Pregnant Running Role Models!

Before I was even pregnant I came across an article HERE all about Kara Goucher and Paula Radcliffe and running while they were pregnant.   They were both due on the same day and both ran throughout their pregnancies.  I loved reading about how they adjusted during this time from running 100 miles a week with a 5:40 pace for an entire marathon pre-pregnancy to when they were pregnant and scaled back.  It was really fascinating to me even though at the time I was just trying to convince billy that I was responsible enough to take care of a puppy.

It was inspiring to see these woman’s priorities change during those 40 weeks but also keep up their fitness and not give into the ‘I’m pregnant so I never have to move’ idea.

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I wanted to include a few parts that I loved the most but you could also just go read the full article if you wanted:)

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Kara craved DAIRY like no other during her pregnancy….I told you we have a lot in common.   Paula craved food in general, she always kept food with her at all times!

During Kara’s 5th month of pregnancy she was hitting 75 to 80 miles a week, still doing speed work but definitely scaling back in intensity and using an AlterG treadmill once a week. Paula cut her usual mileage in half and just ran to feel really good rather than to make a certain time.  Paula didn’t even pay attention to pace.

Kara (1st pregnancy) and Paula (second pregnancy) both did not use a heart rate monitor but judged according to their breathing whether they were pushing it too hard and needed to slow down.  They both agreed that their pregnancy was a necessary break for their body.  At times they said it was really frustrating to be a lot slower than they used to be and to no longer having control over their body.

And probably my favorite part (the part about coming back stronger because you are happier because of your new baby):

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It also made me feel better to know that I am not the only one having to pee 45 times a run, and I hear it is only going to get worse:)

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(Aren’t they adorable?  Source)


I want to know about how exercise and running went for YOU while pregnant?  Which trimester was the easiest to exercise in? The hardest?

How did the women in your life exercise while pregnant?  Your mom, your sister, your bf, your coworkers?

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My exercise was walking. A.LOT. With both pregnancies, I would go for a walk almost every single day. These walks would last anywhere from 2-4 hours. I did this right up until the day before giving birth both times.


Hello my beautiful friend!

The last trimester was def. the hardest for the obvious reasons. I remember feeling very self-conscious when I’d run outside. I felt the glare from others & it made me feel bad. It’s as if their looks were telling me I had issues. So, I remember taking it inside on my treadmill during my last trimester for those reasons. Now, that I’m older & hopefully, have more sense I wouldn’t have let others get to me. haters should & can be our motivators right?!! :)

I’m the only one in my family that has exercised during my pregnancies. I was able to run LA marathon 5 mos. post-partum, thanks to the fitness that I maintained. You’re doing great Janae. Keep taking your vitamins, drink lotsa milk (vitD), and let Billy & your family take the best care of you! rest, rest, rest & rest when you can!! listen to your body more than ever during this special time. K?! luv you!! xo


My mom ran through her entire pregnancy with my older brother. When she became pregnant with me, she was training for a marathon. (Her coach told her “guess you weren’t taking training too seriously?” when he found out! but times were different back then :) ) She had more difficulty through my pregnancy so stopped running and never ended up finishing a marathon. Fast forward years later I felt extremely guilty and decided to run my first marathon for her since she never got to. I guess I owe it all to her!
Here’s to a happy and healthy runner baby for you!


Ok, that last pic is SO cute!

I’ve never been preg but sister has and she was so good. She did Jillian videos for most of it (adapting as needed) and walked. After she had my little niece, she started running for the first time in her life and only ten months later ran her FIRST half marathon at 2:22! I was so proud and she’s inspired me to be fitter as a non-pregnant person!


This post is awesome!
I ran and played beachvolleyball until I was 7 1/2 months :) Some people would look at me a little weird, but I listened to my body carefully and I didn’t feel like I did anything crazy, even looking back! In fact I think it helped me and my baby stay healthy :D


I have no advice because I’ve never been pregnant, but it is interesting to hear the perspectives of 2 well-known runners. I definitely hope to stay active when I’m pregnant … I think there are clear benefits in doing so!


I loved that article too! I actually read it when I was pregnant and it turned out my due date was within a few days of both of their due dates. So now they’re pretty much my best friends by association. :)

I actually couldn’t run after my first trimester. Maybe a belly brace would have helped but I didn’t try one. I was just starting to get back into shape after a few months of a break from running, so maybe the discomfort I felt had something to do with that. Until that pain started, I felt fine running as long as I took it easy and tried to not look at my watch too much.


Ahhhh Janae! Just catching up now! CONGRATULATIONS pretty lady! You are going to be such an awesome mom!

I ran this race with Paula : ) Kara ended up not running but I literally signed up for it just to meet/run with them and I got autographs and pics with both. Sprinting my little heart out I beat Paula as she leisurely jogged, 5 months pregnant : ) NBD

Can’t wait to follow along on your new journey!


I am still trying to become a running, so during mine I was walking (a lot), eliptical, biking and lifting weights. I miss the gym. One day I will get back there. As soon as V can stay home by himself, or I can bring him to workout too.


Love this post! The second trimester was the easiest to run through (not as tired) the 3rd was the hardest. I ran through week 32 until I started to get a horrible pain under the belly…so I did the ARC trainer and hill walking until I delived at 37 weeks.

I have been the only one to exercise during pregnancy in my family. My mom was freaking out about my running–so i just didn’t tell her anymore;-)

I always smile when I see pregnant women working out!


When my mom was pregnant with my little brother (we’re really close in age) she would strap me in one of those baby carrier thingys on her chest or her back, and peddle away on the stationary bike. I remember even with my baby brother watching her on the bike with him strapped onto her chest. I think her goal was sanity and endorphins more than anything else!


I’m 36 weeks pregnant with my second child, and I stopped running about two weeks ago. Running was probably easiest first and second trimesters, but I honestly didn’t have any problems until around 32 weeks. I ran a half-marathon with my dad at 12 weeks and upped my mileage (because I hadn’t been running all that much pre-pregnancy…) until January or February.
Running and yoga have kept the back aches, excessive weight gain, and fatigue away. I’m walking now, but it’s just not the same. Just listen to your body. I used a heart rate monitor, but I ignored the outdated suggestion of not to exceed 140 beats per minute- I wore it to see where “comfortable” ended, which for me was around 160.


Exercise was great for me during pregnancy. I think the first trimester was actually the hardest. I’m telling you it made my labor and delivery soooooo much easier. I got to the hospital at 7 am… was actually in a hospital bed at like 7:30 and my daughter was born at 9:13… no drugs, no epidural. I really think the exercise was a big part of that!


I’m 31 weeks pregnant and still running. I should probably point my hubby to your blog so he can read about how it’s safe for me and baby as long as I listen to my body. He gets super nervous when he comes home and I’m on the treadmill. Anyway..the first trimester was the hardest for me to run in (so I walked) because I was sooo tired and just didn’t have the mental oomph I needed to run. However, once I got over that hurdle and I realized that it made me feel better to run, I had no problem.

I have several friends who just had babies and several who are just a little further along than me, and I can tell you that I think being active will make a HUGE difference for me. I’m not feeling any of the side effects of pregnancy that some of them are..(I know everyone is different though)..I think labor will be a little easier if I’m staying strong and fit. Plus, the mental fitness runners have can’t hurt right? If we can run for hours then we can push too! Yay for baby HRG!


Way to go Lindsey, that is so awesome. YES, show your husband how safe it is:) I have also heard that labor is so much easier when the mom has been exercising throughout the pregnancy. You are getting so close, SO excited for you!


Um, my ballet professor (you have such things when you study theatre) kept doing ballet right up through labor and had like the easiest pregnancy ever (if there can be an easy pregnancy). I am so going to be plié-ing through labor.


I loved this post! I’m an avid runner – not into marathons and have only run 1 half but I love to run in the 3-5 mile range. The Husband and I are hoping to start a family within the next year and the running thing has been on my mind. I LOVED reading about these women and their pregnancies while running. Thanks for sharing!


I’ve told you before, but my mom swam until the day she gave birth to me! I always think it’s why I love swimming so much! No one ever even knew she was preggo until she’d get out of the water!

My friend Jessi was training for a half ironman when she got pregnant. She is still running a lot, but not training for that anymore. She keeps up her regular routine, and feels great!

I personally have never gotten pregnant, but when I do I hope I am able to keep running the whole time. I’ve heard it helps the baby be healthy, and labor is much easier because you are so much more healthy. Also, it will help you get right back into shape after baby!!

You are awesome, keep it up!


Overall, running has been great while being pregnant. I’ve slowed down tremendously but I have been able to keep up with 30-35 mile weeks w/ double digit long runs on the weekends. The 2nd trimester was the easiest for me. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 8 weeks along and had ran an ultra & marathon while pregnant but didn’t know it!! I’ve completed 7 races and may do one more half marathon on the 14th. The only depressing thing about this is that I had to pull out of Boston. :-( Oh well, I’ll BQ again!!

Sadly, no one I know exercised or ran the way I have been through my pregnancy. My sister in-law was active with all 3 of her pregnancies but it was mostly walking.


I want to be a super fit mama-to-be when I get pregnant, I think it’s best to run when you’re pregnant, both for my own sanity and for all the health benefits of running. My best friend ran throughout her pregnancy (just as a lower intensity) – she even ran 4 miles when she was 9 months pregnant 2 DAYS before having the baby! She had a great pregnancy, no complications and she felt fantastic throughout, and she credits a lot of that to staying fit while she was pregnant. I want to do the same!


I tried running with my first pregnancy but I started spotting. I ended up stopping all exercise (except walking; per doctors orders). Did the same for all three babies. I am proud of myself for putting my baby before my wants; but it was hard to stop completely. Now my youngest is 5 and I am in the best shape of my life :) It all equals out in the end!


This happened to me too! I was bummed that I wasn’t able to stay as active as I’d imagined I’d be throughout my pregnancy, but baby took first priority, and she enjoyed joining me in the Bob for runs once she was on the outside and healthy!


I had my daughter a few months before Kara had her son Colt. I Would regularly read her blog while nursing. I ran low mileage during my pregnancy but it got difficult for me around 7 months. My belly was a lot bigger and the weight was hard on my shins. I finally stopped running because it became more painful than enjoyable. Then I just did prenatal yoga instead.


2nd Tri was worst for me because I got sciatica. My chiro fixed me up though and I had an easy time running in the 3rd. Went from running 7 days a week to 5. Still do just 5 because the mom lifestyle is different. Also the relaxin has been tough on my joints and still causes me aches and pains 6 months later.


OUCH….wow! I am so sorry about that Sarah.


with E, I exercised and was REALLY active right up until delivery. With A, I ran and was really really active right up until I was put on bedrest. The third tri is the hardest, mostly because of all the blood flow to a certain region which may or may not feel like it’s going to explode.


This is awesome. I’ve obviously never pregnant but it is great to read about such inspirational ladies! (including you!!).


I haven’t been pregnant so I’ll just tell you what my mom told me about her pregnancy. She ran until 7 months and that’s when it became too uncomfortable for her so she just started going to a pregnancy gym (I guess those exist, haha) and would workout there. She was back in a bikini in 5 weeks after having me and looking great.


I am sooo far away from being pregnant, but it’s still something that is obviously in the back of my mind as a future goal and I am so glad to see that past myths about the ‘dangers’ of exercising while pregnant are being dispelled – can you even imagine not working out for 9 months?! I would go insane.


I never thought about the motion the baby goes through while you run, but hey, it’s gotta be better than drinking while preggers, right?! :P

I’m hoping I’ll be able to keep up running, but it’s something that how do you know until you’re there and experiencing it!! I’ll be fine with whatever my pace or distance has to be because of my body. Exciting times nonetheless!


I think the baby kind of likes all the running around ha:)


I ran, swam & walked up until 7 months. Then I started to go into early labor A TON OF TIMES! My little boy is super healthy , happy & his favorite thing to do is run :)


That makes me so happy!


I’ve never been pregnant and I’m an avid runner…I’m hoping to continue running through my pregnancies. Is a band necessary?

Als0—what kind of jogging strollers have you looked into?


HEY YOU!! I haven’t used a band yet but I will definitely talk about it once I have to. I am thinking the BOB stroller, that is what my sister used and loved!


With pregnancy # 1 I ran up to about 5/6 months preggo. I continued walking, but was then put on pelvic rest.

With pregnancy #2 I ran and took spinning classes (also did weights a couple days a week) up until about 7.5 months preggo. Felt good.

I find the 1st trimester to be very hard for me. I feel TERRIBLE – extreme nausea and pretty tired (chasing two kids 3 and under). I also teach full time. Getting my run in, has been hard. However, I hoe that come 2nd tri and summer vacation, I will be at the gym more often- running, biking and swimming. It makes me feel better inside and out!

Sll of that being said, sometimes you can make all if the plans in the world – to eat extremely healthy, exercise everyday, and well, you realize it’s not always your decision – because that baby has other plans for you! You are no loneger in complete control of your body. So, I try not to be too hard on myself when things don’t go as planned for myself. Most important is a healthy baby, and nine months out of my life is not that much in the grand scheme!


Cailin, you are so right about that baby having other plans for us sometimes and to not get hard on myself about it. THANK YOU. I can’t imagine teaching, having 2 young kids and being pregnant. You are my hero!


I honestly love reading about your pregnancy. I never read blogs that talk about babies. Im just not a baby person. but with you I love it!! maybe im warming up to the idea of kids!


Thanks so much Sara, you are the best:) Hmmmmm maybe you are getting a little baby hungry ha:)


Haha I far from that! Maybe 4-5 yrs I’ll be ready. I’m only 22 almost 23. Been married for 1.5 yrs that’s it! We still need to do something soon! Pizza factory or yogurt land!


Yes yes yes please!


Hi Janae,
I thought it was easiest to work out during my 1st trimester. I was tired but, I didn’t have morning sickness that bad. I conceived in April so my 1st trimester was during the hot summer. I always carried water on me. I was able to run 3-6 miles at a time. During the 2nd trimester I tried to keep up but my body was changing so fast. I was able to run up till 5 1/2 months. I expected my back and legs to be sore but when my pelvis (and lady bits) started to hurt during a run. I sadly knew that it was time to just walk… I lost quite a bit of fitness during my pregnancy. I blame myself for not eating as healthy as I could have. I gained 45lbs during my pregnancy. My son is now 14 months old, healthy and happy. I’m almost back to where I used to be. The first year is rough because, your body still won’t belong to you with nursing, and all of the post pregnancy hormones.
I also enjoyed reading the articles about Kara and Paula while I was pregnant. But, remember that this is their full time job. They also had to schedule pregnancy around the Olympics and World Championship years.
I think you are doing great. I think you have a healthy attitude about excersie. Just take it easy sometimes :)


Hey Dolly! That is awesome that you ran until 5.5 months! 14 months, that is so exciting. I have heard that juggling nursing and running is really tough so don’t be hard on yourself:) Have an amazing day!


awesome! i don’t know if i would “risk” a marathon during pregnancy, but i’d definitely spring for a half. happy momma means happy baby! good luck with your training!


That’s how I am…just sticking with the half distance.


I’m pregnant too! I’m 28 weeks pregnant and have been running the whole time. Instead of slowing down, I speed up but now I’m starting to slow down again because my lungs are being taken over by the baby. :) I feel really great and it definitely helped me during morning sickness times. I’m so glad those days are over. So far my best time running has been between 20-25 weeks. I felt like I had so much energy! You can check out my pregnant running diary on my blog.

Congrats on the new baby!!! Being pregnant is fun! :)


WAHOO NIZZY….28 weeks along, that is so exciting. I can’t wait to read your running diary, you are my inspiration!


I LOVED running while pregnant! It made me feel like it was our first “mommy and me” runs. Pace and training took a def back seat. I was preg. during the warmer months in my state, so the heat alone made me scale way back. I ran with my belly out and a sports bra, no shame. ;0 I did wonder if people were “judging”, but b/c I run before sunrise, i only saw the same 2-3 people. I ran until 26 weeks when I was put on strict 23 hr a day (!!) bedrest (which had nothing to do with running). When I was released from bedrest at 37 weeks, me and my ginormous belly tried a trail run. OUCH. walking was good after that. ;0


23 hour a day bed rest, that breaks my heart! How did you survive? I love that you called them “mommy and me” runs…that is how I feel.


I DID go nutso for a bit, but then I realized I was doing this to save my baby and would do whatever it took to keep her safe. Once I embraced it, I read a TON and ended up enjoying being a sloth. I knew it would be my last opportunity for many years! ;0


I always found it funny that people (who have no medical background) would tell me that running would knock my baby around and I shouldn’t be doing it. My response was always, “well my DOCTOR told me I was okay to run. I would think it it was knocking my baby around I would be told not to do it” I ended up stopping the running. The round ligament pain was to painful for me and I wasn’t getting it with other cardio workouts. Now that my son is born I am anxious to get back into the running but a little scared too because I have no idea how it will go.

The 2nd trimester was hands done my favorite trimester to work out in. The first trimester I was so tired and felt so lazy and the third trimester I was put on modified bed rest.


Jana, I am finding that all of the time too. I even get comments about it and I just want to ask them if they are an OBGYN because my doctor says I am doing everything right. I am stoked for you to get back into running, you’ve got this. Seriously, that first trimester wore me out. You were put on modified bed rest….ahhhhhh!


The funniest thing was when I showed a co-worker my ultra-sound photo and she pointed to the placenta and said, “I think you’re having twins. I think thats another baby.” I said, “no pretty sure my doctor who looks at ultra-sounds everyday would have noticed an extra baby in there”

Yeah the 3rd trimester was a bit of a beast for me. But Isaac is healthy, strong and growing. He was five weeks early and only weighed 3 pounds 4.5 ounces. His last weight check he was at 4 pounds 9 ounces. His actual due date is this coming Sunday. He will be a month old tomorrow.


You are following in their very footsteps and setting fabulous examples for mommies to be! And, you are listening to your body’s needs!

Your post below is cracking me up! Removing the “sharing” part of the Swedish Fish bag! ha ha!


I walked almost every day and even walked 4 miles on the treadmill the day I went into labor. I wanted to make sure labor was really going to happen! This pregnancy, I’ve added a prenatal yoga class. I’ll get back to running after having this baby.


Ok, so I’ve already stated how I ran with all three. Less with each succeeding pregnancy. I got really tired of people’s comments who didn’t have a CLUE about exercising when pregnant. I ALWAYS gained enough weight but I really carried the babies well so I would get ALL kinds of comments questioning my exercise and my running. NOT appreciated by me. Its like people expect you to get ginormous and not take care of yourself when pregnant. Bizarre. I have three healthy VERY active children and EASY labors to prove them different. I also think exercising prepares you mentally for labor. e


ahh they’re so awesome!! so i was wearing a heart rate monitor for a while after i first found out but then it just started to annoy me so i took it off (dont tell me mother in law haha). now i run based on the breath thing too…if i feel like i cant talk or sing to myself (which is what i usually do) then i slow down or walk. i think you get to know your body and where your comfort zone is after a while. oh im running a marathon in less than 2 weeks and ill be 20 weeks pregnant..sooo ya..definitely been running throughout the pregnancy haha after that, it’s break time though!


I LOVE THIS!! Thank you so much for sharing!! It is so nice to know that you can do it throughout the whole thing! People keep telling me that I won’t be able to run soon, but I disagree! I don’t run like you do, but I run 6’s and 7’s throughout the week! Love this article!
P.S. SOO off topic but my Husband just finished his first year of law school, I read another post from you that your husband was going to do that! AHHH!! good luck girly! Luckily you will have a baby to keep you occupied! I can’t wait for our little one to come! It will give me something to do when he has his late nights! that’s so exciting though! It will be all worth it in the end! Love our little lawyer boys.


great post! i def wanted to be a pregnant runner- the half mary was my fave before i got preg. but i was sooooo sick in the first four months like couldnt get my face out of the can sick- so i really couldnt exercise. i was given good anti nausea meds though and by the end of the fourth i felt much better and ready to move again (in ways other than toilet head thrusts lol). so I tried to run a bit but it felt REALLY weird in my belly…sorry to be tmi but kinda like there was a big poop in there that wouldnt come out…hahah anyway i still wanted to move so I actually started to run in the pool. this was fantastic because it felt soooo good when i felt heavy and was suffering from water retention and allowed me to continue “training.” id do weights in the water while i ran too and would wear my ipod on my head to pass time. Id run for about and hour to an hour and 15 min. NOw, in the last month of my preg I began walking outside the water for a bout an hour and 15 minutes a day to help “walk the baby down” (get him lower in my pelvis to prep for labor)- ill let you know how it goes- im due in a few days and walked today! i LOVE the feeling of maintaining some sort of control when you feel like there are many things that are out of your control. anyway that’s just my story. I found working out 5-6 times a week was best for me. keep up what youre doing- it is great!


Exercise has always been my saving grace. Especially while being pregnant. I’m currently pregnant with baby #3 (35 weeks), and still exercising 5 days a week. Exercising during the first trimester helped with the sickness and nausea. And working out for the entire time definitely helps my state of mind, keeps my body loose, helps with the aches and pains, and definitely helps during recovery time after baby is here. Exercise helped me through post-partum depression too. I didn’t experience it with my first, but I definitely did with my second. It was bad, but I know it would have been much worse if I hadn’t been staying active. That definitely helped pull me out of it.


You are doing so great, love to see how active you are!

I had a really hard time with extreme pelvic pressure early on and let myself become extremely lazy. Like sad, sit on the couch and eat oreos lazy. I really wish I hadn’t done that. I know I could have and should have done way more but oh well, whatever. She is 15 months (today!) and I am still trying to break my old lazy habits. Refuse to give up though.


Congrats on the pregnancy!!! I am 31 weeks along and am just now cutting the running back. I have been keeping up a weekly regimen of at least 5-6 days a week and logging 3-5 miles per run. Once finding out I was pregnant I jsut stayed consistent instead of increasing milage. I did a 15K at 25 weeks and did great! I can only run 2-3 days a week now, as it takes a little longer to recover, plus I have a full speed two year old I chase, but on the days I don’t run, I get an hour walk in with my husband or mom. I didn’t run with my first preg. even though I was a runner, just has to much going on and it is AMAZING the difference in weight gain, energy level, swelling (water retention) and all the typical symptoms. 1st tri I was naseaued and running was the only thing that made me feel better and 2nd trimester was wonderful…it is just until the last week that I have had to cut back.


I’ve never been pregnant, but when my sister got pregnant she was already fairly out-of-shape and gained way more weight than was necessary. I don’t know how much her weight and fitness level influenced things, but she had a fairly difficult/miserable pregnancy and labor. She got into great shape after she had her baby and she’s now pregnant with her second and things are going so much better for her! She feels better and her mood is better!


I didn’t run, but I danced ballet 3 times a week throughout my 2 pregnancies. I also did Nutcracker during time. 6 shows at 6 months pregnant with my first baby and 12 shows at 8 months with my 2nd baby. It was hilarious, and they had to make me a special costume. No tutus, that would have been classic. The stage manager kept freaking out I would go into labor during a production. I had women come up to me afterwards and tell me wow, we didn’t even know you were pregnant. Now I know they were just being nice because at 8 months on my 5’2 frame I was as big as a house. Since both girls were c sections I didn’t get to see if I could have made it through labor. But I know my contractions were off the chart at times, and I wasn’t in a lot of pain. So exercising by taking class kept me strong. It also helped me get the baby weight off quick because I didn’t gain that much because I stayed active. I was back to my pre baby weight within 2 weeks. I definitely felt better about myself by doing something while pregnant. I really enjoyed it, because it was one of the first times I didn’t criticize myself for how my body looked, because it didn’t matter I was pregnant and that was all that mattered. :)


Great post and article!! I have so enjoyed running while pregnant- it makes me feel extra strong and happy :) I am not really worrying so much about pace and things- just having fun and sweating and getting my heart rate up- loving it! And the second trimester I feel so much more alive and awake than the first! I try to only run every other day like you…and do elliptical or pilates or other workout classes and weights as well.


I just really needed this reminder today. Being a mom is wonderful!

Thanks girl!


I loved having the opportunity to run during both my twin pregnancy and singleton, as not everyone gets the chance (but we are all awesome mamas in the end!) I ‘m a coach and PT and currently writing an indepth book about the good, the bad and the ugly about running during pregnancy, (unfortunately there are some risks to learn about and consider and it’s definitely a specialty that a typical coach can not address safely without having a medical background. The current books do not go into as much depth as is needed). But it’s such a special time! Enjoy! Hope you will check out some of my posts on my site taken from the book (including belly support, nursing and running and more to come). Congrats and hope all goes well!


Hmm, I would have to say the 1st trimester was the hardest because I’d puke in between my runs. I had terrible morning sickness — but I kept on running anyway. The third trimester, I had to pee a lot… but I always felt good after. I did do a TON of spinning during my entire pregnancy.

My mom didn’t exercise — but she gained like 9 lbs. her first pregnancy, 13 lbs. with me and I think 19 with my brother. She weighed 88 lbs. most of her life. She’s an itty bitty thing. My sister, she didn’t workout at all. Not sure about my SIL… For me, I felt that working out made me feel so good about myself and I absolutely LOVED being pregnant. I mean, it was the best feeling ever and I loved my body. I miss being pregnant and can’t wait for #2. ;o)

Hope you’re enjoying running and pregnancy. It’s great to run w/ no expectations.


I ran until 30 weeks with my pregnancy and I found that the 2nd trimester was the easiest. I also did Bar Method in the 2nd tri and loved it. 3rd tri is kicking my butt so I’ve been mostly swimming. Happy to say that I can still swim faster and longer than so many others in the pool at 39 weeks!!!


I ran until 30 weeks with my first pregnancy and until 32 weeks with my second. I continued spinning classes and did yoga right up until I went into labor with both. I was actually at a yoga class the day I went into labor with my first:) I had very easy deliveries and recovered very quickly, and I attribute that to my activity level during pregnancy. Also, my running improved right after both of my pregnancies! I think that our bodies grow stronger if we train through pregnancy, and our lung capacity improves as well as our mental toughness. That’s my theory at least! just wait….you will come back stronger and faster than ever!!!!


Sometime around 29-30 weeks running became difficult and I started swimming instead for awhile. It was probably around week 34 that she had repositioned herself or maybe I got used to the extra weight, but I was able to run again and it felt easier. My last run was two days before I delivered. The contractions started later that evening (of my last run); I just didn’t realize that was what they actually were until about 24 hours later.
Once admitted, I delivered about 5 1/2 hours later. The actual “pushing part” took about 20 minutes. She will be two weeks old this Friday and I am back running, still carrying some extra weight, but most everyone has said that they can’t tell that I just had a baby. I feel stronger than I did before I was pregnant (but then again it has been so long, I honestly can’t remember what that felt like).

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