I am now fully prepared for summer and cookies shaped like cakes.

Just as I was laying down for my nap my sister called with great news.  Her favorite swimsuit shop was having an incredible sale and I needed to get up there asap.  Because I know I will be living in a swimsuit all summer and my previous swimsuits are not going to fit, it was meant to be that I go check it out.

The black thing in the picture is a swimsuit top and the other two things are skirts with built in bottoms.  All three things for $12 and they will all fit perfectly for when I look like I ate a soccer ball.  They were 90% off…okay, that is a lie, I have no idea how to figure out calculations like that but either way it was a good deal.  How did my hair manage to get in that photo?

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Too bad I spent more on gas money because of all the traffic.

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I had just enough time to make my favorite dinner. In case you were wondering yes, I did eat them all together.  Ever heard of a wheat thins sandwich?

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I had important places to go

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and things to eat.

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A bridal shower (if you couldn’t tell by the wedding cake sugar cookies) for a bf that I have known since I was 16.

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Speaking of soccer….how far do you think the average professional soccer player runs during a game?  (I will tell you the answer in the next post:)

What is your workout today?

-I have no idea…I am having a tough time deciding, so many good options!

Do you have to deal with traffic often?

Where is your favorite place to buy swimsuits?

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I would guess I soccer player runs 4 miles (?) I have never see a live soccer game, so its hard for me to guess.

Such cute swimsuits! I love the colors of the bottoms. I always get my swimsuits from Victoria’s Secret–the tops can be as low as $3.99.

I have 5 miles at marathon pace, hopefully. I have a sick toddler (so no daycare), no jogging stroller (at my parents)… hopefully the husband will get done w/work a bit early so I can run before work.

I hope you have a fabulous workout Janae! Also, isn’t it almost your spring break?! Lucky!


3.99….holy cow that is awesome…I am going to have to check them out! I hope that your husband gets done early so that you can rock your 5 miles at marathon pace. YES…only two more days. I hope you have an amazing day too Becky.


That bridal shower food looks so good!
Rest Day for me today. Around Virginia Beach traffic is an everyday occurrence. You really have to plan in advance depending on what time of day you are traveling. Favorite place to buy swimsuits….hmm….I guess Victoria’s Secret just because you can mix and match their colors and styles and it’s easy to order online. I’m interested to hear what everyone else has to say about that one.


EVERYDAY…NOOOO!! That would drive me insane. Enjoy your rest day and I am off to check out VS swimwear:)


Ohhh I used to play soccer…I heard you run up to 5 or 6 miles during a game?! So crazy!!!!! And I thought I used to “hate” running :)


That is awesome and you probably don’t even realize you are running that much.


Hmmm I think I’m going to do some treadmill work and some weights. Traffic here is horrible! Its one of the main things I complain about :)
I love Victoria Secret and J Crew bathing suits.


I LOVE J CREW anything too….they have the best quality materials. NOOO to all the traffic, that must be miserable. Enjoy the treadmill and weights.


That spread looks delish!
I am very curious how far soccer players run – I do know that they are great sprinters.
I did the stairmaster this morning – I ran last night with extremely minimal shin pain, and they feel great today, but I still don’t want to push it with the running!
Have a great day and enjoy whatever workout you decide on:)


I will just tell you the answer…8 MILES on average, isn’t that awesome? I am SO SO HAPPY that your shins are doing so much better. You are playing it smart!


I am going to get they run an average of 5 miles?

I am avoiding my workout right now because I am swamped in work and shipping stuff out plus my knee is feeling a little funny. I could just be paranoid but I might just take it easy today and skip the workout.

I like the swimsuits at jcrew!


You are so right about J CREW, they have the best stuff….why do they have to be so expensive though? You are being super smart to skip your workout, so much better to miss a few days than get seriously injured and be out for a while. Good luck at work today:)


Awesome deal on the bathing suits! I dislike wearing bathing suits – I guess I could blame it on having two kids, but really I’m just super self conscious. I bought two cute suits from JCPenny last year.

If I had to guess, I’d say the average soccer player runs a few miles during a game – maybe 3 or 4?

My workout is unplanned so far – either the stationary bike or elliptical today.


I hope you have a great workout and you are rocking the bike lately:) Good call on getting the massage stick. I was just at JC Penny the other day looking at their suits…cute stuff!


Since moving to the Atlanta area, I’ve had to deal with WAYYYYY more traffic. It’s nuts. And drivers are seriously insane around here. I’ve never seen anything like it!

Workout today … I’m hoping to go to a “Power” class, that implements full-body weights. I’ve never done this particular class before. We’ll see how it goes!

Have a great day, Janae!


I want to hear all about the Power class you are going to, that sounds awesome!


Guess what?! All of their 2:30 classes were cancelled this week b/c the teacher was on spring break! Boo! :( So I just did my own thing instead. Oh well!!


Good question about running a soccer field – I have no clue but sure would love to find out!

Not sure of my workout today either but I do know that I’m meeting my friend to get our sweat on in t-40 minutes!

There is no traffic where I live and I love it!

Target for swimsuits always :)


I hope you had a great workout with your friend today! YAY for no traffic where you are:)


What a delicious spread! I want me some hot cocoa now, with extra froth :)! I am curious about the soccer question–> i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s over 5 miles? Today was a cardio day for me which included 30 minutes of HIIT on the arc trainer followed by a speedy 1 mile run on the treadmill and a couple of planks thrown in for good measure!


I think I’ve heard 7-10 miles during a soccer game! That’s crazy if that’s true! :)

Random question..but have you seen that wHeat thins commercial with the Family Guy characters and Stewie keeps pronouncing the H in wheat thins? Everytime I see wheat thins anywhere it comes to mind LOL


I LOVE IT! So funny. Its from the episode about Cool wHip. Did you see it? Hysterical.


OH MY GOODNESS…. I love that you brought up that commercial, I laugh for 10 minutes when I saw it. I haven’t seen the full episode Jesi…time to hulu it:)


Ooh, where are those swimsuits from? If they are still on sale I may have to go check it out because I won’t fit in mine either this summer.


$12?!! You hit the mother load of jackpots! I am quite jealous myself. :)
I always buy my swimsuits at Target..let me correct that statement, I buy everything at Target.


I deal with traffic everyday. My office is 13 miles from my house and I sit in traffic for 45 min a day on the way home.


They run a 10k.
My run was 7 miles and it felt pointless because it really wasn’t that hard…or I ran so early, I was actually asleep on my run idk.
Traffic? No, I walk to school. When I’m home in Dallas, definitely.
I have no clue where to buy swimsuits. I see a lot I like online, but not sure if I want to buy one since I can’t try it on. :/
And, all those treats at the bridal shower looks delicious :) yum!


I live in Fort Myers Florida (aka old folks town) and every old person from the north comes down and drives around during “Season” and gets in my way. It takes an additional 20-40 minutes to get anywhere. They have no place to be and no time schedule so they take their good “old” time getting places and think they have to look at everything they pass. ugh! Ok, I’m done.
I buy my suits at Target and Victoria’s Secret. Mostly Victoria’s Secret because I get gift cards for Xmas and my bday in Feb and save them to order in March. I get all my friends to order together to save on shipping and there is usually more money off for the more you spend AND you get a free beach bag. Win win situation!
My guess on Soccer Player’s miles…6 miles?


Jesi my husband is from Cape Coral, FL! We live in NC now but visit there often so I feel your pain about the old people driving. :)


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That’s a slick answer to a challenging question


I’m going to go ahead and guess 5 miles. My friend’s boyfriend played soccer in college, and the last 10K I did, he ran as his first race ever. He was all, “Oh, I’ve only been running off and on, not sure how well I’ll do…” Yeah- he ran under 43:00. Stinker!

6 mile tempo run for me this morning! I’ve been looking forward to it since Tuesday :)


I have no clue how far a soccer player runs during a game, but I bet it’s pretty far. Those fields are huge!!

I actually don’t have to deal with traffic very often. I live 3 miles from work, and try to avoid trafficy times when I am going other places. I hate traffic!!

My workout today is a 30 minute swim and a 15 minute run.

I love buying swimsuits at target, old navy, and Victoria’s secret online!

Have a great day!


ugh traffic…I hate traffic..

I love your suits though!


awww yay for swimsuits! i need to buy myself a new one this summer too :)

i think my workout will be 55 minutes elliptical..i overslept so i need to fit my workout in on my lunch break. I’m taking your advice and listening to my body and no running until I’m feeling better. i AM buying a road bike this weekend though so I can start cycling with this beautiful weather. that makes me really excited…although nervous cause i’m a klutz and hoping I dont fall off ;)

i deal with traffic mostly on the way home..but it really isnt that terrible! its much better in my new car that i’m not afraid of overheating every 2 seconds..hahaha


I used to have to deal with a ton of traffic on the Front Range of Colorado, but since I moved to Wyoming it is has never been an issue.I got my workout in this am-5 easy miles to get warmed up for tomorrow’s 10 @marathon goal pace.


i hear soccer players run like 8 miles during a game.
no workout today – dealing with a stress fracture in the fibula and have been going back in your blog to get encouragement during this set back. thank you! your injury and the way you dealt with it has really helped me a lot.
i get to work super early because i can’t stand to sit in traffic – it’s always bad where i live – and leave work at the right time to escape it on the way home.
i buy my swimsuits at TJ Maxx, i live in them all summer.
hope you have a great day!


I yawned after reading this! :)


those wedding cake cookies are too cute!! my workout today is an hour of yoga.. i need to stretch after my 10 mile run i had earlier this week!


My soccer coach in high school told us it was 7 miles . . . I think.

Probably some yoga today. Can’t run for three weeks . . . doctor’s orders due to either tendonitis or a stress reaction after my last half-marathon. Can’t wait to run again soon — I feel ready now but I know I have to wait!

Usually buy my swimsuits at Target. So cheap and cute!


Luckily my commute is very short and on a back road so i dont deal with a lot of traffic since i dont drive too far or a lot currently.
My fav swimsuit place is venus.com, because I need bigger tops and they always have cute stuff that actually fits! :)


Ahh, those cookies are so so cute!!!

Hmm, I would guess the average soccer player runs 5-6miles per page???

I never drive anymore so the rare times I do, I don’t mind traffic as much.

Target is by far my favorite place to buy bathing suits!


Workout today is supposed to be a short 4 mile tempo run, but I’m hoping to get in 8 instead.
Did you know yawning is not contagious till around 4 yrs old. I try to get my 1 1/2 yr old to yawn and she doesn’t do it. Random fact for the day…cheers! :)


REALLY!?!?! I did not know that…that is awesome. I absolutely love random facts. You’ve got this 8 miler!


My workout today was supposed to be arms at the gym … but I was exhausted and stayed in bed. Then when I woke up with 1.5 hours more sleep, I remembered that I agreed to play floor hockey with some coworkers tonight!


Oh that will be a blast and I am GLAD you got extra sleep…sometimes our bodies just really need that!


I might have an unfair advantage at the soccer question…but it does depend on the position. Midfielders will run the most from having to get up and down to both ends of the field… I have heard between 6-8 miles. Lucky me, that was my position :)


I knew you would know Ms. Professional soccer player!! When we googled it for midfielders it said 8…you are hard core woman! I can ‘t imagine how tiring a game must be.


My workout today is a short run and hot bikram yoga!

I absolutely hate traffic and luckily never really have to deal with it. I work less than a mile from work and shopping and stuff are convenient to my house. I get super irritated when I have to wait in traffic. I probably need to work on my patience. :)

I bought a ton of swim suits from VS before our honeymoon on sale and haven’t really bought any since. I am so ready for summer!


Enjoy your run and bikram today! I love that you work so close to home, I would go home for lunch everyday. That is so awesome!! Any tropical plans this summer?


yes :) Mexico next month!


I saw this blog post and thought of you, cottage cheese lover!



I LOVE IT! Thank you Kay. Seriously, there is something magical about salty chips and delicious cottage cheese:) I don’t know why everyone doesn’t love cc. Have a great day!


I yawned while reading about you talking about yawning!!! So, yes, I guess even READING about yawning is contagious!!


HAHAHA That is awesome:)


it was not contagious for me to read about your yawns. but I’m still thinking about them. I have a theory about this. people are greedy (not in a bad way), and when they see someone else raking in lots of oxygen, they realize they need it too. ;-) it’s a theory I came up with when I was little, but I got a lot of people on board for it. haha.


I am jumping on board with your theory about yawning. I want more oxygen if someone else is getting more oxygen, especially if it is free:)


did you see what you were looking at while you were in traffic? people pay for that view!!


Okay, you are totally right….it is so easy to get so used to it that you forget about it!


I’m a new reader of your blog and so far I really enjoy reading what you have to say! You seem so funny and down to earth!


Hey Julissa, thank you so much for your sweet comment! Hope you have an amazing day!


My favorite all time suit is from Walmart. We were on vacation and I forgot mine, and just wanted something cheap. I wore it till the day it disintegrated off of me.
Overall, I have never been disappointed with a j-crew suit ever.


‘Disintegrated off of me’ you are hilarious and that is awesome you got it at Walmart. I agree…j crew has the best stuff ever. Have an amazing day Erica!


Today is my rest day on my training plan, but tomorrow or Saturday (whichever day my husband is home) I’m going to do my 7 mile run! I can’t wait, the trail I run is beautiful. If you ever wanna run in Draper let me know, and I’ll show you great trails. Where did you guys get your awesome cute swimsuits for a great deal? I need one for Lake Powell this summer!


Speaking of soccer….how far do you think the average professional soccer player runs during a game? (I will tell you the answer in the next post:)
Amazing deals!!

What is your workout today? Just got back from a 3.5 mile group run. Was cold!
Do you have to deal with traffic often? I came from a large metro area before moving here. My commute was around an hour each way every day. I don’t miss it at all.

Where is your favorite place to buy swimsuits? Sears/Joe Boxer and Target.


An hour every day…booo!! That would not be fun. Way to get out for your run in the cold!


Aw! You’ll look so cute in your swimsuit with your belly!! Adorable!!!

Workout for today is a few miles after work… no real plan or pace goal. Love those runs!


What brand is that?


It was from the store mod bod! It was in american fork! You should definitely check it out!


Living in NYC, traffic is the WORST! I could definitely run faster than the cars drive half the time. Ugh. Which is why I try to avoid driving as much as possible.. luckily the public transportation is good here or I’d be broke trying to pay for gas.


Hey Janae!
Last night had a great run and hit the weights. Today got to run because it is finally feeling good. Short runs so far but building slowly.
I don’t have to deal with traffic much but living in the valley is much different from living in Heber :)
I have bought swimsuits at VS but just purchased one from Aerie for our vaycay coming up and I am kind of in love with their beachwear.
You are going to look adorable this summer. Where do you buy that brand????blu?


I did lifted this morning (back day and deadlifted 135lbs whoo!) and am doing a 2 mi run later tonight

Also I’d say a soccer player runs about 5 mi in a game


DUDE! I eat wheat thin sammies with cottage cheese every day! I literally went through an entire container of cottage cheese yesterday. I have a problem.

And I buy my bathing suits at H&M (cheapest!!) or Target!


Super cute swimsuits – and great prices! I love Target, I have the same swimsuit in 3 different colors/patterns that I picked up at the end of season clearance – love ’em!


What store are those adorable swimsuits from?! I need to get some and those are super cute!


MOD BOD in American Fork, you HAVE to go!


My fave place to buy swim suits is in the dark…


I had to comment- this is just too hilarious not to comment :D Monica always cracks me up!


Luckily I don’t have to deal with traffic often. 10 to 15 minutes max on some days (depending on when and where my work sends me).
Favorite place to buy swimsuits would have to be Target. I don’t feel bad buying a new set every other year because they are so inexpensive. Plus, they’re super cute!


When I lived in So Cal I had to deal with traffic all. the. time. Now I live 1.5 miles from work and it’s up in a neighborhood with no traffic. WIN! The Utah traffic situation cracks me up! Most people complain and flip out and I am like, Once it took me 5 hours to go 60 miles (pretty much straight through LA). True story. I cried. Any type of traffic here I’m like “meh” haha

I am going to ballet tonight! Anyone who doesn’t think it’s a workout is free to join me :)


Those wedding cake cookies are soooo flipping adorable. I love it. To add data to your important experiment – I did not yawn after reading that! Though I may have been trying to not yawn…. More data is needed.


BAHAHA Thank you for the data:) Keep me updated and let me know when you yawn next:)


yay its almost summer!!!

i usually get my swimsuits from victorias secret of jcrew…but not this summer!! this summer im goin cheap…target maybe? i donno…? anything that will fit this big ol’ belly!!


I commute to school so I have to deal with traffic, but it’s not too bad :)
I wore the same bikini I always wore when I was pregnant :P Usually wore a tank top on the top though..


I am going to guess that a soccer player runs 3 – 5 miles in a game?

I’ve been slacking on running over the past few weeks for various reasons. I really need to get out for a speed session – I keep reading all these posts from people who have seen amazing results from their speed training. Motivation is tough at the moment, though – I haven’t been keeping up with my physical therapy because my schedule has been so busy and it’s starting to show up in some residual aches and pains. ARGH!!!


Soccer player runs 8 miles in a game on average… and holy guac, great deal on the swimsuits! I love VS swimsuits but they are so dang expensive, so I usually go to Target.


YOU ARE RIGHT WAHOO!!! Target does have awesome swimsuits, they have the best stuff!


Hahah yesss! My fiance told me that a long time ago and I never knew if it was right, lol.


Hi! What is in the mug? It looks like pink foam!! :D


HEY RONA! I think it was sprite mixed with sherbet or something. It was really good! Here is a similar recipe:) Have a great day.



Yes, reading about yawning is contagious. I yawned right as I read the last line. Funny!


HAHAH Thank you for proving my theory:) Have a great day Suzi!


Such a cute bridal shower- I love the little cheesecake looking wedge thing- the pink & white swirl- looks delicious!!
Cute bathing suits- the coral color is my favorite right now!!I typically buy my bathing suits from Victoria’s Secret- best deals ever!!
& just so you know, I had to go & buy wheat thins the other day because I saw them on here…ok, so now you have me buying crazy bread & wheat thins…what’s next?! ;) Xo


HEY YOU!! Oh no, I am so sorry I am making you buy everything ha but those are great things to eat (I think:) Seriously I wish we lived by each other!


Here’s my thoughts on why yawning is contagious…. so people yawn when they don’t have enough oxygen, right? Well, I think that the reason why it’s contagious, is not because you SEE someone yawn, but it’s because when someone yawns, they take in extra oxygen, so then YOU are left with LESS oxygen… therefore, you yawn to get more. It’s a big cycle of taking each other’s oxygen!!!!!

Soo… yea, I think about why yawning is contagious too.


AHHH They are taking our oxygen…you are so right. If someone steals my oxygen of course I am going to try and get more ha!


Those swimsuits are so, so cute! I love the colors!

What is that pink stuff in your mug? I love the cute little bridal shower treats! Yum!

I’m waiting for Andy to get home from work so we can go on a super long bike ride through the park! We went last night too!

Since I work from home, I don’t have to deal with traffic very often–unless I go downtown–then it is horrible! I usually entertain myself with a huge smoothie, snacks, and pandora on my phone.

90% of the time my swimsuits come from Target! Along with most of my clothes!


Hmmm…5 miles?
In a few hours I’m planning on hitting the gym for some TBD cardio!
TJ Max is where it’s at for swimsuits!!


Please inform us of this amazing store so we can check out their online selection…or so we can just move to Utah and bask in their greatness like you did! Score for sure! I didn’t yawn when I read your post, but that’s a good thing right :)


I love preggos in swimmies!!!

NO idea, but can’t wait to find out!

Tonight we are going out for my roommates bday so I won’t have time to hit the gym (I will maybe have 30min inbetween getting home and leaving for dinner). We will be going dancing after dinner, so that’s going to be my workout…dancing for probably 4 hours. My back, legs, and abs will be sore tomorrow!

Last year I bought my swimsuit from Pink (by victoria’s secret), and I loved it! I hope they have similar styles this year because I have a hard time finding something that looks good on my lower half because that’s where I’m packing my curves (and proud of it!).


I ddi pilates today! That was my workout. And it is totally weird about the contagious yawning thing. I wonder if it’s that way just because all of us think it is…


Did an almost 9 miler at an easy pace. Started little late at 9:30 pm, so got back at 11 pm. I would never tell I could do that 3 years ago! I love running … :-)


Yes I yawned right when I read that last sentence. Crazy!


Lol I’m a law student and my summer/school year is opposite, when summer starts I have to start working my 9-5 (UNPAID) internship… I won’t be seeing a swimsuit anytime soon. All free time shall be dedicated to marathon training! And that bridal shower looks sooooo adorable!!!!


Ugh, traffic is THE worst!

My workout today was 8 on the treadmill and then a 4 mile trail run with Mike and Bungee. It was a good day for running!


Janae! My sister and I have this theory that a yawn is caused by an invisible “yawn cloud” that travels around the room and settles over people’s faces, thus making them yawn, and then it moves on to the next person and makes them yawn. We are weird.


Oh my goodness! Your yawn cloud theory sounds correct! I love it!


yawning is totally contagious when reading about it! i just proved it. so SO weird.

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