Triple Tangent Tuesday.

Get excited for three completely random things about me because I can’t think of anything of real substance to write about on the blog today.  I am too busy looking up a good cookie recipe because I am craving a hot guey cookie topped with a big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream for dessert tonight.

1.   As you know, I was a party animal last night and stayed at a friends until 2 a.m.

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This is a very old photo of a halloween dance party, there was no dancing last night but it did make me feel like I was cool and in college again.

Anyway, sorry to tangent on the tangent…….this morning’s workout WAS TOUGH!  I was exhausted mentally and physically from staying up so late last night and the only thing that kept me awake on the elliptical was watching Kim and Kourntey opening their new store in New York on TV.  This tangent is to congratulate you moms, late night workers, don’t get very much sleep people out there….you guys are amazing and I don’t know how you get your workout on after waking up with a baby throughout the night, working the night shift or anything else that doesn’t allow you to get your maximine amount of sleep. All I can say is WOW.


2.  Remember these covered wagons from last night?!?!

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I decided to make mine into a smore by putting it in the microwave (after eating the gummy lifessavers and pretzels of course)

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Everyone thought it looked disgusting but dang it was good.  I might recreate another one as soon as I hit publish….um, it must be getting close to the hormone monster time of the month because all I can think about is cookies and marshmellows.


3.  “Janae, are you really still dwelling on your Disneyland day with your family because it was one of the best days of your life?”

My answer to this is yes and now you have to look at a few more pictures because they are my favorite.

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Does your sleep effect your workout as much as it does mine?  Are you used to not getting enough sleep?  Any stories/experiences?

-I think when I am a mom someday that it is going to be a HARD to adjust to continue to workout with little sleep.

Favorite bite size candy bar?

-I stole all of the bite sized milky ways from the bag during our craft last night because they are my favorite.  Oh, and the dark chocolate milky ways…don’t even get me started:)

Do you ever use an elliptical?  What setting do you do it on?  Do you like it?

-I don’t like it when I am able to run a lot but LOVE it when I can’t run…does that make sense?  I use the random mode and try to include interval sprints whenever the chorus of a song comes on my ipod.

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Oh yesss sleep affects me in every way!! Even mentally/emotionally. I get short breathed when I work out if I’m fatigued :P And I agree in congratulating late night workers and moms!! I truly wonder how they do it~I always pray that in the future that God will help me with my childrenz :)


I never used to like the elliptical until is was the only form of cardio I could do while injured! Now I love it! I usually keep between a 6-10 level. I like it because I can also read gossip magazines while on it ;)


Sleep totally affects my workout. If I am tired I have NO energy and struggle through workouts.

If you are still looking for a yummy cookie I have a recipe you may like. Make peanut butter cookies (you can use the peanut butter in your purse :)) and wrap the cookie dough around bite sized candy bars. I have used different kinds of candy bars but I think the best are Twix or Snickers, they just seem to work well with the cookies. Then cook as usual (you need to add a few minutes more, just keep an eye on them). I can email you the recipe, if you want. The cookies are the BEST and the candy stays all nice and soft in the middle…. mmmmm. Sorry, I know that wasn’t one of you questions.


Um, you are going to make me cry. That sounds like the absolute best cookie in the world. I adore you!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! When you have a chance I would love the recipe:) PS the pb in my purse comment made me laugh so hard!


I did an elliptical workout the other day that worked well. On level 8 I went easy until the machine said I burned 20 calories, then went all out for 20 calories and repeated!


I love the elliptical machine! :-D its my favourite machine at the gym. that and the arc trainer. at the moment I am all about intense hill intervals…they are so hard but so good, lol! ;-)
love mini snickers the very best, and mini peanut m&ms…yummy!
and yes, sleep, or rather the lack of it, has a big effect on my workout mojo. which is why I have been known to abuse caffeine on the odd occasion :-P xyx


Sleep affects my whole life! haha I love the eliptical and love Mars bars ( kinda like Milky Ways!!)


Love bite size Snickers — love them a little too much! :-) Can’t stand working out inside — even though it’s a million degrees here – you can’t beat the scenery & fresh air! Plus – it makes the time go by faster!


1) I am homesick for our vaca to France so I went to the bakery this morning for croissants and coffee…..and called the patio our corner cafe.
2)Have been laying horizontal since lunch watching mindless tv telling myself i better enjoy it now the school year will come soon enough.
3.) Made BBQ pork sandwiches last night just because yours looked so appetizing in that photo,


Oh girl….I don’t think I would have been able to come home after France. I love that you called the patio your corner cafe:) Seriously, enjoy every second because school will be here before we know it…..booooo!!! Did the hubby love the sandwiches?!?! They are our favorite. PS I was telling Billy about you today and how awesome that we are so alike and he told me we probably are twins separated at birth!


**Note to self: Make BBQ sandwiches after future immature, irrational episode……they score major wife points.**


oooo the stuffed cookie idea is awesome. I had some with Oreo’s and they were THE BEST!

You will soooo get used to waking up and working out. In fact, you will probably look forward to it even MORE as your time :) (btw: You are going to be best mom EVER!)

I have not used the eliptical in years! You make me wanna try again if I can watch Kourtney and Chloe! :) When is your next “test” I cant wait for you to knock it out of the park! :)


Bite size candy bar : snickers almond, Skor bar.

I love the pics!!

Random tangent, I had a HUGE salad that was amazing today. Amazing.


Agree with the above poster, you will appreciate working out more when you are a sleep deprived mom. I am a new mommy to a 4 month year old and my running time in the morning is precious and I appreciate my workouts so much more! Plus, I can take the baby in the BOB stroller for an upper body workout!

As for cookies, since you are a fan of marshmallows I HIGHLY recommend making smores bars. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post links to recipes but I guarantee they will change your life and would be happy to send you the recipe. You basically make a cookie dough using graham cracker crumbs and then layer it with fluff and hersheys bars and oh. my. gawd they are addicting.


Okay, Robin…I NEED that recipe:) Will you pretty please send it to me? CONGRATS on your 4 month old…that is so so exciting. I can totally see how your workout time is so appreciated and those BOB strollers are AMAZING!


You get use to no sleep after children. Once you’ve done it months in a row, your body just goes with it.
Love me some mini milky ways yum!
I love the Elliptical because my knees act up every now and again. Manual setting, incline of 7 and resistance of 8. Feels so good!


if you haven’t tried this you MUST: add a chopped up muffin, chopped up cookies (like Milanos or Oreos), some pb, choc or butterscotch chips, to your bowl of plain cereal, add milk (I used vanilla almond milk), and the top with whip cream , a dusting of hot chocolate mix or cinnamon… eat late at night and repeat often :) it takes night time cereal to a whole new level – it will make you sleep like a baby, I know from experience and I neeeed my sleep too!
Like you I only like the elliptical when I can’t run, but I have to do intervals or fast and slow to keep it fun or else I get way too bored


Okay, we are soul mates. Your cereal bowl sounds like HEAVEN. I must try that, I bet I will never be able to go back to normal cereal again! LOVE IT!!


I do this too!!!!
we had left over doughnuts from sunday am, so Sunday night I just used a chocolate cake doughnut as my cereal……crumbled and topped with milk. I’m with you best nights sleep ever!!


I find my whole day revolves on getting enough sleep. I work from 11 PM – 7 AM and I go to school. If I don’t get enough sleep, I get sick very easy sooo workouts have been taking a back burner a lot lately :( School is over next monday though! Reeses and milkyways are my favorite. If I ever use the elliptical, it’s on random for me too. Have a great day Janae :)


LOVE dark chocolate milky ways!!

I work nights and somedays it’s hard to workout, but somedays it’s great, because I am sleepy and a great (or even bad) run totally wakes me up and revives me.

I never use ellipticals, if im not running I would rather spin or use a stairmaster, my hips are uneven and the elliptical just makes me feel that waaay too much


If I don’t get ATLEAST 7 to 8 hours a sleep a night..I’m an absolute train wreck and my runs are exhausting. Kudos to those who can run (no pun intended?) on only a few hours a night. Like you said, WOW.


Girl, I am awful at working out if I’m tired. I even missed my gym date this morning : ( Greater sacrifice now if having my gym date tonight!

I don’t MIND the elliptical but most of the time I think it’s boring. ANNDDD I usually ride around levels 7-10.


I also enjoy the elliptical when I can’t run but can’t stand it when I can run. Of course, I’d rather be RUNNING! :)

I do not understand how people function on such little sleep! I think I require like 10 hours a night. Which means I am tired 5 days a week because I get a little under 8. When I get 6 hours, I feel like a zombie and some people get LESS THAN 6 hours every single night! I would die. How do they do it? How do MOMS do it? Ahhh!


I need my sleep! I get 7-8 hours every night, and anything less than 7 makes me so grumpy! After a long run, it is totally normal for me to sleep 9-10 the next night. My body loves to rest, what can I say?
Fave mini candy bars = twix. Except you have to eat like 8 to make one real bar, right? So small.
I would always prefer to run that use the elliptical, but I use it for cross training or injury, and do intervals too so the time goes by faster!


i’m good without sleep until about 2pm. Then i can’t function at all! worthless. 2am was late, we’re grandma and grandpa here. haha.

Glad you got to sweat it out, sleepies and all.


Lack of sleep turns me into a monster! (true story)

And I do believe that candy bar inside a cookie recipe may have changed my life! Trying tomorrow!


I cannot function without 7-8 hours. Seriously, you don’t want to see me without a good night’s sleep.

Favorite bite sized candy – rolos or reese’s minis.. oh my gosh I miss candy sometimes so so bad.


I have been sleep deprived for the last 4 years between insomnia and kids. Days when I get less sleep then normal (haha) I have the worst workouts and I am super cranky. I am not big on chocolate but cinnamon bears are another story. I tried a take 6? bar and it was good. I think ellipticals are kind of boring unless I am pregnant, injured, or have a really good magazine. I like to call half marathons fun sized marathons and since I am kind of a small person I like to refer to myself as fun sized as well.


FOUR YEARS…HOLY COW!!! Okay, cinnamon bears are my favorite….I love the chocolate covered ones! FUN-SIZED….I want to be fun-sized:)


Speaking of cookies, every kind of cookie at the Maverik gas station is NUTS. Honestly they are so good. I feel sick after every one I eat but it’s totally worth it.

If I did a Tripple Tangent Tuesday, I think every tangent would be about how much I love those cookies.


I NEED to go to Maverik and try their cookies…I am drooling now! Totally worth the stomach ache!


Bite size snicker FTW! :) I could eat a bazillion of them.

Sleep is SO important. I really for serious am a different person on no sleep! (A crankier, more awful person!)


Your nieces are soo cute. I got to spend time with one of my nieces today… she actually convinced the hubby to watch the Disney movie “Tangled.” Haha! I loved it, and Brandon admitted that it wasn’t too bad. Then I completely used my niece as an excuse to get ice cream… because SHE wanted it. Forget about the fact that I was whispering the idea into her ear. She wanted it, so we went. End of story! :P


Your nieces are so cute! Love those photos. :)


I used to work graveyard the past few years & I think working out after work then is harder then after a shift on a day job. I’m working swing shift now. Good to know that people sympathize with me every now and then. :-)


I agree with the dark milky ways! Why are those so hard to find full size?


Unbelievable how well-written and ifonrmative this was.


zcMaJn , [url=]lfaztivkavkd[/url], [link=]cxzjegmomsum[/link],


I love the elliptical when there is good music.
Funny I hate marshmallows. I like rice krispie treats though :)


So I had to write to tell you your “Janaeness” is spreading across the world. I am staying with my sister and her three littles ones for the week and two things happened today that were a total you! 1. For lunch the sister served up everyone grilled cheese sandwiches with none other than JAM on it! She said she tried it after your post and now the whole family LOVES it! I have yet to work up the courage to try, but I might someday. 2. For lunch and dinner her salad was just in a large serving dish. I thought she was making salad for maybe like the both of us, but no, just her. She ate it all. Then after that proceeded to eat her tortilla that was stacked high in veggies.

I told her you two need to meet and that I thought you would be instant BFF’s. She said I think we would because we both love vegetables, jam on on our grilled cheese, and we both love sweets! She said except Janae can eat all the sweets she wants and not gain a pound, I can’t. I just laughed at her. So next time she is in town we can all go out and you guys can talk about veggies, while I just eat!

Love you girl!


I always liked mini Butterfinger bars and Snickers! But really, my favorites were always Skittles and Starbursts. :) Haven’t been on the elliptical in probably 9 months, but I used to like it.


love your tangents:)

I would totally do the elliptical if I couldn’t run. today I ran 4.2 miles at lunch and then after dinner I ran 3.2 miles…I’m doing those daily doubles to prepare for Hood to Coast!! After you are done RESTING yourself, you will be back in the game and kicking my boot-tay on running!


Dark chocolate Milky Ways are the kind of candy I will tell you I don’t want if you ask, but once you get me to have one, I crave them like no other.


Oh man, I have to avert my eyes every time I see those jumbo marshmallows at the store! I sooo badly want to buy some!


i’m the same way, if i’m running the elliptical gets no love but the second i’m unable to run i’m all about it! you can get an awesome workout done on those suckers too, intervals are great!

haha…i love ur melted wagon!


I hate not sleeping and exercising! It makes me nauseous. I have a 2 year old and 3 month old twins. I have been trying to go running in the mornings then do weights at the gym after that. The hardest part if taking all 3 kids from the car to the day care then from the day care to the car! Man its tough but I feel so much better after a good work out!

I’m the same with the elliptical! I love a good run the most! Hopefully you can get better and start running more! I bet its pretty rough on you. Hang in there!


I don’t get too much sleep usually 4 – 5 hours a night, I have 4 kids and they take turns waking during the night. It becomes normal to feel like crap (for me anyway) and one of the things to help me get through the day (besides 50 cups of coffee) is jumping on my treadmill or doing an exercise DVD – it actually makes me feel better and gives me more energy.

Crunchie – hands down is my favourite. I always steal those out of the packet before I share the packet around. No one says anything because they know the crunchies are mine.

Elliptical – not a fan. I am a treadmill girl through and through.


Have to say I love Milky Way too! And I don’t really like the elliptical. Your smores thing here looks so yummy!!


I function pretty well without sleep. Which is good because as soon as I go to bed with less than 8 hours sleep I start to panic and my body won’t sleep. So chances are if I go to bed with 7 hours to sleep… I will only get 5! Weird right?

I am not a big elliptical fan but I use the random setting too when I am on it. I also like to use the chorus for sprints when I am on the spin bike not doing a class!


Sleep absolutely determines….every part of my day. I looooove a good nights sleep and am an [extra] b*tchy bee without it! However I find sucking it up and still getting a workout in helps with the grumpiness!

I love love love bite sized Charleston Chews. A highly underrated candy if you ask me. Despite the fact that I live in fear that I will break a tooth each time I eat one, I LOVE them.

I despise the elliptical and never ever use it. The ARC trainer, however, I love when I’m injured/can’t run. When I can run, I kind of hate all cardio machines. SO I totally get what you’re saying about the elliptical.


Snickers bite sized candy bars are definitely my favorite. Or almond joy’s. Anything with nuts really.

Your dog is adorable! He is a border collie mix??


I hate that machine.. it makes my feet fall asleep!


Those pics of your nieces are so precious!

Unfortunately, my body is used to not getting enough sleep. During the school year I get about 5.5-6 hours per night. During summer, well, sometimes I get more, sometimes I get less (from staying out wayyyy too late). If I feel groggy when I get up, I just hop in the shower. Nothing like a cold burst of water to wake you up!

I have an elliptical – I only use it during the freeeeezing winter days.


Sleep definitely effects my workouts!
I LOVE 100 Grand bars…they’re incredible :-P
Definitely like to work with the elliptical now and then – I like to put it on the intervals program so it does the work without me having to think about it ;)


I love sleeping, I think it will be one of the hardest things about becoming a parent. Even during the week if I only get 7 hours I am a grumpypants. At the weekend I have been known to check out for 10 hours or so, oh sweet sleep….

I don’t use the elliptical, I hate it. Not a fan of machines in general. Though I can’t really run now I can still bicycle so I’m much more likely to take my road bike out for an hour or two when I get a chance.

when it comes to gym machines, the only one I like is the stair climbing machine! Becuase i can wreck myself in 10-15 minutes. I usually vary it from 12 for a minute to 14-15 then back down. When it’s moving fast I have to really concentrate so as not to fall off haha


Hands down my favorite candy bar is KIT KAT!!!!!


Bite sized Twix are the bomb diggity.

I use the elliptical when I know I should work out, but don’t feel like it. It’s a great way to read junk magazines or watch trashy tv.


With all these silly websites, such a great page keeps my ietrnnet hope alive.


Usually once I get moving, I wake up a little, but yes – I need my 8 hours to feel normalized in workouts!

I love the vanilla flavored tootise rolls or bite-size snickers (out of the freezer please!)

I use the elliptical maybe once a week now, but it was the machine that got me into running longer distances to be honest….spending time on it doing intervals, not only boosted my endurance aerobically, but it also boosted my mental side of running letting me know I can last 45 minutes on a treadmill or on the road…

My usual elliptical routine is: set the machine to intervals, and the resistance to 7, and every 2 minutes the incline switches automatically between 10 and 4. Every 5 minutes I do 30 seconds fast, 30 seconds recovery, and then 5 minutes backwards…repeat…if I am feeling good and fresh, I will boost the resistance up. This usually keeps me on the machine for about 45 minutes…


I love your post! You have so much energy- its contagious :) WOOT! I have a new love for twix too. It is crazy, I want them all the time. ruh roh!


My sleep definetly effects my workouts. If I’m really tired, my workouts seem to be 2x longer than they usually are and about 10x harder. Thats why I always try to get to bed at a decent time since I wake up early to workout.


sleep definitely affects my work-out, but its more about getting my booty out the door. once i’m there and start moving, w/in 5 min i’m ready to work hard. every morning i tell myself ‘you never regret a work-out’…even if it ends up being a little lazy or easy.
i like to elliptical if my legs are sore and i need to move, and i can always crank the resistance if i’m feelin it, but also to catch up on magazines! great place to read.


I’m GOING TO COLLEGE in less than a month :DD
yayyy for EAGLE pride

I’m 18 and I’m recovering from the chickenpox, just now (I KNOW, what kind of creature am I?)

I adore your blog, I look forward to it coming to my mailbox at 2pm :D

I just went to Korea for a month and a half. IT WAS AWESOME. so much food stuffing goodness

I’m glad I got the whole anorexia thing out the way in high school, because now I can focus on being the BEST me in college

I wish i had better self esteem

im too lazy, so for “workouts” i’ve just been walking ~4.5 miles a day around my neighborhood. I feel cowardly compared to all these awesome bloggers who are so motivated to workout on their own with strength training and pylometrics and etc. (i dont have a gym right now though, and my parents wont let me get a membership for the 1 month more that I’m at home)

WOW this was a doozy of a comment. but it’d make my day if you (janae) would comment back on it :D


I have 4 kids 4 and under I’m up usually a few times a night my babies are 4 mo old twins! It’s weird you get mom power or something and for some reason I’m not tired throughout the day but having all the kids affects working out which is a bummer.. I can’t push all kids to run. One of these days I’ll figure it out I guess.

Anything bite size is yummy!

I have a monster cookie recipe that will knock your socks off! I think maybe eat a dozen at a time!


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