Sweet Dreams, Health and Happiness.

You know you are extra cool when you spend 25 minutes waiting for the orange juice to be unloaded from the truck at Costco. My heart stopped when I saw that they were all out of my precious orange drink and after asking 4 employees where I could find more they directed me to the back to wait.  Thank goodness for being able to read blogs on my phone and for the mental toughness that I possess to wait as long as I need for my favorite food.

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$8 worth of grapes.  Check.

We were planning on going to a bonfire last night and having foil dinners but the weather made us change our plans to sitting on the couch for as long as we possibly could before our stomachs told us that it was time to eat, about 9 pm.

The cutest Lizzi hooked us up with free meal cards to Costa Vida which means we order the most expensive item on the menu because it is free….that means steak:)

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It came with a free drink too, Horchata.  I had never tried Horchata until I was a waitress at a Mexican restaurant when I was 19 and I have been in love ever since.

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In the last 16 months that I have been blogging you can find an almost identical picture of salad at least 421 times.  I counted.

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And the best way to end the night ensuring sweet dreams, health and happiness:

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Cadbury Mini Eggs and Office episodes that you have memorized by heart.


I don’t even know who I am right now but for the life of me I can’t think of any questions.  Normally I write 7 or 8 questions because I have so many things I want to ask and just take off a few and just ask 3-4 questions.  Since we are bf’s and all though I need to know how you are doing…fill me in on how you are and what is new in the comments!

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I love The Office.
I’m doing great right now because I just got back from a really tough run! I wanted to throw myself in front of a car towards the end because my body hurt to much, but I’m glad I didn’t! This is exactly why I love running. I feel amazing now and am going to go eat probably 5 pounds of pancakes!
PS….You may not be my friend anymore when I tell you this, but I have NEVER tried cottage cheese before. My boyfriend bought some yesterday so I’ve promised him that I will try it today. You inspired me!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!! :)


HEY YOU!!! Great job on going on a tough run, you rocked it and you better eat 5 lbs of pancakes with 6 lbs of syrup. AHHH Let me know what you think of the cottage cheese!


What is Horchata?!?! Is it crazy that I’ve never heard of it (and I even worked in a Mexican restaurant too….)?
And I’m good, but hungry (and can’t figure out what to make for breakfast). I completed an 8 mile training run yesterday and apparently decided that it was okay to refuel with beer and frozen yogurt… not much else. Smart. Really smart.


HEY ALYSSA!! You have to try it….it sounds weird but it is a cinnamon rice drink and really sweet, I am obsessed. HA, that sounds like great refuel:) Hope you found a delicious breakfast!


I am good. We have been having lovely weather. I am finally feeling a bit better.
Were you able to get more stations for your tv?


HEY YOU!!! We did, thank you so so much. We owe you big time. I am so happy you are feeling a little bit better and enjoy that weather today!


Ha! You don’t owe me. I am happy to share info.


We had a Modern Family marathon last night- HILARIOUS! Hate to break it to ya, but I think those little eggies are awful :/ Probably becuase I had a bad childhood experience way back when… I haven’t had them in years, MAYBE I’ll give them a second shot, I mean I’m all mature and everything hehe :P


Seriously, best show ever. You don’t like the little eggs…you better send any that you receive to me then and I will take them off your hands:) Hope you are having a great day!


I registered for my first 5K. Oh.my.word. It is May 5th. The flying pig 5K. I know I will finish…but worried about runners trots and speed. Any suggestions?


CHRISTY!!! I am so so so excited for you! YOUR FIRST 5k!! You are going to rock it and I want to hear all about it. You should be fine in regards to the trots for the 5k but make sure you get up in a good amount of time before the race so that you have a chance to go. Don’t go out to fast and finish fast instead. Enjoy every second of your first 5k and each time you do one you will learn more and more about what works best for YOU!:) WAHOO!


Just sitting in an ice bath after a tougher run. Wouldn’t have been that tough, but it got crazy warm and sunny here in Prague (like running in running skirt and sports bra only warm!) and it was tough to cope with the heat and sun. But I believe it will pay off in two weeks at my half-marathon in case it is that warm again. Did 9.3 miles (15 km) with the 5th, 10th and 15th km at target half-marathon pace. In the heat it felt more like 10km race pace though,but I managed to sustain it! Yay!

And what can be better than sitting in an ice bath and reading your latest post?!?!? :) I guess only the idea of refueling as soon as I get out :)

Have a great Sunday!


GREAT JOB on going on a tough run and taking an ice bath after. Crazy warm….wow…I am jealous but it is hard to run in, you are right. Way to keep up to your half-marathon pace in the heat, you are amazing. Hope you refueled with lots of deliciousness!


Don’t worry, the weather changes very fast here, so we can get back to rainy low temperatures very soon … :) Deliciousness: pre-run fueling = fresh croissant (you know, the one I will be getting you when you, Billy and HRG baby come to Europe to visit!) and fresh carrot and orange juice, after run refueling: moms delicious soup (that was just to avoid the immediate crisis) and then home made risotto and lot of green salad. Yum!


I hope you are serious about us coming to visit you. Um…you sold me with the croissants and fresh juice after we go on a run together if that is okay. Okay and the soup sounds delicious too:) Hope you are having a great day!


Horchata – or as my daughter calls it ‘Daddy’s sugar drink’ :) I actually had Costa Vida for dinner last night too! Twinner twinner chicken dinner! I haven’t been there in a couple of years. Not sure why. I had the mango chicken salad. I could eat the mango salsa with a spoon!

Hope your Sunday is full of great food, family and relaxation!


I like your daughters name for it better. Seriously, that mango salsa is heavenly! Do they have one in Lehi?!?! I hope you are having an amazing day to gorgeous girl!


There is no Costa Vida in Lehi. But there is one in AF…right next to a Red Mango. It is only 4.1 miles from my house though, so not far away at all. I may or may not know the exact distance from running to Red Mango, getting a free sample of fro you and then running back home. What?! That’s not normal??


That makes me so happy you know the exact distance. BRILLIANT…I will be getting samples out on my next run!


I love The Office but my new fav show is The New Girl…WATCH it! Enjoy your Sunday J! :)


HEY YOU!! Thanks for the recommendation! Now i have something to do today…can’t wait!


Since you didn’t cover it, I’ll ask you a question…what was YOUR workout for the day? Mine was nonexistent- gotta love rest days :)


HEY GIRL!!! I am so glad you had a rest day. Mine is today:) I did 6 miles, the stair climber and a few weights (aka 5 minutes of them!) Hope you are having an amazing day!


Sadly..I can identify the episode of The Office you were watching by one screen shot. Diwali, no?


BAHAHAH You nailed it, that is the episode we were watching. You are good!


Mmm that salad looks so great. I love mexi places.


Come to Utah and I will take you to Costa Vida or Cafe Rio for delicious salads whenever you want:)


Rumor on the street is they are building a Costco not even a mile away from where I live…be still my heart!
I love the Office – People tell me I am just like Angela. Not sure what to think of that…haha.
Although, Modern Family is the bomb.com!


I ran the HARDEST trail 10k race yesterday (put on by the Marine Corps Marathon peeps, so it was a marine training course). A few weeks back I ran another really hard half marathon course in 1:40. Yesterday I barely finished the 10k in under an hour. Feeling a little down about that even though I know you can’t compare race times from road and trail races. I know that checking in on your blog (and love of candy!) always makes me feel better :-)


AHHH CLAIRE, ocngrats on your amazing 10k TRAIL race, you are hardcore! WOW…you are incredibly fast! I can barely walk trails ha. Don’t feel down, you have to realize that trails are so much harder than roads. Be proud of yourself!!!!!


Hey girlie. :) Things are crazy in our lives right now … we’re still living in a hotel in Georgia, we’re trying to sell our house in Ohio, and we’re trying to find a house here in Georgia. I currently don’t have a job, so I spend all day working out, blogging, and hanging out in my hotel room hahaha! ;)

Hope you’re having a great weekend!


The office used to be one of my favorite shows, although Modern Family has won over my heart.
Angela is my favorite though. She’s a cat lady, and I’m a cat lady, which makes us bff’s virtually.


HAHAH I love Angela too, especially when they catch her licking her cat on the cat cam on her computer, hilarious! You are right about MF…amazing!


I have also stalked down Costco workers in search of my favorite foods… the last one was the Greek Yogurt I eat every day parfait style (but with lots of truvia/granola/fruit added or else it tastes like sour cream)

Currently I’m training for the Ogden Marathon and I was about to sign up for the SLC half yesterday but found out that I have a mandatory teacher training on that Saturday…totally bummed! So I’ll have to hear about that one through your eyes. Hope your having a great relaxing weekend:)

p.s.- Has anyone ever told you that you look like Nina Dobrev? She is on the vampire diaries- haha so I now have to admit that I watch that but I totally think you do and hopefully you take that as a compliment because I think she is gorgeous!


I haven’t heard that before but I can’t wait to google her. Thanks Arrienne, you are so sweet! UM….can you make me that parfait, it sounds amazing. BOOO I wish you could do the SLC half. I am stoked for you to do Ogden, I have heard it is absolutely gorgeous!


I tried horchata at a restaurant last weekend. I loved the first few sips and then decided it was much too sweet. I switched to my usual water.

We are currently doing laundry and watching it snow. Has been since I got up three hours ago. Luckily it’s melting as soon as it hits the ground. Not sure we are going to do much else today. My tummy and I are not getting along. =(


I ran my first half today! It was a blast. Couldn’t stop smiling . . . and I still can’t!

Have a great Sunday, Janae!


I NEED DETAILS!! HOW WAS IT!! Congrats Amanda, you are amazing!


It was HOT! The heat slowed me down a bit. I was aiming to finish in 2:30, but finished around 2:39. I’m still VERY happy though! And I ran with Team in Training, so I raised over $2000 for blood cancer research in the process. That was probably the best part!

I loved it and can’t wait to do my next half!


Good job on your first half & raising money for such a great cause!


Ha,you don’t have any questions because from now on you won’t be able to remember any.thing….welcome to motherhood:)

I love horchata(and ague fresca-have you had that?).I work in a restaurant with a lot of mexicans and they make both for the staff(more aguas frescas than horchata though>It’s usually water,juice and sugar-fresh watermelon or lime.so good!)

I just did a mountain bike/trail run brick and I am worked!!I am refueling with Irish soda bread and Girl Scout cookies-I ran into some of my son’s classmates selling them at Safeway and stocked up!!!

Take care:)


You are so right….my memory is already gone. I haven’t had ague fresco…I need to try it ASAP! That sounds amazing. Great workout woman and you enjoy those cookies!


I would kill for a bag of Cadbury mini eggs right now! But my couch and I are too cozy.


I ran my first official 5K yesterday in 31:00! :)


AHHHH KATIE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so so happy for you! How are you feeling?


I am feeling great, and I can’t wait to run another one! I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t easy for me, but I think I’ve caught the running bug!


I think you stated it well….”I don’t even know who I am right now…” Hehe :) I feel the same being pregnant with my first! It’s kinda fun!!!


Today was great! I spent the morning doing an arms workout with my mom. She is a beast at the gym! 30 years my senior and she inspires me everytime we go to te gym together.

Also I just whiped out my rollerblades and took them for a spin. So much fun, except for when you feel like you are about to wipe out. I need someone to come over and teach me how slow down / stop because the whole tuck and roll on the grass is just not cutting it anymore!!


I have a questions for you, Janae…if you weren’t blogging about running, what would you blog about? If you were not a runner, do you still think you would be a blogger?


Ha that is a great question! Food:) I had a blog before this that I posted like once a month on about random things!


I watch the office over and over again on Netflix and I probably do know all the lines by heart… I love that show way too much. It’s so comforting.


I’ve never heard of horchata!! What is it?

I’m having the most wonderful Sunday! My boyfriend is a news reporter and he only gets every third weekend off, so we don’t get to spend weekends together often so tonight is just awesome :) We’re catching up on some old Lost and Scrubs DVDs, going for a Cold Stone date and being lazy this evening. The best!


I’m heading out to family dinner, and tonight is Mexican food night! I’m bringing cheesy chicken enchiladas, and there will also be beef and bean burritos, quac, chips, and salsa. I’m sure some dessert will find its way there too. I plan on enjoying it, because tomorrow starts my new 8 week eating plan, and it is basically a figure competitor eating plan. I know it will be tough, but I’m excited to see some results and clean up my foods!


I LOVE Cadbury mini eggs so good!!!


This post made me want Mexican food so badly. I always eat Mexican food with my parents after church on Sunday, but this week my mom was craving Subway so we met them there instead and I missed out. Steak salad is pretty much the most delicious thing ever.


um, WHAT IS THAT!?!?! and by ‘THAT’ i mean, i have never seen cadbury mini eggs in dark chocolate. where on great earth did you find those?!?!?! i don’t even like milk chocolate and i still eat the milk chocolate cadbury eggs b/c i’m not sure what i am so in love with but those things are like unbelievable. i have said at least 1,423,469 times that if they made them in dark chocolate it would be one of the best days of my life. and apparently they DO!!!!! i have all my fingers and toes crossed that you got them at a nationwide chain, and not an only-in-utah store. please tell me!!! :-)


Ahhhhh my friend in Cali sent them to me! I will ask her where she got them! I hope you get some soon!!!


I have a question… why are your blog posts both coming up at the same time? It’s been doing that for the past few days.


Really?!? That is so strange! I will have billy figure it out!


No, no, no, Janae. You need to try Jamaica (Ha-MY-ka), it’s a drink made from hibiscus flowers. SO YUM. Any authentic Mexican place will have it, OR you can make it really easily at home.


What is horchata? I’ve never even heard of it.

Now I really want some cadbury mini eggs.


I am glad we aren’t the only ones who spend way too much money at Costa and recycle through the Office seasons like a hundred times! :)


oh man, that salad looks SO good and I would wish I could eat one right NOW!


zomg. I searched the local stores for two weeks for Cadbury mini-eggs because I’m a crazy person. Now they’re sitting at eye-level in my fridge, making all my healthies smell like delicious candy-coated goodness.

Om nom nom.

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