Ranch with a side of salad.

We love going to my aunt’s house for dinner because she always goes full out.  She is a health lover and believes that everyday should involve cheese and chocolate.  We get along well.  She also ran the Top of Utah Marathon (my all time favorite race) on Saturday…..that is THREE marathons in THREE months and she is doing the St. George Marathon on Oct. 1.  Not going to lie….I am just a lil’ bit jealous:)

She made whole wheat noodles with marinera and chicken sausage SMOTHERED in cheese.

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As I was going along the buffet stuffing my plate full the parmesaen cheese dumped out too quickly, I was more than okay with it but then I started putting on my beloved ranch and bam……a fountain plopped out.

IMG 9820We were all talking about how we used to eat the ‘fat-free’ ranch and once we went back to the normal kind, we will never look back.  I guess we shouldn’t be cheap and buy the store brand version because of the lack of easy squeeze bottle.

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What would a Monday morning post be without pictures of my neices or nephew?   She carries that doll with her everywhere even though it is quite creepy and looks like the baby doll from Toy Story 3.

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Okay, it really was from that piece of razzleberry pie hiding under the ice cream. Um, hello I rode a century on Saturday and clearly the three dozen cookies and costco sized bag of swedish fish didn’t properly refill my glycogen stores.

Good thing that my bum soreness from those silly two inch wide bike seats won’t effect my RUNNING this morning:)  Seriously, once you are out of the running game because of injuries you appreciate every single mile after!


Anyone running the St. George Marathon?  Anyone run it in the past?  What did you think?

Did you fall into the ‘FAT-FREE EVERYTHING’ fad?

-Yep, freshmen year of college every single bottle/cheese/food that I bought had FAT FREE plastered all over it.

What was the WORST weather that you have ever run in?

-During my aunt’s race on Saturday it was HAILING!  During a race in JUNE it snowed on me last year!

Do you serve your meals buffet style or do you pass the food around the table?

-Buffet style!

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i think i might be the first commenter today, WORD!

your dinner is totally droolworthy. I never completely bought into the fat free fad…i bought a couple things but in general, fat free stuff tastes so blech! I still buy some things reduced fat or lite…but if its worth it for the full fat stuff then i dont even think about it :) (ahem, blue cheese is only good in full fat GLORY!)

worst weather I ran in was probably last year in wildwood during a downpour…ohmygosh or a run I had in february with freezing rain, that sucked too :(

we pass food around the table in our place, but my dad likes to do it up buffet style :)

have a GREAT monday girl!!!


Hahhahaha, your poor salad, the ranch was being promiscuous with the casserole! That dessert looks amazing, after my race I’m defiantly going to be eating a pint of ice cream….or six. :)

I fell into the fat free trap, and the 100 calorie trap. Whoops :) Freshman year of college seems to do that to you. Especially since 100 calorie packs totally justify all the beer pong you played the night before… :) I’m so happy I broke those bad habits after I moved off campus.


Nope, never fell into the fat free thing. Or the carb free thing.
Worst weather: I am a wimp about the weather. Rain is about the worst.
We serve our meals from the stove to the plate to the living room.
And I will put ranch dressing on anything! I make it from the Hidden Valley Ranch packets. With regular mayo and 2% milk.

Congrats again!
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


You and Billy look super cute!!

I used to stick to fat free but now I try to aim for healthy fats instead.

Worst weather for me is humidity. I hate it!! I can’t breathe I feel tired. It sucks!

My family passes it around but I prefer buffet!


oh my gosh it SNOWED on your race!!!! that is the WORST!!!!! ummm LOVEEEEEEEE every monday when i get to see your cutest family pics everr! ps even tho billy is not a fan of matching with you those shirts are SO SO CUTE! love em!!!
happy monday girl!!!<3


Thanks Emily! Your comments are always so nice and they mean a lot to me!!!!


I ran St George in ’09 and loved every minute of it! I ran Top of Utah in ’08 and it was a nice course–but kind of rainy the day I did it.

I LOVE having a good Sunday meal with fam :)


Yes after University when I was trying to loose a few pounds my life was full was fat free foods and 100 calorie packs of food :(
The worse weather probably close to -25 Celsius with the wind! Eeek!
Buffet style :)


Wind and -25 Celsius?!? That makes my body hurt just thinking about it!!!!!


I know, it was crazy of me! haha. I am no longer than hard core ;)


I totally fell into the fat-free fad, and actually just really got over it this past summer. i have to admit i am still addicted to froyo, which is labeled fat free, but i eat it in spite of that- it is just so good! I’ve actually written a lot about this on my blog, but after being injured so many times I decided I wasn’t giving my body enough of what it wanted, so this summer I totally changed my approach and decided I would focus on eating whole/real foods. i still love sweets, but i eliminated anything that was marked as fat free or diet (totally getting rid of fake sweetners was the best thing ever for my body). i turned to whole grains, real full meals with lots of good fats, and i have never felt so good running-yesterday I ran a college PR and it’s only two weeks into the season, and I credit my elimination of diet foods/listening to my body to big part of that. running is so much about listening to your body i don’t know why it took me so long to realize this- if im hungry, eat REAL food, if i’m craving sweets- eat them! fat free ones are just a mean tease.


Jen!!!!!! What an incredible story!!! Congrats on your college pr, you are amazing!!!! I am right there with you and love adding in real foods! I cancel out the ‘fat free’ froyo with brownies/pb cups/snickers that I smother it in!


I used to go fat free, but then I realized how much better the full fat tasted, I switched it up.

I love your twinners shirts! Mike and I were matching on our hike yesterday and didn’t really even notice til we were headed home.


Congrats on your Century Bike Ride!! That is insane, I cannot believe you rode 100 miles. Good for you…that is an amazing accomplishment!! Billy should be HONORED to be your twin! ;)


Thanks Taylor and I totally agree ha, he should be honored!!!


It is so excited to hear that your running is going well. Pain free runs are pure bliss:) I am running St George this year: It will be my first marathon!! EEeeee


Ahhhhhhh I am so so excited for you!!!!! You are going to do amazing and I can’t wait to hear all about it!


Cuuuuuuuute shirts! You look great Janae, and I hope you are still so proud of such an awesome job on Saturday!


Thank you so so much Jessica!!!


I am running the st George! It’s my second full in my life and I’m kinda freaking out! Any tips??? Ps. I totally saw you at yougartland after the Utah valley marathon and was going to say hi but my husband said it was weird and stalkerish. I shouldn’t have listened! Good job on your ride on Saturday.


Your matching shirts are amazing… My husband would never do something like that! Love it!

I haven’t run the St George marathon, but hope to one day! My sister did and loved it!

I did the fat free everything mybfreshman year as well…. So not worth it!! Oh and we do the pass around the table method!

The worst weather I have run in was just recently at the Red Rock Relay… My first leg started out with rain lightning and thunder.. I mean it would lightning and 2 seconds later boom… Loudest thunder ever… Then it turned to hail then snow and back to hail for 9 miles! It was crazy but by far my favorite leg of the race..


Gorgeous girl! We should do st George together someday!!! Bummer about the weather at your relay!!!


Im diggin the matching shirts!


Thanks Andrea!!!!!


There’s no such thing as too much cheese or ranch!

I totally bought into all the Fat-Free stuff. That stuff is total junk!


I don’t tend to buy anything fat free because I’m on a pretty tight budget, so everything is either eaten whole or is made at home. And since I love butter I’m pretty sure I could never go fat free anything anyway – I love the rich taste even a dab of butter adds to broccoli!

I have never run in the snow, but I love running in the rain, especially when it’s really coming down. I don’t know why. I joke that it makes me feel hardcore, but I just find it really refreshing and it also keeps the footpaths clear…

Have a great week! Am loving your upbeat & fun blog. You are officially part of my afternoon break here in London :)


Hey!!!! Your comment made me so happy! London…. Can I come visit? I agree, nothing is better than some butter on broccoli! Have an amazing day!


I ate olestra chips. Fat free potato chips. And then I went for a run. Can you see where this is going? This was also a race. The weather outside was great, the weather inside my body was a tornado.
I’m married to a Chinese guy. EVERYTHING is served family style. But you better be dang fast with the chopsticks or you AREN’T GETTING THE SHRIMP.


Tornado….OUCH!!!! Shrimp is the best part, you better get your fair share!


Yes I was totally into the fat free dressing nonsense — full fat tastes way better. I can’t believe I used to eat fat free bleu cheese dressing — yuck!

Your niece is so adorable!!! I just want to give her a big hug. What a cutie.

Worst weather — 2 years ago Jason and I ran a 1/2 marathon and it literally poured rain the entire time. My shoes felt like 50 lb bricks because they were so soaked.


I’m driving out to Utah to run the St George Half in Jan with the hubs, father in law, bro & sis in law! HOLLAAA! It’s going to be so awesome running it with all the fam! I can’t wait. Have you run it before?? If so, how is the route?


I have not but I want to so bad!!! Girl that is awesome that your whole family is doing it together!!!! Wow!


I totally fell for the fat-free stuff too, but now I avoid it like the plague. Normal stuff just tastes so much better!
Loving the first picture–that is exactly hubs and me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when we match, but he runs and changes because he hates it, ha!


I was totally a victim of the fat-free fad back in the day. Then it was the “no-sugar” fad, then “low-carb.” So glad to be rid of all those and just eat REAL food. It’s much easier (and healthier of course!) :)


Do you have any suggestions for cold weather running tops? I’m thinking our half marathon will be in low 50s, maybe even high 40s weather – depending on what Lancaster, PA decides to be like the first week of Nov. The hubs and I are researching shirts and thought I’d seek the opinion of my favorite running/sporty gal :)

I used to go for fat-free but if it tastes weird and I don’t want to eat it, I’m not going to buy it. I just try to eat yummy things and less packaged junk food and hope it will all even out in the end. Can’t be messing with the fat content of cheese… its just wrong :)


I love my under armor cold weather gear! I would plan on wearing a warmer top over your tank because your body will warm up after a few miles and a tank will feel great so you could just drop your outer layer off.. Does that make sense?!? You are going to do absolutely amazing! I am so so so excited for you.


Oh my goodness- could your niece get ANY cuter?! What a doll!
I totally fell into the fat free fad- ew! What the heck was I thinking. SO not worth it. Full fat all the way! :)
Worst weather running was in a hurricane. It was only a category one, and I figured I would go for a little run…what a nut I was. It was raining & SUPER windy….and lots of branches everywhere, but I managed to be ok.


Gosh darn I never get over how cute your niece is. Those eyes and curly hair…so stinkin’ cute! I admire how close you are with your family and how much time you get to spend with them. Real ranch > fat-free anyday. Hands down.


Wow! Thank you so much Karla! I agree….the fat free stuff makes me sick now!


Mmm….I haven’t had my breakfast yet and this post is making me drool! Full fat Ranch is delicious but I always feel guilty eating it. We usually compromise and get the “light” ranch. Must go find food now….


I hope you had an amazing breakfast!!!!


I think I may have briefly done the fat-free salad dressings way back in the day – seriously so gross, and so many unidentifiable ingredients. YUCK. Your niece needs to be a child actress/model. She is seriously so adorable it’s ridiculous. Love the matching shirts on you and Billster. :)


Love the twinner shirts. You guys are too cute!
You know that I’m running St. George and I already have butterflies. 2 years since my first marathon and I finally will be getting to the starting line of my second marathon after all these darn injuries. Can’t wait! You will be back in the game soon too, I just know it!


Beth I am so so so excited for you to do st George! You deserve this and I can’t wait to hear all about how amazing you do!


I want to run St George, it looks fast!!

I used to eat fat free everything too, it was so gross! I quickly realized that I actually ate MORE of the fat free stuff which totally defeats the purpose, and it’s so bad for you and tastes nasty.

The worst weather I’ve ever run in is 120 degrees here in Arizona. The worst weather I’ve ever raced in was the LA Marathon where it completely poured with lightning and thunder and wind the whole time. Somehow that was my PR race!!


I heard about how crazy la was and you pr’d?!? You are my hero!! 120 degree weather, OUCH!


Haha, Billy’s face cracks me up. I think he secretly love wearing the same shirt as you. I usually serve all of my food buffet style. Much easier and then the table isn’t so crowded.


Your pics make me laugh so hard! And I can do fro yo anytime anywhere! I heart it so much.


I’m like that now. :( I tend to buy almost everything “light” or “fat free.” aaand lets be honest, light ranch NEVER tastes near as good.


Confession: I’m still stuck in the fat free phase. I do like some fat free foods, while I’ll admit some taste like crap. Today I made cream cheese frosting for my cupcakes using fat free cream cheese. It’s not half bad!

I ran in the pouring rain for an entire half marathon. It got so bad my friend stopped 6 miles in and turned around. But I finished. I was drenched from head to toe and had a cold for weeks after, but it was 100% worth it…and i’d do it again ;-)

I don’t usually serve meals this day but if I do, it’s buffet allll the way!

Congrats on the Century Race. sooo cool!


OMG that babydoll looks identical to the one in Toy Story 3!! Craziness, but your niece is beyond adorable, so I guess it isn’t as creepy :)

I want that dessert for lunch right now, and I am sorry to say – I am not a huge ranch fan!


I soooo agree with your last comment. Since my hamstring injury I am so excited for every mile that I can run. I cannot wait to be injury-free!


we usually serve our meals buffet style.


Love the bowl of tri-desserts. How can you limit yourself to just one when there’s so much awesomeness to eat?

We totally do buffet style because it’s way easier. Besides, we usually make too much food and it doesn’t always fit on the table. Only way to go!


I just drooled on my laptop.

At one point in my life, I ate Fat Free EVERYTHING (or, I just didn’t eat at all). Sometimes I still by Fat Free stuff but realize it is more of a marketing scam. Lower Sodium items… I do that more often. But lets get real. I love *real food*.

Worst race weather EVER: Race started at 8am and it was 95 degrees outside. BARF! No wind. No rain. Not a cloud in the sky. That 10K felt like an oven the whole time. People were puking, passing out, talking stupid – it was bad.

happy monday, blogging friend!


Worst race conditions I have had is wind. My running skirt turned into a sail and spend a good half of the race around my stomach.

Don’t worry…there was built-in shorts.


I used to do the whole non-fat thing – but now I eat more full fat food and am more satisfied and thinner than I was before…

xoxo from Trinidad


Haha we’re totally cheap and buy the Great Value dressing too…AND a ranch pool has definitely made a place on my plates a time or two because of it. :)


I am running St. George! It’s my first time ever running that race and only my second marathon!

I’m totally nervous…


I did fall into the “fat free everythang” crap but then when I had health class in HS and found that it was actually worse for you, I stopped eating fat free.

Ha- poor salad! It drowned! :(


razzleberry pie?! that sounds amazing!

my family always goes buffet style, the other way just takes too long to get your food. we always end up line jumping each other and just going back around because we set up the buffet on the island and it works perfectly! then we all settle down on the den and I eat on the floor…you would think I was raised with no manners, but i love sitting on the floor with my plate on the coffee table…

you and Billy look too cute all matchers


Your Aunt ROCKS!!!!

Cheese = Health food for the soul.

I am definitley NOT on the fat-free bandwagon. I love full fat and some lighter dressings. They just taste better and I believe are better for you in moderation overall. Though, I do uses bucket loads on my salads every night :) I think constantly eating fat free foods makes you just crave the real deal even more!

Hail!? Did your Aunt get hurt??? How did you deal with the snow?? i would be petrified of slipping because I am an old lady haha

The worst weather I ever ran in was actually a few months ago. About 5 minutes into a planned 4 mile run there was a TORRENTIAL downpour. I mean just buckets and buckets of water… It actually felt really really good! I wanted to keep going but I was right in the middle of Boston during rush hour… there were cars everywhere and I could barely see because I had make-up and water in my eyes. I am actually looking forward to a rainstorm that is safe to run in!

It’s just me and my boyfriend at home but when we have dinner guests I always serve buffet style… it works for us :)

LOVE the twin T-Shirts!!! My boyfriend would kill me.


I’m reading this in the law library and almost laughed out loud which would’ve earned me many hateful looks for sure :) This was such a funny post- especially you saying things got ugly when Billy tried to get some of your dessert. hhahahaha. Needed that laugh!


I was the fat-free queen!! Rice cakes, dressing, yogurt, ice cream. Oh gosh, when I think about it now, it makes me so angry that I missed out on all that yummy food. Times have changed!


I loved fat-free everything. One day I said, this stuff tastes like CRAP. And although I still buy some things fat free, I’ll never look back on all fat free diets.


Your aunt is a maniac and I love it!!! How amazing is she! I am running SGM and I am excited. I have heard good an bad reviews about it but after I run I will just form an opinion for myself right. :)

I did the lame fat free thing. Being thin is great but not eating and losing brain cells is so not worth it. Not cool at all!


I have fat free everything now! Stop picking on meeeee, Janae! Haha. Reddi-Whip Free, ftw! But I was never a ranch fan, so that’ll definitely make no appearance in my fridge. :-P Blue cheese all the way!

I’ve never run in anything except for rain before which I hated. Blisters are no fun. Boo.

I like buffet style, for sure! You can get a little bit o’ this and a whole lotta’ that.


I would love to run St George! I know a ton of people that have and they continue to go back so it must be good.
I tried the fat-free thing once. It didn’t work out.
I had a long run to get in over Christmas one year when I was back home (South Dakota). It was about 2o degrees outside with a slight flurry of snow coming down. Aww memories.
It is buffet all the way at our house!


You and Billy are so cute! AND your sister has the cutest kids! Especially the little curly girl!


worst weather!!!!!!! -4 and 15 miles per hour winds for 8 miles……..meals are buffet style, that is the way we love it. No fat free phase, i did do the weight watchers phase for a while though.


WHAT….Oh my goodness, that sounds AWFUL!! I can’t imagine running in that!


Gah, haha, no good about the salad dressing! Glad that’s pie, not Billy blood ;)

Yup, in high school I started eating fat-free foods… Hm, talk about little to no taste! There are some things that are low/ non-fat that I still eat but only because they’re naturally lower in fat, not processed…

We usually serve our meals buffet style but then keep the dishes on the table… Both?!


okay. this is serious. you are eating bottled ranch? this is a problem. by the nature valley hidden valley whatever it is. PACKET! the buttermilk one. make i t yourself. i promise. you will never go back.


You are so right! I am ashamed:) please still be my friend!


.I too fell into the fat free phase in college. I never ever worried about fat, calories in h.s. I ran xc, cheered, and ate alot!! I’m a southern girl and we ate good. I was never even sligtly overweight, 5’4 120 pds and alot was muscle. However, when I went to ollege and ran I ate fat fre everything, counted calories, and ran xc (tons of miles). I was sick!! I prob should have been put on probation til I gained weight, but the sad part is my coach never even brougt it up. I was racing very well so I guess he didn’t care. I think this happens to soooo many girls in college, especially runners. Although now, I don’t care so much about the fat and don’t count calories, I still strugle at times. But then I see ice cream and all my thougt go away. Life is to short to worry about being skinny or the fastest. I’m not super fast, and I’m not super skinny, but I am happy and eat more ice cream than anyone I know. :)

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