Parties, the soda question and NO GUAC!?!?!

Bloggers know how to party, that we know for sure.  We filled our cups of yogurtland to the brim (okay, mine was overflowing) and I ate mine too fast to take a picture.  I was STARVING and the thought of waiting to eat it until I took the lenscap off and turned the dang thing on before diving head first into my yogurt made me want to cry.  Let me just tell you what it had instead……fro-yo (PB, vanilla bean and chocolate), carmel cups, mochi balls, mango, gummy bears, kiwi and strawberries.  Sounds weird but it works so good.

The party animals included Marlon, Heather, Monica (organized the get-together), weirdo, Leah, Sarah (GOT MARRIED ON SUNDAY), Julie, Kate and Denise!

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After getting lost on the way back home and ending up on a toll road (um, since when does it cost money to drive on a road….we don’t have those in Utah) I got home to everyone napping.  PS the family went to the Yogurtland near them while I was gone because they were so jealous of me going with my friends.  Once they woke up it was time to go to a family friend’s birthday party!!

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Do you like Billy’s new shirt that I got him for his bday….it comes with a secret candy compartment (let’s be honest, that is why I bought it).

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Did I mention that they had Cafe Rio CATER!?!?!  I made my self an exploded pork taco.  Extra everything…..I LOVE being able to choose exactly how much I want of each item.  The only downside was there was no guacomole.

Billy was embarassed not only of me doing the robot to every song that played at the party but also because I was throwing a tantrum about the lack of guacomole and he couldn’t believe that I would choose to smother my salad with guacomole over meat……and I thought he knew me.  I think they call it selective lilstening.

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We have lead you to believe that b-dawg and I are always like this……

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I think this paints a better reality…… poor guy.

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And dessert…..a cream soda from the party.  I have talked about HOW I QUIT DIET COKE (it has been 2 years of NO diet coke/pepsi/dr. pepper etc except for that one time in a moment of weakness after learning about my stress fractures….HERE)  but every now and then a cold root beer or cream soda are just what I need.

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What is your absolute FAVORITE soda?  Do you drink it often?  What are your thoughts on Soda drinking?

-Root Beer is my favorite!!  I think I have about two soda’s a month on average, now if I could only figure out how to control my candy addiction.

Have you ever QUIT a bad/unhealthy habit?

-Beside’s diet coke…..I have quit not taking a rest days, now I take full advantage of rest days… makes you weak, recovery makes you strong!

What are the best parts of your Sunday mornings?

-Sleeping in and making a GINORMOUS breakfast!


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No guac?? That’s crazzzy!!

I am cutting out diet soda too. I’ve heard onetoo many stories about how bad it is for my liking

My favorite pop/soda is Coke but I do love cream soda and root beer too. Have you ever seen the rainbow pack? Its a case with a mix of rot beer, orange, grape and cream soda. It was my favorite as a kid!! (Who am I kidding I still squeal when I see it!)


I have never seen the rainbow pack…that sounds awesome though!! GOOD LUCK with quitting diet soda…YOU CAN DO IT!!


I don’t drink pop very often, but I do like ginger ale every once in awhile!


I LOVE kombucha! And seltzer water with lime and lemon is my drink of choice this summer :)

Your salad is a beast, and I like it. I had to quit eating beans and GIANT salads because I realized that my stomach just can’t handle it. Too much bloat, and I was tired of being a balloon! Oh, and my ice-cream-a-day addiction started to drain my wallet and turned me into a sugar addict lol.

I look forward to Mondays because they’re my day off!!! So I guess I love Sunday nights when I get off work and think about my freedom for tomorrow :D


NO MORE GINORMOUS SALADS!?!?! That makes me cry for you!


I have a definite weakness for Diet Dr. Pepper. It’s just too delicious! I drink one most days. I figure it’s ok if that’s my vice!

Sunday morning are my only sleep in late days–ok, so 7:30 isn’t that late but it felt amazing today! Lots of lounging around and being lazy and I love it!!!


I agree, Diet Dr. Pepper is the best diet soda (and soda in general) for sure! Alas, I have switched to flavored water again–we’ll see how long that lasts!


eeehh soda for some reason is just not all that appetizing to me….i used to be OBSESSED WITH ROOTBEEER when i was younger when ya’d get it in a cool glass bottle…i felt so old! hahah
but i guess i over did it because now i am NOT a fan


No guac= CRAZYYY I’ve never been a soda drinker, so it is easy for me not to want it. The only kind I will drink every once in awhile is diet coke… but that is rare! Don’t hate me, but I don’t like the sugary-tasting ones like root beer, coke, etc. !


Girl, you are looking so tan!

I hardly ever drink soda. But when I do, my favorite is Vanilla Coke. It’s a brilliant combo. Good thing it’s really hard to find around here!

I used to bite my nails and went through about 85 attempts to quit before I finally made it work for good. 3 years and counting!


You are TOO NICE!!! Vanilla coke really is the BEST combo!! NO MORE BITING NAILS…..that is AMAZING!!! Keep up the hard work!


NO GUAC?! What?! The worst is when you go to a restaurant and spend forever trying to pick the perfect item only to find that they are out. Once I went to Costco and they were out of turkey breast and I literally had a panic attack. Ahh!




I love Billy shirt! I kind of want to copy you and get it for my boyfriend… :)

Best part of my Sunday mornings: sleeping in and then going on my long runs! Although it’s been really hot here so I’m not looking forward to huffing and puffing in the humidity. Yuck.


YOU HAVE TO!! It is from Nordstrom and it is public opinion brand!!! Sleeping in is REALLY THE BEST!!! Good luck in the humidity…you will still rock it!


I quit diet soda about 2 years ago too. Seltzer and club soda have filled the void when I’m out at a restaurant now. I never drank soda at home so it wasn’t a huge shift, but I could down glass upon glass at restaurants. I think I’ve had about 4-5 sodas in the past 2 years and I feel so much better about quitting it!


I feel so much better too!!!! It really is amazing!


I’ve never been a big soda fan! I think I went through a Diet Dr. Pepper phase once in high school, but I seriously never crave it. I love my 8:30AM yoga class on Sunday mornings…Billy is still asleep when I get home, then I wake him up and we have breakfast and plan our adventures for the day. :)


I don’t drink soda, but the few times a year I do it is usually Coke Zero.
Right now I am trying to cut back on my coffee consumption, it isn’t bad but I would like to keep it to a once a week treat to Starbucks. Right now I am at 3 days a week. Getting there :)
Our long runs and yes brunch!


I have to confess to loving my Diet Coke. I’ve cut way back but still have somewhere between 20-30 oz a day. My doc told me to try to match my Diet Coke intake with water (or hopefully exceed it), so I have made a considerable effort in following that advice.


I wish my doc told me that, because I drink so much water already I could drown in diet coke!


You know I’m working on quitting diet soda. It’s soooo hard! You’re stronger than me.


Well girlie……I think I eat 5948 more grams of sugar than you do everyday…..I NEED YOUR HELP!!!


How much fun! I want to go to a blog meetup, I think I live in the wrong area :(

-I love Root Beer, I don’t drink pop/soda except for that. I probably have one once a month maybe? If we go to Chic-Fil-A, gotta have a root beer. MY thoughts on it are it’s probably not a good habit, but I’m not gonna judge you for it. I don’t drink pop because of running, not because I don’t think it’s delicious.
-I quit fake sugars
-best part of sunday mornings are sunday morning pancakes :)


WAY TO QUIT FAKE SUGARS….you are amazing! I hope your pancakes were amazing!!


I don’t like soda (too fizzy!) so I’ve never had to quit that! However I did quit biting my nails when I was a freshman in high school (4 years ago). My mom always tried to get me to stop…the one day my best friend said I should stop, and I said “ok!” and just stopped right then- clean record ever since! I am very proud :) I also quit ignoring my body telling me it wants to eat more or stop eating :) :) Yay!


AHHH That is AWESOME…the nails and LISTENING TO YOUR BODY!! Way to go!!


I just have to say, you and your hubby are such a gorgeous couple! Great photo of the two of you!

When I was in college, I was a Coke drinker. I quit soda when I got mono at 23, and didn’t have much of a soda crush until…I was pregnant…and became addicted to….ROOT BEER! OMG, I love a real-sugar root beer, like IBC. So good! I rarely drink it, but if I see that the place we’re eating has it, it takes a small army to hold me back from ordering one.

I quit smoking when I was 27 years old…after 13 years of smoking. I know, how ridiculous is that? Best thing ever, I can quit anything after that. Except maybe Ice Cream.

The best part of Sunday morning is that my husband makes a Big Sunday Morning breakfast. Just finished ours up, in fact. This morning was homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon (*the best*), strawberries, OJ and Chai tea. I look forward to it every single week!


CONGRATULATIONS on quitting smoking, you are absolutely amazing!!! NEVER QUIT ICE CREAM:) That just wouldn’t be right. I am coming over next Sunday morning for breakfast!


I am totally addicted to diet dr. pepper; I know, I know, I would run so much better without it. My husband gives me a hard time about it a lot, but it is my only vice :( I’ve tried to quit before, but so far it hasn’t worked.

Hey, random, (hope you read this) I was thinking of you this morning when I read this article about Kara Goucher on; you may have already read it, the article came out in March 2010, but it talks a lot about injuries and believing in your own ability to improve/heal/succeed. Some of it is the same as what was in her book, but had new points of view and stuff.

Anyway… here is the link if you want to read it:,7120,s6-243-297–13431-0,00.html

It is crazy long! just fyi


AHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THE LINK!!!! Seriously, I read the whole thing and it made my day to see how she overcame her MENTAL and PHYSICAL injuries!! Thank you SO MUCH Tiffany, you made my day!


No soda for me – too sweet!! LOVE SUnday mornings…we sleep in a bit, go for a long, unrushed run & eat a fabulous breakfast while watching The Sunday Morning Show… LOVE Sundays!! Just posted some new running pics girlie… :-)


Life without guac is not a life I wanna lead!

The best part of Sundays for me are lazy mornings, sleeping in, and reading a good book. Also, we always go have dinner with my beau’s dad and stepmom, so it’s great to have a nice meal together.


I love root beer!!!! But I rarely drink it…now I think I may have to go get some haha. So I was checking out your “about me” section, and are u seriously only 24? I can’t believe we’re that close in age!


I will definitely admit to having a few too many Diet Cokes since the marathon. But I have never in my life been a big soda drinker. One every once in a blue moon is about it.

The blogger meet up looks fun and catering from Cafe Rio! That is awesome. Can I just admit that I am pretty jealous of your life right now. I want to fly down and hang out with you.

Miss you beautiful girl!


I love pic of u and ur husband (where ur not hurting him)…


(I’m from Texas and do not say soda or pop) My favorite cokes are Dr. Pepper and Root Beer. :)


COKES…..I am going to start copying you!


breastfeeding so no sodas para me. :[ except on the fourth i forgot and drank a huge rootbeer float :]. whoops. i dont really like any other sodas but diet coke runs in my father’s and sisters and little brother’s veins as a replacement for blood. best parts of sunday are def sleepin in and breakfast. that shirt you got billy is superawesome and i love public opinion on brandon- now if only he would let me dress him!!!! tell me your secrets! how did you get billy to let you? ice cream bribery?


Replacement for blood…you are HILARIOUS!!! Billy actually helped me to be a better dresser ha and introduced me to the beauty of Nordstrom:) Now I just have to go in and pick something from there and I know he will wear it!!! PS now I am craving a root beer float!


What is your absolute FAVORITE soda? Do you drink it often? What are your thoughts on Soda drinking?

– I am torn between Diet Mt. Dew and Coke Zero. I drink it daily in excessive amounts. I know it’s bad for me. I am trying to give it up. I’ve given it up before but gave in again.

Have you ever QUIT a bad/unhealthy habit?

– I lost 50 pounds 10 years ago. Doing that involved giving up A LOT of bad habits. Including eating family sized boxes of Crunch ‘N Munch. Don’t think I’ve had any in years. Probably wouldn’t like it anymore.

What are the best parts of your Sunday mornings?

– I wish I could say sleeping in, but it’s turning in to my long run days. So far the best part of Sunday has been my pre-run bagel w/PB. I love bagels and bribe myself to run the long distances by promising to fuel with one.

You didn’t ask, but my long run today? Sucked. Really did. I’ve run 10 miles without stopping, why couldn’t I do 9 today? I know a large part was heat. But a large part is mental from the heat. It won’t keep me down, however!


Ooh, and I know I’m breaking a ‘net rule by replying to myself, but two more things.

* If you ever get to San Francisco, go to Don Pisto’s. BEST GUAC EVER!

* I love your pictures. You are hilarious.


There are no rules with blogging:) You are SO nice…thank you! Okay, I am drooling over Don Pisto’s guac now…do you think they could ship it to me!?! Don’t worry about the run girl…..the HEAT KILLS ME and I am never able to preform my best. YOU DID NINE MILES and that is AWESOME!!!


I LOVE when weddings use Cafe Rio to cater. Hello amazing food (and party)!


I’m glad you addressed the soda issue!! I am addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper (I refer to it as DDP or Party in a Can!) and it has become not so pretty. My girlies have threatened to put me on that show Intervention. My hubby has been known to meet me in the garage with a chilled soda after talking to me on the phone on my way home and caught wind of my grumpy mood. I average 5 a day. An outrage I say!! I really have been bothered by how much I depend on it and also have been reading the effects on health and know I need to quit. Also, I don’t like the example I am setting for my kids. So for almost 2 weeks now I have been clean! NO SODA. It has been hard but the first few days were the worst. I kinda feel like I’ve lost some of my spunk but hope it all will be worth it!
Our church isn’t until 1-which I think is a crime, no church during nap time I say- so I usually make a nice breakfast for the fam after we sleep in a bit. Today it was waffles and scrambled eggs!


TWO WEEKS….WOMAN, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Seriously, the hard part is over, keep going!!! You on intervention…that is hilarious!! Party in a can….you are so funny!!! I was JUST LIKE YOU WERE with soda!! You are doing amazing and keep me updated with how it goes!!!
1 pm church really does HURT to stay awake. Waffles and eggs= heaven!


I don’t drink soda because I don’t like sweet beverages (sugar in coffee actually turns my tummy, and I’m addicted to coffee!). But I adore some club soda.


I am definitely a cream soda kind of girl. I could live off of that stuff. and I love Sunday mornings because I get to do church over the phone! living in bush Alaska (off the road system) we have no other LDS members in our village so I get to do my Sunday services on the telephone with other families all across Alaska. Best thing about Sunday mornings for sure!


WOW….that is SO cool that you do your sunday services on the PHONE!!! Seriously, you are AMAZING!!!


It was very nice to meet you :)

I don’t really drink soda anymore. When I was in high school I gave it up for a year just to see if I could do it and I just never really got back into drinking it. Now, hand me a Cactus Cooler and all bets are off! Is that even made anymore?! It’s the best!


I keep trying to quit the diet sodas, but I can’t seem to do it. Maybe soon. As long as they stop haunting my dreams.


Love the secret pocket! And no guac? That is bad, very bad!


I love the pic of you giving Billy the head nuggies… love your facial expression :P Really.

I don’t really drink soda… but a root beer would probably be my choice… or regular sugary Dr. Pepper. I’ve quit a few bad/unhealthy habits in my days… television addiction was one.


Such a nifty idea for Billy’s shirt! You could store cereal, candy, almonds…. floss? haha

absolute favorite soda: Dr. Pepper, don’t drink it as often as I did when I was a little kid though

best part of Sunday morning? today it was taking a tandem bike ride with my boy to the local farmer’s market and eating 349 samples of nectarines and peaches!


i used to guzzle diet soda like a fiend but i hit my ‘rock bottom’ one night after a race. my team and i stopped off to get some taco bell and i of course got the biggest soda they had with unlimited refills. the bus had broken down so we were stuck there for a few hours and i of course took FIULL advantage of my free refill thing, gotta eek every cent outta that $1.75 cup! lol. anyways, i drank so much i seriously felt prego and was gassy, burpy, bloated not only for the rest of the night but into the next day. so i stopped cold turkey off of that, but now it’s been so long i don’t really crave/miss it all that much. but if i did i wouldn’t be against having a soda now and then.

those caterers should be made to feel ur wrath for their no guac debacle…poor showing.


I definitely drink less soda than I used to in college, but I’m a sucker for fountain soda (like at Panera, etc.). It tastes so much better than out of a can or bottle, I think!


NO GUAC?? That should be illegal.

I have tried to quit my diet coke habit and failed epically – I honestly feel like I black out, stumble into the commissary in my work building and then find myself mysteriously back at my desk, DC in hand. So bad. And so good.

Kudos to you for kicking the habit for two years, that is muy impressivo!

The best part of my Sunday morning is probably church followed by brunch with friends – so great to catch up and recharge going into the week!


Happy Sunday, Janae!

Billy’s new shirt is very cute :0). I hate to admit that the bad habit I quit was saying hurtful things when I argue with my husband. I mean, I’m glad I quit being such a meanie several years ago, but I’m embarrassed that I ever had the horrible habit to begin with :(. My favorite part of Sundays is waking up next to my hubby, going swimming together and then breakfast. I always know that he is trapped with me for several hours on Sunday, so it makes me happy! Rootbeer is def. my favorite pop, I really don’t drink any others – and only 1 pop about once every 2-3 months. My neighbor keeps a six-pack of rootbeer in her garage fridge just for my after-running craving, so sweet!


I am slightly embarassed to admit that I am in a committed relationship with Diet Dr. Pepper. I seriously love the stuff and if I don’t show up at Sonic for my daily (minus Sunday) fix I’m sure the car hops would file a missing persons report.
Having said that I have tried a few different times over the years to give it up. I get withdrawal symptoms – caffiene truly is addictive. I am usually good for a few months and then a long night or a road trip gives me an excuse to load up. Currently I have made myself a promise that for every soda I have, I will drink a bottle of water. The bathroom and I are becoming intimate friends :)
Church is my favorite part of Sunday morning, especially when I get to follow it with a nap.


Ugh. I’m working on giving up soda and it’s really really hard. It was my one vice when I started eating better but my teeth are awful and I thought maybe giving it up would help a little!

Sunday mornings are glorious only if I’ve been a good girl and gotten my long run in on Saturday. If the world gets in the way, then they’re filled with alarms and stretching. (Luckily the world gets much better once my feet hit the pavement. Funny how that happens, huh?)


i love me some fresca!


its a tie…diet dr pepper or diet mountain dew. i love soda. its a bad habit, but i manage to stick to one a day, max.
i actually quit smoking back in college, and that very day decided i wanted to start working out and eating better, too. never looked back, and lost those 40lbs! in a slow, healthy way.
sunday morning are so lovely…just sipping my coffee, watching the gma, food network, bravo, and e!.


Hey! It was great to meet you in person yesterday! I almost didn’t show up, but I’m glad I did.

Sadly, I’m a diet soda addict…any diet soda. If it’s available, I drink it. I try not to buy it in large quantities to have around the house or else I’m in trouble.

Bad habits… I’ve got quite a few but probably the worst one is staying up too late and not let myself get enough sleep.

Sunday mornings I always look forward to going to church and spending time with my adult fellowship group. They really are like my family.

Janae, I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! It was nice to meet another teacher/blogger! :)


I kicked a long hard diet coke addiction myself. So glad I did.


No guac?? I’d have walked out.

I quit smoking almost 2 months ago after smoking for 15 years. It was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. I still haven’t told many people or made a big deal about it because I think that if more people know, I’ll fail at it. I’ve tried to quit in the past with no luck, but this time, I guess I was just “ready” and quitting was easy for me.

Diet Coke, on the other hand, I could never give up. I’ve cut WAY back though. I have one can per day. This is a HUGE improvement from what I used to drink (5-6 cans a DAY, plus if I went out to dinner, I’d have multiple refills of diet coke, since I drink a lot when I eat). In the past I’ve given up soda 100% for about 3 months, and from there I was able to switch from reg Mt. Dew to diet Mt Dew (although I don’t drink it that often anymore. Maybe 1 every 2 or 3 months) but right now I’d rather drink diet coke than still be a smoker! Baby steps! Maybe eventually I’ll give up diet coke, but not anytime soon!


I<3 cream soda. i don't have it but once or twice a year though. I think that's what makes it a treat.


I’m not sure that this topic is still on the table….but any advice on quitting would sure be appreciated.
I am addicted to my morning routine of getting up, shuffling downstairs and having a cup of joe! I have tried to quit many times. Its just one cup per day I tell myself and I love the routine…sometimes it makes me smile to go to bed knowing that I get to wake up and perform the routine. I don’t want to quit. I love it…it’s organic and it keeps me from committing various morning utterings. But my stomach goes into acid shock, so I know its best. Ive tried tea and it doesn’t suffice. Anyone have some advice?


I thought I did a good job when I switched from regular soda to diet, hehe! That was about years ago. Now, I just try to limit soda in-take. For me, that means never having it in the house, so I can only get it if I go out.

My absolute favorite is Pibb Zero, which I know they don’t sell everywhere. Second place goes to Diet Dr. Pepper.

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