I have been waiting for this day for weeks.

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Ever since my mom came home with her new waffle iron I have been planning the perfect day to throw a welcome party for the new member of the family (yes, still talking about the waffle iron, I consider it family now).

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I am actually kind of embarrassed that my brother thought about turning his waffle into art before I did.  It forced me to eat a second just so that I could show him up and make a cooler one.

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I know I have told you the story a million times but I am quite proud…..the beautiful girl on the right used to come to my cycling class a few years ago and after getting to know her I knew she had to become my sister.  I set her up with my bro and they got married and have two kids now.  I have retired from setting people up with 100% accuracy.

Within 2 seconds of finishing my waffle I needed eggs with salt and pepper.  Dare I say it?  I actually needed salt to help balance out the amount of sugar I ate, my old self would be shaking her head right now.

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After dinner we did what any normal family would do.  We decided to weigh ourselves.  Okay, that is only partly true…we just weighed our heads in a very accurate way;)

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Turns out my sister and I have the exact same head weight (7.2 lbs) and we have the heaviest heads in the family.  Muhahahaha it is a hard life to have so much brain smooshed into that head of mine.

A few hours later for ‘dessert’ I had leftover mashed potatoes.


Anyone out there have successful blind date stories?  Any funny blind date stories?

Do you have any brothers?  Are you close with them?

-I have three!  The brother above and I were in college together at the same time and we were the best of friends.  It didn’t matter if he was in class or if it was at 5 in the morning, if I needed his help he would be there in a second!

Do you ever have an after dinner snack? What did you have for your last after dinner snack?

Do you eat scrambled eggs often?

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My after dinner snack always involves sugar…mmmmmmm! :)
Have a great day!


isn’t that a requirement:)


I also have 100% accuracy in setting people up! My husband and I got my girl friend and his guy friend together and they’re now married. It’s a GIFT I tell you!


That is SO SO COOL!! I love it! I bet they are a blast to hang out with:)


I always wanted to have a brother, specifically older so that I would have the potential to date his friends lol. Unfortunately I have neither brothers nor sisters.
Bittersweet I guess. As for scrambled eggs, occasionally, not the biggest lover of breakfast. I’m more of a hash brown kinda girl than a egg kinda girl. Although I do love tortilla espanola, but that’s more of a dinner/lunch meal, but it does have potatoes in it too:-)


HAHAH That was definitely a bonus of having brothers. I didn’t know you were a single child! Okay, I totally agree…hash browns are the absolute best! I need to try tortilla espanola, that sounds amazing.


Thanks for spending time on the computer (wtnirig) so others don’t have to.


I had an after dinner snack, but it was not mashed potatoes, shocking I know;-) It was overnight oats.

Your family looks like sooo much fun! Nice work on setting up the brother….although who wouldn’t want you as a sister-in-law? :-)


I have never tried overnight oats….should I? Ha, you are way too nice! Have an amazing day Becky.


My brother and I are 9 years apart but still pretty close – he’s an amazing kid! I think my friends hate me for any blind dates I’ve ever set up for them. :) Glad you finally got your waffle fix!


9 years….that is awesome! WHo is older? HAHAHA That is why I refuse to set up anyone else:)


Scrambled eggs are my “go to” concoction when I’m hungry and lazy. So, I cook them like twice a week :)


Cheap, easy and delicious…what’s not to love about scrambled eggs?


I have never set anyone up…BUT my boyfriend and I are trying to get a couple of our friends together because we think these two would be a perfect match!! It’s all about timing :)

My after dinner snack is usually applesauce…I have been obsessed lately!


Oh fun! You will have two let me know how it goes when they do finally go out! Good call with the applesauce, I am going to have to copy you!


Spin teacher, school teacher, drivers’ ed teacher, runner, blogger, cupid–> gosh aren’t you full of identities :)! I can’t remember the last time I didn’t eat at an after-dinner snack – last night was Kashi cereal with a chopped apple, milk and peanut butter- kinda random but it did the trick!


HAHAHA You are hilarious! YUM….your after dinner snack sounds incredible! Love random combinations, they are always better that way:)


Love waffles, they are also my husband’s favorite!
I have two younger brothers, 6 & 9 years younger than me, so we weren’t overly close growing up since I was so much older and moved out when they were still young. But we are closer now that we are adults and the age gap doesn’t seem as big.


You two need a waffle night then ha. That is awesome that you guys are close now!


Oh, don’t you worry we have one! But sometimes I am too lazy to make them, pancakes are easier ;)


Aww I love that you set your brother and his wife up! My husband’s sister-in-law (and now my SIL!) set us up. She told Brandon that she knew a girl at church who was just so sweet and cute etc etc (she was really talking me up ;) ), and we started emailing/talking on the phone after that (since he was in Ohio and I was in Florida at the time). And the rest is history! ;)


REALLY!?!? That is so so cool, she was not talking you up ha…you are amazing! Long distance relationship and a set up…that is impressive!


no blind date story here.

have one older sister. unfortunately, we are not that close. i only wish she would make the time to even call me.

after dinner snack last night was strawberry licorice and a small apple dipped in chocolate….mmmmm

i just had some scrambeled eggs this morning. i don’t eat them very often as i don’t really care for their taste…unless they are in picante sauce and tortillas, aka migas.


That is a bummer….I hope things change in the future:) STRAWBERRY LICORICE is delicious, I must have some asap. Tortillas belong with eggs!


I have no brothers, but I have 3 sisters! (One is a complete tomboy though, does that count?) We’re all super close and they’re my favourite people in all the land. I just wish we lived closer so we could hang out more often!

After dinner snacks = requirement! I figure if I’m running or exercising every day then I absolutely get to have a snack after supper :D

Um, you’ve made me want waffles SO BADLY! Thanks for that :-P


Totally counts ha. That is so great you are so close with your sisters! I think you SHOULD make waffles tonight:)


I have funny but very unsuccessful blind dates. My parents met on one though and have been married for over 25 years!!

I have one brother..sadly we’re not that close. But I think now that we’re growing older it’s a little bit better!

I have egg whites most days of the week. Happy Wednesday :)


I am going to have to hear your funny blind date stories sometime:) Your parents met on a blind date, that is awesome! Happy Wednesday to you too!


That’s such a fun story to have set them up! I set up my little sister in my sorority with a guy and they’ve been dating for like 4 years now – that’s the extent of my success!


4 years…that is definitely a success!


I love scrambled eggs! I usually make them at least once on the weekend!
I have been getting hungry at like 10 a few hours after dinner, last night i had half an almond butter and jelly sammich :)


They are a great weekend food. AB and jelly sandwiches are the absolute best…good idea!


My husband and I met on a blind date!!! Wait for it……..set up by his BFF whom I had been turning down date options for my entire freshman yr of college. The BFF finally realized I was NOT going to date him (we are great as friends, but he’s wayyy not my dating “type”) that he convinced me to meet his BFF from elementary school! It was honestly love at first sight! :o)
No after dinner snacks here and I eat egg whites in my oatmeal every am.


REALLY!!! That is so so cool and I love that it was by a guy that wanted you ha! I love this story!!!


I went on one blind date in college. The guy kept referring to himself in 3rd person all night, so weird. And then for about a week, he called me about 12 times a day and left weird messages. We would call to let me know he was going to the store, then call to let me know he got home, that he was stepping into the hall, etc. it was weird, and our only date.


3rd person?!?!? That is WEIRD. 12 times a day ha…you should have called the police ha. WOW!


I need to go weigh my head now. There’s a scale in my work bathroom..would that be too weird..? didn’t think so. I’ll do that today.

I have 1 brother! We are both horrible mumblers so when we are together nobody can understand us but each other. It’s like our own little language, except it’s really just that we are too lazy to enunciate correctly…


Not weird at all…I just hope someone from your work sees you doing it ha. HA, please record your mumbling conversation for me:)


Oh I have so many bad blind date stories…let’s just say my friends are no longer allowed to set me up with anyone! I have two brothers and they’re both awesome in their own ways, my older one scares off most guys who try to date me anyways, haha!

My after dinner snack was grapes and cottage cheese…I wonder what awesome blogger I got THAT idea from ;) I am seriously hooked now! Part of me is wondering if you’re having a boy with all of these savory cravings you’re having, hmm! Can’t wait to find out what sex the baby is!


HA….glad you told them no more! It is good to have an older bro that is protective of you:) AHHHHHH I AM SO HAPPY that you are loving the cc and grapes combo…is it sad that that makes my day! I am thinking it is a boy too…so much salt and meat ha!


I have two brothers; one of them is my twin! We aren’t super close, but s we get older we are getting closer. I think that’s pretty common among siblings. :)


YOU HAVE A TWIN…I am jealous, I always wanted a twin!


Haha! I have two actually. Triplets. But only one is a boy. It’s pretty fun! :)


kevin has been on a waffle kick lately and everytime I see you post waffles I am so tempted to buy a waffle maker…you are such a good influence on me ;) (thats exactly what kevin said to me the other night as I told him why I was craving crumb donettes after I saw them on your blog, HA!) :)

i have one brother and we are pretty close..not nearly as close as we used to be, but working on it.

i ALWAYS need an after dinner snack. we’re all out of ice cream right now (HORROR) but i had dark chocolate covered goji berries last night..um, if you havent tried them, please do. they are so amazingly delicious.

i eat eggs all the time but mostly in omelette or egg salad form ;)


You should surprise him with a waffle iron:) HAHAHA I love that he said I am a good example for you ha! Can I go pick up some ice cream for you?!?! How do you make your egg salad?


I love your family.

I want waffles now.


Come over next Tuesday night for waffle night, seriously.


Guacamole, YUMSTER!!Love the tshirt, looks so comfy. i aclulaty stole my boyfriends tshirt today and it makes the comfiest top ever, looks cool as well!Happy bday to your boyfriend :)Margaux from BORO


I have three brothers too- ages 30, 21, and 12. My 21-year-old brother and I were in high school together and we’re definitely closest, even though we live 2500 miles away from each other :)

My best friend met her husband on HotorNot.com- not my blind date story, but we always tease her about it ;)


WOW…that is a huge age group, that is awesome! BAHAHAH I love that they met on hot or not, that made me giggle!


Oh my gosh those waffles look delicious! Yum! Now I want to go and buy a waffle iron so I can make my own. I have never made homemade waffles, I have only had the boxed kind. Clearly I am missing out and I need to fix it.
I do not have a brother, only one sister (twins). We are def BFF’s!


I am so jealous you have a twin, I always wanted a twin. Okay, your homework is to have a homemade waffle asap! You will die, they are so amazing!


I love how in the first picture your adorable niece is rocking out in the background!
I haven’t had an appetite for 3 days but I can honestly say those waffles look GOOD!


I know, her face is classic. You need to have a waffle then, I can send you some!


My brother is awesome! He lives in Montana and we don’t see each other but about twice a year, but we text and email inside jokes all the time.
I love scrambled eggs. I eat them about 4 times a week for breakfast with a little spinach and cheese and served on top a piece of sprouted wheat bread.


That is so awesome that you two are so close. Um….can I come over for your scrambled eggs? They sound amazing!


No blind dates, brothers, or eggs…

I do like snacks though!!! Greek yogurt is an often go-to night time snack for me! I also like PB…on anything!


You are good at having healthy night time snacks:)


My husband and I met on a blind date! So fun! We actually had a horrible first date, but the people that set us up made us go out again. I didn’t even want to, but then the rest is history. We just celebrated our 1st anniversary :)


REALLY!?!?! That makes me so happy and happy first anniversary! SO COOL!


I four brothers!

I am currently trying to avoid after dinner snacks. Once I start eating them, I can’t have just one. Bad.

I make scrambled eggs a couple times a week. I usually throw in some chopped spinach, onion and a smelly cheese of some kind. So good!


4 brothers…WOW! Um, can I come over for your scrambled eggs? Those sound amazing.


Sure, you can come over anytime! Utah/Oregon, we’re neighbors right?…


I have two younger brothers that are 18 (and identical twins!) they like to pretend they don’t like me, but I know they secretly miss me when I’m away at college.

Also I had cottage cheese and grapes for a snack yesterday, I’m addicted!


LEA….isn’t it the BEST!?!?! I am so happy you are loving it, it is my favorite. IDENTICAL twin brothers…that is awesome and I am sure they cry themselves to sleep at night because they miss you so much.


I have 4 brothers! All younger and we’re kinda close… (as close as you can be with 4 immature/going through puberty/teenage & younger aged boys) haha but I love them all dearly.

I LOVE MASHED POTATOES. I would eat those above ice cream…. maybe.

Also, my after dinner snacks usually involves carrots or a fiber one bar


My little brother is 8 years younger than me and I adore him, we are really great friends and he’s such a great Uncle to my kiddos, its really special and nice to have that relationship with your siblings, I hope my girls are the same way!


I eat sunnyside eggs with grits ALL THE TIME. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters – love them!!!

Is that an Old Navy t shirt you are wearing? If so – I have the same one and don’t think there is a more perfect t shirt ever created in the world.


I had a game night one night where two groups of friends came together and my girl friend and my guy friend hit it off right away- flirting across the room and now they are married! I wish I could say I have 100 percent accuracy but… I just tried to set my roommate up and that did not go so well. :)

I have 4 younger brothers and no sisters and I love them all. We are all pretty close, but I’m closest to the one who is closest to me in age. Love that kid.

I don’t do after dinner snacks very often, but last night I had frozen yogurt. And my roommate right now makes me scrambled eggs all of the time, so I eat them more than I otherwise might- who says no to free/prepared food??


Do you get Groupon? Did you see the Scavenger hunt race? For some reason, I thought that it sounded like something you’d love to do.


AHHHH NOOOO!!! I have to look into this. Thanks for the heads up, that sounds like a blast!


Here is the link: http://www.challengenation.com/saltlakecity/

If you buy it through Groupon its $20 a person, I believe.


I ate the ear off of a Snickers Easter Bunny for my snack last night, it had been in the refrigerator so it was perfectly cold and chewy!


Robin. You just forced me to text billy to tell him to put the Snickers in the fridge. You are brilliant and I can’t wait for my cold and chewy Snickers bar!


I loved that you weighed your heads! So cute! My kids would love doing this. When my older son was younger, he used to look like the kid from Jerry Maguire, so I used to teach him to walk around and say “the human head weighs eight pounds”. I don’t know how many people told me that he looked exactly like that kid.


Now I wonder how much my head weighs!!! I eat eggs for dinner at least 2-3 times a week, my husband is not amused by my love for eggs!!


I eat scrambled egg(whites) often, love my four brothers (only three are living), closest with the one just older than me. I stayed at his house in Utah this past weekend. Sorry I didn’t have a chance to meet up with you…going to be there the entire month of July so…

I was tempted to make some brownies and show up at your moms for Sunday dinner though, would you have been mad? :) You should read the last few posts I wrote while in Utah and let me know what you think of my favorite Utah food places. Zupas, Training Table, Chuck – A- Rama and the gourmet donut shop in Draper called Beyond Glaze. I also ate at Malawis Pizza (so good). Have a fab day Janae. :)


I need my salt too-for sure! Especially if some hard workout is involved in the mix! Hah.


This is actually the 2nd time I’ve blog commented this story today, but I am a blind date master! I set up my college roommate with a good friend and they are married now…. And even better…. I set up my mom on a blind date with a guy who lives below us in our apartment building. This was in September, and they are madly in love and I’ve never seen my mom so happy :). Bonus…. She’s always in the apartment right below mine ready to cook me dinner!


WHAT!!!! GIRL, you are awesome. You’ve got real skills. YAY for your mom being so happy and being so close for dinner:)


weighing your head…hahah your family cracks me up! Sometimes my after dinner snack is a coconut ice cream sandwich! yummm. I also love scrambled eggs…they’re so good to refuel with after runs & workouts!


I met my husband on the internetz… so our first date was KINDA blind. I mean, we’d seen pics. But I’m a lot hotter in person. Jk!

Love scrambled eggs. Eat them whenever I fail to meal plan.

Love my brothers!! I have 3!!!


I’m an only child… When I was growing up I whined about not having any siblings, but now I’m totally okay with it. I’ve got plenty of friends and family who basically live at my house, so I’m not lonely!

Scrambled eggs are a staple in our house!! I love ’em in a sandwich: 2 pieces whole grain bread, a little bit of light vegan mayo (I used to be vegan, and there are some products that I still love!), turkey bacon, and a slice of munster cheese. Oooohhhh, now I’ve gotten myself hungry! Between eggs and waffles, I’m ready for fooooood!! ;)


Such a cute set up story! I registered for a waffle iron on my wedding registry and really want it! I LCD breakfast foods above all others. I always wished I had a big family like you do it looks so fun I only have a younger brother


No brothers – just one amazing sister! We do have four boys between the two of us, so we made up with the lack of boyness with our kids. :-)

I don’t typically snack before bed (because I’ll consume like 1000 calories at once if I get started), but I love apple with peanut butter.


I always need a snack after dinner – a dessert snack! And mostly after lunch too!
No brothers or sisters for me! I’m an only child :)
My Mom thinks she a great match maker but she’s really not… She’s tried numerous times with me and my friends and it is always a bust!


I was set up on a blind date one time and it was so weird. Luckily, a friend gave me great advice beforehand and told me to make sure I had plans set up for right when the date was to end, that way I had my “out” ready.

I have a brother that is two years older and I have a brother who passed away (was 2 years younger)… my advice is to always tell your brother you love them, even if your not super close, because one day they could be gone and you’ll wish you would have.

It’s not time for dinner yet, but I have chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream and a frozen pack of Reeses to crumble on top waiting for me in the freezer!

I love scrambled eggs, but they must have ketchup on them.

And, I also love cottage cheese. Have you tried mixing strawberry jelly into it??? I swear if you do it, you will never want to eat it plain again. I looooove it!


I have one brother and 3 sisters. My brother and I are 5 years apart and we’re pretty close. He’s actually attending my alma mater and getting the same degree I got 5 years ago. <—-do you ever type something and just stop and look at it like that CAN'T be right, but it is? Alma mater. Just looks odd.

I really hate scrambled eggs. Something to do with runny/powdery eggs growing up. But I love over easy/medium and poached!


I do not even have pregnancy to blame, but my sugar addiction did vanish on its own at your age………and for a while I mourned its loss. No lie, ask my husband.
I had a fried egg as an after dinner snack…….must have needed some protine. I consider anything post dinner……my right to eat what I crave……that’s waht makes it dessert right?


That’s adorable that you set up your brother! I love cute ways people meet :)
I have a brother that’s 22 and I love him but we don’t talk too much because we go to school far away from each other and are busy a lot.
I always have a snack before bed. Usually it’s cottage cheese :)
I have been eating egg whites a lot recently, but I haven’t been scrambling them!


Must try the Alaskan Waffle: fresh from the iron waffle topped with ice cream and desired toppings and sprinkles. SO GOOD.


That sounds incredible! I need it right now!


Don’t forget the chocolate syrup!


Must go weigh my head now…. ;)


I eat egg whites every morning for breakfast. I have 5 older brothers. I was terrified to have any boyfriends growing up.


My maid-of-honour and my husband’s best man met at our wedding in 2008. He moved across the country two months later and they got married in 2009 :)


I have a younger brother who is a complete turd, buy I love him. I wouldn’t trade my relationship with my brother and sister for anything!


I ALWAYS eat an after dinner snack. It’s mandatory in my house.


I have scrambled eggs or egg whites every morning (for now)! I have one brother, six BILs, and five SILs. Love them all!!!


No blind date stories. I love eggs, but I don’t have them that often. I have one brother, and he rocks!


Oh man I wished we lived closer, I feel like I am never going to meet Mr. Right lol I really need a good matchmaker on my side! lol


y’all are seriously so cute! I want to be part of your family. I eat scrambled eggs almost everyday. love them.


I don’t have any brothers, but I kind of always felt like I did. My uncle is only 9 years older than me, and I spent as much time at my grandmother’s house as my own growing up, so we were pretty much raised together! That was great until he started taking karate and needed someone to practice on. Ha!


Well now I want to know how much my head weighs.


I just love that story about you setting up your brother with his now wife! I like scrambled eggs, but never for breakfast. Either for lunch or dinner. Weird, huh? I dunno….in the morning all I ever really want to eat are easily digestible carbs.


As mentioned on a comment before on how my parents got married so soon, they actually met on double blind date and my father proposed that night!

My after dinner snack is Oreos. =)


I have 3 brothers, too! One 18 months older than me, one 6 years younger and one 13 years younger.
Love eggs- most any way they can be prepared.


There’s a restaurant in my city (Toronto) that uses waffles in everything on the menu! There are the traditional breakfast/dessert waffles, but things get crazy when your sandwich “bread” is a waffle too – Monte Cristo on a waffle? Yes please.


I have 3 brothers and 1 sister as well! I’m very close with all of my siblings… I only wish we LIVED closer to them.

We have breakfast for dinner once a week and it usually involves eggs. Yum. I wish I had a very buttery waffle sitting in front of me right now.


I have an older sister and to this day wish I had an older brother too. By the time I was ten I had 4 adopted cousins and I BEGGED my parents to adopt a boy a little older then me. Apparently I didn’t argue my case well enough because I’m still without a brother.


Those waffles look AMAZING.. totally worth the wait!


I ALWAYS have to end the day on a sweet note, usually it’s a bowl of fro-yo or lately I’ve been switching it up and having popcorn and M&M’s… Put the M&M’s in first, pour the popcorn on top, and when you get down to them later they’re all warm and almost melty [but still have their shape]! :D

And I loveee eggs- breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner… Anytime, any day! Fave way is with tomato sauce, ham, and parm cheese!


I have three brothers too! All older than me (two are 4 years older, one is 6 years older).


Yay for the new waffle maker!!


heehee! I’m sooo on the egg wagon at the moment! In fact, the dairy wagon in general. Someone said to me that if you want dairy then it’s a boy! I love hearing all the old wives tales regarding the sex of your baby :-)

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