My Necessity for Running

I absolutely LOVED reading all of your first posts from your links in the comments of the last post.  I read them on my phone as we were driving to go see a friend and that is why I didn’t comment (I have enough spelling errors using a full size keyboard let alone a cell phone keyboard).  Forgive me but please know that I was commenting in my head on how awesome they were!

This morning started with a treadmill run.  I didn’t feel like trying to not get lost, dealing with stoplights or using my brain at all (plus, it was still dark) so I hit up the treadmill.  I did 11 miles at an average pace of 7:58.  I did stop once, during the last mile because my hand bumped the emergency stop button on accident.  I have never been so mad at a little piece of plastic in my whole life.  It was so hard to start again and it messed up my groove….wow, such a hard life I have.

Something that is necessary for me before EVERY SINGLE RUN I ever do is a thick thick layer of lip gloss (at least 1/6th of an inch thick).  I will stop my run immediately the second my lips start feeling dry and so it is a requirement that they are always fully hydrated.

Breakfast felt good:

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How have I never bought Oatmeal Squares before?  PS those are hardboiled eggs, I only eat raw eggs in the form of brownie batter and cookie dough.  There is a reason there is a See’s Candy box in the background, they were part of my balanced meal.

It is our last day in Cali and so we made sure to hit up another one of our favorites (okay, more so Billy’s favorite but I owe him for making our house smell like broccoli on a daily basis), A’s Burgers.

We met up with Billy’s BFF for lunch and now we are off to another movie.  Good thing I have a bag of Christmas themed Sour Patch Kids from Pam!

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I had the chicken sandwich, Billy had a burrito and we split the onion rings.


What did you have for breakfast?

Are you a lip gloss or chapstick person?

-Lip gloss all day and chapstick before bed and every time I get up to pee during the night, I think I am addicted.

Do you put fruit in your cereal?  What is your favorite cereal/fruit combo?

What are one your NECESSITIES for running?

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My treadmill doesn’t have an emergency stop button, but it is haunted and stops on it’s own randomly! Yesterday, it stopped 6 different times when I was on it. Once at 8.0 and I seriously almost nailed my head into the front of it as I went flying forward. It’s in our basement and it seems to do it more when the temperatures drop so I think it has something to do with the cold but it’s like gambling every time I get on it! Not fun.


SIX TIMES…holy cow! How do you start again? You need to wear a helmet on your next treadmill run! Be careful!


What sort of lip gloss do you use? I always have to put chapstick on under lip gloss b/c the gloss makes my lips feel sticky and dried out. Suggestions?


Victoria Secrets….it is amazing! There is a small picture of them in between my ice cream in this post:


CO Bigelow from Bath and Body Works is awesome also. It’s all I use. It is “mint infused” so it makes your breath smell good and it is never sticky and totally avoids your lips being dry. They have just clear or lots of colors of tints. I love it.


Blackberry Vanilla Protein Pancakes for breakfast! They tasted delicious but I can’t ever seem to make pretty ones lol

chapstick especially in winter months

Love sliced strawberries, raspberries or blueberries – and I love those quaker oat squares :) My only problem is I could eat the whole box in one serving..

Necessity for running = MUSIC.


Can I come over for bfast and you can make me those pancakes! I almost did eat the whole box in one sitting:)


As long as you don’t make fun of the fact that NONE of them end up looking like circles!! :) I’m blaming it on the spatula… definitely nothing to do with my lack of coordination or patience.


For breakfast I had a grilled apple, PB, pumpkin butter and flax sandwich – soo yummy!
Lip gloss, I like a natural color with some sparkle.
I think my favorite fruit combo in cereal is a banana and blueberries.
My iPod!!!


Um….your bfast sounds absolutely amazing!! Sparkles are the best!


I NEED my ipod. i just need to have the option to listen to music/ have the earbuds in my ears even when i dont have the ipod on. i feel like i can hear my breath even better and for some reason that is so so necessary for me! hahaha<3


ME TOO!! Did people run before iPods? If they did, I don’t know how!


I am kind of addicted to my Garmin. I don’t NEED it per se but I like having it just so I can remember that I ran a certain day if I forget to update my running log.

I love chapstick and lip gloss. I am not a lipstick person though!


Me neither….I don’t know why but I never buy it. I am a Garmin addict too!


Ahh, that is the WORST .. i’ve hit the emergency stop by accident before too. thankfully I didn’t go flying off the treadmill.
I am a total lip chap AND lip gloss person. I really am addicted. I was more so in highschool though.. to the point that the lipchap tube would make a mark in my pants and eventually put a hole through the pocket. No joke! I can’t leave the house without it. I love MAC’s lipglass.. it lasts forever.. you should try it! After my first surgery, one of my best friends brought me a bag of lip chap lol.


Your lips don’t get the gross white film on them when you wear the gloss? Every time I run with gloss or chapstick on I get it and it looks like I’ve been foaming at the mouth, which turns out is not a very appealing look.


NO…okay I probably do but as long as my lips don’t get dry I don’t care what they look like ha. I use the Victoria Secrets lip gloss and love it, you should try it!


I use VS lip gloss too. I have about 12 of them!! However, before a run I plaster my lips with vasoline. It doesn’t ball up and keeps my lips super moist. In the winter (only because I run in clothes with pockets) I carry chapstick for any mid-run lip moistuization emergency.

I had oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast. Yum. :)


Good call on the gasoline, I will have to try that! Good to know that I am not the only one that things that dry lips is an emergency!


I never run without my Nike sport band or iPhone with the GPS app. I’m a data geek and love tracking my run stats. Not sure if anyone else feels this way, but seeing all that information motivates me to do it again so that I’ll have more to look at!


i had custard oats (oatmeal with a whisked egg in it) topped with a sliced banana, a few choc chips, and a blob of peanut butter – yummm. i’ve never tried oatmeal squares, but i’ve heard nothing but good things. i know costco has them – i guess i need to get them asap!

i’ve always been a chapstick person. i put it on every five seconds i’m sure.

i LOVE bananas in my oatmeal, and any kind of fresh berries in regular cold cereal. Kashi cereals are my favorite!


Obsessed with chapstick. I have them placed all over the house so I’m never without.

I had oatmeal for breakfast with stawberries in it. I put all different kinds of fruit in my cereal!

For running I need a lot of stuff but probably the main thing is 3 hair ties in my hair. My hair is so thick and I hate feeling like it is coming out.


3 hair ties…that is awesome! I totally know what you mean about that feeling when hair is coming out while running, it drives me insane!


I like strawberries or blueberries in my cereal. and I ‘m a cherry chapstick girl all the way. I never remember to put on lip gloss.


I’m addicted to chapstick. I carry it around with me at all times.


I need to have chapstick when I run! I can’t stand dry lips. It is the bane of my running existence.


Chapstick! I only wear lipgloss for date nights and family events. My family should be honored that I wear it for them LOL. I have to have my Spi Belt. Even if it holds only our house key, I must wear it for every single run.


Oh my lips are envious. Those onion rings look fabulous.

I am a bit surprised about pear in your cereal. I am not a fan of pears..but cereal…yuck!

I don’t put fruit in my cereal…I normally use dry cereal as a topping, op my oatmeal, yogurt…or I eat it dry. Yesterday I was really naughty (as I am trying to like oatmeal) and I put vanilla granola, brownie and peanut butter in it. I know how to take something really healthy and turn it into something really unhealthy. If you need any hints on how to do this, just let me know. ;)


Blueberries in my granola is always a must. And definitely chapstick (Burt’s Bees only…it’s an addiction). I cannot run without my hair pulled back properly and since I have bangs that usually means 2-3 little clips to hold them back. It’s a nightmare when I forget them!


my #1 necessity for running is my ipod! can’t run without music. also, i love smart start! it’s kind of sugary but also kind of amazing. it’s so crunchy & never gets soggy. i could eat bowls and bowls of it! cinnamon burst cheerios are good too


I love the lip gloss from Mission Skincare. I wear it when I’m running and it never comes off/ I don’t eat it. And it comes in really great flavors. Orange and Pomegranate are my faves.

What movie are you going to see now? I despirately want to go see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo b/c I loved that book and LOVED the Swedish version of the movie. I totally bought it out of the Redbox b/c no one else probly wanted a Swedish movie with English subtitles. :)


I’m just impressed that you can run that far, that fast and only stop accidentally! I mostly only stop on the treadmill to drink because I can’t do that while running, but I’ve got to admit the break is nice. :) And I TOTALLY hear you about going outside and having to deal with stoplights, getting lost, etc. That’s why I’ve been married to my treadmill lately except for on Saturdays.

My necessity while running is TV or music! I’ve been catching up on Pretty Little Liars (have you seen that show? It’s a little “teenagy,” but I like it) while I run…and it freaks me out and I always think someone is sneaking up behind me. I have to grab the sides so I don’t fall on my face. Haha, good times.


Only put bananas in cereal. I don’t like how it blands out the fruit flavor and how it looses shape–like strawberries. Like the texture. For some reason I used to loveee oatmeal squares, but now when I eat they make me feel like I haven’t had water in days. Bizarre I know.

Breakfast was a pear, a Chobani peach yog (whennn is peach season startinng again) and a few shredded wheat squares. All consumed separate. Usually I’m a mixture.

My running funks are I don’t drink anythingg during. I can’t run in loose pants..have to be tight and I likeee not running in makeup or contacts! Freshh feeling. And no lip gloss really ever. Hah I don’t like when it sticks to my hair!


Fave cereal fruit: bananas! Buttt oatmeal: frozen berries- love the hot and cold variation :D

This morning I made a fabbb knock-off “coffee cake”[?] cereal bowl that will def be repeated [tomorrow] haha!


What did you have for breakfast?

I actually go between the two. It depends on what I am doing. If I am at work, or doing something outside (like running) I slather on the chapstick and carry it with me. Most other times I wear lipgloss. I also put chapstick on before bed :)

No, no fruit in cereal. I have mixed cereal and fruit with yogurt though…

I would have to say chapstick and gum. I get dry mouth something fierce if I dont have one or both of these items!


im a chapstick girl for sure. I plant them in all of my purses and around the house so that I dont ever have to hunt for one.

i love dried fruit in my cereal–like raisins or dried apricots, but I also like throwing in other soft/gushy fruits….strawberries…plums….

I have to have gum when I run. trident orange.

have a great last day and a safe trip coming home!


Running necessity for me is also lip gloss! I use Aquaphor and just slather it on. My worst marathon this season was one in which I forgot the lipgloss!


I had instant oatmeal for breakfast (boo, the real stuff is so much better) because I’m at work and that is fast and easy.

I LOVE LOVE CO Bigelow gloss from Bath and Body Works (any of the tinted ones).

And how have you not had Oatmeal Squares?! I used to eat them all the time! They are awesome!

Travel safe and Merry Christmas in a few days :).


Chapstick! But I have a ton of lip gloss too…. :)


I cant stand lip gloss! I put on chap stick in the morning and before bed, but i hate my lips feeling sticky!


Coming out of hiding again….hello! Everyday reader, hear.

I just…you have to PLEASE try Cracklin Oat Bran cereal if you have not. I just KNOW you will love it.

It’s awesome, cause the name is so deceiving. Except that it has “crack” in it.
Tastes like mini oatmeal cookie.
But they say Oat Bran, too and the box doesn’t have cartoons. That makes them healthy. Seriously. Do it. In milk, out of the box, on fro-yo, with popcorn, maybe even on a salad? I swear. Have I piqued your interest?

If you DO try them please blog about it so I know you did. I’m freakishly curious if my hunch is correct.

Have a FANTASTIC and beautiful Christmas.


Have you tried the quacker honey o’s? They are so good! I’m a chapstick girl, and love Black Honey Almost Lipstick from Clinique too!


I love lipgloss aaaaand Chapstick. More of a Chapstick user tho, hate having dry lips!


I have a lip gloss addiction, too! And agree that I can’t run if my lips are dry – especially outside. I love bananas on cereal – probably my favorite, although I love berries, too.


I love lip gloss when I go out, but I mostly just wear chapstick…preferably Burt’s Bees. Love that stuff!


I love lip gloss during the day & chapstick at night too… But I can’t stand to wear it during a run. I must lick my lips unconsciously during a run because the one time I wore chapstick on a run, I could taste it & feel it on my throat during the run! YUCK!


I carry Carmex in my belt on runs because it’s thick and stays on well. I ate egg whites, brown rice, tomatoes, mushrooms, sprinkle of mozz all tossed together. You are a fast runner! Good for you!


I’m definitely a chapstick person! Lipgloss is just so thick and my hair always gets stuck to it!
I’m so glad I found your blog, and I’d love it if you’d check out my new blog!


Being addicted to emollient lips is not such a bad thing!


I have to put lip gloss on every morning after I brush my teeth. I love the bath and body stuff. I love frozen blueberries and all sorts of other berries in my cereal. My necessity for running is a watch. Pretty basic, but I think I would go crazy if I went for a run without my watch.


Hahaha same here! I have a lip gloss/chap addiction, every time I get up in the night I put on Chapstick my bf makes fun of the squeak noise the container makes when I put it on at 3am. Lol


For breakfast I had two eggs over easy and a Christmas cookie.

I love VS lipgloss. I also use it all day and then Chapstick before bed. I HATE chapped lips.


I prefer lipgloss, but I have the hardest time finding any that isn’t sticky! (Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!) So…I’d have to say I’m a chapstick girl…Dr. Pepper lip smackers is where it’s at though. :)


Ok totally random, but I just needed to thank you Janae! I was up shopping today in Orange County, CA (I live in San Diego) and I drove by a Cafe Rio. The only reason I thought to stop there was because I’ve seen it on your blog so many times. The husband and I both LOVED it and might be considering moving up there just so we can eat it once a week. YUM! Thanks so much for enlightening me! :)


Ahhhhhh this makes my day!!! What did you get? I am so happy you loved it!


I had the most amazing salad ever… the vinaigrette dressing was addicting! I thought I was going to finish it off but wasn’t able to. :( Hubs got the burrito, which I didn’t think was nearly as good as my salad!


I only just tried Oatmeal Squares too (cinnamon flavor) and I died…so freakin’ addictive! I love apples, strawberries and bananas in my cereal…although I’m prefer it with yogurt rather than milk! Breakfast today was boiled egg-whites (I can only eat yolks drippy) with fruit, yogurt and oats- delicious!

Way to go on the 11-miler- interesting about the lip gloss! I can’t think of any necessities actually…although I like to choose the treadmill where the fan works well- otherwise it gets kinda claustrophobic!


Oh my goodness, that cereal bowl looks yummy . I am craving cereal SO much right now! I love banana, goji berries, vanilla protein powder, coconut milk, and fibre one. Best cereal combo ever. Oh and grapenuts are heaven too. Yeahhhh. :-) HAPPY DAY! <3 xyx


chapstick for running
lipgloss for everything else
I always wear the same crimson colored studs when I run. I feel weird with naked ears.
I haven’t had cereal in like a year, I need to try those oatmeal squares!
I have definitely been eating chocolate for breakfast too. Espresso flavored dark chocolate. hooked!


Chapstick always before I workout. Lipgloss on occasion. I need my music when I run.


Wait, back up, Christmas themed Sour Patch kids? Apparently, I left off something on my list to Santa…


I LOVE Oatmeal Squares! They are the lazy gal’s oatmeal. :)


Lip gloss unless I run or like you said at night or cleaning the house etc. I went on my longest run yet last week and forgot the chapstick…now I see why at races they give you hadnfuls of it. My lips were on fire by the time I got home.

Have fun in all your travels and be safe!


Have you ever thought about exfoliating your lips? Sounds BIZARRE, I know, but I have the same issue with aversion to dry lips and exfoliating my lips seems to help for a day or so. I don’t need to use AS MUCH lip balm or lip gloss that way.


I’ve hit the emergency stop on the treadmill, too. Then I pretty much fly off of it or slam into the console. It’s a fun time. I feel your pain.

I had two humungous, gloriously delicious pancakes for breakfast. Then I didn’t wait long enough to go for my run with my sister. I felt like I was going to die the whole time. Not my best decision.


So…. I went and bought a box of those Oatmeal Squares after seeing your picture and how good you said it was. Pretty sure they are amazing so thanks!! :)


I am so so glad you love them! They are addicting! Have a great night!


I have never put chapstick or gloss on before a run, but thats a good idea! The one thing I absolutely cannot run without is my music! One time I was running and my phone died and the rest of the run I was so bored….I guess I don’t have enough thoughts in my head to keep myself occupied ;)


I have to have chap stick too!! And gum! It’s a must or I can’t make it thought a long run!


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