Food Allergies and Choosing Sides

If I didn’t exercise, I don’t know what would motivate me to do laundry.  We haven’t done laundry for 1.7 weeks and today I used my last clean sports bra which means I immediately made plans for Billy and I to go to our laundry at my parents house.  Sure I ran out of non-wrinkly work clothes a few days ago but that’s okay…what isn’t okay is having only dirty sports bras, doing laundry was an emergency.

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You know how I have a bunch of tough decisions in my life?  I was faced with yet another one last night.

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My mom was making french toast for her dinner (one of her favorite foods) but my dad is allergic to eggs and so he was making a pizza.  I couldn’t choose sides and so I went with both.  Sprinkle a little cinnamon sugar on your french toast and you will never eat it any other way.  PS those olives were ripped off my pizza right after I took the picture, gross.

Curly and I also decided to finish off the vanilla bean ice cream.

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I will never eat ice cream from a little bowl again, that was just depressing.  Mom, please go to the store today and get some more ice cream;)  And some grapes…and some sour patch kids.

While our last load of laundry was drying we watched CHOPPED.  It has been way too long since our summer days in California when we would watch >2 episodes every day.

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I wonder if they would hire me to be one of the judges, that would be the best job in the world (except for when the contestants don’t cook the meat all the way through……or when they have disgusting items in the basket).


Are you allergic to anything?

-Antibiotics but that is it!

Is it just me or do you unwind at night after work with your favorite TV shows?

-I look forward to it all day.

What workout clothes do you run out of first and forces you to do laundry right away?  Sports bras, shorts, tanks, capris, yoga pants?  How often do you do laundry?

-Sports bras!!!! I need more!!!!  PS where are your favorite sports bras from, with my upcoming b-day money I am going to go shopping for more!

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Is it gross that I’m okay with wearing my sports bras multiple times before feeling like they need to go for wash?? And for shame- olives on pizza is what it’s all about …along with mushrooms and sweetcorn :)!


I totally am okay with that too!


I am also totally okay with that I have three good sports bra’s because running with a larger chest is painful, and I have to make them last!!!


No shame in that!!! Khushboo, MUSHROOMS are delicious on pizza:) Good call on making those sports bra’s last Alex!


I am ok with it too ;) just shower after haha


I love catching up on tv shows after a long day at work! My favourite is watching them on my laptop, in bed… luxury!

I always have to put a wash on after running in my one and only long-sleeved top! I hate running in winter so I refuse to buy more tops with proper sleeves… I’m kind of an idiot!


You nailed it…I love watching things on my laptop too with a trillion blankets! HAHAHA go buy more tops or I will have to send you some!


My favorite sports bras are champion brand. Costco sells them in 2 packs for $25! There are better than all the expensive ones I own.


AHHH Thanks Meghan, I wil be heading to Costco after reading this for some sports bras!


Yeah, I usually get those ones from target for $20 EA. Thnx


Icecream is good in a small bowl, because you can legitimately go for seconds or thirds ;)

My fave sports bras are by moving comfort. I run out of them or running singlets first, but sometimes a rinse and dry will get your another go before a wash!


You are so right!! I have one bra from moving comfort and I absolutely love it!


You can go two weeks without doing laundry? I do laundry every couple of days.

The only time I really watch tv is on the treadmill. Maybe that’s why I love the treadmill so much. I have a problem.


We just keep buying more clothes instead of buying a washer and a dryer. I am convinced that is why I love the treadmill so much too!


True life, I have olives. CANNOT eat them. So salty!! I’m a college student, therefore I do laundry once a month or so ;) #collegeproblems


Let’s start an I hate OLIVES club:) Once a month…that was better than me when I was in college.


Sports bras go first, every time. and I do at least one load of laundry a day – don’t know why I’m ever out of anything. Becuase I’m flatter than flat chested, I can probably get away without wearing a sports bra at all – but that’s weird. I stick with the C9 target ones, love them. I’m not allergic to anything, yay! and I do enjoy unwinding to TV at night. I am a homebody at heart – love when we don’t have any plans. which is usually never:)


ONE LOAD A DAY!! That is out of control, I guess kids will do that for you:) I will have to check out the C9 ones! I am a homebody too, let’s embrace it!


I used to wear the Target champion ones, then I ran a half marathon with one and the pictures were quite unflattering so I switched to Lululemon! I like the lulu one (y flow – don’t need much support) and its padded which is fun, but it requires to be seperately washed with the other exercize gear instead of thrown with the regular wash (I generally ignore tags until something is ruined).


I hate the unflattering race pictures…..or pictures while I am running in general ha. Padded…that is awesome!! I already have to do a separate load for my lulu leggings so this should be perfect:)


Now I want French Toast :)

I always run out of ….. underwear first – I know I should just go buy more but they are exspendy! (weird word I made up for expensive)

I always wind down with my fav shows – currently I am a Big Bank Theory addict!


Love your made up word ha!! Make yourself some French Toast tonight okay!?! WE ARE OBSESSED WITH THE BIG BANG THEORY, so hilarious!


it’s sad, but my tv shows get me through every day! I have shows, like, every night bc I love tv. to each his own right?!
gym clothes are by far my reason for laundry…I go through sports bras fast (I sweat like crazy) and shorts almost as quickly.
my gave bras are the champion ones from target. cool colors, super comfortable, and wick sweat well.


That is not sad….I am the EXACT same way! You are right about the awesome colors!


I’m allergic to zithromax and neosporin. It was not fun figuring out that I was allergic to those things.

I usually turn the tv on when I get home but dont really watch anything in particular. Most days I’ll just read my Kindle.

Champion sports bras are great! So are the lululemon sports bras :)


Good for you to read!! Yeah, I bet that wasn’t fun at all finding out you were allergic! I need to shell out the cash for some lulu bras!


Threat sorts bras I own are danskin $9 from Walmart. I have some nice ones and regret every extra penny. They are also what I have least of. That and shorts, I have the same numbrr


That is a killer deal!


Nope, no allergies :)
I love my couch time! I look forward to it, but there aren’t very many new shows this week yet so I haven’t had any quality couch and TV time yet.
Usually tops. I re-wear sports bras probably a couple too many times…Oops. My favorite is from Gap Body.


Couch time= heaven! I have never tried the Gap Body ones!! Hey they will last longer with fewer washes right:)


Yep. My favorite is Gap Body. I think mine was $19 and I have a smaller chest so the smaller straps work for me.

And I’m allergic to chocolate and caffeine. But I’m with you on the olives. :(


not allergic to any foods, but im allergic to the cold! no joke – i have this thing called physical uticaria and normally im fine, but whenever i RUN outside in the cold (um every day here in new england) and come back into a warm house, my legs get swollen/hot/hives! its the worst!!!!

i watch tv every night after my workout…real housewives, bad girls club, gossip girl, etc. love em.

i love the moving comfort juno or fiona sports bra (cause i have melons and need extra support)!


KIM…I have never heard of physical uticaria, that is crazy! WOW!!! You need to move somewhere warm! I love your tv choices!! YAY for moving comfort, I love them!


I’ve never heard of physical urticaria either, but every once in awhile that happens to me! It happened the other day on my lower abdomen – drives me nuts!!


I’m allergic to bees and dust/mold, but who isn’t?
Im always running out of sports bras and good running (drymax) socks. I’m searching for a good sports bra still, I love the Nike one I had but it gives me severe chafe on long runs in real uncomfy places :/

Oh the problems we runners have ;)


I run out of good running socks too!! My Nike one totally chafes on the long run too. It is right along the bottom band:(


Recently (December) I found out I’m gluten intolerant. I’ve been an athlete as long as I can remember. Now not being able to eat pastas and pizzas, I’m about to go crazy!! But I’m adapting slowly. I’m learning how to fuel my long runs with out the typical runner’s carbs.

I know I need to do laundry when I run out of my running socks. When I first started running this meant every few days. Now it’s about every two weeks.


WOW. Lane, I am so so sorry about your gluten intolerance, that would be so difficult!


not allergic to anything!

i love being to come home after work and change into comfy clothes…best feeling ever:)

my favorite sports bra are from target too, the champion kind! guess its pretty popular. i hear h&m and forever 21 sell them so i want to check those out too. of course, if money was no object i would buy the lulemon ones!


Yep, that TRULY IS the best feeling ever. Looks like tons of people love the target bras! I hear you on the lulu bras!


I can go almost 2 months before washing shirts, jeans, and underwear (sorry, probably tmi.) because I worked at a summer camp and could rarely get to a washing machine. But, now that I’m running, I’m doing laundry every other weekend because of my sports bras. lol. My mom jokes that she can predict when I’ll need to do laundry by counting how often I work out.


Never TMI on my blog:) HAHAHA You mom sounds awesome!


I am allergic to all kinds of things, but nothing life threatening. We unwind to the DVR or any kind of reality tv on Bravo! I run out of capri’s first. Most of my sports bra’s are from Target.

Mmmmm. French Toast sounds good!

The Kidless Kronicles


We need a DVR (and cable for that matter) ha! I think you need to have some French Toast asap!


Thank goodness, I am not allergic to any kinds of foods.

Lol….I do unwind watching my favorite show! :) When I know there is a good one coming on that night I think about it all day. Which kinda makes me sound a liiiittle bit nerdy, but oh well!

Sports bras! I have four good ones and that is it! I MUST invest in some better ones. I need a really good running sports bra…..I am headed to your gear page right now. ;)


I know…I don’t know what I would do if I was allergic to eggs like my dad! I think about it all day long, I guess that makes us both nerds!!!


I always run out of sports bras first! I have 6 pairs of pants, at least 8 shirts but only 3 bras ….I need to get more too :)


YES!!! I am the same way, we need more sports bras!


oh man, pizza vs. french toast would indeed be a tough choice. way to go with both… i would’ve done the same. ;)

i try my best to do laundry each week just so it doesn’t pile up too much and overwhelm me. it’s also about the time when i start running out of my sports bras and workout pants and my husband starts to run out socks.


Ha…good to know you would have chosen both too!! Yep, lots of laundry overwhelms me too!


I could write a novel on what I’m allergic to. Luckily, none of it is food! All hairy creatures and pollens. I pay an exorbitant amount for allergy shots and it’s somewhat under control but it sucks!
I love Chopped. That is one of the shows I miss most when we cancelled cable!


WOW, Gina…that is scary!
become friends with people that love watching the food network too and go over whenever chopped is scheduled to be on:)


I run out of sports bras first. But I have been known to rewear them once or twice …..I’m disgusting. I may or may not have done that last night…


You’re not disgusting…you are just trying to make them last longer:) Hope you are having an amazing day Kelsey!


what a TOUGH choice, i wouldve went for both too :)

im not allergic to anything that i know of.

im the same way, i love my DVR and my time spent with it nightly.

i have tons of workout clothes but not nearly enough sports bras so when i run out, its laundry time ( i think i have enough to last me approx 6 days of workout out)…i have some cheapo ones from target (champion) that are awesome and then i have nike ones that i prob got on clearance at sporting stores that i love too!


Isn’t it funny that we buy all of the other clothes for working out way more than the sports bras! Crazy! I hope you have some good DVR shows to watch tonight with Kevin!


We totally watched Chopped Redemption last night too.

I sure couldn’t make a meal out of the stuff they were given to cook with. EEEK!!!! What the heck are “sweetbreads”? (Do I really want to know?)



Oh my goodness…I almost died when I saw the sweetbreads!!! WHY DO THEY CALL something so gross something that sounds amazing!?!?


We don’t watch tv in this house. We did not own one for a few years until recently, when my Dad bought us one for Christmas. But, we still refuse to get cable. At night we watch movies, play scrabble, or read. My sister calls our house “Little House on the Prairie.”

I always run out of sports bras. Best place for them-the Target Champion brand.


Good for you guys!!! That is awesome and I bet you get a lot of things ton while I am sitting watching tv all night:)


I really like the C9 ones from Target with the thin straps. NOT spending $ on something that gets so gross after a month of soaking up sweat…


I love your theory!!


That’s horrible that your dad is allergic to eggs! That would be hard!

I got Apple TV for christmas and love watching my netflix shows on it each night before bed!

I always run out of sports bras and socks first!


I KNOW…I don’t know how he does it. APPLE TV…Oh Laura, I am incredibly jealous of you!!


I love chopped! and haha, I’m the same way: I only do laundry when I’ve run out of workout clothes. And be thankful you don’t have any food allergies! I’m intolerant to gluten, soy, white sugar and pasteurized milk. Haha the white sugar is by far the biggest struggle…


Isn’t chopped the best?!?! WHITE SUGAR….Katie, I am going to cry for you!


lol, I know, I can handle the others but sugar is the one that I keep cheating on! I just love candy too much.


My allergies: feathers, dog hair, dust.
We do our laundry once a week to every two weeks, and I run out of sports bras and tanks first. Shorts will often be worn twice before I wash them. Sometimes I do have to do some hand washing which I hate a lot, but the stuff has to get done.
I bought my sports bras last year in a sale before the local Nike shops shut down (why?!). The Sales assistant told me that, no, unfortunately, they didn`t have anything in my size, either very, very, very large or tiny XXS/XS and some S. I asked if I could try some of the size S anyways and she said no, I shouldn`t even bother, they won`t fit me. Usually, that would be the point when I would leave the store for good, but I stayed, looked for the bras in size S myself and went to try them on. Quite a few really didn`t fit, but in the end I stocked up on a whole bunch that still fits absolutely perfect and that were on an amazing sale! Well :) You have to keep at it, if you want something.


ALL DOG HAIR?!? I will wear shorts twice too! That sales assistant was RUDE!! I can’t believe that. Good for you to stay and get the good deal!


Well I`ve heard that there are “anti-allergic” dogs (like the one Barack Obama has). But I do have a dog and it`s usually not to bad. (He`s not allowed anywhere on my bed/couch though.)
The feathers were worse in the beginning, all the beddings had to be changed and it took a while before I found comfy ones, today this is actually much easier, since they are more common.


Im allergic to so many foods it’s sad…honestly…no dairy, no gluten, no simple sugars, etc etc. I’ve never had ice cream or cheese anything in my life. I can’t even eat yogurt!
TV time at night is what gets me through my longggg workdays. Love Wednesdays…modern Fam!!
Yep, I run out of sports bras first as well. Champion and Target are my fav brands.
I hope your school Internet is back on today!! I hate when that happens b/c a) I can’t get online and b) 90% of my lessons involve technology!!


OH COLLEEN, that breaks my heart that you are allergic to so many things and especially ICE CREAM! My blog must kill you! Enjoy your Modern Family tonight! It is back on today, thanks for asking and understanding my pain! You are the best!


no allergies,but I have 2 kids so I do laundry…constantly.
I like the C9 Target sports bras too,and I have an adidas one that’s really comfy.but I like to layer when I run since it never really gets that cold here(Northern CA)-so mostly I run with a tank top(lulu) and a long sleeve over it,so i can shed layers as I go.

My husband is out tonight so we will be having pizza and french toast,for real!!Can’t wait.
I love Food Network and Bravo!!!


I bet you are doing tons of laundry! Good call on layering them, I am going to have to try that! ENJOY YOUR PIZZA AND FRENCH TOAST and let me know how you like it:)


You must have a lot of sports bras to have worn them for 1.7 weeks! I run out of shorts :( but my drawer in my dresser that holds my workout clothes is busting open…how do you organize all your stuff? I’m thinking i’m going have to start hanging up some workout clothes and that just seems weird!


Haha I hang up my workout clothes!! It probably is weird – my dress pants get tossed in a pile on the floor, but my running clothes are all hung nicely in my closet.. I probably spend quadruple on workout clothes than I do on normal clothes and if I had to forego one, the dress pants would be gone in a second :) I LOVE running gear!


Good idea to hang them up! Mine are all mixed into two drawers and it takes me forever to find them. I would so much rather buy running gear too!


Ya, I probably should hang mine up. Or at least start to take up two drawers. So I guess my workout clothes get 2/6 drawers? Sounds about right!


Mmmm, ice cream! I’m off work today with back spasms and all I can think about is food.

Lululemon has the best sportsbras! Try the 50 Rep bra or the Energy bra. They’re both awesome, super comfy and the girls don’t move an inch!


Back spasms….not fun!! I hope your back is doing better and you get some delicious ice cream. THANKS FOR THE RECOMMENDATIONS, I really want to try them out!


I heart lululemon! They are building a huge store in Tampa…it’s both good and not good at the same time.


I am allergic to cloves of all of the weird things to be allergic to. I do laundry all the time. As soon as we have enough to do a load, it gets done. That way I don’t have to spend all weekend doing it.


That is random! Good for you to not procrastinate your laundry!


my sports bras always get crazy sweaty so Im always washing them. I actually need to buy more so I have a bigger arsenal (haha)
and unfortunately I have a lot of food allergies – Im allergic to a type of protein found in a lot of raw fruits and veggies. I cant eat raw apples, carrots, peaches, pears, plum, celery, and a few other random things. It stinks! At least for some of them I can eat the cooked version so I can enjoy them one way or another at times!


Yes, lets both buy more:) Oh Andrea, I had no idea you couldn’t eat those things! That makes me sad!


I really wish I weren’t, but I’m allergic to gluten, lactose, latex, several medicines, and CATS. Makes me feel like a wuss but it’s not worth it to have a reaction… gets ugly.
I love unwinding to TV shows! Glee, Top Chef, Modern Family…
I always run out of compression shorts first. I hate buying more of them because they are never cute or exciting (like sports bras) so I should just bite the bullet and get more. My favorite sports bra is champion brand but they make so many different ones, I always have to try it on to make sure it is the same one I already have. I’ve spent far too much money on “cheap” sports bras only to find out I need to wear six of them to get any support :)


WOW HAYLEY…that is awful!! Those things would not be fun to be allergic too. I love your favorite tv shows! Bite the bullet:) You are right, the cute things are way more fun to spend money on!


I have a ton of running shorts, but in the winter I run out of my running pants first. Laundry for me, too, is dictated by when I run out of workout clothes.

I have never tried ice cream with a graham cracker…need to try that! I made a new delicious discovery this summer at the a la carte yogurt store: vanilla ice cream/frozen yogurt with cinnamon toast crunch!!

I don’t have any known allergies, but I had a horrible esophagitis reaction to clindamycin. That’s how I actually discovered the above ice cream combo, cause that was all I could eat for two days (rough, eh?…I was actually disappointed when I could eat normally again).


I am the SAME way and have way more shorts than pants! TRY the graham cracker/ice cream combo, you will love it! Cinnamon toast crunch on froyo is heavenly! WOW, that reaction sounds awful!


I always run out of workout pants/capris first. I wear them for everything, so factor in 6 workouts a week and wearing them the rest of the hours of the day and I am screwed!

Under Armour makes the best sports bras! I cannot recommend this one enough.


AHHH Thank you so much for the link Amanada, I love UA and I can’t believe I haven’t thought of trying out their sports bras, THANKS!


I always run out of sports bras first, I need more as well. I have a lulu one I love and champion ones I bought at the Champion outlet in Florida!


I need to just go for it and buy a lulu bra. Everyone loves them. That is awesome they have a Champion outlet near you!


I am allergic to antibiotics, shellfish and kiwis (sad day on the latter, I developed these allergies while pregnant with #2…weird, huh?) My daughter is allergic to eggs and nuts. The nut one is way easy to avoid for her, but eggs are in sooo many things. Things I had no clue of until I had to read labels for her for before she ate anything. So I can feel for your dad.

Yep. TV shows are how I undwind with the Mr while our kids are in bed.

I used to run out of capris, but I recenhtly got 3 new pairs to add to the collection, so now I am good and now it will be the lack of sports bras that I need to fix. My favorite are from Aerie fit…but they got rid of the super nice ones that I like so I need to find another brand to start buying!


WOW MEGAN! I didn’t know that you could develop allergies while pregnant. KIWIS…NOOOOO!! Eggs and nuts, that is so hard. He definitely has mastered asking every question at restaurants about how the food was prepared and reads those food labels like there is no tomorrow! YAY for more capris:)


haha my laundry schedule pretty much revolves around how long I can make my workout clothes last (specially sports bras).


We are a lot alike:)


You ripped the olives off your pizza? Whattt?!

I’m allergic to some of the most random things… Bee stings [if I get stung I swell up like a puffer fish], lizards/ iguanas, licorice, and the IV contrast… Thank goodness none of those are incorporated into my daily diet and I’m fine with that :P

I always seem to run out of sports bras and stretchy pants… But does that make me do laundry? Ehhh, sometimes ;P


Better believe I ripped those olives off:) You are allergic to random things!


Sports bras for me too — I can’t reuse those they get DRIPPING wet hahah sorry for the TMI! I don’t have a favorite bc I find this the HARDEST thing to shop for… hmm..


Never TMI on my blog…anything goes. Mine get crazy wet too…I can’t deal with it ha!


Haha, I just did laundry last night because I ran out of sports bras too!


Great minds think alike!


I’m allergic to Pineapple, Latex, Brazil Nuts & Sulpha drugs. Exciting times.

I only have a few pairs of running tights and I get super sweaty when I work out so using them more than twice is not cool lol! I very rarely run out of clothes though .. I’m a habit type of person, I do laundry every Sunday (including washing the sheets).


PINEAPPLE…I would die! That would be really tough! You are a creature of habit!


I’m allergic to wasp stings, which I found out the hard way in college… no food allergies though!

Even though I get home at 10:00pm, we almost always watch a show to unwind before we go to bed. Lately it’s been episodes of The Walking Dead.

I always ALWAYS run out of sports bras first! I only have 4 so I actually reuse 2 of them each week because I can’t stand to do laundry more than once a week. I have a gift card to Foot Locker though, so I’m planning on investing in a couple more :)


Scary…WASPS! I am going to have to watch The Walking Dead, sounds interesting! YES, go invest in some more!


put that cinnamon sugared french toast under the broiler for a minute. trust me.


You make me want to go back in time and try that for last night…sounds amazing!


I like the High Impact sports bras from Old Navy Active. I take the removable padding out though, because I find it weird haha.

I am allergic to lavender apparently, which is new information to me after getting a lavender eye mask to wear on a long flight. Hives galore. Awful.

I always run out of capris first!


I didn’t even know Old Navy sold sports bras….I gotta check them out! Lavender…that does not sound fun at all!


I watch the Chopped Redemption last night too – I love Chopped! My husband actually convinced me to apply back in Nov….I never heard from them :) I love unwinding with our favorite shows at night, it’s the best! And I hate olives too – yuck! I always run out of sports bras first and we need to do laundry at least once a week, but normally twice a week. My fav sports bras are basic Nike ones.


BETH you totally should apply again..they must have lost your application. What did you think of the sweetbread!?!?


PS I was so happy that the guy that won did…he was my favorite!


Oh those sweetbreads are so gross! And then they weren’t all the way cooked….eeeeeeek, that makes my skin crawl! Aren’t they goat brains, or something? And, yes, the right guy definitely won :)

And I don’t think they lost my app….I think it was my lack of official culinary experience :)


good gosh, I wouldn’t be able to choose between the two of those, either. two of my kryptonites!

aaand I’m allergic to Penicillin and Avelox. hives are no fun, sir.


No fun at all!! You better have picked both. Girl, your disney post made my day!


Not only do I look forward to the tv wind down, I look forward to the treat I am consuming while watching it. I already know there is a vanilla long john with my name on it for tonight.

I love my lululemon sports bra, but for economic purposes my favorite is target brand.


From your comment yesterday about friendships, I was totally talking about you. What is a vanilla long john? I have never heard of it. I need to get at least one lulu sports bra!


I love my Under Armor sports bra and I also have a champion one which is really good. I do like to buy them at Target as well, due to price!

As for tv unwind I totally agree, we have been watching How I met your mother and Bones on Netflix streaming, while in bed and I look forward to it every day!


I LOVE UA gear so I should definitely try out their sports bras. I need to start watching How I Met Your Mother…thanks for the new show idea!


Good choice at going for both foods for din din, I would have definitely done the exact same thing. :)

I am pretty sure I saw Billy running in Provo this morning. He was rocking the man tights and flying faster than I was driving. Go Billy boy go!


That was definitely him:) Rachelle, we need to hang out!


I know I have to do laundry when I run out of working out socks!


We run out of those way too fast too!


Right now all I know I am allergic to is ceclor (some type of medicine) and mold and stuff. Maybe some other things because I’ve been having tummy problems but idk yet! I always look forward to my shows after a long day. Perfect way to unwind. Sports bras are my main thing I need to do laundry for.


Bummer about your tummy problems, I hope you get them figured out ASAP!


I feel like I am doing laundry constantly because I have so few workout clothes! I have been looking on getting some from Victoria’s Secret.


Good call on the VS sports bras, I bet they are great quality!


Mmmm… french toast. Sounds like dinner tonight.
The husband and I sit and watch TV after the kids go to bed- it’s definitely how we unwind.
I am only allergic to penicillin and that’s it- and so far none of my kids have any food allergies. I am so glad.
I am down to ONE sports bra, so that is why I am forced to do so much laundry… that and the 5 kids thing.
I use Moving Comfort sports bras and LOVE them.


I think you need to have some French Toast tonight and then watch your favorite shows with the husband:) ONE SPORTS BRA….I think it is time for you to shop for yourself. Moving Comfort is amazing!


I love having ice cream in a small bowl. I can have more without the guilt!

I’m not allergic to anything, but I am a bit intolerant to dairy. Just have to make sure I don’t have too much. My 7-year-old is big time allergic to cows milk, so we always have to be careful.

I love watching something before bed every night. Helps me unwind!


COWS MILK….oh bummer, that must be hard!


I use Old Navy sports bras (but don’t have to worry much about support…), tank tops are the first to run out since I don’t have enough wicking ones.

I’m allergic to a type of insulin but find severe food allergies frightening – even as someone who has to be mindful of what I eat.

I definitely have more shows that I’m watching this season – I use to have only 1 or 2 but now there’s so many good ones now, both ones I’m dedicated to (ex: Revenge) and unwind with (ex: 2 Broke Girls).


Wicking tanks = gold to me too! WOW, a type of insulin…that must be hard! I need to check out your shows!


oh i’d go with you dad’s dish, but can he make it Gluten Free too? hehe, i am allergic. Now go do that laundry! mine is calling me. I think my husband goes through 3-4 workout outfits a day. the Pile is high!


3-4 a DAY!! HOLY COW woman!!! He gets all of his clothes for free right?!


Definitely running tights and capris! I can’t get enough of them esp in the winter time – I am always washing them!


I go through those crazy fast too….especially because I wear them even when I am not working out!


I do laundry once a week … but it is usually workout socks that send me into the laundry room. My dresser eats them and each week I truly believe I am down one pair.
I look forward to unwinding with TV as well….not gonna lie…the State of the Union kind of runed my Biggest loser plans last night. At least I can watch it tonight!! :)


BAHAHA We must have the same hungry dresser that eats our socks. Um…yeah that would have ruined my night too….enjoy BL tonight:)


I don’t have any allergies, but my son is allergic to nuts (the horror) and my youngest son is allergic to everything under the son – dogs, cats, trees, ragweed, dairy, eggs, etc. Luckily, it’s only a slight allergy to everything.


NUTS..that would kill me and so would dairy and eggs…WOW!


I feel like this is my confession time. I rotate two sports bras, wear the same pair of Lulu wunder unders, the same pair of running socks (I lost my other ones), and wash them when I HAVE to. So basically, I throw them in the wash when I wash my baby’s clothes, and since I would rather spend my evenings watching my reality trash TV after baby goes to bed, it’s probably not often enough.


Thank you for your confessions…you made my day! You are hilarious and yes trash tv>laundry! Have a great day and enjoy your shows later tonight!


The way your niece is eating her icecream is the cutest thing ever–and she looks very protective–might she be concerned that someone will steal it from her? haha :)


BAHAHAH You noticed that…..I was worried that people would see how she has to guard her bowl with her life for when I finish mine and come after hers! Hope you are having a great day Lola!


I am notorious for pushing laundry as far off as possible…before I was married I would just buy new underwear (cheap packs of it) instead of doing laundry, haha. I always wash our workout clothes separately, so sometimes everything else goes a loooong time!


Oh, and PS – did you get my text the other day? :)


I’m allergic to bee stings and Pennicillin. And, I found out a couple weeks ago that I now have a soy intolerance. Of course, I found out the day I had made something with soy sauce for supper!

Mike and I always chill in front of the TV after work. We’ve gotten into the habit of eating dinner on the couch and staying there the rest of the night :)

I do laundry once a week unless we run out of something. By time I do laundry, I’m out of sports bras and shorts. Guess I should buy more of each, huh?


I am officially addicted to Chopped! I watch two episodes on nights when I go straight home after work, it’s so good!

I love it when the judges look disgusted at what they’re eating and then say “I think it’s great”…What!?


Target is where I get all my favorite sports bras. The neon colored champion ones? The best. Not just for running either, one of my friends is a soccer player and she attests to them also. I’ve always used them for everything, and they’re the most comfortable to just wear when the regular bras just don’t do it for comfort wise. So go away to Target my friend, it’s the place to get them.


And I’m just a lowly freshmen at college, but I’ve been watching all the episodes of How I Met Your Mother when i’m done studying or need a break. Sine they are only 21 minutes long, it the perfect thing to watch between course work.


I LOVE FRENCH TOAST. omg, I know what i’m making for dinner now! lol.

Food allergies do suck…I’m lactose intolerant – I guess that’s not really an allergy but still means I can’t eat stuff. It really sucked when I was younger, but now there’s tons of replacement foods, so I can still have almond milk/soymilk, greek yogurt is lactose-free so I can have that, and the dairy-free ice creams are actually really good. AS for froyo, my stomach isn’t really okay with that, but I just make it suffer (it just hurts, I don’t like puke or anything thank god lol) because froyo isn’t something I’m about to give up for a silly food intolerance!


I’m allergic to cigarette smoke….ewwwww!

Love me some French toast–SO tasty!


Allergies? Antibiotics.

Laundry: Wow. I do 3-4 loads of laundry every other day. Nuts, right? I do laundry all the time, because it accumulates so quickly with 7 of us (plus school, sports, work wear changes throughout the day). But, because I do it so often, I don’t have so much. Only 3 sports bras ….


Yum that would be a hard decision!

I don’t have any food allergies but just food sensitivities I guess you can call it. My stomach gets all upset when I eat avocado, squash or zucchini. Weird, right?

We only do 1-2 loads a week and that is usually if I separate the lights and darks. :) Somehow more than half of that is all Brandon’s clothes. Yes I probably re-wear my clothes WAY too many times before washing. Ha!


Just allergic to poison ivy, but since I don’t go rolling in it very often it’s not usually a problem :-)
I also look forward to TV every night! I get kind of disappointed when it’s a day with none of my fav shows. But tonight is Modern Family!!!
I always run out of shorts first! I don’t like several of mine (I think Nike started making them differently than they did a few years ago). I am going to go check out your gear page to see what you use because I’m thinking about trying a new brand soon!


SO hungry now, pizza and french toast sounds amazing for dinner.
I am allergic to antibiotics too! Sucks to get sick because they have to search for something to give me and then pick and choose the reactions I will have.
I get all my sports bras at target, small boobs so I don’t really need anything special and they have some cool colors.


I love TV, it is a problem. I wish I was allergic to it. ;-)
I always run out of sports bras or socks.
I do laundry like every other day because an army lives in my house. heehee


I’m not allergic to anything that I know of. :)

I don’t always get to watch TV at night since a few nights a week I get home just in time to grab some food and pack up for the next day, but if I get to watch Big Bang Theory or Chopped then I get really excited!!! Like last night, I made up a song about big bang because it came on as I walked in the door.

SPORTS BRAS!!! I need more more more! I like to buy mine at Target, Kohls, or Marshalls, but I don’t have much to support lol.


I LOVE Champion C9 sports bras from Target. They are comfortable, made well and CHEAP!!


I am allergic to antibiotics, down pillows, and gluten. Quite the random assortment.

Workout clothes are always the first thing to get dirty, and are my main reason to do laundry. I’d say 80% of my laundry basket is gym clothes.


You chose wisely! You wouldn’t want to offend your dad OR mom, right?!!! Both looked too good to chose.

Curly luvs Billy!

Must wash my fav Nike ProFit capris for spinning and yes, sports bras!


I wash underwear more than anything else…..but for workout gear – socks! I hate reusing socks.

I love watching tv when logan goes to bed and Colin and I can feel like kids again :)


I run out of shorts, always! I don’t really wear sports bras because I wear tanks with the built in sports bras. I HATE doing laundry but I force myself to do it once a week.

Cleaning on the other hand, I do every several weeks. :)


I recently found out that I’m gluten intollerant, so there was a huge learning curve in my diet. I’m currently doing a 30-day Elimination Diet, where you eliminate all high allergen and hard to process foods (diary, gluten, corn, sugar, etc). Being on this restrictive of a diet make being gluten free seem like a breeze. I have less than a week to go on my 30-days, not that I’m counting or anything.

Being allergic to antibiotics, do you react when you eat meat that has been injected with antibiotics (i.e. chicken, turkey, etc.)?

I feel like I’m always doing laundry so I never seem to run out of anything. I have a variety of bras, C9, Moving Comfort, Nike, etc. and the more pricey ones are definitely worth it, but when I run on the TM I don’t really care.


Do you get a Penicillin rash too?! That was a great day in my life…..


My running capri’s and tights! Its totes gross, but I will wear each until I can’t stand the sweaty smell anymore..I know thats disgusting, so I wash my capris once a week and then sports bras never get funky for me.


I’m a recent Champion sports bra lover – you can get them at Target, they’re awesome!!


Girl! I feel you about the laundry. I have a mound of laundry that I am doing tonight!


Back before I had my own washer and dryer, I probably did laundry like once every 3 weeks. I was definitely one of those people who would buy new socks or underwear instead of washing the dirty stuff. Needless to say, I now have a whole lot of socks and underwear. It’s a shame you can’t sell some of those items in garage sales. I could make a small fortune


Love how you are always surrounded by your family … I am sooo close to mine …. however they are just all over the place and no one is really close to just stop by for dinner …

I need more sports bras ASAP … I have heard great things about the Lululemon … I have yet to try it though … if you do let me know!


You’re allergic to antibiotics??? Like penicillin, or all of them???


Ok best sportsbra for running is definitely from Lululemon. Its called the “ta ta tamer” yep it really is called that and yep…it really does do what it says it does :) Love it! But if you don’t need one with so much support I love me some athleta :) Happy hunting!


Air: cedar, mold, and oak
Food: gluten and dairy


In college I was short on time and needed a clean sports bra so I hand washed it. I had read somewhere that you could put damp items in a microwave if u needed an emergency drying. NOT TRUE! I put the bra in the microwave (the bra had elastic in the band) and poof! burned bra. I ended up wearing the still wet bra to the gym anyway, complete with a giant burn hole. Fail.


lol i was going to ask why on earth you ate such a small amount of ice cream. Its like a tease!

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