I had my favorite little gym buddy with me today.  Not going to lie but my favorite thing to do with people is exercise (after going out to eat that is).  I have formed so many great bonds through exercise with people and some of my best conversations with Billy or my sis have been when while running.

We did a spin class 8:30-9:15 and a pump class 9:15-10:15.  We are currently on the couch feeling like jello but at least we have huge bicep muscles to thank.

IMG 8164

First thing I do is ice up the calves when I get home……just in case it was shin splints!

Here are a few of my favorite songs to work out to right now! Yes, the Taylor Swift and Adele is a little random but they are two of my favorite songs right now so why wouldn’t I work out to them?

Screen Shot 2011 07 29 at 10 56 29 AM

Have an amazing FRIDAY PEEP’S



Workout buddy fan or would you rather do it by yourself?

-85% of the time I LOVE having someone with me but 15% I just need to be by myself pounding the pavement and thinking about things!

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Have you seen the music video for LMFAO’s song? I can’t help but dance to the dang thing. LOVE IT.


Somedays I am all for a buddy and other days I like being alone. My favorite though is teaching because I am super motivated to work my butt of when I am up front!


I could see liking a buddy if I was doing a class (I don’t belong to a gym so this is hypothetical) but, when I’m running I need/like to be alone. Both to clear my mind and b/c I hate pacing with other people.


Y’all are awesome doing back to back classes!

I love LmFAO but never think to downloadtheir songs, that’s a must add right now!

I would rather workout with someone most of te time…but I have yet to find a buddy that is a gymrat like me…


Mean is my favorite song right now!!


I’m a lame-o and not working out today.

For the most part I work out alone, except for group classes, but that feels different. I feel I push myself harder that way…which probably doesn’t make sense, but it’s how I roll.


I love pump! Great class!! No workout for me today, down day! Have a great weekend!


I love working out with other people, but it has to be just right. If I’m running with someone, we have to be pretty evenly matched for pace and endurance, otherwise it’s frustrating.

My workout today was a run before work. But now I’ve been sleepy all day.


AHHHH I LOVE SET FIRE TO THE RAIN!!! Adele is actually my addiction. Slash you two are twinnies I love it, esp those calf icees!! <3


I did my 2nd spin class today (they are a full hour at 24 hr fitness)!! I am loving it! I sweat crazy gross, but totally worth it!

I enjoy running outdoors with other people sometimes- the chatting passes time. Mostly I run alone because it’s easier to go the pace I want to go.
I WISH I knew more people to go do group classes with- no one I know goes to my gym :(. I want to try the BodyPump at class but I’m scared to do it alone. I’m gonna make the husband go- he’ll love it ;)


That’s a great playlist! My favorite playlists are the random ones. My can go from The Fray to Metallica to Sara Bareilles and then Five Finger Death Punch. Keeps me guessing :D


No workout today :(
I would rather run by myself, but if I were going to embarrass myself in a class setting, then I’d want someone to laugh with, by my side.


I LOVE working out with my workout buddy. He’s also my bff so it works out well! I don’t know if I’d want to exercise with a significant other… because I get pretty gross ;) but maybe!


Oh my god I love that new Jay Z and Kanye song. Makes you want to to kill it in the gym or on the road during a run.


Just saw TSWIFT in concert last night. My most favorite performance!? MEAN!


YOU DID!!! That is so so awesome……dang, I am coming with you next time!


You have shed a ray of sunishne into the forum. Thanks!


well this is perfect! I taught spin today and definitely need some new music. Thank you friend. I’ll go kiss my bicep now. hehe.


Have you ever tried zumba?!?


I like lifting with people (usually just my husband) but like to only run with my dog. I’m lame and won’t push myself as hard if I am running with a friend. My dog on the other hand tries to always pick up the pace on the way home so she always forces me to push myself.
I have a question about your possible shin splints, what are you using to ice them? I have always had shin splints (luckily they don’t hurt much now) and am *attempting* to train for my first half in October. I always ice massage them with a push up type device after I run but it requires me to sit in one place and just apply ice. I have wraps similar to what you have on your shins in the pic above, I am just curious was type of ice you are using. Sorry if this question isn’t really clear.


Bummer about always having shin splints…you better get to do your half in october. The things I use to ice are actually for baseball players to ice their arms but I use them for my legs:) The ice or whatever is built into the thingee…sorry, I wish I knew more! You can get them in the baseball section of most sports stores:) GOOD LUCK!!!!




I am obsessed with that Adele song after So You Think You Can Dance this past week.

I must have listened to it 7 times in a row earlier! I am sure my spouse wanted to kill me – oh well! :)


Thanks for the playlist, some of my favorites are on there and then some I haven’t heard, which I will definitely be checking out. Party Rock is definitely my jam right about now!


My workout today was a 3 mile run and a BodyRock workout – it made me want to cry.


No workout yet today! 5 miler tomorrow morning. I am loving going to spin and pump class with friends lately!


I ran this morning, since I had the day off work! Love morning runs – when they aren’t at 5:30am before work!
I am a loner – haha, and prefer to usually workout solo :)


If you want a random workout playlist you should see the one I have right now… I have some RENT soundtrack songs, county, Black Eyed Peas, Hillary Duff…

Today’s workout was a 7.75 mile run. Working out, I think I’d like to do it with someone but don’t know anyone to work out with…


I just added that Adele song to my playlist last week, and I am obsessed with it! I love when it pops on while running.


SPIN AND PUMP?! sounds awesomeeeeeeee so jealous girly!!
elliptical and NTC for mee!!


Great job for the two demanding classes in a row. When going to classes or gym, I prefer to go with someone. I am very picky when running though, because I have these paced work outs, generally I can do only the slower runes with someone. My best friends is great match, but she lives 400 km far away :( Not to forget, my dog does most of my runs with me, so I have a running buddy!

Fast five miles in crazy rain and sauna to recover as for today’s workouts.


I love Lighters… it is currently on my playlist, too.


thanks for the new tunes… I downloaded a couple of those!


I didn’t know there was a clean version of Lighters and downloaded the original. Yikes, I’m not easily offended but I think my ears are still burning.


It depends on the activity! I love running by myself unless it is an interval day at the track–then I need company! If I’m cycling or mountain biking or hiking, company is great! (even if it is just my dog!)


If you want to get read, this is how you sohlud write.


tgepOX bzdhyfhgyutk


totally used this to build a new playlist for my bike ride tomorrow :)

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