Sister Day: Exercise, Food, Movie.

What?  Janae’s salad isn’t overflowing in her 6 quart bowl?

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I have a reason for it.  I promise, please let me explain first.

I was just too hungry to wait for the final ingredient to finish roasting so I had to start digging in and then topped it off with the roasted broccoli.

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The new ingredient that WILL change your life when making a salad….PEACHES.  Holy delicious juice in every bite.

Today has been a sister day.  We started off with a trip to the gym and now we are going to FINALLY see the Help.  I was hooked on the book and so I am hoping that it is at least a little bit as good as the book.

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Hope you are having the bestest Saturday EVER!!!


Did you see The Help?  What did you think?

Most important question of the week:  What kind of candy should I get to watch the movie with?

Is it cooling off where you are?

-YES!! We are now down to 81 degrees right now…..just a few days ago at this time it was in the mid-90’s!

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I read the book… Loved it. Went to the movie, fantastic. Hope you love it too!!!


I read and saw The Help, and I think the movie definitely held its own! The characters were all how I’d pictured them while reading the story, Hilly especially :) Such a great book!!


Mike and ikes! I gave them up for September and am missing those suckas like ca-razy


I loved the Help! I haven’t read the book yet, though. Also, I bought six pounds ($50 worth) of salt water taffy today, and I thought of you. Let me know if you need one of my wedding favors shipped to Utah so you can have taffy… lol


I can’t wait to hear what you think of the movie? I loved the book, but can’t find anyone to go with me!


that wasn’t meant to be a ? :)


Yes! I LOVED The Help! Nah, it’s still pretty warm… 96 degrees, but I like it like that. :)
Have a blast with the fishter! (yeah, I meant to spell it like that.)


Sour Patch Kids for the win!


I’m still reading the book so i haven’t seen it yet. I was at the mall yesterday and saw a huge candy store and thought of you. Try putting some sort of chocolate candy or hot tamales in your popcorn, it will change your life. Apparently it hasn’t cooled off yet where my bro in law lives but it’s supposed to be in the high 80’s tomorrow at our house which will be a drastic change from our triple digit weather we have had for 76 days straight.


I saw The Help and thought they did a pretty good job making the book into a movie! Obviously, I liked the book more, but I was impressed.

You should get M&Ms to watch the movie with…and Swedish Fish :)

It’s definitely cooling off here…it’s in the upper 70s-80s (I’m in VA). Have a good rest of the weekend!


Hello Janae!

This is my first time commenting and I have to say, I LOVE your blog! You are so stinking funny! I also adore that you eat your salads out of a trough…you are a girl after my own heart! :) :)

I have not read “The Help” and I am having a crisis of conscience wondering if I can see the movie before reading it. The English teacher in me feels like that is totally cheating!


I’m in a milk dud kind of mood, so that’s my vote.

I absolutely love that you fall in love and get obsessed with a certain food for awhile. I am 100% the same way. The last one I was all about were those french friend onions. (think green bean casserole) I love them to death on salads right now. But I gotta try out the peach on salad thing……already looking forward to tom tom’s lunch :)

Happy sister’s saturday!


I’m just reading The Help now and can’t wait to see the movie. I hope you enjoy it!

We live in the Silicon Valley and our summer is just now starting. September is always our hottest month and the temps shot up 10 degrees this week! I want fall to be here already! I miss pumpkin stuff, scarves, and warm cuddly clothes.


Just finished reading the book last week and hoping to see the movie soon. Definitely let us know what you think! I always get nervous when books are made into movies. It’s usually so disappointing. I recommend Junior Mints!!!! They’re the best. Especially in hot summer! (Still over 100 in Phoenix.) :(

Happy Sister Saturday!!


I spotted a TJ’s salad dressing bottle again! Pretty pretty please tell me where I can find one around here?? :)


HEY GIRL!!! No, I wish so so badly that there was one but Utah is lame and doesn’t have one. I stocked up on 15 bottles of salad dressing while in California and will cry when I run out! We should start a protest to get one:)


BUMMER! I am totally down to do a protest. I miss TJ’s SO MUCH!!!


I loved the help! Both the book and the movie!


For your movie candy, mix skittles and m&m’s together–it tastes like a tootsie pop! For real.


Sour Patch Kids for the movie! I’ve heard it’s great. We haven’t been to a movie in way too long, but maybe we’ll see one in the next couple of days!


Somehow a friend and I scored advance screening tickets to The Help so we saw it like a month ago and LOVED it. I will still read the book.
Uh, Skittles of course. Or if you want chocolate, Milk Duds.
Did my 8 miles this morning and it went GREAT. Which mean next week will suck. But I will deal with that later.
Mornings are cooler. Mid day is still getting into the 90’s.
Hubby is making spaghetti with chicken meatballs for dinner and I will enjoy every bite!

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I still need to read the book!! Enjoy your sister day! <3


I LOVE sister days! And your salad and broccoli look so so so good. (As usual). Hope you like the movie The Help! I thought it was amazing, but I didn’t read the book before I went to see it. Working on that now :)


I just bought the book today! I know.. I know… I’m behind the times!
It’s cooling off here in New York. This morning it was only 70 when I went for my run! yes!


such a fun day with your sister :) i have two sisters and love our days together.

i have not read the help but it is on my list!! i have heard nothing but rave reviews of both the book and the movie.

my favorite movie candy has got to be good ole fashioned twizzlers!! but there is also nothing like the buttery goodness of movie theatre popcorn.


I read the Help and loved it! I haven’t seen the movie yet though.

It is only 75 here today…it was 99 on Wednesday! I’m in fall temp heaven!


The Help was soooooo good, I havnt read the book, but the movie was awesome!!!!! EAT SOME CHeRYY BLASTERS!!!!!!! I had a dream about your sister teh other night!! I know kinda creepy, I swear im not a wierdo!! but in my dream i told her how much I loved her sisters blog!!


It cooled down today…because we’re in the middle of a tropical storm!


My vote is for Swedish fish…although this time of year, I always go for the candy corn!


I fell in love with The Help and the movie is fantastic! You’ll really like it!

It’s not cooling off where I live! It’s actually heating up! We have this freak heat wave that won’t settle down until Wednesday, when it’s supposed to drop 30 degrees :O Weird, I know.

Have a great time with your sister!


loooooved both the book and the movie, hope you do too!

My vote is for pb m&ms

It was 99 earlier today, but we’ve had storms in the past few hours, so it’s just now cooling off. FINALLY!

Hope you have a great time with sis!


oooo, please do not forget to tell us what you think of “the help!” i read the book and LOVED. IT. but have not yet seen the movie…not sure i will???
don’t get anything during the movie (i never get how people can chew something and hear the dialogue at the same time – sorry!) and then go for fro yo after.
i wish i had your salad bowl! :)


Janae, my love…
That picture of you should have Billy’s head or a salad cropped and pasted where the book is :)
I love your enthusiasm towards the little things in life. It’s the little things that KEEP the smiles on our face.
Happy Saturday!


Putting m&ms , or any chocolate candy really, into the popcorn bag rocks. Salty, sweet, and crunchy – winning!


THE HELP!! im seeing that with my sister tomorroww!!!<33333
can't waittt have a good saturdaay! ps um i am obsessed with all of your clothing can we go shopping togetherrrr k thanks


Just wrote about seeing the movie yesterday! I thought it was quite good for a book-to-movie type thing. It stuck to the book pretty well, except I would have to say the movie had a more satisfying ending than the book (I liked how the mom ended up yelling at Hilly at the end!). Just my opinion tho :)

Oh and I had gummy worms, snickers type things, and yogurt covered pretzels!


isn’t utah glorious?? please plan another yogurt date!! You must teach me your yogurt ways.


When is good for you!?!?


Unfortunately I didn’t read the book, but I LOVED the movie! My mom read the book and of course said it was better than the movie but she still really enjoyed it.
If you want chocolate, get raisinettes!
If you want candy, swedish fish!
It’s not cooling off at all where I live in Florida :(
It’s still in the 90s here, super hot.


I just saw Crazy, Stupid Love tonight and enjoyed some skittles!


I thought the movie for The Help was amazing! I have never seen a movie I liked better than the book, but this one might be even.

You should definitely have some twizzlers with the movie…that’s my vote! Or pretzel M&M’s…yum!


ah, this post is making me crave veggies. !!! it’s so awkward, i can’t remember the last time i ate a vegetable. i am literally sitting here finishing off a gigantic Auntie Annie’s cinnamon sugar pretzel at close to midnight. after running 17 miles on saturday i think you’d approve of that too though :D

omg i am so the last person on the planet to have not read/watched the help. it’ll happen sooner or later, haha!


.. and i say get.. hmm.. REESEE PIECES :D


-Didn’t see/read The Help
-Definitely Swedish Fish or Sour Patch Kids
-Temps in the mid 80s, but only 60% humidity, not 90% humidity like it used to be, and cooling off into the 60s at night so it’s glorious! Love running in this weather and it will only get better in the fall.


YAHHH! Glad you loved the peaches in a salad…I knew you would!!

I am SO excited to go see The Help too, the book is so great :) p.s. HOW was it?!!!


Thank you so much for the idea!! You have to go see it….it was incredible!


saw the movie last night. bawled my eyes out, was utterly depressed when it was over, came home, cried on my baby’s lap while she was sleeping, vowed to spend more time with my children. ugh. it was an EMOTIONAL night after that!


I haven’t seen The Help yet, but I loved the book! I’m not sure I want to see the movie, because I normally am disappointed in movies that i love the book. On another note it is really starting to get chilly here in WI, we’re getting down into the 60s!


I expect a full review of the movie on my desk Monday morning!!

PEACHES IN SALAD = THE BOMB. Definitely try mango if you haven’t already! I make a badass salad with mangoes and pecans :D


I need to figure out how to roast veggies. I would probably eat more of them.


Cooling off? It never got hot here!!! The UK summer can be so sucky!

I love sister days… your post has reminded me that I haven’t had a sister day in TOO long. I’ve gotta change that right now!


Its cooling down abit where I live, but I have yet to see the Help!!


YES, I read [25 pages of] the book and saw the movie- it was so good! Def a tear-jerker… Hm, how about a mixed bag?! IDK if you have it at your theater but at one of the ones near us they have candy bins like at a candy store and you can pick your own mix!


Oh! Me and my girlfriends are headed to see The Help today!
Can’t wait…I plan to read the book so I am super excited to see the movie!


hey! i am glad you liked the help! i live in jackson, MS so it’s still sold out like crazy here! it’s so cool to see a movie and read a book and recognize all the street names, college names, and scenery! glad you liked it! now, yall come to mississippi and see us! :)

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