I want to live outside and never go inside again.

I probably could have gone on a run with my sister if I had woken up before ten a.m. but that didn’t happen.  I set out after my eye balls finally opened and it was pretty warm but luckily there was the perfect breeze.  Thank goodness I  brought a water bottle filled with cold water because I become a thirsty beast now.

The BEST part of the run was running into JULIA and being able to talk to her for a while (perfect timing because I needed a break;)  She was doing her long run and already on mile 11…she is amazing.

I ended up doing 8 miles with a 8:17 pace, obviously my talking break was not factored into that time:)

Photo 2

Right as I was getting home I had three special guests getting there with my sister.  I got to babysit for a little while which will be the highlight of my spring break.  First we had chicken nuggets, then we watched a cartoon and then we went on a walk.

Photo 4

Love this face

Photo 5

We walked over to 7-11, no hangout with Aunt Janae is complete without some form of high sugar treat.   My niece in the middle spilled ketchup on her pants while eating chicken nuggets…..we are so alike it is scary.

Photo 6

I did end up doing some extra side work and did drivers ed to get some mula but other than that it was the perfect almost summer day.


Was it hot for your run today?  Do you usually carry water with you…..what distance do you usually take water for?

-I used to never take water but now I do every time I run outside.

Where was the last place you walked to?

On a scale of 1-10, how delicious has your Bfast, lunch, and snacks been today?

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Looks like a fun day! Your niece is too cute – and looks like you! :) I never carried water while running. I walk to Walgreens when I have a Redbox DVD to return! :) Deliciousness of my meals (so far): 6 – with Mexican planned for dinner, and that’s always a 9+!


Almost first commenter? My food was great today, perhaps a 7.8 on the scale as I’m trying to cut out candy/chocolate and focus on veggies. That’s not to say that veggies can’t be delicious, but it takes a while to get used to!


I ran on the treadmill this morning before my strength workout – too chilly and dark at 5:30 am for me to head outdoors! And I walk EVERYWHERE! I live in downtown chicago and don’t own a car! Although I’m afraid I sprained a toe, I haven’t been able to look at my feet since I’ve been in class all day, but it hurts when I walk… :( typical me.


I always carry water with me in my jogging stroller! It is a must because I get way too thirsty!! You are amazing that you are still running such high miles at such an awesome pace while preggies! I was walking up the stairs yesterday and was out of breath! Haha 7 more weeks til I am due with baby 2 though!! :)

The last place I walked to was the park today with my mom, niece, nephew and little girl! It is such a pretty sunny sunny day!!


I’m kind of obsessed with my horizontal water bottle hydration belt in the summer. It fits perfectly in the small of my back, doesn’t bounce around and if you freeze it first it slowly melts over the course of the run cooling me down!


I’ve been looking for something like that! What brand is yours?


Thank you! I will check it out.


Last place I walked was to the tennis courts at the condo.
B-fast, lunch, and snacks have been an 8, but rootbeer floats tonight might skyrocket that #.


Hmmm…meals were a solid 7 on the scale today. I’m hoping to up that number for dinner. Just need an idea of what to cook! :)

The last place I walked (a reasonable distance, not just around the house and stuff) was to work before the Easter weekend began! I’ll do it again when I head back to the office tomorrow, too…


The sun was out but it was a tad chilly, about 0 degrees Celsius. Still the sun felt nice :)
I usually take water for runs around 10km if it is hot, if it is cooler 13km or more I bring water.
I am a wimp and its been chilly here so walks have not been happening!
I had a late breakfast and it was a 9 (oatmeal), then I’ve had afternoon snacks (quinoa salad, cucumbers, and banana bread) I’d give them a 7 only cause I really wanted cereal and I think supper will be a 9, sweet potato and black bean enchiladas :)


Isn’t today gorgeous?! Double picnic day for us. Love the picture of you and Julia! It was so fun to see you last weekend.


I never run outside without my camel-pack!! Must. Have. Agua!

I wish there was a 7-11 within walking distance to my house!! I could keep them in business if they had coke slushies!


I had Sunni Bunni frozen yogurt for “dinner” (followed by soup, which makes perfect sense, right?) … and it was easily a 9. It would have been a 10 if I could have added more toppings. But they charge $1 for each topping! Who do they think I am … Donald Trump?? ;)


Didn’t run this morning- it was my rest day! :) But yesterday it was a perfect 55 degrees.

My husband and I usually go for a walk every Wednesday (my day off) and the last two weeks we have walked to Dairy Queen… I anticipate that this will continue as long as the temps keep warming up ;) Gotta have my mint Oreo blizzard!


eeeeek. today has been so perfect!!! seeing you was the icing on the cake for sure :) and I KNEW you were going speedy friend! cant fool me! haha! i am excited for you that you had such a fantastic run. and the perfect day with sugar and the kiddos! hope to see you sooooon!!!


oh. and duh. never factor in perfectly timed talking breaks with sweet friends into the run time. never :)


I walked to meet my adviser today. Beautiful weather, but it is my day off from running. I am now off to eat dinner at my favorite place in town and it’s on the department! Sometimes I love grad school and this is one of them!


Last place I walked to was the office this morning! LOL. The weather here in Chicago has been seasonable for March, which is pretty much perfect running weather (temps in the 40s – 60s).

I have a handheld water bottle that I’ll carry if it’s hot out and I won’t have access to fluids for more than 3 miles. Otherwise, I leave a water bottle in my mailbox and just make loops around my home building, stopping to use the water bottle every time I circle around. It gets funny looks from people when they see me using my mailbox for storage, but it works!


It wasn’t hot when I got up, but when I planned on going out it was hot. I ended up taking a water, but it was hot. My run was off this morning.


My run this morning was the same as they have been since August: indoors on a treadmill. I always have a water bottle readily available, which is TOTALLY convinient. This summer when my runs morph into outdoorsies, I will purchase a Camelpak (is that right?) so that I can still have all my H20 goodness.


we are having a GORG day here in Seattle as well which is not typical at all for this time of year. So I wish I were outside all day living it up but NOOOO I have to be at work. BOOO.


Ran repeats on the treadmill this morning.. Boring I know.

I don’t know why but I love 7-11. It just holds a special place in my heart :)

I don’t like to carry water with me so I only will if I am going 15 or more. Otherwise I just suffer through until I get home.

I had to take my car in this morning so I walked to the train from the upper west side and then took an afternoon walk with my neighbors. It was pretty nice out, a little windy but less wind then yesterday so that made me happy.

Breakfast – 7, lunch 9, snacks 8 and for dinner, well I am starving and need to eat something now! I will prbly have something with avocado. I have one that needs eating. I will guess my dinner will be a 7.5



The last place I walked was in Vegas early last week.

My breakfast and lunch were pretty lame, but I’m planning on making up for it with a glorious dinner.

It wasn’t hot for my run, but it was sunny and beautiful!


What a fun day!! I can’t wait to run outside tomorrow! Woot :)


hasn’t it just been beautiful out here the last few days?!?! ahh i LOVE it! like you said, i just want to live outside! :)
my snack was def a 10 today. i made chocolate chip cookies for cody and ate a bunch of the dough, which i classified as my afternoon snack. ;)


10!!! It is post Easter which means peeps, jelly beans and ice cream cake for lunch. Nom nom!

Cute pix!

I bring water for runs over 5 miles. I find my mouth is very dry around that point. This week is a light week – and I went this AM when it was nice and cool with no 20 mph winds :)


Today’s run was 5 miles, after work, and it was so bad that I am pretending it didn’t happen. :)

My food today has been delish. I am experimenting a lot, and my dinner involved an avocado. Soooo yummy!

I always love the pictures of your family!



I always take water on my runs. It was 81 degrees here today, so I had my water with me. The last placed we walked to was the huge park inside our subdivision. This weekend they hosted a huge Easter Egg Hunt, so we took the kids. They should really think of having an adult only Easter Egg Hunt, because it looked like so much fun and I wanted to bounce in the bounce houses too! My breakfast, morning snack, lunch, two afternoon snacks and dinner were delicious. I’m on a kick of cottage cheese with raspberries or blueberries! Yum!


I can run with a bottle for about 9-10 miles but after that I get sick of holding it so I usually set one or two up on my run so I can just grab them when I’m running by.

Springtime is the best for running isn’t it? Ok, well maybe fall is good too (and I actually love running during cold winter days as well). Well dang, running outside is just amazing :-)


Love the shades!!! They make you look quite intense!
I never take water on my runs…but I also am more of a short distance person and rarely go for longer than 6 miles.


Looks like you had a great day!


We always have water stops on our route. I always drink when it gets hotter, no matter the distance. My dinner was the best! Fuji apple chicken salad from Panera. Yes!


Breakfast was a 8, lunch was too… dinner was a 10 and dessert (homemade banana pudding) was an 11! ;)


18 miles along the beach highway this am!! Amazing, beautiful, perfect breeze. I’ve never carried water with me during a run…thirst motivates me to get home faster. Ha!!! Last night my husband and I worked to the grocery store from the condo (3ish miles round trip). It was fun!


My food has been pretty good today – nothing too extraordinary. However, my dinner is about to come out of the oven (yes, it’s 9:30 and I’m just now getting ready to eat dinner – sigh), and it smells AMAZING! I should have the recipe up tomorrow!!!


i didn’t technically walk TO anywhere, but on saturday, we walked around the zoo, and then walked on the boardwalk down the shore. and i just kept realizing how much i can’t wait to be outside all the time this summer. 8-) !!


My meals today were pretty good :)

Breakfast: overnight oats with greek yogurt and peanut butter (was my first time trying over night oats, love how it turned out!)
Lunch: swiss cheese & egg sandwich with spinach
Snack: PJ
Dinner: my husband is cooking salmon as I type this..

Lunch and snack is my staple, but still love it to death! :D

Great run today!


Where was the last place you walked to? From one of my office’s to my other office. They are three buildings apart. Does that count? Or Friday night, my girlfriends and I walked all over downtown for the Art Walk. So fun!

On a scale of 1-10, how delicious has your Bfast, lunch, and snacks been today? 5. Just okay today, nothing special.


I usually don’t carry water with me when I run. If it is a hot day, I try to run early in the morning. When I have to carry water with me, I use a waist pack. It annoys me, so I really try to avoid using the belt.

My meals were tasty today, lots of fruits and veggies. I’d rate them a 7.


Your nieces and nephew are so cute! Last place I walked was back home from the gym! Just had overnight oats in a jar for breakfast which was an 8…the only thing which kept it from being a 10 was the lack of Sunwarrior protein powder – I’m out of stock…sad times!


This is a tad bit random but, if you got your running shirt at Target, I just got the same one! It looks familiar, although I can’t tell for sure, haha!


i find it super crazy that you are all in shorts and flip flops because didnt it snow a few days ago?! UTAH IS CRAZY…and kinda amazing. I love the snow!


My run was BEAUTIFUL – 58º and windy! I bring water for anything over three miles, but TODAY I ran two, and just as I was heading to my apartment I heard my neighbor yelling my name…He sits just inside the door in a plastic chair and watches everything that goes on in our apartment complex. He’s seen me working out a lot lately, so today he had a cold bottle of water waiting for me at the end of my run! It was so sweet I almost cried.

Annnd last night I walked to the train station to pick up my friend because I was in such a rush to go get her I ran out of my apartment with the wrong set of keys, locking myself out and the car keys in. D’oi. Boyfriend got to play knight in shining lacrosse polo, though, and come rescue us.

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