Should I call the dentist? Bonus: Fried Ice Cream Recipe

or should I wait to go get my cavities filled until I finish off all of the Trader Joe’s goodies first?

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17 ounces (hence the name ‘pound plus’) of delicious chocolate with almonds in it.

Some other Trader Joe’s purchases from yesterday…….. I think we may have been in the mood for sweets.

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The packaging sells me everytime….the kettle corn bag is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen.


I only took ONE picture of the fried ice cream.  Fail on my part.  Partly I didn’t think anyone would want the recipe (SO HAPPY YOU DO) and the other reason was because the process is kind of messy and involves a lot of work with your hands.  I already got in trouble for dropping fro-yo into one of the nooks on our DSLR….I wasn’t about to spill corn flake goop onto the camera.

I did get thumbs up from EVERYONE and the family is already making plans for me to make it again….it is a good recipe:)

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1 quart vanilla ice cream

1 cup crushed cornflakes

3/4 cup sweetened cocunut flakes

1/4 cup chopped wallnuts

2 large eggs

2 tablespoons sugar

Vegetable oil, for frying

Hot chocolate sauce (not optional)

Whipped cream (not optional)

Form 4 large balls of ice cream and put them on waxed paper and cover with plastic wrap.  Freeze 2 hours

In a bowl comine cornflakes, coconut and walnuts…..put into a shallow dish.

Dip ice cream balls in the crumb mixture and freeze for 30 minutes

In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar. Dip the coated ice cream balls into the mixture, coating completely. Freeze for 1 hour.

Heat oil in a large pot to 400 degrees F.  Lower the balls into the oil one at a time until golden brown (about 30 seconds). Remove from oil and put it on a paper towel for a second (to drain excess grease) and then put it in your bowl and decorate it with the best things found in a grocery store (whipped cream and chocolate).


And for your entertainment……Charlie turns into a rag doll when it is bed time.  He goes limp and pretends that he can’t hear us call him anymore.  It takes two people to lift him up and take him upstairs to a bed.  Dogs realy are like people (children in this case) sometimes.

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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIANS…..MONICA put together a get-together at YOGURTLAND IN IRVINE tomorrow at 2.  Please say you can come!?!?!    Here is the LINK for more INFORMATION!!


Are you a sucker for packaging……does the way the products packaging make you buy it?

-Yep.  Heck, I would probably buy olives if it came in that kettle corn bag.

This one is for my mom…..When you were little did your parents say that they were going to move your bedtime up or down if they were making you go to bed early!?!  Did you have a bed time?  Do you remember what it was at different ages?

-My mom always threatened to move our bedtime UP and we would be so confused and get excited meaning that she meant we could stay up later when she really meant that we were going to have to go to bed earlier!!

I just remember the school year was around 9 and summer was 10 (until I was 12 years old and would just sneak back into the TV room after they were already asleep).

What are your Friday night plans?

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Puh RA-ohhh! (aka, PRO). Slash I am so getting on that chocolate crisp bandwagon — yeeeuhh!


Girl, you have to get them!!! PS I am still thinking about your fro-yo picture…..I wish I could have gone with you guys!


Why in the world would we NOT want the fried ice cream recipe. I mean, OMG, holy deliciousness!! :) Thanks for sharing!


Let me know if you make it:)


I am totally a sucker for packaging or any packaging that says “NEW”.
I love Trader Joes, it might be one of the top three things I am most excited for when we head south on our road trip this summer!
I can’t remember if I had a bedtime! I do remember in grade 9 I got a TV in my room and I started staying up late to watch Dawsons Creek and my Mom threatened to take the TV out of my room if I didn’t get to sleep earlier.
I am making kettle corn tonight for the drive-in movie we are going to :)


DRIVE IN MOVIE!?!?! That is the coolest thing EVER. What movie are you going to see? I LOVE kettle corn….and damson’s creek is STILL my favorite:) Have fun tonight!


I know! I was so excited to see that our mall was hosting a few drive-in movies this summer. Tonight the movie is RV? I haven’t heard of it! But I am just happy to put our blankets in the back of the car, eat kettle corn and candy! I need to start watching old Dawson Creek re-runs!


I definitely judge an ice cream by it’s container. Abso-fruit-ly.


I just really really like you… I like you because you say that the chocolate sauce and whipped cream are not optional. That makes me happy.

And that is all. ;)


You rock for posting the recipe! I can’t wait to make it! I think my bedtime was 9, too, but now that I’m an “adult,” it’s not too far after that. Hah still waiting on that beauty sleep to start workin’!

I think we’re going to veg out tonight and play some golf video games! Hooray for Friday!


I love that Charlie does that! My dog will bound into the bedroom at bedtime but its because he thinks he gets to sleep in the bed. It takes him a minute to realize he has to sleep on his own bed on the floor. Then he’ll usually end up upside down against the wall in the hallway. Crazy dogs!


I must be the onnly person who has no idea how to fry anything… what tool do you use to lower the ice cream balls into the oil without scalding yourself? tongs?? and also, umm… how much oil? enough to submerse the ball? do you use a regular pot like for boiling noodles? please don’t laugh haha


Janae!! This recipe is amazing! I can’t wait to make it for my family! Thanks for sharing!
I am totally a sucker for packaging! The pettier and fancier the better! My poor husband!
My bedtime when I was in elementary was 9 on school nights. 10 when I was in Jr High and High School.

Thanks for sharing all your fun times in Cali with us! I will be there in T minus 1 week!!


Pound plus is basically the units I use for my weight. So if I weigh 220lbs (I don’t even though it looks like it) I could say I weight 110 pound plus :-)

My parents didn’t give me a bedtime becuase they would just lock me in the dungeon when I was at home! (not really it was 9ish)

My Friday night plans are soooo exciting! I am going to be packing!!!! Party on!!!! Ok actually we may also have some friends over but not sure yet. I will post all about it for shiz!


Mmmm- fried ice cream! I haven’t had that in years and have always been nervous about making it at home (balls of frozenness in boiling hot oil seem like an accident waiting to happen). I may need to get over it, though.


I have always gotten tired early! I am still the first person wanting to leave parties haha.
So I can’t remember my mom ever telling me to go to bed :). I think I just got sleepy around 9:30 or 10 …


Thanks for the recipe! I am a sucker for those dark chocolate covered caramels as well. Yummmmmmm.


Thanks for the recipe, looks like a long affair, but WORTH IT!
I remember having a bed time and one time in the summer arguing with my parents that I shouldn’t have to go to bed at the same time as my younger brother b/c I was sooo much (2 years) older than him. They said ok, just pretend you’re sleeping until he falls asleep and then you can come watch some more TV. Sweet! Except, I ended up falling asleep too. #fail


Just wanted to leave a comment to say I am officially obsessed with your blog..I actually stumbled upon it last week and have spent alot of hours at work (sshhh..) reading all of your entries. you are SUPER inspiring! I’m hoping to run a marathon in 2012 but have run a bunch of half marathons. i fell in love with running almost 3 years ago now (jeez, where does the time fly, seriously!) during my crazy weight loss journey (2006 I used to be almost 400 pounds, now I am 180!) I dont really use running for weight loss anymore…its more of a spiritual thing to keep me sane and happy…anyways. I’m so glad I started reading your blog, def on my daily list of activities to read now!

my friday night plans include cleaning, spending time with my cats and carb loading for a 13 mile run tomorrow morning :)


THERESA!!! Your comment absolutely made my day! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!!! I hear you about running being a SPIRITUAL thing and to keep us sane and happy!! I would love to hear MORE about your amazing story!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR 13 miler…you are going to kill it!!!! Thanks again for brightening my day!


I will only eat chocolate if it has almonds in it, and at TJ’s that is the ONLY SIZE that you can get milk chocolate with almonds. Seriously, I’ve looked!


Since misery loves company, I am sort of glad that you have fallen in love with Trader Joe’s and have to return to live in Utah, like me. Booooooooo. Does it not break your heart that Trader Joe’s will never open a store in Utah?!?!??!


ahhhhhhh!! yay! so glad you posted that recipe!!! yum yum yum! that pup is seriously awesome. I wish I could meet him and be friends!


I love fried ice-cream, I am very very impressed


Fried ice cream looks AWESOME! I really really like Trader Joe’s Dark chocolate peanut butter cups. Now THOSE are addicting :D


Thanks for posting the recipe, Janae! That looks super delicious. Cute packaging gets me every time :)


impressive recipe!! Looks very cool. Plans include : date with my hubby, finally!!


Now I have to go to TJ’s for those caramels. Damn. What a tragic life I lead.


Ahh! Thanks for posting that recipe! Looks like I didn’t need to google it afterall! :) And tonight I am going to my friend’s 21st birthday party!


I am going to see Ben Folds with 3 of my favorites people!!


Okay Charlie is way too cute – I love that bit he does! MY Charlie loves bedtime. Seriously, he loves going to bed because he always chews on his blanket. It’s so weird.


I am a horrible sucker for the way things are packaged…the 100 calorie packs or single servings always get me. I know I could easily buy in bulk and seperate them into small zip lock baggies…but it is just not the same. I am laying low this Friday night, we had a BIG weekend on the fourth last weekend and we are heading to Costa Rica Monday morning!!


I have ZERO Friday night plans besides setting my alarm for 6:00 a.m. and hitting the hay early. The only good thing about this? I am taking my teacher certification tests in the morning! WAHOO! Wish me luck :)


Veggie sushi is on my to do list this evening!!

Packaging totally makes a huge difference! TJ’s has figured that out big time!!


After reading these comments about bedtime I think my childhood self got ripped off!!

My parents would make my sister and i go to bed around 8-8:30 during the school season then 8:30-9 during the summer and we weren’t even tired!!

They finally changed it when I was in middle school. By the time high school came around they dropped the whole bedtime thing because of the whole extracurricular activity things and sometimes I wouldn’t be home until 10 with homework I would still have to finish.


I am a marketing company’s dream come true. Put ‘new’ …. or better yet, ‘LIMITED EDITION’ and I guarantee I will buy 18 of them. I am an absolute SUCKER for anything seasonal/special edition… which is why I get SO JEALOUS reading blogs from you folks in the U.S….. you guys have seasonal EVERYTHING. Christmas Oreos??! ARGH! Pumpkin pie poptarts??!?! GIMMEEEEEeee.

The Australian snackfood market is seriously missing out by not selling these things here…. I would single-handedly make them RICH!!


try this kettlecorn it will change your life! I’ve had the Trader Joes which I thought was good until I stumbled upon this gem when I was babysitting…it’s the BEST!!!


What are the chicken crescent roll things you made? Those looked divine!


hahahaah! My mom sooo moved my bedtime around. She would put me to bed earlier but that didn’t mean I was falling asleep. Sometimes I would lie there and sing songs and make stuff up in my head. Oh, the life of a child.


YEA for Trader Joe’s! Did you try the pb&j trail mix? Im a trail mix pusher. Fun to meet you yesterday :)

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