Facts from Today

1.  Running at sea level is a whole lot easier on my lungs compared to my usual running on top of the Rocky Mountains at home.  I did 7 miles @ 8:03 pace around the beautiful lake, 3 of them with Billster.   It was one of those ‘running feels really good and I feel really strong’ days.


2.  We went to a law school brunch for accepted applicants at one of the law schools Billy got in to.  It is a fact that if they serve me delicious food that they get my vote on going there.

Photo 1

3.  I am really happy I married a ‘nerd.’

Photo 2

4,  I don’t think all of the books that I have read in my entire life add up to as many pages as this book has that I found in the law library.

Photo 4

5.  We kind of like Toms.  Just a little bit.

IMG 2227


Tell me some facts about your day!!!

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Cute shoes! I just got a pair of TOMS. Aaaand I would like to tell you something about my day, but it would have to be through a text not on the internet ha!


You better text me right this second then:)


Ooh- law school in CA would be amazing! Close to the in-laws, nice weather, and awesome running!


I KNOW, I am crossing my fingers. Hope you are having an amazing day Abby!


marrying the nerd is the best idea!


HAHAH it really is!


I did the Martian Marathon half marathon (but turned it into a 18 mile training run).

I am one of those Ipod wearing runner dudes, but my IPOD chose to freeze up right in the Chute as I pressed play seconds before the start. AHHH!!. It is 12 years old.

Did Toms copy the concept of Bobs or did Bobs copy Toms? All I know is my wife is boycotting one of them for ripping off the idea. I guess I shouldn’t tell her about my new shoe company Robs.


WAHOOO great job on your 18-miler, that is so exciting. NOOOOOOO…you better get a new iPod asap! I am not sure about the Bobs/Toms debate. Keep me updated on Robs:)


Can we all take a vote on where you guys go? I mean, we haven’t met but we are your internet family and all :)
Today I went to h & m for the very first time ever!


Um yes PLEASE!! Where is your vote Laura:) PS I love that you said we are internet family, I totally agree!


Nerds are the best! I ran my first full marathon today! And then I came home and registered for a fall marathon. Hope my nerdy boy enjoyed spectating today bc there will be many more to come!


AHHHHH CONGRATS MEGHAN!! How did you do? Which one did you register for? Glad you have a nerdy boy too and that makes me happy that you said you will be doing MANY MORE marathons.


I did well finished within my goal time and I had fun so I was so pleased. I registered for Detroit Free Press International Marathon, I ran the half last year. It’s fun because you run over the bridge into Canada and back through the tunnel underwater. Glad you had such a speedy run today. I can only imagine it has to be tough to get used to running at such high elevation!


that sounds so cool!!


Very cute shoes!!

Umm my day … 7 hours of it was spent driving from Florida to Atlanta. But then my husband took me out for sushi AND frozen yogurt tonight, so it ended pretty darn well. ;)


WOW…best ending ever to a road trip. He is a smart smart man!


I <3 my TOMS!


HA! I did the same run today. It just felt good and nice to roll with the punches. Those are always the best right? That is why I hate to bring my watch on runs…whenever I run without a watch-I just feel so free and it makes timed runs feel so much better!


It’s my dream to live at a high altitude and then run a race at sea level and kick butt… one day.


I want the ivory lace TOMS, so obsessed with them! I have black canvas ones and the black ballet flats.
I had a wonderful 60 min acupuncture treatment today, dimmed lights, Jamaican type music playing and a heat map on me for a whole hour = heaven, I have a nap and picture myself on a beach somewhere :)


Girl, what is that big pancake looking thing on your plate, on the left side? It looks delicious…I want to slather it in PB :)


Hey Ashley! They are pancakes! I added the syrup after I ate the other stuff so it wouldn’t get on the eggs etc:) have an amazing night!


DONUTS! Donuts are a fact in my day.


Delivered two wedding cakes and made 400 sugar hydrangeas and I need 1,000 more. I also did Kenpo for the first time today from P90X. It was awesome!


The weather was beautiful in NYC today so I spent the day at walking around Brooklyn and reading at the park with my boyfriend! We had a nice dinner today too and some movies. Nice, relaxing day for sure.


Janae- you totally made me laugh with this post! From one nerd wife to another, they truly are the best! My Nerd keeps a log of books he reads and keeps count of pages of each book, so one day he can say he’s read a million pages. Well, it keeps him off the streets and out of the bars, I guess! ;-)
My fact of today: got my daughter to get the training wheels off her bike and ride solo! Woo hoo! What an awesome feeling, and awesome sprint workout;-)
Have a great rest of the weekend!


Fact: sunny days make everything better and more fun !
I adore Toms too, I recently got the leopard ballet flats and find them just as comfy as my original style ones which is awesome since I have weird feet that never fit in flats.

Looks like you are having so much fun, yay :)


Ok now I want sparkly toms!


When I get bored. I tear apart my bathroom. Looks like I need to go to home depot tomorrow!


About my day…life is good and I am blessed!


How cool would it be to move to Cali with Billy’s family, awesome running, AND trader joe’s?!?!?!

Facts from my day – today was one of my favorite Saturdays ever because it was totally unplanned, yet productive, and full of fun workouts, good food, and time with Daniel! :)


Am I the only one who thinks Billster looks a lot like that runner ” the rediculously photogenic guy” all over the news/internet??


We found a pair of black crochet toms in the parking lot of our hotel today. Brand new. In my size! I wanted to keep them, but I turned them in at the front desk. Hopefully karma brings me some toms now. Waiting. Waiting.


Did you know when you married Billy his future plans? And it’s a boy…e


I told myself that if I went on your blog and you didn’t have fro yo yet today that I would get myself some for you and me. haha!


I ran my first 8 miles EVER today and it was great.
That lake is beautiful!! I’m so jealous that you get to be in Cali right now, UT is rainy=(


Wow, what a great run. That lake is beautiful. Today I went to the beauty salon and had my hair cut and highlighted. It was long overdue. I also tried Cafe Rio for the first time and we loved the food. Yum. We’ll definitely eat there on a regular basis.


Love getting my hair done and I am so happy you loved cafe rio!!! It is the absolute best!


Glad you had a great run today…I’m struggling keeping my mile pace at 8:00 and I’m not preggo!
Love the black sparkle Toms…I have grey ones and I LOVE them!


I went to tj’s for groceries, it was the highlight of my day. I agree billy should go to a law school in cali. What school did you guys visit?


I just bought my first pair of TOMS today…so excited about them!


Note to high-schoolers/middle-schoolers: never make fun of dorks/nerds…those are the guys you wanna end up with :)


WAHOO for law school! Exciting stuff. LOVE the sparkly Toms!


Fact from today? I am jealous of your Toms. I want a pair of their wedges.


My sisters friend has the pink sparkly toms and I want them bad now! Glad you had a great run! Um, can’t think of a random fact about my day I’m too tired now! Have a great weekend


Nerd husbands are the best. We missed the “admit weekend”, but it seems like a good opportunity to meet potential classmates. I’m also surprised by all of the partner and couple activities that are offered with the graduate programs. I stalk the websites for potential friends.

Enjoy Southern Cal..go to Nordy’s Rack and eat Mexican food…my favorite pastimes.


Fact – I’m up and dressed for the BAA 5K. Should be fun.


Has Billy decided on law schools yet?

Facts from my day:

I got to meet Skinny Runner, which was really cool.
I went shopping for baby clothes for a friend’s kid’s first birthday. I always feel weird buying baby clothes.


who’s wearing the glitter ones???? I love them!!!

and that law book is massive


I dream of moving out to CA some day.. it’s like paradise out there compared to WI. I am in love with TOMS. I want every pair :)

Today I got xrays on my leg (2 weeks until marathon)… doesn’t appear to be a stress fracture so icing and resting until race day!


Love the last TOMS pic, so cute!

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