A post about delicious drinks and A RUN.

I woke up this morning really wanting to test out running.  I took it outside and was nervous that I was going to have to stop again like on Monday but wanted to try it out anyways.  4 miles with no pain.  I slowed down A LOT and I think that will help me be able to keep running longer throughout the pregnancy.  I also think I will keep all of my runs under 6 miles because my previous Saturday long run made me way too sore.

Today was a little different because the second I got home I had to refuel with something very different than my usual post-run drink, I had to drink the orange stuff for the glucose test.  You know you have a high sugar tolerance when the drink didn’t even bother you.  I downed it in less than two minutes.

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I don’t care how slow my pace is going to get over the next few months, those running endorphins are the same at any speed and I am feeling good.

Speaking of drinks….

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We should all go out tomorrow morning and meet up for MTN Dew A.M. (aka Mountain Dew mixed with orange juice) and a few breakfast burritos and crunch wraps at Taco Bell.   Who’s is going to meet me;)  Clearly the best way to start your day.

The third drink that I wanted to talk about was Billy’s masterpiece from last night.  We are both in love with orange juice and so the logical thing to do would be to start making Orange Julius every night this summer.  The foam at the top is the best part.

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He used THIS recipe and it really did taste like the real deal.

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I have to share with you the best part of my month (actually year).  My cutest friends Rene and Rylee from Texas sent me a package with everything my little girl is ever going to need.  TOMS, Nike Tempos, an Under Armour top and candy letters (I have already eaten them) for Hungry Runner Baby.

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I cried from happiness overload.

I slept with the Toms next to me last night…Billy was a little weirded out.


Anyone reading from Texas or ever lived in Texas?  What part?  Ever visited Texas?

What was the last thing that you drank?  Do you think you could handle the Mountain Dew/Orange Juice combo?

-I know THIS GUY could.

Do you still get a runner’s high even when you do a super easy/way slower run than your usual runs?

What did you refuel with after your last workout?

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You know this girl could handle anything with MD!


HAHAHA I thought of you when I first saw it:) Is this your last week?!?!


No we still have exams next week………..ahhhhhhhhhh come on summer get here already.
I am living vicariously through you, just read your pool post…..now that’s what I am talking about.


Love the cutie Tom’s!

I gave up drinking soda in 2009 and haven’t had any since! Even if I drink drink soda, I don’t think I culd handle Mountain Dew and OJ.

I just had a sugar free iced coffee from McDonalds.


WAY TO QUIT SODA in 2009…you are absolutely amazing!


Mountain Dew is my favorite!

I’m from Texas, the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I love Texas but I wish our Fall and Winter are longer than one week…. Ha ha!


SO FUN that you are from Texas:) Let me know if you try the Mountain Dew a.m.:) Have a great day Ivy!


Im in the Hill Country! Yay TEXAS
That mountain dew looks disgusting…eww! I never much liked Orange J either so I guess I am biased. Glad you got a good run in.


I might have to come down and visit you in Texas:) NO ORANGE JUICE…you are crazy!


Woo!! I’m from Texas (I live in a suburb near D/FW). I was never a fan of Mt Dew, so I probably wouldn’t like that combo. I don’t remember the last time I got a good runner’s high :( but right now I’m confined to the elliptical- I have some sort of knee injury; I’m thinking IT band. After weights and the elliptical I had chocolate protein shake! Delicious!!! Use 1/2 frozen banana, almost full scoop chocolate whey protein powder, 1 Tbsp unsweetened cacao powder, 1/2-3/4 cup milk, and ice if needed. It tasted like a chocolate milkshake :)


YAY for another Texan wahoo. I am so so sorry about your knee injury! How long has it been hurting? Does it hurt on the elliptical at all? YUM…that shake sounds so good!


It’s been hurting for about a month (about 2 weeks after my marathon). And no, it doesn’t hurt on the elliptical, but it does hurt walking down the stairs at my gym after using the elliptical. I’m going to be scheduling an appt for a sports medicine doctor so I actually know for sure what’s wrong and how to fix it.


The last thing I drank was water. I love plain OJ so no offense to you, lovely janae, but that drink you and Billster made sounds like poison to me!

Honestly I feel so so much better after really killing myself running like sprints, fast tempo etc.


HAHAHA You have to try the Orange Julius okay…it is too good not to like:)


I love the baby TOMS! I work at the child center at Lifetime right now, and I love seeing all the little babies in their cute little TOMS! So adorable!!


OH so fun!! What are your favorite TOMS that you have seen?


Though I’m a native Nebraskan, I’m currently living at Ft. Hood, TX where my hubby’s stationed! While I like MtD, it gives me heart burn, and I can’t stand OJ, so this combo is a no-go for me.


NO OJ….AHHHHH have you always been that way?


Oh my gosh those are the cutest clothes and shoes ever! Smart woman to slow down…I wished I wouldn’t have been so stubborn and pushed the pace while I was pregnant, I think I could have ‘ran’ until my due date if I would have just let myself run slower….I should have gotten rid of the Garmin or at least covered up the pace;-)

My latest refuel after long runs is green smoothies!


BECKY!!!! That is what I did today…I got rid of the silly Garmin because it was making me crazy. Great job getting in a green smoothie after your run. Hope you are having a great evening!


Is that baby Nike Tempo? So adorable !!


YES…it is for when she is 12 months wahoo:) Have a great night Penny!


I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and have never actually commented… I know, shame on me! I thought that since you mentioned Texas I would go ahead an comment! I was born and raised around the Houston area and now live out in west Texas where it’s hot and windy all the time.

I’m definitely considering making your Julius receipt tonight… Looks amazing!

Anyways I love you blog and will comment more often!


ALLISON!! Thank you so so much for commenting..ha, don’t feel bad about not commenting before but just keep in touch when you have a chance. YAY for Texas, stay cool:) Let me know if you try the Julius recipe and have a great night!


Native Texan! from the Houston area, though now I’m living in Chicago.

I’ve never had Mountain Dew…the neon yellow color looks too unnatural to be appetizing. Not a fan of orange juice, either, so I can’t imagine ever trying that drink mix


YAY FOR TEXAS and will you be in Chicaco in 2013…I really want to do the marathon and we would have to meet up!


yes, i should be in chicago in 2013! i’m actually running the chicago marathon for the first time this year, and if all goes well, i fully plan on doing it again in 2013!


AHHH THAT IS SO SO EXCITING!!! Please let me know how it goes!


Holy crap that is a lot of sugar in that Orange Julius! I am sure it tasted pretty good.


Now you can see why the glucose test sugar water thing didn’t bother me ha! Have a great night Sarah!


I’m a Texan! Born and raised, from Houston area. Baby toms are the cutest ever. I got my niece some for her second birthday. She loved them bc she could be like me :)


That is so cute that you got some for your niece…twinners:)


I made a mango coconut smoothie this morning after my workout, and it was pure heaven (although it did make me miss the beach).

I would probably love the Mtn Dew A.M. :)

Those little Toms are adorable!


I am not a mountain dew fan, but if you continue to love oatmeal then I think we need to meet up for breakfast (don’t worry they serve it until 10am) at Corner Bakery where they serve my absolutely favorite oatmeal. I go there for my birthday, vday, mothers day, etc. Mmmmm.

Those Toms are so stinkin cute. My little neices have them as well and I love them. Never been to Texas besides for a layover on my way to NYC.

I ‘ran’ until 29 weeks, but it was more of a very slow run/waddle jog combo. lol. And I was never able to go the distance you have been doing. It was always under 5 miles. I am so glad you were able to have a pain free run and get some endorphins. Three cheers!


When are we going to Corner Bakery..you have me drooling! 29 weeks…woman, you are incredible!


I’ve never commented before, but when you mentioned Texas I knew I had to! I’ve grown up in Texas in a city you would love, Sugar Land. Seriously.


Hey Kristin!! Thank you so much for commenting and I need to come visit you in SUGAR Land!


I know Sugarland is huge now but this doesn’t happen to be Kristin Thome?


No sorry that’s not me. But you’re right, Sugar Land is huge now!


I know how hard it is to slow down your pace during pregnancy but TRUST ME, you’ll be back and better than ever. You are a rockstar! I’m the fastest I’ve ever been after having my daughter 19 months ago and slowed my pace way, way down in the last few months. I’m actually sort of looking forward to my next pregnancy as I found the “downtime” allowed me to heal some knee injuries and recharge!!


WOW, that’s awesome that you were able to down it no problem! I’ve heard it’s way sugary. Haha.

And that is THE cutest package!!

P.s. I think it’s great that you’re listening to your body so much with the running & pregnancy-you’re an inspiration to all!


I don’t think I could handle the Mountain Dew/OJ combo. I would have a sugar/caffeine high. I love the Toms, too cute. I’m definitely going to buy a pair for my twins. I love Texas. The people are really nice and laid back. I’m originally from northwest Houston and have also lived in Arlington and Wichita Falls. Austin is probably my favorite city in Texas. Oh, they also have amazing food.


I love the Morning Dew, although I’ll pass on the Taco Bell! :-) I think it would be better to sneak a bottle into Cafe Rio!

So I’m willing to admit that I am a total dew-junkie and dork… I mess around with creating my own Mtn Dew concoctions all the time. I’ve discovered that when you add some of the different Hawaiian Punch “singles” mixes into a liter of dew, your possibilities are ENDLESS. You can really create some delicious (ie. fruity / summer) beverages to get your caffeine fix.

This is my new project. I need to make a blog about all my different homemade dew varieties. It’ll take me a week!


That Mountain Dew AM is just wrong! I think I got Diabetes just looking at it. lol. I have lived in Houston Texas for the last year and really don’t like it. I was hoping I would but I put in for a transfer and I am moving out of here tomorrow!! I hear Austin is really cool though!


born and raised in dallas, went to college in austin (hook ’em), currently residing in houston! love texas, love love love!
also love love love the baby TOMS and Nike tempos. so adorable.
but no mtn dew am, thank you!


Are the Nike Tempo shorts for children or babies?! That package is awesome!
I love Diet Mountain Dew and would always buy it when I was in the States. Now that we got it in Canada, I haven’t bought it once! I’d he tempted to try that drink out though!


I refueled after my 6 mile run today with Pretzel M&Ms. :)
Kelly in Michigan


oh my goodness, those baby TOMS are adorable! i’m definitely buying some of those for my little guy/gal someday. ;)


That baby stuff is so adorable! I always look forward to your posts, Janae. Makes me happy! :)


I would so give the Mnt. Dew AM a try. Just for the fun of it. I don’t think it would replace my morning coffee though. I think the baby Toms are so freakin cute.


Hahahaha EW!!!! MTN Dew A.M sounds so gross! I can’t handle that, haha


Cutest little baby gift EVER!


I pretty much get a runner’s high after every run that I do-whether it be short or long :) Running always feels soo good! ESPECIALLY when you know that you can refuel with “Horizon Organic Low-Fat Chocolate Milk”!! YUM!!! I can’t say that I would drink that weird Taco Bell drink though…not sure I trust anything from there…


The baby stuff is adorable! Makes me wish we found out. You’re the first person I’ve heard say they didn’t mind drinking the glucose stuff.


I live in Texas! I moved to San Antonio a little over a year ago.

And yes, I definitely feel those endorphins flowing no matter how slow the run :)


Those Toms are so stinkin cute! What a nice package!

I’m from Texas! Lived half my life in Corpus Christi and half just south of Houston. It’s great bc I don’t like cold weather!


Sometime when I was in college (circa early 1990s) I learned that diet mountain dew had the highest caffeine level of any diet soda, there weren’t any monster energy-type drinks back in the dark ages. Not sure if that is still the case or not. Anyway, I lived a 9 hour drive from home so on the rare occasions I went home, I’d funnel a 12-pack of diet mountain dew on the 9 hour drive. I’m not sure I should be admitting that out loud or not. Haha.

I’d tottally do the challenge if I lived closer.


I’m moving to Texas in January!! Austin. Lived in Georgia my entire life so I am super-excited for the change!


Maybe I’m crazy but it seems like exercising right before drinking the glucose drink would definitely affect your results… just something to keep in mind I guess if your tests come back weird. But I know you’re a smart mama so don’t mind me :)


I’m from TX-born and raised right outside Houston! This hot summer is going to be a challenge while pregnant!


Those are the cutest baby clothes of life. I get a runner’s high no matter what speed/distance!


Encouraging people to drink mountain dew with breakfast!?!? That’s just wrong. And those baby clothes are too cute!!!


I love everything your friends sent- so cute!
And I think I need an orange julius in my life soon!


Texas – born and raised!!! Although we love North Carolina (been here for 3 months), i MISS my Texas!!!! love it.


Born and raised in Houston, Tx. Moved to College Station, Tx for college and then back to Houston. Almost two years after getting married, we moved to California for hubby’s work. 3 years after that, we moved to Fort Worth, Tx for hubby’s work. A year and a half later, we are finally back in Houston, Tx for hubby’s work. I hope to never leave, except to go on vacations. I had an unsweet Iced Tea. It was refreshing after a hot day. I always get a runners high. I refueled with a Creamy Chocolate IsaLean Shake from Isagenix.


The last thing I drank was water… I forgot about Mountain Dew! It used to be my favorite.
I thought you would like this article:
Maybe you can convince Billy to start wearing matching outfits!


Why ruin perfectly good oj with mtn. dew???

I love the package you got. Maybe I’ll have to splurge on some TOMS for my boys…


THANK YOU for the recipe! my mom loves these and I will now have to make one for her :)

This morning I refueled with a chocolate milkshake.. kind of like chocolate milk just a little colder, right??


Cannot do the dew! It gives me a crazy headache! Probably the food coloring???
Those TOMS are the cutest things I’ve ever seen!
The last thing I drank was water, but I had a coffee granita earlier and it was fantastic.


I visit my parents who live in East TX. It’s really peaceful and serene. I love winters there.
The last thing that I drank was a small carton of Minute Maid Orange Juice. I actually had one for breakfast and lunch. Deliciousness!!
I think I’ll like the Mountain Dew + OJ drink. Can’t wait to try it.


TEXAN born and raised! From the Dallas area, went to school and lived in Lubbock for 7 years(not missing out). But now live in Oklahoma. Texas always has my heart though!


I’m moving to Killeen, TX this weekend because my boyfriend’s in that army and getting stationed at Ft. Hood. Coming from Arizona, I’m really scared for the humidity.

I haven’t had an orange julius in at least 10 years, but after reading this post I want one!


I’m in the Dallas area and love it. I’ve visited San Antonio before and it is gorgeous!


I used to work at Orange Julius, first job hollaaa! And I can tell you that drink is much better than what they serve you haha. I have horror stories, that I shall never reveal. It’s quite awful. The last thing I drank was water, how fun am I?!


I’ll definitely try Taco Bell breakfast, eggs are one of the only things I can eat at fast food places so I only go to them for breakfast anyway! I’ve never had an Orange Julius before but it sounds yummy! All the baby stuff is too cute!


I served my mission in South Texas. McAllen, Corpus Christi, & Laredo. Loved the people, loved the food, loved my mission. Didn’t love the giant cockroaches, the humidity, or the heat.
I’m craving orange julius now, I’ll have to go make some ASAP!
I usually drink a carnation instant breakfast after a run since I’m rarely hungry after working out.


I’m with you on the runners’ high- as long as I’m moving, the high is inevitable :)!


Speaking of Taco Bell and Mountain Dew……have you tried Taco Bell’s other Mountain Dew flavor called Baha Blast?

Mercy. It’s like the heavens opened up and started raining down sweet droplets of heavenly liquid. So, so good.


so cute! I just bought V his first UA outfit last week


Water. I can’t drink Mountain Dew at all. TOO sweet.
I don’t get a runners high on the shorter runs. Or the longer runs for that matter.
I didn’t refuel with anything last night. We had already eaten by the time we went out.

The Kidless Kronicles


I refueled with Gatorade yesterday after my insanely sweaty run.

Those baby Toms are the best thing ever! So cute, what awesome friends.

I need to try the copycat julius!


The Toms are TOO cute!!


Oh, that Orange Julius recipe looks like a keeper. YUM!


Aww cute cute! I’m from Texas and then I moved away to go to school but I can’t wait to get back there!


I’m in Texas! Moved to Dallas about 12 years ago. Considered a move to Houston and spent a few months there, but didn’t like it. I didn’t go there, but in terms of law schools, UT is really the only good one in the state, and it’s not top 10 — my advice remains that he should go to the highest ranked law school to which he is admitted.


I’m a Californian who fell in love with a Texan in law school so we moved to Dallas about a year ago. It’s hot but other than that, we’ve been very happy here:) I am due 4 days before you and I was hoping for the orange glucose drink because I’ve heard it’s the best but I got red…it wasn’t awful but I wish I enjoyed it as much (and as quickly) as you did! The good news is that I haven’t heard from my dr so I think I passed it and won’t have to do the 3 hour test, whew!!


Absolutely I still get a runners high even though I am running super slow (38+ weeks pregnant). I am running about 4 minutes slower per mile than I was at my pre-pregnancy easy pace. I am just happy I can still run a few times a week!!


Oh my goodness…baby toms?! How stinkin’ cute!!! Your little lady is going to be one very stylish baby!! :D
I might have to make that Orange Julius drink TONIGHT. Delish!!!
& Morning Mt. Dew? I must say, that does sound pretty good right about now. I could use some energy!


I’m in Texas! I live in Austin now, I grew up in Dallas, went to school at Texas A&M in College Station (Whoop!) but now live in Austin. Austin is a great place to go running – when it isn’t the summer time. Lots of trails and races.

Oddly never had an orange julius…
PS totally impressed with your yogurt price super-power :)


I read this at work today and texted Mike to put some Mt. Dew in the fridge when he got home. As soon as I got home, I mixed the Mt. Dew with some OJ. We both loved it!


Ahhhh I am so happy you guys loved it!


I’m from Texas! but you already knew that. born and raised in Dallas, lived in Austin for a bit.


I’ve been to Texas several times. I have four really good friends that live there.

Last thing I drank was water. Can’t get enough of it today! And that Taco Bell drink sounds horrible, but I also don’t like Mountain Dew. I’m pretty sure my girls and I will be trying that Orange Julius recipe very soon!

Last refuel was this morning. Click espresso protein powder and frozen banana smoothie.


I used to live in Houston. It was a ton of fun! Austin is beautiful. Dallas is too! I just drank water. I try and stay away from oj- to much sugar. I get endorphins no matter what speed I run. Which is normally slow.

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