Happy Monday Peeps!

The B$ and I are going to be internetless because we are going away for a few days so I have some AMAZING guests posts for you and of course I pre-wrote (I know that isn’t a word) a trillion to posts that will post while we are away because you are NOT getting rid of me that easily!  Oh yeah…there is a giveaway too!

Today’s post is from the coolest chica around.  I found Chelsey’s blog A LONG TIME ago and have stalked her ever since.  I know you already probably read her blog on a daily (okay, three times a day for me) basis but if you don’t, you need to!!!!


Hi Hungry Runner readers! My name is Chelsey, and I blog over at Clean Eating Chelsey!


First of all, you must know that I actually do have two front teeth and not one uni-tooth like the above picture looks like. Second of all you must know how much I really and truly love Janae. Wouldn’t you all agree that she is like the best girlfriend you’ve never met? Or maybe you have met her.. and then, I’m jealous because I’m supposed to be her best friend.

Whatever, that is neither here nor there – what I really feel I should do is tell you all about how much Janae and I have in common.

  1. We are both mourning the fact that school is starting once again as we are both teachers.
  2. We both inadvertently annoy our husbands.
  3. Both of our families have dogs named Charlie!
  4. We both really love food
  5. And, I like to run, but Janae reeeeaalllly likes to run.

When trying to come up with a post to share with you all today, I hit a little road block. My mind has been going 112091210398 miles a minute lately (oh, and Janae and I both enjoy exaggerating), so I just couldn’t think of anything to write about. Luckily, Janae is a blogging super star and gave me a few suggestions.

As a nut lover of all kind (including my Husband), what better way to introduce myself than to tell you my favorite ways to use nut butter!

On Top of Oatmeal


Number one, hands down – the absolute best way to enjoy peanut butter is on top of oatmeal. Seeing as all of my days start with oatmeal (unless pancakes are involved), my oatmeal is always topped with peanut butter. Now, everyone has their own way of eating their peanut butter topped oatmeal – some people mix it into their oatmeal so every single bite has a bit of peanut buttery goodness. I am not one of those people.


I put my big glob of peanut butter in the middle of my oatmeal, eat around it, and wait until the end to savor those 3-4 amazing bites of nut butter. I’m dreaming of breakfast just writing about it right now!

In Baked Goods

There is nothing better than hearing that a baked good has a bite of peanut butter in it. Or, actually – what’s better is not being told that it has peanut butter and being surprised with a bite of it! My favorite combination is chocolate and peanut butter (I used to be a Reese’s girl).

Savory Sauces

Asian inspired peanut sauces are awesome – they are thick, decadent, not to mention filling. One of my favorite savory peanut butters is “The Heat is On” by Peanut Butter & CO. This peanut butter just has to be thinned out and it’s ready to party!


Or if you’re looking for a “milder” peanut sauce, Averie’s peanut sauce is for you!


(photo courtesy of Love Veggies and Yoga)

Ants on a Log


Don’t even tell me you don’t still do this.

On a Spoon


I would have to be lying if I told you I did not end each and every night with a spoonful of some sort of nut butter. Lately I have been partaking in a spoonful of cashew butter with my granola (nighttime snack!). There are also times where I don’t have time to make a nutrition packed snack, so I will just grab a spoonful and be good to go for a couple of hours.

So go and get your nut butter on folks! I hope to see you around Clean Eating Chelsey soon!

Question: What is your favorite way to use nut butter?


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Um, this is the greatest post ever! I looove me some peanut butter!!
What about the traditional pb&j? You can’t go wrong with that. Or pb toast! Delicious.


I totally agree!!! I always enjoy treating myself to some pb on toast :) mmmmmm. I do think I’ll try it in my oatmeal though too


Yum! Lots of good ideas.

I’m 4-years old at heart (23 officially, sigh) and still love pb&j. Lately I’ve been loving toast in the morning, one slice with pb, one with jam. Simple, but my favorite combo.

I also love pb on apples and on carrots. So good! And of COURSE I eat it straight out of the jar. Yeah, I may or may not have a slight peanut butter problem.


I’m right there with you at the 4 years old! :)


On top of ice cream! I may or may not have had this combo last night! :)


PB&J :)


I think my favorite ways to eat nut butter are in a pb and j sandwich, in my oatmeal, and in a reese’s peanut butter cup!


Straight from the jar! haha,. Kidding, sorta ;)
I would have to go with pb&j sandwiches – they will always be my favorite!


I’m totally not kidding. :)


Absolutely, on a spoon! Every time I have a spoonful, I remind myself that this is in my top 10 favorite foods. I do this at least 5 days a week without fail.


nut butters on oatmeal is the BESTTTT!!!! love it on apples, bananas, carrots, my finger, really anything.
especially on top of pancakess!!


Yuum!! I looove nut butters!! I usually just eat it straight out of the jar! :D


I’ve eat oatmeal all the time. Never thought about putting PB on it. It sounds really good. Wish I would of thought of that sooner! (FYI, I didn’t notice your teeth till you pointed it out. lol)


haha thank you for not noticing! :)


Oh and I just want to add that I also love, LOVE eating it /w a good apple :) just cut up some apple pieces and dip away :) mmmmmmmmmm, I guarantee if you try this after reading this you will NOT be disappointed!


I eat my PB/oatmeal combo in exactly the same way: I can’t understand why anyone would stir in all the peanutty goodness because it just gets diffused within the oat bowl and the flavour is all but lost.

PB fingers cannot be surpassed.



Peanut butter with baby carrots. Unconventional but EXCELLENT!


I’ve had that before – it’s FANTASTIC!!!


WHOA, I’ve totally never seen the “The Heat Is On” pb! I need to do some serious searching.


I love, love, love, peanut butter! I love Jiff Natural PB! I eat it on a spoon, with chocolate chips, on a spoon, with my apples, on a spoon, on pancakes, on a spoon, on waffles, on a spoon! You get the idea!
Thanks for sharing other ways to eat peanut butter! I will have to try PB on my oatmeal!


I’ve never see that type of PB&co peanut butter! I Must track some down immediately!


I just had a spoonful of jif natural and killed it like it was my job.


I love peanut butter with apples! I have it for lunch quite often :) I’ve seen PB on oatmeal a couple times recently so I think I’m going to have to try that tomorrow morning!


You hit all my favs! I do also love dates dipped in pb as a great little pre workout snack :)


I love those too!


I find so many ways to eat pb, but I would have to agree in my oatmeal is my all time fav. I also eat it with fruits, veggies and stir fry mixes, cottage cheese, protein shakes and yogurt.


Awesome post!! Can’t wait to go to Clean Eating Chelsey’s site and start browsing. I’m officially inspired :)


Thanks Heather!


OMG Chels (yeah, I’m gonna give you a nickname already, because I can tell we will be instant friends) you are the best! Can we please be friends? If not I will just blog-stalk you. OK, thanks.


We CAN be friends! And I totally love it when people call me Chels! THere’s no nicknames for “lee” though – I’ll have to come up with another one. Like Sally or something. ;)


I love Chelsey! And I love nut butter. Chunky almond is my favorite lately, and I love it smeared on a banana and sprinkled with cinnamon.


Chels you know me so well….nut butter in and on errrrthang :) I love spoonfuls, STRAIGHT UP. Especially of sunflower seed butter. Oh lawd that stuff is drippy good.


I like it on a toasted english muffin so it seeps into the cracks……yummmy!


OMG nut butter is probably my FAVORITE food of all time – I might be slightly addicted…My favorite way is on top of toast, with a little bit of cinnamon sprinkled on too. I eat this before bed like every single night, soo good. I also can’t eat oatmeal without peanut butter, and I also just love to dip stuff in it, like pretzels, crackers, pieces of dark chocolate…sometimes I spread it on top of clif bars and luna bars too….ok I’ll stop myself now…


I love ants on a log!!! But I really really really love peanut butter and banana anything…oats, sandiwch, alone whatever!


Peanut butter is the best and I agree with you that peanut butter and chocolate is the best combination. Yum!
I love peanut butter in my oatmeal, swirled into every little bite. I also like to smear pb on chocolate chip cookies or on top of granola bars. I’ve also softened it up and used it as a syrup on ice cream. Double yum!


I loovvvvee peanut butter. I eat it on whole wheat bread, apples, pancakes, waffles, bananas, a spoon … you name it. And I just made some AMAZING penaut butter cookies yesterday. They are from Jessicsa’s “How Sweet It is” blog. Soooo yummy!! :)

And I’m mourning the fact that I just had to return to work, too. I’m a school psych, and we start back a couple of weeks before the teachers. Boo! :P


True story: My mom was the ONLY mom on the block who made us kids ‘ants on a log’. The other moms would come to my mom asking about this peanut butter snack she kept making when their kids would come over to play.
How weird is that?!


HA! I do the same thing with the nut butter!!! I love saving the huge glob of SunButter or PB until the end!! and as always- my favorite way to eat nut butter is a huge spoon of it in the morning mixed with my cereal…and I save that until the end too! :P


Great idea for the guest post, Janae! I love Chelsey….thanks for the Ode to Peanut Butter. That is one food I cannot live without. I would never touch another peice of candy (sorry, Janae) to have peanut butter every day the rest of my life! Thanks, Chelsey!


Okay I just realized I said something potentially innapropriate. What I meant was I think my husband is a nut… not you know.


PB is def the love of my life :) …love it in my oats, smoothies and stirred into greek plain yogurt and i could go on forever…!


Thanks for the link on my peanut sauce and what an awesome post. I love PB so much that I have an entire post dedicated to PB recipes from Raw Vegan PB cups to Peanut Sauce to Dessert Bars to Nobake Dessert Balls & Bites. I love me some PB!


OMG Ants on a Log! I forgot about the snack but just so happen to have pb, celery, and raisins at home. Oh you bet I”ll be making that later!

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