Two-a-day workout.

My TRAINGING PAGE is updated…..talking about Foam Rolling!!!


All of you oatmeal-aholics out there……my BIL came up with a new way to eat your oats that has never been seen yet in blogland.

Each bite of his oatmeal with raisins was topped with whipped cream.  He said it tasted just like those Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies.  I dare you to try it.

I am sorry, as much as oatmeal is good for you etc. etc. etc. the thought of it during the hot summer makes me a little queasy, especially after a workout.

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We all got up early this morning (7 a.m. is early to us now) and did our workouts.  Everyone went for a four mile run (Billy averaged 7:11 wahoo) and I went to the gym.  I was smart for once and didn’t go running with them because I know I would have been competitive and tried to beat the boys and end up hurting myself.

We did get in a second workout….bike ride to go get breakfast burritos.

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I can do that cool trick too but I didn’t want to show up my BIL because I can do it with just one leg while making the proper turning signals with my arm.

I am extremely jealous of his fanny pack and so I have made a make-shift one until I can afford to go buy a new one.

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What is with all the random people in the background of my pictures lately?  And if that is my BIL’s hardcore (I told him to pose like he is gangsta) than I am worried for his safety.    FYI There was a deodarant mark on my shirt (I don’t know how I get that stuff everywhere) and I photoshopped it out, along with photoshopping out my huge biceps.

That would be my beauty.  Egg, veggies and ham breakfast burrito with 8 times as much pico (with fresh jalepenos) displayed in the photo.

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My SIL got nachos that were as big as her.

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And we all split a Horchata that was heavenly and refreshing.    Let’s just say the bike ride back wasn’t as comfortable with a breakfast burrito brick hanging out in my stomach.


Do you eat oatmeal in the summer?  Do you eat smoothies in the winter?

-For some reason I can handle cold stuff when it is cold outside (hello, ice cream) but oatmeal just doesn’t sound good in the summer.

Do you ever do 2-a-days with running or anything other workout?   What would be your ideal 2-a-day?

-I used to do them once in a while when I couldn’t fit in my long run all at one time, so I had to split it up into morning and night.  I love running in the morning and then doing a yoga class at night!!

Have you ever worked out right after a heavy meal?  Any stories?

-You can read about my experience HERE of trying to run in the heat within 5 minutes of eating a ginormous caesaer salad at Costco.

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i just had oatmeal for breakfast this morning! i can eat something hot when it’s hot out as long as i have a cold drink to go with it. now i’m waiting for my post-lunch froyo to digest so i can go to the gym. =)


The only two-a-day workouts I do now are on Thursdays. I run in the morning and have indoor soccer at night. When I was in college rowing during spring break we had double days where we had a water workout in the morning and a land workout in the afternoon. Those were brutal!


loveeeeeeeee oatmeal any time of year!
but smoothies are a summer thing for me only
and two a day workouts are the best to get in more running miles
today i did the elliptical this am and am going to spinning tonight! yay two a days!


Running after a meal is never good. I might start doing two-a-days because I have found two different people to run with. I am doing this to fit two different schedules and it is nice because if I miss the run with the group in the morning I still have someone to run with at night. My wife and I are going to start walking at night as well. I really hope this helps speed up my weight loss.


That is awesome that you have TWO different people to run with…..I am jealous!! Going on walks is my FAVORITE thing ever!


Totally finish my second run for the day. It was awesome.


I can only eat cold oats when it’s hot out. It doesn’t bother me at all to eat cold foods during the winter – I actually LOVE eating ice cream while sitting in front of our fireplace. My husband thinks it’s strange, whatever.
I went to a grand opening of a fro-yo place like 30 minutes before teaching an hour zumba class one night…since it was a grand opening everything was free and I MAY have overdone it just a tiny bit (five flavors and nine toppings…). Thank goodness for my instructor fan blowing right on me – without it I think I would have died.
I seriously love two-a-days! I usually train in the mornings and then teach zumba at night, but sometimes I like to get in an extra cardio session or some heavy lifting on my non-training days.


I love so many things about this post! I love oatmeal even in the summer, but eating it after a run? no way!

Love the fanny pack! I want one. Maybe I should just wear my SPIbelt around in normal life and see if that catches on.


I can’t really do the oatmeal in the summer either…at least most of the time I can’t. I much prefer a yummy bowl of cereal with cold milk, or toast with cold jam. :)

That burrito looks INCREDIBLE. Mad jealous.


I can drink smoothies all year long (mainly because it doesn’t get that cold in Georgia), but oatmeal makes me want to gag in the summer, especially after a morning run. The only thing on my mind is lowering my body temp so that I can stop sweating and put on makeup for work.


I do the occasional 2 a day – it’s usually a running/yoga combo or a spin/bodypump combo!


We have the same favorite combo’s of classes!!!


If I do have oatmeal in the summer, it has to be cold overnight oats. Even then it’s kind of too much because it’s so heavy in my tummy! Smoothies are a MUST during the summer!!

That burrito looks so good. I was thinking of what to have a dinner…but now I know I’m going to make a burrito with some cheesy eggs. YUMMY!

My ideal two a day would probably be a run in the morning then some yoga at night. I usually don’t do two a days because I don’t want to put in the effort. LOL


GIRL….my comments don’t show up on your blog…check spam!! Smoothies are a must during the summer and I hope you enjoy your cheesy egg burritos tonight!


I will run in the morning and do a circuit class at lunch time. I’m not a huge fan of doubling up on cardio workouts though. My poor feet can’t handle it!!!

Breakfast burritos will officially be on the menu now for our Wednesday Breakfast night!!!


Ok so Billy’s idea of putting Whipped Cream on his oatmeal is not weird to me at all…because I’ve done it before. Check out my oatmeal banana split. YUM

Actually, I eat oatmeal in the summer because it’s always so cold inside. Have you ever done overnight oats? Those are cold…


AHHHHH My comments don’t show up on your blog…CHECK SPAM!!! I NEED your oatmeal banana split..that sounds absolutely AMAZING! I have never tried overnight oats…I think I need to now!


I tried overnight oats for the first time earlier this summer – it has changed my life. I now CRAVE them! The best recipe for me is: 1/3 cup old-fashioned oats, 1/3 cup vanilla almond milk, 1/3 cup plain greek, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, yogurt, honey, cinnamon, and peanut butter all to taste. I leave it in the fridge overnight and in the morning I add fruit, granola, nut butters… whatever I want depending on how hungry I am! SO delicious.


I love oatmeal but the thought of it recently in the 90+ degree heat makes my stomach churn!


I have tried to do oatmeal cause all the cool kids were doing it, but I can’t. So it isn’t a summer/winter thing it isn’t. I wish though, the stirs in are endless and that seems fun.

I love to run and swim on the same day. Or better yet swim and tennis, and then I call it my country club day. I do not really like to run twice because 99 out of 100 times that means I am doing the 2nd run for the wrong reasons.


I had oatmeal for breakfast this morning…I basically have no food normalcies that I follow. I even drink iced coffee all winter long!
That burrito looks deeeelicious! Eggs are one of my favorite foods :)
I don’t think I’ve ever done a two a day…aside from doing a short yoga video/hike or something later/earlier in the day in addition to another workout! I’ve also never done a brick workout…kindaaa intimidating!
I ran on the treadmill riiiight after I ate today and I kind of felt like I had to jump off and go to the bathroom the whole time. TMI?


Oh….not TMI because I know that feeling all too well!! Eggs really are the best food ever and I think it is awesome that you eat iced coffee in the winter…just like me and ice cream in the winter!!!


Did someone say HORCHATA!? Delish!


YES… you love it too? I kind of want to just drink that instead of water:)


Love is an understatement — I’m borderline obsessed with it after I found it at a truly authentic Mexican restaurant. It’s almost like a melted fried ice cream… but better?


I love doing two workouts a day once in a while, especially when one of them was yoga or Pilates! You can always manage some cardio after those classes. Last week I ran 4.5 miles at lunch and then 3.2 at night as part of my hood to coast training!


loved reading about foam rolling.

haha your BIL is pretty brilliant for adding whipped cream. I can’t really eat it in the summer, except on days that I get chills from leaving sweaty clothes on, then I need a hot breakfast.

I’ve just started trying two-a-days and I love it!! I can do so much more/go longer if I change up activities


I can easily add bike riding after just about any other exercise but that’s simply because I’m awesome like that!

I am able to eat hot stuff in the summer (chilli, oatmeals etc) and cold stuff in the winter (ice cream, smoothies). You don’t pack on 20 pounds in 2 years of grad school by being a sensitive eater! You have to be able to eat whatever whenever! This is the story of my success! ;-)


I have overnight oats or smoothies in the summer! I love the taste and versatility of both! I try not to eat to heavy before I work out…I feel really sick if I do :)


Oats make me queasy all year round…even with the world’s best toppings. Now whenever I use toppings I think of you…I’m eating fro-yo with cracklin’ oat bran, raspberries, and chunks of a dark chocolate bar – so, so, so good!

I do 2-a-days every day except for long run days and rest days..I love running but I’ll admit I look forward to the afternoons when i get to do circuits or lift instead of a second run!

Very proud of you for not joining in on the family 4 miler…Wishing you a speedy recovery!


i just have to be in the mood for oatmeal but i do love it!!
love putting berries in it and banana, sometimes some protein powder.
i havent really done those oats in a jar but i want to!!

i do like to do 2 a days sometimes. if i have time. sometimes i will do p90x.
i wish i had a more regular yoga schedule at my gym so i could do that or pilates…


I eat oatmeal in the summer but only if it’s cold, like overnight oats or a breakfast cookie. otherwise no…that and because last winter regular oats started hurting my stomach really badly and caused me a lot of pain for work.


I eat ice cold overnight oats in the summer and hot crock pot oats in the winter, either way, they’re topped with more cereal. (generally uncle sam’s) I will eat ice cream or smoothies in -10F weather. I love them hard.
2 a days are all I do. I have to split things up because I have breastfeedin’s to do!


I love eating oatmeal, warm or not and yes I too eat smoothies in the winter lol! Although, I don’t crave ice cream as much in the winter. Back a couple weeks ago I loved two day workouts, run or spin in the morning followed by a long hour walk in the afternoon at a fast pace. Hmmm…might be why I am on rest now lol. Today I went swimming right after lunch, but I was fine! I guess a light turkey wrap and corn does not matter as much as oppossed to a big hamburger.


I love oatmeal all year long! Not everyday, but usually a couple of times a week. :) Hilarious/genius about the whipped cream.


I eat oatmeal & smoothies year round. I usually do 2-a-days on Tuesday. I run at 5am and then go to the gym for a leg workout. I definitely need alot of Tiger Balm on Tuesdays!!


I tried running ONE time after eating a big meal. Not a good idea. Lesson learned. ;)


I don’t crave oatmeal in the summer….but I love oats!

I have worked out after eating and it BITES. I hate it.


Oats and soup are the worst in the summer. But as soon as there is a nippy morning, there is nothing I love more!


Oatmeal in the summer makes me GAG..strange, I know. It’s just too hot out! And funny you asked about working out right after a big meal..yesterday I split up my long run and made the mistake of eating a million pretzels dipped in peanut butter right before running out the door. GAH. I felt like my stomach had bricks in it, and could barely drink any water. Never ever, ever, again will I eat so close to running late in the afternoon, ha.


OUCH….I feel for your girl, that sounds PAINFUL!!!! Good to know I am not alone with the whole no oatmeal when it is hot out thing:)


My ideal 2aday is spinning and strength (its a class called Zone 8 where you hop on and off the bike…sooo cool!) then a 6km run or vice versa


I have no desire for oats in the summertime and I am so NOT down with overnight oats either. All slimy and cold. Blegh!


No oatmeal for me lately – way too hot here in Dallas.
Two a days – I love them! I don’t like to spend more than an hour at the gym so it’s hard to get my runs and my classes in. Since my son started football I’ve been trying to go to the gym in the morning and save my runs for the evenings. When it works out it is perfect. Today I did pilates in the morning and did my run this evening.


I don’t love oatmeal anyway- so eating it when it’s all warm outside just sounds gross. Bleh – now I can’t stop thinking about it.
I was smart and ran a nighttime half marathon 2 hours after eating spaghetti and meatballs. Some super awesome stuff was coming up along the way ;).

I did a BodyPump class this morning and a spin class this evening- it felt challenging and awesome all at the same time :).


Oatmeal was all I wanted for breakfast in the winter, but now it doesn’t sound good to me anymore either! I did have it once a few weeks ago because I got really cold after a long run from being inside the air conditioned house too long before jumping in the shower.

I love doing cardio in the morning and an exercise dvd during my little one’s nap, or at night after he goes to bed.


Ice cream all the time please, I don’t care if I have to sit in front of a heater to eat it in the winter, I’s still going to eat it :)
I think I am weird, but pancakes are my perfect pre-workout food… other things make me feel too full and are heavy in my tummy, but protein pb pancakes work for me for some reason – I hate the feeling of working out with a brick in my stomach but I can’t workout in the morning without any fuel.


Oh man I love those little debbie oatmeal cream things. I could so eat a whole box. and i totally eat oatmeal in the summer…and hot tea…and soup. I know, I know I have no idea what I;m thinking half the time!


oatmeal is definitly a fall/winter meal for me. i could eat it every day for breakfast. i had horchata last night with dinner- but i also had melon water- please please tell me you’ve had this. it changed my world. it’s like a salad in a cup. well a fruit salad. which is basically a salad. i bought a cantaloupe today to try to recreate it at home- it won’t be the same.


NOOOOO…..I have never had melon water, I need to try it NOW!!!


BEST OATMEAL VARIATION EVER. Can you make up one that tastes like Zebra Cakes? Or perhaps Nutty Bars? Thanks BIL!


We will definitely work on it…Just for you gorgeous girl!


California looks like seriously so much fun! We visited Orange County 3 years ago…I think its time for another trip!


I’m a new reader- I came across your blog from Alyssas. I love Oatmeal everyday of the year but same as you, I eat cold oats in the summer because the idea of hot oatmeal with hot weather just doesn’t mix! Love the blog- can’t wait to read more :)!


Two a day workouts – love them! I try and squish everything into the morning (run before the Y is open, get my butt over there at 5:30 and complete my New Rules of Lifting for Abs), but sometimes, ya gotta split it up.

Ran an 8 miler this morning and I have hot vinyasa tonight (no way I could do that all before work….and get in on time!). I say if you’re feeling good, 2 a days are a good thing!


Way to go on being smart and not going with them! I have been having some foot/achilles problems and have been stubborn and tried running through it. The past few weeks it has gotten a lot worse :( Yesterday I actually turned around after a mile and only did 2 and then went on a little 30 minute bike ride. I was proud of myself for actually ending my run because I have been really bad at just telling myself it is ok and to keep going and then ending up even worse the next day. I just hope it gets better soon!

That oatmeal/whipped cream concoction looks pretty good! I may have to try it soon!

I miss my running 2-a-days, but I think it is mainly because I only ever have time to go once now. :(


I’ll eat oatmeal all year because something warm in my belly in the morning is so comforting. The 2-a-day workouts are too much for me since I’m too lazy to shower twice. Earlier this year, I tried running a few hours after finishing a corned beef hash breakfast and couldn’t handle more than 2 miles. I have never felt like such a slug in my life.


I laughed so hard about you being worried for your BILs safety if that’s gangster. Oh my!

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