Well, I did it.  I honestly didn’t think I would wake up early to go to the gym but when the alarm went off I was wide awake.  I was there when the gym opened and busted out 25 minutes elliptical, 10 minutes spin bike (hills and sprints), and 15 push-ups.  Repeated once followed directly with a bagel the size of a bowling ball with cream cheese, oranges and the top of that sugary streusally muffin.

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We went to a neighborhood party and the best part had to be the bike parade.  For some reason they wouldn’t let me participate even after I spent all night decorating my bike.

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Followed by a quick trip to the grocery store for CURRY ingredients.

The bellow picture incidence happens at least 4 times on average during a grocery trip.  Everything catches my eye and I want it, especially these perfect for s’more marshmellows!

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Please take a moment of silence for what I am about to tell you.

There is a Cafe Rio in California.  It is official, I can move here.  Who care’s that I would never be able to find a teaching job or that we would have to live in a shack because I have spent our savings account on running gear……I can get my chicken Salad fix…..all is right in the world.

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The MIL had me order the exact same thing for her because she is too embarassed to ask for extra pico, extra guac and extra lettuce…..I have no shame, I will have my food the way I want it.

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July 4th activities…..to be continuued. Sneak Peak——Yogurtland Ca is on my bad side now.


Do you go to the grocery store with a list or do you go in and look around?  Do you come out with more than you went in for?

-We went in for curry stuff and ended up coming out with much more:)  We rarely have a list…..we just know what the necessities are and get anything else that looks good and doesn’t make us broke.

How have you celebrated today? (No matter where you live…there is always a way to celebrate:)

Favorite Muffin Top?  (PS do you remember the Seinfeld with the store that sold only the muffin tops…anyone want to go into business with me?)

-Apple cinnmon streusal muffin top for me!

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Happy 4th! Brian’s favorite holiday. We celebrated with a parade, bbq, pool, and fireworks…at a hotel, of course. I forgot til I moved back here how everyyything is at a casino. Everything.

I love that you get too much grocery shopping! I’m okay with sticking to the list, but Brian throws lots of extras into the cart. And then the worst: “Did you find everything alright today?” Don’t mock me, check out lady.

I’m anxious to hear about this CA Yogurtland…I didn’t think any place with yogurt had the potential to be on your bad side!


PS I noticed on your side bar “blog archive,” you made 109 posts in June?? Do your fingers every get blisters? That was prob more than I wrote when I was an English major…haha I love you.


ahhhhhhhh!!! I would be SO sad if you moved to CA. unless of course I moved there as well ;) I am so interested about this yogurtland news…I just cannot imagine that place being on anyone’s bad side…especially yours! LOVE all the festivities! Happy 4th!


So fun! I am loving the bike parade. That is great. I totally go crazy at the grovery store every once in awhile and just buy what looks good. Totally guilty!

Love you girlie. Have a fabulous night.


I am a huge fan of the grocery list. If I don’t I’ll forget things and overspend.


I celebrated for you guys by taking a day off!! It was a perfect 4 day weekend for me :) Full of training and new activities such as paddleboarding :)


uh oh, what happend at yogurtland? i’m so curious! way to show the MIL how to RIO it!


Haha I love the pic of you with the salads :). Hope you’re having a great 4th!


Sniff sniff, I wish I had a yogurtland. Gosh, I wish we had a place to buy ice cream besides the grocery store. It is my obsession anyways. If one opened up, I’m sure I could keep them in business. Great job on waking up and getting in a workout. I’m a teacher too and I say every morning this summer that I’m going to wake up earlier to exercise and be productive. Well, lets just say this morning I didn’t get up till 9 and big mistake for a 10mile run. I got dehydrated and walked alot. Anyways, I like to make grocery lists, but I always buy more than what’s on my list. An awesome thing I bougt yesterday was pb covered almonds(like the dark chocolate kind, but pb).!!!! I will def pray 4 your shins. Oh, and since you like muffin tops (the best part), you would love Vitamuffins. Check em out!! They are on sale 1.50 a box rigt now @ Kroger. Unbelievably good, and filled with loads of vitamins. Happy 4th…we are blessed.


AHHH GIRL YOU DID IT!!!! Happy 4th mahboooooo <3


Happy 4th! I”m glad you are going to move to Cali now because then I could visit you and be warm :) Today we had a bbq at my parents house!


blueberry muffin top for sure! I’m never afraid to ask for what I want at a restaurant – especially extra guac!


Glad you had a good fourth! My hubby, son and I spent the day at the beach hiking and eating ice cream. Good day! :)


Oh my goodness you make me laugh so hard every time I read your posts! I’m so sorry that they wouldn’t let you participate in the bike parade… I’m sure that was a disappointing moment for you. ;)

Favorite muffin top would probably be chocolate chip. Or raspberry, but I don’t see those very often. When I was in college, my sorority had an amazing pastry chef that made lots of different types of muffins…raspberry, strawberry, peanut butter, chocolate, etc, etc. And he would get so frustrated because the girls would always eat the tops of the muffins and leave the bottoms on the tray. ;) Ah, memories!


hahahI LOVE that seinfeld episode!!!!hahah and they gave the bottoms to the homeless shelter and they gave them back! hahaha classicc!

spent the day studying:( but got to catch up with my dad later in the day!!

and grocery store shopping…i forget that the number mean dollars on the labels cause i just throw EVERYTHING in the cart!


I went to the grocery store for chick peas and spent $23dollars. The grocery store will bankrupt me I swear!!


We always go with a list but come out with a few extra items – my hubby is the enforcer there – if not we would have at least 20 “extra” items. Last weekend the best extra item I used my pouty for – Peanut Butter and Jam ice cream!
Chocolate Chip muffin top with extra chocolate chips :)


Your salad looks SO good. I am definitely craving some Cafe Rio. YUM. Interested to hear about Yogurtland, CA. What have gone wrong??


I remember watching that Seinfeld episode!
I so want a bunch of muffin tops – I think blueberry muffins for me :)


I always have a list and I always buy a lot more than what’s on that list. Plus, because of how unorganized I am, I go to the grocery store daily.


Ummm I will be your muffin top store partner. I am obsessed with the tops. The bottoms are crumbly and gross. I will pretty much eat any muffin. I have a thing for carrot though. Love everything carrot. Whoever invented sneaking veggies into desserts/baked goods is a complete genius.

Yogurtland…I’m curious!


I always have a list and I always buy a lot more than what’s on that list. Plus, because of how unorganized I am, I go to the grocery store daily.


Costco I just look around. It gives me an excuse to make sure I hit every single sample stop. The other stores I have a list. I love the apple cinnamon streusel muffins too. Too bad they aren’t gluten free :( It still doesn’t stop me from eating them sometimes.

Family bike ride, frozen yogurt, pool, and BBQ for us this 4th! No fireworks though because of the drought.


BEST FOURTH OF JULY ACTIVITIES EVER!!! Seriously, the samples at Costco are the best! They better make a gluten free version ASAP for YOU!


I think Panera actually serves muffin tops. They call them Muffies. I’ve never tried one, though, so I can’t comment on their level of deliciousness.


I LOVE THE BIKE PARADE! Totally not fair that they didn’t let you participate. I totally act like that in the grocery store!!! It’s so exciting to see all that food in one place! And you never know what you might see!! Today we bought a bag of peanut M&Ms and ate the entire bag. in bed. It was wonderful.


I LOVE eating chocolate in bed…….we are a lot alike girl!


First off how dare they not let you rock out in the bike parade!! I totally would strut my stuff with my Beach Cruiser and I would add some streamers!!!

I grocery shop with a list because I am poor and have ADHD which is not a good combination!
I have had a crap load ton of fun and will be posting in the morning all about it!!!
I will totally go into business with you and our logo can be a picture of a woman with low rise pants and a tube top. The store will simply be called Muffin Top and all the employees will be forced to wear too tight low riders with shirts either too tight or too short so they will all have Muffin Tops! IT WILL BE AWESOMENESS!!!! Are you down?




List… must have list! Otherwise it takes me too long especially w/ all those kids in tow. We had a super chill day just hanging out at home… though I did go for an hour long bike ride :)


Uh oh…I went to the CA yogurtland today (and had Key Lime – I hope that flavor stays FOREVER). Vry anxious to see why they are on your bad side! How can you be mad at something so delicious ;).


Oh I ALWAYS come out of the store with more than I went in for! I’m a sucker for deals :)


Haha! I knew you would workout :-) I way prefer going to the store with a list…budgeting over hurr, lol! ;-) It’s dangerous otherwise! :-P Those salads look amazing! And from the expression on your face, you thought so too, lol! :-D xyx


Yummm, muffin tops are the best! I love carrot cake, blueberry, apple…oh heck, I like just about all kinds of muffin tops. Aside from the one my skinny jeans give me right now, hmmphh.


Love Seinfeld!

Just wanted to say that I love checking in on your blog every morning. It puts me in such a good mood for the rest of the day.

Maybe we could split a business. I graduate and start teaching in September, we can split a teaching job and open a muffin top (sounds bad) business on the side! haha!

Keep up the awesome posts!


Hahah love your expression in the last photo. I bring a list to the grocery store and go in knowing that my list will magically disappear in the produce section when I spot pineapple, watermelon, blueberries, plums, peaches, strawberries, grapes, etc. How can I just buy bananas and apples when there are so many other lovely fruits just begging to be taken home?!


Seinfeld is the best show ever! I would totally buy just muffin tops!

Mike has this theory about the grocery store. They move stuff around so that you’re forced to go looking for things and stumble on other products you wouldn’t normally buy and buy them. He always makes us go to the grocery with a list so that the grocery store “doesn’t win.” He’s a weirdo.


Whoah, stacker marshmallows? That is GENIUS! And it has just changed my S’more eating career forever.


We got the flat mallows for smores and they rocked! I think I ate five, who knows? I decided not to count after my tummy started saying, “no more smores!” cuz who listens to that kind of thing anyway?


Haha your face with the salads is priceless!


Janae, do you make your own muffin tops? Apple struesel is my favorite sugary goodness in a muffin. Chocolate chocolate chip is definitely runner-up. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001IZZGN2/ref=asc_df_B001IZZGN21311809?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=nextagus0005887-20&linkCode=asn&creative=395093&creativeASIN=B001IZZGN2


Man you are some inspiration girl! I really need morning motivation for getting up and working out. Sometimes I make it but sometimes I don’t! lol
Always love your Cafe Rio pics…wishing there was one in NC!


I LOVE grocery shopping, but I must have a list. Otherwise, I would buy everything that looked good to me. And thank you for posting that picture of those marshmallows…I never knew they had those kind!!!!


Ahhh! I LOVE the muffin top Seinfeld episode…and I LOVE muffin tops. They really are the BEST! I would totally invest in a muffin top company with you!! :) We can both move to CA & work in the muffin top industry ;)


That salad always looks awesome whenever I see it on your blog.

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