The open bag syndrome.

I admit it it.  Everytime I cook, something ends up exploding, spilled or on fire.

All that matters is how it tastes no matter how it got there. Right?!?!

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Today as I was making my cup o eggs there was an explosion.  I wanted scrambled eggs but I was too lazy to actually get out a pan and scrample them so I just threw them in the mug.  I forgot to put the microwave on medium power and next thing I knew it the whole microwave was covered with bits of scrambled eggs (I cleaned it up before my in-laws knew about it so I am apologizing to them now as they read this).

I am also notorious for not closing bags/boxes all the way (or putting the cap on the toothpaste).  I think it is because I know that I will be walking over to the pantry and my hand is going to be right back in that bag of cereal, chips, wheat thins within the next 13 minutes so why close it now?

Peanut butter (chunky of course) is meant to go on everything, including graham crackers.

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It was a pool day for the Jacob’s family.  Mountain of salad with oil and vinegar, snap peas, loads of turkey, cottage cheese, brocc, carrots, and tomatoes.

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I got all of my veggies in so I decided to gets some fruits in via a plum and WATERMELON sour patch kids.  Don’t worry, I teach my health students that watermelon sour patch kids only count for a half of a serving of fruit.

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Billy refused to race me in the pool.  I would be afraid to be beat by my wife too.

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In sad news:  Billy’s mom offered to take us to fro-yo for an afternoon snack and billy replied, “I am fro-yoed out.”

This is going to be a tough time in our marriage.


Have you had any kitchen disasters?

Do you suffer from open bag syndrome?  Or are you good at closing the bag or putting the cap back on correctly (I always half screw it on)?

-Billy does, I do not.  Unless it is on things like bread or tortillas that go bad fast.

What do you use your microwave the MOST for?

-Baked potatoes in a hurry.

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My worst kitchen disaster would have to be dropping a glass jar of mayo on the floor when I was a teenager. I can still hear my mom yelling (I seriously think this is a contributing factor to why I avoid it now).


Christmas 2008… I made these incredible whiskey-glazed carrots. Butter + brown sugar + a dash of whiskey at the end…… too bad I failed to take into account that alcohol = SUPER FLAMMABLE. And when I added the whiskey, the whole thing turned into an enormous fireball and set my kitchen alight :\ My whole family just stood there staring at it until finally someone had the sense to throw the cats’ water dish over it. It completely gutted the stove area of our kitchen… hahaha at least Christmas was memorable! (and the carrots were DELICIOUS, for the record!)

Open bag syndrome for me for cereal… because I’m ALWAYS going back for ‘just a little more’ (read: 8 bowls worth)

Microwave is probably used most for melting cheese! I put cheese on basically everything, so the microwave is my best friend for making ooey gooey melty magic happen :D


oh my gosh open bag syndrome = my lifeeeeeee
especially nuts and cereal! because one handful is not enough and rather than me bringing the bag to me i just get up and keep grabbing more…im obviously burning off the food with that walk to the pantry right :)

and i WISH i saw your reaction when billy said that! hahaha..does he want to be in the dog house or something?! hahahah happy janae = happy billy…duhhh he should know this by noww!

microwave oatmeal all the timeeeeee


I am OBSESSED (anal) about closing bags when I am done eating something. Especially my cereal~I don’t want it getting stale!! I use the microwave most for heating up maple syrup :)


I make eggs in the microwave all the time. I toss one in a bowl, stir it up and a minute later I have an egg fit for a english muffin a-la Mc D’s!


I use my microwave for eggs all the time! So easy peasy to make breakfast sandwiches.

I have open bag syndrome with trail mix!


Have you had any kitchen disasters?

Fro-yo-ed out?! He is crazy–it is only July! We still have 2 months of summer goodness left to enjoy! Tell him to switch it up with popsicles and sherbet for some variety!

I always close bags but Andy is horrible at it–his snacks (cheez-its, cereal, crackers, etc.) are always stale and he still eats them that way.

What do you use your microwave the MOST for?
Everything. Seriously–I’m too impatient to bake things in the oven for dinner.


Oh man I am horrible in the kitchen sometimes. I have had my oats tumble over my bowl several times and I have been known to lick the bottom of the microwave to savor them….burned countless peices of toast and bagel thins and even ruined two Rachel Ray pans from having the burners to high when I cook eggs….I think I need to hire a chef from now on lol.


Yes I am the same way, I only partially close stuff. My hubs is way better at it than I am. I have never cooked eggs in the microwave! I have never even heard of it before. Kinda freaks me out a little. Good to know tho!

I am with you on the potato, those things take forever in the oven and the micro just seems to do the trick just fine :)


My microwave usually just heats stuff up but I do make my baked potatoes in there!

I am a closer! Sorry1

Fro-yoed out? Sacrilegious!!!!!


I’m so bad about putting the cap back on or closing the bag to stuff. I always remember the important stuff life eating what I opened or brushing my teeth, but not the unimportant stuff like putting what I ate away or putting the toothpaste cap back on.


So jealous of your pool day….looks like fun!
I always had open bag syndrome until our recent mice problem…eek! I prob use the microwave most for popcorn and hot pockets (bad, I know!)
What is wrong with Billy?? Fro-yoed out? Puh-lease!


I use the microwave for oatmeal, frozen dinner, potatoes….well, way too much! I’m impatient and microwave is faster. I’ve had many kitchen disasters! Oh, thanks for the Planters pb pic. I’ve been wondering if it’s good. I love pb and everytime I see a new kind I gotta try it. So my next jar will be Planters (crunchy for me). :) How can on have too much ice cram or frozen yogurt? ias I type this (9:17pm) my belly is soooo full of ice cream I’m about to pop.


A few days after my husband & I got engaged, I decided to cook dinner for him and my parents. I decided to make Reubens. I wanted to slightly toast them in the oven and make the swiss cheese melt, but I forgot to adjust the rack. Next thing I know, the Reubens are on fire inside the oven. I didn’t know what to do, so I called my dad downstairs and he casually opened the oven and started laughing as he closed it, leaving them in flames inside. Thankfully, only the top part of the jewish rye caught fire and we were able to replace it. But I will never live the story down. I promise I can cook.

I use the microwave the most for popcorn or melting butter for baking uses. Other than that, it’s for reheating leftovers which I don’t really like to eat.


I have kitchen disasters all the time! Perhaps that’s why I no longer work as a line cook! :P

I am terrible about closing bags, I mean really who’s good at it. Oh wait, my husband is! :P whoops!


I’m a closed bag kind of girl. I always yell at the Husband for leaving bags open – the stuff gets stale quick!


Ummm…peanut butter on graham crackers…you just blew my mind.


When I was a lot younger I had a recipe to make chocolate cake. I don’t know why at like 12 years old my parents trusted me enough to bake or cook anything, but they did. The recipe called for cocoa and instead of using the Hershey’s can of cocoa, I used cocoa drink mix. When I tried calculating how much water to add with the other ingredients and the packets of cocoa mix I realized the soupy mess in front of me probably wouldn’t be turning out well. I went to my Dad crying because I felt so guilty for all the eggs I wasted that could have been chickens.


HAAHHAHAHAHA you have been making me laugh extra hard lately.. i do that egg thing all the time. i prob use my microwave too much and ive heard thats unhealthy… i just like everything better warm and semi melted. i microwave spaghetti squash a lot


Is it possible to be fro-yoed out?! I always leave bags open too, especially cereal. I don’t mind if the food is stale so it doesn’t matter much to me


One time I was getting ready to make homemade french fries. The oil was hot so I started adding the fries. Well, the oil was a little too hot and I probably added too many potatoes, so some of the hot oil bubbled up and out of the pan. Thank goodness the stove had a nice tall edge to contain it. My hubs was on the phone with his brother at the time and was watching me do this and he said to his bro, “Uhhh, Henry, I’m going to have to call you back.” Of course now I’m known as the one who tried to burn down the house. :)
I’m pretty good about closing bags, etc, but the hubs is not. Don’t tell him I told you. ; )
I probably use the microwave the most for heating water for tea or warming up leftovers.


I very rarely use my microwave! We didn’t have one at our last place so I’ve gotten used to using the oven/stove, but I have also been known to make quick eggs in the microwave!


Kitchen disasters: oh goodness, yes. Just look at my blog… both the banana toffee cupcakes post and especially the “klutzy newlywed” post! I can never ben in the kitchen without making a mess!

And I use my microwave the most for oatmeal. Love it!! And probably warming up coffee because I like mine very very hot. So hot that when I drink it, I burn my tongue, and then I think, “I shouldn’t have heated it up so much.” :)


Billys fro yo’d out already? he’s got a long summer to go! and yes, I just did that egg trick in the microwave yesterday….BAM!! egg yolf explosion!


i’m sure that i’ve had plenty of kitchen disasters…but nothing tops the spill my mom had in college (i was NOT there….my parents didn’t meet til 10 yrs later) when she dropped a whole bottle of olive oil and it spilled all over the kitchen floor. that must’ve been quite the mess!


I make oatmeal in the microwave almost every day!!

As for the open bag, I HATE IT!! ha ha ha! My husband does it all the time and I get mad! Especially if its my Goldfish crackers!! :)


Kitchen disasters happen all the time when I am cooking, water boiling over every where happens daily and tonight I knocked an entire (and full) container of Nutritional Yeast all over the floor.
I use the microwave to steam veggies and make popcorn the most!
Fro-yo’d out?! How is that possible!?


My boyfriend is the WORST with open bag syndrome! He wastes so much food with leaving bags open, jars half unscrewed, and etc! He also can be absentminded and leave open jars of salsa in the pantry instead of the fridge, and cereal inside the freezer. He’s wacky that way!


Before my husband and I were dating, I decided to make him cookies as a “thank you for helping me move” present, but I only had a small frying pan available at the time, so I attempted to fry them. And then forgot I was doing that…until, of course, I smelled smoke. It was a good apartment warming experience, I guess. :)


I tried to warm up a hard boiled egg once. I hate them cold.. Any how I put it in the microwave and it BLEW UP!!!!!! I never put the top on the toothpaste or close cabinet doors etc. Drives my hubs nuts


microwave? i rarely ever use it….maybe it’s because mine doesn’t ever work at the right power…i can’t even make popcorn. :(


My last kitchen disaster was trying to substitute oil for butter because we were out of butter. Gross, I know.

I suffer with the open bag syndrome, especially when it comes to chocolate chex, and cinnamon chex. I shouldn’t buy those cereals anymore because I end up eating half the box in one day.


PB and Graham Crackers are the BEST! You are so funny! I look forward to your blogs daily! ;)


Oh dear! I have kitchen disasters ALL the time. Most recently, I managed to flood the kitchen because I was so involved in a post I was writing that I forgot the water was running to clean the dishes. oopsies. Burning/spilling is a daily reality in my little kitchen.

I use my microwave most for egg mugs (love love) and hot cocoa, which I drink year round because I love it so much.


Crazy, I know, but we don’t have a microwave. I was so confused at first when we first moved in, but I did learn how to make oatmeal on the stove! When I come home to my mom’s house I use it a lot to heat up the hot fudge!! lol

My boyfriend started complaining that he was tired of Yogurtland about 2 months ago. We haven’t really been the same since then. He still has to walk with me every night to Yogurtland.


haha, you microwaved eggs!?! i have never even realized that was an option before! oh man! you are so funny!

i am so jealous you got to have the fun blogger meet up with SR and the other girls! so fun! you will have to tell me all about it!


Fro-yoed out?? Is that possible?


Umm… I may or may not have put foil in the microwave… And it may or may not have caught on fire..

I told my health to students to eat all the colors of the rainbow, and they said “oh, you mean like, skittles?!” yes skittles totally count..!


I’m glad there is a name for my disease!!! Open Bag Syndrome!! Yeah- I’ve finally been diagnosed!! ;) I have all the symptoms!


I always always break crockery – and the last thing that exploded on me was a saucepan lid while I was steaming some broccoli. Distressing, lol. The glass just started making funny noises and then shattered completely…scary! :-P I’m good at putting lids on and stuff though – it’s my saving grace, makes up for the ability to break things. ;-) I mostly use the microwave for making porridge. Or scrambled eggs. And about 30% of the time I manage to overflow the porridge and it bubbles over into the microwave. So annoying, lol! :-) Microwaves, man…tricky things, those! ;-) xyx


I use my microwave to make single serve brownies….gotta have that chocolate fix! :P
I never close anything correctly…..also I sometimes leave empty bags in the pantry on accident…


Billy: how can you be fro-yoed out? Impossible! Too flavor and topping combinations to ever get bored!

I always leave bags open, I know that I’ll be coming back soon for a handful of whatever it is!

I microwave popcorn a lot!


We use our micro most for heating up leftovers or heating up “willy pads” -kind of like a heating pad (towel w rice in it).


My husband has open-bag syndrome and it DRIVES ME NUTS! Shredded cheese, cereal, ANYTHING. I hate stale food and I feel this is a major contributor to this :)


I don’t have problems closing bags because usually I just open them and then finish them :) I have a problem.


OPEN BAG SYNDROME! LMFAO! I also suffer from this… and it annoys the crap out of me… yet I continue to do it.


Fro-yo’d OUT!?! Oh, boy…I’m so sorry. :( LOL

Kitchen disaster – thankfully defused by my 12yo son…I had a measuring cup of broth from the gigantor pot of veg I had stir-fried…I put in a tablespoon of corn starch to thicken the sauce and it bubbled and foamed. I was SO confused!! What had I done?? My son pointed out that I was adding Baking Soda – NOT Corn Starch. Hey – they have the same shaped container…and I’m a bit mental…ahem.


I think the worst thing in the kitchen I did was my first baking project . . . a loaf of banana bread. We were out of canola so I thought Olive was the same thing. I also accidentally baked a teaspoon into the bread. I am not kidding! For the record I was only 13, still makes me laugh though :) So sorry that Billy is fro-yoed out. Ya’ll should consider counseling for that one most def


I’ll go fro-yo with you? Oh wait, you live too far away. Boo!!

I’m terrible in the kitchen and it’s why hubs does all the cooking. I’ve boiled all the water out of pots before, ruined mac and cheese. I’m just not good. I guess that’s not completely correct, I can bake….which I think forgives me for my lack of other cooking skills.

My microwave is mainly used for warming up soup and nuking potatoes…


holy moly ~ microwaving eggs is super popular!? ha, i thought i was the only lazy lady to do that! actually, it’s not lazy, it’s super resourceful. i never change the power from high though – i let those babies pop like popcorn. i do cover them up – since egg remnants is not conducive to maintaining a “clean” kitchen, blah blah blah


Why are you wearing a tankini in that pic!!!! You are skinny, show off that tummy girl!


Kitchen disasters–on a daily basis, whether its a spill, overfilling, etc. I’m so used to it now that I get antsy when something DOESN’T go wrong.
Open bag syndrome-not so much.
A trick my Mom taught me for quick corn on the cob: shuck it, rinse it & while still “wet” roll it in saran wrap-nuke it in the microwave for 2 min & it comes out yummy! It’s great for a quick cob of corn………


umm fro-yo’ed out? is that even possible.

i ALWAYS have kitchen disasters…something always spills or splats

i always close the bag…i do so that there’s a chance it’ll stop me from going back (but it doesn’t always work)


PB on Graham Crackers is my FAVORITE!!!

PS- SF has some GREAT law schools that I think you should make Billy apply to so we can have fro yo/run/spin every day!


i can so relate to this.

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