Can I tell you a secret?

The secret is that I like mayonnaise now.  Don’t tell Billy because I can’t tell you how many times he has had to ask the waiter to take back my sandwich because a drop of mayonnaise was touching it.  My brother and I have both hated it our entire lives and now all of the sudden I think about it way too often after accidentally eating some at lunch the other day.   Secret #2:  I would choose a steak over a lifetime supply of candy or ice cream right now.   #3 Whenever people call me on the phone they think I am at the gym because I am always out of breath now.  Please tell me that is normal.

Just for fun because it makes me happy, a picture of Billy as a little boy with his mom:



At our last half marathon I really was struggling.  I was about 14 weeks along and so no one could tell that I was pregnant by looking at me but I was getting passed left and right and I didn’t like that.  I have mentioned it before but a big part of my self-esteem has come from racing and all of the sudden I was having a tough time keeping my old ‘recovery’ pace.  By the finish line I felt like I could have taken a nap that lasted two weeks.

The book that I am reading (Runner’s World Guide To Running and Pregnancy) really helped me to put it all into perspective.  Sure pregnancy means you have to give up some things like caffeine, some of your favorite clothes and feeling like a human being but it does not mean you have to give up enjoying running….you just have to change things around a little bit.

These three things have helped me to not get down on myself because I am slowing down and to really love every second I get to spend running with my new little running buddy.

Photo 23 2

Photo 17 copy 2


What were some of the hardest adjustments that you had to make while pregnant?

Any foods that you HATED before you were pregnant that you started to like while pregnant?

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I’m kind of into mayo now too :)

But there isn’t anything that I didn’t like before that I like now. If anything, the things I hated before I hate more now! (ie. garlic + onions)


What is pregnancy doing to us ha!!! You didn’t like garlic before?! I knew about the onions but didn’t know about the garlic.


I didn’t/don’t dislike garlic, but it’s not my favorite – because of the aftertaste, esp. raw. Now I don’t want anything to do with it!


That is so funny!! I can’t imagine choosing steak over candy! The horror!! ;)

And Billy was such a cute little boy! Great picture!


BAHAHAH I never thought I could either. Hope you are having an amazing day and got some good hills in today:)


I think the biggest adjustment for me was sleeping in the later months. Every once in a while I would be so tired and unable to get comfortable I would just cry.
On the bright side , it does make getting up with a newborn a little less difficult :)

And Steak. I hated steak and large pieces of meat in general. now I like it and while I was pregnant I had dreams about eating all things protein/meat. My husband thought it was all very amusing. :)


THANK YOU for the warning!!! You are right, that transition was probably way easier ha. BAHAHAH I love that you had dreams about it…..I can’t stop thinking about it either:)


That’s how I was too! I could barely down red meat before I was pregnant, but during my pregnancy I couldn’t get enough.

Oddly, though, I had an adverse reaction to chicken while pregnant (s0mething I loved before pregnancy), and I still have it (9 months after having baby). I can barely stand the smell of it cooking let alone think about eating it.

Pregnancy really does make your diet wacky! In the last weeks, the only think I wanted to eat was spaghetti, hamburgers or pizza (which my doctor loved because I lost over 20 pounds while pregnant).


I wasn’t allowed to eat deli meat. I don’t know if that is still the case, the rules seem to change so much. And it is completely normal to be out of breath..the baby is pushing around your organs.


HEY YOU!! Good to now…I swear I am always panting ha. My doctor said it is okay as long as it is coming from a good source but that doesn’t sound as good as beef to me for some reason…weird:) Hope you are having a great day!


Thank you!! I’m so glad I feel the exact same way! I crave similar things too. ha We just found out we are having a boy! I can’t wait to see what yours is! I was 14 weeks when I ran my half and I was having a hard time being passed, because i love being competitive! I have to remind myself of those little things too! You will have the most darling little one!!


KARINA!!! CONGRATS on your baby boy…that is so so exciting. Wow, we are a lot alike, love the competition!


Hardest adjustments were: Not being able to freely move like I wanted to and not being able to RUN! And hating most all food was a big adjustment cause I love food. But let’s be honest the biggest adjustments came AFTER baby! ha ha! Physically after was the hardest thing ever for me. But I would do it all 1,000 times over for something as special as Pax. (Except I don’t want 1,000 kids or 1,000 pregnancies, let be honest…you get what I mean) You will love being a mommy!

I didn’t crave anything and didn’t like anything new while pregnant. I just hated everything! Boo


Uh oh…I am nervous about this after business! Girl, I can’t imagine not liking food while pregnant?!?! How did you survive?


One day at a time is how I survived. The last two months I finally liked most foods again so that was nice. And you will be a rockstar after cause you’ll probably have a super easy delivery since you’re so active. My labor was not easy but I wasn’t able to exercise while pregnant so you will be bouncing back to running like the week after!


I bet your having a boy! (bc of the meat cravings!)


Really?!?!? I could see that…it is all I can think about eating lately:)


I have always hated mayo too! I once cried when my sandwich came out with mayo on it… I was really hungry. haha. I love reading your pregnancy posts :) Makes me even more excited to be a Mom one day!


Thanks Lindsey! Seriously, I was just like you…I cried once too ha. I don’t know why I like it now!


I’ve never been pregnant but I’m really interested to know what I would love to eat that I don’t know! Soooo strange how that happens!!


when my best friend was preggo she craved big, juicy burgers and lemonade. GIMME THAT STEAK!


I was the EXACT same way about mayo. Before pregnancy, I thought mayo was the devil and my husband would have to send my food back for me, too! Then, when I was pregnant, it suddenly wasn’t so terrible. Pregnancy totally made me more calm about eating certain foods I wouldn’t have eaten pre-pregnancy and I thankfully stayed that way after my daughter was born – just more mellow about stuff I detested before. Also, I was told you crave meat because of the increased need for iron, not because you are having a certain gender ;)


COURTNEY…thank you so so much for commenting, I feel so much more normal now ha! Good to know about the iron too…I am taking prenatals, hopefully I am getting enough between that and all the meat I am eating:)


Janae, you are such a rock star! You’re already setting such a great example for your child-how cool is it going to be to tell him/her all about the races you did while you were pregnant?? Definitely save your race bibs for the baby book!


That seems like I really good book, I really enjoyed the parts you posted. I have really tired to listen to my body while exercising while I have been preggo. I have A LOT more energy since the start of my second trimester which has been great, but I am no where near where I was before. Yesterday at the gym I did the elliptical fairly hard and then ws going to do the stair stepper but I started not feeling too great so I did a cool down on the bike instead. I don’t feel bad about it because I know I was getting too tired. It has been a huge adjustment for me.

I have never liked fish but I keep wanting fish and chips (don’t eat it because I know halibut is really high in mercury). That keeps surprising me when I start craving that.


I am loving your HRG Baby posts. I like hearing how excited you are and how everyday is a new day with new things to learn. I remembered reading your post about how a cardio workout also benefits the baby. How does that work? Does the baby’s heartbeat increase when yours does? Or does the baby just get more healthy nutrients and blood pumping ?


I am not pregnant, but I have noticed that as I have gotten older and my hormones have changed, I have developed a liking for foods I always hated. I used to be completely appalled by onions, and now I eat them on everything. And I used to hate sweet potatoes… guess what I eat multiple times a week now? Oh, and I wouldn’t touch a tomato with a ten foot pole, but I eat those now too. All within the past year or so… I guess hormones really DO influence what you like to eat! :) Also, I am terrified to see what foods I like once I get pregnant.


Seems pretty normal about the steak thing – your baby’s body is basically being made of protein! :)
Must be so exciting, I’m so happy for you!


Good for you for keeping it all in perspective! When my mom was pregnant with me she and friend, who was pregnant at the same time, would go running together and they learned to help keep tabs on each other and pace one another. It was a bonus that my womb-running-buddy was born a few days before me, we’re still very close to this day. Find someone else who will workout with you (if they’re pregnant too, bonus!), and talk to each other about this unique experience!! You are going to be an amazing mom!


I love how pregnancy makes people crave/like the things that they despised before! It is quite amusing!


I met you at the dogtown half! (I’m the one who had just found out I had a stress fracture) Before pregnancy I was mostly vegetarian but during all I wanted to eat was meat, eggs, and watermelon. I could ( and usually did) eat an entire watermelon everyday! But I had heartburn SO BAD I didn’t eat ANYTHING after 4:00.


HEY CRYSTAL!! I am so happy you commented. How are you doing? Are you able to run at all. MMMMMMM now you are making me want watermelon bad! Was there anything you could do to help the heart burn?


I can’t stand mayo and am thankful it isn’t one of my cravings :) I used to never be able to tolerate spicy stuff but during this pregnancy I swear I put hot sauce on everything! I’m off to go find that book now… :)


I went into my pregnancy being vegan, but quickly started craving…..cottage cheese. WTF? Who the hell craves cottage cheese?!
My biggest adjustment has been not being able to run as of my 28th week (last week). I don’t know if the baby shifted and is laying on a nerve or if I pulled something running, but I’m having gnarly piriformis or sciatic pain and can barely walk. SO annoying.


Lol I’ve never been pregnant, but I can’t believe that you don’t want fro yo! Blasphemy! Just ate some… haha.


Not having energy was really hard for me the firsr time around. That pregnancy was characterized by an exclusive NEED for spicy Hunan chow mein, RARE hamburgers and chile verde burritos and an utter distaste for ice cream and chocolate.


Yes it is normal to feel out of breath. I did too. :)

My biggest adjustment was when I developed pregnancy induced high blood pressure. Doctor said I had to stop exercising and rest whenever possible, which was hard considering how active i am. Then I got put on blood pressure meds which helped some. Other things happened after that too but I don’t want to scare you. :)

Great attitude with the running and pregnancy. By the way I think you are having a boy. The old wives tail that when you want protien it means boy. (I always wanted peanut butter… I also had cravings for tuna although I never had it) I had a boy about two weeks ago. :)


I hate mayo! Haha it’s funny how stuff like that happens :)


I found that after I had my babies (two girls ages 1 and 3), my knees were really sore when I tried to run due to the joints/ligaments being loosened. My doctor prescribed Glucosamine to help with this. I also loved burgers, cereal and melon and HAD to eat first thing in the morning or else I would feel like I was going to faint.


I just had a baby a couple of weeks ago. She would object to everything I ate. I became a super fan of purple propel water…


Butter. I know, I’m weird … I never was a big fan of butter. I was one of those people who ate the roll minus the butter. And then pregnancy happened. Butter was hands down my favorite thing for 9 months!! LOL …
But seriously, I ran throughout my twin pregnancy and it was hard to accept that my running would be different. I was all, “If Paula Radcliffe can do it!”But then one day, I was toeing the line for a 10k in Central Park and Paula (who was pregnant with her 2nd baby) was also going to be running that race. At the start line she gave a speech and said that she was not up to running that day due to how she was feeling in her pregnancy. My entire outlook changed after that. Every mama has to do what is best for her pregnant self, expectations aside. Its about you and what you feel! Go with it! Its ok.
Oh and I promise that returning to running will be some such easier than you are thinking it will be :)


Also it is normal to feel out of breath however be sure to mention to your Doc.


I think it’s awesome that you are even running at all while pregnant. When I was pregnant I was sick at first and I quit working out (looking back now I really think I would have felt a lot better had I kept working out) and then when I felt well enough to work out again I was so dang tired and out of shape and breathless that I just quit. I know I’m a loser. If I have another baby though I’ll definitely run as much as is healthy for the baby and I.
Oh and before I was pregnant I hated tomatoes and never ate steak. Then I craved tomatoes and couldn’t get enough steak! Over my husband’s Christmas break from law school he went home for three weeks to work and I stayed in Moscow to work and during that three weeks I treated myself to steak dinners at Applebees probably 3 nights a week. It was awesome.


i’m taking notes from you! so keep them coming.


I had a bad pregnancy and recovery, ill spare you the horrific details, shouldn’t scare a pregnant woman ;). I couldn’t run during my pregnancy and it was so hard to get back into running after the baby came. I wasn’t ready for that. I ran my first post baby race when my son was 10 weeks and I totally peed my pants at the finishing shoot. I didn’t realize that was a perk of a post baby run ;) keep up the running, you’re so lucky you can!


Wow. Adjustments? Everything. Since I typically had “difficult” pregnancies, I never stuck with exercise for long during. You’re SO SMART to keep up with what your body will handle. Just listen to it, and it will be that much easier to get back to pre-pregnancy capacity afterward…PLUS, your blood volume will stay amped up, which will mean greater oxygenation (eventually). Win!

Definitely more new aversions than new cravings during pregnancy.

You look so awesome in your belly shot! Can’t wait for the healthy, happy Jacobs baby’s arrival!


I craved steak like mad the first two trimesters! Still, at 33 weeks I will probably choose steak/beef over chicken, fish etc. Oh and yes – being out of breath is totally normal. I read lots of books during the day to the two little boys I nanny. They look at me like I am insane when I have to stop and take a deep breath every other page!


I don’t like regular mayo but I am OBSESSED with chipotle mayo. I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet. It’ll change your life!!


Beautiful photo.


I HATE mayo too, and although I am not even close to getting pregnant I wonder if once I do eventually if I will like it, ahhh! My mom said when she was pregnant with me she craved bagels and protein and actually started to eat eggs and meat which was a huge change for her since she was previously vegan, but she knew she was craving it for a reason and gave herself what she needed. I am loving these HRG baby posts :)


I “ran” a 5k at 28 weeks pregnant and I barely broke 13 minute miles. A year later I ran the same race in 21:22! I started to think I would never be able to run again, I would get so out of breath from just walking.. Ad I would have to stop after every flight of stairs! I started running again 3 weeks after I delivered my son, and have since run 2 marathons and a 50k, and Pr’ed in every distance except half marathon. My baby will be 1 on March 29! You will always be a runner, even if you can barely breathe when walking! :)


I had to learn to listen to my body more and just stop. Stopping had always been hard for me and I didn’t realize how easy it was for my heart rate to get going. So I had to listen to my body extra carefully and when it said stop I had to stop. Like the book said, that little person in you is priority #1 now.


It took me so many years to get pregnant, so when I got pregnant with the triplets I enjoyed every single FAT moment of it. I knew I would always be able to run, but I wasn’t sure if I would ever be pregnant again and wanted to soak up every good, bad and ugly.

Enjoy every moment. Baby Fartlek will be here soon enough!


Ummmm how did I not find your blog until now??!! You are the cutest! I’m 32 weeks prego and love reading your pregnancy updates. I’m so impressed with the amount of mileage you’re still getting in. I’m jogging and walking still, but it’s getting harder and harder. My least favorite food has always been mayo but pregnancy has made me love it!! So strange right!?


Kristin…your comment made my day! CONGRATS on being 32 weeks pregnant, that is so exciting! GREAT job keeping up your jogging and walking. We need to have a mayo party ha!


Frustration: not being able to run during my pregnancy, even though I swore I would. Everyone carries their babies so differently. I carried mine so low, that if I had run that baby would have fallen right out.


Mayonnaise is DISGUSTING!! I can’t freaking stand it!! So glad your pregnancy is going swimmingly!


When I got pregnant I started showing right away, (I’m short). The hardest adjustment was fitting in clothes. I craved red meat like crazy! (I think cuz my iron was low), and chicken of any kind made my stomach turn. (I love chicken normally).
Being pregnant is so weird on your body.
Don’t feel bad about not being able to run like you could, your growing a person and that is even more amazing!
And I love mayo :D


AHHH Okay, I am having a tough time with chicken lately too and I used to love it! WHAT IS GOING ON!?!? Thanks for your sweet words…you are so right!


I love reading your baby updates! I’m 21 weeks along with my second and can totally relate to everything you say. I’m not a big runner (a biker at heart), but I continue to spin, walk, lift and do yoga when I possibly can, even if my two year old is a round :) I’m amazed at how much you’re doing, so awesome! And the best advice I got with my first pregnancy was to just be OK with slowing down or lighting up on things. You’re growing a human being in there and it takes a lot of work, so if you need to rest, sleep or just take it easy and walk, do it! You’ll be back at it so soon after baby comes, you’ll be amazed! (especially since it’s your first!) Best of luck. Oh, and mayo…so good :)


LIZ!!!! CONGRATS on being 21 weeks along, that is so exciting. YAY for continuing to be so active…I love that we will be able to do spin probably the whole pregnancy! THANK YOU for what you said about just being ok with slowing down or doing less….that really helped because I cut my run short today and I needed to hear that. Keep the advice coming:)


Once you make it out of the first trimester (and being tired ALL the time) it gets easier for a few months. Pace starts to slows down but running is still relatively easy. Once you hit the last trimester probably the biggest change is the need to pee every few miles. Every. 2. Miles. My last baby (#4) “ran” over 600 miles with me. He was my Boston training buddy! :-)

Glad to see you are doing well. I am a very sporadic commenter but I do love this blog!


TIA!!! You are so right about running feeling better the second trimester and I have a feeling I will have the same problem that you did in the last trimester. OVER 600 MILES WITH YOU!?!? That is the coolest thing ever. You ran Boston while pregnant too. Thanks for your sweet comment and have an amazing day!


My two best friends are pregnant and they are craving sushi TERRIBLY. We all decided to get some after their babies are born (their doctors said it should be okay even while breastfeeding :)
No baby for me yet, but I really appreciate you for sharing this, Janae!


REALLY….you better take them after they deliver ha. It will be fun to see what you crave when you are pregnant! Hope you are having an amazing day!


Wait!! Why did a reader call Baby J., Baby Fartlek????? Did I miss a post where you decided on a name???? FARTLEK??????


HAHAHAH NOOOOOO!!! But maybe it is a good idea:) Don’t worry, I will tell you the name before I put it on the blog:) Hope you are getting ready for us to be so close!


Ahhh I would so love to get that runners world book you are reading! Sounds so helpful for us first timer preggo mommies:) I hate the fact that I have to slow down my running…and that I just always feel out of breath and tired!! But I must say it is fun to have a little running buddy inside of you all the time ;) And I am super competitive, so letting that part of me die down a little is difficult!
But it’s all sooo good too!

I am eating so much salty things…I never used to be like this AT ALL!! And I think about food all the time…again, something I don’t normally do!


Oh girl….I hear ya. I never even though about salty foods but that is all I want now! It really is a blast to always have a little buddy ha. Hope you are having a great day and keep me updated!


Ha I’m the same way about mayo. I dry-heave thinking about it. My Dr always told me to eat plenty of meat because it’s high in iron and it decreases water retention. With my first, I ballooned with water. Not so much with #2 & #3. With those 2, my diet consisted of salt water taffy and salt water taffy.

Hats off to all the runner moms! My energy was always depleted and going to Walmart was a victory.


BAHAHAH So can you stomach salt water taffy anymore after eating it so much with #2 and #3?!?!


Of course. Thanks to Winco’s bulk section. I don’t have the passion I once did, but I can still put away a good amount of taffy. I highly recommend the tropical mix.

I bet you’re having a boy. I’ve always heard you crave sweets with girls and savory things with boys. Thus was true for me, I have 3 girls.


This must be such an exciting experience for you!! :)


I started liking Mayo late in late, not from pregnancy. My two pregnancies gave me dif. Cravings like frozen grapes, cheeseburgers, Mexican food…


Okay, those three passages that you posted made me tear up a little bit. I’m 23 weeks and really struggling with the slower pace/my husband is running 2 half marathons in the next 3 months thing. Must buy that book!
I did just run a really slow half marathon this past Saturday but I finished it! Now just to not beat myself up about how I tried to run 3 miles yesterday and totally failed because my legs were SO sore…
I have had NO CRAVINGS this entire pregnancy – I feel like I’m missing out on something! Thanks again for posting about your pregnancy, I’m really glad to follow along with your journey too :)


Veronika! I am so glad you commented and I am happy those three things were able to help you…I know exactly how you are feeling. It is hard not to get jealous about others running right now but our first job is to take care of our baby…we will be back! CONGRATS on your half last saturday, girl you are incredible! Take a few days off. Keep me updated on how you are doing!


Adjsuting to the fact that I am SLOW has been really hard. I know I should be happy that I am 28+ weeks pregnant and still running 5 times a week (with a weekend long run) but my pace is much, much slower. I also had to pull out of the Boston Marathon. It killed me to do, but I knew deep down it was the right decision.

I don’t think there are any foods I hated that I eat now. I do eat a ton of oranges, candy and cereal though. But I ate those prior to getting pregnant. :-)


WOW…girl, you are incredible! You are doing so well, keep it up:) That must have been so hard to pull out of Boston….could you defer it to next year?


I live in Las Vegas and I had to take the heat very seriously. I had to take walk breaks, which I hated. I was about 5 months in when disaster struck. I was running downhill with a friend and I stopped paying attention to the ground for a second and I tripped and fell hard on my belly. I had never been so scarred in my whole life. I was grateful to have had my friend with me becuase she was able to calm me down… I feel lucky that the baby was still relatively small. I had scrapped up my knees but, the baby was fine. I knew then and there that as much as running and racing had been my world. Nothing was more imp0rtant than the life growing inside of me. As fate would have it that same morning I brougt my watch to keep track of my splits. But I couldn’t find it when I was getting out of my truck. Well I ended up accidently running over my watch. I think it was God’s way of trying to tell me something.


WOW. I haven’t even thought about how hard that must be to be running in the heat WHILE pregnant. Oh my goodness, your falling story made me so sad! I am so happy the baby was fine. You are so right about the most important thing being growing a healthy baby. I think that was a sign from God.


I just had to comment when i read your first few lines. I HATE HATE mayo! and all i wanted to eat while i was preggo, with both kids, was tomato and mayo sandwiches (and well popsicles too!). glad to know i am not the only weird one out there! :)


Okay, Anne….thank you for telling me about your mayo situation. WOW…what is it with being pregnant and NEEDING mayo?


I found my running form had changed a bit after pregnancy due to a little bit different body shape post delivery. It took me a few months to adjust. I usually had to stop running and switch to walking after 5 months because my joints and pelvic bone hurt too bad. The other thing that was hard was late in pregnancy when I felt ravenously hungry, but having a stomach that was being smooshed by a large baby made it smaller than I was used to. I wasn’t able to eat as much as I wished I could. It was always such a disappointment to look forward to a big meal but then not being able to squish it all in before feeling too full. But that just gave me the ability to eat lots of mini meals throughout the day. :)


I only like mayo on a salami sandwich. Is that weird?


“The secret is that I like mayonnaise now. ”

Janae, you crack me up :)


Such a cute picture of Billy & his Mom :) You will have to compare your baby to your little baby pictures- that’s one of the best parts of when the baby is born! (@ least that’s what I think :) )
That is too crazy about mayo, I hate the stuff. But I can TOTALLY see how your body is craving all of this weird stuff ;)


Normally I love salad and when I was pregnant I could not stand the thought of any green leaves. Now I like salad again!


yeah, I didn’t eat red meat for at least 5 years until my first pregnancy! Then I started craving steak and cheeseburgers like crazy. I guess my body needed iron.


I used to HATE maple syrup….. Once I became pregnant, I couldn’t get enough of it. My son is now 3…. I still like it, but don’t crave it :) Best of luck with this pregnancy. I ran my first race ever (soldier field 10 miler) last spring. We are trying to get pregnant again…. so I’m excited to watch how your pregnancy goes WHILE running. I really hope to keep it up! Thanks for being an inspiration :)


I wish I could figure out how to send you a photo of my running shoes at the moment. My pinky tow is coming out the side cause I love them so much and hate breaking in new shoes! But the time has come! I recently have been out demo’in some new shoes and would love to have a pair of these!


tweeted… :)


steak for me – I think I already told you, I didn’t even eat meat prior to pregnancy and then I was visiting the Keg all the time :P lol


Hey beautiful!! I’m still off the broccoli and not eating enough veggies….yup and I’m a vegetarian! I can eat fruit fruit fruit but small portions of raw veg only. I’ve developed a love of fresh apple juice and laughing cow cheese triangles…..oh and cottage cheese, pineapple and tomato paste on wholemeal crackers….yeah I know! I think I need to buy that running book. I’m really down on myself at the moment. I feel slow and heavy and I’m only 10 weeks! You can remind yourself of the little one growing inside but sometimes it feels difficult as things start to change. On the flip side……how fun is it gonna be taking our little ones out for a run (them in the pram of course!) :-) x x x


I think you’re having a boy based off that secret #2! :) I think it’s an old wives tale if you crave sweets its a girl and citrus and meats it’s a boy.


The hardest part of pregnancy for me was just not feeling in control of my body. I hated eggs before I got pregnant, but started eating them all the time during pregnancy and still like them now.


Do you plan to run your entire pregnancy? I remember hearing about the lady who ran a marathon 9 months pregnant! Can you imagine?!


I’d personally like to be anywhere near a beach!


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