Our Next Race and a January Miracle

I don’t even know who I was this morning.  I woke up at 5:45 without an alarm clock and I was wide-awake.  I was going to do a Jillian workout but then when I remembered my BIL is sleeping on the couch, I thought that might be a little bit awkward and so I went to the gym instead.

Good thing I don’t have a snow scraper and had to use an old (already scratched) CD to get the ice off my windshield.

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I did 30 minutes on the elliptical (my first time on that machine in a month) and 30 minutes of weights…..I am already on my way to reaching my weekly goal.  The best part about the time on the elliptical was that Pop-Up Video was on VH1. Please tell me you used to watch that too….gotta love all the little facts that come up during the music video.  I feel like I know Dr. Dre now.

I really do love working out in the mornings but I really love getting sleep too, such a life-changing decision;)

The cold air even kept my peach/banana/greek yogurt/milk smoothie frozen in the car, I will forever be thankful.

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Two awkward hand pictures right in a row, you are welcome.


Ever since I brainwashed Billy to become obsessed with running we now plan all of our trips around running a race.  Our next stop will be down to warm St. George to run the Dogtown Half-Marathon on February 25th.   I ran this race last year and absolutely loved it (minus the random and unexpected bad weather) and can’t wait to run it again.

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Who is going to come run it with us?!?! Pretty please….we can have a post race eating a whole pizza per person contest right after.

I will be using this 1/2 marathon more of a training run and enjoying every second of it because it is not a key race for me this year and I gotta save my racing for racing ya know but Billy is using this awesome plan from Smart Coach to smash his 1:36 goal (this plan was free).

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What are your favorite smoothie ingredients?  Do you like to add protein powder to your smoothies?

Where is your next get-away?  Planning to go anywhere fun in the next few months….any fun get-away races?

Where and when was your first half-marathon?

-Provo river trail when I was 21.

Have you ever used a Smart Coach plan before?

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Love Smart Coach. I have both the free and paid app so I can play with the settings on the free one for my next training plan. First marathon coming up this year I hope! A little excited, can you tell?


That is awesome, I am going to have to get that app! AHHHHH I am so so excited for your first marathon, you are going to be hooked!


My next get away is supposed to be to FL to watch BF run another marathon. Not sure yet if I can still make it though! Our last trip was to the Boston Marathon :) We plan our vacations around running too!


That is awesome and I am jealous that you will get to be in the warm. Gotta love vacations built around running! Have a great day Ali!


I love working out with Jillian. That was my workout this morning! :) You made me laugh when you said it’d be a little awkward with the BIL sleeping on the couch… Totally have been in that situation before! haha going to the gym = good decision!

Yikes, that picture makes me glad it doesn’t snow where I live… ;)

I always put yogurt, a banana, frozen strawberries, and some sort of juice or milk in my smoothies. I like to add ice, too, for more of a slushy effect. mmmmm

The hubby just told me he’s been planning a trip to DISNEYLAND for Valentine’s day!!!! :D I am BEYOND excited!

Never ran a half marathon… Baby steps ;)


Are you not doing that all-girl’s one in St. George anymore? I LOVED travelling for the race this past weekend…love even more that it went so well! :) The only thing we have planned in the next while is camping in April with the fam. My first half was the Provo River trail one too! (I was 22). I’ve been looking into the Smart Coach plans for my first marathon…his looks way different than the one I was looking at (the formatting I mean).


My favorite smoothie changes weekly but right now its spinach, a frozen banana, pb, vanilla protein, flaxseed and almond milk.
We are heading south to Arizona in about 5 weeks!!
My first half marathon was in May 2010. I really would love to do another destination race (we did 2 last summer) but probably not till 2013 now.


My first half-mar is going to be this spring!! Possibly March. I did 10 this past weekend, and that was my longest race so far! Can’t wait to try one, but who knows if it will be 80 or snowing in Denver!


The last time I tried the Smart Coach it didn’t give me any speed work, which I need. I may have to try it again though.

PS – it’s too cold there!


I should totally use that old CD trick – about 4 times a year I have ice on my windshield in the morning here in So Cal and it’s maddening to have to sit there for 5 minutes with the car running and defrost because I can’t see!

I have been using SmartCoach and I have mixed feeling about it. I think sometimes you have to tweak it. The last time I followed it to the letter, it basically gave me a 3-day taper for a half marathon which was ridiculous. My legs were pooped from the mileage build-up – I needed an easier taper. So I modified the last week to have a reasonable last long run and shorter mid week runs. But, overall, it seems to output decent plans – I use it as a guideline for the tempos and long run.


Each year my college friends and I go to St George for a girls only vacay. We will actually be there there on the 25th!! Last year it landed on the weekend of the St George half and onow this year I guess it lands on this half marathon. Craziness. Or maybe not since this time of year is perfect for racing in St, George. I don’t think I shall run it since I am just getting back into running after all these blasted injuries. But if you see some random girl at the end with a poster for you, it’s me. ;) You must go to Bear Paw for breakfast while you are there. Have you ever been? SOoooo good.

My first half was the Top of Utah when I was 21. I had only ran 8 miles at a time before it and my roomy convinced me to run it with her as a training run for St. George. It was so much fun. I was hooked.


Wow that is awesome. I wish I could just wake up and decide it was time to go for a workout seshh. PS: Girl I totally understand about the snow. It’s the death of me I swear.

Anyways my first half was in Plattsburgh, NY (about as far north as you can go) last April.


No ice here, It was shorts and short sleeve weather today, all day.

Hubby and I are planning on running this for fun in April, Tax Day.

Doubt I’ll have any kind of good time, I’ll have to stop & check out all those bands!!!


Ugh- ever since I started getting up early to run in the morning, I can’t sleep in anymore! I got up at 5:30 this morning and I wasn’t even running. Sad.
I just ran the St. George half this past weekend and am trying to decide between the Dam 2 Dam or Dogtown to complete the St. George runners series… I am going to go read about your experience with Dogtown right now! We are taking the kids to Disneyland in September and I’ll probably just HAVE to do the Disneyland Half while we are there ;).
My first half was the Layton Half – October 2010.


5:45 a.m. sounds wonderful! I have to wake up @ 5 to get my workouts in.

My latest smoothie obsession is a PB, banana, milk, cocoa, and oats. Like oatmeal but drinkable. So good!!

I used Smart Coach for my last 1/2. It was great and I PR!


Hahaha I love that you used a CD. I used a spatula hen I first moved here :)


I need to get into smoothies. So you said you use magic bullet?? I have a friend who uses vitamix, but it was a little above my budget right now.

My first half was in Chicago. My bf and I are considering a trail running ultra in both Colorado (50k) and then a big one in Canada (50 miles), and then I’m planning on racing CIM again next year (Dec 2012) and Boston (2013). Yes, all of our trips our turning out to be based on races : ), but why not? Then you get to completely relax and enjoy a ton of food guilt-free : )


PB + banana = best smoothie combo ever! It’s too cold for me to think about smoothies though.. My first half was in Dallas! It was warm and I loved it :)


right now ben and i are planning trips to south africa for the cape town two oceans half marathon and also to phuket, thailand, for the phuket half marathon!! we are soo pumped!! medals make the best souvenirs. :)


Love protein powder in my smoothie…but is it just because everyone tells me to put it in there? I’ve been making hot chocolate with just milk/water and protein powder, too. Yummy. No wonder my biceps are exploding…NOT!
1st half marathon…Robie Creek in Boise. Awesome race.
I want to plan a disney world trip though and plan it around their half marathon. The kids are in agreement, but I just have to convince the hubby.


Fav smoothie ingredients are strawberries and mango. I do add protein powder to them.
Next getaway is to Phoenix in Feb. And then St Lucia in April!
My first half marathon was the Outer Banks NC Half. in 2009 I think.
I haven’t used SmartCoach but have looked at it from time to time.

The Kidless Kronicles


My favorite smoothie ingredients change all the time, but I love bananas, almond coconut milk (my new love), dark chocolate cocoa powder, spinach, cinnamon, and sun warrior protein powder.

We actually don’t have a single trip or getaway planned at the moment (which is weird for us). Well, we are planning on going back to Cancun this summer (YAY), but nothing is booked. This year is our 5 year anniversary, so we may take a small weekend trip this spring and then save for a nicer getaway for our anniversary in October. Or maybe we’ll come to Utah and just hang out with you and Billy! :)


I make an intense smoothie – a berry mix, hemp seeds for protein plus tons of other benefits from the little seeds, maca powder, yogurt and milk and sometimes I will sprinkle chia seeds on top :)

I am running my first half marathon in a month and one week!!! I am hoping for good weather, but it could either be a blizzard or a gorgeous sunny day! That is half the fun of this race :)

I have a coach who makes the plans for me, I am so blessed … I do not know what I would do without this woman!!!


My first half was last Sept and it was the Fox Valley Marathon/Half and 20 miler. I just signed up again today for this years on Sept 16. I also found one I might do in the homeland on April 28…but the feet need to improve, and I need to run..lol


I use old CD’s too. Why spend $3.00 on an ice scraper when I can finally find a use for my old KC & JoJo cd?

My next getaway is Playa del Carmen, Mexico this summer! Viva!


You’re so classy – I love that you scraped with a CD. :)


OOOHHHHH pretty wedding ring. I LOVES it!


Thanks Dana!! You are so sweet:)


That pic of your hands in snow is making me cold! I want to check out smart coach. Never been to the site. I need a plan to help me smash something.


My first half marathon was the RnR in Providence, Rhode Island last August. I had so much fun that I am doing it again this year!
I can’t believe you used a cd to scrape off your car…crazy!


Love the CD trick with your windows. Classy!

My favorite smoothie is coconut milk, a bit of banana, pineapple, and a splash of vanilla. Oh, and yogurt if I have it, but it’s not necessary. Love it and hate sharing it with the family.

Our next weekend getaway will be during General Conference weekend. We almost always go somewhere during those times and listen in the car. We almost always go somewhere for me to race too. This year I’ll be 8 months pregnant though, so no racing.

My first half-marathon was my first race ever. Taupo, New Zealand 6 years ago at age 24.


New Zealand…..that is so awesome! Congrats on your pregnancy, that is SO exciting. Do you know if it is a boy or a girl?


Thanks! It’s a boy.




I love working out in the morning, but I love sleep too! Decisions decisions.


I’ve scrapped many windows with old cds. Ahh, memories! What is in your smoothie? I’m on a kick now. I’ve been putting flax seed in mine. Have you used?

Next fun trip will in TN at the Country Music Half in April. Several friends are coming to support and run the race. So excited!

My first race was a half, three years ago. It was here in Louisville. I was 32.

I’ve not used Smart Coach but gonna check them out.


I haven’t ever used smart coach before but I know a lot of people do. The only thing that I don’t like about it is that it give you a limited variety of workouts to do and constantly repeats the same ones over and over just at quicker paces, but thats just my opinion.

It’ll be so fun to race with your bestie! You guys are going to cruise through that course.


I broke my ice scraper …..by hitting against my window in a fit of cold rage, but now I know I can use a cd :) YAY!

I love fruit smoothies of any kind….toss in avocado (a new thing I’m doing) and I’m in heaven.

I have never run a half. Full this year!


I have a smoothie for breakfast almost every morning: strawberries, almond milk and protein powder. Yum.

I’m so thankful it doesn’t snow here! :c)

My first half was in November, and my next is Feb. 12! I’m excited!


first 1/2 marathon was last year sept in vermont and then nov in philly and now i am headed for #3 in florida… yes.. somewhere warm for the winter…. and running on my BIRTHDAY! yay!
LOVE your ice scraper… good to know:)


I’m using smart coach for my FIRST half! It’s the Chi Town Half on April 1st… Lol the first half marathon I could find in Chicago since November… And I’d totally come run the Dogtown Half if I actually had the funds to fly there and get a hotel… and a rental car… darn law school.


the cd is too funny – it reminds me of last week when i used a random hanger i found in my car as a snow scraper. worked pretty well if you ask me! I dont call it unprepared, i call it innovative :)


I’m so hoping to be able to go to Colorado this summer. Not sure if it will happen, but I’m crossing my fingers! My first “half marathon” was in St. Louis and stormed so much during the race that they had to shorten it to 10 miles because so much of the course flooded. It was horrible and wonderful all at once!


I wouldn’t even dream of making a smoothie without peanut butter, protein powder, and spinach since I hate spinach and need to find ways to trick myself into eating it!

My first half was the Brooklyn Half just after I turned 23 – my dad came to NYC for the first time in his life to see me run, best weekend ever!

I LOVE POP-UP VIDEO! Whoa blast from the past! :)


Several of my running buddies use the smart coach plan with great success- even the 4 day a week plan for a marathon, running in the low 3 hours. I have never stuck to it personally. My husband gives me a loose plan for training these days. Columbus or Cincy Flying Pig was my first half, I can’t remember right now- that’s sad!!!
I have a smoothie EVERY morning- blueberry, banana, Life Basic’s Vanilla Plant Protein & Vega, Spinach, Almond Milk, with some almonds thrown in at the end for crunch!!
Happy Monday!


My first half marathon was the Chicago Half Marathon in September 2002. Two friends and I decided on a complete whim to do it (this was on a Wednesday). Then all three of us went out and just did it that Sunday with pretty much zero training. Up until that point I’d never run more than 8 miles, ever. All three of us finished but none of us could walk for a week afterwards. Lesson learned – thou shalt not run thy half marathon without appropriate training!!!


Next getaway – the hubs and I are going to Austin (sans kiddos) over Spring Break. We’re so excited.
I’m planning on a Tough Mudder with some friends at the end of March. We’re so used to training together that we are a little co-depemdent when it comes to races. Is that weird?
My first half was in Houston about a year ago. It’s my favorite distance so far – though I plan on giving the full another shot this fall.


I’m SO running Dogtown in 4 weeks…gotta get that SG runner series in! By the time you run the race, shower, get ready, eat your pizza and drive back to the race…I should be crossing the finish line :) SG does such a great job putting on road races!

Good luck Janae, I hope you total ROCK IT!


Whatever…WE HAVE TO MEET UP!!!


What are you doing living in Utah without an ice scraper??? :D

Favorite smoothie = Almond milk, frozen banana, chocolate protein powder, spinach, peanut butter, chia

First half was the Women’s Half Marathon in Tempe, AZ (Loved it!)

I haven’t used Smart Coach but I was def torn between using that or a Hal Higdon training plan. I ultimately went with Hal for a beginner training plan.


So I’m old enough to be your mom but I love to read your blog because you are perpetually cheerful. You have a beautiful smile, have the same appetite and diet as I do and introduced me to Frozen yogurt. We just had it for the first time this weekend. Oh my gosh. Thank you for your constant updates and all around great attitude. Love it.


TESS!! Your comment absolutely MADE MY DAY!!! I wish we could go to frozen yogurt together…we would be the best of friends!


Oh, I wish I could come run with you and Billy! My Billy could be our cheerleader/photographer. I ran my 1st half marathon in my hometown Dallas which was awesome to have my family’s support. We’re going to NYC in a couple of weeks for Billy’s birthday weekend – cannot wait!


My all time favorite smoothie is frozen banana, peanut butter, cinnamon, vanilla, and almond milk!
And I really don’t like protein powder in my smoothies–too chalky for my taste!


My first half was Top of Utah in 2008. I’m hoping to find one this spring. We’re planning a little trip to St. George this spring, but I don’t think there are any races the weekend we are going.


First half marathon was St. Louis in 2007 and I was addicted since! I have run 3 total and am planning on going for a PR in Chicago this summer!


I’m fairly new to reading your blog, I absolutely love it BTW. I’ve also recently starting running and look to this blog for inspiration. I just have a quick question, I’m currently getting my Master’s and am student teaching and wondering how in the world you have all this free time after school? Do you not have to write lesson plans or grade? I want to know your secrets to having time to run and nap in one day?!


HEY MOLLY!! Thanks so much for commenting!! This is my third year teaching the same subjects and so I just do a little revamping each day before I get to school (we are there an hour before school starts). During my prep I get all of my grading done and I also have TA’s that help with some of that stuff. My first two years were not nearly as easy! Luckily the subjects that I teach (PE, health, drivers ed, stress management) don’t require a lot of grading and assignments. It is more participation and a few tests. I hope this helps. YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS…I remember student teaching stressed me out big time and I never had any free time. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!


Our next getaway is BOSTON! So yeah, for a race…we do the exact same thing. Lots of short trips with marathons onSaturday!


I love pineapple and mango! Love me some tropical fruits-then I can pretend that I’m somewhere warm and wonderful instead of freezing my face off.

My next getaway is ROME!!! Ahhh!! It was supposed to be a running getaway but it is now just a vacation. PS. Know anyone that wants an entry to the Rome Marathon!?

My first half marathon was the SLC half in 2008. It was something I never thought I’d ever do-I was SO proud of myself when I finished!! Who knew it would be the beginning of a love for running!


I used smart coach to prepare for my half also and loved it.


I had no idea Pop Up Video even came on anymore! I’m so jealous – I love that show!


I love to put cherries and a banana in a smoothie, along with some peanut butter. Holy cow it’s good!

In June, I will be traveling with my brother and his family to South Dakota….I am preeeetty stoked about it too! I love history and I am hoping that we get to check out Wounded Knee.


On the iPad right now trying to plan our nex trip while watching The Bachelor. Thinking Napa, Russian River area in ca – no races just relax.

First half was the OC half


First half, Toronto Canada in 2010 … 2011 was forgettable in terms of running … hopefully 2012 will see a half return to my completed items to scratch of my to do list!


girl, u crazy popping awake at that hour, but i agree, getting ur sweat session in first thing always makes me feel better the rest of the day. it’s just a matter of getting outta the bed! ;)

i love the name of that half u’ll be racing!! and super pumped that u’re gonna go for a rocking time….u’ll kick butt!! now u and billy can be obsessed together…hehe :)


I use the runners world smart coach for EVERY race! I absolutely live and swear by it haha. I’m training for a half right now with it actually :)


I love Smart Coach- it satisfies the Type A planner in me to have some kind of plan to follow! Although I always end up tweaking it as the paces they suggest are way off…i.e. the long run paces are relatively too slow! I just bought SunWarrior to try in smoothies…first time protein powder-purchaser- hope I made the right decision!


I rarely make smoothies at home, mostly juice, so I save my smoothies for when we buy one out and about. Then I’m all about tropical fruit :)

I have never run a marathon but my boyfriend keeps hassling me to do it since I enjoy running so much. I fear things like having to use the temporary bathrooms (!) and that the hassle of registering, waiting around, transport etc would take away my simple enjoyment of just running….. But, after reading a few running blogs for a while now, I may be coming around!


You are awesome girl!! I would LOVE some of your weights workouts! We Just set up a treadmill in our basement and I am SO excited! I am preggers so I have to take it easy, but I can’t wait to run tomorrow morning! Oh I am so excited! I wish I could come run that 1/2 with you guys! Maybe I will sign my husband up just so i can come eat a whole pizza right after with you guys! :)

Our next getaway is actually to St George sometime in Feb!! We went to Hawaii this month and I have the travel bug now! My husbands fam has a sweet condo at Entrada so we are hoping to get there next month! :)

My first half marathon was last the Provo Half in 2010! So fun! i love that trail and i LOVE the Halloween Half on it!

Have a great day!!


Impressive! I’m sitting here at 6:15am drinking coffee and trying to decide if I’m motivated to go run soon. It’s cold and dark!

My first half was the San Dieguito Half Marathon in 2006, when I was 22. It kicked my butt. Now it’s my favorite distance. =)


I’m going to Michigan next week for some family stuff, but this summer I’m going on my honeymoon…destination currently undecided!


Janae can i pleeease have your peach banana greek yog smoothie recipe?? That sounds like the best combo ever!!!!!


HEY YOU!! I just add frozen peaches, half a frozen banana, 2% milk, greek plain yogurt and mix!! I don’t measure it…next time I will and I will let you know! Have a great day!


I use to watch that vh1 show. I didn’t know it was still on! I know what you mean about getting up early. I got up 1 minute before my alarm went off and was off to the gym. I’m so happy I finally made it there! It’s been too long!!


My first half marathon was Moab’s Canyon Land Half. I’ve also ran the Provo River Half – it was beautiful. And, I am also running the Dog Town Half. I am sure you’ll kill my time. ;) Best of luck to ya!!


Ahhhhh that is so so so awesome! Wanna meet up or ice cream?!?


I’d love to!! Lets find us some fro yo!! ;)


I’m totes in the market for a MagicBullet to start making more smoothies- our blender is humungo-jumbo and I hate having to get on all 4’s, crawl around the kitchen, and pull it out from the darkness of our never ending cabinets!

Strawberry banana is always my fave :) Or chocolate because it’s like a healthified milkshake!


My usual smoothie is frozen strawberries, bananas, spinach and soy milk!


I always put protein powder in the smoothies!!! Fave ingredients…banana, greek yogurt, milk, chia, peanut butter…yummmmmmm


All of my getaways are running related as well, and I LOVE it. Although, I have realized that after Boston this year, I can not afford to do any other destination races, unfortunately.

I used the RW Smart Coach for my first 1/2 and full marathons. It was great and best of all, FREE. :)

You used a CD as an ice scraper! HAHA! So creative!


OH I totally just bookmarked the smart coach site, thanks for the idea!

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