Marriage Advice and A Monday Run

I woke up 22 times last night with the worst sore throat and headache.  I guess if your niece sneezes on your face multiple times in one evening, odds are that you will catch whatever she has.

I thought I would show you where it hurts the most.

IMG 0116

Needless to say, this silly cold ruined my running plans.  How rude.

Billy and his brother took it to the mountains and yes, I am jealous.  They had a killer run and I will be joining them next time they take this trail.

The Alter Run

I still ran because I am stubborn like that and was not going to waste a day off from work laying in bed all day…..hmmm overdoing things is going to help me get better faster.  I stuck to the treadmill because I don’t think the cold air would help matters and did 10 slow miles with a break every 15 minutes to go stretch in my living room and reevaluate how I felt and whether or not to keep going.  Each time I felt like I was fine to keep going so I did.   Running is way better than cold medicine.  I try to avoid cold medicine at all costs; it almost makes me feel worse.

Even though it was the most challenging run I have done in MONTHS, I still ended up in a way better mood than I had if I hadn’t run.  Now I am only 82% grumpy instead of 100% grumpy if I hadn’t run.

Billy is always in a good mood (for the first time in the history of my blog I am not exaggerating) but when he got home from his run he was on cloud nine.  I think the endorphins and the exploration in the mountains were the perfect combination for him.

So here is my marriage advice:  Exercise.  I mean we have been married for almost 3 years, which totally makes me an expert.

I am pretty sure I would have already thrown a few tantrums today if it wasn’t for my run (I am not a fun sick person to be around) and seeing how happy and cheerful he was when he came home from running just made my day= 2 happy people.

Lunch consisted of mashed potatoes and a smoothie so that my throat doesn’t break completely in two.


Does your significant other exercise….do you think it helps your relationship because of it?

-Yep, the combination of our endorphins is deadly.

Any tricks/tips to get over a cold faster?

Do you like to trail run?  Do you want to get into trail running or are you fine sticking to the streets?

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Oh no, I hope you feel better! You will be back out there in no time!
Guess what?! I PR’d in my half marathon yesterday at the RnR Arizona! My first half time under 2 hours! AAAAHHHHH!! I was aiming for 2:05 and finished in 1:58! Oh my goodness I’m so excited. A year ago I was struggling to finish a 10k in 1:08…now I’m a sub-2 half marathoner. Time to train for a full? :P



I promise you WON’T regret it!


WAHOO ASHLEY!! You are incredible. You crushed your goal time and you have come such a long way speedy woman! YES GO FOR THE FULL!


I hope you feel better. Good for you for running though. I would have.
My husband does not exercise and it makes for a grouchier me. I worry about him. :( But…for better or worse! And, he’s freaking amazing about everything else so I take what I can get and pray a lot.


My husband exercises. He’s the kind of guy who could just wake up and run a marathon, where I have to train just to run a 10k. He’s just a natural at running and sports. Drives me crazy! Lol!
Hope you feel better!


Heck yes! A good run or workout changes me from a grumpy pants to a happy girl quickly.
Oil of Oregano drops! They are disgusting but 100% amazing!
I love trail running, we have some decent trails within the city and close to our house (about 3 km) so run on them quick often in the warmer months. Not in this -30 weather though!


I’m sorry to hear you are sick, I hate being sick and missing out on fun workouts. I LOVE to trail run, I get out on trails as often as possible I will drive for hours in the summer up to the mountains for a cool new trail. This time of year I stick closer to town where I can run in 6 inches of snow instead of 6 feet.


Feel better soon! Make sure to drink lots of tea with honey and watch atleast five episodes of modern family! :)


I hope you feel better! I think its great you two work out together and that you got him into running!


My sig other is also a runner and a dang site better one than me. It works well when he gets keen about my running and he knows how important it is to me. It works badly when hes much much better than me :P ha ha ha. Also I am a lot cooler a person when I get to run, when I couldnt (injured) I had total cabin fever and was very grumpy. He got me a tee as part of my christmas present that says ‘Keep Calm and Go For A Run’ in the design of the ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ tees you get in the UK.

Chicken soup GENUINELY has antibiotics in it naturally. also its just dead nice. I once read (Runners world maybe?) that if the cold is above your shoulders you can run (helps clear your passages etc) but if it drops into your chest absolutely dont (makes chest infections worse). Dont quote me but i think thats what I heard!

Ooh Im keen to do some more trails… That said I tore my knee open last time doing exactly that! Maybe too clumsy for trails…


Not many crazy ‘trails’ here in Texas but I love the ones I’ve found! but unless it’s the middle of the day I’m too nervous to run them on my own :(

Your marriage advice made me laugh – but so true! When I haven’t gotten in a good workout in a while my nerves are super on edge and I’m like twitching for endorphins haha


feel better Janae!!!!


Awe lady I hope you feel better soon!

My husband has been sick, and I’ve miraculously not gotten it yet! I can’t get sick 2 weeks before my half marathon! We actually sleep in seperate beds when one of us is sick. It sucks, but it really helps the other not catch it. I’ve been drinking as much green juice as water too. I also believe that spicy foods help. Spicy soup is a winner :)


Hope you feel better!! I always try to work out when I am sick unless it is really bad, usually it does make me feel better but it is so hard to get myself to do it sometimes!


The Mr & I workout together all the time — it’s the best! It’s great to share all the ups and downs with your best friend, and it makes the accomplishments all the more special.

Hope you feel better sooooon!


Last time I caught a cold it was on the morning of a Half… I ran it and was over the cold in record time- seriously, like 2 days later. Which was good because I hate being sick…
I exercise enough for both of us. :-)
I don’t mind trail running but have two left feet so it’s risky business.
Feel better soon!


Aww feel better soon, Janae!

Being that I’ve been married for just over a year now, I am also an expert in the marriage-field. ;) We both work out, and I do think it makes a difference. Not just because of the endorphins and what not, but because it’s often (not always) something we do TOGETHER. And I think the more activities you enjoy together as a married couple, the better.

Sharing ice cream, however, is not an activity that I enjoy doing together. Get your own ice cream, buddy. :P


Feel better Janae! I started my student teaching internship teaching middle school math today, so I know I am going to be sick soon, too! (I know, not very positive thinking!)


I think exercise can definitely make relationships healthier. Even better if you can do it together! My fiance and I run together a few times a week. We each have personal fitness goals, but it’s nice to spend some time training side by side.

I’ve found that if I have a head cold or sinus infection running really helps dislodge it. If it’s a sore throat though, I usually stick to my bed and movies.

I’m trying to get into trail running right now. I have a 50 mile trail race in June so I definitely need the practice. Trails are scary!


yes both hubby and i exercise and we can both see the mode change after and how much we need it.

i use shaklee defend and resist when i feel a slight cold come on – it works. i also take zinc daily and garlic and i truly feel it helps…all shaklee brand….


Go Girl for doing 10 miles! I would not have done a thing! Lots of vitamin C!!! knock on wood, I can’t remember the last time I got a cold, and I take vit c everyday. right now I am not thrilled that my hubs and I are both working out – we have to tweak the schedule a bit with the kids, but we’ll figure it out! never been trail running, but I would love to do a trail ultra, so I should probably test those waters. Feel better!!


My husband has a labor intensive job and is an outdoorsy kind of guy and doesn’t feel the need to workout past that. :) He is also very supportive of me working out and running. So that helps our relationship. I hope you start to feel better. :)


Hope you kick that cold to the curb quickly! And you are wise beyond your years…excellent marriage advice!!!!


I was always told if you hurt below the neck you should take it easy. The neck up and you are good to go. Based on your picture you are good to go!

I wish my husband exercised but he doesn’t right now. He keeps saying he will and I know he can’t push him. He needs to make the decision to do it on his own. I sure hope it happens soon though because I want our child to see us BOTH exercising… not just mama.


Feel better lady! If you don’t like meds, do a sinus rinse (the neti pot). It’s seriously saves me when I’m sick. I swear by that thing (and I’m a nurse, you can trust me ;) )


ok, I just sent YOU chicken soup this time!! get better soon okay?!! Nyquil does the trick for me when I’m not feeling good. I also like to wrap myself up in lots of blankets and sleep.

Rocky is slowly getting back into a fitness regimen. I try to just set a good example and that’s really all I can do. He know he needs to get out there and stay consistent. That’s the key. Consistency. He’ll do it but, he’s they type that has to do it in his time. :)

No, trail running doesn’t interest me…YET!! :)

Enjoy your holiday my friend! xo


I am so jealous of those amazing mountains!!! I want to blink and be there.

I’m sorry you’re feeling sicky – I recommend hot water with lemon & honey. No idea if that actually works but it’s very comforting either way :)


That is something I wish BF did more…I am basically the exercise crazed one in the relationship. I wish he was but he is still very encouraging and supportive of my running. He is starting to get a little more active and starting back up with basketball which is his thing! So I guess good that we both have something we are individually interested in.

I love trail running, I’ll be running a trail 25K in March then a trail half marathon a couple of wks later so excited about those. Nice to get off of pounding the pavement every once in a while.

I am sorry you are sick and I hope you feel better soon! Some chicken soup & r&r should do the trick.


I have been sick for over a week. It started in my sinuses, went to my chest and then up to my throat…rumor around here is that it turns into broccitis.(sp)

I am trying to ride it fever, still clear discharge…so probably a virus.


i think its very important to encourage each other in exercise! its also a special bonding time. I love cheering on my husband and vice versa. But the best time we have together is when we get to run together or go for a hike, etc. Makes my day too.
Feel better friend.


exercise is crucial for me! not everyday, but I like to get out there and run or go to yoga, Pilates most days. it makes me happy! Billy rides his bike and plays racquetball. :)


My husband runs races with me and I really enjoy that he is always game to enter a race. That definitely helps our relationship because he doesn’t get upset when I spend money on racing. :-)


My husband and I met in the college running club almost 10 years ago….we’ve been running together ever since. We build off of each other’s running energy and I think it really helps our running and relationships. I mean, what else can you do on a really long run with your buddy other than talk to them? :)

I really love trail running. I try to do an even amount of trail and road races. All the trails around here are really hilly and I find that a really long run in the forest keeps me from killing my joints and makes my legs so much stronger and more balanced overall. But roads are fun to push my speed limits, too. Each has its merits, I’m just glad I live in a place that has decent trails and roads to run on.


Dear Hubby does not exercise; he plays basketball with the students at school and will occasionally run when I pester him enough. He ran more in the summer, but video games and being a TV sport enthusist drains his ambition to workout. I wish he would workout for his health, but I don’t know how it would work logistically.


I’m so sorry you are sick, that is no fun at all!! I WISH sooooo badly that Jake would come to the gym with me but he refuses :( He plays basketball and such but we don’t do anything together. I have a rode bike and he has a mountain bike. For the 2 weeks that he trained for Ragnar we ran a couple of times together, mostly in Florida and I loved it but apparently he did not. I hope you get feeling better!!


Colds suck :( I actually just got over the whole sore throat, cough thing. I am the same way though, I always continue to run when I am sick and it always makes me feel so much better.

Hope you have a quick recovery!


I am DESPERATE to start trail running!!! Haha especially after reading Born to Run! And now my new life goal is to run the Pike’s Peak Marathon, so I’m gonna need some trails to train for that… oh, and a mountain.


Some of my favorite times working out with my husband are exactly what you and Billy did today……workout at the same time, but not together. Both getting high on endorphins, but still getting to do it exactly the way you want to. Love. Always is a recipe for a get day for the two of us to follow…..that is why saturday mornings are this for us exactly.

Feel better. And I agree 110% with you. a slow jog is better than any cold medicine for me. I use it everytime!


Feel better!! I absolutely hate having a sore throat. It’s one of the most annoying ways to be sick in my opinion. Running > not running so it would’ve put me in a better mood too :) I actually have a 10k this weekend and it’s a trail run! I have never done a trail run and I’m super nervous but I neeed to do it for proof of time before my half. Ahhh!!!


My boyfriend is a gym rat and we are both training for our first marathons. I wish we could exercise more together, but I tend to be a morning exerciser and he goes after work.


You poor thing! I would be so jealous of Billy going on that awesome run while I was stuck on the treadmill. But look, you both ended up in good spirits afterwards! I think exercise is a vital part to a relationship as well. :) At least mine.

I love trail running but I might die running in the mountains in Utah. If I am EVER in that good of shape I will be thrilled. I really wish you were running Boston :(


My cold remedy: peel a clove of garlic and put in on a spoon. cover said spoon with honey. now eat it…the garlic and honey, not the spoon. honey coats and sooths the sore throat and garlic has natural antibiotic properties to help kill any germy bacteria in your mouth and throat. plus your breath will be so stinky that it’ll keep you from kissing people and sharing your germs ;) I hope you feel better soon!!


Hot water, lemon, ginger, cayenne pepper! Feel better girl :)


Aw, feel better!! I am just getting over the flu myself and it’s awful. Lemon tea with honey will make you feel 10 times better; and look on the bright side – sore throat = legit excuse to eat as MANY popsicles as you can.

Also Chicken Noodle Soup is the best comfort food! Good recipe = Cut & cook 2 chicken breasts; add 2 carrots (peeled and sliced), 3 celery sticks (sliced), 1 potato (chopped into 2cm squares), 1-2 packages of chicken broth, dash of pepper & thyme and 2 bay leaves. Simmer for 2-3 hours and add 1 pkg of three cheese tortellini (the pre-made non-frozen stuff you buy in the Deli section- Olivieri is good!) about 20 mins before you’re ready to eat it. Best ever!!


I agree- my husband and I are both happier when we work out. We both have stressful jobs and tend to take it out on each other if we don’t get in some time running (well, p90x for him).


Hopefully you sweated out those yucky germs & will be feeling better in no time. We use Emergen-C for sinus colds. A couple of those and we usually feel much better!
I did not run today and I definitely think I was grouchy! Working out with hubs = happily ever after!
Get well soon ;)


I agree! I am not married yet but my fiance can always tell when I am in a poor mood because I haven’t run for 48 hours. If I am acting acting extra edgy for no reason he will usually say “are you gonna run today?” Haha it is very true!! Hope you feel better!


Sorry your throat hurts!! It really is a pain to workout with a sore throat, feels like knives every time you breathe! When I have a sore throat I drink a “hot toddy” – really hot water, honey, lemon juice, and a shot of whiskey. But you can use hot tea instead of whiskey or just drink it without either. It really helps, pinky promise!! Google a recipe :)

My sig other (husband) plays hours and hours of basketball a week, plus some volleyball and bowling. He is generally a happy guy, but I am sure it helps. Sometimes we go for a run together, but I don’t think its intense enough for him to get the endorphins like it gives me! But he isn’t that big of a running fan anyways.

I love trail running! It makes a run so interesting, all kinds of things to look at and stay distracted from the usual road plodding.


I woke up with a sore throat/cold today too and was going to take the day off from exercise, but your post has inspired me to get on the treadmill for at least a short run. I swear by Zicam for reducing the duration of a cold. It really seems to work. My DH runs too. I think our marriage is better when we are both exercising regularly – probably because we both feel better and are in better moods when we do.


I was going to say the same thing – Zicam is the best!!! You can get it at any drugstore.


Those endorphins are powerful, great advice! It definitely keeps me happier… my husband seems to do okay with or without exercising, but does swim several times a week. I usually still try to run with a cold too… although yours does not sound like fun. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


Sorry to hear you’re sick, but impressed with how smartly you handled it! Great job listening to your body!!! As others have mentioned, above the neck = ok to train; in the chest = bad (unless you get bronchitis all the time like me and learn to know how much you can handle with the coughing). I hope you’re feeling 110% really soon!!!! Great justification for comfort foods and well-deserved rest time!


Hope you feel better soon, girl! xo


Get better soon Janae! Rest, rest, rest if you want to feel better… between your runs of course!


When I was talking to a guy this summer and injured my knee I was side-lined for running. He would do track workouts while I was in doctor’s appointments and stuff then was on the happy “running high” when I came out. Then, I got pissy because he could run and I couldn’t. How rude. Haha, sooooo it coooooould be bad!

Exercise helps colds, I swear. I never get sick when I exercise when I feel a cold coming on. It’s so weird. Also, hot beverages (most say tea, I say hot cocoa).

Congratulations on not killing each other :-)


I typically run when I have a cold too. a) I can’t sit still and 2) I feel better afterwards…and sometimes during too!

My boyfriend and I both exercise. I’m the runner whore and he runs, mountain bikes, lifts weights, and a plethora of other things. It’s a great way to support each other and it’s fun running together too.


My husband does not work out but I really wish he did. He keeps saying he wants to get into running but I am not holding my breath!

Trail running is the best ever! Now that baby is one and being weaned off me I will have more spare time to try and get out there. Spent a good amount of time looking up trail running sites today. LOVE

Hope you feel better,


I’ve been married 19 years and I much prefer my husband when he is in a regular exercise routine (I’m sure he’d say the same about me).
I have never done a trail run – that’s something I would love to try in the future.
I hate colds but have to admit I do love Nyquil. That says a lot about me, huh?


I just showed Mike the pictures of Billy’s run. We’re totally jealous of your trails. Mike and I DO both run, not often together, but it’s definitely good that we both understand runner mania.


I felt the same way over the weekend. Drink lots of fluids!

I love trail running but I only do it when I have a buddy with me. Safety first! :)


You are such a cutie. Hope you’re feeling better soon. I have an “above the neck” cold going on too. Was thinking of crashing tonight, but you’ve inspired me to at least hit the treadmill for 15 minutes and see where it goes from there.


Feel better! My only good tip for getting over a cold faster is to drink a ton of fluids. Sudafed also helps a LOT if you’re stuffy. I often run with a cold (not a bad one, of course), because, even if it’s only for the time I’m running, I feel a little better.

I would love to find some good trails–all the ones I know of are pretty short. I need a consistent running buddy though; I’m definitely afraid of secluded trail runs alone.


Feel better! I find it super hard to run through any sort of discomfort whatsoever. But, I’m a wimp. ;) Maybe I’ll be like you one day and push through A LOT more.


I think workouts with your sig other is a MUST. Workouts gets your mojo going, makes you happier, you feel better about your body, you stress less…etc.

it’s a win win. I had never ran before I met my husband. 4 years later – I’m running my 1st 1/2 marathon. AWESOME.

p.s. hi girl…Did you se my new blog header??? eek… so fun!
feel better – you kow you would have just kicked those boys butts on that trail anyways… ;-)
xoxo from Trinidad


My significant other eats junk for breakfast and lunch and doesn’t exercise. I think this hurts us in a way.

It doesnt impact my exercise or eating, but I really wish he’d care about his health.


My husband has always enjoyed being active… he used to play rugby and was trained in brazilian jiu jitsu, but he is recovering from two injuries now (knee and trapezius), so he focuses mostly on strength and conditioning. It is definitely nice knowing that I will always have a gym buddy and someone to vent to about fitness troubles.

And for your cold… try taking a bowl and filling it with hot, almost-boiling water and add a few tea bags (peppermint is best). Then lean your face over it and place a towel over your head and the bowl to catch the steam. Breathe deeply and it will help to open up your sinuses and ease some of the inflammation in your throat. Also, green tea with ginger is good for a sore throat, as is licorice root tea, but I’ve never been able to stand the taste. lol


Hey Lauren,

Yes the antioxidants in green tea help to fight bacteria and also boos the immune system too. Great stuff! :)


Great marriage advice. Exercise definitely helps our marriage because I’d have a lot more grumpy days without it, that’s for sure. Listened to your interview today. It was good!


i got the same sore throat yesterday and today!! ugh, i’m not really able to talk…but like u, i got my sweat session in, more because it saves me mentally…lol.

feel better soon!


FEEL BETTER SOON! Sore throats are the worst symptoms, I think. I agree with you 100% about the exercise tip. I actually think the entire world would be a MUCH better place if everyone exercised daily. Reduce road rage, wars, etc. etc. etc.!


I hope you feel better soon!

My husband is on a cycling team and it is 100% good for our marriage! He rides about 200 miles a week when he’s training and it does take a lot of time away from our family. However, he is so much happier and healthier for it that I cannot begrudge anytime he spends cycling. We are BOTH so much happier when we are exercising!

Besides, have you seen cyclist’s legs? Um yeah, totally worth it.

(PS the rule of thumb is if your sickness stays above the neck it’s okay to exercise, but if it is below the neck, in your lungs, or a stomach thing, then it’s better to take a rest day. Since you only have a head cold you’re totally okay!)


I LOVE that you showed us where it hurts :) You crack me up. A mashed ‘tato and smoothie lunch sounds awesome! (not mixed of course)…(except in your belly) I hope you feel better tomorrow. Just teach using sign language tomorrow!


FEEL BETTER JANAE! you are a rockstar for running anyway. i’m glad it put you in a better (less grumpy) mood. have a great night!


10 miles while sick? You are seriously my hero!

My husband does not exercise in the slightest. Usually he goes on a some sort of spurt each year that doesn’t last long. Last year he started running with the goal to beat my in a 5k. Pffft. I ran it with bronchitis and spitting lougies (spelling?) and still beat him! Muahaha. I am not competitive at all.

Running always helps me if I have a head cold. But a sore throat? hmmm. Fro yo would probably help. I mean, it is a cure all.

Speaking of, I had a dream that I met you and we went and got fro yo. Are you shaking your head at your computer right now..reading about the creepy interent girl that just admitted to meeting you in a dream? I would be if I were you too ;)


David runs, but … slowly. So we can’t run together. Boo! BTW thanks for the well-wishes! I did PR at yesterday’s marathon!


Love the marriage advice. I think you maybe right haha, excersize helps anyones mood. :)

Best advice for cold/flu is drink lots of teas (with honey no milk), have some drinks with lemon and honey, Cold FX, Oscillococcinum, and try to rest when you can. I also find working out helps if your not too sick. Feel better!


Best advice ever. And eat regularly so anger doesn’t get the best of you

Um…where is the fanny pack? I had a cold weather run (cold for me…no snow) today and I was DYING of frost bite but also invigorating. Love/hate relationship.


Feel better!
I totally agree that exercising is key to a happy marriage. Honestly, if you’re frustrated just go for a run, and at the end of the run, whatever was frustrating you won’t matter any more (unless the frustration stems from being out of chocolate. totally different.)

My only recommendation for getting over a cold is getting lots of sleep, drinking tea (I swear by a shot of whisky and some lemon in mine, but the tea alone will do it), and drinking lots of water.

I am just starting to love trail running. I’m not as fast on the trails, which I don’t like, but I do enjoy the change of scenery. I am running my first trail half marathon on Sunday!!


I hate hate hate that feeling of sore throat-ness. I feel like I am coming down with something too. Boo. Totally agree with you on the exercising and I have only been married for 6 months so we are both experts.


Haha that “How Rude” reminded me of Stephanie Tanner! Hope you’re less than 82% grumpy after a good night’s rest! Otherwise I hope your kids at work have a lot of Milky Ways on hand ;)!


Definitely think the running helps my congestion when I am sick, although it’s important not to push yourself too much if you’re really fatigued.

I live in Chicago but really, really love trailrunning, and my boyfriend and I are looking into two different trail ultras. So excited! And yes, I think exercise is good for relationships, especially if you both are passionate about it!


I definitely think exercise helps! Keeps energy in our bodies from getting stagnant and it also keeps us more upbeat generally.

I would love to do more trail running. It’s how I started out running and what I’d really love to do, but this is one limitation of living in London. Not only are there few trails around (there are a lot of tracks in the big parks/commons) but also for safety’s sake I would only go with my boyfriend and on week days it’s dark before he gets home. In time though, in time, because we don’t intend on being in London forever :)


My husband finally took up running this past Fall. he ran his first half marathon last weekend at Disney and is really enjoying it!

Hope you feel better. I spent the last month sick and it is not fun, especially with teaching. Don’t forget to rest. I was marathon training, did not rest properly at first, and paid the price on race day.


I am TOTALLY with you in the sense that when I have a cold, I still NEED to run….or at least do some form of exercise! I am also not a cold medicine person, so I usually just let it run it’s course. Once I’ve gotten my “necessary” run out of the way, I crash on the couch/in bed and let my body fight it.
I hope you feel better soon!


Oh no! I will pray for you right now that you feel 100% better immediately!

Daniel has a very physical job, and when he is at home he is always doing something active like chopping down trees or splitting firewood. He likes to run and will occasionally lift weights with me.

Trail running is way better than street! :)


Hope you get better Janae! your such a trooper……
My Husband and I are always doing something…if it’s not running, it’s swimming or biking. but nonetheless, we are both very athletic and give each other motivation to keep moving forward. So I agree with you 100% about how happy you can be if you put exercise in the equation. :)


My hubs is not much of an workout guy. I really wish he was…I long for him to run with me. I think it would do wonders for him and our marriage (not that it is bad now…but then we could both speak the same “language” in terms of running). He’s in law enforcement– I truly think it would be a huge stress relief for him…you can lead a horse to water…

I have zero tips on getting over a cold. :( I have been fighting what sounds like exactly what you have for about two weeks now. I hope your recovery is better!! Lots of water. :)

I love the trail running pics! Jealous. I love trail running, but moved to a new town a few years ago and have yet to become familiar with local trails.

Hope you feel better today!!


I can’t believe you’re home sick and ran 10 miles! You’re like a super hero!


I hope you are feeling better! I have one random question and one random suggestion. 1) What kind of treadmill do you have? 2) If you haven’t already, you should totally check out the adorable running clothes by Oiselle ( . I think you would like them! Thanks in advance!


to feel better try this
Braggs ACV in water
sip that all day
I cannot say it taste good but it works!


I agree, exercise can cure a bad mood!


I know this post is olldddd but my boyfriend and I have been together for almost four years and he is seriously always nice. Even when he’s not happy, he’s still endlessly nice. But starting to work out regularly has made me approximately 100x nicer and happier and that has made an enormous difference in our relationship. (At least, I’m certainly a lot happier because I no longer get grumpy followed by guilt for being grumpy. No fun!)

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