What happened to the RUNNER part of HungryRunnerGirl?

First let’s talk about a delicious and EASY dessert that I made last night!  (Doesn’t look as pretty as it tasted:)

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Make a pan of brownies (box mix for us).  Taste a corner, edge and center piece just to make sure they are delicious.  Add crumbled up pieces of brownie to the bottom of a glass, top with vanilla pudding and sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs and chocolate sprinkles and put it in the fridge for a little while. Heavenly.


Remember the good ol’ days of running carefree miles and miles everyday?

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I miss those days.

I was able to get a taste of how wonderful running is again when I was given the go ahead to start running after my femoral stress fractures and then sidelined again by ‘shin splints’ just a few weeks later.

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Let’s just get it out there and I will say it for you……my head loves running more than my body does (aka I am not the smartest runner out there).


-increased my mileage too quickly.

-increased my speed and hill work too quickly

-switched completely to minimus shoes and a different foot strike too quickly.

-I forgot that even though my head and heart were ready to go big…the rest of my body was NOT.

-ran through pain because I thought it was just shin splints.


3 weeks of no running and

the exact same symptoms/feeling that I had from my femoral stress fractures now in my left shin.

Not writing this for sympathy but mainly to get out there to my readers why I am not running again:)  I won’t get it x-rayed until I get back to my doc in P-town because of silly insurance reasons but I am 99% sure that is what it is.


-The elliptical does not hurt one bit (it did with my femor stress fractures)…neither does SPIN or PUMP which is awesome because I am still able to get a good workout without anything hurting.

-It has already been 3 weeks of no running so before you know it, I WILL be running again.

It is kind of like when I was a little girl and my mom would tell me to be patient and wait for a few minutes before eating the hot cookies straight out of the oven.  I kept burning my mouth and It took me a few times until I REALLY learned my lesson (and stuck them in the freezer for a minute before I partook).

I guess my thick skull didn’t learn the first time and so I am back at square one.  Life is good though and obviously there is so much more to life than running.

Remember how Kara G. went through injury after injury after injury………yep, you better believe that I think about that on a daily basis to remind myself that I will be back and I will get my sub 3 marathon!

My brilliant mother knows me too well and had the idea to help make me feel better.  Focus on what you can do.  She told me to create a training plan (after I talk to my Utah doctor on the phone today) with all of the things I can do (because I am obsessed with having a plan and following a workout/rest schedule!)  I am currently working on putting together a swimming/yoga/elliptical/spin/fro-yo eating ‘official’ schedule so that I can feel like I am still an athlete but just having to take a minor setback into account in terms of training.


Do you love having a training plan?  Are you a planner?

-YES, I love following some sort of plan!

Tell me about an injury (if you have had one) and how you got through it and how you are doing now!  I LOVE reading about success stories!

What was your Sunday night dessert?!?!

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I am a big planner haha I need one always :) never had an injury really (knock on wood!) soo no tips from me really…my dessert last night with ice cream and dark chocolate hmmm mm!


I love following workout plans too! The only thing that causes me to break them is either 1.) NOT feeling good, and 2.) being in a grumpy mood and only wanting to EAT! (while watching Alias, I might add)… Can’t wait until you are able to get back out there again and doing what you love!


Oh girl, I am so so sorry to hear this!! But you are doing the RIGHT THING and you will get better. I mean, if you’ve already not run for 3 weeks, you’re about halfway through the healing!

Injuries…both thanks to marathon training. During training for my first marathon, I ended up hip bursitis, tendinitis and ITBS in one hip. It was so painful! I ran through it for about a month before I went to a doc. I was diagnosed two weeks from race day, so obviously I ran anyways. Afterwards, I could hardly walk. I walked with a limp for A MONTH post-race. I didn’t run for about 3 months after that and had to start soooo slowly when I did. It was worth it though b/c I learned a veeeery valuable lesson about overtraining and about catching problems early.

During training this year, I tore my meniscus. It was a combo of overtraining and downhill trail running (oops). The good news was I had learned from last time. My knee didn’t feel terrible…just would hurt intensely every once in a while on a run. I knew it was wrong. It wasn’t soreness or an off day. It felt like an injury. I went to a running doc (paid out of pocket) and it was the best decision. We caught it early, I cut back some miles and with ultrasound therapy, I continued training while my knee healed. AMAZING!


So sorry to hear about the left shin feeling janae. I know it’s so hard when you start again because your version of starting ‘slow’ like everyone tells you is sometimes STILL too fast- and often you don’t know until the run is finished and the damage is already done. (when I saw you I mean me/a lot of us)
I’m so glad you can do all the other stuff though – I find that helps me a heap when some part of my legs (I swear it changes around daily!) starts hurting after a run and sidelines me for another few days/week!


I had no dessert Sunday night. Shameful, isn’t it? I’m thinking about making up for that by making chocolate chip cookies today. :D
I am a planner for sure. I *need* a training plan to follow and hardly ever deviate from it. I guess it just helps me focus.
I am so sorry you’ve been dealing with these injuries. I am crossing my fingers that all the calcium from your fro-yo will heal you up quickly. Hang in there and know that you’re doing the right thing by not running!
Earlier this year I registered for and was training for an ultra. I started having pain in my left knee during my long runs and afterwards to the point where I could barely walk or bend my leg. As much as I wanted to push through it, I knew I just couldn’t. I had to *eat* my race fees and put months of training aside to let my knee heal. I was devastated, depressed, mad, you name it.
I cross-trained on the bike and elliptical and swam and began a very VERY slow comeback. I increased my mileage incredibly slowly and only introduced “baby” hills when I had been back at it for a while.
I’m now back up to 7 miles and increasing. It’s taken time and patience though.
You’ll get there! Just think…you’re not even at your peak yet! I’m 32 and I’m faster now than when I was in my 20’s. :D


I’m a planner too, I have a huge excel spreadsheet with my workouts on it all planned out usually for a month even if I’m not training for anything. Sorry you’re sidelined again but at least you realized it this time around :)


Oh no! I hope you get better soon and it’s only a couple of weeks in the scheme of everything. I just alwasy find that time is slow when you are in the middle of a running injury. It’s definitely no fun. I had popcorn at the movies last night :)


I hope you start feeling better soon ughhh injuries!
I used to love training plans until I started running without them and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. I’ve ditched the plans, garmin, music, and watches over the psat 2 months and have never felt more free!


I am going to the dr. today to see if I have a stress fracture in my shin
Just like you, I just thought I had shin splints but after doing some reading I started to suspect a stress fracture. I have stopped running for a about a week and a half and it is feeling better but I need to checked out to be sure
I don’t think I allowed myself enough rest time after my marathon

Last summer, I had stress fractures in both of my feet; this was my first injury and I got really depressed
And earlier this year I had tendonitis but that healed up with a 1-1/2 weeks rest. I was in the middle of marathon training so I was motivated

This time I’m trying to stay motivated by getting back into lifting weights


I’m definitely a planner too, right now I’m not training for a race so I plan my runs out for a week at a time so I stay on track. Injuries stink! I hope you start feeling better soon so you can get back to running!


Yes, I always have a plan! Helps to keep the workouts balanced :)

I have had a couple knee injuries, one this winter while training for my first marathon and one last winter while training for my first half. I used acupuncture both times to pain management, since it hurt to walk sometimes! I didn’t run for 10-14 days before times but kept my cardio up on the elliptical or bike with little tension. Before I knew it I was starting to add the miles back on, but again that was another 5-7 process and any pain I could stop running. It was hard but I knew I had to listen to my body if I wanted to reach that end goal :) It is really hard just like you said!

Hope you get better soon, and I know you will run that sub 3 hr marathon!

I had dessert yesterday afternoon, homemade ice cream sandwiches from a local ice cream shop – I had oatmeal chocolate chip with sweet black cherry ice cream – AMAZING!


You will be back in no time! A few years ago I was running around 70 miles a week and felt as if I was on top of the world, then I got mono. I was out cold for an entire year. I think it was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, I was very depressed because running was my life and I could barely walk through a mall let alone step on a treadmill. I eventually got through it, to this day my body still wont let me do the things that I wish it could do, but it really has taught me a lesson about moderation and also that life offers many other things besides running.


I am a mayjah planner – I love lists, schedules, routines…I am just a really wild & exciting girl.

My Sunday dessert doubled as my dinner – my friend bought a tub of Pinkberry salted caramel froyo and I HAD to help her finish it before she leaves the NYC to go back upstate today! Half a tub of froyo is a well-rounded meal right? We put almond slivers on it and those are totally health food.


I am not much of a planner. I usually have a bit of a plan, but I like to flexible!

I’ve never experienced much in the way of injuries. But then again I have only ever trained for one race and it was only 10 miles.

Dessert last night was all the leftover “cookie dough” from when I made cookie dough cupcakes on Friday! Yummmmmmmmmmmm!


girl me and you are twinnies right nowww
i am such a planner and this injury thing is a killer! elliptical is going good for me too and i am gonna try spinning tonight. i totally need a plan too because when i plan my mind gets off of the fact that i cant run and is focused on other things

we can get through it girl!


I’m a BIG planner. I have a whole workout schedule set for the whole month that I even make a copy of for my husband so he knows when he’s working out and when he can’t plan other things. EVERYTHING gets planned around our workouts. :-)

It’s nice to have a plan. I make sure I stick to my plan too. Even if I don’t feel like it, it doesn’t matter because it’s on the schedule.


I am so sorry you are going through this again…but think of how strong you will be when you come out the other side!! You will be back to normal in no time!

I like to follow a plan, too!! My legs only allow me to run 3 days/wk or I tend to get injured…nothing major…just have had some IT band issues in the past.

Sunday night dessert…didn’t have one…what is wrong with me?!?! I will me make up for it today….muwahahaha!


Sunday night dessert: TastyKakes! I love having a training plan because I will obsessively follow it… the past few months I haven’t been running too much because I just needed a break from the full training plan (18 week) that I did in the Winter/Spring. Next week I start a 1/2 plan!


I’m sorry you’re hurting again!!! That sucks!!! TAKE IT EASY JANAE! I love having a plan too. It definitely helps me. One thing I have done though (because I feel bad when skipping a workout) is to just write the different things I want to do each week rather than assigning them to specific days. It has worked out a lot better because I have specified a workout to do on Mondays for example and instead I get to pick which one I want to do on Mondays!


I’ve been through BAD shin splints, ITB pain (might have been beginnings of ITBS), and bottom of the foot pain (I just assume it was the start of plantars). I pushed through shin splints until I realized that running every OTHER day solved that issue. I pushed through the ITB issue until I found that it was caused by running on the same side of the road too much (the slope of the road did it). I did NOT however push through the pain in my foot. That I had looked at. Doc said there was nothing wrong, I got a new pair of shoes (no more expensive shoes for me!) and I’m back at it!

I love having a training plan, but usually go by the seat of my pants each day in itself. Today may be a long run day, but I may switch it to a tempo run of the same distance once I’m out there.


So sorry girl! Prayers you heal quickly and have no more injuries!!!!


Your calves are prb just weak from the time off from the femur.. If they are weak it transfers to your shins. You know how many times I’ve been down this road! Rest up and strengthen those calves!!(Mamarunsbarefoot)


I am SO a planner. In every aspect of my life! I cannot do spontaneous!

I had a stress fracture a couple of years ago and couldnt run for about 8 weeks. I started swimming, and then biking and it led me to my first sprint tri!

1/2 pint of mint choco chip ice cream last night! I splurged! i never eat dessert!!


I’m just coming off of an achilles injury and it is really frustrating and can become chronic….I had stress fractures last year and this is going to sound weird but I preferred that injury to this one because I knew in a few months that my bones would heal! I have no idea when I’ll be back to normal but I am working really hard at physical therapy, icing like a maniac, and stretching like its my job!

I’m still training carefully though and I’ve made a plan that takes me all the way through March of 2012. I’m crazy like that!

Best wishes Janae! I wish you speedy healing!


Bummed about your injury Janae, but glad to hear you are able to do so much other fun stuff!!! I am definitely a planner… love checking off the days on my calendar. And this crazy upper 90’s heat and 110+ heat index is reaking havoc on my plan. I am coming back from a hip injury early this spring. I was really on a roll until this heat set it. I can’t run comfortably outside for as long as I would like. Plus talk about a hot mess, I look like a monster when I am done. Last night’s dessert??? Dark Chocolate PB + Graham Crackers = sweet protein recovery snack! Have fun making a plan, variety is the spice of life!!! :)


It’s hard not to push yourself — but be careful! It’s good that you have other exercise avenues to distract you! :)

Sunday Night Dessert = frozen blackberries + banana + arctic zero vanilla maple ice cream (gluten free non-fat!) + 1 stevia YUMMMMMM! It tasted like a cold version of blackberry cobbler which hit the spot since I was outside in 100+ degree heat all day…


I love following training plans! I am kind of obsessed with making them


I am a planner but for some reason am incapable of following any, even self-created, trianing plans. I have arthritis in my knees even though I am not old, honestly I think it’s from being overweight but whatever! So off and on I battle that but it is more preventitive care so I don’t have huge flair ups.

I didn’t have Sunday night dessert, I had Sunday night tortilla chips and queso! Yummy!


I love making plans… I need to make one for the next 18 days before I get married tho, I’ve been so busy that I’ve let working out slip!

My Sunday night dessert was homemade apple pie that my auntie made for my bridal shower on the weekend. Both me and my fiance had a piece last night with ice cream on top! Delicious :)


I know that one of the reasons people (including me – duh) love your blog is because you are so open, honest, and REAL! Praying for a speedy recovery for you! But very thankful that you can still do other work outs that you love! :) Mmmm your brownie creation looks amazing! My Sunday night dessert was ICE CREAM with the girls I babysit for – it’s tradition! I had chocolate and vanilla with a drizzle of chocolate syrup and a spoonful of PEANUT BUTTER! :)


Great post! I’m sorry that injuries have been plaguing you and know you will be up and running in no time!!! I was wondering how the shin plints were since you hadn’t been running, now i know! Hopefully it isn’t another fracture and it just needs some rest!

I hate training plans, however, I feel like I need to follow them. I have been running all my races on my own research and feelings and feel like I could be improving more if I followed something, which is why I begged for you to send me a trainging schedule that you had used! haha. I am planning on loosely following it for my next race and incorporating some track workouts to boost up my speed! Even though you aren’t running RIGHT NOW, you are still inspiring others to run and to improve so thank you!!!!


When it comes to big races, I like to have a training plan. I followed a pretty simple online plan for my marathons, and it worked wonderfully for me! Right now, I don’t have a training plan, and I wish I did.

My foot problem is still going on. When I get to past 6 miles, it becomes very difficult to keep running. I know I need to get new shoes and go to physical therapy, but there never seems to be the time! I ran 8 miles Saturday and there was lots of pain :-(

For sundae night desert, i had two yogurts from 16 handles and a giant bowl of cereal. mmmmmm!


White chocolate Reese’s. Mmmmm.

Plans are always super motivational–can’t wait to hear yours!


Awww, Janae, im so sorry to hear about whats going on injury wise with you. Its all a learning experience though, but I can definitely empathize with your situation.

I definitely follow a routine each week when it comes to training, but Ive tried to be flexible over the past couple years because I know I can get too caught up in it otherwise.

When I was training for my half last year, I had a nagging feeling in my foot that I thought was maybe a stress fracture but I kept running on it anyway. During the race, my foot felt like it was going to snap in half…I was so upset because I knew my time couldve been better. It turned out I just needed inserts for my shoes, and the pain finally went away. But faced with the thought that I needed to take time off from running to let it heal, not gonna lie, made me feel a little freaked out. But there are SO many other ways to keep active, and that thought made me feel a LOT better about things.

Endorphins are endorphins…even though we love getting them through running, we also come to the realization that running is truly tough on the body. Sometimes your body really just needs a break to heal, and there is nothing wrong with that, because you are gonna come back STRONG and determined. You are gonna kick butt in the boston marathon, even if it wasnt this year. Im so proud of you for keeping upbeat and realizing the brighter side of things. Youve learned some important lessons throughout this journey, and it will all just make you a more well rounded runner in the end :)

p.s. I really miss spinning sometimes, I dont have a gym membership anymore, I truly miss those classes. Spinning is AWESOME!

Sunday night dessert= ice cream cake since it was my brothers birthday, yay!


Just wanted to say the even without the runner part going on right now you are still uber inspirational and definitely show you can take care of yourself with no excuses. You rock and keep doing your thang and caring for your body. Hugs and love!!!!


Just started reading your blog – I love it!! its so great that you still find so much joy in life even while getting through an injury :)

I had shin splints for most of last summer….like you, I increased the miles toooo quickly. I was out for about 5 weeks! But then that fall I PR’d in the half-marathon by 5 minutes….sometimes that break can even help get your fire back!

You’d think I’d learn from that right? well, I did the same dumb thing again this summer – training was going really REALLY well aaand now my ankle is hurting. It’s really frustrating and I have no idea what’s wrong with it, but I’m pool-running like craaazy and trying to follow my summer training plan as closely as I can – I still do all the core workouts, and I pool-run ten minutes for every mile I was supposed to run that day. And I can still do all the interval workouts in the pool too! It’s great cuz there’s zero impact, but pool running is really really hard so I still feel like I’m doing work haha.

And for dessert last night, I had Edy’s cappuccino-chip frozen yogurt topped with whipped cream and fresh cherries :-D


Girl, I hear you on the running. I had a femoral stress fracture a couple of years ago and my leg still aches from time to time. I also fractured my back when I was 16, so I have issues forever from that…herniated discs and what not. I totally resonate with the sentence about your head/heart loving running more than your body.


Planning gives us a sense of control, and completing gives us a sense of accomplishment. I don’t know about you but I feel less anxious when I have both of those things. It is true, running has a magical power that cannot be found in any other activity, and when we cannot run it is the reality we hate to have to deal with. However, let yourself be open to the possibility of what activity/hobby might excite you, and sometimes it takes dabbling in a few new things to find out what it is.

Also, if you can still hike, find peak to summit. I can almost guarentee you will find the feeling you crave.

Have a good day!

Sunday dessert was Lucky Charms.


I am constantly writing and rewriting training plans. I like creating them more than following them. LOL I have a really hard time easy back in also. After I was diagnosed with my stress reaction I took the time off, but only healed to 80% before I got impatient and started back at it. Lesson learned…I am now off my plan again, trying to heal to 100%. Take it easy and good luck!!


First things first (because I know you will appreciate this) – my (not Sunday but Friday so I’ll tell you anyway) dessert was….

Coconut gelato (with loots of fresh coconut!!) and warmed up chocolate sauce… oh my goodness. Amazing.

You’ll be back on the running game before you know it! I can’t even tell you how much yoga helps with running… just focus on what you CAN do and pretty soon that will include running! :)


Oh Janae–I am so sorry! You and I are soul sisters here…exact same experience. I had my stupid ITBS, got back to running, did too much and six weeks later had stress reactions in both feet. I am only now getting close to getting back again. It’s really, really tough. Here’s the deal though–we’re having a crappy 2011. In 2012, there will be no stopping us!

Cross-train your brains out.


Janae, you are amazing! Strong, optimistic and determined….I have NO doubt you will get your sub 3 and the joy when you get there will be sweeter from the opposition on the way.
I am a planner as well & had a similar setback last winter in my return to running. I told my husband that the whole holding back, slow adding of mileage etc was like getting to taste 1 bite of my favorite dessert & then told I could have another in a few days….torture! I have been following a very conservative plan for a month now & it’s going well. Sharing struggles & triumphs thru the blog world has been incredibly strengthening for me- Thank you for that!!
Lastly, dessert last night was stevia & coconut sweetened Greek yogurt w/a warm choc brownie bite..mmmmm!


ugh. what awful news. I hope you recover quickly, and are able to come up with a training plan that slowly builds the running up once you’re able to get back into it.


Hi Janae!

I am a total planner so when my coach gives me my training schedule it makes me almost as excited self serve frozen yogurt bar! I still workout when I am not on a schedule but I feel better when I have the plan in front of me to follow!

Here is a plan for you when you return to running. http://pfitzinger.com/labreports/stressfracture.shtml

I followed this after taking 10 weeks off for a stress fracture in my foot. During my recovery time I followed this plan: http://pfitzinger.com/labreports/9wkH2O.htm
It was the first time that I had to lay off the pavement for so long that I found aqua jogging to be the best alternative. I actually grew to like it and now try to keep it in my training once or twice a week. It is a great way to get in more running without the pounding!!

I also did yoga, elliptical and strength training…basically anything besides running that would keep my fitness. I know it is HARD to not start running again like you remember it but it is sooooo worth it to follow these ease-back-into-it programs so that your body adapts to running again and you stay strong!!

If you need any more info let me know and good luck. You will make it through the pause from running!


Hope you are back to running even sooner than you expect to be!

Last night we had a backwards dinner, because it makes my kid’s so happy. (And also because it was HOT!) Chocolate peanut butter ice cream was dinner around 5pm and then we had omelets for “dessert” before they went to bed. :)


Ahh injuries are so frustrating!! Sorry girl!

I always have minor problems because of my flat feet! I am really careful though and stop running a couple days when I have any “bad” type pains. I look at it as an opportunity to try other forms of workouts!!


Glad you are taking it easy- I was wondering if you were adding things a little fast :( As I tell my sister who likes to overdo it, “Your body won’t respect you if you don’t respect it.” This is advice I need to take during Happy Hours ;)

I like the basic structures of training plans- it’s good to have guidance!


I`m a HUGE planner!

And girl- I feel your pain. My blog posts lately are all about recovering from spraining A LOT of tendons in both my feet. I stopped running for over a month and just ran a 3K on Saturday that did not go pain free the next day. But I know I`m getting better and even though I can`t run my 30K in August, I will be doing the long distances again soon.

Chin up friend! You will feel better soon!


Yeah – running through pain = not good. Then again, I’m running through knee pain, so what do I know?

Do you love having a training plan? Are you a planner?

– 7 weeks until my half, and yes – definitely following a plan. I am already planning ahead beyond that mentally – trying to work out how to safely up my mileage so I can be ready to start marathon training next year! I actually think I overplan a lot – I never live in the moment, I’m always thinking of what is next. Of course right now my next is vacation in less than two weeks, so that’s good. Not so good for my work, because my brain is out the door.

Tell me about an injury (if you have had one) and how you got through it and how you are doing now! I LOVE reading about success stories!

– When I was training for my first half I pulled a groin muscle. THAT was not fun. I tried to train through it (stupid!) and I think I extended my recovery time because of it. Injured myself in November, ran the race in January, didn’t feel completely without pain until…February, I think? It was bad. I will never take being able to raise my leg to put on pants for granted again!

What was your Sunday night dessert?!?!

– Wasn’t very hungry Sunday. I had gone to a BBQ the day before and overindulged. Still did dessert though – a small serving of NY Super Fudge Chunk from Ben & Jerry!


Sending you such big hugs, Janae! I’m so sorry you had to learn to slow down the hard way, but it is fantastic that you are still able to ellipticize (lol!) and get your cardio mojo on in different ways…and like you said, you just need time healing and getting your body back in top form. Learning curves, eh?! We all have em, don’t worry! ;-) You will back on your feet runnning in no time, and looks like you have taken so much from this injury – your list of things you’ve learnedwas loooong. Well done, lovely. Lots of love <3 xyx


I’m sorry to hear that you suspect your shins are stress fractures!

When I follow a training plan I follow it obsessively, when I’m not on one I am the laziest runner ever.

And I love the food part. I think eating a ton is as much a part of being a runner as running is!


I feel so bad for you; I know how awful it is to not be able to run.

I take up yoga in earnest while I am healing because it keeps me mentally sane and helps strengthen all of those running muscles for when I’m back in running mode.


I’ve been reading for awhile, but this is my first time commenting, so Hi! And I love reading your blog, your soooo funny!

Like you I LOVE having a training plan, and love following one. I have fun making them too.

Sunday Night dessert was frozen grapes! Everything is better frozen!


Hey, that’s pwoerufl. Thanks for the news.


The purchases I make are entierly based on these articles.


I am a huge planner. I make to do lists almost every day. I even have the ink pad application on my phone that is FULL of to do lists. I recently just printed out all the months leading up to the marathon I am running in January to figure out exactly when I can fit in my runs between friends’ weddings and football season!

No injuries so far! Cross my fingers that it continues that way.

My Sunday night dessert was the pickle that came with the Panera sandwich. I was driving back from a Bridal Shower in Minneapolis so that was the best I could do!


I just love ya! I swear you are the MOST positive person that I ‘know’! I need to get some of your positive thinking sent this way :) Sometimes I am really hard on myself on things that I cannot avoid or help. But you always make me smile, every single day, at just how positive you are.
You are in my thoughts & prayers- praying for those shin splints to go away & for healthy femurs!! :D


I am so sorry to hear about your injuries. I was a gymnast in middle school and had two stress fractures (one in my foot and one in my arm) and also broke my foot and had to have pins put in to stabilize the bone. Then in high school I started cross country and had a stress fracture in my sacrum. About a year after that I had bunion surgery.

The good news though is that I’m a senior in college, I’ve been back running for two years now for our division one cross country and track program and I just pred in e 3 mile race! (18:36) Hopefully there are more prs to come and I know that you’ll be back to running and better than ever soon enough!


I do a lot better when I follow a running/gym plan but I don’t have a gym pass right now so my plan has gotten a little messed up. Since then I just wake up and decide what I’m going to do which doesn’t work as good because it’s way easier to just back out and do nothing! I’m so ready to get back to the gym; I like mixing up my workouts.

You will get back to running soon and you are super strong so you will still make your goal even with the time off! It sounds like you and my husband are having the same shin problems. He got them at Ragnar and has been taking time off ever since. Injuries suck but they make you smarter!

Your dessert looks delicious! My mom made a giant triffle for my birthday last year that was almost just like that. MMM yummy!


First of all – want that dessert now! Second of all, your mom is right – you will get through it and a plan will help take your mind off of the feeling that you aren’t training for something, because you- your rest and cross training are training you to get better, run stronger when your legs are ready and stay mentally/physically fit!

I tore both ACLs (my first while I was a competitive gymnast and my second while I was being recruited for college field hockey – needless to say the recruiters stopped responding so quickly when they heard I was getting surgery the week I was supposed to do visits or have them watch me).

I did a lot of nautilus weight training, pool training and PT excercises, but because I kept up the cross training and positive can do attitude (which is VERY hard, and I had times where I didn’t believe that I would be better, but you have to have the strength to push those thoughts aside) – I was back to flipping back tucks and fulls within a year post surgery #1 and on the starting line for a Div. 2 powerhouse a year post surgery #2…so just think and remember to keep thinking – I can and I will :)


its such a hard cycle, I know. But you again inspire us with your wisdom,. I think this is teaching us that running is a privelage and your mind is telling you its not. That you need it everyday. It will come and that privelage will be OVERFLOWING with JOY and PURPOSE!!
Love you sweet friend. Thanks for sharing this.


You can do it! If you can overcome stress fractures, you can do this! Unfortunately I am in the same boat with you now too. I just started upping my mileage for the first time EVER. Ran 7 miles (woo!) but my shins are dying. I can barely walk! So I’m resting these babies up before I hit the pavement again. I say we simply enjoy our summers before the back to school shopping begins ;)


I love planning but I haven’t been following through with my plans so well lately! My dessert last night was Watermelon Sour Patch Kids-yum! I love your pudding dessert though it sound so yummy!


Mother’s know what’s best for their kids. Your mother sounds like a wise, compassionate, loving woman. :)

It’s tough to have something you love so much taken from you. When I had my setback it really put things in the proper perspective for me. It helped me to re-prioritize my responsibilities and re-focus. Now that I’m running again I appreciate my ability so much more than I did before. It was something I was taking for granted but, didn’t know I was…you know??! Now that I’m older and hopefully wiser (I’m a work in progress!!)…(fine wine takes time!) I like plans. When I was younger I just wanted to RUN. But, I feel like plans help me to achieve goals. I don’t want to be labeled as a “streaker” and just run a ton of races to say I did. I want to improve and see results. I’m finding that the “run less, run faster” plan works for me. I found that when I was just racking up a ton of miles I was losing speed. When I cut back on mileage my speed improves and I’m less prone to injury because I’m giving my muscles time to prepare for the next hard effort. Janae sweetie, you are still so young and you have a long running career in front of you. You’re such a talented runner and I know you’ve learned so much from these trials (injuries)! Your plan sounds great! You’re keeping your endurance, cardio up so that is going to help you lots when you’re ready to start running again!! Stay positive!! You’ll be out there soon!! :)

Last night I made m&m, resses pb cookies. Soo good!! :)

Have a happy Monday!! xo


I love love training plans. I’m just glad that you’re able to SEE what you did wrong, and fix it for next time!!! Love you girl!!


p.s. I did a really intense post today that I think you would like to read. Have a look girlie girl!!


I know you said you didn’t want sympathy but I feel awful for you! I can only imagine how frustrating that must be, but I’m glad you still have some workout options. I think making a training plan is a good idea, I keep saying I am going to take a break from one but I can’t seem to go more than a week!

I gave up dessert for a week (crazy, I know) to see if eating super healthy would help me at my 50K yesterday – no idea if it did but those oreos at the aid station were extra delicious. I had a Baskin Robbins brownie sundae last night, and since today is my 3 year wedding anniversary, I’m about to make an epic chocolate cake to eat while we watch our wedding video for the 1000th time! Love the dessert you posted though, graham cracker crumbs make everything better.

I LOVE how you stay positive, it’s such an inspiration!


I love planning ahead, because then I get psyched for my workout!

best wishes to you as you recover, girl :)


I’m sorry! But your plan is positive. I just got off a stress fracture with torn muscle insertion that I did to myself being stupid – racing a train on that heavy railroad gravel to beat it to the crossing! Just ’cause I didn’t want to wait for it! And snap – I felt it. Ouch. I’ve been trying to get back into running slowly, but like you said, it’s hard when you miss it. I felt a nagging pain in my calf yesterday so I think it’s time to back off for a week.


I love training plans too! Your cookie story made me think about my husband who burns his mouth on Diagorno pizza every time he makes it. He hasn’t learned yet to wait a little longer. I injured my knee really bad about 4 years ago. It was a patellar subluxation if that means anything. I was doing too much running, not enough cross training, and not enough eating or resting. It was really hard to back off the running, but swimming, stair steppers, weights, Physical Therapy, and elliptical got me through it. It’s really the exercise endorphins that are the most addicting, and I learned that I can still get them from other things besides running. Plus cross training will make you a stronger, better runner when you start running again!


Are we long lost sisters? I can so relate to this post!! Girlie, I am praying for you and truly hope that your shins heal soon. It is so hard to not be able to run and then when we get the green light we want to run for miles and miles like the good ol’ days!!! You are right, you will be back soon and you will get that sub 3-hour marathon. I KNOW IT!

Training plan? Not usually but post PF in my right foot I am back to the FIRST method (3+2 training). I love it and it does work and so far (knock on wood) I am pain free. I am frustrated that I am not back to running 15-20 milers but I know it will come with time. I hope!

My Sunday night desert was Black Raspberry Fro-yo w/a little whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!


Wishing you a speedy recovery! In the meantime, know even without the running, your blog is the best! :) Have a fab day!


My recent injury occured after the SLC half marathon in April. Back story needed here: I go to a dance studio that teaches vertical barre and aerial fitness. I was going 3-4 times a week for 2+ hours and running 5 miles before the classes. These classes are hard but so fun! I noticed a weird bruise on my right foot after a late night class, but thought nothing of it. We get all kinds of crazy bruises in these classes. So I ran the half marathon in april and the monday after the race, my feet were really tender. So I asked my chiropractor to see if he could see if anything was wrong. Bad news…. the tops of my feet had collapsed. I was so sad! No running, no dance classes.. nothing. I felt like all my running and strength training were out the door… see ya… bye bye. Luckily my fiance kept my mind focused and after 5 weeks, I was ready to start up again. My first 5 miles were hard and slow… because my IT band had flared up! When can a girl catch a break!? I’m just barely getting back to ‘normal’ but the fiance has to remind me to chillax sometimes. : )


Sending you a big hug! Girl you are so positive and inspirational, for serious! I hurt my knee from increasing my miles too much and bad/old shoes and had to take a lot of time off running, and even walking hurt for a while. I finally rested enough, even though it was sooo rough and was able to run and felt super strong. But I was dumb, and increased too quickly again since I was feeling so good, and my injury started to hurt again but I caught it quick and knew I needed to rest it again and start back up slowly even though it is SO hard since I just want to run run run! But in the long term , it is the best to start slow and build up to ensure no future injuries. Good for you for recognizing the pain and not dismissing it, you will be running again in no time, take it slow and steady and you win will achieve your goals girly since you are awesome in every way!


You are my hero Janae! Your attitude about this is amazing and I absolutely admire you and look up to you so much. You are setting such a great example for everyone that reads your blog.

I am a big time OCD planner and it drives some people crazy. Oh Well! Love you girl and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep being positive because being negative will never help.

Your dessert looks Yummy btw and love the idea. :)


The title of this post really caught my attention! I have recently started running again post stress fracture and I agree with you 100%. Sometimes our determination and willpower push us further than our bodies are ready to go. Right now I am trying to focus on building a solid, healthy base. You WILL get your sub 3 hour marathon. I know it!! Hang in there hungry runner girl!!


good luck talking to the doc! I’m so sorry! You’re so awesome, I’ll totally keep reading even if there’s no running for a little while :)


Hi, again, I am so sorry to hear about about your shins, so not fun..I have run 20 marathons placed in my age division a couple of times and can happily say I have never had an injury ….I am a big believer in really listening to my body not my mind… not always easy I know….. good luck….


My injury success story is pretty awesome. At least I think so!

In 7th grade, I hurt my knee really bad in gym class playing around in the weight room. After a few weeks of my knee being swollen and not being able to walk, my parents decided to take me to a doctor. He didn’t do anything besides poke my knee a bit and tell me it’s just weak. So I did a couple of months of therapy. After that was done, it still hurt. I just put up with it. A year later, my parents took me to another doctor and he took x-rays, said that it was most likely a bad injury and that I had some scar tissue to work around. I did a full year of therapy on my knee, but was told to not run at all. Ever. Which was great news to me, since I hated running in gym class. But I never realized that meant, no running to catch a train, no running towards friends, no sports that might involve running, like ultimate frisbee.

Fast forward to high school, my knee hurt all the time, but I worked through it. I was on the swim team and stayed pretty active. One of my first serious boyfriends said that he thought I probably had arthritis by now and should see a doctor. Because I was young and in love, I followed his advice. Doctor’s diagnosis? I had the beginnings of arthritis in my knee and my other knee wasn’t looking so good (from all the years of using that side mainly). He said to continue working on strength in my legs and again, never run.

Years later, the overweight college graduate that was me, was unhappy. I knew I was too young to let arthritis rule me. So I signed up for a trainer at my gym that worked with athletes sidelined with injuries. After a year of building strength he said I now needed a bigger goal to push towards. I said that I wanted to run. Just run. We spent a year building strength back into my legs and my lungs. But now I can run. And it’s amazing. It took around 13 years to get here, but I’m never looking back.


Holy long post! I’m sorry I wrote a novel.


I hope your shins get better soon! I don’t have a training plan because I’ve never actually trained for anything and I like to go with what my body is feeling that day. But, I do plan to get in 4 cardio workouts a week (2 being interval ones) and 2 weight lifting workouts! I had a cookie from panera last night..it was awesome :)


I have been thinking about THIS part of HRG and wondering how you were holding up. You display a positive attitude consistently to your readers, but I understand how this is weighing on you.

ON the positive side, it sounds like you can still maintain a high activity level with Pump, Spin, elliptical, and corralling kiddos and Charlie…oh, and chasing after Billy. :)

Mom always knows best!! I agree and LOVE a plan. Accountability, expertise all in one. Im a sucker for a plan! Thinking of you….


I can’t imagine how hard it is not running, but I’m sure you’ll come back more ready than ever when it’s time to run again!
That dessert look amazing! I had Tasti-D-Lit last night :)


I am getting over my first and hopefully ONLY stress fracture. Have you considered buying a bone stimulator? It would work really well on a possible shin stfx and if you buy it on ebay it is not nearly as expensive (or maybe your doc can prescribe one!) It helped get my bone back in working order faster! Also, try to get to an alter-g to start slowww easy low weight milage when you are ready!
beware of phantom pains–the things that are only in your mind becuase stress fractures and just as much a mental blow as physical.
so much love for your blog girl!


Thank you so much for this arictle, it saved me time!


I am glad you have a plan to make a plan! That sounds like something I would do. :) Right now I’m finishing my LAST WEEK of Insanity!!! I am so ready for it to be over, but I have loved having my daily calendar of workouts planned for me haha. I’m looking forward to planning my next set of workouts and getting a training plan ready to start running some longer distances.

We had fresh cantaloupe, watermelon, and strawberries last night with a healthy fruit dip (vanilla Greek yogurt, ff/sf vanilla pudding mix, and cinnamon). It was the perfect summer dessert!


Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet artilce. Lol thanks


I had a feeling something like this might be coming in your life based on your posts; it is good to get it off your chest like this and look back at what happened. I know, that you know, you are stronger than this and are going to come back amazing. You are pretty much a running rockstar; I can’t believe some of your race times; pretty sure I’ll be watching you in the olympics one day with Kara. Keep up your rest, listen to your docs and it will all be worth it in the end. And don’t worry about your blog. People love reading your blog because you are upbeat and hilarious; it doesn’t matter if you talk about running, eating froyo til you pass out, or hanging out with Billy.


Your mom is wise. With my hip SF that is exactly what I did. I had a coach help me with a plan that included what I could do, which was alot: water running, very long, fast paced walks, yoga, 3-4 hour bike rides, long swims. It kept me sane. I get it girl. It is NOT easy. Hang in there.


I really am so sad for you. I was wondering how you were doing it when it seemed like you went from 0-11 miles in what felt like a week. I know that’s not exactly how it was, but you know what I mean. It’s good to go slow and work up to things.

I live and die by my training schedule. Seriously. It might as well be the Book of Mormon :). I take more time off then a lot of people because I have kids and feel like if I bump up the miles and days running then I end up feeling more sore/pain than usual. I would rather run less, but not have to be sidelined by injuries and not running, then hit it hard all of the time.

I worked through an IT Band issue for a few months this year and things are going really great so far. I’m careful to foam roll, and I’m *trying* my best to keep up on my strength training for my legs and glutes. When I’m feeling it after a hard run I usually take the next day off or run really easy for awhile. I want to get to that marathon start line- even if it means I’m a little slower than I would like to be.

Hang in there, Janae. You are such an athlete and you will be taking names in no time. I often think of Kara when I think of you, too!


I am in your boat…hip stress fracture meant 10 weeks off then trained for a half . Ran it but next day and following 7 weeks had major IT band issues. Right as I was about to get the clear I fell riding my bike and had surgery last Wednesday.


Oh Janae! Your heart is mightier than your leg bones unfortunately :( No time at all and you’ll be back out there light as air gliding across the pavement.
I love having some sort of plan for my workouts, both because I know that I am working towards my goals and also so that I can plan chocolate chip cookie feasts after especially hard sessions :)
My only real injury (fingers crossed) was a stress fracture in my left foot a few weeks before my prom (many moons ago), so I just spent 8 weeks strapped to a stationary bike with my foot strapped together with tape and come prom night I was good as new :)


Hi! Love your blog by the way! I happily came upon it a few weeks ago. I’m a super duper OCD planner so I always have a training plan worked up. And I tend to force myself to follow it tee even if my body wishes otherwise. I hurt my knee not once, but twice training for my first half because I got over zealous and increased my mileage too quickly. And it totally sucked! But finally with patience it healed. Best of luck with your shins. You WILL be running again!


i write plans every week in my diary and include extra workouts – so i know if i miss them i have a ‘backup’ HAHA! I also know about stress fractures – I had one in my right ankle = no running for 6 weeks! :( instead ive been loving spin class!!


I don’t know how it is that some people can pound it out on the pavement and be ok and others (i.e. you and I), not so much…

Totally agree with you on the why and hows of how you got re-injured. I hear ya. Doing too much on the speedwork and hills (too soon) has gotten me too. And as I have switched to a different footstrike, I feel like I have flirted with injury here recently. Luckily, I’m doing ok and have not switched shoes yet. I probably would have gotten more injured had I. I’m steadily hanging in there and healing up ok (hip flexor strain). It has taken WEEKS though, and I am still not 100%.

You probably need to do lower body/core too. My coach told me that’s the primary way to stave off my repeated hip flexor problems. Twice weekly with the weights for me these days.

As for the other stuff, YES! I totally need a plan for my running. My coach has a plan for me + he increases my mileage VERY slowly. In fact, this is the second week that I will be running 37 miles. Then he is increasing it 1 mile per week until I max out at 41 miles for this half marathon training cycle. Another thing he tells me… NO TWO HARD WORKOUTS CONSECUTIVELY. If you do a hard day, the next day needs to be EASY.

Sunday night dessert was a pack of Twizzlers on the way back home from my son’s out of town swim meet. HA!

Hang in there!!!


Oh girl, we’ve all been there! Us runners are a crazy bunch. Our heads are always way more capable than our bodies. It’s hard to fully understand that at times. I have become far more cautious after several stress fractures and IT Band issues. I finally have learned when to lay off. But it takes time — and sometimes (as you know) it means giving up a race which is never fun. At least it’s summer and you’re here in SoCal enjoying yourself. :) I haven’t commented in awhile. I figure you have a whole novel of comments to read, but I thought today I would chime in.

Thinking of you! Nurse yourself back to health! :)


Full of salient points. Don’t stop beeiivlng or writing!


I’m recovering from a pelvic stress fracture and finally just started running 2 weeks ago after about 4 MONTHS off. I kept starting back up too prematurely and reinjuring/cracking (ouch!) myself. It’s been miserable.

Now that I’m officially “allowed” to run, I’m so grateful for little dinky short/slow runs with zero pain. It’s really really hard to be patient, but it will be worth it!!!!

We should start a self help group… Stress Fractures Anonymous…


oh, hang in there janae, you WILL get back there and you will OWN that 3 hour barrier! :) i know it’s tough when injuries seem to gang up on you right after the other, but you’re doing the smart thing now and being proactive. making a training plan ALWAYS helps me because it makes me feel like i am at least a little bit in control, and it also is nice when you can see progress you make in those activities too. and cross-training can seriously kick ur butt too and when u get back to running u’ll be stronger.
we’re all guilty of doing ‘stupid things that i kno i shouldn’t be doing but i want to just do them anyways’ things and ya live and ya learn. glad that u’ve got plenty of pain free ways to keep getting ur sweat on and happy healing! take care girl! :)


Aww man, I was hoping you didn’t have more stress fractures but suspected that might be it. I’m sorry!!! You really should get your bone density checked out, three stress fractures within in a few months is not normal (or fun!) and there are ways to treat it from the cause rather than just letting each one heal. I loved reading The Help, I hope you enjoy it!!


I hope you heal quickly Janae! And I know that once you do, you’ll never take running for granted because you’ve had to learn the hard way. I love you!


Check that off the list of things I was cofnuesd about.


Girl you are a trooper! I know you will work through this and at least you can do other things that you love!


So I have been extremely MIA from blog world :( so I missed this post. But luckily I saw it mentioned on some other blogs and had to head on over here, scroll down and read it for myself. 1. I am so sorry to hear that your shins are still in pain running-wise :( I can totally relate though to the pushing too much too fast. I definitely did that and just ended up setting myself back and back and back. Honestly it was not until last week that I finally just gave in a bit and realized I HAVE to trust my body…it was like instant pressure relieved from my shoulders and my conscience and my runs started feeling better. It was like I stopped trying to “control” everything and stopped expecting myself to be SO fast and SO this or that RIGHT now…maybe it was just like I finally got back on the same page as my body and stopped working against it. I am not sure…but I am finally appreciating and loving running again and it feels good.

LOVE YOU FRIEND. Thinking about you and praying for you. You will get there girl…your passion, honesty, dedication, etc are so inspirational. Lets go to Pump together when you get back!!


I love to plan stuff but I never seem to follow it!

Your optimism is so inspiring and I hope you feel better soon! Don’t worry I am sure you will find lots of fun stuff to do while you are on vacation from running. Take Care!


Not gonna sugar coat it, that just sucks. In my 15 years of running, I’ve never been sidelined for this long. Why are your bones being so rude?! (is it bones? Not sure what a femoral fracture is, but I assumed it was a bone).

slow and steady girl. And I think minimalist shoes = injuries, but a lot of peeps out there disagree, so what do I know


Oh woman, I am the epitamy (sp?) of injuries! I have gone through broken bones, torn muscles, micro tears (by the 100’s) and so on and so forth…but look at me…i just signed up for a trial run! (shhh…i haven’t told anyone yet. hehe)


Injuries suck! At least you have perspective now though and have a plan! :)
I like to call myself a relaxed planner. I am an obsessive list maker, but try not to freak out too bad when things don’t go my way.


I fully fractured my eight femoral head back in October after a running related stress fracture that was misdiagnosed after a marathon. Luckily I have an awesome surgeon, physiotherapist, doctor, nutritionist and coach and was able to run a (slow) 4:05 marathon at Boston this year and am back to running heavy mileage without pain now! Definitely taking the time to so a lot more weight training and swimming and biking this time around though!!!


Just what the doctor ordreed, thankity you!


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sunday night dessert was fro-yo.

You will do great when you get back. Your mom is so smart, focus on what you can do. You are awesome, running or not


Janae, I’m just reading this post. So sorry to hear your hurting again (physically and emotionally). I have to say though, this was a good thing for me to read. I started back up last week after 6 weeks off for my tibial stress fracture. I haven’t exactly been pushing hard, but I also haven’t been following doctors orders. 1/2 a mile 4x’s a week?? That just seemed like torture to me. But, I am trying to be careful not to overdo it. Your post was a good reminder. So, thank you. Also, one thing I found that gave me that “I just kicked some serious butt” feeling, sort of the same way running does, is Hot (or Bikram) Yoga. It’s my newest fitness pleasure. I’m sure they’ve got tons of yoga studios out there in SoCal!! Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery and peace of mind until then.


Injuries, injuries, injuries. I have a chronic shoulder injury that NO ONE can figure out- it mimicks the symptoms of frozen shoulder- which is basically a ridiculous amount of pain and NO cure/any form of treatment. Awesome. It comes and goes every few months and it sucks my ass. I also threw out my back last year and dealt with shin splints and a knee injury this year which has sidelined me from running all summer. I am no champion like you but I’ve found love in stationary work like skipping, kickboxing, and yoga to be super beneficial and surprisingly doesn’t hurt! Running is an addiction that I am feeling the withdrawal symptoms! I hope you are able to do things like swim which you seems to be amazing at as well!


Oh man, I feel your pain. Both times I’ve trained for a marathon I’ve gotten injured. First time was severe IT band issues and the second time was a stress fracture in my shin. Ouch.

I miss distance runs, but have learned that I need to really really ease into them. I think the next marathon I choose to train for I’ll do like a FORTY week training plan haha.

I do yoga a lot now, just started a 30 day Bikram Challenge. I normally practice 5-6 times a week, but wanted a challenge since I miss having planned runs!

Have you ever tried Bikram? I feel like its the yoga designed specifically for endurance athletes!


Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and rnnuing.


Nice site. Though its loading a little slowly for me. Maybe you shpould look into that?

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