Five Bamboo sent me the comfiest clothes ever.  I am telling you, I want to live in this material for the rest of my life.

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They let me pick out a few things from their website to review and I chose the Travel Skirt, the Crop Leggings and the Etheb Hoodie!

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I really love how soft and lightweight the material is on all three products.  I love how the hoodie is fitted yet super comfortable at the same time.  It has become my new after school mandatory outfit.  The leggings have a wide waistband and I have really been loving wearing them everywhere I go.

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Five Bamboo is offering two items for YOU to win!!!

The Etheb Hoodie

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and the Hopscotch Dress.

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To enter giveaway (ends on May 5th) tell me one thing that makes you smile and which item of clothing (the hoodie or dress) you would like to win!

Five Bamboo is also going to give you guys a 20% discount until May 9th…just use the code bamboorunner at checkout.

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I looove that hoodie! Especially in purple!


My sweet PUPPY makes me smile! And I’d love to win the hoodie, because I basically live in those things.


Love the hoodie! My kids (and diet Coke) always make me smile :)


My puppy makes me smile!!

I love both but i live in sundresses all summer so im going with that :-)


Knowing it is going to be nice outside tomorrow makes me smile!

I would pick the hoodie, it’s super-cute!


Moving to a new house in a few weeks makes me smile! Yay for having a backyard in time for BBQ season!!
I love the dress, just what I have been looking for !

Love your blog :)


Running with my boys makes me smile :) Especially when they ask me to go and the whole time we are talking about anything and everything. There is nothing better than that! (And the hoodie would be my choice!)


My son makes me smile every day!

I love the hoodie! Very cute!


Chocolate chip cookies make me smile :) and so would winning the dress!!!


Coffee ALWAYS makes me smile. I’d love the hoodie!
I won a bamboo fiber jacket at a race earlier this year and I do love the fabric!


Sunshine always makes me smile. I would pick the hoodie. Some girls collect shoes or handbags not me jackets are my thing any type of jacket but especially comfy ones


making other people smile makes me smile!! :)
login the hoodie!!


Happy children make me smile! I love when kids have an “aha” moment. I love the hoodie.


My girls and Ice Cream always make me smile :)

I would LOVE the hoodie :)


My husband is in Pharmacy school so he studies late often, I almost always go to bed before he gets back from school and as soon as he comes in every night he immediately comes in and kisses me on my cheek. I always wake up with a sleepy smile on my face.

I would love to win the hoodie! all the clothes look so comfy!


Looking down at my ringing phone and seeing my husbands name on the caller id.

I’d love to win the hoodie.


My puppy makes me smile and I love the dress!


Anytime I’m in a bad mood I listen to stand up comedy while working out and it always make me laugh out loud in the gym! And both of those choice look amazing but I have been looking for some new, adorable summer dresses!


besides being blessed:), my hubby & food, ill go with what made my smile today! Make It or Break It.
I’m hoping Lauren can go to London and sad Payson didn’t keep her promise to herself. oh and Austin was such a jerk to Kaylie:(


My nephews & nieces make me smile! I would LOVE to win the hoodie! :-)


What would make me happy is winning that dress!!


Oh my goodness, not used to scrolling through this many comments haha.

Anywho, my cat makes me smile :) about 20 times a day!

I would love to win the Etheb hoodie…you made it look so comfy!!


One thing that make she smile is my Oatmeal in the morning and a cup of coffee..
Id love the hoodie you can never have to many and it looks super comfy


One thing that makes me smile…are my girls and their crazy-fun personalities! I would love to win the hoodie!


Anything with rainbow sprinkles on it! I would definitely go with the hoodie.


A sincere laugh from my kid always makes me smile. She is so silly!

I would LOVE to win the dress~


DRESS and I think life is making me smile!


Doing pretty much anything with my sister makes me smile. I love that we are at our craziest whenever we’re together and laugh until our cheeks hurt from smiling :) That’s an ab workout I’m always game for!

I’d love to win the cute!


Thing that makes me smile at the moment: I downloaded the One Direction album onto my ipod for long runs. Yes, I know I am way too old for a boyband (um… according to wikpedia these boys were born in like 1993. ugh.) but I don’t care!

I love the dress!


What currently makes me smile is the fact that my fiance and I are closing on our first house on Friday! I can’t barely get through the work week. I would love to make this week event better by winning the hoodie!


I smile every morning when my cute 2nd graders want to give me a hug…. I would LOVE the hoodie that looks soooooo comfy!


my bike. in any shape or form, my bike is always there for me. oh boy do I love the feel of the cold metal early in the morning (aka 5am biking to work). =] oh, also,a bar of dark chocolate. anytime, any day…gone in seconds.

I want that hoodie, it’s seriously AMAZING!


Hoodies make me smile :)


i get to go home from college for mother’s day! it’s the weekend before finals too, so thinking about seeing my parents before the stress definitely makes so, so happy! i would love the hoodie!!


That hoodie is sweet! I would love to win it.

My kids make me smile, every single day. They’re hilarious.


My puppy makes me happy…..and my husband :) I would love the dress!!


Today it makes me smile to know that I have a very loving and supportive husband who has stood by me through everything.

I want the hoodie for sure! I could live in hoodies!!!


Dessert ALWAYS makes me smile :)
And I would live the hoodie…super cute!


I get the biggest smile when my husband calls all the way from Afghanistan!

I love them both, but would probably get the most use out of the dress since it’s so hot here in Florida.


I would love the hoodie. I would think I had died and gone to heaven! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Ice cream (and that hoodie) makes me smile.


A stalked kitchen full of food makes me happy! I just went grocery shopping, and I just love seeing a full kitchen. I love the hopscotch dress, the pockets are so freaking cute!!


Something that makes me smile?…. knowing that in the end of the day (before i rest my eyes) i got to do something for MySeLf!! Such as, running , eating healthy, yoga, target trips with sissy, etcc. :)

lovey those days.


Chocolate milk makes me smile. I’m loving that hoodie!!


My little girl, she is so funny and happy all the time.. This morning I was getting ready to give her a bath and she decided she wanted to dance around the house naked while singing twinkle twinkle little star. She is only one in half so her singing is really only a couple words but still made my day to see her having fun. I would love the hoodie lookes so comfy!


Finishing my term paper! and I love the hoodie


my hubby-to-be makes me smile! wedding in less than 1 month!
i love the hoodie – it looks so slimming and comfy! but i’d be thrilled if i won either.


My cat curled up sleeping on my bed right now makes me smile :-)

I’d love the hopscotch dress. It’s perfect weather for it now here!


My 4 kids always make me smile….and frown, and cry, and worry….
And I want the hoodie!!!!


My fiance makes me smile. I’m so confused– it says AND– how come I have to choose? If I have to choose- I guess I’ll go for the hoodie! ;)


Something that makes me smile… Hearing my little niece (in Canada) call me “Aunty ‘Tralia” (I live in Australia). It melts my heart!

I would love the hoodie!


My smile… I met up with internet strangers tonight and it honestly changed my mood for the day! My afternoon didn’t got as planned and putting on a happy face for strangers actually ended up giving me a real happy face!

PS…purple hoodie all the way! :)


Snoodling with Diz & Olivia makes me smile.

And I’d love the hoodie!


Oh em gee, I want that hoodie! What makes me smile? Seedless watermelon!!


Moving back home to family and friends in a week after living away for five years makes me smile!

I would love the hoodie! :)


Hanging out with my brother and sister makes me smile more than pretty much anything else. And I would love that hoodie.


It was fun seeing you at the track meet last weekend! I am such a track nerd and love watching meets too. They make me smile :) I was at my little table most of the time, but I kept watching the video board to see the events and loved seeing them run by so fast on that straightaway. Makes me miss running (and racing) so much!

Oh and I would pick the hoodie! Those clothes look super comfy – just what I love!


My three dogs currently! How is it they can never get enough butt sniffing!?!? And I’m a hoodie girl!


Laying at the beach in the sun! I love both but I would probably want the hoodie!


that dress looks amazingly comfy. what makes me smile? the three “f’s”: faith, family, friends!


Seeing my baby sister when I come home from college is one of the best moments EVER. I would love to try the dress! SO CUTE!


My beautiful, amazing daughter makes me SMILE EVERY DAY! She inspires me to be healthier and show her how to enjoy life in a good, positive and healthy way. It’s made me happy seeing her believe in me on my journey…I’ve lost a total of 56lbs and have done it with running + p90-X! To see her SMILE at me and be proud makes my heart happy! Lead by example …right!? I would LOVE a new hoodie!

X’s + O’s
Rainy in Oregon


I’d love to win the hoodie & being with my friends & family makes me smile :)


My little boy always makes me smile when he wakes up so happy in the morning. I would love to win the hoodie!!!


Absolutely ANYTHING chocolate makes me smile! (And the fact that I just finished exams!!) :)

I would lovee to win the hoodie! Looks so comfy!


The thought of summe being so close I can taste it, makes me mike :). Gosh, both are so cute! I think I’d go with the hoodie, but gotta love a dress with pockets!


Seeing my bed after a loooong day at work makes me smile!
I would like the hoodie!


my dad’s funny texts throughout my stressful days make me smile! that and hot kettle corn! and i am lovin’ me that hoodie!


I am wearing a bamboo night shirt right now. It’s my favorite PJ clothing item! So comfy!

I would like the hoodie.


When my baby girls smile at me. I especially love when Mia has been at grandma’s for a couple days and she runs at me screaming Mommy with her arms out ready to jump in mine…what could make you more happy? I would choose the hoodie…always the hoodie.


Sweating after a neighborhood jog makes me smile. Also, popsicles. Comfy socks. That just-brushed teeth feeling. And soft hoodies, like the one up for a giveaway! I’d pick it for sure.


My wild and crazy labrador makes me smile, everyday. I would love the dress!


Dogs make me smile! I would love to win the dress! I have quite the collection of summer dresses !


My husband makes me smile and I would love to win either but if I have to choose I pick the hoodie!!


My family makes me smile! And I love the hoodie.


Finding out my induction date today makes me SMILE!! May 23!! Ahhh!

I LOVE the hoodie! So cute, and I love it in the purple!


Being close to summer makes me smile!! and all the flowers blooming right now :)

I would love the hoodie in the exact same color as yours! you make it look great! :)


I would love the hoodie!


My dogs’ loving expressions every morning make me smile. Everything makes them happy!

Love the hoodie!


The roses in bloom make me smile. I’d love that dress!


Dancing makes me smile and I would kill…literally kill…for that hoodie. DYING right now, it looks so comfy!!


One thing that makes me happy is that I got a new job yesterday! And I want the hoodie!!!! Looks so comfy!!!


My baby boy’s funny faces make me smile.
I’m torn between both items … The dress looks great for summer but I live on hoodies during the fall and winter. I guess I’ll go with hoodie!


Today seeing someone win $100,000 on Wheel of Fortune made me smile. She was so excited!

Both items look great, but I think I’d go with the hoodie, because the dress might be a little short for me.



I’d like the dress, just bought the travel skirt. Thank you for the discount!


Knowing that my husband skipped his football game to stay home with me when I’m feeling sick!

I’d love the hoodie in papaya – such a gorgeous colour! I think the dress is cute too but unfortunately the weather is SO bad in the UK at the moment I don’t think I’d ever get the chance to wear it!


Taking my first spin class last night made me smile (of course inspired by you). Love the hoddie almost as much as I love your blog.


Perfectly ripe mangoes make me smile! I could eat them all day long. And I’d love the hoodie!


Seeing my boyfriend after months of being apart makes me smile.
I love the hoodie!


My two besties – my husband and my dog!


New clothes always make me smile!!!!! Especially ones that are soft and comfy!! I would love to win the hoodie! Thanks girl!


My children make smile! Love the hoodie!


Running, Jesus, and my Hubby make me smile and not in that order;)
I love the hoodie!


my family makes me smile!!! i’d love to win the hoodie!


I still smile whenever a see a man with a baby – so precious! I think the hopscotch dress would be a lovely gift to win!


My fiance makes me smile :)! I’d love to win the dress.


Having a secret that I can’t wait to share but can’t yet, makes me smile.
Can I please oh please win the hoodie?


Sunshine makes me happy :) and I love the dress, but I think I would get more use out of the hoodie! Make me smile and make me the winner!!!


ice cream makes me smile :) That dress is so cute!


very cute stuff. you look awesome!

last night i did a cross fit class and it really made me smile bcause i love the atmosphere and the competition!

the hoodie and dress are soo cute. i am definatly a hoodie and a dress girl.. a little weird but..

dress is soo cute with its pockets!!


The funny things my first grade students say make me smile every day!! I want the dress!!


Thinking about the 5 more marathons I have signed up for this year makes me smile. They are no longer races, but social events! I love hoodies, but my husband would love the dress, so dress it is! :)


Sleep makes me smile…I think. I don’t really know if I smile while I sleep, but I smile when I think about sleep! I love the dress!


My 9 month old son makes me smile at least 10 times a day. He’s so busy and inqusitive that I can’t help but smile. I think the dress would be an incredible addition to my summer wardrobe!


The 5 more marathons I have signed up for this year make me smile. They ARE an addiction, and a chance to see my friends! My husband likes the dress.


Ooops, I signed up twice because I didn’t think the 1st time worked. I can’t get rid of this one. I’m sorry!


My boyfriend makes me smile! And I would love the hoodie!


My 7 weeks old niece makes me smile:) I would love to have that dress!!


I always have to smile when I see this chik-fil-a billboard on my way to work that says: “Late for wurk? Bosses luv chikn” haha those cows get me every time… Love the dress!!


Knowing that I’ll be on summer vacation in 9 days makes me smile! And I love the hoodie!


I love to ride my bike in the sun :-)

And I would love that dress!


Right now, the smell of lilacs is making me smile. There’s a whole bunch of them at the end of some of my running routes and I love that smell for the last 1/4 mile! I think I like the hoodie- it looks great on you!


my dogs and my boyfriend and food make me smile :) Both are so freaking adorable!!!! I would love either one!


Watching my son playing with my dog makes me smile. I would love the hoodie! I need a new one!


I think I’d have to go with the hoodie. So cute!


When my husband walks through the day after a long day at work that makes me smile! I love the hoodie it looks so comfortable!


My Jack Russel Terrier ALWAYS makes me smile – and that dress is adorable!


I’m in love with that hoodie! :D

Something that makes me smile….silly, but the smell of the coffee aisle at the grocery store!


Winning that hoodie would make me smile big time :-)
Other things that make me smile are sunny days, my silly dogs, candy and pizza. I’m easy, evidently….


My nieces always make me smile. Always. Lovin’ that hoodie!


Thinking about my sweet horse and how he “hugs” me makes me smile. He has a jug head and it’s awfully heavy. But it’s darling how he just rests it on my shoulder. I love him.
Would love the hoodie!


Taking a workout break during studying for finals…ewww….makes me REALLY smile. I would LOVE that hoodie!


My dog always makes me smile! I would love the hoodie!


I want the hoodie – it is really cute and looks great on you


Spin class with girlfriends tonight is making me smile. I love the hoodie!


Running with my new Weimaraner pup and my fiancé makes me super super happy and I would love the hopscotch dress!! It’s almost summer time he in Arizona— that means HEAT!!! Dresses= great remedy!!

Awesome giveaway, Janae!!


Sunshine makes me smile! I would love to win the hoodie! perfect for Fall workouts :-)


Summer sunshine is making me smile! I would LOVE that hoodie for camping/hiking trips this summer!


New clothes make me smile :) I would love the dress!


My spin class this morning made me smile. I love the dress!


I’m torn, i love the hoodie and the dress!

my silly cat makes me smile when she lays on her back with her belly in the air :)


A day off from work makes me smile! I’d pick the hoodie.


One thing that makes me smile is sitting on a patio, in the sunshine, with good friends. :) I start smiling just thinking about it!

And if I had to choose between the two outfits I’d choose the hoodie.

Thank you :)


My children laughing makes me smile! I would love the dress!


My sisters dogs make me smile… I miss them though!!

I would love the dress…. and the hoodie :)


New shoes make me smile!

I would love the hoodie!


My hubby makes me smile :)
I LOOOOOOOVE the hoody!!!


No matter what kind of mood I am in, watching my dog (who is the HAPPIEST dog in the world) puts a smile on my face. So stinkin cute! I would love the hoodie…I love “fashion” that is comfortable!


When I think it’s Monday and then realize that it’s actually Sunday always puts a huge smile on my face. Oh, and when my kiddos belly laugh. :). I would love the cute hoodie!


My puppy Lola makes me smile! And I’d love to win the hoodie!


my furball cat makes me smile. and i love that dress!


My husband makes me smile. I’d love the dress.


Cookies make me smile! I love the dress.


One thing that makes me smile is having only 27 days of school left before I get to spend the summer with my own kiddos! So excited…would love to win the hoodie!


Seeing older couples still in love with each other makes me smile!! I would love the hoodie! :)


My husband makes me smile. I would love to try the hoodie!


Babies make me smile.. and food :)

The hoodie is amazing and I want it :)


Baby smiles make me smile. My boyfriend’s niece is the happiest baby in the entire world.

I would loveeeee that hoodie. Awesome giveaway!


I am expecting a baby and every morning I get to see the latest sonogram on our fridge! My husband hasnt stopped smiling knowing we are going to be parents by the end of the year!

And the hoodie looks so comfy… sweats and hoodies have been my clothes of choice lately as all i do is lay around and rest :)


When I get home from work and see my Yellow Lab, Delta looking for me out the window, that makes me smile! She’s a sweetheart. If I won, I’d choose the dress…perfect for summer!


Because it’s raining today in Boston…love sweat pants on raining days!!! I’d love to win the dress so then maybe just maybe I’d wear that instead.

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