Goal this week and My Food Staples

Goal for this week: EXERCISE in the morning.  It is a busy week this next week (ya know, all the preparations that go into your birthday the week before take a lot of time) and if I don’t get ‘er done in the morning, it just isn’t going to happen and we know that leads to grumpiness….this is for my students and Billy’s sake.

Have you ever gotten into a run and not even realized you were running until mile 4?  Yeah, that is usually my morning runs for ya.



Before you say to yourself, ‘Janae, you really have taken this cottage cheese thing to a gross level,’ you have to try my creation out first.  My BIL thought it was going to be gross but he absolutely loved his waffle with cc and grapes.  Why not combine my top 3 foods into one glorious meal?  I may have sprinkled some skittles on top after the picture.

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Plus the cottage cheese added a little protein and calcium to my life.

We kind of overdid it with the waffles this morning and this stack was after we each had 3.  I see many breakfasts in the near future involving waffle sandwiches with eggs.

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Time to make some twice-baked potatoes, cookies, jalapeño poppers and 7-layer dip.


Are you going to be exercising in the mornings with me this week?  Do you have a fitness goal this week?

What is on your coffee table right this second?

-PB, Runners World, my In-N-Out lemonade from last night, mail, computers and 3 iphones.

Do you get enough calcium everyday?  Do you take a calcium supplement?

-I do with my diet each day but I also take a supplement…gotta keep the bones strong!

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I usually exercise after work. If I exercise in the morning, I’m tired all day!


I really tried last week to exercise in the morning but 5:00 am am
And me did not agree. My puppy is on th coffee table right now with a bottle of water. Trying to rehydrate from long very hard run this morning. Have a good week! I will try to channel you at 5 am :)


OH MY GOODNESS…I want a picture of your puppy on the coffee table! Great job on your long run today, you are amazing!


I’m still not brave enough to try waking up pre 6am to exercise–it’s just so hard for me to think about going to bed that much earlier than my husband :( My goals this week are to put in 1 mile each day. I’m coming back from injury, so I’m trying to be slow and strong. My coffee table has video game controllers on it…and a cat!


Good for you to come back slow and strong! You’ve got this Courtney!!! A cat…that is awesome!


i get plenty of calcium in my diet but i take a supplement too. i work in orthopedics (BONES!) so i know the importance of calcium and strong bones. plus womens bones density peaks around age 25, so its super important to get it all in young!

i always before work, but on my days off i sometimes lazy it up for a little bit before running.

on my coffee table is my empty yogurt bowl, a place mat, the remote and my feet :)


That is awesome that you work in orthopedics! Feet….the coffee table is right where they belong!


I always exercise in the AM, very early, it is a habit now.
I do not have a coffee table! Weird I know, I stopped having one when the boy was little (less for him to hit & kill himself with and less area for him to pull stuff off of) now he is 12 & I am just used to not having one, bonus….I don’t need to dust it!
I get lots of calcium because I love milk and drink lots of it every day. My doctor told me to take a supplement since I was “in middle age now”…ouch, but I don’t, maybe I should!!!?
The waffles look good.
I tried the chicken chili you had from your bff’s website today. I threw it in the crock pot before church & WOW, it was ready when we got back! It was yummy!


HA…that is definitely a good reason to not have a coffee table anymore:) AHHH I am so happy you loved the chili, it is incredible!! Good for you to have the habit down, you are my example!


Your waffles have been making me really want a waffle maker! I will be doing AM workouts this week because I have a lot of teacher things to do after school this week. HA on my coffee table right now is skittles bc I did crave them for a week and convinced my BF to let me get them last night.


I want your recipe for the dip, and the waffles.


Waffles = bisquick ha!
For the 7 layer dip= layer of refried beans, then guacamole, then sour cream mixed with taco seasoning, then green chiles, olives, tomatoes, cheese and green onions! SO GOOD! Hope you are having an amazing day!


I love exercising in the morning, but I have to be at the gym at 5:30 and do a short workout to make it work on the days I have 8:30am classes. So those days I usually wait until after school.


I am a morning worker outer but I can’t getup much earlier than 6am. I love cottage cheese! It is great on everything.


I train Mon, Wed, and Fri mornings with my PT clients (I do the workouts with her) at 5:55 a.m. :) I used to work out on Tues/Thurs mornings as well, but since I teach Zumba Mon-Thurs, I’m making myself rest on those mornings.

I need to track my calcium to see if I get enough. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, so it’s possible that I do.

Enjoy your cookies!!!


THat is awesome you do the workout with your early morning clients! Good for you to give yourself a break in the morning on the days you teach at night!


Mm girl. 6am swim practice was the story of my life. I wouldn’t even realize that I was swimming until like 3000 yards in. It was seriously an extension of my nap. I actually already track my calcium to make sure I get enough after my stress fracture. :)


I love exercising in the am. That sign is the perfect reason why….my brain is still sleep so it doesn’t know I’m doing 50 burpees and 200 push-ups in a row! Yes, that’s my bootcamp class challenge tomorrow am… Shhh don’t tell my members!!
I take calcium supplements daily since I can’t consume calcium via diary products. I’m religious about it, though. Bone health is crucial! Enjoy your Super Bowl eats!


OUCH!!! Holy cow…50 burps and 200 push-ups?!?! You are out of control and I wish I could come to your bootcamp so bad! Have a blast!


I would love to workout in the mornings but if my son hears someone awake in the house he wants to get up too so it doesn’t work for me. Maybe one day! My favorite cc combo is pineapple, crushed graham crackers and cottage cheese. Sometimes I’ll add raisins too. So yummy!


I plan to run during Peyton’s morning nap, which is around 10am. We have a coffee table with sharp corners, so a few years ago it got moved into our bedroom. Right now I have some books that I want to read and about 4 magazines that recently came in the mail that I need to catch up on. I take a supplement to make sure I do, because I’ve never been a huge milk drinker.


Awesome goal. I love getting it don ein the morning before my little boy wakes up, but I usually end up sleeping and then trying to get it done after he wakes up which makes it much harder. My exercise goal this week is to practice swimming at least twice, and to do some speed intervals on the treadmill.


I can’t handle the texture of cottage cheese, but I’m glad it works for you!!

I don’t work out in the morning because I’d have to get up at 4am, and that’s just not going to happen. But hopefully after we move to Atlanta and I (hopefully) get a job that’s close to our new house, I’ll be able to workout before work … I definitely prefer getting it done in the morning! :)


I NEED waffles now!! What calcium supplement do you take? I’m looking to start taking one…


HEY YOU!! I just have the big bottle from Costco….I think the Kirkland brand:)


Exercising in the mornings is a must for me…otherwise it is just not getting done.

I wish it was my birthday next week so I could eat waffles everyday, because yes, that is what I want right now for my birthday…in June :-)


goal this week: complete week two of p90x!


You’ve got it Melissa…yay for week two!


I typically exercise in the mornings. If I don’t, I find that I make too many excuses not to do it after work!

Right now, my coffee table is covered in food for the SuperBowl game :)

I don’t like the taste of milk, so I don’t drink it. I do eat yogurt, but not everyday. I definitely don’t get my recommended amount of calcium from my diet, but I do take a supplement that provides a lot of what I need!


ooh those waffles look delicious janae! i am SO not a morning exerciser, i find that I perform best after work/early evening and have the most energy then. i think they say your basal body temp is highest at this time which means its optimal for working out? not really sure, but it works for me!

I know you will rock your morning workouts- it does feel good to get it out of the way.


I always work out in the mornings….I get up at 3:55 on workdays just to get it done! Makes me a 100x more pleasant person to be around!!! I am obsessed with Greek yogurt so I think that keeps my calcium levels adequate. And damn girl I love skittles!!!!


I love working out in the mornings! I just like being able to come home and RELAX after work :) but I do find that I’m hungrier all day when I workout in the morning.

I love yogurt and cheese so I think I am pretty good on calcium, but I probably should take a supplement…

On the coffee table now… one empty ice cream bowl for each member of my family.


I would love to exercise in the morning … but my bed misses me too much …

I am extremely happy and motivated … after my injury last year it seemed that I could not run past 4 miles today I did 10! Yeah … trying to keep that up …

I am not much of a vitamin or supplement person … I am hoping that my love for cheese will take care of my needs!

Have a great week!


I’ll be working out in the mornings, too! It’s the only way I like to start my day. If I don’t, I am tired all day long and don’t feel as excited about running after school. Once I’ve started sweating, I’m always glad to be up early. The hard part is getting out of bed and getting dressed.


I was sooooooo close to getting cottage cheese and grapes at the store this weekend, but I passed. NEXT TIME!!!


A stack of books on environmental politics of scale, my garmin, a shipyard beer, my new Nathan hand held water bottle, and all of my tax papers as I am trying to do them right now.


Your so motivating!! I am on this week too for morning workouts :)


Will you be running outside or on the treadmill? I hate the tredmill but its soo cold outside! I ONLY exercise in the morning! It sets the mood for the day!


Definitely inside!! I am way too afraid to run in the dark by myself!


I love cottage cheese. seriously – right out of the container. So much protein in those cheesy morsels :D


I love getting my workout in first thing in the morning. With that said, I feel so much better when I do one in the afternoon. I don’t know what it is, but my lungs just hurt and my joints! :)
I just finished my morning workout list :)
On calcium…probably not, but I just purchased a bag of Adora disks yesterday.
Not related to your topic at hand, but I have a Garmin question. I really want one. Really. But, I probably run maybe 2-3 days a week. Is it worth spending that kind of money on one if I only run just a couple of days a week? :)


I HAVE to exercise in the morning. That is all.

:) Unless you count lifting 40’s to my face in the evening. That’s a workout.


i kno i always feel better if i workout in the morning, it’s just HARD to remind myself that when i’m dead tired and don’t wanna get outta bed…lol. good luck u can do it. :)

wow, those waffles, i’m jealous is all i’ll say. and i always take calcium in addition to what i eat.


I love cottage cheese and yogurt together! A college roomie convinced me it was good and 7 years later I still love it!


I am the ultimate dairy queen so between that and broccoli, I think I get my calcium intake! Can I come over and make a wafflewich sandwich? I know you guys have bread coupons to use up but I think waffles should play the role of bread till that stack is over ;)!


On my coffee table..
My feet, a glass of red wine, a napkin, my cell phone, water, a coaster, and Chicago magazine.


yes, morning workouts are gonna rock it and then we will refuel with cottage cheese. Not gonna lie, i am just as obsessed! Cottage cheese twin.


Osteoporosis is an issue in my family and I’ve had my own problem with stress fractures from running, so I’m adamant about taking a calcium supplement daily. I suck with pills, so I just chew up a Caltrate twice a day. Easy.


Happy birthday this week!!!! I can’t wait to hear about all the festivities :-D and YES to working out in the morning – I hate afternoon workouts so I’ll get up at the crack of dawn to avoid them haha. And cottage cheese + grapes = an awesome combo. Well, c. cheese + any fruit, actually, and if there are waffles in the mix, well, that just takes things to a whole new level. I love the idea of making sandwiches out of the leftover waffles too, genius!


I’m an early morning runner(5 a.m. baby!). With 2 kids, a job, and a busy schedule I’ve found that is the best time to get it done and over with. If I waited, I would be too exhausted from the day or something else would come up.


I take a calcium supplement :)


I’ve ran both in the morning and the evening and I have come to the conclusion that I am definitely a morning runner. I cannot run after I’ve eaten throughout the day. It’s also nice to get the exercising out of the way first thing.


I do so much better if I exercise before work. I feel better and I make it to work on time lol
When I don’t go to the gym in the morning, I always sleep late and end up running late for work.
Exercise in the morning= nothing but goodness!


I usually work out right after work, I wish I had time to get it out of the way earlier but… I love sleeping in haha.

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