Getting out of my comfort zone and every muscle on me hurts.

I did it! I got out of my comfort zone of my usual no coordination needed routine of running and tried something that did in fact require a lot of coordination.

Photo 4 copy

My verdict:  I loved it.  I think if you have read my blog for longer than 6 days than you no that I usually love most things but I REALLY loved this class.  There was some intense cardio bursts, plyometrics, kick-boxing, dancing/hopping around and weights. My muscles were fatigued by the end and I want to keep going at least once a week…..this has GOT TO HELP with my running!

It really was a total body workout and the hour flew by, plus the teacher played the best music ever.   I was super nervous at the beginning of the class because there were as many guys in there as girls….I have never been to a gym class (besides spinning) with those odds and I feared for my life that the class was going to be too hard.

When I got home I started to get ready but my stomach was yelling at me to eat and so I asked the Billster if we could just go as is.  Bless this man for going out in public with me in matching slippers and pajamas (I still had my workout capris on) with my hair greased back from working out.

Photo 4

We got take-out from Cafe Rio and my sweet pork salad was better than ever.  Why you ask?  Because Billy knows me pretty well and as part of my bday present he went to Costco and got ALL of my favorite things, including that delicious mango salsa that I put all over my salad.  My kitchen is also now fully stocked with a few gallons of orange juice, cottage cheese, grapes, pears and delicious popsicles….more precious than diamonds to me.

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I determined that this salad is pretty darn healthy….I get in the essential healthy fats:  avocados in the guac, olive oil in the dressing and most importantly the lard in the tortillas and the fried tortilla chips.

We ate and watched the movie, “Warrior” (very romantic;) and it was incredible.  It was one of those inspirational sports movies about a high school physics teacher and fighting in the UFC.  Definitely a winner if you like these types of movies.

PS Billy really appreciated his oversized card that I made him complete with a mushy/gushy/cheesy novel written inside, boys love that kind of stuff:)


Be prepared for even more questions than usual:

What was the last thing that you did to get out of your comfort zone?!?!

What was the last workout that left you REALLY sore?

Besides actually RUNNING…what do you think is the number one thing to really help you be a better runner?

-I think strength training and nutrition…gotta work on both:)

What are some of your essential workout clothes for the winter?

Did you eat a delicious dinner last night?

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Without consciously working on my speed, I’ve noticed it naturally getting better and the only thing I can account for it is the increased amount of lower body workouts I have been doing! That being said, my runs are also phenomenal after a carb-filled night ;)! I went for dinner to an Italian restaurant last night and as you can imagine, everything tasted so fabulous- definitely broke up the work week monotony!


Girl that is awesome…yay for lower body workouts, you are my inspiration! Carbs always make for a good workout:) I am so glad you had delicious Italian food, my favorite!


Just about everything I do with the trainer is out of my comfort zone. But specifically BOX JUMPS! I thought I would fall down and hit my head, but turns out I can do them! And the trainer workouts are what leave me sore.
STRENGTH TRAINING! Especially anything to do with the core.
I picked up some fleece pullovers on clearance. Now I don’t have “its too cold” as an excuse.
Dinner was ok. Flat iron steaks and sweet potato.

The Kidless Kronicles


BOX JUMPS…oh Nicole, those scare me to death! I skip core work but you are convincing me I shouldn’t. Um…your dinner sounds amazing! Have a great day!


I think that a yoga class once a week is essential to running. It prevents hit pain, IT band issues, and slows us down to practice things like patience. I am off to my morning class right now!


I agree with you about yoga! I really need to get back into it…..don’t you love how it slows us down and you are so right about the patience aspect. Hope you had a great morning class!


I think spinning really helps speed with running. Fast twitch muscles….

My dinner was crazy good last night. I made Wolfgang Puck’s Mac N Cheese, sweet potato casserole (with mini marshmallows), and grilled chicken. My husband picked out the Vday menu, but I actually loved it.

I need to do something out of my comfort zone soon. I have been thinking about one of those Pure Barre classes, but they are expensive, so we shall see.


AGREED!!! My pr’s happened when I was doing a lot of spinning! UM…that dinner sounds AMAZING…I might need the recipes:) I want to try one of those classes too but you are right….$$$$


To improve my running I take my iron tablets and calcium. I try to stretch but not enough. I always feel I should be doing so much more!

I don’t get out of my comfort zone often enough. Something to work on :)


That is awesome! Does you iron tablet make you sick at all? Mine does!


Janae, I had problems with my iron tablets when I was taking the ones prescribed by my doctor. Furthermore, they didn’t even raise my iron levels. When I was pregnant I became even more anemic, did research, and found these:
You can even take them on an empty stomach, and they really raised my CBC (total blood count) and iron levels, plus they didn’t have any of the other bad stomach side effects. I’ve heard Floradix is great too.


I bought some colbolt blue skinny jeans at target the other day that I would never usually buy but I thought they were super cute so I just went for it. The last workout that left me really sore and what helps me with running is INSANITY, seriously love these at home workouts. No need for winter gear here in the desert :) I made a yummy broiled pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and corn for v-day. I’ve always wanted to try RIPPED classes but there aren’t any here where I live. :( so glad you like it.


AHHHH I want to see them:) I bet they look AWESOME on you. Oh Insanity…that scares me and your dinner sounds incredible. Come visit Utah and we can go to RIPPED TOGETHER:) Have a great day!


Agree! When I strength train and eat right I notice such a difference in my running. And for dinner last night I ate chicken stir fry! It was pretty tasty :)


YUM!!! Isn’t it crazy how big of a difference there is when we do those things…I just got to remember that when I want to eat junk and skip lifting ha!


The last thing I’ve done to get out of my comfort zone was take improv classes. The student showcases give me stage fright! But in improv you do learn to think on your feet and be more comfortable up doing ridiculous things in front of an audience.


EMILY…that is so so cool! Good for you to go to the improv classes!


I have the same slippers :D




I really wish scheduling and life permitted me to go back to the gym. I really miss body pump. That was the best (and pretty much only) strength training I ever did.


Pump always motivated me to lift too! Girl, you work so many hours and run SO MANY MILES…you don’t need to add anything else to your crazy schedule!


I think the last one that left me really sore was just a strength circuit I did at the gym – I so badly want to join a gym with classes, but I pay $10 a month now vs. $130 a month for the one with classes/childcare. easy math. and no classes:( I love a good plyo workout too. I think that makes a huge difference in running, as well as any strength training and def. nutrition! I made a delish dinner last night – steak and potatoes meal. My winter essentials are probably just my Old Navy running gear – leggings and for tops, just random TJ Maxx stuff.
and we watched the Warrior like 3 times when we rented it – so good!!


To get out of my comfort zone I’ve gone back to SPINNING after a 5 year hiatus and I love it!! I should really try one of those group weights classes – I worry that I’d look foolish, plus at my gym they take place in a room with large windows facing out onto a busy thoroughfare…eek!


I went to Patio and got pulled pork sandwich. It was so good! I had to share my pickle and half of my sandwich though.


Yayyy!! Glad you loved it, it sounds intenseee. I love fitness classes they’re usually a lot of fun!
Circuit workouts always get me soooo sore.
I weight train 3 times a week and I definitely think that helps me run!


the last workout i did that really made me sore was a Krav Maga fitness class.

strength training as well as some crossfit help me with my running.

no special workout clothes for winter – we have a treadmill at home :) love this.

made my family steak last night and it was so dang good! i don’t think the goodness had anything to do with me, the cut of me i bought was the key ;)


That class sounds awesome! I love mixing it up and trying new things :)
For some odd reason my workouts this week have left me really sore… but they are the same old ones! I few weeks ago I tried a at home workout that had me do about 100 jump squats, and I could not walk for almost a week!
Cross training for sure :)
Lululemon winter running tights and super wind proof gloves.
We made a awesome meal at home together – avocado chicken parmigiana, cilantro lime quinoa, watercress beet orange salad and sticky toffee pecan pudding with maple walnut frozen yogurt for dessert. Best meal we’ve had/made in a long time!


Hahaha, I love the slippers. I can totally relate to the whole workout capri’s thing…often times I wear them to the gym and then to bed, and then poof! I’m already ready to workout when I wake up the next morning. Convenience for sure.

Also, is it really sad that I used to wear my workout capri’s to work and disguise them as real clothes? I would wear them with a nice white fitted tee and jazz it up with a necklace. Add cute sandals and viola! Comfort outfit for sure.

Last thing I did out of my comfort zone was quit my job!

Last really sore workout was from spin…not muscles sore, but sore butt from the seat! I forgot to bring my bike shorts! yikes!

Essential workout clothes for winter = under armor cold gear, nike dri fit pants, and long sleeved performance tee’s

Dinner last night was awesome! Margherita pizza, bread and olive oil, and a huge slice of raspberry-hazelnut cheesecake from Buca’s!


I LOVE that mango salsa from costco. mmm drooling thinking about it now. Bring some to my place later!

I made a delish dinner of orange shrimp with broccoli and brown rice. I am drooling thinking about it now.

Seems I’m drooling a lot this morning…


I am sore after almost every crossfit workout. Right now my chest (many pushups and burpees) biceps, back, hamstings & butt (deadlifts) are hurting. I love it.


Omigoodness I am SO sore this morning!!!!!! I got a new pure barre DVD and it is awesommmeeeee!!!!!! That and the combo of dancing and laughing with hubby and bebe yesterday!!! Cannot wait til u see the video (will comment when I post it)

We ate the BEST food yesterday!!!!! Pizza TWICE!!!! Plus a brownie at lunch and froyo before crushing him in bball at chuckecheese….but we totally went for the bebe ;)


I totally had a delicious dinner last night! Cheeseburger and fries–how romantic! lol


ahh so glad to hear you loved the RIPPED class… now i know i NEED to try it out at my gym! i love the combo of all the things you listed, so i’m sure i’d love it too. nice job on stepping out of your comfort zone! ;)
you already know i approve of your choice on takeout last night! love me some cafe rio! and you’re right the lard from the tortilla and tortilla chips are totally part of a balanced and nutritious diet. hehe. glad you guys had a nice evening!


About 18 months ago I looked for a new job and that took me out of my comfort zone. It is difficult to go on interviews. I wanted more for myself and after a 5 month search, I accept the job I’m in now and really like it.

Go to winter gear, balcava, Brooks winter tights, Mizuno thermal tops, Brooks thermal gloves/mittens and smartwool socks.

Last night for dinner I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, my daughter’s favorite food, and baby brussel sprouts.


The last workout that kicked my trash was a plyometrics workout!!! Ahhh I couldn’t walk for five days, it hurt so much!!!

So happy you two had a great and romantic Valentine’s day!!


I had a huge taco salad last night and it was awesome!
I think changing the way I eat really helped my running. Everyday for luvh I eat the largest salad with cabbage, and a ton of dark greens. I eat it with some proteins and a lot of other veggies. I leave lunch filling stuffed, but I have so much energy and stay full for hours. I love that there is no serving size for veggies so I get to eat eat eat.


I’ve been doing some tabata workouts with medicine balls and I am hurting the next day. It’s pretty sweet :)


Aside from speedwork, I found the pool running has improved my cardio strength and cycling helps me to improve my cadence.

Last night I had the best seafood pasta- mmmm! I’m EXCITED for leftovers for lunch!

Essential winter workout gear = a lot of things! I got some awesome Lululemon thermal tights for Christmas this year, thick fleece mittens make my hands happy during freezing winter runs and I’m kind of loving the Buff (it’s a merino wool scarf-type piece that can be used in about 100 different ways)


Good job going to the class, I’m always so scared to go to new classes! I try and do plenty of strength training to help with running. And I didn’t have a special dinner, but I did carry out my favorite greek salad for lunch!


I really want to take that class. I am now in a crazy TRX class. It leaves me sore every time.


That sounds like a really tough workout! Last week I went to my first-ever Body Attack class and loved it!


we focused on working our core a lot at training on friday and honestly i was sore still yesterday! it was crazy!


The last thing I did out of my comfort zone was going to a waterpark with my kids this past weekend. I despise water slides. They scare me to death. But I spent two hours sliding with my boys and it was actually pretty fun. Amazingly no one died! And coincidentely that was the last workout that left me sore. Ok, so a waterpark isn’t really a ‘workout’, but carting two young kids and huge rafts up a huge flight of stairs over and over again for two hours, I was sore for three days afterwards! Or maybe I’m just weak. I’m not sure…


last thing to get out of my comfort zone? agree to go on a BLIND date on valentines day!!! AH!!!!!!


Over Christmas I went rappelling down a waterfall in Costa Rica. That was definitely out of my comfort zone! We also did a Tarzan over a huge cliff, but I kept my eyes closed the entire time :)
The last thing that left me sore was walking 4 miles in my 3 inch hills. Not exactly a workout, but my calves were screaming for days after that.


That class sounds fabulous, I would love to try it. I am really excited because my gym (waaay behind the times) is FINALLY getting a spin class on Feb. 27. You can bet I’m going to be at the very first one! I really need a better gym. And a Cafe Rio!


I love running, but I love so many other things too…..kickboxing, spinning, and trekking. Trekking is the same as running but it’s a treadmill class that works like spinning. The instructor tells you how fast, what incline, and for how long…and then keeps changing it. It’s a lot of fun. It’s also a lot harder than I would typically run on my own. I mean who would put the treadmill on incline level 8 without the peer pressure of everyone else doing it too? I love reading your blog. Have a great day!


ohhh! that workout sounds really fun! you were so brave to give it a try…i would have been crazy nervous!


Wanna come with me next time? You would love it…it could be like our old pump days:)


Now don’t laugh but the last workout that kicked my butt and left me hurting was pole class. They offer it at my gym as you better believe its a workout. My arms and legs have never hurt so bad. But on the plus side my arms are getting more toned. Haha
Had a fabulous dinner courtesy of the husband last night. Homemade chicken cordon bleu wih gruyere, sautéed spinach and wild rice. It was very rich but also delicious. :-)


CHRISTY…that sounds awesome! I can’t even imagine, my arms would KILL!! Yum, your dinner sounds amazing…he did a great job!


I’m so glad you loved the class!! You feel stronger each time you go.


I definitely think cross training and lifting are great compliments to running. Also yoga…def don’t do that enough.

I wish we had a Cafe Rio in my ‘hood…looks yummy!!


Strength training!! And this is something I really need help with. I find it so hard to squeeze in even though I know how important it is.

I made pancakes for dinner last night! Super healthy ;-)


OH man, I LOVE that mango salsa from costco, it’s frightening how quckly we go through a whole vat of it. haha.

I think that running my half was the most out of my comfort zone I’ve ever been, it was great to feel that way though!!

Um…. I fell ice skating this weekend, and I am still sore haha, does that count?

I am seriously getting over this whole winter thing, I want to go running outside before work and not freeze, thankyouverymuch! I LOVE my smart wool headband/ear warmers, life saver because hats are usually too warm for me while running.


Awww thank you for the reminder that it has been WAY too long since I have eaten at Cafe Rio. I must eat it like immediately. :)

Yay for trying new things and for a nice relaxing v-day at home. Love you my friend. :)


I tried swimming yesterday. Definitely out of my comfort zone. But I’m hoping for some good cross training!!

We had some baked ravioli last night! Delcious.


My lower half is ACHING today because of a leg workout from this morning!


What gym do you go to? I just started going to planet fitness, but they don’t offer classes. So I am trying to find a gym that is cheap and offers classes.


I go to Golds Gym:) It is pretty cheap!


I love the Tone It Up workouts. They’re really hard and my arms are still sore from doing one of the workouts on Monday!!!
Last night my boyfriend and I went to our favorite noodle place in China Town! I’m obsessed – it’s soooo good!


Trying new classes is awesome! Though I do so much less of it now that I’m running. Hmmmm…not cool! Mango salsa is awesome!


Where is this ripped class happening? Does that poster say 8th North Gold’s Gym?? If so I need to do this pronto!! My membership only lets me go to 8th North or University Gold’s.


I think you should try to get out of your comfort zone at least once a week. This morning I told my husband to run as fast as he could with me (instead of him going at my pace) and I ended up running 4 miles at a 8.40 min pace… Amazing!

xoxo from Trinidad


Haha! I laughed out loud at your slippers pic. God bless my husband too because my personal hygiene standards have been greatly compromised since marathon training began. :)
I try to do a body pump class once a week and it KILLS me. I love it! I also worked out with a personal trainer for a few months emphasizing lower body and after that I started running at least :30 faster per mile. It was truly amazing the difference it made in my speed.


Your favorite foods as gifts? What a cute idea! I would love to go on a Whole Foods shopping spree for my birthday!


So glad you liked the class–I wish I could join you in that sweat fest. It WILL help with running, a stronger body = faster body! The Warrior is on our list! Nice to know you recommend it too! Hugs!


At SHRED last night, I decided to really mix up our workouts and it had more of a boot camp feel. It definitely left me sore today, and I’ve heard the same from many of my clients (I call them shredders).

I came home last night to a wonderful meal prepared by my sweet husband. Fish with creole seasoning, roasted asparagus, and baked sweet potatoes. I topped my sweet potato with coconut butter and lots of cinnamon. There was nothing left on my plate except just a little bit of the potato skin. :)


Ahhhh love a class like that! Glad you got to go :) CAFE rio –yummmmmm!!!

Comfort zone: pretty much always out of it when I teach BodyPUMP with extra weight on that bar! It’s HARD stuff :) But I love it. I’ve gotten so much stronger (and faster in my running). IT works.


We did eat a delicious dinner last night – recipes will be up sometime this week: breaded chicken breasts and scalloped potatoes with salad :D YUM!

love the slippers, I think Colin has the same ones (as Billy) – at least I don’t think his has fur trim ;)


I think sleep is up there for me in important factors for running well. Plus, I am a crabby person if I go too many nights with less than seven hours of sleep.

In Wisconsin, we have cold winters, and because I am training for a marathon, I needed to buy warmer clothes. I recently bought lululemon running tights and a Patagonia jacket.

Your salads from Cafe Rio always look so yummy! I wish they were around here :(


I’m bad about that whole “nutrition” part of running! I love sugar wayyy too much! ;)


love this post Janae!! nutrition, stretching my IT band out (ouch!!), varying the type of run I do….I think those things make me a better runner. I need to work on strength training more – i need to find a class like yours to stop me getting bored!


Yes, I agree, I want to work on strength training and nutrition as well!

I want to do an abs/core class at least once per week. And I want to drink more milk so that I can get more calcium and protein!!


AHHHHH I LOVED RIPPED!!! It is my FAVORITE class (yes, it has passed up spin- not YOUR spin classes- but the ones here) Tuesday night 5:30-6:30 is my favorite hour of the week- RIPPED. So glad you tried it!!

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