Date Night at the Food Court

Girls date night that is………

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The mom and sister met up with me at the mall last night because I had an emergency…..

2 pennies to my name, a need for a dress this weekend and approximately 72 minutes to shop for said dress.

Somehow I accomplished the mission:  a dress (had to be purple for my aunts wedding colors), necklace and belt for the dress for a total of $37.  Throw a Subway in the mix and you get an obnoxiously happy face complete with showing you each and every one of my teeth, including my molars.

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I will show you the dress on Saturday, I am far too lazy to get up from sitting 2 feeet directily in front of my portable fan to get up and get the dress for a picture.

I have a new favorite Subway maker person.  Together my sister and I had subs equaling close to eleven lbs.  Can you see how the veggies are just falling out of that sucker?  If you live in the area, go to the University Mall Subway and ask for Jon.  You tell him extra ________ and he will go above and beyond, and now my mouth is paying for the fact that I inhaled a bush worth of jalepenos and banana peppers.

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On the way home I remembered I had a free 6 ounce yogurt coupon and couldn’t pass it by.

Muahahahha little do they know marshmallows weigh next to nothing and this picture was after I ate the first three layers of them!

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And if a drivers ed student is reading this…..I pulled over to eat this…….me, eat and drive……never!

Seriously, CHECK BACK SOON, I have the BOMB.COM giveaway……you will LOVE it!!!


Have you ever won a giveaway?  Are you lucky?  Have you ever won a raffle, contest etc?

-I usually win the coloring contests at the grocery stores…….I just have to lie about my age a little.

Do you like to shop?  What are your favorite things to shop for?  Least favorite?

-I realized last night I do NOT like shopping for fancy clothes but could shop all day for running clothes, jeans, leggings and t-shirts.

What is your favorite thing to do with your mom or sisters?

-Food, dessert and catching up on all of our DVR’d shows.

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I enjoy hanging out and doing errands or something with my mom and sister!! They are pretty awesome even though my sister and I do not always see anywhere close to eye-to-eye and are incredibly different people.

I won two giveaways on the blog world but I am ALWAYS entering them. I have won a running magazine signed by Kara Goucher and a jar of sunflower butter. I am DYING to get some awesome running gear or home improvement stuff in one of them though.


I can’t recall having won a giveaway. Ever.
I don’t particularly like to shop, but Costco can be a lot of fun! And
Since I don’t live near my mother or sister, I enjoy about anything we do together when we are together. But with my sister, RUNNING!

The Kidless Kronicles


Your makeup looks so pretty, Janae! I wish I could make my eyes look like that :)


with my mom, we shop like it’s our job! with my sister, we gossip and play with her babies. Sometimes we let me sister come shopping with us, but she doesn’t really understand need to shop all day long ;)

My sister was a great xc runner in high school and college but doesn’t run anymore so I’m always trying to get her to join me on runs… one day, I’ll get her out there.


The only giveaway I’ve ever won were on blogs before. I have 2 sisters and tons of gurly cousins and we all love to shop and talktalktalk :)


I’ve won a couple giveaways on blogs. it’s so exciting. Like every time it happens i don’t actually believe it’s true.

The only time I really shop now is online and for running clothes. People at work are getting tired of me being a cartoon character and wearing the same thing every day.


I’ve won a couple of giveaways over the last few weeks! I think it’s because I’ve had a few of my own so I’m getting goodness in return!! I never win raffles or contests though. I am such an unlucky person!

Shopping is my part-time job! I love gym clothes shopping the best, and SHOES! Only flats though. Shopping for heels makes me cringe.

Favourite thing to so with my mom (I have no sisters) is EAT or SHOP. She loves it as much as me!


So much fun! I get bored of shopping after about 30 minutes, but I could browse for running clothes online ALL DAY LONG.
I have won a few bloggy giveaways and it is the best feeling ever!


I love to shop for anything thats not an urgent need. I like to have a few ideas in mind and take my time. Dresses are hard!

I love going to the mall with my mom and sister too. Its so fun to try on things with my sister- she has great style! And mall trips always include a Starbucks run!


I’m so in love /w shopping that I work p/t at a women’s clothing store, just so I can shop at 50% off :D YAY!!!

I love subway we are heading up to the cottage tonight so I can’t wait for subway on the way there :)


I don’t win things a lot – not too lucky!
I love to shop for anything ;) But when I “have” to shop I don’t like it and get flustered easily.
I love to bake, shop or do craft projects with my Mom!


I love shopping; fancy clothes, work clothes, running/workout gear, home decor, groceries you name it! I especially love this time of year because I plan to shop for a few new Fall outfits (big chunky seaters are the best!!) and an outfit for my marathon!


Mmmm, you make me want fro-yo!! Sadness, because I live in the middle of nowhere and we don’t have one near here.
Running clothes are my absolute favourite thing to spend money on – it would be a tough call if I had to choose between buying groceries and running gear for a week!
As for giveaways, my blog isn’t that fancy yet haha but someday soon! I don’t win ANYTHING, ever. And when I do, I make a complete embarrassment of myself by getting SO excited about winning something silly. In front of important people – last time it was the dean of the law school… haha I won a $25 gift card and you’d think I had won the lottery… Oops!! :D


That sandwich looks so good! Now I’m hungry for Subway :)

I rarely win anything, so when I do it’s super exciting!

I like to shop for certain things. I get bored quickly though so I hate shopping with people who just want to browse all the time. I’d rather know what I need, shop til I find it and leave. Which surprises me because it was totally different story in high school!


I never win things, but you never know, my day could be coming :-)

I don’t like to shop, but I love to buy, especially when my mom’s in town!


I love shopping of any kind.. it’s a problem!!
I don’t have any sisters sadface but I love doing basically anything with my mom, shopping, going to the beach, froyo, cooking etc! And I love hanging out with my brothers as well.. my youngest brother and I have wicked wii marathons!


It’s awesome that you had such a fun relationship with your mom and sister! Holy veggies on that sandwich- lol


Hahaha you seriously crack me up.

I’ll have to make sure I ask for Jon the next time I go to Subway at University Mall. ;)

I am seriously the unluckiest person ever when it comes to winning things. It just never happens.

I love to shop when I’m not rushed, and I’m not having to find something in particular. I just like to take my time and get what I like.

My favorite thing to do with mom and sister: shop and eat!


I LOVE to shop for running clothes. :) I could look at them and new sneakers all day. it’s a sickness! But alas I have to shop for real clothes sometimes. I love shopping for everything but jeans!

Excited to read about your giveaway!


I’ve always said I don’t like to shop…I like to buy. I am not one to stroll around the mall with no purpose in mind or to “window shop”. I am on a MISSION when I go shopping…go in, buy what I need, get out. :)


That subway sandwich maker would be my heaven! I love my sandwiches with TONS of veggies…I can just see them pouring out the sides :)


i’ve won like…maybe one or two giveaways in my life, im not that lucky apparently haha

i do like to shop, but i’d prefer to do it online, haha. im not a huge fan of going to the mall or stores, i do it when i need to, but only for a short period of time. of COURSE i could spend hours looking around running/sporting goods stores. i def feel ya on that aspect. why isnt it acceptable to go to work in my nike shorts, damnit.

favorite thing to do with my mama is diner dates…we havent done one in a while, but i love sitting down at the diner and talking for a while over lovely greasy food. i love having girls nights with my sister which includes..alot of junk food, hours of sex and the city dvds, and prob some drinks included if its a saturday night :D


That is impressive, I was in a similar dilemma last week with needing a dress and accessories for a wedding, and I ended up splurging then semi-regretting…oh well, live and learn!

I am not lucky, but for some reason I have won like three giveaways in the last month! If only I could win more than $2 on my next scratch ticket :/


I won Megan’s music giveaway once… but I’m not ususally a winner. :(

I love to shop… I love looking at shoes, and lately I’m loving shopping for home decor. (especially since the holidays are coming- i love love love love holiday decor) I hate shopping for swimsuits and bras. I always feel chubby and notice how small my ta-tas are. :/

My favorite thing to do with my mom is to go for a run, shop, eat, etc. :)


Even if you blogged about science, I’d wanna read – LOVE your style of writing! It oozes so much fun&positive energy and always puts a smile on my face!


WOW!! Thank you so so much…you made my day!


I love shopping FOR ANYTHING. Or better yet NOTHING. Especially with my mom and sisters. I also love to do big baking projects with them. Thanks for the tip about the Subway guy. Lol.


Have you ever won a giveaway? Are you lucky? Have you ever won a raffle, contest etc?
– I won an IronMan DVD at work once!

Do you like to shop? What are your favorite things to shop for? Least favorite?
– I love love love love to shop. Unless I’m feeling blah then I hate trying on the clothes… but I could shop for anything, clothes, groceries, lotions…

What is your favorite thing to do with your mom or sisters?
-movies & games :)


I am a lucky person….so i win stuff :) Woot.

I like shopping IF I am in the mood for it, otherwise it is horribly painful!! Glad you found a dress!


I love to go out to eat with mom and sister. :) We love food! It’s genetic, I swear!


Seriously, you and your sis are gorgeous! :)

In the 80’s when my family and I were stationed in Colorado I won a cabbage patch doll. Back then they were really expensive, I guess what the “American doll” is to little girls now. My parents wouldn’t buy me one :( I guess they thought food and a roof over our head was more important! :) So…our BX (base exchange) was having a drawing and I must’ve filled out about 50 entry slips to ensure that MY name was pulled! It’s the only thing I’ve won in my life (besides my hubby’s heart!)! My cabbage patch doll was my most prized possession for a loong time (she went everywhere with me)! That and my Rainbow Brite record player!! :)

– I love to shop for blouses. I don’t like shopping for chonies (underwear).

– I love to eat Korean food with my mother.

Have a Happy Thursday! (points for not eating while driving!!)


I won a mix giveaway on MuncherCruncher’s blog and I squealed with happiness.
I just love shopping in general but only if I’m willing to spend the oney. I can’t stand window shopping. I love shopping for high heel shoes, jeans, workout clothes, and shirts.
I dislike shopping for dresses because it’s hard to find cute ones that cover me up enough.


I hate shopping. I’m like the anti-girl or something when it comes to clothes shopping. In fact, I was just discussing with a coworker yesterday how after a cleaning service, the first thing I’d do if I won the lotto would be to hire a personal shopper!


There is a GREAT one in the Seattle area!


ha ha that subway sandwhich seriously cracks me up! I am totally going to that subway and asking for Jon! A good sandwhich artist is difficult to come by. :) You look gorgeous in the picture and your Mom and Rachelle are seriously just so so gorgeous too! Awesome genes in your family!

I’m excited to see the dress!!!!


That sandwich looks so good! Usually mine look like they’re all bread, even when I ask for extra of all of it.

I hate shopping for anything except for exercise clothes and food. I could spend forever in Road Runner or Trader Joe’s/Whole Foods/Lucky’s. I have no fashion sense, so I usually get what’s on the mannequin.


I love when they give you extra veggies at Subway! My husband always asks for extra pickles…and they add like 3 more on. Come on! I love buying casual stuff, but work clothes/dress up clothes are such a hassle…trying stuff on, dealing with zippers, blech!


3 does not = extra!!


I love shopping for running gear and most any kinds of shoes. I like shopping with my mom/sisters- but at Costco… not for clothes.
I have won a gift card to Texas Roadhouse, tickets to the aquarium and a running headband thing. I really need a big ol’ blog where companies will give me running stuff for free to review :). Ha- if only.


you’re SMART… I never even think of how marshmallows weigh nothing.



Have you ever won a giveaway? Are you lucky? Have you ever won a raffle, contest etc?
I won a bubble gum blowing contest once when I was in the 2nd grade. Does that count?

Do you like to shop? What are your favorite things to shop for? Least favorite?
I don’t really like to shop. My friend owns a designer consignment store and i do most of my shopping there. Kids are easy: GAP. My 16 year old daughter now also likes to shop at the consignment store – so that is easy. However, i DO NOT have the patience for all-day-in-and-out-of-dressing-rooms/stores….

What is your favorite thing to do with your mom or sisters?
They live VERY far away from me. I only see them about once a year. We usually just visit and cook together.


I can only shop if I know what I am looking for, otherwise all the stimulation makes my brain hurt and melt down. I like to shop alone, because then if I am done I am OUT!…….but actually i can shop with my sister……she is in her element in a mall, and somehow her mood rubs off on me and I am oddly enjoying the activity.

Favorite thing to do with my mom is trail run or swim followed by lunch. We function identically on all the above mentioned. Lets just say sweat-tastic workout and 1lb salad…… would fit right in.


I LOVE that you and your mom trail run and swim together…I am JEALOUS!!! I am seriously going to come join in:)


I have never won a giveaway! I honestly have the WORST luck out of anyone in the entire world. Trust me, its pretty unfortunate!

I like getting new things, but I’m not sure if I actually like shopping itself. Especially when things don’t fit right or I can’t find something I like I get frustrated and want to leave. haha Lately all I’ve been buying was workout clothes. I love going into Fit2Run it’s heaven.

My mom’s my best friend so we do a lot together! Probably travel is my favorite!


love laying around watching movies with my little sister and mom…its like the most relaxing thing everrrr! so excited to see the dress!!! and your aunt’s wedding colors are purpleee! how fitting for youu!!! haha
um hate shopping for normal girl clothes but LOVE shopping for running shoes…workout gear…oh and also school supplies…i dont know but i have always just loved school supply shopping…
when i was little i COULDNT WAIT for my mom and dad to take me to staples or office max and i could just stay there for hourss


I like shopping online better because i am not a huge fan of digging through stuff. my least favorite thing to shop for is definitely pants. i am a really weird fit for pants so i dread it. my favorite thing to shop for is accessories like scarves, purses, jewelry – the FUN stuff!


I’ve never won anything (well, I got a scholarship, but I worked for it so I don’t really see it as “winning” something). I’ve seen so many awesome giveaways but haven’t had any luck winning any…yet :D

I hate shopping, usually. I don’t mind it if its not crowded. But, when there’s a butt ton of people shopping where I am, my eyes bulge out of my head and my knuckles are as white as those marshmellows you were eating. :P

My favorite thing to do with my mom & sister is play Mario Superkarts (?) on the Wii. We’re all so competitive and it’s a blast!



Janae, that first picture is probably the best picture you ever posted on the blog. HILARIOUS!!


LOVE that picture of you! hahaha You look so happy! :-D

I used to have a slight obsession with Subway when I used to manage for a hotel… it was RIGHT next door, and so quick and easy… and I mean you can SEE who is putting WHAT in your sandwich. I like the control factor… and that ever so lovely and very distinct ‘Subway Smell’ You take that with you for hours. YUM!

I have a love/hate relationship with shopping. It’s very complicated haha

I HATE shopping for jeans… I always end up feeling like I must have a weird body shape or something because it takes like 50 pairs of different jeans to try before I find a pair that fits and looks good!

Favorite thing? FOOD, duh ;) haha Now but really I love food shopping and SNEAKER shopping… any kind of shopping towards running necessities :)

My Sister is totally my best friend… we love to have ladies night, make dinner, drink wine and gossip :) We are also training for a half together and she is an awesome running buddy!


I want a subway Jon where I live… like as in, in my kitchen. Maybe just because it’s lunchtime, but that sandwich looks amazing!


YUM! I love banana peppers- I always ask for extra too, but I don’t think they know what I mean when I say ‘extra’- I mean like a LOT of extra, but they just kind of sprinkle like 4 more on. I need Joe to come to FL! :D


amazing sandwich, that this is STUFFED

i love doing anythin/everything with my sisters and mom. They make everything great :)

ive never won a contest, so you better let me win this next one ;)


Awww…I love family girls nights! I love cinema-ing, lunching, gymming, or having tea with my mum and my sister lucy…they’re the coolest <3 I am not a good shopper though…terrible. Unless I am loaded and rich (this is me imagining things here) and shopping somewhere amazing like Selfridges, and then I'm certain I could shop for England, lol! :-P I do, however, adore shopping in health food stores, like Wholefoods, Planet Organic or Trafer Joes…I could browse and buy for hours and hours and hours on end….it's my happy place, lol! ;-) I HAVE won a giveaway on the Fitnessista…I was SOOOO excited I ran screamig down the stairs and terrified my boyfriend, loL! :-P Good times! <3 xyx


This is a strange comment, but is your sister married? I ALWAYS notice bling bling on people, in pictures, where ever I can (because who doesn’t love diamonds). I know she has those three little cuties and you mention a BIL, but no BLING!?


Such a cute date night with your mom and sister. I wish my mom lived closer to me so we could do that. Lucky girl!


“I usually win the coloring contests at the grocery stores…….I just have to lie about my age a little.” muahahaha girl, too funny! I’ve been pretty lucky in blogland lately with giveaways, its been awesome :)

I love shopping for fancy dresses AND running clothes AND cute casual. I sometimes will find a gorgeous dress, try it on, and if it fits I will buy it so I have a special occasion dress that I haven’t worn before ready. Due to Facebook and blogs I can’t repeat fancy dresses anymore :p And by goregeous dress I usually mean a really cute, but dressed up Target dress…I don’t like to pay more that 30 dollars per dress!


Target is about to have a Missoni line. Should be some fun pieces!


My mom and I have a thing with “Gilmore Girls” … we watch old episodes and eat ice cream. :)

And your sub is making my mouth water … at the thought of how spicy it was!! I love banana peppers, but having that many peppers on there would make me sick! You’re crazy! ;)


I love to shop and usually it’s with my sister!


i LOVE shopping! i used to shop seriously every week until i decided i wanted to be a social worker and that those two do not go hand in hand. but, like you, i would much rather shop for athletic clothes than anything else!


I could shop any day and every day all day [but my wallet can’t]! My favorite places to shop right now are Gap and J. Crew- there are unnamed others but those are on a rare occasion [teachers need to get bigger pay checks! :P

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