What do normal people do on Saturdays?

Good morning Utah…….

Photo 6

Last night Billy and I were hanging out at my parents and we accidently fell asleep on the floor in front of the tv in the basement.  I didn’t wake up once until 10 a.m.  We opened up the downstairs door and look what we saw.

Either my mom was already running around in the backyard because she had to make her annual snow angels or we had deer prancing around out there.  They jump that little fence all of the time.

I didn’t head out for my run until after noon.

You guess why:

1.  I am trying to get used to running later on in the day because of my upcoming Las Vegas 1/2 marathon start time is 4:30 pm or

2.  I am lazy and thought that organizing my candy/snack drawer was a better way to spend my morming.

IMG 0768

I had an incredible running partner to brave the running in the freezing temps.  Our twinner Mizuno tops kept us incredibly warm and I even got hot at one point.

We went a completely different direction than usual and ended up on this awesome deserted road where all of the snow had melted.

Photo 5

I did about 12.5 miles at an 8:10 average pace.

Billy and I made an agreement for tonight:  He takes me to H&M (brand NEW, Utah has never had one before) and I will watch a football game with him afterwards and attempt to stay awake the entire time.  I was also talked into making him nachos with lots of jalepenos and he has to go out and buy me ice cream (okay, I haven’t told him about the ice cream part and so lets see if he reads this:)


Did you have a long-run or race today?

Do you have an H&M near you, do you like H&M?

-Love and obsessed.  I am looking for scarfs and boot socks today.

Did it snow where you are?

Finish the sentence:

Saturday’s are for ___________!


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ahhh that picture of the snow is so pretty! i haven’t been in the snow, like at all, so it always makes me really excited :)


COME VISIT ME….we can go running in the snow together and build a snow man:) Have a great day Haley!


Last 20 miler before my marathon!! Bring on the taper!! I do have an H&M nearby but I never go, the line is always like an hour long! It doesn’t *ever* snow where I live (AZ). And Saturdays are for running, egg and cheese bagel sandwiches, sitting on the couch, and watching movies :)


WAHOO!!! Your bagel sandwich sounds incredible. Will you please let me know how your marathon goes?!?! CONGRATS on the 20 miler!


Holy, snow! Vancouver is JUST starting to get snow now. It’s funny because I will drive half way up one of the main streets near my house and there is ZERO snow, but then the other half will have TONS. Puts me into Christmas mode, that’s for sure!

1. I have several h&ms close to me! I don’t mind it – often times I really have to search for things that I will wear over and over again, but other times I find things right away! I like/love it, but don’t hate it!

2. yes-ish

Saturdays are forrrrrr… Sleeping in! Soon I will be working on Saturdays though, I’m sure, and I haven’t been able to run yet today :( We have company over & I don’t think they’d appreciate me thumping around like a sweaty mess in their presence.


I love H&M!


Nachos are great..I make them in Tostito Scoops..perfect for filling…..do you have him surprise you with ice cream flavors?

Love the sleepovers at your parents house and running a race in the afternoon of any kind takes power.

Saturdays are for Lifetime and the Hallmark channel followed by meeting new friends in the grocery store. Last week I asked a grandmother behind me if the chocolate twizzlers she was buying were any good..a minute later she opened the bag and offered me some.


What a cool grandma! I love that she gave you some in the store. :) So…how were they?! Always wondered about chocolate covered licorice. ;)

Saturdays are for long solo runs and big breakfasts…although today involved neither for me! More of a rest day and a grazing day eating-wise. I actually just made nachos for my husband! Loaded up with goodness – that’s a fun Saturday thing to eat. :D


Was it good? That is so nice! I love the hallmark movies! No…usually I give him a very specific detailed list of what ice cream I want:) hope you are having an amazing day!


They weren’t dipped or covered, but flavored Hersheys chocolate! Tasted like hot chocolate. Were actually not bad at all, but wouldn’t crave them :)


I ran my first 5K race today!!!! It was so much fun, and now I can’t wait to run another!! I had to share this with you and your readers. I’ll be posting a recap later on. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Ahhhhhh congrats! That is so do exciting and I can’t wait for the recap!!! Racing is addicting ha!!


I’d totally go with #1 It’s definitely reasonable to have to “train” your body for a late starting race ;)
Saturday’s are for….picking up your bib for your race tomorrow! woohoo :)


GOOOOOOOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! You are going to rock it!


Beautiful photo of the snow, but I’m not going to lie, AZ is feelin’ REALLY good right now with the low 70’s temps. ;) We barely beat the storm I guess! I’m impressed with your long run in the freezing temps. Running in the cold is something I still haven’t adjusted to yet. I LOVE H&M too! They’re all over California (where I went to college), so I’m stoked to hear they have one out here now too. Saturdays are for: longer workouts, productivity, and FUN! Although, today I made my rest day because we got in at 2 AM this morning PLUS I just want to hang out with my family.


Ahhh that looks so cold! I did 10 miles this morning and it was freezing! and it was like 44! haha


44 is still pretty cold!!! Great run wahoo!


That picture of the road with the mountains in the background is absolutely gorgeous!


Chels come here and run with me:)


I would loooove to! Except you would smoke me hardcore.


I ran 10 miles averaging 7:44!!!! What is going on with me?!? I havemy first ever race tomorrow, just a 4 miler and im hoping to be fast again! But its hilly Central Park so we’ll see :)

H&M has great accessories but can never find clthes i like.. Nyc is covered in h&m’s tho! I prefer even cheaper forever 21!


AHHH WAHOO!! Congrats on your killer fast run! I can’t wait to see how you smoke your race tomorrow!


Beautiful! Oh sleeping in until 10 am sounds lovely.


Oh I love running on the weekends- but you are so brave to do it in the cold temps! I wore pants today on my run and it was 60…I immediately regretted it as soon as I took 5 steps. Going to shoot for 10 tomorrow- which I think it my favorite distance- what is yours?
PS- you are so lucky to live so close to family! I am really looking forward to next week when I can see them :-)
PPS- H&M is the B.E.S.T.- they need to come to Charleston pronto- or just get with the program and at least have an online store :)


WAHOOOOO good luck on your ten miler tomorrow! I would have to say anything around 10 is mine too! I hope you have an amazing time with your family next week!


Hey that’s my dream top for this winter!!!! How is it? Does it keep you super super warm and cozy?


OH BRITT!! You have to get it. I am officially obsessed. I never had to adjust it, it was so comfy and kept me ridiculously warm. Plus, it will look great on you!


I had a relaxing Saturday….sat in ACE certification review class allll day. Came home and made some healthy lo-mein, my own style, for Tappan and me….and now it’s time to sit in bed and relax!! Thinking about catching up on some reading or blogging, we shall see!! Congrats on a speedy nice long run, can’t wait to do long runs again, this resting after the marathon last week is killlling me!


aren’t those mizuno tops great? we carry them at the (running) store, and they sell out like hotcakes every year. glad you like yours!
no snow here – whew!
we have an h&m at our biggest mall, here – LOVE IT!!! they’ve been here a couple years and i have lucked out with a few great finds! happy shopping!


They really are the best tops ever!


So pretty!!! I love the snow, but am still enjoying fall down here in Texas! Saturdays are for adventures and/or getting the husband to do everything around the house that I can’t do myself! Like H&M, but I go to Forever21 more often. Congrats on the new arrival! haha.


saturdays are for CLEANING! i don’t normally do this, but I had the urge today and took advantage of it! my bathroom is sparkling now!

on the downside, that made me tired so i ended it with a cookie. which is making me not want to run today… ah well


love the winter running gear and deer hoof prints in snow :) – maybe they were reindeer :D

my long run is tomorrow so for me, unfortunately “Saturdays are for working” :(

I do like H&M and have 2 near me!


That picture almost looks fake- it’s so pretty!
I love that you & your sister match- too cute :)
Enjoy your night with the Billster- hope you get your ice cream..maybe you can even convince him to get Red Velvet flavored!


Saturday morning are for running, the afternoons are for relaxing and doing fun stuff!
It hasn’t snowed here yet, I’m sure that it won’t for a while yet.
H&M is probably my favorite store, but now there isn’t one near me. Such a bummer!


Wow, I’m glad I’m not in Utah right now! I think snow is pretty, but I just like to look at it … not be in it! ;)

Saturdays are for …………. about a million different things depending on the week! Running, cleaning, errands, college football, date nights … it really varies. Tonight we had a date night and it was the best! I had chicken and waffles for dinner, followed by chocolate cake! My husband is always amazed by my sweet tooth! ;)


Saturdays are for…sleeping in (sometimes), fancy breakfasts, morning tea, longer workouts, catching up on DVR, and in today’s case…A BREW TOUR! So fun!

So happy that we don’t have snow here yet. Got to get in around 7 miles this morning at a pretty fast pace.


I finished up a 10 miler today and it felt fantastic, but I do miss running longer distances. I’m hoping the half marathon in LV won’t be too much for this preggo.

I LOVE H&M! We have a regular one and an outlet one too, so stuff is even cheaper there.


Apparently Saturdays are for ME!! http://lindsayslist.co/2011/11/national-holiday/


Lovee H&M! Their scarfs are so cute :D


How was the H&M? Was it total madness? Also, I found those boots your sister has online in brown! I might have to order them :)

I LOVED the winter wonderland we woke up to today, perfect for the husband making me coffee in bed haha.

Usually I love to go out and run, but this Saturday was for napping and it was glorious.


It was absolutely CRAZY!! We should go together when it cools down! Hope you got a great nap in yesterday!


Yes please!! Once they get the spring stuff in, all the fall and winter goodies will be on sale, win!!


Ahh sooo pretty!!! I love the snow.
I had a short run today. I did about 4 miles and walked a mile.
I’m obsesseddddd with H & M! When I went to New York a couple years ago, I went crazy in there! Such cute stuff.
Unfortunately, we are no where near snow in South FL and will never be ! haha.
Saturday’s are for running and grocery shopping!


No long run for me, yours sounds awesome with fresh snow to look at! I like H&M for reasonably priced trendy clothes, but I don’t live near one. In Chennai we have an OVS which is a European store the kind of reminds me of H&M. No snow here, but my parents got a foot of snow a few weeks ago. I love snow! Saturdays are for long runs then eating lots of treats while watching college football. :-)


SATURDAYS ARE FOR RUNNING! and shopping! I love H&M too, we actually have two in our mall here haha, maybe we should give the extra one to you guys! I can’t believe it snowed out there….is that normal for november?!? it’s like 55 and sunny here today….although I do love running in the snow. And I love those mizuno tops! I need to get one now that I can run again!!


Tell me more about this Mizuno top. I’m intrigued since you said it kept you super de duper warm.


HEY NICOLE!! Okay, we have the Mizuno thermal plus and it is amazing. It is breath thermo which means that it absorbs moisture from the body to generate heat! It is incredible! Let me know if you get one!


Sounds like you had a really great productive day! Bring on the nachos!
I ran a Turkey Trot this morning as part of my run. It was great and I won a pumpkin pie. Of course there were probably 50 people there so the odds were good.
I have a 22 miler on Monday and a 10 miler on Tuesday. Hoping they both go well.
I really wish I was going to Vegas with all you cool people. It will be so much fun!
I like your top. I have a Nike one that’s fleece lined and pretty warm. And yes, it snowed here too. Good thing it melted off the streets though!


aaah so jealous of your snow-no it wont snow in texas until some random day in february and then the city will freak out and shut down

Saturdays are for running and (today) christmas decoration

we just got an H&M a couple months ago and I love it. there are cute things and lots of outfit basics for good deals


Seriously I’ve had a great day until I saw the snow pics and thought of home. I miss the beautiful snowy mornings in Utah.

I think you are too dang funny for 1. falling asleep on your mom’s floor and staying put until 10 a.m. (what are you??) and 2. organizing your candy drawer.

We have an H&M here and I never make the trip out, it’s in Scottsdale, only about 30 minutes away.

Where is your H & M?? What city?



HEY YOU! I am sorry to make you home sick:( Come up and visit. The H&M is in Murray! It was so packed though…I can’t wait for it to calm down!


i think that picture with the snow is beautiful, but scroll down two ticks and the pic of u and gorgeous sis all suited up for freezingness is why i am so glad i live in CA!!! haha…i’m such a weenie! :)

good luck in coercing billy for ice cream…something tells me u’ll win out. :)


I had a long run today. It was awful. I was supposed to do 20, but ended up doing 15 miles at a 9:10 pace. My legs were cramping horribly after mile 5 and I got a MEGA blister on my 4th toe. It is literally the size of my entire toe. It hurt so much to walk on, I made Keith, my boyfriend pop it and clean it up for me.

I don’t have an H&M near me that I know of? I should do some research…

It didn’t snow here and I doubt it will. Living in Tucson, AZ sort of guarantees that won’t happen!! :)

Saturday’s are for long runs and cuddling— and writing papers and reading for my doctoral program!


I think I am going to have to come down to AZ to live, I am already sick of being cold. Hope you got a lot of working on your DOCTORAL PROGRAM (you are my hero) yesterday!


Oh my gosh it snowed!!! :)
I love your blog, hope you have time to check mine out too!


Way to go on your speedy 12.5 miles girl! I did 4…I can’t believe that what I once considered a ‘long run’ is now a quickie! Saturdays are for catching up on my social life!!


okay, I haven’t been to an H&M since I was in Germany, and had to google it when I came back to the states to see if there were any over here. Unfortunately, Missouri (at least the southwest area) is too behind in times to have an H&M… heck, there are some people who still use DIAL-UP for their internet…

I’ll be attempting to run for the first time in TWO WEEKS tomorrow! I’m a little nervous!!!

It doesn’t normally snow in Missouri… it just ices… but SSHHHHHH don’t tell anyone! I may be moving BACK to Colorado within the next year!!! (don’t tell because it’s not for sure yet, and I’m super nervous and scared, and looking for a rental place or a place to buy… and I don’t want anyone to know until it’s for sure for sure… I’m going to look at places when I go back there for Christmas) And Wolf Creek (about 30ish miles from where I grew up) has the most snow in the nation so far!

And Saturdays are for sleeping in and, unfortunately, for working.


I went to Fashion Place today…H&M was crazy!


SERIOUSLY….the place was packed, I couldn’t believe it!


It’s supposed to be 80* on Sunday = no snow for a LONG time (hopefully!) It’s kind of hard to think about Christmas lights (which Im working on my getting my husband to put up) when its so warm!! BUT I LOVE IT!!

Working tonight….so I slept all day!


beautiful morning for a run..once it melted a bit. First time i have seen your blog-but the title alone (counting runners) alone will make me come back! (from ftlob)


I love H & M, to me it is the most amazing shop, things are pretty cheap and seem to last for ages. Its amazing. Oh and Saturdays are for being lazy and then feeling guilty about it so sneaking in some late night push ups, sit ups and squats.


I had a 8 mile run this morning. I was all ready to hit the road when it started raining, so I moved it inside on the treadmill and watched E! and rocked out to FitRadio.

H&M is amazing. When I studied abroad, my luggage got lost for the first week I was there and I went nuts at H&M. That was my first experience, clearly a good one. No H&M here, but I always hit it up when I go to the states.

No snow in Cape Town. My husband never even saw snow until he came to America. I am taking him skiing for the first time over New Years….we will see how that goes.


I ran my last 5k of the season yesterday! Thank goodness it did not snow in Michigan!

We have H&Ms in the area (not necessarily what I would call close) but I’ve never been.

Around here, Saturdays are for soccer. My daughter plays travel soccer and most of our weekends are spent on the field.


Snow already! We had our first snow in October (Connecticut), and I’m crossing my fingers that it holds off a little longer before another storm. I have a question for you though, do you run in the snow and do you worry about falling? I get super-nervous if it looks slippery out because of my knee (surgically repaired acl that I am always worried about!). Also, do you wear your normal sneakers in slippery conditions, or are there special running shoes for that? P.S. Love you and your sister’s special running tops! It’s so cute that you match!


HEY YOU!! I do get worried about slipping and so if the paths/sidewalks aren’t clear I stick to the treadmill unless it is super light outside and I can see EVERYTHING. I would be super nervous to after all you have been through with your KNEE….ouch! I think there are special snow running shoes but I don’t have any! Hope you are having a great Sunday Gina!


SNOWWW oh my goshh its officially winter (not a fan:(! ) but um LOVEEE H&M such cute clothes for reasonable prices!
Saturdays are for getting my sweat onnnn!


Wow, snow!!! Beautiful!!! Its hot where I am (Florida) so I cannot even fathom running in snowy cold weather. I give you guys props for getting out there!!

And yes, Saturday mornings are synonymous with long runs, big breakfasts and chilling out the rest of the day!!


Happy Saturday!!!
I wanted to do a long run yesterday but opted for one mile outside 3 on the tread, and 2 miles of walking uphill instead! I did my last two miles at a 6:58 which is amazingly fast for me!!!!
We just got an H&M in Denver too!! but I havent gone yet.. too crazy!
It snowed here a few weeks ago and its snowing in the mountains!! I cant wait tomorrow we are oings skiing for the first time this season! yay!!
Saturdays are for yoga or running or both… consulting… COLLEGE GAME DAY!!!! and yesterday it was spent cooking/baking all day for friendsgiving!!!!


Just looking at the snow makes me sad. I do love the Mizuno stuff with Breath Thermo. I have some pants and gloves and they keep me toasty when it gets below 60.
Saturdays are for long runs.


Wow–I am NOT a lover of snow, but that looks beautiful! And the run sounds fantastic.

Saturdays are NOW for running! Yahoo!


1. Yesterday (Saturday) was my longest run EVER – a 50 mile race, that turned out to be a 55+ mile race (what a fun surprise at mile 47!)

2. I find H&M very hit or miss, sometimes I find amazing stuff I love, sometimes not so much. Hope it’s a hit for you!

3. No snow here, just went on a walk and it was almost 60 degrees, even though the sun already went down!

Saturdays are for long runs and hanging out with friends! Great job on your run, you and your sis are so cute in your matching tops!


Sundays are for waking up before 5am to get the long run in. No H& M close by. And no snow either. I ran a race today (Sunday) and it was 70 at the start!!


It didn’t snow here, thank goodness, since I ran the Philly half.

We have an H&M about 40 minutes from here. Up until recently, Mike was the rep for his company that provided lighting to all of the H&M stores. So fancy. lol


Beautiful picture of the snow!
I love H&M! I have one close by and I just have to resist even going there sometimes or I will spend too much!
Luvv, Leigh B


The snow looks beautiful. It only snows here maybe once a year if we are lucky and it usually is only an inch or two with thick ice underneath. The entire city shuts down. I love H&M! We finally got one last year. Our Saturday was spent running errands followed by watching college football that evening. You & your sis are too cute in matching running gear.


Ive never been to H&M. I dont think AZ has one?


I would kill to run on that road…looks so peaceful & serene. A great reminder of why I love running :)


Hey! Would you mind if I share your blog with my facebook group?

There’s a lot of folks that I think would really appreciate your content.

Please let me know. Thanks

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