Pancake Day, Ashtanga and Ditching

After school yesterday I realized two things: My gas light had been on for at least two days and I was out of cottage cheese.

Guess who solved both of my problems? The one and only Costco (fyi you can buy gas at Costco).

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Going to Costco by yourself is quite difficult because:

1. Billy wasn’t with me so that I could grab two samples so that I could act like I was going to give him one and then eat them both of them after we walked out of sight of the sample lady.

2. I have zero self control when it comes to industrial sized packages of skittles, the bigger the box the more beautiful they are to me. Added bonus is that when you buy them in bulk they are cheaper per ounce….it turns out to be roughly .001 cents per skittle.

After I put away the groceries and broke into my new package of cottage cheese I headed off to yoga. That would be twice within 6 days, I am quite impressed with these stats.


The teacher was incredible….like the real deal, she knew her stuff and taught an Ashtanga class that had everyone sweating and my shoulders now feel like jello. You are lucky I took the picture before my boots came off…gotta love what running does to our feet.

Since it was national PANCAKE day yesterday about 1/2 of my students were not in class. This was because IHOP offered a free stack of pancakes just for going in all day long. Tough choice for a 17 year old= running and doing circuits in PE or going to IHOP for a fresh stack of pancakes.

By the time I was done with yoga I was too lazy to drive the 3.7 miles to get free pancakes even though I texted Billy earlier making him pinky promise the antenna of his phone that he would go to IHOP with me for dinner. Instead I made them at home.

Okay, if we are going to be honest here, Billy made them.

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You better stop being jealous of our kitchen right this second.

Best part about eating the pancakes at home was that we could watch The Office at the same time. IHOP always gets mad at me when I bring my laptop in and try to watch The Office at the table.

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Billy’s family is really into adding pb to their pancakes, but I am just a syrup girl (picture pre-syrup and followed by 3 more pancakes).

Did you ever sluff (Utah word)/ditch/cut school when you were in high school? Ever get caught or in trouble?

-Only once to go to Einsteins Bagels (rebel)….I didn’t mess with my mom, she is the nicest woman in the world but can be tough when she needs to be tough.

What was the last thing that you had to drink?

-Milk, necessary with pancakes.

How often do you have to get gas? Any other Costco gas buyers?

-About every 9 days.

Do you watch TV while you eat or have real conversations?

-Growing up we NEVER did but now we always do.

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I work for a denim company and I love that Billy is wearing True Religions- it’s one of the brands we carry :)!


We were never allowed to watch TV during dinner when we were kids but now the husband & I tend to watch it together at mealtimes. There’s just something weird about sitting down at a dining table for 8 people when there’s only 2 of you!


My BF and I were going to go to IHOP for dinner but the line was outrageous! So we also made Pancakes at home! Chocolate chip for me, peanut butter chip for him! :)

We watch TV and have real conversations during the commercials.

We don’t have Costco, but about candy… have you see the Skittles Jelly Beans that are out for Easter? My BF is stock piling them!


P.s. I think maybe your giveaway link is wrong?


I have a 30 mile one way commute. I get gas every 5 days. My company is moving 20 miles further away. That means 100+ miles a day for me :( Lets just say I’m actively looking for a new job. We never watched TV at the table as kids as well. Now, since I live alone (or practically, with a roomie who is never there) I can’t eat at the table by myself, so I eat on the couch in front of the TV.


Unfortunately we did not celebrate pancake day yesterday. We did have breakfast for dinner though.

I am very lucky that I buy gas about once a month, even less sometimes. My school is just 1.3 miles from my house. So I drive maybe 2-5 miles a day, depends on what else we have going on. We were joking last week that I definitely run more miles per week than I drive. But that’s ok!


I had a friend call my high school to pretend I had to leave for a doctors appointment. I got caught, grounded, and I never made it to the beach that day. Boo. :(


I only skipped on senior skip day. I was such a good kid.

I want pancakes now!

I’m drinking coffee right now and a giant bottle of water. I like to dehydrate and hydrate at the same time.


We had something called work release which allowed us to go early on some days. I didn’t have a job, but I loved leaving early and getting lunch with friends.

I’m drinking coffee now. I wake up and make it before I do anything. So amazing.

Pumping gas is my personal pet peeve. I hate it more than anything and I love places where they have a station attendant that does it for you (Oregon, South Africa, Jersey Turnpike…)


I am totally jealous of your kitchen–but mostly because it looks really clean!

I never ditched school–I was a nerd. We always seem to have the t.v. on for background noise, but the t.v. was rarely on in our house growing up. My husband still comments how none of my parents furniture really faces the t.v. and you have to go upstairs to watch it.

Nice work on the yoga!


Gosh I miss teaching. I taught for 4 years at a private school and loved it, but we moved this summer and there were no teaching jobs to be found. Texas cut so many teaching jobs, it was just horrible. It’s ok,God provided! The kids at my school got into so much trouble if they ditched! But, I did it in high school. I was an idiot in my teenage years.


I don’t think I ever skipped school…I may have exaggerated not feeling well or something, but never just cut class. College – different story. :)

I had water and a smoothie this morning, and I’m drinking coffee now.

I have to get gas once a week now that I’m working at the new gym downtown (total opposite end of town than where I live). Sometimes I can stretch it to 8 days.

I’m the same as you – we never watched tv while eating when growing up (except maybe a Friday night movie night with pizza), but now we typically eat and watch tv. We need to get back to eating at our table sans tv.

Random – we have the same hinges in our kitchen. Our house was built in the 40’s, and I’m pretty sure those hinges are from the same decade. :)


Mmmm you’re making me want pancakes right this second!

I was bad for cutting class when I was in high school. My school district had a LOT of people who didn’t go to class or went and just caused trouble, and a lot of the classes had too many people and were pretty sped so I ended up cutting a lot. They also didn’t really keep track of who attended well, so I never got caught. High school was a FUN time!


I try not to drive unless I have to so usually once every 2 weeks for gas and I never fill it up :)

Also I am going to send you an email right now ;P

PS: I could never control myself in a store that has huge boxes of candy!


Oh and I missed pancake tuesday….I could cry :(


Eek, my friends and I were regulars in detention for skipping class, and by class I mean lunch, because what 17 year old wants to eat the school lunch when you can go to St. Louis Bread Co (Panera to the rest of you) every day?!? And get some shopping in while you’re at it, obviously.

I love that you’re getting into yoga! It is like running’s best friend.


I wanted to have pancakes for dinner last night but my husband is not a big fan of breakfast for dinner. Even on national pancake day :( He offered to get us pizza instead which meant no cooking for me so I went with it.

I try to only get gas from Costco! Can’t beat the price.


i was always a goody two shoes…never really skipped class in HS. my HS was way too small to get away with it anyways. in our senior year we’d have sign out periods at the end of the day, we could leave early if we had no classes scheduled. SCORE!

i’m drinking coffee right now. last drink before that was water ;)

it really depends on how much I drive. if i’m only driving around town or to work, a full tank lasts me a week and a half. if i’m driving home to my parents or somewhere else, it might only be 5-6 days a tank lasts me. Darn SUV. the line at costco for gas is always ridiculous so I never go, lol.

its a mixture for us. sometimes we have dinner at the dining room table and sometimes in front of the tv. depends on if i’m too lazy to set the table to be honest, lol


We skipped school a couple of times when I was in high school. But I always got my mom to write me excusals, so I wouldn’t get in trouble. ;)


I was a goody two shoes in high school and darn proud of it! I never felt the need to rebel. The last drink I had was coffee–actually finishing it right now! And I 100% definitely watch television while I eat. I feel like it’s bad because I eat my meal in practically three minutes, but there are too many fantastic unwatched shows on Netflix. Sacrifices, like quickie meals, must be made!


I’ve got to try a yoga class sometime. I know I need to stretch, etc w/ all the cardio I do. My crazy brain thinks like this, though, bouncy/running/high heart rate = workout= calorie burn. Yoga = low heart rate = not exercise = waste of time. Yes, shame on me!
I never cut school. I was on such a strict dance team that our coach would KILL us if we did anything wrong. The high school I am employed at has a very strict policy and I don’t think I’ve ever had a kid skip my class. Then again I”m so mean and my class is so hard that they know they’ll never catch up if they miss a day!
I’m currently drinking coffee (needs to be water….I just taught 3 aerobic classes before work). I am blessed to have both my jobs and my home all within 7 miles of each other and I typically run to my gym job. This allows me to only get gas 1.5x a month!!
My husband and I don’t eat dinner until late (again…aerobics) so we are normally watching our TIVOed shows and talking at the same time. :o) My 2nd fav time of the day!


I never skipped school… I was ‘allowed’ by my teacher to skip once and went to Starbucks haha my bf skipped all the time and I said we’re lucky we didn’t meet in high school! I was def. a goody-goody…..

I just drank Almond Milk with Coffee – Iced.

I have to get gas 2-3 times per month depending on how much I make the bf drive me places… lol I am SICK of gas prices I cry a little at the pump :(

We do watch TV – we try to watch little sit-coms like The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family… but I talk through ALL shows so … conversations also?? Mike says DVR should be my best friend bc he can pause to let me talk and not miss the show… it may have saved our relationship without me even knowing? lol


My costco card is so old that it doesn’t have the magnetic strip, and they told me I can’t buy gas there until I upgrade. I kind of like my “Price Costco” card. The employees are always in aww of it.


My hubs does peanut butter on his pancakes/waffles too. I can’t stand it. I am a butter and syrup purist. The peanut butter overwhelmes the carby goodness.


I skipped school on occasion. Funny you mention Einstein Bagels, because one time my friend and I skipped out and went there, and we ran into her mom. Busted!

I love Costco, but am too cheap to get a membership so I mooch off of my mom’s. No gas for me. :-)


Never ditched except for sports after school. Everyone in my school had sports every day after school. Until 4:45.
I had some water after my training session.
Gas every 2-3 weeks. But not at Costco. I drive a diesel and Costco doesn’t have diesel.
We watch tv while we eat. Usually catching up on something on the DVR.

PS: Sams Club has BIG bags of skittles. I know you are jealous!

The Kidless Kronicles


I skipped class all the time and I always got away with it because my older brothers were angels at school and the attendance secretary thought I was an angel too. I was definitely not an angel.
I usually avoid the candy aisle at Costco because I can’t control myself. My newest favorite non-candy thing I get there is quinoa. Sooo yummy, so full of protein, and goes well with everything.


I used to skip school to go home and nap! I was a swimmer so we had practice in the morning and then again after school and sometimes i just needed a few ZZZ’s before practice in the afternoon….


I’m a maple syrup girl all the way! I never once ditched school, because I went to a private school and they would have not only noticed if I was gone, but would have immediately called my parents.


I have to get gas every 5-6 days. I work about 30 minutes away, so it definitely sucks all my gas!


I have been hearing so much about coconut water and how great it is for post-run recovery. Since it’s so expensive, I have always shyed away from it… but it was on sale at the grocery store so I decided to give it a whirl. Turns out I really like it! But since it is so expensive I will probably try to limit myself to drinking it as a treat after really long runs only.


I was quite the rebel in high school, I ditched more often than I should have. However, something shifted in college and I was super diligent about going to class. I LOVED school though, so it wasn’t too hard to be there for me.
I buy gas once a week or so. We don’t have Costco yet. :(
We eat at the table 95% of the time. I LOVE this tradation. Even though it is just Ty and I (and dogs) right now, it really gives us a chance to catch up for the day. I really want to keep this up as we add to our family.


I usually get gas once a week. I drive a HUGE gas guzzling truck but luckily only drive a couple miles per day.
I usually watch TV at dinner :)


I didn’t have to skip school – my parents let me stay home whenever I wanted since I was a good student.

On the boot @ yoga comment, I immediately came home and gave myself a pedicure after yoga last Saturday – way too up close and personal with my 2 month old pedicure! :)


You do not know how excited I am to see peanut butter on those pancakes!!! My friends make fun of me because I put peanut butter on my pancakes, waffles, toast and french toast! Peanut butter = YUM!!!


we eat together, no tv. (before kids? ALWAYS tv)


I made pancakes yesterday-with peanut butter. YUM


I’m super lucky and walk to my work/school. I only get gas once a month or less which is AWESOME for me because the smell of gasoline makes me sick to my stomach. I’m trying to do more yoga too, nice work Janae! I really wish my gym offered more classes. All the yoga studios around here are super pricey so I don’t want to join anything more on top of my regular gym.


No tv during dinner. It’s family time!

I only “skipped” school once., but my dad called in for me. And a few of my friends so we could go to the opening day at the outdoor skating rink!


Senior year of high school I had Study Hall for first period… so yes… I skipped that class a couple times with my friend. We would go to Starbucks. It was pretty fun!
The last thing I drank was coffee and three water bottles! hydrate!
Since I live in NYC no buying gas – just paying waaaay too much to rent a tiny apartment :)
When I was growing up no tv at dinner – now I watch tv when I eat but once I’m done I turn off the tv. I don’t really watch that much tv.


TV on the weekends cause we have already had good hang out time, but during the week we use it as our time to catch up from the day.

Only skipped twice. My dad was a teacher at my high school. I respected him too much to put him in a awkward situation.

Wish I would have done pancakes for dinner. Those look delish.


“the bigger the box the more beautiful they are to me” – You are hillarious and I agree completely!


Seriously, pancakes are so good! I attended my cousin’s birthday party this past weekend and it was a brunch…you’d better believe I ate a bunch of pancakes doused in syrup and butter.

I’m definitely a PB on pancakes lover. My friends used to do it at sleepovers and I was hesitant at first but then loved it after the first bite. I also used to have a friend that liked PB and butter sandwiches…now that was just gross.

I was homeschooled so I couldn’t ditch, but I skipped chapel all of the time in college.

I’m drinking apple-pear flavored Crystal Light! Okay, so it’s the target brand of Crystal light, but it’s still good!

I get gas every week to two weeks…my car is a tank.

Andy and I eat at the coffee table while watching Netflix 5 out of the 7 nights of the week. I like to watch while I eat…it’s too hard to talk and eat.


SLUFFING! I totally forgot about that word. I remember when I “sluffed” Mr. Panee’s class in Jr High and WALKED to Allens (yes, the grocery store). Then my mom happened to drive by in her minivan and caught me on the trek back up to school.


I never really ditched school, but I am sure that my mom let my brother and I stay home a couple of times, even though we weren’t sick.. :)

I am still nursing a cup of coffee. ahhhh :)

As far as gas goes, I normally don’t have to fill up but every couple of weeks. I love living close to where I work.

Have a great Leap Day!!


We had pancakes last night too! I couldn’t let national pancake day pass without celebrating.


Ohhh my goodness you make me laugh out loud on a regular basis!! Your comment about the kitchen had tears in my eyes. Our kitchen is slightly less appealing. :) I am a put-peanut-butter-on-pancakes girl too. Lots of people think I’m crazy….but my husband is a syrup-only guy, and I think he’s crazy. So it evens out I guess.

Last drink: water. Always water. 80 ounces a day. Yeah, it’s a lot.

We have 2 little guys at home, so dinners at the table are way important to us.

I get gas about once a week, and that’s wayyyyy too often right now. What are the gas prices in Utah?


I love peanut butter on my pancakes!


Luckily, I don’t drive too far on a daily basis, but I never fill my tank all the way up like I should, so I end up getting gas a lot more often. I actually hate getting gas. I always wait until I’m in the car with mu hubby, then I’m like – Oh, look at that, I need gas.

I just drank a McDonald’s coffee – my fav. It was a treat to myself after getting a mole on my back removed thsi morning. Pretty lame treat. I should have gotten an ice cream cone instead!


No tv while we eat – we have two small kids, & they would be too busy watching Scooby Doo, or whatever to even eat a bite. They zone out when they watch TV. :-) We never did growing up, but before we had kids, we watched the occasional meal in front of the TV.

I also love peanut butter on my pancakes! :-)


Ditched school all the time in high school! My husband and I watch TV with dinner too! Sometimes I think we should probably sit down at the table and have a nice dinner and conversation but isn’t that what going out to eat is for?? :) Plus there’s something to be said about enjoying a delicious meal and a great episode at the same time!


I ditched school once in high school: Senior Skip Day! It was before the school started adding it into their calendar. Can a school really do that? Isn’t SSD supposed to be a sign of rebellion?


Why do I always wait till the last possible second to get gas! I make myself all anxious but I do it every.single.time!


Oh man I knew I was forgetting something yesterday! I drooled all morning watching about free pancakes on tv and then forgot to go. ha! How fun that you made them at home. PB on pancakes is the best you must try it my friend. I even ask for it at restaurants I am so addicted to the combo!

Sounds like you had a great day. Let’s get together soon my friend I have truly missed your face. :D


We always skipped school to go to lunch somewhere super cool like Wendy’s or McDonalds. Ha. High class right?!

The last thing I had to drink was water…before that…probably milk with my cereal last night?

I haven’t had to buy gas in 2.5 years!! One of the perks of living in NYC! I’m moving back to UT though…that’s going to be quite a change going back to driving and having to buy gas. Eeek.

Growing up we used to watch Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy while we ate dinner sometimes. Lately I’ve been into Big Bang Theory while I have dinner! Love and love.


Ok I am jealous of your kitchen, reminds me of the beach cottage house I rented with my sister for many years – such good memories! Right behind that boardwalk run you posted about in Newport.

I love Costco but like many fear going there because I spend too much and buy stuff I shouldn’t eat. Ugh. And I do need to go and buy the giant boxes of diapers and wipes this weekend.


I try to play Words With Friends while having conversations and I get in all kinds of trouble doing that. I should practice listening more and not making that “huh?” sound. HAHAHA! You NEED a waffle maker!!


I LOVE Costco!! The industrial sized ANYthing makes it more inviting…not allowed to go alone any more. HAH


Yay for pancakes–ate some today too. :) These protein ones are pretty good! Loving them for dessert, breakfast….

Since our town is SO small, we only gas up every 3 weeks. ridiculous huh?!


I skipped school a lot. Definitely too much! We fill up e car every other Saturday usually. Gas is super expensive in New Zealand, so I try to save up errands when I can.

If hubby and I get takeout on a Saturday we’ll usually watch something when we eat, but that’s it. Every other day we eat at the table with the kids and talk to each other.


Yesterday was Senior Skip Day for high school seniors around here… so that MAY have been the reason your kids were M.I.A…. not that your students would EVER break rules like that or anything ;-)


“Billy wasn’t with me so that I could grab two samples so that I could act like I was going to give him one and then eat them both of them after we walked out of sight of the sample lady.”
Story of my Costco life. Sometimes I wish I had some kids to pretend they’re eat it and grab a few more!

Dinner time is TV catch for me since BF and I seem to be on a diff eating schedule lately, once I have kids though, Dinner Time = TV shut off time.


i’m all about peanut butter AND syrup on my pancakes! it gives it a little salty + sweet flavor – love it! :)


I don’t remember ever skipping class in High School, but I did in college. The class was so boring and if I skipped it meant I could hangout with my boyfriend (now husband)!

I have a water bottle on my desk, so I drink water all day long.

Funny, I was just talking about watching TV while eating with my co-worker yesterday. My husband and I typically watch TV while we eat, but we talk during the shows too. When we have kids, we’ll definitely have the family dinners around the table!


I used to have that EXACT SAME countertop and sink! We had that metal trim all around the sink and the edge of the counter. Our counter was white with little golden flecks.

We just replaced it about a year ago and from what I could ascertain, they were original to our home built in 1941. That means it was about 70 years old and still kicking! Amazing!


I always skipped school, especially senior year. I got really good grades though and my mom didn’t care so oh well :)
I get gas a lot since I drive a lot.. poor bank account.
Who has real conversations anymore? Haha just kidding. I usually have the TV on but I do talk too


I like all those water bottles in the back of your sink girl ;) good to see you stay hydrated!


I am a syrup only girl too. :) I have tried nut butters and yogurt on top but nothing tastes as good as syrup!


We eat dinners as a family at the table about 5 nights a week so my kids think it’s a real treat to have a tv dinner.
I get gas about once a week. The last time I filled up I had to stop at $70 and it wasn’t completely full. My heart coudn’t take the idea of an $80 fill up.
Last drink – Diet Dp.
P.S. I have the same boots.


I recently came across your blog, as I have started my own, and I found a lot of your running, races, etc. inspiring!

I never actually skipped high school; I always asked permission before taking a day off with friends and going somewhere.

The last thing I drank was water! I have a 75oz bottle of water I try to get through daily (almost impossible!)!

I try to get away with $20 of gas once a week; my job is only 7.4 miles away and my gym 1.2. It’s fantastic!

As for having conversations during meals, I am awful at listening if one of my shows are on. If my bf talks to me while I’m watching, I either tune him out or I have to pause my show (he knows it’s time to keep quiet!).


I only skipped once, on Sr. Skip Day. My mom didn’t care since I had a lot of abcences left.

I last drank water.

I fill up Matilda (my prius) about every 2 weeks.

Since I live with a roommate, we watch TV. But when I used to have dinner with a boyfriend, then it’s real conversation time, TV after.


We only buy has at Costco (with our Costco Amex of course, 3% cash back baby)! And I am worried about Billy if he still has an antenna on his phone…!


Janae, I must admit… there were like three things you said that made me (literally) LOL. You are hilarious and you always make me laugh! :D


Oh man, I was way too much of a “good kid” to ever ditch class. I was so scared I’d get in trouble! Then…..I got to college and realized they didn’t care. That was a problem :)


I used to ditch school all the time in High School.. I know what a rebel huh? I work at Denny’s, and for a few years they did free Grand Slam breakfasts the day after the super bowl.. Not only was it crazy and the worst day ever to work- we were getting calls from schools all over the state blaming us for kids skipping school!


oh my goodness gracious!!!! We seriously have the same kitchen.. I have gray walls and a different floor, but same thin white cabinets with black handles.. white countertop and sink with super stylish silver strip lining them.. hehe

My parents bought this house in 1960 (it was built in 1923) and the guy before them made those cabinets himself (among other things in the house).. I bet your house has a similar story.. kinda cool when ya think about it.. ya know, when you’re not thinking about how you really need to update that sheeot..


Have you ever tried ricotta pancakes? They will seriously make you love pancakes all over again, they are That amazing and fabulous!

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