I am a nerd and I am completely convinced that the first day of school sets up what is going to happen the rest of the year.

Last night after watching at least 5 episodes of 30 Rock trying to fall asleep at 9:30 when I am used to my 1 a.m. summer bedtime, I thought there was no way in heck I was going to get up at 5 to go to the gym.

But guess who did?

IMG 0652

Um, yeah sorry about the flash….I was already sacrificing washing my hair because I was already late, I did not have the time to retake my sweaty picture.

Yep.  I amazed myself.  The creepiest part is that when my alarm clock went off I wasn’t even tired…..must be from all the excitement that I have of spending the next 9 months of my life teaching teenagers important life skills (that I am still learning myself).

My shin splints have been acting up a teeny tiny bit again and so I have decided to take this week off from running and so I did 45 minutes on the eliptical, 15 minutes on the stairclimber of death and 20 minutes on the stationary bike so I could finish reading, ‘The Violet of March’ (such a good book… it took me two days to read it because I was HOOKED).


What was/is your workout today?

Are you a fan of the stairclimber? Does it make you sweat like crazy/breath heavy and have a heart rate of 200 bpm like it does for me?

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Nice job! I definitely slept through my morning workout alarm. Looks like I”m running after work today!

I hate the stair climber!


hahah love the picture
hate the stair climber! (it hurts my hips:(
and SPIN today!!!!
did a 45 min routine making it up by myself then RAN OVER AND TAUGHT THE ROUTINE TO MY FIRST CLASS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
it was awesome!
boo girl i am so sorry about the shinns!!
good call taking a break off of it tho!


I wanted to run, but work got in the way – i have a full day business meeting and then dinner following (don’t tell my co-workers, but I am going to try to fit in at least 3 miles in between 5:30 and dinner (6:30) eek!


I went to the gym since the man pretty much insisted that I go even though I wanted a rest day since I have been walking around at new job. But I did twenty minutes of strength which made me feel better! But I stayed off the cardio to keep it easy on my knee!!

Also if anyone can please read my post on Cupcakes for Mikey I would appreciate it. It links to a story that is heartbreaking about someone stealing money from a group helping to raise money for children with cancer and what some NYC food artisans are doing about it!


I am impressed! I love using new beginning to start new routines. I am hoping to do that next week when we move into our new house. I want to get to the gym in the AM with the hubs… we will see how it goes.

Sorry you shins are acting up, I know from experience how frustrating lingering injuries can be! Good call changing it up. I totally agree about the stair stepper, nothing makes me feel more out of shape!

Wasn’t Violets AMAZING? Best book I’ve read this summer by far :)

Also, I LOVE 30 Rock.


Hey Janae, do you do anything to deal with your shin splints besides backing off the running? I got them for the first time recently right in the middle of my marathon training schedule. Blerg. KT Tape seems to be helping me, but if you or anyone else has some advice I’d love to hear it.


That addresses sevearl of my concerns actually.


Man girl, you do a lot of cardio! I wish I had the patience/dedication to stay that long at the gym, LOL.


Good for you, that’s awesome!! Do you have any tips for getting up early?? I have the WORST time waking up in the morning. I wish I could run in the am before work as it’s often the only time I really have to squeeze the run in, and I often have to miss or compromise other commitments to run.. I just can’t seem to get up!

You’re a rockstar for not only being up, but for being THAT happy.. haha awesome!


Great job on the workout! I hate the stairmaster too. I never use it.

I read Violets of March about a month ago. It was soooo good!


Ohh the joys of teaching high school… Good for you for getting your sweat on before work!!


Way to go girl! I barely made it out of bed this morning. My workout today: 7 miles after work + abs and arms before bed.

Good luck with the new school year!


Congrats! I just got back from vacation myself and I am actually really looking forward to getting back to my gym routine! I am off to the gym later this morning for a run and some some weights. And no, my workout will not include the stairmaster – we are not friends. I have a really hard time on that thing! :)

Sorry to read about your shin splints but am glad that you are taking it easy and listening to your body!


Way to keep listening to your body! :D My workout today is MORE push ups and then a 5K. I have never tried the stairclimber, mostly because it’s beastly looking. I do have to climb a TON of stairs and hills around here plus I live on the third floor so does that count? Have fun on your first day!


I’m so inspired! I’m a teacher and don’t start school for another two weeks… Early AM workouts are such a great routine to get into, but such as hard routine to start. Thanks for this post! :)


Can’t workout for 4-6 weeks. :( :( I’m taking a Janae lesson of being on the disabled list while my heart heals from pericarditis. I cannot WAIT to get back out there running again, it’s driving me loco!!


Super excited to see more of this kind of stuff oilnne.


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Happy Back-to-School!

My first day with kiddos is tomorrow… can’t wait! I should have taken your advice and started back into my school workout schedule when we first started… whoops! I’ll be visiting the elliptical/bike after work tonight. Plus lots of running around like a chicken with my head cut off!


My workout will be 1.5 mi run .5 mi cool down and spin!! I used to LOVE the stairclimber but I haven’t been on it in a long time. It really gets my heart rate up though I like it


OMG yes to the stairclimber! Seriously, it is straight embarrassing! Have you seen Ali on the Run’s I <3 Sweat tshirts? Well, I wore it on the stairstepper…and its grey…and it definitely looked like I hearted sweat BIGTIME.

Cheers to waking up early to workout – totally with ya on it dictating the rest of the year :-)


My workout today is going on a walk after work. I hope that my hubby is home so he can go with me… but if he is working super late then I’ll go solo :)


Nice work! I am on my second week of school now and into the routine! It won’t take you long.
Track workout tonight with the club…400, 800, 1600, 800 hope I can do it!


totally a fan of the stairmill… do you hold on while you’re doing it? i do because i think i might fall over from aforementioned crazy heart rate and heavy breathing haha


I don’t know why but the stairclimber kicks my butt in 10 minutes!! I sweat so much I think I must be depleting an ocean somewhere!

Good job at getting up early!


Nicely done!

I ran 8.3 miles this morning at 5am! :-) I love running before work.


good job! That means its going to be a great school year, right? I bet your kids are gonna love you even more.


YAYAYAY!!! Nice work friend. I don’t think I could handle the stair climber for 2 minutes. Happy Back to School!!!


I’m supposed to be going to the gym after work but I mostly have zero desire right now. :-/

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Today’s workout was ANOTHER 3000 yard swim.
It was good and I feel like I’m becoming a stronger swimmer, for once!
My second workout is the elliptical… While reading The Help. I think that’s really the only reason I go to the gym again.
Actually I had a third workout, making “better than crack” brownies from How Sweet It Is. DELICIOUS!!!

I’ve never used the stair climber… I stare at it while I’m at the gym sometimes but since I had surgery on my knee that would probably be the worst idea EVER. I really wanna try spin because it’s no impact but I’m scared. I know you’ve written previous entries about first time spin classes but they still make me really nervous. Idk what to expect. Haha!

I hope your shin splints get better!
:) Keep your head up


i love getting up early to get my workout done first thing in the morning. today, however, i’ll be working out in the evening when i’ll meet up with my SIL and husband to do 400 repeats at the track.

i suffer from reoccurring shin splints too and i hope you are feeling better very, very soon!!!


Good for you! Happy 1st day back at school. :)


Week 6, Day 1 of C25K on the treadmill tonight after work! Congrats on getting up that early – you’re a crazy person!


Body pump! I already feel stronger. :)


This morning I ran a 5k tempo run and worked my arms, legs and core with weight galore! I’m tired now. I’ve gone to the gym 3 times in 24 hours (a total of 5 hours of working out).


I am more like an enemy of the stairclimber. I abhor it! I hate even walking up stairs let alone getting on a machine that mimics them! Ahhh. But it is such a good workout. Great job on waking up! woo hoo!


I”ve been wanting to start getting on that stair climber! I think I might tomorrow. Today I ran 40 minutes barefoot.


woo hoo nice job! Can you please teach me how to wake up that early on any given day? I have the same schedule all year and still struggle to get up at my normal time.


oh man I have a love hate relationship with the stair climber! I can only stand about 5 minutes without feeling like i’m going to die!


Good girl for x-training when you’re hurting. That’s how to stay off the DL!


yay. good job for waking up.
spin today with 15 minutes running and lunges/ squats.
want to run tomororw!


So proud of you for taking a break from running…good girl!


Go you!! I love that idea of the the first day determines the kind of year you are going to have. Way to kick it off on the right foot!
I actually really love being up that early too working out. It is just so refreshing to get it out of the way that early!


I started a new training program to work on improving my time and pace. Just three miles. But the goal was to complete the distance. Not time. I run 5 miles this weekend. That will be my longest run ever. I am getting there


I wasnt able to get out of bed and skipped my morning workout. Hopefully I can makeup for it tonight.

I love the stair climber. I can’t any longer than 15 minutes thouggh. Lol


I ran 3 miles this evening and it was great, cool weather, perfect for running! I pushed through the entire run!
Good job on getting up and heading to the gym, you really are a inspiration for us non-morning people! lol


I did a cycling class this morning and the best part was my husband came with me for the first time and didnt even complain. It was great!


AHHHH THAT IS AWESOME THAT YOUR HUSBAND CAME AND DIDN’T COMPLAIN….that makes my day. Let me know if he keeps going with you:)


The stair climber is brutal! I do it when I really want give myself a beating :) I swam today so I’ve walked around alllll night smelling like chlorine. It’s super hot. Did you know if you lick your hand the chlorine smell is even worse??! Fun fact that I learned tonight as well :)


Haha, love the pic! I was trying to get an outfit photo today and I just could not get my shorts into the photo. I looked half-naked. Ooops.


In awe of that ansewr! Really cool!


This makes everything so completely pnialses.


Glad your taking a break from running with your shin splints- don’t want it to get worse!! My workout today was lifting heavy weights with my legs. Now…my legs keep shaking!! :P


Know what you need for your shin splints? An E Stem Machine. Do you know what that is? It’s this shock therapy that works miracles. Seriously.

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