Frown Turned Upside Down, Stretching and Our Goal.

Billy is a miracle worker.  He convinced me that going for a run with him and his bro at about 6 last night would be good for me.  I was not excited at first and I was the grumpiest I have been in a few weeks for some reason after school but as soon as we started going all of the sudden life was good again.

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We did 5 miles together and it is always fun to go with boys because they keep you on your toes plus they are funny and make you laugh even when you are trying your hardest to stay grumpy.

Billy and his bro are also REALLY good at stretching after a run…like spending 20 minutes stretching while drinking chocolate milk.  I am good at the refueling but the stretching part I am not so good at because I am usually late to something.  It felt incredible to actually take a good chunk of time to stretch out.

The BIL is just a little sore in his hamstrings, this is as far as he could stretch.  This is a sad face.


One of me and Billy’s New Years Resolution is to use every single one of our crazy bread coupons before they expire in June.   13 down just 20 more to go…..when we get something in our mind that we really want to do, nothing will stop us;)

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Carbs and protein, the perfect recovery fuel.

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Nothing, I mean nothing is better than eating hot pizza while you are still in your sweaty sports bra while watching people do double-back flips and FRONT FLIPS on their snowmobiles.  Can you believe they can do that while 30 feet in the air on a 450 lb. snowmobile, people amaze me.

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Be honest…how good are you about stretching after a run?

When was the last time you were grumpy….did you have a reason or were you like me and had zero reasons to be grumpy?

What was the last thing that you saw someone do that truly AMAZED you?

-Front flip on the snowmobile.

What is your workout today?

-Early morning treadmill run.

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I am TERRIBLE about stretching. And showering… haha!
I’m actually a little grumpy right now but hope to snap on out of it soon…
I’m just doing an easy 5 today sonce I’m still babying my hamstring- probably why I’m grumpy in the first place…!
Have a great day. :-)


Ha….I hear ya on the showering. I hope that your 5 miles today gets you out of that grumpy mood…injuries and almost injuries always put me in a grumpy mood, I totally understand!


Better when I am at the gym than when I run outside.
Truly grumpy, has been a while. Usually it has something to do with a diet change or not sleeping well.
I saw a guy balancing on one of those big balls at the gym. That was amazing to me. Or the marathon trials in Houston.
Workout today is TBD.
The Kidless Kronicles


I’m not that great about stretching….like you, I’m usually late to go somewhere (work….). But I’ve been trying to stretch in the evening before I go to bed to at least get something in.
My workout today is going to be a SPINNING class at 6:30 tonight! woo hoo!


I stretch ‘enough’ which pretty much means not much. I should do more.

I was cranky last night, partially due to a roommate who is a musician and partially due to a ‘rest day’ – yep that’ll do it every time!

Have a great wednesday! :)


I give it 4-7 mins tops while I watch TV or wait for something to Microwave. I downloaded Jillian’s Yoga Meltdown which I have been doing a couple times per week to help stretch out and tone.

I’m headed to the gym this morning for some strength training and then meeting a friend for an easy 6 miles.


GREAT at stretching and yoga (which in my case is fancy stretching)



I am constantly grumpy, it seems. This school year has been a rough one, stress-wise! I do try to stretch some, given that I am super injury prone. At the very least, I try to foam roll or get to a yoga class within the next day or so.

Today, I think I am going to swim :)


Ashley!! I am so so sorry that this school year has been really rough!! Good for you to get your yoga on and have a great swim:)


I’m right there with you- I am terrible at stretching…if you can even call it that! My workout this morning was a Body for Life Upper Body workout followed by 20minutes of uphill walking on the treadmill :)!


I’m really bad about stretching after a workout — I just don’t take the time to do it, even though I know it’s important.
I haven’t watched them this year, but I’ve watched the X-games before, and they do some AMAZING stunts in their competition’s. It almost makes me nervous to watch them!


Seriously….I get stressed watching them because they do DANGEROUS stuff!!!


I am terrible at stretching. I get bored and distracted too fast. I am on the way to the gym right now for an easy shakedown on the elliptical and some lifting.


I’m pretty sure I saw you guys last night!!! I was driving home on university ave and it was 6ish and I saw a girl and two boys running and I told my little boy I thought it was you. That sounds way more stalkerish than how it really went down. I am grumpy this morning. Didn’t run yesterday and I’m paying for it now. And it will be a long day. The last thing that amazed me? My almost two year olds dance moves. He knows how to get down. Fro yo soon?


KENDRA!!! THAT WAS US on University Avenue wahoo!! Okay, seriously the pics of your little ones are the cutest EVER!!! I want to see these dance moves:) I hope you get your run on!! Do you think that you could go to Cafe Rio a week from tomorrow?!?! I am trying to get a bunch of runners/bloggers together for dinner and I think we would have a blast. If not we can do froyo whenever you are free!


My workout today is a new fitness class I’m taking! Flirty Girl fitness…! LOVE it :)


Last time I was grumpy = yesterday (savagely grumpy, I might add, I was barely fit to talk to!) though I had kind of a reason… Just not one good enough for how cranky it made me :)

Workout today = first run in 10 days since I threw my back out. I can’t even put into words how excited I am to run again!!


I completely understand….sometimes it is just one thing but it kind of makes my perception about everything else bad too and therefore extra grumpy…does that make sense?!?! AHHHHH I am so happy you get to run today and you are all healed up! GOOD LUCK!


When I was little, we used to eat Little Caesar’s all the time! Ahhhh…the memories. They used to have little white chocolate ravoli with milk chocolate in the middle. Yum!

I go through spurts with stretching after I run. Sometimes, I’m good about it and sometimes I’m like, forget this.

Today’s workout is BodyPump in the morning and Yoga-Lates at night.


WHAT….I must try that ravioli….holy cow that sounds amazing! Great job on going to pump and have a blast at Yoga-Lates!!!


Eek…I am SO bad at stretching! Like you, I’m usually late to something and running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I’m making stretching my February 1 resolution!

The last amazing thing I saw was a while ago (I need to get out more) and it was the Nutcracker Ballet this Christmas. Seriously, the sugar plum fairy has some moves that BLOW MY MIND that humans can even do that!!


WOW…I bet that would have been absolutely incredible! I love the ballet, I might have to go next Christmas…wanna go again?


Feb 1st resolution, LOVE. :)


I get a little stretch in after most runs. Probably not enough, but it’s something. We always stretch at crossfit, so that feels amazing.

Workout = run today, not sure how far I wanna go – maybe 5ish miles?


I seriously need to work on my stretching. I always get sidetracked once I get home and forget!!
I’m going to the gym for an elliptical / weight training session :D


I was grumpy Sunday, with no real reason. Today’s workout is a slow 6 miles after class, and I have a stretch routine that I do right after each run. I think having specific stretches that I do, and doing them for 30 sec each helps me get it done. Without the routine I’d probably touch my toes and call it a day!


I just saw that snow mobile thing on the news! It’s crazy!!


I am not the best, but have been trying really hard to stretch after every workout! I do admit I used to run 20 plus km and barely stretch… never a good idea.
I was grumpy yesterday afternoon, I was pouting cause I had to work till 7:30pm and wanted to be at home in my sweats ;) But once I got working at my event all was fine.
I am running 8km after work, then doing abs!


..I stand by what I said before. your BIL is a cutie. ;)


I’ll stand next to you on that issue. :)


One more reason why you guys need to come move to Utah and hang out with me all of the time!


The most amazing thing that I have seen lately is the snowboarding half pipe at the X Games. I wish I could do awesome tricks like that!

My workout today is a run outside later. I can’t believe that it will be almost 60 degrees in Indiana in the winter!


SERIOUSLY!! They make me want to learn how to snowboard and be cool like them:) SIXTY DEGREES….holy cow, enjoy every second!


Running always makes me feel better if I’m grumpy, especially if I run with the dog. She’s never grump and always wags her tail when she sees me lacing up my Asics!


One more reason I need a dog. That is so awesome…do you always run with her?


You should! Dogs are the best running buddies. They’re always excited to go for a run and won’t bail on you. :) She can usually only go about as far as 5 or 6 miles before she gets tired, but I usually take her with me 1-2 times per week–depending on my training schedule. She frequently looks back to check on me sometimes, just to see if I’m still there. I may be biased but I think she’s just too cute for words! :)


I love running with Rex …..yay for dog running!!!


I’m super diligent about stretching before and after running…because if I don’t, I can’t run! Oh the horrors!

Workout today: 6.5 mile hike and stretching. :)


i go in phases with my stretching… as of recently, i’ve been terrible at it! like you said, i always feel like i’m late to something or in a hurry, so stretching gets put off more than i’d like.

i was grumpy just yesterday too for no good reason. i think it was stress, but thank goodness my husband is patient and always makes me laugh.

today i’m doing 20-30 mins cardio and lower body weights! woot!


I KNOW I need to work on stretching more – I’m usually in a rush to get to the next thing on my to-do list.


There is this yoga video I pinned on Pinterest that is amazing. The woman is incredible!!

I think I’m gonna do a little spin and a tabata workout today!


I looooove Crazy Bread!


I have ZERO DISCIPLINE when it comes to stretching….which is the reason why I am on the injured list on a routine basis. This time, I think I have learned my lesson. Stretching = Routine Running and Running = Happiness.
My work out today is the same work out that I have done for the past 27 days…stretching. I am getting a deep tissue massage today and I am VERY hopeful that I can bring running/swimming/walking without pain back into my life by the end of the week.
Thirdly, would your BIL like to go on a date? Haha i’m only kidding, kinda. He’s cute, likes to run, and is related to you. A win, win, win.


I am sorry you learned the hard way and I will learn from you…basically, stretching = happiness:) Seriously, come move here and hang out with us all the time..wouldn’t that be awesome? Good luck on the massage and please keep me updated with how your back pain is going…praying it gets better asap!


I am terrible about stretching too. I am grumpy a lot. Coffee usually helps that..

I must say your BIL is hot… ;)


Come on out and hang out with us Lindy:) Hope you got your coffee today!


If I work out in the morning I am bad at stretching because I have to shower and get ready. If I work out at night, I am good about strecthing but will not waste time with showering. Hello there are good shows on! I also drink chocolate milk after my runs and its nice to be watching a show, strecthing and chilling with my chocolate milk :)


I rarely stretch, which is probably why my chiropractor told me I have the tightest hamstrings she’s ever seen. Yep.

I’m hoping to do a longer run tonight because Mike has his poker night and I’m pretty much alone.


That flip was crazy!
Torrance has spent his whole life racing snowmachines (or snowmobiles as everyone calls them, sorry haha) and he is such a small guy it always scared me doing tricks and going like 120mph. He said that is the thing he misses most about leaving alaska, now he just has to make due with his dirtbike!


I am terrible at stretching! I REALLY need to get better at it!

I was pretty grump yesterday, but it was a horrible day at work. Still, I SHOULD HAVE gone for a run to keep the grumpies at bay, but I didn’t. :(

Have a great week friend!!


i never stretch!! its horrible i know…..ahh. isnt it amazing how running can make lifes problems seem not as bad?

my workout today = early evening treadmill run after work.


i stretch, but definitely not as much as I probably should…does foam rolling count as stretching? :)

HA…ive been grumpy for the past week. woman issues. against my control i say! kevin still loves me month after month, i have no idea why.

workout today was also early treadmill run.

i’m multitasking again..i enjoyed the last post too. i pay 25.00 a month for my gym membership, which is cheaper then 50.00-75.00 a month like some gyms around me, plus i have a work gym for free. holllaaa!!

signing up for chicago today, hope you are IN girlfriend!


Oh Theresa! I am so sorry that you have been grumpy this week and our boys are amazing…how do they deal with us:) You have a work gym…that is so so cool. We need to chat about Chicago! EMAIL ME:)


I’m pretty good about stretching before a run but after not so much. Once I start getting into my longer runs I will really need to focus on my stretching and icing.

I was grumpy last night too before me and my boyfriend went for a run. I had a Long day at work and I also felt a cold sore coming on. We ran 3 silent miles and then all of a sudden the endorphins kicked in and I was peppy and smiling which in turn made Alex smile and nothing is better than his precious smile :)

This cold sore will not defeat me!!

Have a great day!


Oh Ashley!! I am so happy that your run cured your grumpy mood and made Alex also happy:) That is the best!


This video:


I try to be good about stretching but sometimes aka a lot I just get distracted…

Last night I ran with a running group it was awesome!


I always try to leave time for stretching after a run. Taking the time to do it may seem like a hassle but will help prevent you from being injury free in the long run (pun intended)

Miss seeing you on daily mile!


AHHHHH WOW…I actually completely forgot about it, too many social media addictions:) I NEED to get back on there! Good for you to stretch after a run, you are my good example:)


I usually stretch. I’m a physical therapist by training, so I guess I need to practice what I preach. I really like to use my foam roller too.

There are definately times when I am grumpy for no reason. Good thing I have a super sweet and understanding hubby.

Today I did a somewhat hilly 8 miler at 5:30am. It was a balmy 50 degrees here. That’s good for Ohio this time of year! Did some Nike training camp Abs as well.


I NEVER stretch…ever. I am super flexible, though, and can bust a middle split anytime during the day…however I’ve starting having hamstring issues lately and I know its b/c I’ve upped my plyometrics and still don’t stretch. I’ll end an aerobic class with a heartrate around 170 boom and immediately jump in the shower to dress for work (in exactly 4.3 minutes thank you..) ha!!
I find that I am grumpy towards my husband on my really busy days. That’s sad and unfair for him. I’ve learned that I have to be so happy and “on” all day as a high svhool teacher and aerobic instructor and personal trainer that when I finally get home I just want to be left alone…


What’s crazy bread?? is it like breadsticks? how is it crazy?!? I feel like I want to recreate it haha.

I’m always really good about stretching post-run…or at least, I am now, after I got injured this summer! before that umm not so much. The great thing about running is that you just can’t POSSIBLY be grumpy after you’ve gotten an endorphins fix! :-D


I try to stretch for at least 5-10 minute but often just like you I am late for something and have to cut it short! I was a GIANT crappy pants the other day but I was PMS’ing so I had an excuse:) There was NO morning rush hour on my drive into Cleveland this morning and that amazed me! Today I am either jumping on the elliptical OR if my spin bike is delivered today I will do a long ride!

P.S. I ordered the same spin bike you have after reading your review! I hope I like it:)!!!


AHHH I am so so excited for you! Will you pretty please let me know how you like it?!?! Good old PMSing!! I hope your bike comes today!


My bike came today and I LOVE IT!!!! I gave you a shout out in my blog today:)!!! Great review!


HEY YOU!! AHH Your post made my day and I am stoked for you! I tried to leave a comment but it went to spam… me!


Ugh, I am so bad at stretching after running, and now I have shin pain to show for it…!


My workout today is going to be a 4 mile run and Body Pump! Yesterday I put up a workout vlog and plan to make lots more since I got positive feedback :)


Your workout vlog made my day, you need to do that for a living!! PS your blog made me crave sushi so so bad!


I used to be HORRIBLE about stretching after a run (aka I would do exactly zero stretching). But, I went through a knee injury last spring which required physical therapy – and about 80% of my physical therapy exercises are comprised of stretches and foam rolling.

It can be frustrating because my entire physical therapy routine takes upwards of 45 minutes, which I don’t always have the patience to do after running. But when I get lazy about my physical therapy, my knee pain comes back – so I know it makes a difference.

Having the TV on helps a lot to make my stretches go by more quickly. =)


So bad about stretching.

Grumpy for no reason: yesterday while cooking dinner…….hubs hung out in the kitchen with me. On every other day……no biggie…..last night grumpiness until I finally said “it must be nice to go to work and come home and wait for your plate to be put in front of you?” Seeing as though 99 % of the time I do not feel like this, my comment took him off guard and then I think we had two grump balls eating……until the deliciousness of the meal turned both our frowns upside down.


Oh Erica! I love your comments because I am able to so easily relate with you and you help me to feel normal! I am sorry last night was a hard night but I am glad your amazing meal made everything better! LOVE YOU!


Ha! I love that you guys are coupon lovers just like Chicken Face and I. Everyone laughs at me and I just laugh my way to saving $$$!


I am actually pretty good at stretching, and it really has made a difference. I do it after MOST runs.

On to more important things…it appears to me that you BIL is a hot ticket! You should act like Chris Harrison and run a “contest” with some of these single blogging ladies. :)


BAHAHAH Chelsea, you are brilliant!! Done and done. I have always wanted to be like Chris:) LOVE THIS IDEA, now I just have to see if he is okay with it!


um, I may or may not hardly ever do it. oops.

I had a workshop for a new musical i’m doing this past saturday and one of the men in the show hit a note, so loud, so hard, and so beautifully, it was like I was punched in the chest.


I stretch for about 30minutes-1hour almost every day. It’s my fav. And if I had time, I like to sit in the sauna after.

I was grumpy last Sunday. Not enough sleep is not good for my mo-jo!


I REALLY need to get better at stretching; this past Sunday I did a PDR of 14 miles and had a PT test for the Army on monday morning. Needless to say the 5 whole minutes I stretched did not do it for me. I still am a bit sore.

MMM crazy bread, I would die for some. However, being on a diet I cannot eat that :(

Going for a 6 mile run along the lake later, the weather here has been so nice! :)


Oh my gosh the bf and I are opposite of you and Billy..I am getting so much better at stretching post-run…and he runs to the fridge(so of course I run there too!) :)
I’m very very sad I won’t be there this weekend, but I am thinking of our next big adventure…like you guys getting your booty to Cali for Spring Break!!
Have a great Wednesday LOVE!
I was grumpy yesterday after a patient drove me nuts for 2-hrs :)
Last amazing thing I saw was getting to observe a total knee replacement on Monday
and I am running an easy run this morning too :)


Oh I am terrible at stretching for the exact same reason as you….I’d always rather run a bit further or have somewhere to be as soon as I get done running. I need to work on this!

Yay for crazy bread!! Man I haven’t had that in ages. :)


I’m with you on stretching! I get some of my clients to keep me accountable because I’m so bad…so I totally understand you on that one. ;)

And I love how a run can snap you out of a funk as much as you try to stay in it. ;)

My workout today? Heading out for (hopefully) 10 miles soon! #pumped


You rocked your 20 miler…holy cow woman! Good luck on your 10 today!


I am the same way about restaurant coupons, I have to use them all by the time the expire. Case in point: we’ve been to Quizno’s every Saturday since the beginning of the year, using our coupons. They expire February 13th. :)




I am HORRIBLE when it comes to stretching after a run! I am so obsessive about my time, that stretching after any workout bothers me! I do it anyway, but agh! :) I did a pilates type workout yesterday that I just fell in love with! Through out the entire workout she would stop and stretch and then incorportate it into the workout….LOVE.

My workout will be a BodyRock session and then a Firm DVD when I get home. :) :)


Not great about stretching after running, but after my workouts at the gym I do a nice little yoga complex and my splits. It makes people stare a little too long. Today’s workout: chest, back and abs followed by 1 hour of spinning… and it was sweaty in the spin room today!


As a morning runner, I am terrible at stretching. I would usually rather squeeze in an extra mile or have enough time to blow dry my hair and make lunch.

I always tell myself to do a really good job stretching after my Saturday long runs, but I usually end up immediately eating and forgetting to stretch.

Time to recommit to stretching!


I know…that is how I am….all I want to do and think about is refueling, not stretching. Let’s do it together. I hear you about squeezing in the extra mile, we are a lot alike!


I 100% agree — I love to stretch, but am always late for something and have to cut it short.

Truly amazing — one of my students did a back hand-spring for her how-to speech. Yeah. Blew my mind.

Today’s workout is my favorite — playing volleyball with my students! The last two days I’ve gotten to be outside! It’s been an awesome January in Iowa!


I used to be terrible at stretching after runs but after my last injury I have made it a necessity. I MUST foam roll and stretch after every single run — and so far, I’ve stuck to it! AND — I FEEL GREAT! I also use a tennis ball to roll out my calves because they are always uber tight.

I bought the orange trigger point foam roll and that sucker hurts but is well worth the money. I think it’s really helping me stay injury-free. I’ve also been a good girl and have been doing my butt, hip and core exercises reguarly. Woo hoo!

I wish I had fast boys to run with… it would make me much faster.


other than my weekly hot power fusion yoga class. I am awful at stretching! Despite my years of stretching before swimming, and in cross country practice, like you when i am done with a run I feel like I am in a hurry to get elsewhere!
TOday’s workout is 4 miles yay!


I LOVE stretching after a run and try to do it for at least 10 min every time.
I hate being grumpy and usually my puppies or my hubby will always make me laugh and I just can’t stay grumpy for long.


For some reason, I really love Crazy Bread. I’m so glad I don’t live anywhere near a Little Caeser’s . I’m not great at stretching, but the foam roller does wonders for me. The problem is that every time I try to use it, my daughter climbs all over me and doesn’t make it the easiest thing in the world to do, so I have to do it while she’s asleep. It’s worth it though.


Sorry if you have already answered this question before… I am looking at different running headbands/sweatbands. I am looking for one just to keep the sweat off my forehead, and will not be too hot to wear during hot weather months. I noticed the 26.2 one you are wearing from the SLC marathon. Would you recommend it? Was it comfortable?


YES!!! Becca, I absolutely love my 26.2 one and it was really comfortable and didn’t slip and kept my hair out of my face. It is a bondi band and I love it! Let me know what you end up getting!


Thank you! I ordered a Brooks headband for colder weather because it was on sale, and a Bondi Band! Can’t wait to try them out!


Just checking in – feel like I haven’t commented in a while. I ALWAYS read, but hardly comment.
love you!


I am terrible at stretching, like never do it. Tonight I plan on the spin bike and tabata drills at home, trying to keep myself moving.


I’m very good about stretching after any workout, even running. The one time I ran a semi-long distance (for me) and didn’t stretch, I think I was sore for several days and it was NOT fun. I love stretching. :)

I’m sure I was grumpy sometime last week when my students wouldn’t stop talking. Homecoming week is a very exciting time and they struggle with self control anyway (of course they do, they are 12), and I was seriously lacking in the sleep department.

I was watching some college competitive cheer stunt competitions and some of the stuff they did was truly amazing.

My workout this morning was training with my PT client. We did a total body workout and I’m already feeling it. I’m also teaching Zumba tonight!

PS – YES we can get ice cream after you come to TN for zumba!


i am the same.. i always refuel and dont stretch..
But when you do it always feels amazing!


I am the worst about stretching after a run, or any cardio workout for that matter. I don’t do it. At all. Shame on me :-(
I was actually quite grumpy after getting home from work last night. I don’t do a very good job about leaving work stress at the door, and sometimes my husband gets snapped at as a result. Must try to do better (like the stretching thing!)
The last thing I saw someone do that really amazed me…this video:
My workout this morning was 10 min. run on treadmill, 10 min. 10% incline, 10 min. elliptical; 2 times through for total of 60 min.


Oh tight hammies! Eeek! But, if I had FUN company, the stretching part would be so much better!


I feel like for one week I’ll be really good at stretching and then the next I won’t… It’s like 50/50.
Tonight I’m running 3 miles and then going to Total Body Conditioning class! I can’t wait :)


You guys are the cutest couple! I love the way Billy always looks so positive and supportive of you. I like when the Hubs says “Let’s go for a run!” Esp. since at the beginning of last year he was no way ever going to run. We were crazy people according to him. LOL… now after a couple of races he’s hooked!!! I use my yoga moves for stretching after every run and I’m IN LOVE with my foam roller since my IT band issue a couple of years ago. My workout today will hopefully be a short run with the Hubs!


I love group runs and hot n ready’s and crazy bread are unfortunately/ fortunately in my WEEKLY meal rotation ;) hahaha can’t beat $5 pizza


I just did a post on stretching after running! My priority is usually with refueling (food now!) but I try to stretch at some point throughout the day. That counts!


I too have been grumpy for no reason. I work with 21 hyper first graders!!!! This year has been stressful. However, running has helped. So has ice cream, haha. I’m so jealous of your free crazy bread. I’m horrible at stretching. I don’t even want to shower…but I do, don’t worry. What happened to our snow days Janae? Last ye we got it’s…its almost spring weather in TN!? I heard that the last time we had this crazy weather (rain and warmness) was in 93….the blizzard!!! Hope its true. I could so use a snow week in Feb. Spring break isn’t till end of March! My first graders will drive me bonkers by then. Haha


Had a grumpy couple of days last week and finally shook it.

My workout today was a short run, but it was amazing! I’ve been taking some time off to rest some shin splints, so this was my first run in about a week, and I ran at the same pace as my PR! Racing this weekend, so I’m definitely excited!


Your BIL is seriously adorable.
Can I have him?


The last time I saw something that truly amazed me was when I saw Ed Whitlock run the last 100 meters of the Toronto Scotia bank Marathon. For an 80 year old to run a full marathon in 3:15:01 just blew my mind away (so inspirational). I decided then I was going to start running.


Crazy Bread is THE BEST! Especially with their garlic butter sauce. Hello heart attack. Worth it.
Isn’t it weird how little Caesars was so popular when we were kids but then it disappeared for like ten years but now it’s back?!


Things that make me grumpy = crazy inlaws and lack of endorphins!!

I haven’t been good about stretching lately, but this is a great reminder about how important it is after a run.


I am SO bad with stretching after a workout!!! I need to work on that for sure.

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