Donuts after a relaxing yoga session.

One of the only things in this world that truly make me sad:

Photo 6 copy

When I eat all of my favorite type of granola in two days.  12 servings my eye.  I wish so badly that I could blame Billy on eating it, but I cannot tell a lie.

After my granola ‘snack’—we all have different perspectives of what a snack is, mine may just be a little bigger than yours, I went to YOGA.

This is an awful picture but I took it to prove to Billy that there were other boys in the class because he promised he would come with me next week if other boys were there.   One of the perks of being a spin teacher at BYU is that I get to go to all of the aerobics classes for free (and so does Billy).   I love going to these classes because the teachers are all awesome, it is ridiculously close to me and I can’t think of another reason but I am sure there is one.

4 group fitness classes in one week, don’t mind if I do.

Photo 6

It was a restorative yoga class and so by the end I was 1/2 asleep and my body felt like jello, it was marvelous.  The class got done at about 7:30 and then the B$ and I quickly went over to my parents house to take advantage of their free laundromat.  I had already worn my favorite sports bra this week and just HAD to wash it before Saturday.

Look who else was there:

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We may have taken advantage of the free pizza too (those olives were ripped off right away).

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After dinner I did my normal ‘search the entire kitchen for any and all baked goods’ and I came across beautiful donut holes.  The coconut ones are to die for.

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HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! I only have 6 hours of work and then we are heading on down to St. George!  Check back in a few hours for an awesome running giveaway!!


Do you have any baked goods in your kitchen right now?  Would you rather have a cookie or a donut?

-Donut. Donut. Donut.

How many hours do you have to work/go to school today?  (Moms out there, your answer is 24 hours)

Do you keep track of your weekly workouts?  How?  What did your week look like in terms of workouts?  Good week or not so good?

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Ok I guess I work 24 hours a day;-) But in reality I am a part-time worker (6-8 hours, later shift) and part-time stay at home mom (mornings). I get the best of both worlds!

I track my workouts in my daily planner–totally old school;-) Not so great on workouts this week. Its a cut-back week and my body was extremly tired–the feeling “I am going to get injured if I don’t take it easy” but I did manage to stretch a lot, do some yoga, strength traning and a few short runs.

YOu are going to kill it tomorrow for the half marathon!!! Happy Friday!


I am so glad that you listened to your body and took a cut-back week…you are smart Becky!!! Thanks so much girl and I don’t know how you do it all…you are incredible!


Donut wins any day, but I gave them up for lent. Good thing I don’t have any here!

0 hours of work today…snow day! Will definitely be grading some papers though!


YOU GAVE THEM UP FOR LENT….wow, you have more strength than me. Enjoy your snow day!


Cookie over donuts any day buddy…great, now I want a baked good and my kitchen doesn’t seem to house any currently- hard times! I have a workout journal which I love as it records all my weight lifts/run times- no way I can rely on memory alone!


Oh my goodness I’m pretty sure I know the boy in your yoga class from my college days. Hahahaha. Since it’s morning, I’m gonna go with donuts but anytime after lunch is cookie time. It’s been a hard week of workouts for me, because taper begins next week!


Ahhh that is so so funny! Love your answer to the cookie and donut question!


I’d always rather have a cookie :) I keep track of my workouts through my garmin connect calendar – so easy! Jealous of your fitness class pass!


Do Girl Scout cookies count? I have 5 boxes left. (I started with 9 last Friday :D)
Bad news is I woke up with a slight cold and sore throat.
Good news is I have about 43 hours till my race so I hope I will feel better by then.
8 hours of work but I may leave early to get some rest.
I miss Yoga :( After my races this weekend and next I am totally diving into Bikram!


BAHAHA I could down 4 boxes of those in a week too. What is your favorite kind!?! Good luck this weekend at your race and please let me know if your cold got better and how you did!


I just found your blog and ADORE it. I had a bad work out week (my sprained ankle from months ago decided to start swelling and cause my calf muscle extra pain on my runs). I also prefer DONUTS. Can I bring cupcakes running??

I am also getting back into yoga after a 4 month hiatus. Does it help you run?

Looking forward to my race tomorrow and reading more on your blog. I love food as well :)


Wow! Thank you so much for your comment! You made my morning! I think yoga does help, yay for both of us getting back into it! Bummer about your ankle and calf pain! Good luck on your race tomorrow…you will do amazing!


Ha, this has been an awful week for my workouts. I usually doe 4-5 days. This week is half that…and then half that. Oh well. And I think I would choose the donut. Usually I would say cookie, but I’ve been having some major donut crushes lately!


Oooo this is a really hard question. Ok let me think….alright donuts. We have a chain in Texas called Shipleys, and if the donuts didn’t go stale in 12 hours, I would totally send you some. They are the best I have ever had.


No baked goods in my kitchen at the moment but I’ve got some homemade cookie dough in my freezer just screaming to be released… not until after Lent! *sigh…*

I keep track of my workouts on Daily Mile so that I can hold myself accountable- otherwise I’d slack off! This week has been quite good for me! I hope yours has been good too :)


Every day in different, especially when working remotely. If it has to be done, I have to do it. I use daily mile for running, and stacks of scribbles for my strength workouts and some treadmill workouts


Good luck this weekend!!! I wish my gym had more yoga classes. They have 2 a week, not at very convenient times either!


OH have fun this weekend on your little trip!!

Love the sneak attack photo in the class, looks like no one caught ya…I’m always bad at that, people end up looking at me when I try to take candid photos!


We always have a stock of healthier baking in the fridge and freezer, right now its pumpkin carrot bran muffins and breakfast cookies.
Sorry, cookies over donuts!
8 hours – too long! Since I only got home at midnight. Yes I am pouting ;)
I have to plan my weekly workouts, especially with a busier than normal schedule right now, oh and holidays next week! This week looked like this: Sunday – 6km outside run, 30 mins upper body weights, Monday – 45 mins elliptical, 15 mins core workout, Tues – 30 min swim – 500m – I am slow! Wed – 8km treadmill run and abs, Thurs- Lots of walking (not really working out but I was walking all day!), Yoga Meltdown and 3:30 plank, and today will be 30 minutes on the elliptical and lower body weights.


3:30 plank…you are incredible! Great workouts! I hope your work day speeds by! Great idea with the healthy cookies!


I don’t have any baked goods at my apartment… it’s pretty sad…
I work 9am – 5pm the usual :)
I keep track of my running on Dailymile the other workouts- like classes I don’t really keep track of.
Have a safe trip!!!


Donut Donut Donut.

No work today. Mid-winter break for the students and conference comp day for the teachers. Whoo Hoo. Curled up on the couch, Today show, your blog, and breakfast of cinnamon raisin bagel, fruit salad, and coffee. This is HEAVEN.

Running week was not good, but I knew that going into it,so more than ok with it. Looking forward to a long run tomorrow. Looking forward to your race weekend recaps…..keep us posted.


Thanks!!! I am so so happy that you have today off, enjoy every second! You are going to rock your long run! Let me know how it goes!


Donut all the way, but I would happily eat a cookie anyday.

I’m working a half day today and flying out to Phoenix this afternoon for a weekend leadership retreat. We just got hit was a snowstorm in Chicago, so fingers crossed that my flight will not be impacted.

I track my running workouts on Runners World’s online training log, but I don’t track anything else. This has not been a good week for me. Between nursing a knee injury and having it be that time of the month, here’s hoping that things will get much better next week.


I hope everything goes well with your flight and you have a warm and fun time in Phoenix! Have a donut too:)


i really need to be better about doing yoga…. i say this all the time, but it’s just not one of my favorite things to do in the world so i have a hard time being motivated to do it.
as much as i do love doughnuts (let’s be honest, i pretty much love any baked good), i think i’d have to choose homemade chewy cookies over doughnuts. we don’t have any baked goods in our house right now which is absolutely tragic. i might need to change that today. ;)


I co-hosted a baby shower last night so I may have had some baked goods. No donuts though – my crazy cousin flew from Utah to Cali to get donuts from The Donut Man and I’ve been craving donuts ever since.

My workouts this week have been blah. It’s a recovery week plus school has been crazy so I’m not beating myself up too much. I did manage to squeeze in a weight training class yesterday; today I’m really envying my husband’s ability to pee standing up.


Bahahaha you make me laugh so hard! Great job with the strength training! Want to meet me in Cali to go get some of those donuts?!?


Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do? –Homer Simpson


Bahahaha thank you for that quote! I grew up watching Simpsons with my dad!


Restorative yoga + family pizza night = best way to spend a Thursday. Good luck at your race this weekend!! I am sure you will be fast and furious as always!!

No baked goods right now. I really need to cut down on the sugar in my diet and am trying to aim for non of that stuff during the week. I would always pick a cookie. They call me cookie monster in some parts of the country. ;)

7 hours til the weekend!! I keep track of my calories in/calories out on and I use my garmin 405cx to track miles and calories burned. My week had 3 runs, 3 strength training, and today might be a circuit training day mixing cardio/strength. Tomorrow is a rest day!!!


Thanks girl! You are so sweet! I should cut down on sugar too! How are you doing?


I hope not since I am not there to eat them!
ON vacation today!
Taper week. Race is tomorrow!
The Kidless Kronicles


Ahhhhh good luck tomorrow nicole! You are amazing! Enjoy:)


It really is amazing how few men take yoga classes… I’ve been teaching for 4 years and I can still count the number of men that I’ve actually taught on my fingers. But I LOVE when men come to my class because they are always super macho about it, like how hard can yoga really be? And then they are shaking and sweating- I LOVE it! And coconut doughnut holes?! I love coconut!


I know!!! I don’t get t! We all need yoga! I would love to come to your class and I would even bring you coconut donut holes!


If you and Billy move to RI- (or if you just want to visit, lol) you can totally come for free!


I love how you took a pic to prove to Billy that guys were in your yoga class. I had to persuade Rick for weeks too to finally come with me. He likes it now :)


no baked goods in my kitchen right now (unless girl scout cookies count) :( but man, i’m craving donuts now! donuts hands down!!

working for 8 hours today, yuck.

i use dailymile sometimes to track my workouts but i’m so lazy i forget to update it half the! my week was full of decent workouts, except for being sick and running on weds…lol. suffice to say im sure my run today will be much better ;)

good luck on your race tomorrow, cant wait to read about your carb loading ;)


My daughter Emily and I went to my favorite bakery yesterday, Mike’s Pastry in the North End of Boston. I have italian cookies, half moon cookies, cannolis and biscotti in my house this morning. I will always pick homemade cookies.
I am working 7 hours today.
I do keep track of my workouts, tomorrow is a 10-12 mile slow run with my runnning club.


Enjoy your run tomorrow! That bakery sounds amazing!


The only baked goods that we have in our kitchen right now is the homemade bread that Jwail makes from scratch. I nailed all of my training runs this week and tomorrow is a 20 miler!


Good luck on your 20 miler! You are going to rock it!


That flavor of Love Grown granola is so good! I always pick out my favorite parts until it is just oats left, then I dump them in yogurt.

Good luck at your race! Have a fun roadtrip there, too!

We have cornbread, ginger cookies, and pumpkin bread in our house right now.

I’m not a donut fan but I do love cookies!

I’ve been lacking in the workouts lately due to being so tired, but I’ve been upping my weights when I do work out, so that’s kinda good, right?

Have a great weekend, Janae!


Good luck w/ the 1/2 marathon!! I “rank” my w/outs and my appetite weekly on a 1-10 (1 being weak, 10 strong). Workouts: 7.5 Appetite: 9.0 I have subbed 5 extra classes this week (on top of all of mine!) so I guess that explains why my appetite has been INSANE the past 2 days and my energy levels have been lower than I like during my pm classes. Fake it til you make it, right!?! ;o)
I don’t have any baked goods in my house and my husband let me know that this am!!! Looks like I’ll be baking for him this wkend.
I work 14-16 hrs a day (1/2 school, 1/2 gym).


5 extra classes?!? 14-16 hours wow! Whenever I wanna quit or feel tired I just think of the fact that you do so so much and you inspire me to keep going! Yep, fake it to make it:)


Miss Speedy…you inspire me!! ha!! PS we are FB friends. :o)


Good luck at the race lady! You and billy are gonna kick some maaaaaja tail. Travel safely!


Thanks so much Bridget! You are the best!


I keep track of my workouts in a paper journal and on Runkeeper. Solid week – 17 and a half miles in and a long run planned for tomorrow! :)

Coconut donut holes are the best ever. I would choose the donut over the cookie in almost all cases.

I’m working 8 hours today and then enjoying the weekend!

Good luck in St. George!


biscoff cookies, homemade banana muffins, cookie dough in the freezer, stuff to make Tim’s cheesecake for his bday, etc etc etc.

When I teach, it’s in 3 hour increments, acting could be anything, mommying is all day and night.

I am really bad at tracking my workouts. really bad.


GOOD luck at the race!! can’t wait for the recap :)
Thinking of you & sending good vibes!!


Thank you holly! You are such a good friend to me!! Planning my Florida trip to come visit you:)


I keep track of my workouts on an app on my phone… though if I ran I would keep track of them via daily mile! someday….
9 hours of work for me today!
and I am more of a cookie person than a donut ;)


I have never been a donut girl – cookie all the way!
Im nearing the end of my half marathon training so I track my runs on the calendar. However, I just pulled my glute so this week’s workouts have not been so productive. I should probably supplement with cookies hehe


I love dailymile to keep track of my workouts! love it!

today we get to work a 1/2 day because the weather is bad here! yay for snow! :)


Wahoo for a half day!! You should go sledding!!!


I have a serious love for donuts! We have lots of girl scout cookies in our kitchen right now!
I keep track of my workouts on my blog. and I’m doing a Commit to be Fit challenge at my gym right now, so the gym actually keeps a total of how many times I’ve worked out and posts it.


I’m a cookie monster. All kinds, I don’t discriminate.
I only have two hours of classes on Fridays. WHOOP WHOOP!
Which means I have time for long runs on Fridays! Today I did my first ever 18 miler and I have never ever ever felt better! I love your blog so much, it sparked my desire to run a marathon and I have never been happier :) thank you.


Ahhhhh congrats on your 18 miler! You are incredible! 2 hours of classes wahoo! Thanks for your comment! It made my day!


Mmmm donuts! No baked goods in my kitchen right now, I’m trying to lose a few pounds and have ZERO self-control when it comes to baked goods. I cannot be trusted if they are in the house!

I’m probably only working 6-7 hours today (instead of my usual 8) cuz it’s Friday and a nice day in SoCal!

I use daily mile to track my workouts, I love the workout summary they give you every week! I did pretty good this week except for Monday. I was off work for the holiday so I took off from working out too!

Good luck at St. George!!!


There are no baked goods in my kitchen (for shame!), because I brought all of them in to work today :). I’ll remedy the situation this weekend, though.

I’m generally at work from 7:45am-5pm.


That’s my favorite Love Grown flavor too – and it’s not sold anywhere near me. :( Donuts in the morning, cookies the rest of the day – granola trumps them both all day long though!


Ahhh yoga. I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to go with cookies. :)

Have a GREAT weekend and GOOD LUCK on the half!


I’m always half asleep after yoga! It’s just so relaxing (sometimes) and I can’t help but want to go to bed after it! Those donuts look delicious BTW! Have a great weekend :)


I will have to disagree: cookie hands down (chocolate chip or white chocolate macadamia nut).


It is okay Julia..I forgive you and we can still be bf’s:)


I love that you have access to all of those group classes, how fun!!


right there with ya! Only 6 more hours to go! :)

It depends on what type of cookie it was. Fresh out of the oven chocolate chip….definitely the cookie then. :)

I do keep track of my workouts. Mostly on my blog, but in my head too. :)


I have a cake in the freezer, does that count? Next week I plan to make peanut butter filled chocolate cupcakes… yum. I will eat one then quickly give the others away. I think I would choose donuts over cookies.

I’m a mom to twin babies. The only “off” time I get is when they are sleeping. Thank goodness for naptime.

I record all of my workouts in my handy dandy spiral notebook. I don’t record my runs though. Which is weird because I’m a numbers person. I like to see improvement. I had some great workouts this week. I plan to get all of my running in this weekend.

Good luck at St. George


Thanks so much Shauna!! WOW..twin babies, I can’t even are incredible. Those cupcakes sound amazing, let me know how they turn out! So happy you had some great workouts this week and enjoy your running this weekend!


reason #896 we need to be real life bffs: I will eat all your olives. love those babies.


Nooo! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie!

I am working at home today (my back is acting up AGAIN. Not cool, half marathon that I’ve been training for 4 months for is tomorrow. Grr.) Work = 8 hours

My week has been tame for running- I’ve only gotten out 3 times, all easy runs. My legs feel rested though and I’m craving a hard run!


Usually I’m more of a cookie person than donuts, but every now and then a donut is what I would choose.

Let’s see, on most days, I work for 7.5 hours at school, then train/teach fitness classes for 2-3 hours. During the fall I also have cheer practice, so I’m coaching for about 2 hours as well. It’s a crazy schedule for sure. :)

My main (or only) form of cardio is dance. I teach 6 classes a week, so that is 6 hours of hip hop! FUN! I weight train 4 times a week, and I usually keep up with these workouts. This week, since I was off on Monday I did 40 minutes of yoga after a KILLER circuit of weights, and today is the first day I am not sore!

Good luck in your race!!! I’m saying a prayer for you and B!


I’d rather have a donut just because I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a donut! And I keep track of my weekly workouts by planning them on google calendar, and then I keep track of runs on daily mile. Like my run today – I ran 13.1 miles in the snow and wind! Haha, I actually kept thinking of you and how you love running in the winter, trying to convince myself it wasn’t so bad! But then 1 mile in my foot got soaked… 3 miles in both were soaked… Haha by the end of the 13 miles I didn’t even notice though! Ramble much? I’m on a bit of a runner’s high…


Do you have any baked goods in your kitchen right now? Would you rather have a cookie or a donut?
Kane’s donuts, peanut butter and jelly!

How many hours do you have to work/go to school today? 8 hours + a lunch break =)

Do you keep track of your weekly workouts? How? What did your week look like in terms of workouts? Good week or not so good?
awesome workout week, I got bikram, two longish runs, and one real long run this saturday. Having monday of really helps!

I started blogging to keep track of my workouts and random photos.


Let’s not think about how many hours in my day. Working at the office 9 hours, with the baby in tow so that counts for double right. Then more freelance work at nights when I get home. Oh and time for the baby, husband, animals, laundry, cooking, cleaning, starting side business, training and some fun. Can I have a nap now?

Have a GREAT race weekend!


10 hours of work – 4.5 more to go.

My week finally included more yoga, soccer league (undefeated!) & running. I use RunKeeper for tracking running & Daily Mile (but I’m not very good at updating DM). Missed strength training but packing & moving counts right?

My dad does yoga & taught in my high school – everyone thought it was so cool when he did a headstand … I think he showed them then that real men do yoga.


No baked goods in my kitchen :( Gave them up for lent! (so, so hard…).
School vaca this week!! So zero hours of school for me :) And yes, I do keep track of my workouts! I type them into the calender in my phone & so far this weeks gone well! Wooo!
PS. that pizza looks AMAZING! I totally would have taken advantage of that as well :)


Thanks for the shout out to us mommies:) best wishes to you for an awesome race!!


I have some healthy zucchini bread; and by healthy, I mean I altered the recipe to use whole wheat flour, subbed out the oil, and reduced the sugar. Gotta get the veggies in the kids some how. The first day, my son was skeptical but the second day, a blob of PB and tiny drizzle of honey fixed that right up! ;) He can’t gobble it down fast enough. Cookies or donuts!? BOTH…at different times. Portion control, baby. ;)

I LOVE that even though you’re not a mom yet, you give credit to mothers. ;) I’m a SAHM and LOVE it. I am definitely living my dream life, but it is the toughest and hardest job I’ve ever had. I used to be a create software documentation at a Law firm as a Technical Writer. ;) Don’t miss it. Okay, maybe just a little now that the twins will be starting preschool next fall.

I use Momento on my iPod to log my workouts. This week hasn’t been stellar. I tweaked my back a bit so taking it slow, being smart and just walking. Sorry for such a long response!!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend, Janae!!!


Restorative yoga sounds so nice! I haven’t been to a real class in so long (so expensive!) and at home yoga is just not the same/I can’t focus on it for more than 5 minutes.
And I have to disagree and say cookie all the way!


How about ice cream…no cookie or donut. :)


Totally donuts. I had FIVE Krispy Kreme doughnuts after my race last weekend! My mom was staring at me like I was a creature from another planet, and all I could do was shake my head, and through a mouthful of yummy, glazed fried doughy goodness, I mumble, “I’m not even sorry!”

Good luck Saturday! Can’t wait to see pictures!



I work 24 mom hours. And then average of 48 work hours. But it’s not as bad as it sounds. I work whatever hours I want.

I track my workouts on Dailymile. This week sucked. Too much work and hip pain.


Cookie! I’m a slight Cookie Monster. :)


I would rather eat a delicious, giant chocolate chip cookie! Have a great weekend, Janae! :)


This week for me wasn’t the best, only because I was recovering from getting my wisdom teeth pulled! :( It’s been a week today, so I started out with an easy 3 miler to get going :D Getting in a hard track workout tomorrow morning, good luck at the half!!


Oh my, oh my, your opening picture in thumbnail preview size, was oh so misinterpretable. Yikes.

Mom … 24 hours work days, plus 6 hours of math tutoring.

Week totals for work out … 40 miles running, 2+ hours weight training, 1000 yds continuous swim, zumba class, and spin class. A mighty fine week for keeping me balanced and smiling.

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