First up, today is my rest day.  Hallelujah!  As I am getting back into running I have been fearing the morning after (a run).  It is devastating if you wake up the next morning and something doesn’t feel right……I want to avoid that forever.  This morning I woke up, stood up and felt awesome.  Minus the fact that my buns are incredibly sore (muscle wise not injury wise).

My rules for rest days:

1.  Take less than 100 steps the entire day to allow my muscles time to rebuild themselves fully (Billy ends up giving me a picky back ride most places which forces him to take a rest day on Monday because of this).

2.  Rest my brain by watching mindless tv shows like The Big Bang Theory for hours.

3.  Refill every last glycogen store in my body with delicious, heavenly food.

Lunch today was from Billy’s stash.  Once upon a time he bought frozen breaded chicken breasts from Costco and I rolled my eyes thinking we were never going to eat them.  Well, looks like I was the one to open the bag and try them out first….they were AMAZING.  Loved the crispiness on the outside.

Please note that that is a full chicken breast……this will help you realize how truly huge my salads are when it kind of just looks like a chicken nugget on a normal persons salad.

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And for the the whole grains….pb toast with a glass of milk.

PS sorry I didn’t show an after picture of my hair yesterday I thought that you would just like my creepy, close up, wet hair look…basically, it is just a little darker and I dye it every now and then when my hair looks like it is completely frazzled and needs a little protein from the hair dye to liven it up.

Photo on 10 9 11 at 1 36 PM  2

My mom gave me my new favorite candy yesterday.  She bought them for herself and told me that she didn’t like them because they tasted like STARBURSTS (I promise she is normal).  They are delicious and I think I need to get my mom’s taste buds checked out!

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Can you overdose on these?

I am already craving Kazoozles for tonight after dinner (my bro sent my nephew a case of these after his accident) and I may end up paying close to $5 for one…..he knows I will pay whatever it takes for candy when I am all out of my own stash.

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What are your rules for REST DAYS?

What vitamins do you take everyday?

-Calcium (with Vit D), multi-vitamin, vitamin c and swedish fish (for my Omega-3’s).

What is your favorite starburst flavor?

-The pink ones!

What whole grains have you had today?  (I am always on the search for a variety!)

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So glad your nephew is okay! He looks so happy :) Yay for rest days! ENJOY IT!


Thanks so much Katelyn! Hope you are having an amazing day!


I do the same for rest days! I completely rest, except maybe a long walk with the pup, which is what my muscles need after a long week of workouts.
I used to take womens one a day, zinc, biotin, and flaxseed but I honestly have forgotten in the longest time. I need to get on that!
Red and pink are my favorite flavors.
I’ve had granola for breakfast and whole wheat pita on the side of my monster salad for lunch!


I want a pup so bad….I am jealous of yours:) I will be buying pita’s to have on the side of my salads thanks to you! Have a great day!


I want a puppy too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What are Kazoozles?


I need to send you some! They are kind of like licorice filled with sugary stuff in the middle! I have only found them on Amazon. They are a family favorite.


Today is my rest day as well. My main rule is no working out, which is hard for me. I so want to hit the road bike!


IT IS HARD. I hear ya on the road bike thing! I want to know about your 5k!


I replied to your post on my blog; it went great! It is awesome to run together :)


I don’t take a daily vitamin! I have them… I just forget. I wish I could say I ate a balanced diet and didn’t need them, but I do. I’ve also heard that women who are considering having kids within a few years should take extra folic acid. And of course we should all be taking calcium. Sigh. Too much to remember and buy.


Billy sets them out for me, otherwise I would never remember:) Good call on the folic acid!


I’m so happy your lil best friend is all good! How is it going being his servant for a week? What are his demands? Haha
My rest days (which is tomorrow! yeeees) mean a big bowl (yes, bowl) of candy and reading People.


Thanks so much!! Okay, I am obsessed with your blog. I tried to leave a comment but I think it went to spam…save me. Enjoy your rest day and all of the candy and People reading:)


congrats on the LR yesterday!!! 14 miles is baller! You totally deserve a rest day after that one, and I agree completely on how best to do it. Mine are usually sundays too and from 1pm-11pm my bunz are on the couch watching all the NFL games I can stand. I take breaks for dinner and snacks though.


THANKS!! Your Sunday sounds AWESOME…especially the breaks for dinner and snacks:)


My rest days involve watching netflix all day and laying around. I love rest days because I know I have a full week of workouts coming up!

I am terrible with vitamins…I take Flintstone’s kids vitamins everyday. The chalky kind…not the gummy kind.


I am hooked on Netflix too. What are you currently watching? Oh Flinstone’s gummy vitamins are amazing! Enjoy your rest and your workouts this week.


Greek…because even though I have graduated college I am obsessed with college and high school shows. I’m also watching friday night lights-the tv show. I should really grow up sometime, huh? :)


I LOVE GREEK. I don’t think I will ever grow out of loving those shows. I have heard great things about Friday Night Lights…I need to watch it!


It blows my mind that you are just starting to get back into running and you bust out 14 miles! I will eternally envy your drive to work out consistently! You’re awesome!


I think my brain is just not wired correctly is all:) Hope you are having an amazing day Kim!


Those are the calcium chewables that I eat! Have you tried the gummy multi vitamins from Costco? Amazing! They also have these great gummy vitamin C ones that I would get but I haven’t been able to find them recently :( Nice job on the run yesterday too!!!


NO….I will have to get those ones next. Gummy Vitamin C too…I am sold. Thanks Melissa and I hope you are having a great day!


LOL, your salads look like mine. Who just has a “side salad?” HAHA

I love vitamins that taste like calcium. My calcium pills are the chewy chocolate ones and I love them. You can have up to two a day, which I always take advantage of.


Side salads are for toddlers;) I need to try the chocolate ones….two a day, you are my kind of girl!


Yesterday was my rest day & I enjoyed every minute of it. I think I only took about 100 steps too ;) We sat on the couch & watched football & random shows all day- perfect rest day!
I love that your chicken looks like a little chicken tender on your salad- that is too funny. :)
I’ve never heard of Kazoozles…but I like the name :)


I need to send you some Kazoozles:) Is the weather better for you today?


That would be awesome!! I would love to try them :)
The weather is STILL raining- can you believe it…ALL day, ALL night Saturday & the same today. It stopped for like 15 minutes & I thought I saw a ray of sunshine…but then it went straight back to pouring. Thank goodness for some good football games today :D


Calcium gummy vitamins! That’s ingenious!


I LOVE those calcium gummies too! I eat them everyday and if they were a candy..they would seriously be my FAVORITE!


PB toast is like the best thing ever. Seriously, such a comfort food. Are you a crunchy or creamy pb gal?

How is your nephew doing? Healing up well I hope!

Ohh those gummy vitamins look so good! I love gummy things–and if they have vitamins inside, extra bonus! Do you remember those “Vitaball” commercials a few years ago? The vitamin gumballs? haha

Rules for rest days = either laying low or doing social activities (bike ride with Andy, walking with friends, etc.)

I hate to admit this, but I hate swallowing pills…I can do it, I just don’t like it. So…I have jars of vitamins in my bathroom cabinet and I rarely take them. Horrible, I know!

I agree–pink starbursts are the bestest! I also like the tropical flavors…I think there is a kiwi one or something? So good!

Whole grains today = chocolate chip cookies (yes, plural), homemade pizza made on a wrap (seriously–best substitute for whole-wheat personal pizzas!). I’m kinda low on grains today but I did have 3 popsicles to balance everything out! I just got a new box and had to try all the flavors before I share them with Andy so I can get dibs on the raspberry ones!

PS I had hot chocolate last night and definitely thought of you!!


SO glad you had hot chocolate last night…I have to have it daily! Okay, Kiwi is amazing. Um….whole grain cookeis=sign me up:) Need to try your wrap idea too! I am totally crunchy, what about you?


Superchunk all the way! I love crunchy foods!


Oh my gosh! I use the same calcium chews and I LOVE THEM! I also take gummy multi vitamins in the same brand and I can’t wait to wake up and take my vitamins everyday!!
I ran 14.5 miles yesterday this is my longest run since last January!! Woohoo! I love running!


They are amazing!! I really am looking forward to them. GIRL…CONGRATS ON YOUR 14.5 miles…you are incredible. I know exactly how you are feeling!! We are addicted:)


I’m all about pink Starbursts!


I am madly in love with rest days lately.

And how could they corrupt something as heavenly as pink Starbursts by putting them in the same pack as red Starbursts? Note to red Starbursts: if I wanted to taste medicine I’d go get a bottle of cough syrup.


Bahahahhahaha I could not agree with you more! Should we start a petition so that they stop producing red starbursts?


My rest day is Saturdays, and I always work on Saturdays… I’m thinking I may need to change that so I can rest on a day I don’t work, and TRULY rest…

I take a buttload of vitamins… Multi, calcium, CoQ-10 (I think it is? But I’m out of that for now..) fish oil… ibuprofen

Pink and red starbursts are the best. I may have to hunt down those vitamins.

And the only whole grains I’ve had today is oatmeal…


Rest Days: Do nothing over a casual walk.
Viamins: I take the active pack from GNC plus 2 viactiv calcium chews. I don’t know if everything in that vitamin is needed, but it seems to work for me and my doc said it was all ok
Starburst: PINK!!!
Grains: Does pumpkin bread or stove top stuffing count? Just asking.

The Kidless Kronicles


I LOVE rest days and I plan on doing the same thing… watch mindless tv (Toddlers & Tiaras, Four Weddings, Jersey Shore) and get to bed early. I take vitamin C and Fish oil everyday – I could count the red starburts as an extra dose of vitamin C?


I take the SAME calciums!!! I’m actually really bummed I forgot to pack them for my work trip. I don’t have any vitamins with me! I’ll have to eat triple servings when I get home!

Thank you for the after picture :)


I take 2 gummy multi-vitamins every day … and they have Omega-3’s in them, too! :)

The only whole grains I’ve had today were the whole grain breadcrumbs I had on my “crispy apriot porkchops.” Other than that, I’ve had way too much sugar. I was baking for my FIL’s birthday, and I had to taste test … a lot!! ;)


I just have to say that I love how your salad is in what looks to be a pyrex pie dish!


I actually enjoy rest days. When I first started running, I did it all for the wrong reasons and felt guilty when I rested. Now I am thankful for them.
I take a prenatal at night because they are awesome have almost everything a woman needs, even when not pregnant. I also take a Vitamin D supplement and Omega-3’s. I love the pink and red starbursts.


Hey Janae! I told you I wouldn’t leave you hanging on how Chicago went…I finished in four hours and eight minutes…I was shooting for four and was right on target until the last three…it was soooooo hot, like 80 maybe 85 and All sun since the half mark and my one quad was SCREAMING! but it was the fastest of my four marathons, so I am sore and happy….we always say we are never doing this again when we finish, but I think i may have to figure out how not to let those last three miles kill me, even though i probably wont have my hubby signed up with me…any tips on that? Hope you are having an awesome weekend :)


I had rice, oatmeal, and whole grain bread :D


I spy a Pyrex baking dish as a salad bowl! haha too funny!

Hmmm whole grains today – oatmeal, brown rice, and crackers. Borring, right? Meh it’s all about how you spice things up!


bahaha love the swedish fish comment!


Hey Janae!! Just getting caught up on your blog….been outta the loop for a while, but I’m back! Sorry to hear about your nephew, but SUPER glad he’s ok!! I lost my best friend in highschool to a car wreck…she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt…so I am seatbelt OBSESSED!

I feel the same as far as trying to get back where you were….I didn’t run much this summer and I’m trying HARD to get back into it, but struggling with that whole “I used to be much better at this” thing! KEEP ON KEEPIN ON! We will get there eventually!

I’ve missed your daily doses of humor and food and running!!!


don’t you hate it when you husbands right? jK! they are good men! and so is that meal. Rest up till tomorrow friend.


Rest days: I totally REST! Naps, some walking, stretching, and tons of reading and eating good food.

I have eaten quinoa lately –SO good!! I also love whole wheat bread. YUmm.

I love the orange and yellow starbursts…MMM!


I’m comatose. I’m pretty much a puddle of drool on the couch, and my husband has to hand feed me.


I didn’t even realize until I read this how low I was on whole grains today! Oops, better luck tomorrow :)

RED starburst are the BEST! I need to get some vitamins that taste like candy. I’m not good about taking them otherwise.

I love a rest day, but I still will usually take a short walk (especially with my pup) on my rest days. I’m just not good about totally resting. Good for you on letting those muscles rebuild!!


My rules for a rest day: eat good food, do minimal activity, and soak up (totally just typed smoke up – whops) every last minute of the day…I love workin’ out but lord knows I equally love my rest days :-)!


Awesome run Janae! Glad to hear that you are taking your rest days seriously and fuelling up correctly as always! Your hair looks great too :)


Your salads always look all kinds of awesome with all those toppings. It makes me want to start including more salads in my diet. What kind of lettuce do you generally use? As much as I like ‘iceberg lettuce’ it really has no nutritional value, so I’m looking for other suggestions.


I know what you mean about fearing how you’ll feel the day after a run. I am also pretty apprehensive BEFORE a run. So excited to go out, but I never know how I will feel once I’m out there, so I get a little scared. (I’m sitting here right now feeling this way… Getting ready to go, feeling both excited and scared!)

I got a sample of those Gummi Calciums in a race goodie bag. They are seriously good!

I like orange Starburst which is weird because I don’t like oranges!

I take a multivitamin + iron, magnesium, potassium, and 4 calcium +D chews every day. The calcium dose was prescribed by my doctor. I have some medical issues that seem to be affecting the way I absorb calcium (either the condition itself does or the meds needed to control it), and of course I’m still healing up this stress fracture!


I totally know what you mean about the morning after! Its feels so good when you know you pushed yourself just far enough :) good luck, I hope you’re return to running keeps going well!
And as for the starbursts, RED is the best! And this is going to sound weird, but try roasting them! I think I first tried this camping, we roasted them on sticks over the fire haha weird I know….but it is soo good! They get all melty on the inside. Try it on your next rest day! (they pair well with super rich rolo hot chocolate)


Big Bang Theory is the best! Although.. that’s not really resting your brain. I learn a lot during that show. lol.


I love the Vitafusion Calcium chews. They are good- like dangerously good!

Daily I take: multi-vitamin, calcium plus D, glucosamine and fish oil :)


Wow good for you for taking your rest days so seriously! I usually don’t know I’m going to have a rest day until the day is over and I haven’t worked out! I figure if I try to make it most days I will inevitably have a few days off each week.

Watch out with the calcium supplements… I used to be hooked to those (the gummy vitamins are especially dangerous cause they taste so darn good!) and started to realize I felt really sick all the time. I’m not an RD so if your doctor recommended you take it obviously listen to him, but I know that lots of people over-supplement with it nowadays.

Multivitamins are absolutely a great thing. Even those who eat “perfectly” can benefit from taking one…it’s hard to get all your vitamins and nutrients from food alone (again…not an RD, just a nutrition student ;) )

I think you may have just come up with something brilliant with that omega 3 joke. What if there were fish oil supplements in gummy fish form!!? Granted, they better not TASTE like fish……..

Just a thought:)

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