But first, just in case you were wondering what my routine is directly after school: Ponytail, comfy clothes, laptop, awkward arm, Lifetime movies on Hulu and continue for the minimum of two hours.

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After Billy went back to school it was time for me to venture to the gym for a lil’ bit of time on the elliptical.  Next thing I knew it, it was time to go across the street to meet my two favorite ladies for ice cream.  PS yogurtland, my mom had a coupon for this other place and that is why we cheated on you.

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Okay, let’s get serious.  This is probably going to sound silly but next August we are going to be outta here.  Um, I don’t know if you have noticed but I am just a little close to my family.  Things may or may not have gotten emotional last night when talking about us leaving for law school next August.

I am just warning people reading this that if I end up moving near you for Billy’s schooling, you HAVE to hang out with me daily and treat me like your sister/daughter/best friend.  Are you okay with that?  I need to look into getting life-size cardboard cut-outs of my family to put around my future house.

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Onto how I scored major points with Billy:  I made his favorite meal.  I crockpotted (I know it isn’t a word) some chicken with taco seasoning and stuffed the chicken into corn tortillas and FRIED them (I know, pretty skilled of me).  I also made his favorite rice…Mexican rice.

I turned mine into a salad and had another taco to go along with it.

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I also remembered to pick up some HOT sauce because we were all out and that definitely scored major points with Billy.  We put that stuff on everything.

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You eat on the floor too…don’t pretend like you don’t.  What fruit color combo am I wearing?


Have you moved a lot in your life?  Was it hard for you or easy?

-I have never really moved far from my family (and when I went to school in Hawaii for a lil while they came and visited me).  I am a little nervous about it.  The umbilical cord is still fully attached.

What do you do as soon as you get home from work/school or when your kids are down for bed?

-CHANGE clothes, hair out of my face and pour a bowl of cereal.

Just finished reading Sarah’s Key and looking for an AWESOME book to read!! IN NEED OF RECOMMENDATIONS, pretty please!!!

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I’m so sorry that the transition will be so tough – it’s understandable as your family is so wonderful! I think you two should come to the north shore MA area :D


Grew up there! Moved to NC for college and never left.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I just moved here from Chicago and love it! :)


Done and done…… we will be the best of friends:) Do you like it better than Chicago?


Yes I do although Chicago was pretty awesome as well :)


Yogurtland is the best! I think I had it 5 days last week, my wallet seriously hates me right now :)
Billy looks so happy with those tacos! I think you scored a win!
I moved away for school. It wasn’t hard actually moving out, but it’s difficult going back home. My Mom always looks so sad whenever I leave home to go back to school. That’s the hardest part.


5 days last week….you are my hero! He does look way too happy ha. Your poor Mom, she probably misses you so so much!


Where is Billy thinking about law school? I left my family for college and never went back. In the meantime, they moved from New England to Arizona and I am still on the East Coast. I miss them, but we see each other when we can.
I work from home so I don’t really have a routine. Maybe the gym, to get out of the house.
Book: The Day the World Came to Town. On amazon.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


PRETTY MUCH ANYWHERE:) That is awesome that you work at home…I am jealous. Thank you so much for the book recommendation, I will be downloading it.


The Day the World Came to Town was amazing! I think I read it twice


Ohhhh I am totally 100% alayws on the look out for Billy Joel Concert or Movin’ Out tickets, for sure. We DEFINITELY need to get on that Jelly Rolls night, lol. Thanks so much for the comment, dear!! ♥


Janae! Come to Atlanta and I will promise to hang out with you all the time. I’ll find all the greatest froyo places and take you and Billy to the best places EVER. I need friends, can’t you tell?
But really, moving will be hard but it will also be exciting and new and such an adventure for you two. I can’t wait to read all about it next year :)


Chloe, you completely sold me….we would have so much fun together. You are right, it really will be an awesome adventure. I just will have to visit home OFTEN ha:)


I’ve never lived far away from home- but hoping to do some moving around once I get some bills and stuff taken care of. I’m hoping to go away for school next fall (Sports Nutrition!) If you move to RI we can totally hang out- and there is even a froyo place :) First thing I do when I get out of work/get home= SHOES OFF!


SPORTS NUTRITION…okay, that would be the most fun major EVER!!! How often would we go to fro-yo together? At least a few times a week right? SHOES OFF is the best feeling ever.


Obviously :)


I am definetly the same once I am home. Jammies on, hair-up, make-up OFF :)


Oooooohhhh, I like the make-up OFF idea, I will be copying you!


Loving the watermelon coloured-ensamble!

Janae, come to England! I’ll adopt you into my family, no worries!
[Although you may have to give up that froyo habit as we haven’t quite caught onto that trend yet…]


Okay, England would be absolutely amazing!! How about we go into business together and open up our own fro-yo shop!


We’d make a killing for sure, with no competition at all!
The only problem I can forsee is that we may potentially go out of business between the months of September-June when it is too cold in England for frozen treats… hmmm!
But hey, that’s two whole months of good business ;)


That’s okay…..we can just stay in our business and eat fro-yo all day next to a fire. I am okay with that if you are:)


Just let me know when to pick you up from the airport :)


Billy should go to Yale. We can be best friends. You can even live in our guest room for cheap room and board :).

I moved to CT when I was 11 from Tennessee and then went to school in Michigan, but now I’m back close to my parents at least. Moving is the worst.


YALE…YES, PLEASE. Would Bungee be okay with me moving in? I promise I will share my treats with you guys:)


My husband just graduated from Yale Law School and we still live in New Haven while I finish up my program. You should totally come! No grades = happy lawyer husband. If you do move to the North East, will you be my running coach (in addition to BFF of course)? I would love to be as fast as you!!! Honestly, I think you have your priorities exactly in order. I had a really tough time moving away from my family too (Really tough), so in exchange for agreeing to go to Yale, I got a promise to move back near my parents for the rest of our lives:) One serious piece of advice? Don’t forget you’re going to be living in the city you move to for 3 years so make sure you actually like it and not just the school. But, it can be a great adventure it you open yourself up to it! I’ve found things to love even about New Haven. Good luck friend!


WOW…that is SO cool! We would be the best of friends! We will run together all the time. That is AWESOME that you get to move near your parents for the REST of your lives after going to Yale….I might have to bring that up with Billy ha. You are so right about liking the CITY and not just the school. We have to figure out a place that is great for the both of us. Thanks Irene and good luck finishing up your program!


I have only moved within the city but sometimes I get the urge to pick up and go! Then I remember all the reasons I like it here (job, family, friends etc) and that urge goes away :)

I want to make some crockpotted chicken now too!!


MAKE SOME CROCKPOTTED CHICKEN! I would love to live in a big city like you:)


Moving is fun and exciting – I love to meet new friends, see new things and experience it all! You will be fine girl! I know you are super duper close with your family but Skype makes it a lot easier!

xoxo from Trinidad

p.s. posted today about needing running hill tips…any ideas?


LOVED your hill post! You are so good at being adventurous….I will learn from you. You are right, Skype is awesome!


Aw, I will totally be your friend! I want to be already so that’s a no-brainer :D. I haven’t moved a lot, but moving to Boston for grad school was hard- especially since I knew no one here. I definitely miss my family, friends, and my bf!


I’ve moved a lot, including twice to the other side of the world. The best advice I can offer is to just be where you are, otherwise you may miss some really good stuff.

My routine is to change into yoga gear, 90 mins of yoga, shower, then prep dinner :)


OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD….wow, I am going to need a lot of advice from you;) I love what you said about being where you are….I am stoked about a new adventure! 90 minutes of yoga, you are my example, I need more yoga!


Girl if law school in Mumbai is an option, consider my home yours :)! I am at the tail-end of my day at work and I cannot wait to get into pjs, wrap this hair of mine in a bun, and lay like a pulp on my bed! Thank goodness I had sense to pre-make taco burgers (are we on the same wavelength or what!) for dinner!


I will have to look into that. Taco burgers….I am not quite sure I know what that is but it sounds AMAZING!


After we got married we moved from NY to FL for 2+ years and I missed my fam like crazy. It was one of the MAJOR reasons we moved back to NY. Now, living here, 25 minutes from them, I hate to say it, but family is overrated. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. I didn’t realize how amazing FL was in terms of quality of life compared to NY and I think I just needed to give it more time. So, try not to harp on it while you guys are away and enjoy the experience for all the good things it has to offer. :)


That is a huge move! You are so right and it is all about finding the best things wherever you live!


Janae, I have been reading your blog for several months, but I don’t think I have ever left a comment before…I’m kind of nervous actually. I agree with Chloe, you need to come to Atlanta! And I pass at least 3 froyo places on the way to work, so I could show you plenty of them. :o) I’ve moved a few times and it has always been hard for me. Where is Billy thinking about applying? (My boyfriend is named Billy too!) Also, please, please, please tell me how you FRIED the tacos?!?!! I must know!


HI BRANDY!! I am so happy that you commented, you made my day. THREE FROYO places and you and chloe both live there, I think I need to sabotage his applications so that we can make sure we are THERE with you. That is awesome that your bf’s name is BILLY….best name ever. I just covered the bottom of a pan with vegetable oil (so healthy, I know), waited for it to get super hot and then placed a taco in the oil and changed sides as soon as it was golden brown:) When you first put the taco in you will have to hold the taco close with something but once it starts getting crispy it will stay closed:) Let me know if you make it!


Uhmm, I’m pretty sure YOU made MY DAY by replying to my comment! I will definitely let you know when I try the fried tacos. My Billy will love them!


Ahhhh change is never easy! I’m sure you’ll make it though. I too miss my family tons, card board cut outs is an awesome idea ;) hehe!
As for a book recommendation- “Redeeming love” by Francine Rivers- it’s a big one, but don’t be scared- you will not want to put it down! It’s the story of Hosea out of the Bible- beautiful!


WOW, that book sounds INCREDIBLE!! I can’t wait, thanks Charissa for the recommendation and we will have to vent to each other next year about missing our family!


I’m going to pretend that you never mentioned moving away. I’m not happy about this at all. :( :( :(

Book recommendations: I’ve read a lot of books by Sarah Dessen lately and they’ve been great. I can let you borrow some if you want. I have a ton of books!


Ohhhhh….I might have to. Girl, just pray hard we get into BYU:) Um, when can we have our Mickey D’s date?


If you come to Dallas, we can totally be friends! The book you have to read before it becomes a movie next year is My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares.


OOOOOHH I have heard good things about that book, thanks Sarah. I am going to take you up on that bff offer if we come to Dallas!


Outside of college, I lived in my hometown for 27 years. Actually so did my husband. He accepted a new job which required us to relocate. We felt it was where God wanted us at the time, so we moved over 1500 miles away from our family, friends and everything we had ever known. Not to mention we had our son who was 5 months old. Our families were very supportive. We grew so much as a couple and a family. While we loved our time in California, we were ready to be closer to family again and the doors opened for us to be back in Texas. It was almost harder to leave California bc we made such amazing friends. Knowing our kids would probably never remember living in Cali breaks my heart. I underdtand how you feel. If you ever need anything, let me know.


Oh girl….you have such a good attitude about such a HARD time in your life. That move sounded incredibly hard. Do you think that you will be in Texas forever? I guarantee I will be emailing you when the time comes with all the advice I can get. Thanks for being such a great friend Tabaitha!


I lived in a small town in Georgia my entire life until the summer of 2010 when my hubby and I had to move to South Korea (where we currently are and will be for another 9 months). It was a very big adjustment for me to be so far away from my family for the first time in my life.


SOUTH KOREA!!! Wow, Lauren..that is a huge move. I might have to get advice from you in the future!


Some book recommends:

The Violets of March
The Soldier’s Wife
Haunting Jasmine
Anything by Sandra Dallas! Love her.


I second The Violets of March! Great book. I also loved MAINE by J. Courtney Sullivan.



The Violets of March was absolutely amazing, I couldn’t put it down. Thank you so much for the other recommendations, I can’t wait to read them. I really appreciate it!


I have moved a lot but my biggest move was in year 7 from the UK to the US. Then going to college in NY wahh. Anyways. I hope you guys move to Ithaca, because I think that is the closest law to school to me. We could go to froyo everydayyy! (not that I already don’t).


You’re wearing* watermelon!! HEhe :)

I love my fam too, so it was wayyyy hard to move away for school. But now I live closer….wheeeee!

After work I change clothes, for sure!!


I want to read that book!

I love Janet Evanovich (she’s the author). She has a series called the Stephanie Plum Series and its about this girl/woman who loses her job and ends up having to be a bounty hunter which she is terrible at. It is a fun series, light hearted, funny…you will like it!



I only moved once to go to University for 2 years and hated it… I moved back the day after my last exam!
Usually when I get home I change into my gym clothes and go straight to the gym!


What schools is he considering?


PRETTY MUCH EVERYWHERE!! We are going to apply to a bunch of schools and see what works out:)


When will you be moving? Are you sad to leave your students? :(


I’ve moved about 5-6 times…to college, back, to colorado, to tennessee, back to Franklin. You just start depending on Billy a little bit more…not a problem..in fact, that’s a good thing!!


That is so true. It really will be good for us, he better not be too busy for me with school ha. I have always wanted to live in Colorado!


I’d second the vote above for coming to Dallas, but realistically, for law school, esp with the legal market the way it is right now, he should really try to go to the absolute best school he can. And there aren’t any really good law schools in Dallas (SMU is something like very very bottom of the top tier, or maybe it’s second tier). So yeah, I moved away from home for college and then law school (if he gets into Virginia, I’d highly recommend it!!), and then after law school, I got to pick where I wanted to live and I found that better weather and good money balances out for me being away from my family b/c I can still fly home to see them a lot — and plus hubby likes it here too, so we’re staying in Dallas for the foreseeable future!


DALLAS would be so so much fun! He is going into Patent Law and so luckily the market for that is A LOT better:) VIRGINIA…that would be way fun. I think I will be flying home a lot too. Was the first year the busiest?


First year is 100% the busiest and most important, esp at a good school. At a good school, first year grades are everything. Based on those grades, he will get interviews in the fall of his second year for where to clerk the summer after 2d year, and that will be the firm that gives him a job offer. At some of the shady schools, he won’t get a second year summer clerkship and so all grades will be important b/c he’ll have to job hunt as a 3L, which is downright miserable. Patent law is definitely a better market, but I’d still say he should go to the best school he gets into — lots more doors will be open in all areas of the country. It will be your choice of where to go, rather than a desperate situation of taking whatever he can get, wherever it might be.


Thought about you last night because I made your Dad’s bbq chicken recipe :) I put it up on my blog today. SO good & SO easy- thank you for sharing!!
And I know how HARD it is going to be on you to move away from your family, but I think it will make you that much stronger!! The good thing is that they can always visit & you can always visit them. The cool thing is that they will always have a place to stay in CA & then you will always have a place to stay in Utah- no need to spend extra $$ on hotels :) AND the other thing that is like one of the BEST inventions EVER is Skype!!! SO that way you can call each other over the internet & still eat frozen yogurt ‘together’- even if not directly next to each other you can still see each other :)


YOU MADE IT…I am so happy that you did. You are so right about visiting, I think I will have to do that a lot and Skype is the bomb.com. I LOVE your fro-yo over Skype idea, you are brilliant!


WATERMELON :) I love dressing like fruit….I don’t really, but it looks cool. I love your domesticated skills! and I HAVE moved away from home and I cried and called home everyday for 2 years…..it sucked. I am sorry but I’m not gonna sugar coat it! Things do get better and you meet interesting people but if you are close to your family you’d better put money into an AWESOME long distance phone plan – you’ll be on the phone all day, every day :)


YOU GUESSED IT! Thanks for being real about the situation. Luckily I can fly buddy passes too because I am going to have to go home monthly ha!


Moving away from family and friends is so tough! I’ve stayed in the same place (give or take a few hours) for practically my whole life, but 2 of my sisters have moved away and it is so hard to not have them around! Thankfully my parents and my youngest sister live about a mile from us, but I do wish we were all near each other.

If you move to MN my parents would probably want to adopt you and Billy to make up for my 2 sisters that we only get to see a few times per year.

After work: change clothes, bowl of cereal, gym/workout — then dinner, blogs, watch tv, errands, laundry.


I am in:) Your family sounds amazing. A mile away….that is HEAVENLY!!! Good to know I am not alone in the bowl of cereal right after work ha!


Oh and the other reason to move near me: we are literally 1/2 mile from Costco.

And a book recommendation: Hunger Games if you haven’t read it already!


FRIEND. i am moving next august too. although i dont know where yet. maybe billy and i can coordinate our applications so that we can be next door neighbors!?!?! miss you.


NOOOOOOOOOO……where do you think you will move? When do you come back to Utah?


that meal looks AB FAB…i’m maybe dreading me and kevin getting on the same schedule eventually…right now we have opposite work schedules, so im usually just making dinner for myself, and i have a feeling kevin wont be a huge fan of my simplistic egg beater sammiches or pounds of roasted broccoli and tomato concoctions..darn.

i havent moved alot in my life and i totally get why you would be a little scared about it…one of my big reasons for not wanting to move away is bc of how attached I am to my family too…i figure at least if i live anywhere in jersey its at the most a 2-3 hour drive..so yeah. im at a happy place of only 40 mins away from my parents. but i’m sure that it will still be exciting for you, you’ll get to make new friends, explore a new place! and if you are anywhere near NJ/NY/PA, we can go on froyo excursions together okay? :)

When I get home from work, I first feed the meowing cats, then it takes me another couple minutes to get the leash on and walk the happy squirming dog who is doing a butt dance since i’m finally home, then hopefully stuffing my face and retreating to the couch. ;)

i just finished the girl with the dragon tattoo and now am moving on to the girl who played with fire..i think i might need to read a hello kitty coloring book after this though because between this series and the hunger games, i’m feeling a little morbid, hahaha


BUTT DANCE…that absolutely made my day. I know you understand you understand the need to live by your family! Oh, the book sounds AMAZING. I loved the Hunger Games! HA, hello kitty coloring book…you are hilarious Theresa!


I’ve never moved so I can’t help you there! But thank goodness for e-mails, pictures and plane rides:)

You should read The Divergent…its so good! PBFingers recommended it and I loved it.


OHHHH…The Divergent, that sounds AWESOME! I saw it but I totally forgot about it. Thanks Dana!


When do you figure out where you’re going? Is he considering quality fro-yo places when submiting applictaions?


He takes the LSAT on Oct. 1st and then applies so I am thinking we should know by January! He isn’t but I will probably have to sabotage his applications according to the best froyo places!


I have moved eight times, and three of those was a move further from my parents but the last one was a move closer to both brothers and my dad’s side of the family! It is nice being so close to my youngest bro but I wish I had my mom closer! If Billy goes to Law School near where I go to PhD we can be friends and bake together and you can teach me how to be a fast runner hahahaha
When I get home it is straight into sweats for me, usually with my laptop and all my fave blogs open!
American Heiress is amazing and a must read! Silver Girl by Elin Hildebrand was good as well! Or Fly Away Home by Jennifer Weiner!


EIGHT TIMES…holy cow. BAKE TOGETHER AND RUN, you absolutely made my day. Blog time after work is the best especially once I am in sweats. Girl, thank you so much for the book recommendations, I really appreciate it!


oh man, have I moved? my life has been nothing but moving. Some moves have been more difficult than others, let’s just leave it at that. My most difficult move was from Israel to Illinois (what the heck were my parents thinking?!) when I was 14…it was awful. But, my other moves were a lot less painful.
If you move to Philly or the surrounding area, I promise I will hang out with you, and maybe you can teach me how to become a faster runner :)


WOW…girl, you have moved EVERYWHERE. That is a huge move and I can’t even imagine doing that at the age of 14! Ohhhhh Philly would be amazing, we would have so much fun together!


I also wanted to offer a suggestion regarding moving for school, since I moved once for undergrad, once for my masters and once for my PhD. I would definitely sit down with your husband and decide together where the places are that you are willing to move to. Going to a good school is important, but being happy is even more important. Trust me, it is very easy to be miserable in a new town if it’s not the right fit for you. For example, when we moved for my PhD my husband and I decided on a list of cities that I would be “allowed” to apply to. So spend some time thinking about whether you want to be in a big city, university town, east coast, west coast, etc. etc..


MIA, I totally agree with you. Seriously, I NEED to be in an area that we will both be happy about. I love the ‘allowed’ to apply to idea because then we don’t even have to try deciding about whether or not we go to a school that we were accepted to that we don’t really want to move to, ya know:) Thanks so much Mia and if you have any other advice please let me know!!


Even though I live in Canada, I would totally come visit you though if you move East! Toronto is pretty close to a lot of American cities.


REALLY!?!?!?!?! That would make the move totally worth it, thanks Michelle!


I’ve moved a few times since college and haven’t lived near my family since. I miss them but I will say you get used to it. And also it’s a really great growing experience on a personal and marriage level. And btw–where are you guys going? I think you should come out east–we have great running here!!


Your outfit is the color of a guava!!! I love guavas!

If you move to Boston, I will be your friend, and we can hang out all the time and run along the charles, and eat fro-yo on newbury street, and body pump and spin!


Done, you sold me. Body pump AND spin AND fro-yo, sounds like heaven!


Forgot to post about books–I keep telling people about this one b/c I loved it so much: Freedom by Jonathon Franzen. Amazing character development–he just nails human nature and all of our flaws!


We have no idea where we will be going!?!?! You are so right about how good moving is for personal growth and for a marriage. Thank you so much for the book recommendation….I can’t wait to read FREEDOM!


Oh!! come to NYC!! I will totally hang out with you and Billy and be your new best friend!!! I always want new friends and you are awesome!!!


I would LOVE to be in NYC!!! We would have a blast together!


NYC is pretty amazing!! I feel super lucky I get to live here!!


My favorite parts of this post include, but are not limited to, “awkward arm” and the new word, “crockpotted”.

I am terribly attached to my family too, and I think it’s sad you have to move. Just keep reminding yourself of the big picture, and the things you guys want to accomplish. It will be sooo worth it in the end. Wish you were moving by me! …but you should be terribly glad you’re not…


This is my first comment! Would Billy not stay in UT and go to the law schools there?


You should move here, to Charlottesville ;)

University of VA has a great law school and I would love to hang out with you!


OMG- I went to UVA for undergrad and all I have to say is Arches!!!!!!! Best frozen yogurt in the world. You would love it there. I will visit you on reunion weekends.


I like where this is going!!!


Denver??? THERE ARE LAW SCHOOLS HERE!! I assume. I would love to have you!! :) And you would LOVE the fitness community. It’s insane.

I’m totally the same about coming in the door. My husband and I make fun of each other about who changes faster. Even if we’re just wearing jeans or something casual!! :)

I’ve spent the last 8 years living far away from family. This summer I finally thought I was going to live by them, and my husband got an unexpected job transfer. It’s reallllllllly tough, but you will love the new life experiences.


Oh sweetie, I know exactly what you are going through. I lived in the same town for all of my life, outside of my college years, so a total of 27 years. My husband did as well and all of our family lived close by or in the same town as well. We had been praying God would bring Adam a new job and He answered our prayers, but it was actually over 1500 miles away in California. Add on to that, we just had a baby and we would be moving with a 5 month old. We didn’t know anyone, and both of us are extremely close with our family. It was the hardest and best decision we ever made in one. Thankfully technology is great and I could call my family whenever and with the internet, we could skype. I also started our family blog. Without all of that, it would have been much harder. We made great friends in California and it was just as hard to say goodbye to all of them and move back to Texas last December. We spent 3 years away and we grew so much as a family and in our relationship. I’ll be praying that for this transition for you. If you ever need anything, let me know.


come to canada! on second thought no – you would hate our winters!!
try “american wife” by curtis sittenfeld – i loved it.
i would be SO SAD to move away from family. my parents live in the condo building NEXT DOOR to me. it will be a big adjustment for you! i give the thumbs up to the cardboard cutouts!!


I can’t wait to read ‘American Wife’ that book sounds awesome. Next door…do you know how jealous I am of you Cathy?!?!


patent law is great! the market really is wonderful for that. I recommend NYC!! it’s awesome hereee and lots of yummy fro yo for us to have together! and I need running buddies


THANKS SO MUCH SUZIE. I LOVE NYC and would love running and eating froyo with you DAILY:) That would be aweomse.


I moved away from my family to Utah in March, same type of dealio. It’s hard sometimes, trust me, but I love my new job and house here :) Tell Billy to apply to the University of Utah, then we can be neighbors!!

I change into yoga pants and make myself a snack when I get home from work. Then sometimes I will nap, other times I will read, before I head to the gym.

I have some book reviews posted on my blog, you should check it out! I think you’d really like The Violets of March by Sarah Jio.


THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!! Hey, we should do a SLC blogger meet-up. I LOVE the book reviews on your blog and The Violets of March was the best book I have read in a long time…you know me too well:)


I think an SLC blogger meet-up sounds perfect!! I just go two books from the library, The Little Bee by Chris Cleave and What Alice Forgot by Laine Moriarty I can’t decide which to read next. Have you read the Hunger Games yet? So good and super addicting.


You’re a watermelon! :)

I’ve only moved once.. and I’m only about a 5 minute drive from my parents house, and 15 minutes away from Tyler’s parents house. I like being close to all of my family :)

Change into comfy clothes, sit on the couch & relax until it’s time to make supper!


YOU GUESSED IT. I am so happy that you are close to family, it makes the biggest difference in the world!


the dirty south is my choice for you to move!! Emory is an AWESOME law school!! Plus, we’re the next best bunch of blogger/followers after Utah!!! (;


Oh girl, that would be a BLAST!!! We will definitely have to look into that! We would have a good time together!


If he goes to ASU we can be new best friends. :)


AHHH MY BRO is at ASU and we are DEFINITELY considering it. We love it there!


You obviously need to move to Tennessee. And you’re probably wearing WATERMELON. Right?


Vanderbilt!!! Seriously! I could use another daughter – 3 of my kids are out your way going to school. I know all the good running trails, we have tons of great food, and you can come over any time you want!

We moved away from family and I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I moved my Mom out here with us :)


Hey check out Adam Goucher’s new book “Run the Edge”. I just read it and wrote a review… its centered on running, but the idea is to inspire you to use running to become a super-awesome-excellent well rounded person. Its not for everyone, but you seem like the type of person that would really enjoy it… and its only ~200 pages so you’ll fly through it. It definitely inspired and motivated me…



Come to Pittsburgh PA & I would be your friend! We can go to Costco (even Sam’s Club) get fro-yo and lots of oven roasted broccoli :)


Oh did I mention peach picking from the local farms?


I moved from Arizona to California for college, and then from California to Utah after college to be with my husband. I won’t lie, it was difficult for me. I am very close to my family too, so it was a big transition. I also believe that it was really good for me and for our marriage too. We’ve learned to lean on each other so much more. I tried to look at it as an adventure though, and that made it so much more fun!!
When I get home from work, I immediately change into comfortable clothes and get a snack of some sort. :)


It will be so weird for you to move away from your family! but you might like the change of scenery?
the MOVING part was a huge pain in the ass for me (4500 miles of pure “fun”…..) but I really like it now thats im done and i havent lived near any of my family in like 6 years (wah!) so im used to it now. its tough sometimes though!


I think it’s pretty safe to say that wherever you move there will be people there that just love you! I literally moved cross country two days ago to north central CA and I don’t know a soul within about 2000 miles (besides my bf). It’s certainly a shock but also exciting because I basically get to reinvent myself. There is nobody here with any preconceptions or expectations about who I am. It’s a chance to become the more proactive, confident type of person that I want to be. I’m not saying you need to reinvent yourself (please don’t, you’re fantastic!), but a new place is good for someone who wants to!


NOOOOO don’t leave me. Why does Billy have to be so smart? lame just so lame. Who needs law school anyway. Can’t he be an Abercrombie Model or something.

I love your family and I will gladly be they’re replacement for you. ha ha I’m sure I would drive them crazy but I totally understand where you are coming from. I may or may not talk to my Mom on the phone 5 times a day and see her at least 6 times a week.


Have you tried Franks Red Hot??? It’s the best hot sauce ever!
I moved away for college and the first year was super hard. I still live 3,000 miles away from home and at times it’s hard but it makes coming home even better!
When I get home from work I change right into pjs or workout clothes.


Move to CHICAGO! I’ll be your friend then. lol


I feel your pain Janae. I live in Los Angeles and my ENTIRE family lives 6 hours away. I’m literally the only member of gianormous family (extended family included) who moved away. Some days are a hard and other days I’m glad I decided I moved but overall I’m always happy for my choice. If you move near me, you can become my sister from another mother. So much fun, yougurtland, tacos, and running…you wont be able to stand it. :)


OH GIRL…that is really tough!! If we move to LA I will be your family:) Seriously, tacos, running and fro-yo…I AM IN!!! Hoping you get to see your fam soon!


Yep, I moved from IL to Southern California in May of 2009. Up until then, I had lived within 100 miles of my family my whole life. It’s easy to make friends here with people who are a lot like me so that has helped out a lot! What law schools is Billy looking at?


PINKY PINKY promise to be your familial stand-in x10 if Billster ends up in school in SoCalllllllll :)

(no pressure Billy)


When do you find out where you will be off to? Did I miss what states/cities are up for grabs? I hope Chicago. ;)


You always have the BEST food pics!!!
-I moved alot as a kid. Divorced parents story. Hated it.
-As soon as I get home, I get into comfy clothes. As soon as kids go to bed, I clean a little and then go to bed. (I get up way too early to run.)


I pick Arizona. I could definitely use another yogurt/running/cooking best friend! That is definitely one of my favourite dinners, well really any Mexican food :D

What did you think of Sarah’s Key??


LOVED IT!!! Did you read it? I agree…Mexican food is the best. Okay, AZ is sounding really good right now.


Yes, it was amazing. I finished it in less than 2 days, I just couldn’t put it down. I saw the movie too, but nothing beats the book.

We have some good Mexican food down here :) and from October – April the weather is perfect.


Try my very hardest to exercise, it happens most day. Watch Friday Night Lights and go to bed way toooooooooo late!


I’ve done lot of traveling but still keep coming back to CO, whether it’s cause my family is here or I just love the state! You guy should pick Boulder or Denver—TONS of running and I hear DU has a great law school :)


Move to Austin! There’s a great law school, tons of places to run, the flagship Whole Foods (mmm, yummy overpriced food), and I promise we’d hang out! (I mean that in a totally non-stalker sort of way. I’m just superenthusiastic too, and love dessert). I completely understand the concern about moving away from your family. My whole family is in the same state (TX) but I’m the only one in Austin. It is great when we see eachother, and phone calls are fantastic, but it would be wonderful to see them more.
Oh – and if there is something wrong with comfy clothes and lifetime movies, then I don’t think I want to be right :)


HA….so if I move to Austin will you watch lifetime movies with me, followed by a run and whole foods salad bar?


Of course! If we’re lucky the lifetime movie will star a former 90210 star. And we can run around the lake, which is lots of fun when it isn’t over 100 degrees (which is probably 7-8 months of the year).
Oh – I read Sarah’s Key, so good.
Other book suggestions:
The Thirteenth Tale
Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah (really anything by her)
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman (like that movie, but so much better than the movie)
Little Bee by Chris Cleve
Have a great day! Love your blog!


Watermelon = my fave color combination.

I went to college several hours away and then moved to DC for 4 years afterwards. I loved the east coast but its just not Texas. Now I live within 30 minutes of my immediate and extended fam and its fabulous!


I have definitely made the “big move.” I am a mama’s girl through and through, but after I graduated college in 2004 I ended up getting a job 5 states away. I had to go. After last Christmas, I finally moved back, but I am thankful that I got away for a little while. It gave me the chance to see a different part of the country, experience different things, and really grow to appreciate my hometown.

As soon as I walk in the door, I put on my running clothes. I wear comfortable clothes to work (engineer = jeans and casual shirt) but I still feel more at home in my athleticwear. Plus, if I go ahead and put on the work out clothes, I am more likely to keep that momentum going and drag my butt out the door!

Where will you be moving to?

Oh, and “crockpotted” is SO a word. Both Merriam AND Webster told me so. :)


Watermelon colors!

When I was 21, I loved away from my family to finish school and get my first professional job. It was hard and lonely being in a new city with no friends and having no real time make any.

Now the Bay Area is my home and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But I do miss the family and friends that I left behind. Visiting just isn’t the same. :(


I love eating on the floor! My sis Jess and I do it all the time at home.

Moving is hard. I was definitely apprehensive about moving to the Caribbean for Matt’s med school. And I do, totally miss my fam, but this has already been such an amazing experience! Wherever you two end up, you will make it a wonderful situation because you are amazing! And I wish there was even a miniscule chance you were headed my way, because then we could be besties for sure!


I love dressing like watermelons!

ANDD I highly highly recommend any Jodi Picoult book. I can NEVER put them down. I just finished “Perfect Match,” but my favorite is “Change of Heart” or “The Pact.”


Will you please move to Dallas for Billy’s law school?? We can hang out all the time and my Billy can tutor your Billy since he went to law school, too! Perfect, right?? :) Actually, not sure we’ll be living in Dallas a year from now…we have some plans up our sleeve!


Yep, I know that we would be the best of friends. AHHHH wait, where are you going to be? I love how similar our Billy’s are!!!


Watermelon. What fruit are you wearing today?! ha!

TOTALLY feel for you when you transition away from family…I MISS MINE every day. Your blog will help them feel like they know how you are doing, but it doesn’t make it easy. Focusing on your marriage and faith will help. Knowing you (I’m pretending we have met), you will make friends FAST!


YOU GUESSED IT!! I can tell that you miss your cute family so much and I may have to call you and find out tips on how you do it:) I love what you said about focusing on my marriage and faith…girl, how much should I pay you to be my therapist?


Umm, “crockpotted” is definitely a word. It’s a verb and I use it all the time. :) And yes, if you move near me I will definitely be your friend because I love candy and froyo!!


I always find moving to be hard. It’s hard adjusting to being away from family and friends, and then making new friends.

If you end up in the Houston, TX area, we will totally hang out!

When I get home I DVR if I have stuff waiting, or I catch up on bloggs. Sometimes I do both! I eat a snack, then head to the gym!


I grew up in Wyoming and moved to San Diego when I was 22, where I’ve been for the past 7 years. It’s definitely hard for the first few years, but then you’ll start making a different support system. I found that making other friends that were “transplants” helped me feel like I had a family around. You’ll do great though, and you always have all of us! Where are you guys going to go?


Wherever we get in that is the best school:) We love San Diego so so very much and so you might have a new buddy soon:)


I’ve only moved states once, from Colorado here to Missouri, but my parents just moved back to New Mexico, which has been… interesting… I know my mom hates it and misses me, and it’s just so weird being… alone.

Since I usually get home at 10 PM or later my routine is check things online, eat something, get in bed, sleep. Oh, gotta let the dogs out, too… and change clothes and grudgingly wash my face.


USD has a FANTASTIC Law School…just saying (HINT HINT BILLY)!!!! San Diego is a GREAT place to live, perfect weather, good food, YOGURTLAND, lots of places to run, short flight to see fam….did I convince you yet?!?! :)


He really wants to go there actually!! That would be AMAZING to live by you and play all the time….plus the perfect temps are amazing:)


I’ve never moved far away either. Even my college was only an hour away. I’m a little bit attached to them as well. :) If you come to Massachusetts, I will be your friend. We will run (or elliptical or spin), eat candy, and play on our iPads (mine will be purchased by then). :D

Books… have you read “The Book Thief” yet? It’s really good.


NO….I have heard of ‘The Book Thief’ but I haven’t read it yet, thanks for reminding me!!! You are the best. Okay, you sold me on the iPad/candy/running friendship:)


PLEASE move to DC/Maryland/Northern VA! I will hang out with you anytime! There are lots of FroYo places so we can try them all a few time and decide on our favorite. :-D

Also, I will bake desserts with you.


ok done begging,

but in all seriousness. Transition is hard, but i know you will do alright and will make a lot of friends!


p.s. we have trader joes :-D


You sold me. Maybe we will move there next weekend:) We seriously would have the best time together!


Oh, come to Michigan! We have Wayne State University, University of Michigan and then there’s Michigan State University! Does he want to be a Spartan or a Wolverine? lol All top law schools!! I’m a Paralegal so maybe he can work for my firm! What type of law does he want to practice??


I have not moved more than the average person, but haven’t lived at home in 10 years! Since college, I’ve never been home for longer than spring/winter break. I totally relate to missing your family and feeling homesick, but you will make yourself a home wherever you go. My secret? Moving to NYC where my brother and his fiance live. Now, I have a piece of home waiting for me in the West Village whenever I want. Sometimes I purposely plan my Saturday workouts at the gym near them (since they live across town), so I can go bother them.

Lots of times when I get home from work, I write. Sometimes it’s really hard to motivate myself to write when I’ve just spent 8-10 hours in front of a screen doing other work. But then I remind myself how much I LOVE it :-) Lots of other nights, I make a giant salad (that may or may not rival yours – we should have a contest) and plop on the couch to watch important current events, such as the Bachelor Pad and Jersey Shore.


If you move up here for law school (washington state, olympia area, most gorgeous place on the planet) I promise you will love it. And you can be my family. And I’ve got family up the wazoo over here, so you’d always have somewhere to eat Sunday dinner and steal from the pantry from. (I mean I do it all the time!)


BOSTON! You can join my running club and I bake CUPCAKES for our post run snack!!!


Watermelon combo and COME TO DC AREA!!! I swear we will be best friends and 100% fro yo twinners. We should open up a franchise. :D


I know how you feel! My family moved to Oklahoma (grew up in Florida) in the middle of high school. I’m about ready to graduate college and get a big kid job and I’m sooooo ready to leave Oklahoma. It’s never felt like home to me. BUT now my parents are here and I cry and eat my weight in icing every time I talk about moving far away from them. :(


I think there are some fine schools in the Cleveland, OH area :)

I’ve moved a lot…it doesn’t get easier, but it makes you appreciate your loved ones! Plus, it brings me out of my shell and meet new people.

I’m currently reading the Help..it’s great! I’d recommend it if you have not read it. I also enjoyed the Hunger Games series


I put hot sauce on everything too!!! Texas Pete yummmmm!


I moved from Delaware to Las Vegas the day after I graduated from law school. I’m still here, but it was a hard adjustment. I still miss my family, but I’ve also made wonderful friends who are my surrogate family here. And the internet is a giant family too.


I love your after work schedule! And the awkward arm is a really nice touch. It’s way tough to move away from family… I’m not a big fan, but there’s always fun friends to make no matter where you go. And then there’s the hope that in the future you’ll all be next-door neighbors or something awesome… Until cardboard cutouts isn’t a bad idea… I might steal that one! Haha! :)


I’m reading “Little Bee” right now and it is sooo good. You should definitely read it. Tell Billy good luck, I know how stressful applying to school can be! :)


I moved 12oo miles away from my family and the 1st year was hard until I started making new friends and now it feels like home here. Then my whole family followed me and now they all live her in AZ with me. I love it!
When the day winds down, it is, hair up, cereal with my husband, and then we hang on the couch, he watches sports and I check out whats shakin in the computer world.
Read Unbroken, it is an amazing story.


I think we have that exact same red blanket on our couch too!! It is my favorite… so soft and comfy! Especially in the winter :-D

Over the last 5 years I have lived in 3 different Massachusetts towns , Portland, Maine and Tucson, Arizona, all for work. Moving like that was VERY tiring… trying to make myself at home, get back into my routine, making new friends. I missed my family and friends from home (Boston/Cape Cod), especially my Sister, terribly. I had mazing experiences in all the places that I lived and made incredible friends for sure but home is where the heart is and I am SO grateful to be back!

I totally eat on the floor sometimes!!! hahaha Floor, chopsticks… so comfy :)

After work I usually go for a run/or go to the gym, then go to the market in sweaty, nasty workout clothes for wine/beer and dinner ingredients, then go home, open a bottle of wine and continue to lounge around in my gross clothes while chatting with my boyfriend, catching up on our days, I will finally manage to jump in the shower and immediately after put on some music, read, catch up on blogs and we eat dinner around 9:30. I apparently like to stretch out my nights haha

Love your watermelon themed outfit! ;)


I didn’t move a lot as a kid- but we moved from Oregon to Utah 3 years ago. Away from all of my family and everyone I know. I miss home everyday!
When my kids are in bed I sit/lay on my bed with my laptop and do some blog reading while watching old sitcom reruns.


I can only imagine how difficult that meeting was. I love to read all your stories about your family. I think Billy should personally look at schools in NC!! We would eat yogurt every day. I would introduce you to the icing directing on the yogurt!!!


That is awesome how you make your meal into a healthier version… :)
Best of luck to you, moving scares me too. I’ve always lived near my family.


Another vote for MA! Don’t know if you’ve heard, but we’ve gots some goods schools in the Boston area. Including my alma mater – BC!

I grew up in NJ, went to college in MA, moved back to NJ after college, moved to FL for my second job, moved to VA for my third job, and moved back to MA for my current job. I want to stay in MA. It feels like home.


I suggest Tulane or Loyola law school, then you could live in New Orleans and we could eat all kinds of amazing food!


Mark, these photos are wfoedrnul! I was getting all teary-eyed when they kissed during the ceremony. And they look so happy, and their friends and family look so loving. Very well done photographing their day, and I’m really liking the layout and look of your website!


I thought it was funny that you sit on the floor! I do the same thing! I couldn’t find a kitchen table that I liked for 3 years so I sat on the floor, now I have a table and I still find myself sitting on the floor in odd places eating! It’s like having a picnic! =D


Bahahaha!!! I totally understand! It just feels natural to sit on the floor and eat!


Where are yall moving to?!!!! I know it’s gonna be hard for you being away from your family, you are so close to them. But you are such a people person you are going to make so many new friends!


Move to Roanoke VA! There is absolutely nothing to do here except see many many cows and llamas BUT I will be your best friend and we can play with my dogs and horse and eat peanut butter all day long.
I went to the university of connecticut last year for my first year of college and I ended up transferring because people were miserable and unfriendly. Have you ever been to Boulder, CO? I bet you would love it there! Everybody runs/walks/bikes everywhere and it’s just an amazing city.
K see you in Roanoke next year.


Move here!! To Arizona!! We can workout at 24 Hour Fitness! It’s amazing and I can tell you awesome stories about my little second graders and you can teach my 18 year old to (FINALLY) drive!! I’ll make you killer brownies and we can run, run, run!! Also, I have all my fave fro-yo shops to show you!


any books by chelsea handler– hysterical! like, i laugh out loud and attract attention if i’m in public. cant help it…girl is so funny.


The only big move I’ve ever done was from my first childhood house to my second (we moved when I was twelve)… I don’t remember a lot of it, but I’d be willing to bet I cried. This is based on the following facts: I cry over everything, I have made many smaller moves in adulthood (to and from college, moving apartments, etc.) and cried every time, and I usually cry if I have to pack for long vacations. Being a hoarder does NOT help me function in society.

I have horrible book recommendations because apparently I read trash. At least that’s what my friends and family like to tell me. For example, I love Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster, which can only be described as chick lit. And I just reread Sundays at Tiffany’s by James Patterson because I am a huge sap.

Also, I have to put in a vote for you to move to Southern California. I’m moving there next year to be with the boyfriend, and um… I can get you into Disneyland for free. Whenever you want. And get you discounts on food and merchandise. All I ask in return is that you not judge me when I shove four cream cheese pretzels in my mouth at once. Deal?


Hey, if the Husband decides to go the University of Minnesota for law school, I’ll hang out with you ALL the time! Plus I just finished there, so I can tell him what to expect :)


i moved from california – where i was born, raised and went to uni 5 minutes from my parents (and 4 siblings!) – to paris last year so i totally know the feeling! it was like i couldn’t get enough of them before i left but it did get a bit easier after a while and with a lot of skype :)



Hot sauce makes everything that much better!
Moving will be difficult but change is always good too.. I think you’d like Wisconsin weather. ;-)

We could get froyo everydayyy!


& we have a super law school.. just sayin :)


i went to college about 3 hours away from my family which was perfect because i could go home when i wanted, but stay up there when i wanted to as well. i studied abroad for spain in a semester and my family was unable to come visit me so i actually flew home for a week to see them. after i graduated i moved to maryland and then to chicago, where i am now.

it’s always really hard for me to be away from my family, especially now that i’m further away and since i’m working so it’s not like school or studying abroad when i knew i’d be seeing them soon. ironically, i’ve lived here for over a year, but just recently moved to an apartment and that was the hardest transition of them all for me because i decided to stay here and not move back to the east coast. it has gotten easier with time, but i think i am just permanently homesick. not a bad thing, though – it makes me really appreciate the time i have with my family and i’m fairly certain i’ll move closer to them one day.


Where is Billy applying? Are you staying on the west coast?


I did a couple book reviews on my blog today, both good reads. I’ve been wanting to read that one, good to hear it’s worth the time!


I totally vote for Dallas!!!!! I’m reading The Help, which you already read, and Run Less Run Faster…. I just started it yesterday but I’m very into the science behind their training plan!!


Oh and I moved from Tulsa to Dallas a little over 2 years ago, and NEVER saw myself leaving home….but I LOVE IT here! Being away from family has it’s benefits even though it does suck at times!


So I know this old, but a friend recommended that I start reading your blog and since I like to read the “back story” I have been slowly reading through your old posts. My husband and I met at college and then we had to stay around the area because he is finishing PA school, he finishes next May. I am excited and nervous to be moving on but we have both decided to look at this next move as a new adventure. It’s hard though to leave a place that we have really come to love the past six years :(


I’ve lived away from my hometown for two years, one of those was to Ricks (dating myself). I’ve moved three times since getting married but still live in the same stake as my parents, same ward as my in-laws.

We moved around the corner last time and people in the ward came with pickup trucks to help us move. ;-)

I like the idea of POD and would totally try it if I even moved long distance.

I like Sherryl Woods’ Magnolia series, I reviewed her newest trilogy in the series, Midnight Promises, Catching Fireflies, Where Azaleas Bloom. The first four are available for your kindle app

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