My New Spin Room and Shalane Flanagan

Welcome to my new spin room.  Isn’t it beautiful?  Yesterday I went on over to BYU to figure out the sound system and get used to the bike a little before I start teaching this week.

Photo 7

After the last place I taught spin, I feel a little spoiled teaching here.  Everything is brand new; the bikes are top notch and include digital displays that tell you your cadence, distance, speed and heart rate.  At the top of the ceiling is a projector where you can play movies (routes) as you spin on the front wall.  The ventilation system is awesome and the microphone will no longer shock me like the old one did;)  Can you tell I am a little nerded out with all of this?!?!


Today we are talking about Shalane Flanagan and her road to the Olympic Marathon Trials in SIX days.  She is absolutely adorable, crazy fast and in all of the interviews/videos that I have watched with her, she seems like a super sweet person.

Shalane was born in Boulder Colorado and is now 29 years old.  I mean she is kind of cool and holds the AMERICAN RECORD TIMES for the 3,000 m, 10,000 m and in the 2008 Olympics she won the bronze medal for the 10,000 meter.   She is 5’5″ and pure muscle.

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During her high school career, Shalene took first in All-state in the mile and two mile, she also was a three-time All State cross-country champion and her mile PR was 4:46.  She went on to college at University of North Carolina-Chapel and won a few cross-country titles and ran a 15:20 in the 5000 meter.  After college she brought her 5000 meter down to 14:44.

In 2008 she ran the 10,000 meter in 30:34, beating the American record by 16 seconds.  She went on to run in the 2008 Summer Olympics and set a new American record with 30:22.

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In 2010 Shalene went on to compete in the half-marathon and won the Houston half in 1:09:45 (sorry for all the numbers in this post but they are incredible times and I have to include them all!) and later on that year she won the Phili 1/2 marathon with a 1:08:36.


Her first marathon ever and she was SECOND with a finishing time of 2:28:40……….the best American woman time at the NYCM in 20 years!    Time to see what this speed demon whips out in HOUSTON!!!!

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Shalane’s webpage HERE and information source HERE.


Are you cheering on for Shalane to get one of the three spots to compete in the 2012 Olympics for the marathon?

What are you looking forward to the most this week?

-My first spin class this Wednesday night and then another one the following morning.  TIme to find some music!

Where are you reading this post from?

-Well, I wrote this from my family room floor.  I brought out all of my blankets and pillows and made a very comfortable spot for myself.

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I remember watching the NYCM in 2010, screaming in my family room at the TV for her at the end. That was a great finish!


I’m reading this post from my bed—sitting in my bedroom catching up on blogs and whatnow! ;)


I’m sitting on the balcony in the sun with mum here in Melbourne, Australia!

I am cheering for Shalene but also Kara… so many good athletes! I can’t wait til the trials… so exciting!

This week I am looking forward to baking salted caramel choc chip cookies and have another go at speed work :)


She is my favorite! I actually have a picture of her from Runners World in my inspiration notebook! I love these posts, thanks for the information!


You are so welcome and I hope you are having an amazing day Devyn!


wow those are amazing times…

I love that you love to be cozy..I have a down featherbed on top of my bed..feather pillows, and at one time a down comforter, but it got too warm, now I have lots of blankets for weight.


OMG! I knew I had seen that face before! Shalene was at Carolina when I was there! I remember watching some of the meets and thinking she was super fast!
So cool!


LINDSAY!! That is the coolest thing ever. I am incredibly jealous!


On the couch w/my hubby and darling toddler.

I just signed up for my 2nd marathon, so I am looking forward to writing out the workouts (nerd alert) ;-)


AHHH, that is the best. I love writing out workouts for races. What marathon is it?


Grandma’s marathon, Duluth MN–you should check it out some year;-) I am still waiting for the day Kara Goucher comes back to her hometown to run it.


I’m reading this from bed. It is only 9pm but it’s back to teaching for me tomorrow so hello early bed and bye bye holidays.

This week I’m mostly excited about starting running again. Haven’t ran yet this year because I’ve had tonsillitis (rude) but tomorrow IT IS ON.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Janae!


Good for you to get to bed early!! I am so happy you are back to running and tonsillitis….BOOOO!


I love this series!!!!

I also love Shalene (not that I know her IRL or anything but I will pretend I do!).

Big question – do you know how we can watch the trials? Is it on tv? (please be on tv).


NBC is going to air highlights from 3-5pm on Saturday.


YES! Shalane is in my top 3 to make the team. And Desi and Kara, too.

Men’s team top: Ryan, Meb, xxx?


I love reading about all of these runners on your blog! So cool!

The thing I’m most looking forward to this week is Friday afternoon haha. Is that bad? ;)


Someone asked in the comments a few up from me:

The Trials webpage and Runner’s World say it won’t be televised, bUT one of the specialty sports channels has been talking about covering it between football commercials today. Here in NC it’s channel 1117. I think it’s NBC SPorts.


Hey thanks so much Karen! I was trying to figure that out myself. Have a great day!


I’m such a dork. I’m mostly looking forward to TRX class on Wednesday! I can feel myself getting stronger and it’s addicting.

Your new spin room looks awesome! I wish I could take spin with you!

I am reading this in bed as I watch Wuthering Heights. I went to spin and Trader Joes this morning so clearly some rest was on the agenda!


You are not a dork…that is AWESOME! I want to try TRX so bad, that sounds awesome! Your day sounds like the best day ever:)


That is such a nice spinning room! At my local gyms they only have really crappy spinning bikes and everything else is also very used and in a bad condition. To find a good gym you have to either look really hard or pay way too much money. And if you do that, it`s usually a really modern gym but the instructors are really bad.. well :) Personally haven`t had luck yet, but I hope I will find a great place soon!


I LOVE YOUR SPIN ROOM!!!! I would totally fly out there and take your spin class for reals! Can you please teach spin next year too so if I go to grad school out at BYU I can take it?!? hahaha. And I’m definitely routing for Shalane! Well, okay, I don’t know if she’s really one of my favorites (I definitely connect more with the “underdog” types haha) but I’m 99% sure she’ll have a spot on that team. I’m thinking it’s gonna be her, desi davila, and Molly Pritz…or maybe Kara Goucher. one of those two, that’s my bet! I’m writing this comment from my bed but I’m about to get off it and go walk my dog wooo!


Am I the only person in the world who hasn’t taken a spin class? Or Zumba? I’ve always been a bit behind the times. I really should give it a try. I think it would kick my ass but that’s probably what I need.


HA!! No worries Karen, I haven’t tried Zumba either and spin is the only thing outside of running that I really do. I think you should try it:)


Wow! That spin room looks super fancy schmancy! I wish I had taken advantage of more fitness classes/courses in college. I guess I was too intimated/insecure about my skills. Now I don’t have anything like that available and envy all of those that do!

Shalene is crazy fast!! Thank you for these little athlete blurbs, it helps to put some history behind these names! Looking forward to the Olympics this summer!

I am reading from my couch! Watching football this afternoon with my husband.


I am just excited to follow the trials and cheering them all on. Though I do have a soft spot for Lauren and Stephanie Rothstein. My really good friend’s cousin is Ben – Steph’s fiance. I can pretend like that makes me cool….or just a creepy awesome runner wanna be…but you already knew that since I read this blog ;)

That spin room sounds like heaven. I would love the have all the info on a screen as I spinned the hour away. Lucky!

I am looking forward to a baby shower for my little sister this week. I get to see her and a bunch of friends from college – ALWAYS good times.


I loved teaching at BYU–such a fun time! Good luck, girl–I bet they’ll love you. What an awesome spin room?!!

Wow–that lady can run!!


I am so excited for you! That spin room is amazing!!!

This week has me a little anxious – I’m adding three new zumba classes to my schedule at a new fitness studio (I’m already teaching four classes during the week). I am trying to make sure I get plenty of rest, protein, time with Daniel, lesson plans, choreo for my cheerleaders, etc etc etc. Crazy weeks to come, but I’m really looking forward to my new classes and meeting new people through fitness!

I’m in pajama pants and a sweatshirt chilling in front of the fireplace. :)


I’m reading this post from my family room in Kansas City! Just ran 8 miles, and now I’m hanging out with my mom and watching some football!


Those times ARE amazing! What an incredible athlete.

I’m looking forward to the end of the week because then it’s a 3 day weekend!!


I’m looking forward to a week off from long runs since my first half wad yesterday.

I’m reading this while SLOWLY walking on the treadmill…hoping some of my soreness will go away!


How did your first half go?!?! I want details! CONGRATS!


It went GREAT! beat my goal time of 2 hours! I was pretty excited. But definitely feeling the thousand hills I ran. Only bad thing, I think races might be my new addiction.


WOW!!! To everything in this post – that spin room even makes me drool, and I don’t spin. It looks gorgeous! You must be SO excited to workout and teach there! Those are some insanely impressive times for Shalene. It would be awesome to see her in the olympics. Baffles me how people run so fast. I’m actually looking forward to getting in some good training this week. I’m a dork. I read the post from my computer in my kitchen:)


I want to come and spin with you on one of those bikes! a) I think you’d make an awesome teacher and b) I love that they track speed etc!

I am writing from my sofa while watching MTV :) Lazy Sunday night for me…


Sweet spin room!

I really need to find something to look forward to this week. How sad is that?

I’m reading this post from the comfort of my living room.


Reading from my couch in the clothes I woke up in at 10 am…yes that means I have yet to unglue myself from the couch and its 6:15 pm lol!


Sheeeee is gorg. I mean obviously. We recently got new spin bikes as well (last january) and they ROCK — have mileage, MPH, all that jazz. Too bad I don’t spin (at all) ever anymore. Basically. Mwahhhhh eye meeeeesh you. FB chat soon, yes?


I LOVE Shalane, but I love them all! Such impressive ladies. Her legs are insaaaaane I would like even 1/10 of her muscle definition! I’m loving your profiling of the women who are basically my heroes!

I’m writing this comment from my study! I’m surrounded by book cases full of classics but naturally I’m reading HRG, duh.


Your comment made my day! Wait…so HRG isn’t a classic;) Have a great night Diana!


Wow – it’s amazing to me how fast some people can run! It’s awesome!
I love the spin room – I want to try a spin class but I’m too nervous. I’m not very coordinated and am afraid I will fall right off the bike.

I am reading this post from my living room, with my husband who has been watching football…all day long.


that is so awesome that you are teaching at BYU!! if only i was still a student there- i would totally sign up because your spin classes are THE BEST!!


I love Shalene!! I read about her in a RunnersWorld magazine last winter and her story is so interesting! And she’s SOO fast!! I definitely hope she gets a spot.

I’m looking forward to my bf visiting me this week! I haven’t seen him in 3.5 weeks!

And I’m in my living room :)


That is one SWEET spinning room! Love the idea of having the visuals up there, too.

Shalane should be a great bet for a spot. I am really pulling for Deena Kastor–she is a classic!


YES LOVE HER! Can’t wait to watch her at the olympic trials.

I’m reading this post from a cozy down blanket nest in my living room :)

And oh gosh that spin room looks amazing.


I saw Shalane on my run today in Portland. One of the great benefits of being a runner in Portland is seeing these awesome elite Nike athletes out enjoying the day!


Ohh when is her next race in Houston?! I’m running the woodlands half marathon in March and it would be awesome to see her. Or maybe she’s running the big one the Chevron Houston marathon? Either way it would be awesome to say I “ran a race with her” hahah.


I saw her running at Chapel Hill once, she was always making the area newspapers and stuff…she’s awesome.


What a gorgeous new spin room! Very nice, BYU!


YAY for spin class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you go girl


Good luck with your first spin class! :) Very cool room :) I am wrapped in a blanket reading from my room…..ahhh :)


Live the new spin room! It’s beautiful and doesn’t look smelly at all!

I’m reading this from my parents couch while watching once upon a time.

I am so excited to watch the marathon this week…and I just found out I’ll be coin to London for a mission trip during the Olympics…maybe I can witness to all of those marathoners…if they don’t run away from me and I don’t pass out from seeing them!


Those times are incredible! I’d die. Definitely cheering her on!
I’d be so excited about the spin room. Those bikes are sick. I’m looking forward to school (weird) because I’m starting new classes with a new major!
My comfyyy bed!


Sitting on my media room floor while my daughter practices a braid on my hair and watching a recorded football game.
I am excited for the trails this weekend. I am such an Olympic junkie but this is the first time I’ve paid any attention to the marathon. No favorites yet – they all inspire me.
I can’t wait to get into my school routine. I’m trying to figure out how to fit in all of my workouts along with my school schedule. I’ve also taken 4 rest days since I went out of town for a wedding and I can’t wait to get my run on tomorrow. On the calendar – 4 mile hill workout.


I am looking forward most to writing my first race recap which I just didddd! So…now I’m just looking forward to wearing my medal around the apartment at all hours that I’m here all week!


Oooh, I’m jealous of that spinning room… looks amazing! I’ve been thinking about getting certified too…we’ll see if it happens! Great recap of Shalane…I’m so excited to be able to watch it this year (running Houston the next day)! Haven’t decided who I’m really going for… just excited to be there. :)


I’ve never been to a spin class, but your spin room looks fabulous!! :)
I’m totally rooting for shalane! :)


You are teaching at BYU?? Is it just for faculty? I would LOVE to come! I miss spin so so much!


It’s for everyone!!! Come!!! Thursday’s at 6 am!


I am so excited to watch the marathon trials!

I am not sure what I am looking for, I haven’t thought much further than going to bed as soon as possible haha.

Curled up in blankets in the living room! So cozy :)


sweet new spin room!! oh man, shalane is a BEAST!! honestly, i think she’ll be able to edge Desi…but we’ll see! :)


I am commenting from bed under my heated blanket, so cozy! And I’m really looking forward to the massage I have scheduled for the end of the week!

I’ve never taken a spin class but that room looks fantastic for a good workout- kind of intense looking!


You deserve a massage!! Heated blankets are a lifesaver. ENJOY!


I am SO sad that me and my husband moved out of Provo last year. We both graduated in April and he got a job in Draper. I would have LOVED to go to your spin class…what a nice room!


Oh that would have been a blast. Draper…that is pretty darn close, I think we need to go for froyo!


I want to take a spin class from you and have you show me what it’s all about!!! I’m worried that I might be sporting a small injury- I’m going to the PT this week to figure things out. In the mean time, I need to figure out something to do to cross train besides strength training at home. Ugh. Running.


What times do you teach at BYU?!?! I’d love to take your class! (Although it’s probably full cause you’re so popular)
I am most excited for…. just this week!! School {I’m a nerd too, haha} & just hanging out with friends.
I’m typing this in my {dorm} room!! Whoop whoop, go freshmen!


I teach Thursday’s at 6 am!!!! You should totally come!!! How r u liking college?


Ooh I’d love too!!! I’ll see what I can do :)
I LOVE BYU! Seriously, it is so amazing. SO SO amazing!!
**I changed what I’m most excited for- for my sinus headache/runny nose issue to go away!! Geez. know any snotty nose remedies?


I love her! She did the San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in November and won. It was my first race so hearing her name at the beginning of the race was amazing. I hope she gets one of the slots for the Olympic team. She’s a beast. That Spin Room is awesome!


Her biceps make me really want to go downstairs and pick up some weights right this second. Wowza.

I am looking forward to starting tech rehearsals this week for the production of Cinderella that I’m in! And Amazon swears to me that tomorrow I will finally get the glass slippers I ordered. I’m not even ashamed to admit that I have stalked that “track your shipment” page like a crazy person… those are important shoes!

And I read this post on my couch, where I spent most of my day. Really, it’s where I spend most of every day. It’s love.


I’m reading from my desk at work…#rebel :)


LOVE me some Shalane :) ran the san antonio rock n roll with her last nov! Reading from my iPhone! Love the blog! Keep up the great work!


I ran the Philadelphia half that she ran…she stayed in my hotel and I saw her several times….I was all geeked out that weekend!


OMG she is super cute!!!! good story :)


What an amazing athlete! She ran a 5k that I ran in in Providence, Rhode Island a few years ago. So cool to run waaaaayyy behind such greats. :-)


I’m reading from my desk at work – lunch break!

I love Shalane, she’s such an amazing runner and I remember cheering her on (through the TV) at the 2008 Olympics :)


Your new spin room is awesome! I bet you cannot wait to get in there & start teaching. So wish I was @ BYU…just so I could take spin! :)


I saw Shalene running around the berm at the Nike headquarters this morning! It’s so cool to see my inspiration from time to time training at work:) I feel spoiled because of that like you feel spoiled with those amazing spin bikes! You are going to be great teaching there!


MANDEE!! That is so so cool that you see all of these incredible athletes in your area! I am so jealous! You’ll have to stalk them down for me:) Hope you are having a great Monday!


I am reading this from my work computer…shhhh don’t tell my boss :)

The thing I am looking forward to most this week is getting back to my normal non-holiday schedule!


I am so torn with who to cheer for! I love them all so much and they’re all so inspirational. How do you choose?

Wow! Fancy spin bikes! Digital displays and everything! I hope you love teaching there. :)


The thing I’m looking forward to most this week is going to Houston to see all these amazing runners run! I loved that first picture of Shalane! I’ll be cheering for her. I’ll be cheering for all the girls you’ve spotlighted! It’s hard to pick a favorite. They’re all so cute and amazing!


Im currently reading from the rocking chair in my living room.

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