My Eyeballs Hurt and Guacamole

We are just about to leave to go see Sherlock Holmes but I had to say hello and tell you about our stop in San Clemente.

IMG 1170Pedro’s is always on our top 7 things to do while in California.

Shrimp burrito and taquitos topped with cheese and guac for me.  23 packets of hot sauce were added post photo.   Isn’t it crazy that I ate lunch outside in December?  Going back to Utah is going to hurt.   Funny/gross story of the day:  A bird pooped on my BIL.  I tried not to laugh but I couldn’t hold it in.  Don’t worry; it was just on his leg.

IMG 1166

Random question of the day……ever had a migraine before?  Besides just a crazy headache does it make your eyes go all weird? Maybe my eyes are being funky because I haven’t had any sugar yet today, I am sure that will help.

Hope you are having an awesome day and that you got your sweat on and ate something delicious today!!

Anyone seen Sherlock yet?  Did you like it?

PS I think I won an award for the most fragment sentences in one post.  I blame it on my eyes.

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Yuck, bad headaches are no fun. I sometimes get them where yeah, my vision goes a little funky and all the bones in my face ache. Get better.

Yes, went to Red Robin for some stress eating, side salad, fries and shared a mud pie. Son Jax had some heart testing today….stressful.


ya….migraines…… Lots of people in my family have struggled with them, but luckily I’ve only had one in my entire life. The worst part is I was at work, and since I work in the ICU, the bells and whistles just make everything worse. By the time I got off work, I had to give report in a whisper because the sound of my voice in my own head made me cringe. I had to get Patrick to pick me up from work, because I couldn’t see straight, and could barely eat when I got home because chewing was too loud. I went to sleep with a pillow over my ears AND Patrick watching t.v. with headphones on. Hope yours isn’t a real migraine!!!


No sugar? Yikes. When you don’t have sugar until after dinner do you feel any different..worse or better during the day? I feel better for some reason when I wait until after dinner to have ice cream, cupcakes or dessert..and I snack on fruit during. If I eat that stuff early on i feel lethargic.


I am 100% the same way, People think it is funny that I turn down dessert after lunch and then see me with a humungo piece of cake after dinner……..but it does weird stuff to me eaten before dinner.


YES! Finally someone who can relate:)


Definitely lack of sugar! You better eat some ice cream fast. My son saw Sherlock Holmes with his buddies and they loved it!


So you may hit all of my fave spots while you visit OC! I don’t know how ol’ pedro does it (probably lard) but he makes the best bean and cheese burrito on the planet. And its less than $1.00!

And now i’m starving….


I get headaches like that sometimes, but mine aren’t migranes. They happen most when I travel and the humidity and pollen counts change. It also can blur my vision and make my nose run. If it is allergies for you, Benadryl will help (but it also can make you sleepy).

They say that caffeine helps migranes, you could try that. Hope you feel better!


My eyes start acting weird when I get migraines too. Everything from blind spots to rainbow lights – not fun at all.


You should definitely make that THE ad for Pedro’s tacos!! haha amazing.

Haven’t seen Sherlock yet but want to! Migranes are terrible.. a little caffeine really does help! and WATER. You could be dehydrated?

So I finally mapped myself out a challenge on my phone app – 6.5 miles done in 1 hour today! Now I just have to recover for like a week then go back and race myself (virtually) like a huge dork :-D


speaking of your BIL’s incident, a bird once pooped on my hand during a 5K, awesome. Good thing it was a short(er) race and it happened near the end.


Yes to the migraines and eyeballs.
Are you having a sugar withdrawl headache?
Time of the month is a big culprit.
Change in season does it for me as well………if you went from cold to CA warm.

Hope it passes quick. Running can be helpful…….no lie……for me at least.


Migraines run in my family and they’re really awful. My dad and sister get tunnel vision, a huge pounding in the their head, and they can’t stand bright light. No fun!

When a bird poops on someone, it is funny! I’ve been popped on before (on my head) and nearly died laughing (ok, maybe after I cried a little). I draw the line at it falling in food though. That’s just a waste. :)


We watched Sherlock Holmes last night! It was definitely good – great special effects!


Ocular migraines- no fun… Mine tend to happen around hormone related activities. Ahh, it’s great to be a woman! Hide in the dark, pop a couple pills and you’ll be back on your feet in no time!


Girl I get migraines with blurry vision and light spots in my vision. It’s no bueno. If it’s a caffeine or sugar thing, it will totally help. Feel better!

Dude, it’s freezing here in Utah, luckily you will have all the fun of Christmas to come home to to help ease the pain :)

Have funnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!


I think I might have had a migrane before. I couldn’t see right, my head was pounding, I couldn’t keep my balance, it was just awful. I hope you feel better! That movie looks awesome!


My brother just had a migraine that came on so suddenly and he was in the hospital for FOUR DAYS. It was crazy. He was losing vision and having convulsions. They never figured it out completely but now he sees a chiropractor and says that it helps so much.
Hope you feel better.


Sigh…i miss eating outside! Hope the head feels better!


I’m actually going to see Sherlock Holmes with my family on Friday night once my brother and sister in law get into town.


Migraines are no fun. When I get them, it’s like I can only see half of something. Sometimes I even get numbness in my face/hand. Mine often seem to be hormone or dehydration related. Hope yours isn’t a migraine!!
Glad you’re having fun in SoCal though! :) xo


I get those kind when my hormones are on the rise.

You have been posting what your in-laws have been eating. I am going through withdrawal over here.


Some migraines definitely have an effect on your vision. Migraines absolutely suck, so I hope you didn’t have one!


Yes yes, I get a migraine once a week or so, and as everyone is saying, weird eye stuff is definitely part of it. I usually have blind spots that start swirling around about 20 minutes before the headache hits. Caffeine definitely helps–or, if you can get to it fast enough after the weird eye stuff starts, a glob of wasabi does the trick for me. But that may just be me and my weird body. :) Good luck–I hope you feel better!


i suffer from chronic migraines and have for over 10 years. they aren’t always the same, but about 50% of the time it messes with my vision. sometimes it makes me have tunnel vision and other times i have spotted vision. i hope that it heals soon, i know that migraines are extremely uncomfortable and can ruin even the best day.


Never had the displeasure of having a migraine, I’m sorry that you’re having headache/eye issues! Feel better asap!!

I always wondering if a bird pooping on a person is good luck….or if it’s just unfortunate! Haven’t decided on that one yet.


We saw Sherlock on Friday. It was really funny!!

I used to have migraines starting in the third grade all the way through high school. They are horrendous! I’m glad I grew out of them.


I think I just experienced my first migraine ever a few weeks ago. My eyes got all weird too and at first, it almost felt like I was going to pass out. But I had eaten plenty that day, so I knew it wasn’t a hunger issue. Then I started getting this headache and it didn’t go away, despite taking 2 Advil. I finally had to lay down in my office for a while until it went away. No fun!!


A bird pooping on you is good luck! Migraines will make you sensitive to light. My eyes have been going twitchy lately and I think it is from staring at the computer too much. Maybe yours too?
We saw Sherlock Holmes on Sunday and it was very good. We saw an advance screening of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yesterday and it was excellent. Two very hard scenes to watch but overall outstanding.
5miles this morning.

The Kidless Kronicles


My SIL and I have both been getting migraines for a week now, and we live in so cal. A coworker of mine went home with one today too, I wonder if the weather is wonky here? I know mine are partially hormone related, but I hadn’t had one in four years and forgot how bad they suck! Stay away from computer screens, bright lights, and I actually do think eating something cool like fro yo helps…I’m in bed eating some right now!


i’ve never had a migraine so i’m no help :( i hope you feel better though! chocolate cures everything for me, perhaps that will help??


I get massive headaches frequently. At least one a week. Migraines come around fairly often too. Maybe once every other month? They are horrible, so I hope you get over yours quick!


you bet migraines can effect your vision…that movie (loud noises and bright lights) might not be the best cure…

hope you feel better!


Saw Sherlock twice already! Because it is AMAZING! You won’t be disappointed! :)


I can NOT wait to see Sherlock…I’m going on Friday!


Love eating al fresco! Hope you feel better asap…migraines are a biatch!


Um, a bird pooping on you is SUCH GOOD LUCK. Please tell the BIL to go buy a lottery ticket.

I am adding Pedro’s to the list when we get to the OC. I miss mexican food.


So jealous you got to eat outside!! Here in Salt Lake it is smoggy and just plain old yucky! Enjoy the SUN for all of us!!

Migraines, unfortunately, are a common occurrence with me. I get it on one side of my head and start seeing spots and my eyes get very blurry! It is the worst! I find that a regular coke and a string cheese help a lot while laying in a DARK room! Good Luck with it hope it feels better soon!!

Have fun!!


My funny/gross story of the day: a sweet senior citizen lady sneezed on my arm at work today. Wait. That’s not funny. It’s just gross.

That burrito looks pretty much heavenly! I am jealous.


Those tacos look delicious! I may have to go get something like that tomorrow! Great blog…Happy Holidays!


bleh hope that headache goes away! OOH but maybe you can use it to convince Billy that he needs to take you for fro-yo!! Enjoy Sherlock Holmes, I can’t wait to see that one, even though I haven’t seen the first one yet haha!


Big amounts of sugar can induce migraine!


mmm guacamole!

i was pooped on by a bird as well – when i was on my bike! it was on my leg, but still it was gross!


Ohh my.. I want to go eat at Pedros Tacos.. looks delish!!
I hope you are feeling better today!


ok, so this is kinda late, but still wanted to put in my 2 cents…
the vision phenomenon is very normal w/ migraines, and sometimes it will happen w/o a headache (ocular migraine). it tends to start in the periphery and close in, both eyes, and you get blurry and/or lights, flashes, squiggles. it usually lasts 15-30 min.
if you ever have flashes and floaters (small spots or squiggles) that are a lot, and consistent, and lasting a few hours, sometimes one eye more than the other, that could be a retinal detachment, and go see your eye doc asap.
hope your feeling better!
i’ve had a bird poop on my leg, too. i hope its good luck!


Pedro’s is closing down (the one in San Juan)!!! Sad day :(

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