Getting your money’s worth.

Don’t tell me that you don’t plan every meal to be your favorite meal during your week of birthday celebrating.  I definitely look forward most to where I will be going with my best friends all year long.

After our run yesterday, the sis and I got ready and we went to our favorite salad bar to see if we can actually make money off the salad bar by eating more than $7 of produce on the all-you-can-eat salad.  By salad 2.5 we broke even.

Photo 5

Bonus is that it comes with a heavenly bread twist.  The actual salad bar was all out of ham (one of our favorite parts of the salad) and so they used the ham from the kitchen for the pizzas and brought that out.  We are that table that requests everything.

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The best part came after lunch.  The sister and I went and saw ‘The Vow.’  I saw all over Facebook and heard from a few people that they did not like it but seriously I LOVED IT!! I think I might just be easily entertained and optimistic about movies but really, the sis and I thought it was amazing and we wanted to hide under our seats at the end and stay for the next showing.

After hanging out at home for a while we all went up to Salt Lake City to go to the Cheesecake Factory.  2 hour and 15 minute wait.  For food.  I don’t think so.

We went over to CPK instead and my sis and I split a bbq pizza and an oriental salad.   The salad was definitely overpriced but the pizza was worth every cent.

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Free dessert=a beyond happy Janae.

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Sharing with everyone the above mentioned dessert = we still go for dessert after because you can never have too much of an under baked cookie that is 3 inches deep.

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Overall, I would rate Saturday a 1110 out of 10……all of my favorite people and an awesome movie and food and eating ice cream twice within an hour.


What was the best thing that you ate yesterday?

-A cazookie.

Ever been to California Pizza Kitchen?  What did you order there…did you like it?

The options for the cazookie are: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cookie and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut….what cookie would you choose?

Do you ever split meals when you go out to eat?

-I love to because then you can try more than one thing.

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I have only eaten at Cheesecake Factory once. We were there at 10:30 when they opened and still had to wait. It was good, but they should just take reservations.

I am glad you are having a great birthday week.


That cookie looks AMAZING!
and..Happy Birthday!!! :) Enjoy it!


That cookie is my ideal dessert…vanilla & choc chip cookie = my 2 favorite foods! The best thing I ate yesterday was an apple tart with vanilla ice cream…shared between 5 :)! I used to be hate sharing meals when I was anal about my food because I didn’t know how to point it but now I love it…like you said, it’s a good way to try a bit of all!


That pizza looks AMAZING! I want to try making that at home!

I love Cheesecake Factory but the wait is always super long at ours, too! I always get a tiny meal there so I can eat my entire piece of cheesecake…priorities!

When is your birthday?!

That cookie dessert sounds so good! I would have gone with chocolate chip! Nothing like a warm, gooey cookie!

I don’t split things often, but I usually pick off of Andy’s plate (fries, veggies that he doesn’t like, etc.)


All I know about the Chesecake Factory is that Penny works there in Big Bang Theory (love that show!). And I love places that do “get as much salad as you want” – in the UK we have a cheap eatery called Harvester and their salads are fab :)


I am right there with you on getting your money’s worth at salad bars. I saw an article somewhere, it was either in the Chicago Tribune or Food Network magazine, which listed the most “profitable” ingredients to get at those sold-by-weight salad bars versus the least profitable.

For example: the deli charges $4.99 per total pound of salad. Olives as an individual ingredient are $7.99 per pound but spinach as an individual ingredient is $2.99 per pound. Conclusion: you would want to load up on olives instead of spinach.

Wish I could find the article again to share!


Wait a minute was yesterday your birthday? If so Happy Belated Birthday!!

I would choose a chocolate chip cazookie for sure and I love splitting food! You get to try more and most of the time I the portions are so stinkin ginormous.

Have a fantastic Sunday!


I saw the Vow yesterday too! I LOVED it. I loved it best when i got to see channing’s nakie butt!


I’m so glad to hear that someone liked The Vow! I also have heard nothing but negative things! Sounds like a truly spectacular day. I especially love the addition of GOLDFISH on your salad-HAHA!!!

The best thing I ate yesterday was grapes! Lame…I know…but I attended my school’s “winter ball” last night. The tickets were $7 so I made it my mission to pay for my ticket in the number of grapes, strawberries, and cherry tomatoes I ate off the snack table!


Wow that cazookie looks amazing!!You’re also making me really wany a huuuge salad.. Lol your blog makes me so hungry :-P




I love CPK … their BBQ Chicken Pizza is amazing. I make something similar at home, but it definitely isn’t as good as theirs!

I would probably want to order BOTH the chocolate chip and the peanut butter cazookies. I’ve never had a cazookie, but I’m pretty much positive that I would LOVE it!


I’m going with White Choc. Macadamia nut for the cazookie…and now I’m craving white chocolate like crazy! :)


Never been there.
Peanut Butter. Definitely.
Split meals when I am with my sister.

The Kidless Kronicles


Best thing I ate? Probably a million dark chocolate buttons :P

I’m never a fan of films like the Vow – I’m really a guy when it comes to films because I love horror and action movies. I like to think that makes up for my appearance in terms of girlfriend potential.

Chocolate Chip Cazookie for me all the way please: sometimes the classics are the best and there’s nothing more gorgeous than a melty chocolate chip. I stick dark chocolate chips into my oats for just that reason.

I don’t ever share dishes when I’m out, but I would if someone asked to!



i loved the vow too!! i thought it was a great movie… one of the better “chick flicks” i’ve seen in a long time. glad you enjoyed it too!
ooo i love california pizza kitchen! i haven’t been there in quite awhile, but it’s a great restaurant. as for the cazookie… even though i am a peanut butter LOVER, i would still have to go with the traditional chocolate chip. i love melty ooey gooey chocolate chip cookies!
happy happy birthday week! looks like it’s a great one so far! ;) when is your actual birthday?


I went to The Cheesecake Factory once and I loved it! But the wait is ridiculous! And I dont understand why they dont take reservations.
We have a CPK near us, but I’ve never been. I’m actually dying to go. Who doesn’t love pizza!


Happy birthday!

I have been to CPK several times. I really like their thin crust chicken & pesto pizza as well as their thin crust margarita pizza. They have a great split pea soup too… sounds gross but is tasty I promise.

While I LOVE all things peanut butter I think I would opt for the chocolate chip cookie w/ the vanilla ice cream. Nothing beats a gooey warm chocolate chip cookie w/ ice cream on top. Glad you enjoyed it. :)


I was hoping to see a meal recap of your yesterday…….and it did not disappoint! Looks like a day of fantastic tastes, and company!!

Love love love sharing meals for the same reason you say. I really wouldn’t need to order if we went with a big enough group because ideally I would just like to have a taste test of eveyones’.

I would go classic choco chip!


I saw The Vow on Friday with some blogger gals and I liked it. I didn’t think it was an awesome movie but the story was so crazy! I kept thinking how tragic that would be if it was my husband or something…so sad!


Sounds like a great day! I really want to see the Vow, and I’m sure I will like it because I always love cheesy, unrealistic love stories! :)


I love that your birthday celebration lasts for days and days and days. I’m the same way–I love my birthday and insist upon having a birthday WEEK instead of just a measly birthday DAY ;) There’s not a CPK anywhere near me and have to just settle for their frozen pizzas at the grocery store. Still good tho! I’m glad your day was so awesome! I love splitting meals–its the most cost effective way to satisfy every craving.


Ooo, I need to go to The Chocolate for a cazookie, like pronto! (Is that where it’s from?) I have tried other things there, but that looks soooo good! Yum, I love the Cheesecake Factory! A couple weeks ago, I had to work in SLC for 2 days, and each day my boss had us get food to-go from there on our way home – cheesecake and all, for free! We called it in and just had to walk in a pick it up…I was in heaven.

Happy Birthday week!!! I am the same way, and want to stretch it out. Are you signed up for the free birthday deals? They send you coupons for free food. The ones I get are from Red Robin, Noodles and Co., Cold Stone, Baskin Robbins, Tucanos, etc. Then you just go all around and get free food! :)


So I know you are the world’s busiest chica… but I’d love to see you sometime this week and take you to dinner (and possibly one of those cazookie things – holy cow that looks good) for your birthday. Let me know when you’re free!


I’ve never been to Cheesecake Factory (I hate cheesecake, and I mean I know that’s not all they serve but the name is really off-putting for me) but I do have a soft spot for CPK. I don’t really understand people who can exercise self-control with pizza – my stomach will expand to fit the amount of pizza that is before me. Looks like a great kick-off to birthday week! :)


That cookie looks just plain AMAZING. I need to add that to my list of 50 things to do (/ eat apparently!) before I’m 50. I want it now! I adore Rachel McAdams so I have a feeling I would also love The Vow even if it sucks. Happy Birthday Weekend! Sounds like you’re having a blast!


OMG- I would run 15 miles every day if I could have a cookie like that afterwards! I might give up eating regular meals and just got strat cazookie!


Happy Birthday!


A cazookie! The best thing ever, ever, ever, ever invented!!!


Happy amazing bday week to you!!!! Have fun celebrating :)
I love the cpk pear Gorgonzola pizza. And I’m glad you give a thumbs up it to the vow….my 14 yr old wants to go w/me – what do you think?


That cookie thing looks delicious!!!

I always split meals if I can. You get to try more stuff, especially dessert.

The best thing I ate yesterday was mac and cheese, with an extra layer of melted oaxaca cheese on top… yum!


I love the Cheesecake Factory and honestly, probably would have waited the 2 hours. Although,I’ve never been to CPK so who’s to say I wouldn’t have made the same decision had it been me. Anyway, happy birthday! Sounds like a great weekend.


Oh my goodness, that cookie looks fantastic!!! Favorite dessert is pretty much anything sugary, lol. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I do love warm apple crostadas with vanilla ice cream, though. So simple but delicious!


Happy Birthday girl! Looks like you ate very well….CF and CPK are both yummy – huge portions though – we always share when going there!

xoxo from Houston


Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday week, too. I prefer birthday month, actually.


Sounds like an awesome birthday celebration, and great job on that salad! I’m so jealous of the goldfish on top, I used to LOVE gold fish!


oh my gosh that cazookie looks AMAZING!! i love cpk, i usually get the BBQ chicken pizza….unreal! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!


My husband and I split a brownie sundae at dinner last night. Oh my goodness….. I could eat one every day all day. Never been to CPK, but I love pizza!!

I would probably get Choc Chip, but how amazing would it be if they had a PB/Choc Chip cookie. I would want that.

I split meals with my mom a lot, but now that I live so far from her, its rare that I split a meal. Just more leftovers for the next day!


The only person I will split a meal with is my mom!


I’m glad to hear that you loved the vow, because I’m making my boyfriend take me for Valentine’s Day … yipeeeee!

Happy early birthday!



I make cookie cakes all the time and bring them into work, they’re so good!

Also… Your salad bar serves Goldfish crackers??


I really like the CPK I believe it is the Thai Crunch … I always get the half portion … almost fell over when I saw the calories of that delicious salad … I still enjoy it every time I go though.


yay birthday week! I love CPK and always get the pizza you girls shared…so good. holy cow that dessert looks amazing. Id have to say chocolate chip. even though I LOVE PB, I gotta have some chocolate with dessert. it’s a must.


I love CPK! Wish they had one here. My favorite thing there is Pear + Gorgonzola. It’s a pizza with a salad on top! So very good!


did you make that cookie?! i want it ASAP!

best thing i ate yesterday is a tie – either peppermint bark from williams sonoma (a late christmas gift) or an egg sandwich with guac!


MMM that dessert looks fantastic. Cheesecake Factory is good but not THAT good.

I always make heaping salads too, they’re delicious. I want to see The Vow so bad–not sure I can talk the boyfriend into seeing it though but it is worth a shot :)

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