NEW Runners and Gym Goers:

I am not an expert in anything besides grammer and spelling, so I am just sharing what I think about the following topic…mkay?

Whatever your motivation is, whether it is to get in shape, lose weight, hit on hotties at races or to just try something new….we ALL have to start somewhere when it comes to working out and running

Some of you may have started running/working out very young because of a sport or because you wanted to be identical to your older sister that loved working out;)  Some of you may have started after having a baby to get back into your jeans or to have one time a day that you are doing something for YOU.  Either way, I think it is important to talk about your advice (in the comments) for new athletes.

TALK TO A DOCTOR FIRST if you are starting a new exercise program.

1.  Make sure you have the proper clothing, socks and shoes.  Working out is NOT going to be fun or even somewhat enjoyable if you are attempting to get your sweat on in clothes that make your body feel like it is sufficating or if you are wearing shoes that rub your feet the wrong way.

Get fitted at a running shoe store.  They have ‘experts’ there to assist you!  We spend our time hanging out upstairs watching running footage with our favorite experts.

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2.  Do your homework.  Like anything in life you have to research something that you want to start getting into.  As you know I LOVE, (they have great forums too) and a 1,000 other places on the internet or books that you can read that can help you LEARN about the proper techniques, form (great resource HERE on form) and find a training plan for YOU (great beginner plans HERE, HERE and HERE <—-this one costs mula).

a.) If you are new to a gym ask for a tour or take advantage of their ‘free personal trainer for a day’ deals to get to know the equipment better.   Try out different classes and if the teacher doesn’t explain how to set things up or how to do the moves correctly….ASK THEM.  It is their job afterall.

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3.  Don’t get frustrated.  It takes roughly 6 weeks for your body to get used to running/cardio/lifting and the feeling of being more tired then normal is usual when you are first starting.  At the same time, don’t ignore that feeling and go crazy and increase your mileage too quickly (follow a good plan). Take rest days but also learn the difference between NEEDING a rest day and just WANTING a bunch of rest days and then decide what to do.   PS don’t run through PAIN (not normal workout muscle related soreness) but real PAIN….that never ends well.

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Run/walk if you need (great article HERE about that!).

4.  It’s is okay if you don’t love a certain way of exercising after trying it out for a little while.  Not everyone has to love to run.  Not everyone wanted to come back to my spin class and that is okay (even though it was probably because of my sweaty eyeballs and playing Linkin’ Park that kept them away).  We all prefer different methods of exercise so find your favorites and build upon that rather than forcing yourself to like what everyone else likes.

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5.  Fuel.  Of course running is going to suck, hurt, make you cry and want to quit if you aren’t fueling properly. Your muscles can’t run on empty so it is a good idea to eat about 200-400 calories of complex carbs with some protein about an 1 1/2 hours before you run.

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I heard somewhere that the more frosting there is on the cake, the more complex of a carb it is:)

Remember to REFUEL within anywhere from 15-60 minutes of finishing (lots of different studies say different things but try to get in 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein within an hour of finishing).

6.  Make a goal.  Tell people about it.  Tell me about it.  Sign up for a race.  Make a bet with somebody.   Find a friend to run with or go to classes with at the gym.  Join a local running group…..they have groups for every type of runner and you will be able to learn so much from each other!

7.  Stop comparing.  My sis kicks my butt in lifting (think double the weight) and back in the good ol’ days I could beat her in running.  We are all different and that is okay.  Pay attention to YOUR progress rather than comparing yourself to someone that has been doing the specific activity for a long time.

Enjoy the journey and focus on YOUR goals.


Any tips for beginner runners/worker-outers?

What shoes are you currently using for running?  Cross-training?  Do you have a favorite running shoe store?

How old were you when you starting running/working out?

-12 with my sis, but I wasn’t consistent until I started college.

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Wonderful post Janae! :)

I would say that it’s important to be proud of yourself for each individual workout/run/accomplishment! :D


You are so so right. I think that is one reason we love it so much, because we feel such accomplishment after most runs!


No one ever got hurt by starting too slow. But many do by starting too fast.
Nike Moto 7’s. Find them at the outlet and buy them two pairs at a time.
I was a tennis player through high school. Then did nothing much for quite a few years. Started “running” and did my first 5k in 2006.

The Kidless Kronicles


I played tennis in high school too! You are so right about no one getting hurt by starting too slow…I will be copying that phrase from you.


I have to admit I think it came from Mark Remy’s book. But it obviously stuck with me. I have taken the “Slow” philosophy a bit too far. But I haven’t been hurt in 3 years!


Great post! :) When my Mom first started working out she had no idea what elements to incorporate into a good workout program. Let’s just say her idea of a hard workout was the elliptical for 10 minutes then chillin’ in the hot tub. She wasn’t lazy, but she didn’t know how to use most of the equipment or what exercises to do. My sister and I bought her a week with a personal trainer. He taught her how to use the machines and the best exercises to do in order to meet her goals. It was so beneficial to her. So I would recommend for newbies to do a few sessions with a personal trainer to get their feet wet with working out before they go solo.


You are so right! It seems natural once you have been doing it for a while but we all started from somewhere and had to figure out a plan. That is awesome that your sis bought a person trainer for a week…great idea!


This isn’t advice for beginners so much as a statement; don’t worry it’ll get easier!
I stick with Asics for running, plain and simple. Either the 1100s or 2150- if they’re on sale! hehe ^_^ Now if only the Kinseis would go on sale for like..75%..or 60%..
I started running as a Junior in high school…so I was16.


You are so right….I am using that statement now as I am trying to get back into things!


Great post! I’ll never forget my first proper workout…I wanted to cry and run the hell away! I was so sore the next day! My biggest advice is stick to it- it takes at least a month to fall into a routine and make it a habit! I would also suggest finding an exercise you actually enjoy! If I didn’t love running, no chance I would even consider setting my alarm every morning to fit in a few miles! And finally set goals but be reasonable–> i.e. if you’re starting a running program, decide whether you want to concentrate on speeding up or increasing your distance! Trying to do both singlehandedly is indirectly asking for an injury- don’t do it!

I’m an ASICS girl for running shoes! I’ve bought the same pair 3 years in a row and can’t imagine switching..although the Vibrams have caught my eye!


awesome post! it is always helpful for me to read the basics while im recovering from an injury (axhilles tendonitis)!

i made the huge mistake of trying out new shoes (newtons univeraal!!!) when i got the okay to run from the podiatrist. after a handful of runs, i switched to mizuno wave riders. it sucks because the newtons were amazingly light but they hurt my arches.


Great post – very informative! I think this is all so important. When I used to work as a personal trainer, I used to see people on the gym equipment doing various exercises wrong all.the.time. This can result in inefficiency and not as many benefits, but also injury. It’s very important to know what you’re doing before you just do it.


I love this post! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now, and I just love how real you are about everything. I ran track in highschool, but pretty much dropped off of the exercise planet for a long time after. I know it’s bad, but since I’ve never really struggled with weight, I always though exercise wasn’t important. And I was always worried it would make me lose too much weight. I’m way smarter now that I was then (shocking!) and I now run to make my body healthy. I’ve had 2 babies and I’m turning 30 next month so in honor of this new chapter in my life, I am running my first 5k (with my mom!! yay!!) on Thanksgiving. I’m so excited/nervous and I really can’t wait. I love all of your advice. My next stop is actual good running shoes.


Morning, Janae!! My favorite shoes is Brooks Glycerin 8 (I’ve gone through the 6, 7, and now they’ve created a 9) but I keep buying the 8’s until the run-out because I’m cheap and once they stop making a shoe the price drops about 50 bucks…

Tangent. Anyway I first started running in college and would either run on the treadmill or about 4 times around our suspended track. It’s funny to think back how I would DIE at 4 miles then… and now if I do anything less then 7 i’m beating myself up (I don’t reccomend this…!)

Also, I’ve decided to train for a Marathon this spring (part of me is holding out hope that I win one of the lottery numbers in my running club and run Boston since I didnt get to run to qualify this year) but I hear Utah’s nice! Thoughts?!


follow you on Twitter but first time coming to your blog…LOVE IT! Thanks for the tips. I wouldn’t say I’m a New runner, but I sure don’t have mileage like a lot of you! I’ll be coming to visit often…thanks!!!


These are great tips! I have a love/hate relationship with running. I want to love it, but I pretty much hate it. :) I’m working on that relationship though, and I’ve set a goal for myself to run 5 miles. I’ve never run more than 3.5 right now, so it seems like a good next step. I agreed to do it back in June and it never happened, so now it’s game time!

And I run in Asics that I always get from Marathon Sports in Boston! :)


Awesome post! When I started running I definitely was NOT wearing proper running shoes and after I finally got a pair I didn’t know how I ever lived without them. I’d say my favs are Brooks, Saucony, and New Balance. I’m currently rotating 5 pairs, but I have my eye on 3 new ones. As if I have room for anymore!


I think you hit all the important ones, Janae! I would say research is key. Whether it’s running or strength training or whatever, if you’re not doing it right, you can get injured really bad. I see people using free weights and machines who have no idea what they are doing. It’s really important to have proper form and move your body in the correct way when starting a new fitness program.

I also didn’t start running until later. I think I started getting super hooked in second year of University. I haven’t looked back since :)


When I first started running I had no clue about anything. I still probably am not up on everything, but I have learned a few important things: body glide is always important, having a strong core and back are important, and no matter what kind of running bra you have, after running for hours, your boobs are gonna hurt!

I’ve also learned to cut down on my drinking during a long run. Don’t need nearly as much water as I thought I did before.


Great post! My one piece of advice would just be to get out there and start! Too many times I think we all feel like we need “this” item or “that” one (garmin, the right clothes, etc.) The great thing about running is you don’t need anything but yourself and some shoes so get out there and do it!
Shoe wise I’m an Asics girl through and through. They just discontinued my beloved GT-2150’s and I was in Marshalls last night and saw them for $49.99! Of course they only had 9.5’s and I’m a 9. I sat there for 15 minutes walking around in the 9.5’s debating if I should just buy them or not. I didn’t. :(


What a great post, I really think you hit on the important parts. I did a post last week about doing what you love…running isnt for everyone. i think the hardest part is probably finding something you truly enjoy, because that is what is going to make it stick! also, i think its super important for beginner runners to do their research and to DEF get their foot analyzed and into the right shoe. its so easy to get injured otherwise! I’ve had so many people ask me how to start running and thats my first piece of advice. second piece is to start off slowly…do the couch to 5k program!

I’m currently using Asics GT-2160, i like em better then the sauconys i used last..i’ve been kind of going through different brands trying to find my ultimate favorite. so far, no one has beaten brooks in my opinion :) I used my worn out running shoes for cross training, so right now those are my sauconys! (p.s. is this bad at all? i figured as long as im not running in them, i should be ok)

Favorite running shoe store= Road runner sports. but thats bc its 5 mins away from my apt! :)

I started seriously working out when I was 22. I started running when I was 24 :)


Janae — I think this is great advice for ALL runners/exercisers – not just new ones! Sometimes we all need to be reminded of these things. Goal setting and telling people I’ve signed up for races still helps me and I’m an experienced (albeit completely untalented) runner. Great words of wisdom and inspiration, as always :)

Shoes: I just switched to Asics Gel Nimbus after getting fit for them by my running store. The first choice pair (for me and my running expert) was actually the Mizuno Wave Enigmas but they didn’t have my size. I’m considering ordering them online and switching off between the two. I would be interested if anyone else has these shoes and what their experiences are with them since they’re both totally new for me!



Oh I sooo needed to read this post, especially the part about not giving it up when it stinks!!! I was ready to cry and throw in the towel on running yesterday. I have been running consistently for 10 weeks now, about 3 times a week. I have been building my program with intervals, and I can run for 12-15 min at a time now, usually take a few minutes to catch my breath and run again for a total of 20 ish minutes. I have been working out since college (5 years ish) and am not new to working out, but the minimal progress I am making with running is very frustrating!!!! I just want to run 3 miles, no walking. I am very ok with being a low mileage runner, I just don’t want it to be so crappy. When will that happen????

Shoes – Asics Cumulus, love them, feel like running on clouds!


Hi Kaelin-
I’m no running expert- I’ve only been running about 13 weeks, but I’ve worked out my whole life. I never ever liked running, because I just couldn’t do it for very long. My sister (a long distance runner) is the one who taught me how to run- and since then (13 weeks ago) I’ve made good progress quickly because of her ONE TIP….SLOW AND STEADY. I never could run long before, because I was running way too fast. The key to running longer is SLOW AND STEADY. I run an 11 min mile, and that allows me to go much further. 5 or so miles at a time now.

Work on your breathing- slow and steady, deep breaths. I only run about 3 days a week, to give my legs a rest in between. I cross train on the off days (bike, elliptical and bike). This has really helped me.

You can do it!!!!!!


thanks for your comment!!! I’m going to remember that when I start actually start being able to run- (Right now im just speed walking so i can get my shin splints under control and my heart rate)

But i loved your comment!


I’m at the same point but I’m really pathetic, I can’t run yet let alone speed walk but I’m getting there. one thing that has really helped me is i have a tracker that i bring with me to the gym and I write down, what cardio i did for that day and how much i lift so i can get better. Its nice to see that you do improve over time with the tracker because you can look back a couple weeks ago and realize you can do more than your were able to.. Just a thought– Don’t give up on yourself your doing AWESOME!!! Can’t wait till I’m where your at!


SO true. Don’t compare!! It does nothing :)

I love asics, nikes, sauconys. I switch off shoes if I am teaching Zumba, BodyPUMP, running, etc. Gotta keep those feet nice and safe!

Love the ides, girl!


Don’t run with someone who is running a 7min/mi and expect to keep up. You’re just starting out. Flo-Jo wasn’t born a gazelle. She became one.
I run EXCLUSIVELY in Brooks Ravennas and cross train in Rykas.
I love “JackRabbit” in NYC. They know what they’re doing. That being said, if I have a coupon for Dicks…..
I was 22-before that I was 310-315 lbs


My advice for beginners is basically the same as yours. Be committed. Be dedicated. Make it important to you. Enjoy it!!!

And start NOW or you’ll wish you did later!!

I didn’t start working out until I was 23, teaching full-time, and totally stressed. Totally wish I would’ve been able to run XC in high school!!


I didn’t start working out regularly until I was 20, in my junior year of college!


I like your “don’t get frustrated”. It is so easy to get discouraged and beat yourself up or fall into the comparison trap at the gym…”she is running at WHAT speed?!?!? I am about to fall off my treadmill and I am going at least 43235908 mph slower than her.” Keep positive…at least you are AT the gym doing SOMETHING!


Great post!!! I often fall into the trap of comparing myself to others, like watching my 10k time because in my head I was thinking of a friend’s 10k time…I have to remember to work hard and set the goals for ME, or it’s just not the right reasons!


This is such a timely post!! I just got my YES through the post for the London Marathon today ……… HHHEEEEEEEEEEEEELP ME!!!
I haven’t run in ages (but do exercise) do you think 6 months is enough time without killing myself?????
and if you missed it HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP :-)


You forgot two big things:

1) Just get out and do it. It takes a month to form a habit, so you can’t have any excuses. You just have to wake up and hit the road.
2) Variety is the spice of life. In the running world, we call it cross-training, but for new worker-outers, it’s called variety. Especially when you’re new, it’s great to try it all out, and build a strong regimen based on what you found works for you.


#7 is the best advice you could give! I started running before my oldest sister and I was happy/comfortable with my pace. Then she started running and she is about 2 – 2 1/2 minutes per minute faster than I am now! It really makes me mad! She doesn’t rub my nose in it and she’s alway supportive of my running. But, I always feel that she thinks she’s better… Something about the youngest child complex… I don’t know! :)
But, I am trying to deal with it and I sometimes use this as motivation to push myself when I don’t feel like running!


Tips: START SLOW!!! And don’t feel like you need to be able to run a marathon in Week #2. “Slow and steady wins the race.” – famousamos quote from my orthopedic doc. Also – get fit for the right shoes…. that could change the world.

I LOVE MY BROOKS! I swear I almost wore them on my wedding day. Not even kidding. I started running in 8th grade (how hold was I then? i can’t count.) and I was fit for Brooks. I have the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10. Love them so much I bought 2.


I love this post! Thank you so so much! I just started reading HungryRunnerGirl and I love all of your insights and inspiration. I actually started running when I was about 12. I ran track and cross-country all through out highschool. It came easy to me and it was FUN! I have also done 3 half marathons and my first marathon at the age of 20. It has been almost 2 years to the day since my marathon and I am sad to report my running hasnt been that consistent lately. I love running…and I am working on finding that love again! I am slowly making my way back to where I was. It’s taking time and it’s hard but I have to be patient with my body. I am hoping to come back stronger and faster. I have PR’s to beat and races to run! :) I did sign up my next race Saturday October 8th and I am so excited!! I would love to join a running group but I am a chicken because Im not anywhere where I used to be at that scares me. I need to do some research, because I think a running group is just what I need. Do you know any good ones??!


I love this! I could share advice about running all day!
One of my newest pieces of advice is to drink water before food once you’ve finished your run. It helps my stomach to digest food more easily if I drink a bunch of water before eating :)

OK I’m telling you one of my goals:
To be able to run TEN miles by the week of Thanksgiving.
It’s not the furthest I’ve ever run but this summer, I’ve been getting back into running regularly and I think it’s time for a distance goal :)
I made the goal on the 21st of sept giving myself 2months to train! I’m excited to do it!!


Start slow, stay consistent, then add miles and find the right shoe for you.
I am running in Saucony Triumph and racing in the Saucony Kinvara. For cross training I wear my old running shoes.
I started playing sports in 4th grade and played through High School (every sport that girls could do), I did nothing in college and then started working out after my son was born, but it wasn’t until my second son that I got real consistent and never looked back.


Those are great tips! I love running in ASICS, I just scored a good deal on Road Runner Sports’ website, and got the model I’m running in for $40/pair…they are usually 80+! So I may have bought 4 pairs…may have ;) I started running my freshman year of high school (spring track season) and by junior year the coach had talked me into running cross country, and the rest is history!


Great post Janae :-)
I wear a variety of running shoes, trying to rotate. I want to get a new pair though, maybe from the new Brooks Pure line.
I started dancing when I was 4 or 5 and did that for a long time, through college. I just really started running and doing races this past year.


THANK YOU!!! How did you know that I needed a post like this??? I recently found your blog, love it, read it and laugh quite a lot, but I needed help figuring out how to start. This helps! I used to run ‘back in the day’ and want to get back in but wasn’t sure how. This is what I was lookign for! Thanks so much and have a great day!


Worker-outer is a word? LOL


I know it isn’t I just like to make up words once in a while (every post:)


Great advice, Janae! Running is hard and I get asked all the time how I got up to the mileage that I’m doing now. I have no answer but that it takes time and effort. I didn’t one day just start running 13 miles. It’s hard work!

I love Brooks Adrenalines. They are great for over-pronators. I also have flat feet, a narrow heel and wide footbed, so these are perfect for me. But you’re totally right about getting fitted. Every shoe is different. RoadRunner Sports has awesome equipment for finding the right shoe. Try them!


I think we seek out the activities that make us feel good about ourselves. If you are just starting out and your inner dialog is “your slow” “you suck” “i hate this” why would you be surprised you don’t really want to do that again? Be good to yourself…… well as just enjoy beinging alive in your own body. By embracing the beat of my racing heart, gasping lungs, or aching legs……I craved exercise as a means to fully have this human experience.


Just got some Brooks. Glycerin’s for $65!! couldn’t pass the deal up!


I really like this post! As an uber-beginner, posts like this make me feel like I don’t have to mentally bash myself when I can’t finish 10 miles on my first try. I am kind of an ‘all or nothing’ girl, so it’s hard to take so much time working yourself up.

My favorite thing about running (the reason I won’t stop) is that I feel SO completely good afterwards. Like no other workout I’ve ever done!


THIS is the post I have been looking for!


You are welcome Paige!


“food blogger who takes pturcies with her cell phone is her crappy apartment kitchen”This IS me! I try to be real, interesting, and kind of funny. But I also have like 10 readers, so there’s that.


Great tips! An important one for new runners is to slowly build. Don’t try to run everyday or run 5 miles at a time if you’re just starting out. When I started, I was probably running 2 miles at a time only twice or so a week. I started running with my mom when I was 13!


That is so cool that you started running with your mom!! Great tip!


I just started a new strength training routine because I need help in that area. It is essentially a cross-fit program but i felt like i was somewhat in shape before…even though I am still pretty dang sore after each workout (this is my 2nd week) but when I thought about it, I was more in shape for cardio activities so I can definitely feel this… point of my rambling is im glad you shared and I like #3 :)


Thanks for such a good post. I’m a newbie to running and today is Week 6 Day 3 of the Couch to 5K program that made me discover how much I love to run :) I’m even motivating my hubby to get out there with me and he pushes the jogging stroller with our 4 yr old and 1.5 yr old!

I run in a pair of Nike Initiators that I got for $29.99 at JC Penneys last week. I made the mistake of running in a half size too small shoes that I had bought for volleyball 2 years ago and after 4 weeks of that my big toenails are trying to lift off. Now I know to buy a .5 size bigger and so run in 7.5’s instead of 6.5’s. I dream of going to a running store and buying a pair of Brooks though. They are on my Christmas wishlist. :)


Congrats on Week SIX of Couch to 5K. YOU ARE AWESOME and I am so happy that you are loving running! That is even cooler that this has turned into a family event wahoo.


I started running way back in Middle School, track. I might have even started around 5th grade. My Dad ran through highschool and college so I was brought up with it. I never really started logging more miles until I was about 25. I workout becuase I enjoy it, too much…it is hard for me to take rest days, not because of guilt, just because I love to workout so much.


The last tip is my absolute favorite!! It is so so important to not compare yourself to others. This is the hardest for me but by far the most important. Great tips all around!

My only tip would be to have fun and take the pressure off!!!


My biggest tip to offer as a beginner is to realize that what works for one person might not work for you. When I started out I wanted to do everything that my favorite bloggers did when they ran, but some things (like fueling with snickers bars unfortunately) did not work for me at all. You have to test out different methods of fueling, refueling, pace and training plans to see what works for your body. AND HAVE FUN :)

My shoes are Brooks Adrenaline 11s and I got them at my favorite store – Road Runner Sports. They have a great selection!


I LOVE THIS POST! this is so so so informative and totally reminded me the importance of getting back to the basics…because when you really listen to your body= NO INJURIES.. what i am aiming for!
great postt i love all the resources! love thisss<3


Great tips! :)

The running store we have most of around here is Fleet Feet. I’ve always found really knowledgeable people when I go in! I run in the neutral Brooks road (Ghost, Glycerin, Launch) and trail (Cascadia). I love how they fit my feet and don’t break down prematurely. :)

I started running cross country my senior year of high school and my season ended really quickly with a gnarly case of shin splints. Freshman year of college, I started running (from nothing again) to ward off the freshman 15. From there, I’ve never really (had cancer for one year so I still counted it b/c I consider myself “injured” then) stopped …nine years ago this week. :)


okay. seriously thanks SO much for this! i have been major slacker on working out, and this is my first week back to the gym in a while. i get frustrated so quickly when i’m not where i think i should be. i am starting slow. but i am starting. and that’s what counts. i think. ha. anyway. loved this post!!


You are welcome. It really is so easy to get frustrated but girl you will get there and you are doing awesome for getting back into the gym wahoo!


great tips janae! i think as runners the best advice is to not compare. Everyone has their own way of training, its about the passion behind the sport and a healthy approach to enjoying it, right?!

love u!


I’ve been involved in sports since I was 6 years old (or even younger), but I didn’t start running until I turned 31 (a couple of years ago).

My husband who was never an athlete and never went to the gym recently started. At first he was wearing cottons shorts and tshirts, so I finally got him some sweat wicking clothes and now he can’t stop raving about how great sweat wicking fabrics are <- I love it!
It's funny because I sweat so much, even my sweat wicking clothes are drenched by the time I finish working out, I can't even imagine wearing cotton!


awesome tips. I love our local running store-RunOn! right now I alternate between Asics Kayanos and New Balance 1226—I need a stability shoe. it’s funny because I love them but every time I try on Brooks because I WANT to run in them (idk why, they just have some weird intrigue to me) but they never fit right for me

I started running my sophomore year in college when my sis wanted someone to run a half marathon with…my training plan was from ABOUT.COM but it actually was pretty good…I knew nothing about nutrition though, I had never heard of carb loading or fueling on the run until the weekend of the race! some how we did it though and I got hooked!


He he, love your opening line! ;) excelling compilation of sources in one spot! I was oblivious my first race, but now I am soaking it up and realize like Sarah at OUAL wrote about, sometimes a plan must be personalized and you can only get there if you try!

What is the secret to a GREAT spin class for YOU? a) sweat on shirt b) music c) smiles from participants…I begin teaching in a couple weeks and would love your teaching secrets!!


Love this post!! that is what i have to remind myself now that im trying to start running, that I’m not good YET, and its going to take time, its more important to get the fundamentals good and then work my way up. People who are good at running didn’t just start running 5k’s and above.. Thanks for the info!!! Love all the positive feedback the website and the comments give. Everyone give me a lot of inspiration- I just started last week of really excercising every day and I have already worked my way up slowly from 15 min of cardio to 45 min of cardio!!!

Thanks for always the great information and advice!!


I didn’t start working out until I was 33 and I used to be intimidated by the the gym since I wasn’t as in shape as other people. I quickly figured out that no one was paying attention to me or judging my efforts. So my advice is to not worry about what you think other people are thinking.
I love my Newton stability trainers for running and I wear Mizuno Wave Inspire 6 for Cross Training. I need some new cross trainers though so I’m interested in what other people are wearing.
P.S. I’m putting pictures of the homecoming mums on my blog tonight. I promise it will be a sight to behold.


My biggest tip (that I constantly remind myself of) is to not compare yourself to others and to make realistic goals. It’s going to be hard off the bat, but a little is better than nothing and consistency will get you where you need to go :)

I went to Salt Lake Running Co. recently to get fitted for new running shoes, I loved the biochemical analysis it was great. They got me great inserts to go a long with my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11 and I love them! I use some Nike shoes for weights. I don’t remember what they are called though.

I was a dancer all my life, so I guess that counts. I started running when I was 18 and have been really into fitness since I was about 20 :)


I started running in spring 07 four months after spinal fusion surgery. I needed a way to get in shape and running worked best for me. I will be running my third marathon in three weeks in Detroit and i love it. I am wearing Brooks Glycerin right now and crosstrain in my old running shoes.


Nike Lunar Glides..and started running Junior year in high school…started gym classes Junior year in college and loved every minute!


This is such a great post! Everyone starts off slow and inexperienced. It takes time and effort to work up to a great athlete!
My tip would be don’t get discouraged. Try your best!
I use Brooks Adrenaline for running and I LOVE them.
I’ve been in soccer then cheerleading all my life but started going to the gym with my mom freshman year of high school.


Janae, this is a great post! I definitely think all of these are great tips! Another tip I would recommend is for someone who wants to workout but doesn’t want to join the gym because they are intimidated, there are some amazing workout videos out there, check out Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. You don’t have to go anywhere to start working out, you can do it in your living room!


Great post! I think your tips are dead on…
Right now I have saucony running shoes and I love them, but this week I am on a hunt for a new pair of indoor kickboxing/yoga/whatnot shoes because I think my old el cheapo ones finally bit the dust… I’m considering dropping a little $$ on Vibram Five fingers or Fila Skele Toes? Not sure yet…


Thank you so much for this entry. I am a beginner and still feel so lost. So when I write about my little ole 5k’s it can be a bit intimidating when no one comments, or seems interested. They are running marathons!!! I still have loads to learn. What is some specifics you recommend to eat before a simple 5k?


Great post! My biggest advice for new runners would be not to push it too hard too quickly! I learned that the hard way. Sllowwwwlly increase mileage!


As a new runner myself, I am constantly signing up for new races to keep myself motivated. I got started back in may by signing up for a quarter marathon. The race was on saturday, I signed up on tuesday! Oh yea, and got my mom to go with me too! It was a great experience, there is nothing quite like race day! I love it! And keeping family and friends in the loop with blogging and facebook helps, I get a lot of encouragement. It’s nice to know that everyone else wants me to succeed as much as I do!

You have a great blog that I love reading, and all the advice from everyone on here is wonderful! Makes me feel like I should start looking into new shoes…


Sometimes I see overweight – or often obese – people running or walking in the park. I always want to high-five them! I’m so proud of them for starting a workout and getting out there and moving!


Advice: Continue to make small goals and you’ll be amazed how far you can go!

Favorite shoes currently are asics, running in different shoes and I’m missing my other pair or I’m just reminiscing about how my asics got me through my first race so they will always be my favorite:)

Started running in 5th grade when my mom told me at dinner that I was getting a little chubby… so I had to run around the block six times with her at 6:00 a.m. before school every other day hahaha. You’d think I might be bitter but we laugh about it now and hey I’m still running but usually earlier than that:) I guess I can thank my mom for making me a morning person and getting me started.


I’ve had some NBs I really liked. I was fitted with a Saucony Omni ProGrid 9 after a gait analysis but they are freaking HEAVY. The 2nd runner up from my gait analysis was the Asics 2150 – which I loved!! I’m currently using Asics 1160 with a little less stability & weight and they’re not bad, but I really liked the 2150s.

I used the elliptical & circuit weight machines in college. I attempted to begin running maybe 4.5 years ago, and worked up to being able to run a 5k without walking just over 2 years ago. I have since run several half marathons and I’m working on getting faster!


I’m a little late so I just want to say everyone has such great advice. I started running in Newtons last year and I can’t imagine running in anything else ever again.


could not agree more…especially with #7! i’m ridiculously guilty of this, but gotta remember its for me, and thats it. have fun and sweat.
nike triax 13. never thought i’d wear nikes, but they fit me into them at the store and i love.


Thank you so much for this Janae! What great tips and tricks. I like how you point out the difference between needing and wanting rest days- and that either reason could be considered.
I started running/ walk-jogging whatever when I was like 14 but I live in a super hilly area and it was kind of a pain… now I power-walk it with my mom!
I used asics for cross training/ running for a long time but I just got some brooks and they are very nice indeed. though probably time for a new pair in 3 weeks or so and I will be going to a running store to be assessed since my habits have changed! very exciting- i wonder what they will recommend?

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