice when it was all made up … but now I make it like once a month. Usually only if I’m going to have company over and have to give them a tour of my house.

I love oatmeal! I eat it at least twice a week.


Hi, Janae! Have you tried putting yogurt into your oatmeal? I make a big batch of steel cut oats early in the week, then I have breakfast ready for the week- and sometimes I add in a big ol’ dollop of Greek yogurt. Yum!
I’m a pretty big believer in rest days, so I don’t think I’ve ever had a streak of more than a week. :)
I DO make my bed everyday. Since I work from home, I keep the house pretty clean so I can focus :)
Have a great day!


I haven’t tried adding yogurt yet but I am totally going to try that out…maybe some cottage cheese too:) Wanna come clean my house;) Have a great day Heidi.


welcome home, janae!
wow, mark’s streak is even longer than i have been alive!…how remarkable for him!
my longest streak was 100 days…on my life bucket list is to do one year, minimum would be 30 minutes per day.
i love oatmeal! it’s daily breakfast, with pb on top!
yes on making the bed!


Oatmeal is to me what broccoli is to you. Only food aversion I had while pregnant and no I haven’t found my love for oatmeal again. My son is 10 weeks old. Boo!

I am considering starting a running streak sometime in the near future. I think it will help me get back into shape. Right now its hard to find the time to exercise and when I do have time I am to tired or not motivated to do it. But we are going to have a treadmill given to us within the next month and I think that will help.


That boo was as in I still hate oatmeal… not that my son is 10 weeks old. haha


wow that’s crazy, good for him!

i eat oatmeal every day for breakfast, sometimes for lunch and dinner too. I am an oatmeal addict, can’t get enough of the stuff!


Wow that is a crazy streak. I have no idea what mine is, probably a few days. Pathetic.

I am going to make my bed right now. I MUST make my bed and clean up every morning before I leave for work, hate coming home to a messy house.


I may have tried to eat my computer screen when I saw the waffles. I will def be having waffle cakes (I don’t have a waffle maker. rough life) this weekend!

That running streak is ridiculous. I think the longest streak I have for doing anything is sleeping because I’ve been doing that every day for 25.5 years…and that? still isn’t even as long as his streak!

I don’t like oatmeal. The taste and texture? I just can’t.

Making your bed is overrated. I only make it if company is over so I can trick people into thinking i’m a real adult.


wow, that guy is crazy!! i am obsessive about my bed.. I have to make it, even if it’s 5 minutes because I go to sleep, because I like to feel all tucked in:)


Please teach me to be obsessive about making my bed….PLEASE:)


I DO make my bed every day that I have time. It makes me feel all fresh and organized and it makes it easier to get all snuggled up in to bed at night again!

Wow, that’s an incredible running streak, thanks for sharing. I never usually go more than 2 or 3 days haha.


I love oatmeal mixed with chocolate peanut butter. I don’t like it plain as it has no taste :) I make my bed most days, I love things to be clean and organized.


Sometimes, it is just worth it to splurge on ice cream….it’s actually kind of ridiculous how expensive ice cream can be and man those pay by the weight cups are DANGEROUS! As for making the bed, my husband does it M-F because he gets up after me and he’s home longer, so I make it S-S. I think that’s fair. I’m actually a little anal about the whole bed making thing, even if i’m about to go to bed and the bed isn’t made, I make it so that the sheets are at least straightened and not wrinkly (too much?!). Then I will fold them back and get in. Also, my running streak, maybe 4 days….lol it’s pretty sad, but I vary in other forms of exercise. So glad you had a nice little vaca!


My longest running streak is exactly four days. Maybe one day I will go crazy and try for five. ; )

I never make my bed! If I did, I’m sure my pup would unmake it. She likes to go nuts running laps around the apartment, part of which include jumping on the bed, turning around, and tearing off in the other direction. I’d like to say we make it when we have company, but really we take the mess from the rest of the apartment, throw it in the bedroom, and close the door. We really are champion adults. : )


I love oatmeal! I eat it ALMOST everyday!


I. adore. oatmeal. but randomly, I don’t think I’ve had it for a month. the crunchy cookie butter I just acquired might bring it back to its special place in my heart.

and no. I never, ever make my bed. [even though it makes me melt when EP does it when he visits.]


I make my bed as soon as I get out of it. It gives me anxiety when it looks messy haha. I love overnight oatmeal, the best. I eat it at least 3 times a week.


Haha you and your ice cream! I do the exact same thing, though. I make my boyfriend get a flavor of icecream that I like. ThenN when he looks away, I steal some of his! ;)

The longest running streak I’ve had it 7 days.. nothing compared to 16000 but I’m pretty proud of it!


what is your longest running streak? In June of 2011 I ran every single day. it was great!!! Loved every minute of it. even on super sore muscle days.

Are you an oatmeal lover? How many times a week do you eat oatmeal? I am an oatmeal liker. I prefer it overnight style.

Do you make your bed everyday? I do


You should mix cottage cheese in your oatmeal, it makes it DELISH!!!


I’m kind of crazy and just finished a 60 day in a row running streak. It was fantabulous. Truly haha Running for me is as much as a meditative stress reliever as it is a way to maintain my fitness… on top of my love for racing :)

I go through oatmeal phases. When I am in a phase I am all in.. like all oatmeal all the time haha.. especially overnight/soaked oats. I am currently in a yogurt and cottage cheese phase topped with rice crispies and sunflower seed butter… and freeze dried bananas. Always freeze dried :D


We make our bed because sometimes a certain dog likes to jump up on it when we are not home and I hate having to constantly change the sheets. Plus, it makes me feel organized and “put together.” Love oatmeal in the morning, but get sick of it fast too. It comes and goes.


I definitely don’t make my bed every day. My LEAST favorite household chore is changing sheets on a bed. Blah.
I saw this quote the other day on FB and it reminded me of you!
“You can either throw in the towel…or use it to wipe the sweat from your face!”


My longest streak is a measly 5 days…. that is impressive to get to 16,000. I am not a big oatmeal fan. I have a box of steel cut oats in the pantry because everyone says they are good for you …. but I havent opened them up yet :-/ And nope, no made bed here. I think its a waste of energy when I am just going to get back into it that night and mess it up. The only time the bed gets made is when the sheets are changed.


OMG! I’ve missed reading your blog for awhile and so just read about your Bay Area trip this morning. Next time you have to check out Marin (North of the Golden Gate)… we have some of the most amazing places to run, or walk or just admire views from your car ;) Glad you liked San Fran!


Whoa, that is a crazy long running streak! I rarely run two days in a row, so I guess I don’t have a running streak! ;)


My breakfast choices seem to change with the seasons. During winter and the first half of this year I couldn’t get enough of oatmeal for breakfast. All of a sudden, last week all I started craving were microwave buckwheat bakes (same thing happened around this time last year). I guess it’s good that I’m listening to my body’s desire for foods associated with seasons? Who knows…


I never make my bed )-:

I made a mean bowl of oatmeal last month, it was better than Jamba Juice’s Apple Cinnamon Steel Cut Oatmeal.
I used rolled oats and chopped in apples, added cinnamon and Splenda brown sugar, plus a lil earth blend butter. Delish!


I do not make my bed. I feel it needs to air out.


Cottage cheese….yes. Yogurt…yes, but i have cycles where I like it, and cycles where I don’t. Oatmeal? NEVER! I hate oatmeal. I can’t get past the texture.

Our bed never gets made, although we straighten the sheets before we get in. I work night shift, and either I’m sleeping during the day, or crawling back in for a nap. It’s just not worth it to make it that often.
I also don’t make my kids make their beds. I figure I can’t say much, since I don’t make mine. It’s funny, though, my boys don’t care, but my daughter lovingly straightens her covers and arranges her stuffed animals and dolls on her bed each morning.


We went through this weird period where we didn’t make our bed (not sure why not) but we make it everyday now. My fiance does much better than me, I usually throw the sheets on and don’t care if they are crooked. Hah.


I hope you had a safe trip back!!

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