Free Money and One of Those Good Runs

It was 80 degrees yesterday.  I wanted to text this picture to my mom to make her jealous of me but decided to just post it on the blog instead so that the picture would be bigger and she would be even more jealous of the weather than if she just saw a small picture from a text.  Daughter of the year award goes to me.

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I had a nice little treadmill run Saturday morning (is 11 a.m. considered morning?) and did 10 miles @ 8:00.  It was a good run.  I have determined every three runs is great and today was that third run.  I think I was just daydreaming and planning out my life the entire time and not even paying attention to my run which made it fly by.

Came home for my thanksgiving extravaganza salad complete with gravy for the dressing.  Nothing new here, just me eating something random and probably really weird and kind of gross to most people.

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After eating and running some errands we made our way on over to go see a movie at the $2 theater.  We saw Contagion and I really liked it.  I was a public health major before I switched over to health education and love learning/watching things about infectious diseases/viruses etc.  Added Bonus:  Just a little thing called Matt Damon.

Miracles do happen:

There was a bin(ge) candy store next to the movie theater with every type of sour candy/chocolate covered everything that you can imagine and only $27 per lb;)

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After the movie we were hungry and ready to eat.  American Express was having a deal where if you spend $25 at a small business they will refund your money.

With 3 American Express cards between everybody we scored $75 worth of pizza and a salad from Selma’s.

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Why yes that pizza was injected with 5 inches of fluffy dough.

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And now I am pouting and wishing I didn’t have to go home today.  Time to get over it and just look forward to next weekend, VEGAS!  Only 3 more weeks until Christmas break!


Did anyone else participate in the American Express deal? What did you get?

What are you really looking forward to?

-Vegas this weekend!

Are you having a busy or relaxing day today?

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I didn’t know about the Amex deal?! I need to look into that. Relaxing is the name of the game….after church, of course. I am looking foward to Christmas! Can’t wait to see my kids faces that morning.


I bet that is one of the best things in the world to see! Enjoy your relaxing day with your family!


Yay! SO happy you are enjoying yourself!

I heard about that Amex deal but didn’t take advantage…I should have bought a pizza too! I am looking forward to Christmas break also! I cannot wait to have two weeks off :) Today is going to be a workout and then I’m going to spend the rest of the day prepping food/snacks for the whole week!

Enjoy your last day!!


Hope you had an awesome workout and I love prepping my food for the week on Sunday!


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you come back from Vegas a millionaire :)! I’m looking forward to this week as a few of my friends who I went to boarding school with are actually visiting Mumbai so yours truly is going to be playing tour guide :)!


That would be awesome ha! Girl, you are going to have so much fun! Can we come visit and you can be our tour guide!


If you came here, consider my home yours :)…way to get me excited!!


Ok…two questions:
What did you decide about your life on that run?
And can I come to Vegas? why are you going?


What to eat for lunch ha;) I am going for the las Vegas half marathon! You should come….it is going to be a good time!


Wow the pizza looks super fluffy! Yum. I participated in the amex deal too – spent my 25 on food as well – at a specialty store. I haven’t ran since Tuesday…I feel like today will be a killer run! OZff I go!
xoxo from Trinidad


Hope you are having an amazing rub right now! Good idea to spend the 25 at a specialty store!


I don’t have a credit card, but that’s really cool of Amex to sponsor a deal like that!


80 degrees? I am very jealous! I’m also jealous of $75 worth of pizza!

You guys are going to have such a great group in Vegas next week!


That is one sahweet deal! Jealous :)


That is a seriously good deal – I didn’t know about it! But I also don’t have an AmEx so I guess it wouldn’t make a difference either way, huh?
I’m looking forward to (maybe) having some snow in a couple of days. I get so excited for the first snow every year.
Nice relaxing day here – it’s pouring with rain so I’m in PJS with hot cocoa!


Pjs and hot chocolate is the best thing ever! I hope that rain turns into snow for you:)


That pizza looks so good!!! Also, I was wondering, how long did it take you to build up to the point where you could do long runs so often? I picked up running in August ( I realize this is very recent) but can only manage one long run (9-10 miles) a week or I get injured.


Girl you are doing incredible for already running so much! I have been running since I was 12 and doing long distance running for five years! Definitely takes time but you are already doing amazing! Ease into it slowly!


I think that salad actually looks good. Gravy as a dressing is genius! I’m looking forward to Florida this week for the Palm Beach half next weekend!


I am so excited for your Florida trip and can’t wait to read all about it!


Glad your run was so great! All of my runs this holiday weekend have been fantastic! I’m seriously addicted to my little treadmill corner in our basement of our new house. I am so excited too cuz I had a new pdr of miles this week-35! In 5 days too…for me that’s amazing. :)


Jessica!!!! Congrats on your pdr! You are incredible! Did you go to pump?


Nope, pretty much all I did was run on my treadmill this week, haha. I need to branch out more next week – do you want to go to pump one day?


Not this week cause I don’t want to be sore for Vegas but yes yes yes for the week after that one wahooooo!


Hey girl! sounds like you had a blast….awesome!
I’m excited to be in Miami for the Rock n Roll half…..and it’s even better now because I’m getting back from injury and can run like there is no tomorrow.


Donna! I am so so excited for your race and I completely understand how incredible it is to come back from an injury! You are going to rock it!


Woohoo, love the feeling of a run that just feels right. Nice run, speedy friend!!

And that pizza looks pretty fab with all those delicious toppings on it, just my style.


Oh man, I wish I had known about the American Express deal! Not too busy today, going to the Seahawks game in 40 degree weather. A bit jealous of your 80 degrees and the palm trees:)


Have do much fun at the game! We are driving back home to cold temps now…. I want to go back to the palm trees!


Hi Janae!!! That salad looks amazing, holy cow. I’ve been reading your blog for about half a year now and I probably haven’t missed one post which sounds a little creepy/obsessive but you’re so awesome! I have a two questions (which you probably won’t answer because you’re busy running/playing with your adorable family/eating yogurtland)
1- do your students read your blog??
2- I have a sister in college who is a huge triathlete/cyclist, do you think that compression socks would be a good gift?
!! Thank you!!
and I’m really looking forward to christmas break! this time of year is so great because everybody gets cheerful and happy!!


Hey Nina! Your comment absolutely made my day!!! Thank you so so much! I think one student found my blog but that is it! I try to keep it completely separate from work! Yes yes yes the compression socks are such a good idea for your sis! I love zensah’s compression socks the most! Have a great day and thanks again!


Love those good runs!! I’m having an errand day THEN relaxing. It’s what Sunday’s are for!! Have a good day :D


Oh girl! I hope you have the most relaxing day ever!


Sounds like a great time!!! :D Hope you have a fun day!


Does Spi Belt count as a small business? If so then yes, I helped! Today is a total slacker/couch potato day in our house. So happy we cleaned yesterday and I don’t have to physically move until I have to :-)


I wish I had been paying attention to all the “Small Business Saturday” news coverage! I knew it was AmEx specific but I had no idea there was free money out of it!


American Express is the only credit card i don’t have, of course!

I am looking forward to spending the day with John because I’ve been gone since Tuesday! Even though I ate 80 pounds of food at my parents all week, I have to make up for lost time in NYC… and shop ;)

It will be a mainly relaxing day! I wish I was going to Vegas to do at least the 1/2! My hometown Binghamton is having its 1st half marathon this May and I am going to sign up so it will be my first!! SIGN UP WITH ME!!! :)


Sounds so so nice in Cali and I made a salad exactly like yours for lunch yesterday. ha ha! I was laughing at how weird I was but now I know that my twinner Janae thinks just like me. :)

I hope we get to hangout in Vegas!! woo hoo!


I don’t have an American Express card, but deals like that make me tempted to get one… No! Bad Andrea! No more credit cards!

Thanks to the fact that I’ve had several good training runs in a row, after having dealt with IT band issues, I am SO looking forward to the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February! Of course, it helps that it’s a run through The Happiest Place on Earth!! ;)

Ran this morning, but now it’s time to play “catch up” and do those things I’ve been putting off all week – i.e., tackling the overflowing laundry basket!

You’ll have a blast in Vegas! Take lots of pictures – oh, wait! I don’t have to tell you that, do I? ;)


AHHH!!!! Vegas in a week!!!! SO SO SO SOOOO excited for you!!!


Yay for R & R Vegas! It’s going to be so crowded, though!


I had NO idea about the AMEX deal, that totally rocks! Way to go.

I want to see Contagion too….maybe it’ll be out on DVD soon?! Sounds like you had an awesome vacay!


I love your thanksgiving salad idea, it looks delicious! I had no idea about the american express deal- that is amazing and it looks like you made good use of it!


I had no idea about the American Expess deal! how cool is that. How do you know if a business was considered a ‘small business’ or not?


They have a list of places you can go!


I’m pretty sure if I saw Contagion I’d be paranoid that it would actually happen and never leave my house.

I’m excited about my work trip to Virginia all next week and then the Hot Chocolate 15k on Saturday in DC!


only 15 days of actually waking up and going to work! we can so do that! (i teach too!)….

jealous you are going to vegas! y’all will have a blast!! hope to see you & SR together again. make sure you go to ceasar’s palace & the venetian!!


Ahhhh thank you for reminding me we only have 15 days of work! Have a great day tomorrow at school!


Is that Sticky Fingers in Woodbridge? Best candy store ever! I grew up really close to there and it brings back great memories :)


Ahhhhh yes that is where we were! So so fun!


Have you been to Vegas before? Any suggestions about things to do? I’m going this week for the first time and don’t want to miss anything fun!


AHHH I am so excited that you are going to Vegas! WE LOVE VEGAS!! We haven’t been for a little while but we love going to the casino buffets, Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate, SHOPPING at H&M! Are you going to a show? We love just walking the strip too…we are easily entertained!

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