My treadmill run this morning was a little tough.  Not because I am sore or tired or because of my newly missing toenail but because I didn’t have 2 million spectators cheering me on and the best views all around me.  All I had was that brick wall and outlet box on my side….way less entertaining than my running partner was.

Let’s just say I got a little bored and was wondering where in the world all of my new NYC best friends were?!?!

Photo on 11 9 11 at 7 27 AM

Better believe I wore my Roxy shirt circa 1999.

I ended up doing 6 miles in about 56 minutes. Gotta be smart on this one…..even though I wanted to go faster, I just can’t let myself….this week and next week are all about recovery.


Speaking of Recovery……I was reading an article in Running Times today (Nov. 2011 issue) called, Long-Run Day Double and the question they were asking was:  ‘Can running twice on your long-run days speed recovery?’

I found this article really interesting because usually after my long run I am on my couch and watching 10 hours of Netflix or falling asleep at the dinner table.

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This article was talking about how some athletes actually go for a shake-out slow jog for about 20 minutes the night of a 18-24 mile morning long-run.  They said that by doing this you can speed up your recovery because the slow jog gets your blood moving which in turn delivers nutrients to your muscles and gets rid of waste products at the same time.  Some athletes/coaches truly believe that the JOG after the long run will really help to make your next run and the workouts after your long-run feel a lot better because you have recovered quickly.

Their rule for Long-Run Day Double:  GO SLOW….don’t even think about pace or piling on the miles, you are just out there to loosen up your body and as soon as you are finished you need to return back to ‘your recovery program of resting, smart nutrition and rehydrating.’

****The article did note that runners that are RECOVERING from injury, get easily injured, new runners or young runners should not try this.

Greg McMillan (author of the article) said, “The long-run day double is clearly not the usual practice for long runs.  But if you’re looking for ideas to take your running to a new level, this may be the one to try.”

I mean I LOVE running but do I love it that much to get out again after a long run?!?! I guess it just depends on your body and how far you want to go with your running goals.


On a random note…..

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My niece has yet to change (while at home) out of her princess costume that she got for her birthday.  I have never seen a human being curtsey as much as she has in the last two weeks.


Do you ever run doubles?  What about after a long-run?  Do you think you will ever try this?

-I think for now after a long run I may try going on an evening walk but until I have built my mileage back up, I will be sticking to one run that day.

What was your favorite Disney princess growing up?

-Ariel…..she still is.

What race that you have run had the best crowds and spectators?

-New York!

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I LOVE running doubles, but oh man, I can’t imagine trying to drag my butt off the couch for another run after a long run in the morning! That just wouldn’t happen for me! :P

I ran a big London race and the crowd support was AMAZING! The giant bag of gummy bears in the goody bag was even better though ;)


My cousin, who runs marathons, suggested to me that going on a long walk would be helpful to loosen up my legs, but I am very injury prone so I think a run might be too much for me! Granted i’m also not running 18-24 miles… my long runs are just up to 9 right now!


“Just 9” Um 9 is amazing and totally qualifies as “long” in my book!


I don’t know if I would ever run/jog twice, but I do think that walking and getting the blood flowing helps SO much later in the day, the hardest part is getting up…

I can’t get over your niece, she and my two nieces would be BFFs! So much princessness and fun! Belle was my fave… I used to get dressed up and dance/sing along with the opening song. Amazing.

Um… I usually run past a cemetary, not the funnest spectators haha. I did LOVE doing a 5K for the hospital I work for because a number of coworkers were volunteers so as they saw me coming across the finish they were yelling my name :)


I’ll run doubles only if I don’t have time to get all my mileage in during the first round…and i avoid it if possible because I’m usually too lazy to get back out there AGAIN!

I always loved Jasmine…not sure why. I think it’s cause I thought the genie was so funny in Aladdin :)


I loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast! She’s so classic. :)


Heck, you are lucky to get me to run singles. But I will answer the question you didn’t ask….Do I think YOU will end up trying this? Yes, because you’re obsessed, and you’re ‘the man’! The whole notion behind the extra run kinda makes sense. (I’m definitely not qualified to say that.)

I would love to give your niece a squeeze/hug. In a non-creepy way.


I’ve only run a double once, and that was last year. since then I’ve had a hard enough time just running one time a day =( I would love. love. love. to get to the point where I could run doubles… but I think I just need to work my way back up to long runs first. Kinda makes me want to cry thinking about it.

I’m not going to lie, I don’t remember what Disney princess was my favorite… we weren’t allowed to watch Disney for a while (because it was of the Devil)… But I’m going to guess either Ariel or Belle (Belle because I love Beauty and the Beast now, and Ariel because my mom has a home video of when I was little singing one of the Little Mermaid songs).


Ive read a lot of articles lately talking about this theory. Not sure how I feel about it yet. If I had a princess costume, I would probably wear it every day too.


Ariel all the way! My post-long-run activities typically include compression socks and a couch.. not sure I would be able to tackle a shake-out run at the end of the day..


I am obsessed with Disney so I love your question today!!!! Cinderella for sure! I always had a dream of being her one day!!

Columbus has a really good crowd. The whole time I was running their were people lining the street and cheering! A couple people back in some places as well. If your ever on the North East side of the country in October I would suggest it!


I double occasionally but not on long run days. I read that article too. It was quite interesting…not sure I could muster the energy after a 20 miler!


I can see why the 20 minutes run would be beneficial but my body probably wouldn’t listen to that because I am a laze laze after long runs….plus that means I would make a another sports bra and running outfit dirty and have to do more laundry!


Very glad that you will WALK post-long run. I totally agree with getting the blood flowing. When I went to the doc for my tendonitis, she told me to not run but don’t stop moving and also mentioned blood flow would heal the injury.

Ariel is totes my favorite. I was even a mermaid this year for Halloween. I mean, what little girl did not do the dramatic wet hair flip when in a pool after seeing that movie?

I have yet to run a really huge race. After reading about SR and yours experiences though, I really want to run NY!


I don’t do tw0-a-days as far as running goes. I am so injury prone, it wouldn’t be good. Best crowds would have to be at the Disney marathon. We even got to see all of the characters and take pictures.


Jenn from Running Sane shared this article with us too. I think I might try it out this time around as I try to increase my mileage a bit. I’m getting a treadmill so I’ll have more opportunities to run…just ahve to remember to increase mileage gradually! ;)


I don’t do the shake out run after a long run but I do keep moving that evening with a hike with the dog or a short bike ride. I absolutely believe this helps decrease my soreness and speed recovery.


In college, did my structured running sched in the early am and then after studying I would hit the gym for a 9pm fun run to people watch..great outlet.

Favorite Disney gal was Bell.


It’s usually my son who I can’t get out of costumes, but Dagny has been in love with her Queen Amidala costume from Halloween. She’s irritated I’m out of white face paint.

ps you need to enter my giveaway. Since I only have 5 followers your odds are like 80%- but I’m not that good at math.


I learned a few months ago that my legs feel so much better after a short ride after a long run, basically the same thing they’re saying. I have done it and it really works for me!


I want to steal your neice. Just sayin…

I’ve never tried a double. I do know that my legs were itching to get moving after taking Sun, Mon, and Tues off. I did 30 minutes of athletic training and it was awesome. Going for my first post marathon run tomorrow with my son – he signed us up for a 5 k. I can’t wait to try my new shoes.


As hard as it is to get back out after a long run, when I’ve do it I definitely feel better the next day. Although, I think walking a lot can also do the trick (especially since the second run is at almost walk pace anyway).
My fave disney princess growing up was probably Cinderella.
The best crowd support in a race was when I did the NYC half marathon. I think it’s pretty tough for any place to beat the crowd support of the biggest city in the country.


I have never done a long run double but I have run 10 miles split up into three runs through out the day. My legs felt better each time I went out


I want to dress up and play princess with your niece! She is absolutely adorable. My favorite princess was Belle, without a doubt. I think the idea of long runs and then a shake out one is interesting, but really only for people really trying to push through to the next level. I’m too lazy to head back out after a 20 mile run!


Ouch! Somewhere I missed that you lost a toe nail! as for training and running, well……….. I’m not much of a runner, at all. So I wouldn’t know what works better training wise, but that doesn’t mean I don’t complete enjoy your hilarious blog and non washing hair ways:)


I actually think I read something similar recently about about long run recovery, except it was more about the day after a long run. It was talking about how most people take a rest day the day after their long run. But that your body is actually more beat up 2 days after the long run, so you should hold your rest day until 2 days after. Now I wish I remembered where I read that…


your niece is adorable! oh, to have those curls!!
and old tshirts are the best – nothing more comfy. i can never get rid of my old faves!
i totally believe in going for a walk after a long or intense earlier-in-the-day workout. less impact yet still gets the blood flowing to the muscles.
boston crowds!!! i now must run nyc so i can compare!
happy recovery week!


I like to swim for 30-45 minutes or pool run the afternoon after a morning long run. I feel much better the next day as a result. I’m not sure my joints would appreciate more running, though. In the water, it is much easier to keep it low impact so maybe try that.


I have run doubles, but no on long run days. If my plan said to do 4, I would do 3 in the morning and 2 in the evening. It was a way to increase mileage.
And I do follow McMillan for pacing. His website has a pace calculator that you put in a recent race time and it tells what paces to run on other days. We will see if it worked on Sunday!
I didn’t have a favorite princess I don’t think.
Favorite race for spectators might have to be Vegas. Or Nashville.

The Kidless Kronicles


That’s a really cool concept. I can dig it…. Someday, when I actually do a long run, maybe I’ll try it. :)

Oh and Belle, all the way…. Still my role model.


i still cannot get over how AMAZINGGG you did in NY
um again you niece is the CUTEST EVER i love love love her hair
and this is an awesome post! i never heard of dong that long run double but that honestly is something i totally think i want to look into…if not running than like you said a fast walk just to move my legs more shake em outtt!


That’s really interesting… i’ve never heard of doing such a crazy thing! lol… if I run 20 miles, I’m down for the count the rest of the day lol. no way do I have enough energy for a 20 minute “jog” later that day haha… interesting. I’d love to hear opinions from people who actually have done this before!


my husband is a huge fan of this. He says it makes you stronger, but the key is to GO SLOW which can be super hard. right?


Back in my early twenties when I was running more miles then ever, I would always do two runs every Monday. I never did do a long run plus another run. I would just run an eight miler in the morning and then another three miler at night. It got to the point that if I did not run two times that day, I would start to feel guilty…a little too much. I think one time a day for running is enough.


since I am new to running I am just learning about all of this running stuff from yall :) I am looking forward to running tomorrow and am gonna check out this running store in Pensacola this weekend :) I think they will know about some 5K races since that is where I need to start :) and I am sure they will have millions of things I wanna buy lol.

Your niece is a doll! I remember when my daughter Aislinn would wear princess dressed wherever we went! So cute!

I think I will have to go with Cinderella as my favorite princess. I dig the blue dress and the glass slippers!


So um, you need to own this.
Because it was made for you, basically.


The first run after a big race is always the hardest.

I use to run doubles constantly not because of recovery, but because I never wanted to miss a chance to run with someone and I had friends who wanted to run in the morning and evening. When I was doing that, I never felt better!

Mulan is my fav!

Chicago was my biggest, and it was overhwelming to this small town girl!


always. always. always. Mostly because if I don’t, I cramp up like a mug. It feels like satan is clawing my legs, but after, I feel much better.

I loved Belle because she wore yellow.



I run doubles during shorter training days occasionally. On long run days I get on the elliptical for 15-20 minutes about 12 hours after the long run. I must say I do think it helps me recover faster. It might have something to do with the chocolate milk and compression socks but I think it’s the combo ;)

I don’t think I have ever had a favorite disney princess – but I like Mulan if that counts haha. I was totally into Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson while I was growing up.

Crowds and spectators were excellent at both the Marine Corps Marathon, Cherry Blossom 10-miler and Augusta 70.3! I love DC runs and Ironman events! Have you thought anymore about IMKY 2012?


I jus wanna say that you are so stinkin pretty. And your niece too! :)


I always have a hard run after a race, but it’s always so nice to get out there.

Belle was my favorite Disney princess up until recent. Now it’s a toss up between Belle and Rupunzel.

Love good crowds during races. SLC marathon holds a special place in my heart as it was my first and 3rd marathons. I thought the crowds were fantastic!


I found that article really interesting as well. I typically don’t run again after a really long run, but I will go out for a 30 minute bike ride to get the legs moving again. I find that it makes me feel less tight the next day.

Doubles are a great way to increase mileage. At the very beginning of upping the miles, I would cross train as my second workout. Then I slowly replaced the cross training with running. At peak mileage (85), I usually do 4 doubles a week. They definitely should not replace long runs or even medium-long runs, though!


Hey Andrea! Thank you so much for your advice. I really look up to you and all of your accomplishments. I can’t wait to hear all about how you rock Philly! I would love to go for ice cream or something sometime with you and pick your brains about running:)


Rather than run again, I find that a bike ride feels great after a long run. Same idea (getting the blood moving, muscles loosened up), but no impact and no temptation to be speedy!

I just got my first black toenail…ew!


Ariel was my favorite too, and The Little Mermaid is still my FAVORITE movie! : )


Hey Janae – there is actually some very interesting science to back up the afternoon “shake out” after a long run. I do it religiously, and it really helps me recover quickly and bounce back for hard workouts. But it is definitely not something most people should be doing until they are running very consistent mileage. Andrea posted above, but she will typically bike along w/ me while I do my shorter runs after a long run. I keep the pace slow and easy, and don’t even wear a watch most of the time.

In addition to getting the kinks out, the blood flow enhances recovery, and at the science-nerd genetic / DNA level, changes are taking place. I was talking recently w/ a scientist at the Univ of Utah who studies this stuff. I told him about my anecdotal evidence that this training strategy works, and he explained the science of it to me. Once you get to the point where you can do these extra sessions, your “set point” for recovery will continually increase (ie. you’ll continually recover quicker and quicker).

So like I said, for most runners this might be pushing the envelope a little too much, but once you get into the habit of getting 30 minutes of cross training later in the day after a long run or hard workout, you will notice the benefits and start bouncing back A LOT quicker! It really works! (but takes some commitment, of course! :-)


WOW! Jake, thank you so much for your information. You and Andrea are my running idols and I love hearing the details of your training and what works for you. That is so cool that there are actual changes taking place in the DNA level…WOW! Philly is almost here! You two are going to rock it!


Well I hope I am not messing up the science behind it too much… its not like your DNA is mutating… but instead your genetic “response” to the exercise changes. After a harder session of exercise, your body increases the levels of hormones/enzymes/whatever else that help you recover. Those things stay in your blood for a while, then taper off. Then when you exercise again, the levels jump again, then taper off. Repeat and repeat and repeat hundreds of times, and the “set point” of all those good recovery things that are affecting your cells goes up (your “baseline” for recovery increases).

So its one of those things that might make you a bit more tired at first… but if you can stick with it, eventually your recovery process will be a lot faster than you can imagine.


oo ariel is my fav too! she has the best sidekicks too out of any of the princesses. Sebastian and Flounder? marvelous.


oh, ariel was mine too!

i read the exact same article and it sort of made me raise a brow. i can see where he is coming from, i think, but in the the majority of people/athletes/coaches i’ve talked to or heard from they usually stick a fork in it after their long run day. especially if they are in marathon training mode and either 1) that was already a nearing marathon distance LR or 2) they used a portion of the LR as a hard workout and they really put their body thru the wringer.

i’m usually a mileage lover, but i have to say that i’m with u…maybe a walk after the LR…there are a lot of other ways to speed recovery. (nutrition, ice, elevate, veg-out..hehe)


I think I will stick to my long run afternoon coma, it’s workin for me. ;-)


I definitely do the long-run double days!! Now granted, I’ve only ever raced 13.1, so my longest long run has only ever been 13 miles…but going out for a really slow, easy 15-20 mins (I usually run on grass…unless its winter/snowy and then I just hit the roads) actually is a HUGE help in loosening up my muscles. I wake up a lot less stiff the next day!! I really don’t know how I’d fare doing this after a 20+ miler though…In any case I won’t be running anywhere near that long for quite awhile haha.

And umm I’m super jealous of that princess dress. I kind of want one for myself! My favorite was Pocahontas cuz she broke all the rules! :-P


I’ve run doubles before, but not very often. I’m usually pretty unmotivated after a long run to get up and do it again.

Favorite disney princess: jasmine


ARIEL’S MY FAVE TOOOOO. Cinderella is too prissy poo for me


No doubles here. Once or twice I split my long run in to two because I ran out of time for the miles I wanted to run in the morning. So I have completed the miles later in the day. Not ideal, I know. I tend to walk the dog at night, but that’s most nights so I don’t think it counts as anything special after a long run.

Question for you – any highly recommended restaurants near the Downtown Courtyard in SLC? Hubs will be there for a conference soon.


HEY YOU!!! Okay, that is so exciting about your hubs coming to SLC. Our favorite place is the Blue Iguana….SO SO SO GOOD!


I have NEVER done doubles and I didn’t know they helped. I thought it was for getting more miles in.. As a kid I didn’t have a favorite princess. I watched transformers.. HAHA!!!!


I love running and all but I don’t think I could mentally handle two runs a day! I see the logic behind it though and I like the idea of a walk though! Can you believe I’ve never seen Little Mermaid- a deprived childhood clearly!


Very interesting. I was just reading about this too. Helen just did a 24 miler and ten another 3 that afternoon. I will have to see if she thinks she recovers faster:)


I’d rock that princess dress too if I was her! :D
I run twice in a day sometimes if I can’t fit in my run in one setting. Rarely ever though!
I love Ariel too, but I think I secretly wished I was Cinderella.


Sounds like a really interesting article!!
Your niece is adorable! I used to play dress up all the time…..I may or may have not even owned a cinderella dress! :D


I don’t tend to run twice a day, but I do frequently go for an evening walk after a run. I quite like the idea of it though. Maybe it’s a day by day intuitive decision, rather than something to aim for?
Thanks for sharing the article ~ food for thought :)


back when i was training for IMLP with QT2 Systems (, they had me break up my long runs into two sessions… i remember once i ran 90 minutes, then another 90 minutes no more than like 4 hours separating them. it was SO tough! since then i have never run twice in one day. no thanks! once and time to eat pizza and ice cream :)


I have done a few double runs, but never a run the same day as a long run!!

Chicago has great spectators however, I was feeling so awful that I couldn’t enjoy it. :-(


I don’t run doubles, but the science behind it is interesting. I have done long walks with my dog or with my daughter in the stroller after a long morning run, but that’s about it. I’m with you, I am usually on the couch reading/watching TV.

Favorite Princess: Ariel! I so want to do the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February. Trying to convince my husband that our three-year-old daughter will love watching mommy run in a tutu…

Best spectator race: I’ve only done races in NJ so for me it is the Spring Lake Five (it’s five miles). The Spring Lake Five is the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and everyone is just so excited for the start of summer, the race is at the beach, people are playing music from their homes, it’s just so fun!


Ariel is the best princess, hands down!


curtseying, huh? sounds like she’s workin’ on those squat muscles to me.


I actually read that article too. I’ve never done a long run double, but after reading that article I have to admit that I would consider it once just to see how it feels. However, I agree with you that after a long run I would rather sleep and eat the rest of the day. Best race I’ve done so far is Boston. Reading about your New York Marathon totally reminds me of Boston.

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